Hippopotamus Jokes - 43 Hilarious Hippopotamus Jokes (2024)

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A medieval king was hunting in Africa. He killed a lion, an elephant, and a hippopotamus, and awarded the skins to his three squires back home in his kingdom. Thus, the three squires became known as the Lion Squire, the Elephant Squire, and the Hippo Squire. Why don’t you ever see a hippopotamus hiding in the trees? What do you call a cross between a hippopotamus and something that is not a moose? How do you call a horny hippopotamus? Is a hippopotamus a hippopotamus? What do you call a hippopotamus in a phone booth? What’s orange and smells like hippopotamus sh*t? An American Indian chief took three wives... Why do hippopotamus have sex in the water? Where did the hippopotamus go to learn? An Native American chief had three wives, each of whom was pregnant From my son: What did the hippopotamus do to the magician? Do you know why you never see hippopotamus hiding in trees? Why did the mathematician lie adjacent to the hippopotamus? TIL about the hyperactive hippopotamus with hypoglycemia They say you should steer clear of a hippopotamus in labor... Why didn't the elephant make a fat joke about the hippopotamus Where does a hippopotamus live if he wants to study brain surgery in college? Hippopotamuses are seemingly unconcerned about the effects of climate change on their habitat I know a guy who writes reviews of hippopotamuses despite the fact he always told me he was against rating animals. The funniest jokes... A lion gets bored of eating antelope... What do you get when you cross a hippopotamuses, an elephant, and a rhino? African conservationists call for the ban on hunting hippopotamus to be lifted, citing environmental concerns. Prehistoric math joke A hippopotamus walks into a bar. He buys a drink for the rabbit on the bar stool. She bats her eyes at him. He asks for a dance.. How to best a hippo What do you call a PETA member that shoots a hippopotamus in the head? A man and his hippo walk into a bar Three Squaws Were Each Preparing For The Birth Of Their First Child. Three squirrels were sitting on animal hides... On the Sixth Day, God created Man There were three Indian squaws American Indian female wrestling Meta: Reverse Punchline Challenge Murphy and O'Brien calculate the depth of a well There was once this Apache Indian The lion’s birthday is coming up and he wants entertainment. The rabbit(R) is sitting by the lake smoking weed, a beaver(B) is swimming by, sees the rabbit and asks Pythagoras Was a Native American The story of the annual football game played between the big and small animals. So, a stutterer was a wedding. A legend of the Native Americans FAQs References

A medieval king was hunting in Africa. He killed a lion, an elephant, and a hippopotamus, and awarded the skins to his three squires back home in his kingdom. Thus, the three squires became known as the Lion Squire, the Elephant Squire, and the Hippo Squire.

As the years passed, the Lion Squire and the Elephant Squire became very jealous of the Hippo Squire because they wanted the hippo skin too. So, they hatched a plan to assassinate the Hippo Squire and divide the hippo skin between them equally.

Now the Lion Squire had eight sons, and the Elep...

Why don’t you ever see a hippopotamus hiding in the trees?

*Because they’re really good at it.*

What do you call a cross between a hippopotamus and something that is not a moose?

A hipponotamoose.

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How do you call a horny hippopotamus?

A rhino!

Is a hippopotamus a hippopotamus?

Is a hippopotamus a hippopotamus, or just a really cool Opotamus?

What do you call a hippopotamus in a phone booth?


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What’s orange and smells like hippopotamus sh*t?

Zippy’s bellend.

An American Indian chief took three wives...

To the first, he gave a buffalo hide. To the second, he gave a deer hide. But for the third, his favorite, he sent a brave far away, across land and water, to retrieve the rare and highly coveted hide of the hippopotamus.

Within a year, the first two squaws had each borne the Indian chief a s...

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Why do hippopotamus have sex in the water?

Have you ever tried keeping a 30lb puss* wet?

Where did the hippopotamus go to learn?

The Hippo Campus.

An Native American chief had three wives, each of whom was pregnant

The first gave birth to a boy. The chief was so elated that he built her a teepee made of deer hide.

A few days later, the second gave birth, also to a boy. The chief was very happy. He built her a teepee made of antelope hide.

The third wife gave birth a few days later, but the chief ...

From my son: What did the hippopotamus do to the magician?

He hippo-tized him!

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Do you know why you never see hippopotamus hiding in trees?

Cuz they're reeeeeally f*ckin good at it.

Why did the mathematician lie adjacent to the hippopotamus?


TIL about the hyperactive hippopotamus with hypoglycemia

The hyper-hypo hippo.

They say you should steer clear of a hippopotamus in labor...

A wide berth for a wide birth.

Why didn't the elephant make a fat joke about the hippopotamus

Because it would be hippo-critical.

Where does a hippopotamus live if he wants to study brain surgery in college?

