Loss and recovery of wings in stick insects (2024)

  • Letter
  • Published: 16 January 2003
  • Michael F. Whiting1,
  • Sven Bradler2 &
  • Taylor Maxwell3

Nature volume421,pages 264–267 (2003)Cite this article

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The evolution of wings was the central adaptation allowing insects to escape predators, exploit scattered resources, and disperse into new niches, resulting in radiations into vast numbers of species1. Despite the presumed evolutionary advantages associated with full-sized wings (macroptery), nearly all pterygote (winged) orders have many partially winged (brachypterous) or wingless (apterous) lineages, and some entire orders are secondarily wingless (for example, fleas, lice, grylloblattids and mantophasmatids), with about 5% of extant pterygote species being flightless2,3. Thousands of independent transitions from a winged form to winglessness have occurred during the course of insect evolution; however, an evolutionary reversal from a flightless to a volant form has never been demonstrated clearly for any pterygote lineage. Such a reversal is considered highly unlikely because complex interactions between nerves, muscles, sclerites and wing foils are required to accommodate flight4. Here we show that stick insects (order Phasmatodea) diversified as wingless insects and that wings were derived secondarily, perhaps on many occasions. These results suggest that wing developmental pathways are conserved in wingless phasmids, and that ‘re-evolution’ of wings has had an unrecognized role in insect diversification.

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We thank E. Tilgner for providing some specimens; A. Whiting and L. Harmon for assistance in data analysis; and J. Cherry, M. Gruwell, M. Terry, H. Ogden, J. Robertson and K. Jarvis for generating sequence data. Analyses were performed in the Fulton Supercomputer Center, Brigham Young University, and parallel software implementation was performed by M. Clement and Q. Snell. DNA sequences are deposited in GenBank under accession numbers AY121129–AY121186 and AY125216–AY125326.

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Authors and Affiliations

  1. Department of Integrative Biology, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, 84602, USA

    Michael F. Whiting

  2. Institut für Zoologie und Anthropologie, Georg August Universität, Göttingen, Germany

    Sven Bradler

  3. Department of Biology, Washington University, St Louis, Missuori, 63130, USA

    Taylor Maxwell


  1. Michael F. Whiting

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  2. Sven Bradler

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  3. Taylor Maxwell

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Correspondence to Michael F. Whiting.

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Supplementary information


Supplementary Figure 1: This is the ingroup portion of the Bayesian tree, with posterior probabilities given above nodes, and the probability that the ancestral state was wingless given below the node. This reconstruction requires 5 independent wing gains and 2 wing losses. (PDF 60 kb)


Supplementary Information: This file provides additional details concerning taxon selection, optimization alignment methodology, incongruence length difference metrics, parsimony tree reconstruction, likelihood tree reconstruction, Bayesian analysis, congruence of molecular results with known morphological characters, parsimony character mapping, and likelihood character mapping. (DOC 168 kb)

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Whiting, M., Bradler, S. & Maxwell, T. Loss and recovery of wings in stick insects. Nature 421, 264–267 (2003). https://doi.org/10.1038/nature01313

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Loss and recovery of wings in stick insects (2024)


Do stick bugs regenerate? ›

Stick insects undergo incomplete metamorphosis. It is possible for a stick insect to regrow a lost limb but only when they moult again. This means that, if your stick insect is an adult, then it won't be able to regrow the lost limb.

Can stick insects grow wings? ›

Some stick insects got wings back after their ancestors lost them. Got wings? Some modern stick insects, like this Phasma gigas (top), regained wings, but others, like members of the Leprocaulinus genus (inset) still have to get around on their own six feet.

What happens if a stick insect loses a leg? ›

Major morphological structures are sometimes produced not once, but twice. For example, stick insects routinely shed legs to escape a predator or tangled moult, and these legs are subsequently re-grown.

Are wings a vestigial trait in stick insects? ›

The ancestors of the organism will have had good use of the organ but over successive generations the organ has not been needed and been reduced to the point where it can no longer function. A good example of a vestigial organ is the wings of some species of stick insects.

What is the regeneration of insects? ›

The process of insect limb regeneration can be generally divided into three stages: wound healing, blastema formation, and morphogenesis (regenerative growth, differentiation, and patterning) (Feleke et al. 2021; Zhou et al. 2021) (Fig. 1).

Can bugs regenerate limbs? ›

Some groups of insects have been shown to regenerate whole limbs, while others not at all. In general, regeneration capacity is linked to how an insect develops through metamorphosis.

Do insect wings grow back? ›

Because they acquire their wings during their terminal moult, insects cannot repair wings and must rely exclusively on behavioural mechanisms for damage compensation. The most direct consequence of wing damage is the alteration of forces and moments due to the loss of aerodynamic surface.

How to save a dying stick insect? ›

If knocked off of their resting location some species pretend to be dead. If a stick insects falls from its perch whilst moulting it may be possible to save it by hanging it upside down by the loose old skin at the end of its tail.

Can you grow wings and fly? ›

In a Nutshell. Even if we develop wings, we will still be unable to fly. To support an adult human body, our wings need to be very big.

Can stick insects play dead? ›

Stick insects feed on vegetation and are usually active after dark. They can be found on a variety of native plants in addition to some introduced plants common in gardens. When disturbed, stick insects will often fall to the ground and “play dead” for hours.

Do stick insects feel pain? ›

It is likely to lack key features such as 'distress', 'sadness', and other states that require the synthesis of emotion, memory and cognition. In other words, insects are unlikely to feel pain as we understand it.

Why are my stick insects dying? ›

Why are stick insects vulnerable in captivity? Stick insects are completely dependent on their owners to provide the correct accommodation and food. If they are given leaves which have been sprayed with pesticide they may die. If their home is too low and small they may not be able to climb out of their skins.

Are stick insects asexual? ›

One of the most interesting things about stick insects is their ability to reproduce parthenogenetically. This is a form of asexual reproduction where the unfertilized females produce eggs that hatch into females. If a male fertilizes the egg, it has a fifty-fifty chance of turning out male.

Do stick insects bite? ›

Despite their size and sometimes fearsome appearance, none of these insects can inflict a painful bite or sting, although one American species can emit a chemical spray from special glands where its front pair of legs join the thorax, which may cause temporary blindness and considerable pain.

Do all stick insects fly? ›

Some sure do, but like many insects, they do not fully develop wings until adulthood, and even then, there is variation in how functional the wings are for flight, or if wings are present at all!

What is the lifespan of a stick bug? ›

They reach maturity between three months and one year, and usually live up to two years. More than 3,000 species of stick insect exist, many of which are susceptible to habitat destruction, pesticide use, and collection for the pet trade.

What is the lifespan of a stick insect? ›

An adult stick insect measures about 7.5cm after about five or six skin moults and will live for about a year. Stick insects live in tropical and semi tropical areas of the world. They are vegetarians and eat the leaves of plants, shrubs and trees.

What is the life cycle of a stick bug? ›

Life cycle

Stick insects lay eggs and the babies emerge as 'nymphs', which look like tiny adult stick insects. The life cycle goes:egg, nymph and adult. Females lay thousands of eggs within a lifetime. The eggs will drop from her to the base of trees and shrubs.


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