A hippo-campus

Hippopotamuses are seemingly unconcerned about the effects of climate change on their habitat

It's as if they lived in de Nile

I know a guy who writes reviews of hippopotamuses despite the fact he always told me he was against rating animals.

He’s a hippo-crit.

The funniest jokes...

...are those that builds expectations for what's going to happen, but completely breaks them in the end by saying something completely hippopotamus.

A lion gets bored of eating antelope...

So he decides to have bird for dinner. He dons a hippopotamus outfit and walks towards an eagle inside a group of hippos. As he gets closer, the bird spots him and flies away.

Undaunted, the lion puts on a zebra costume the next day, and walks towards the bird among a group of zebras. Once ag...

What do you get when you cross a hippopotamuses, an elephant, and a rhino?

A hellifiknow

African conservationists call for the ban on hunting hippopotamus to be lifted, citing environmental concerns.

To me the whole thing seems so hippocritical.

Prehistoric math joke

In a certain tribe, in which polygamy was practiced, a married man’s standing in the tribe depended upon the combined weight of his wives-the greater the combined weight, the more important was the man. Every year, on weighing day and according to custom, the married men would stand their wives on n...

A hippopotamus walks into a bar. He buys a drink for the rabbit on the bar stool. She bats her eyes at him. He asks for a dance..

The rabbit says "tango?"

He says "nope.... Lets do Hip Hop!"

How to best a hippo

A Hippopotamus can outrun you on land, and swim faster than you in the water - so the bicycle is your only chance to beat him in a triathlon.

What do you call a PETA member that shoots a hippopotamus in the head?

A hippo-crit.

A man and his hippo walk into a bar

It's about 5pm, but they're ready for a good night of drinking. They start off slowly, watching TV, drinking beer, eating peanuts. As the night goes on they move to mixed drinks, and then shooters, one after the other. Finally, the bartender says: "Last call." So, the man says, "One more for me... a...

Three Squaws Were Each Preparing For The Birth Of Their First Child.

Three squaws were each preparing for the birth of their first child. The
first squaw placed a large bear hide by a river, the second squaw placed
an elk hide by a tree by a river, and the third squaw placed a
hippopotamus hide by a path, near the river and the tree so that the
three form...

Three squirrels were sitting on animal hides...

The first squirrel was sitting on a rabbit hide and weighed one pound. The second squirrel was sitting on a wolf hide and weighed two pounds. And the third squirrel was sitting on a hippopotamus hide and weighed three pounds. This proves that the squirrel on the hippopotamus is equal to the sum of t...

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On the Sixth Day, God created Man

A little later, Adam and Steve approached God in the garden.

"Hey God," said Adam.

"Adam, Steve, you've been doing a good job naming the animals. I am particularly fond of 'hippopotamus.'"

"The unicornth are my favorite!" Steve added.

"Actually, we're here about a possib...

There were three Indian squaws

One slept on a deerskin, one slept on an elk skin, and the third slept on a hippopotamus skin. All three became pregnant, and the first two each had a baby boy. The one who slept on the hippopotamus skin had twin boys. This goes to prove that the squaw of the hippopotamus is equal to the sons of the...

American Indian female wrestling

A tribe of Native Americans generally referred to their woman by the animal hide with which they made their blanket. Thus, one woman might be known as Squaw of Buffalo Hide, while another might be known as Squaw of Deer Hide. This tribe had a particularly large and strong woman, with a very unique...

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Meta: Reverse Punchline Challenge

Hey /r/Jokes, I thought it might be interesting to see just how good we are at actually making jokes from unfunny situations. As such, I thought a good challenge might be to provide a few randomly thought up punchlines that *you* the subreddit construct the lead-up/joke to. Highest rated comment wou...

Murphy and O'Brien calculate the depth of a well

Murphy and O'Brien go out into the woods, they come a clearing and see an abandoned well. Murphy said 'I wonder how deep that well is?' O'Brien said, 'There's one way we could figure it out'. Murphy says, 'What's that?' O'Brien says, 'We drop something down it, we time how long it takes to hit the...

There was once this Apache Indian

There was once this Apache Indian who had 3 squaws - but none of them were able to bear him a child. A medicine man advised him that animal skins were potent - following his advise, the Apache slept with his 3 squaws on different animal skins - a hippo skin, a jaguar skin & a leopard skin.

The lion’s birthday is coming up and he wants entertainment.

So he tells the zebra to find the funniest animal in the whole kingdom. In order to do this the zebra decides to hold a competition in which animals will have to compete in front of a judge. Whoever the first one to makemake the judge laugh wins and will perform for the lion.

So the first thi...

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The rabbit(R) is sitting by the lake smoking weed, a beaver(B) is swimming by, sees the rabbit and asks

B: hey, what you got there?
R: oh, this thing is called weed and it does some insane sh*t. You inhale hold it, swit to the other side and exhale. It makes you feel sooooo goood.
B: lemme try
The rabbit gives him the weed, the beaver does like the rabbit said, comes out the other side of the...

Pythagoras Was a Native American

On the banks of a river sat three Indian women, sitting on three different animal skins. On a deer skin was a woman with her son, and the son weighed 140 pounds. On a buffalo skin was another woman, and her son who weighed 160 pounds. And on a hippopotamus skin sat an immense Indian woman, who weigh...

The story of the annual football game played between the big and small animals.

At their annual football game, the big animals are really trouncing the little animals with a tremendous offensive game. At half time the score is 33 to 0, and it’s only with considerable effort that the little animals manage to stop the opposition’s kickoff return on the twenty-two yard line.

So, a stutterer was a wedding.

He stand's up and says, "hip, hip."

And then everyone on the wedding party said with their glasses raised,

The stutterer, tried again, but louder, "HIP!! HIP!!"

Everyone raised their glasses again and shouted out of their lungs!

The stutte...

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A legend of the Native Americans

While many people know of Sequoya, the Native American genius who developed the Cherokee alphabet, fewer have heard of another visionary – yet he made a discovery no less groundbreaking, owing nothing to the white man’s knowledge.

It fell out like this: In the early 1800s, a certain chief, ...

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Hippopotamus Jokes - 43 Hilarious Hippopotamus Jokes (2024)


What is a disgusting fact about hippos? ›

They mark their territory by defecation. While depositing the faeces, hippos spin their tails to distribute their excrement over a greater area. There's a charming fable about this that we'll cover in a separate blog… An adult hippo needs to resurface every 3 – 5mins to breathe.

What is the nickname of the hippopotamus? ›

The scientific name for the common or river hippo is Hippopotamus amphibius. The word hippopotamus comes from the Greek words for horse (hippo) and river (potamos), so 'river horse' is an apt nickname.

Are hippos mammals yes or no? ›

Hippopotamuses are large, semiaquatic mammals native to sub-Saharan Africa. Although their name comes from the Greek for “river horse”—because of the time they spend in the water—their closest living relatives are whales, dolphins, and pigs.

Why are hippos so rude? ›

Why Are Hippos So Angry? Hippos are extremely territorial and they have no real defense against intruders besides fighting, so hippopotamuses are prone to attacking anything they view as a threat.

How do hippos flirt? ›

During the peak mating time, the male hippos pee and defecate (pass feces from their bodies) at the same time. This is then followed by the male hippos using its tail to spread the faeces and pee to the female it wants to mate with to get her attention.

What do hippos eat humans? ›

Hippos do not eat humans, but they will attack people who infringe on their territory. While on land, hippos are not territorial, but they are territorial in the water. Hippos spend most of their time submerged in water in order to keep them cool.

Does a hippo eat meat? ›

However, a 2015 study by the Mammal Review shows hippos “occasionally” feed on animal carcasses, a more omnivorous behavior. Hippos are known to attack and eat animals like wildebeests, zebras and kudus, as well as other hippos in cases of cannibalism, according to AZ Animals. They also steal meat from other predators.

How intelligent are hippos? ›

One of the closest relatives to the hippo are whales; compared to these animals, hippos are not as intelligent but are not stupid either. They also don't have the intelligence of elephants, which are the largest land animal on the planet.

What did the Greeks call hippos? ›

Did Greeks refer to hippopotamuses by their modern name? Yes, Rex Steel, you can find the word hippopatamos in Herodotus 2.71. It means river-horse.

Are hippos faster than horses? ›

No, a hippo can run about fifteen mph, and for some distance. That is a dead sprint for a decent human runner, hence the adage that you cannot outrun a hippo. A rhinoceros, however, can match a riderless, non-thoroughbred horse, and outrun a horse that's being ridden (or a heavy draft horse).

Can hippos cry? ›

Hippos are recorded to produce clicks underwater which may have echolocative properties. They have the unique ability to hold their heads partially above the water and send out a cry that travels through both water and air; individuals respond both above and below water.

Do hippos have tongues? ›

The team found that hippo tongues have features similar to a few types of animals: odd-toed ungulates (such as donkeys, which digest plant cellulose in the intestines, not the stomach), ruminants (such as cattle, which have four-chambered stomachs) and omnivorous, non-ruminant mammals (such as pigs, which have simple ...

Why are hippos gray? ›

Hippopotamus skin is dark grey above and pink/pinkish-grey below, with pink around the eyes, ears and lips. Yet, they often look very reddish or reddish-brown. The reason is the reddish, oily and sticky secretion unique to the hippo, often referred to as ”blood sweat” (due to the looks and colour).

What is scary about hippos? ›

Hippos are aggressive and highly unpredictable. This is why they are considered Africa's most dangerous mammal. They are even more dangerous when their young calves are involved. A hippopotamus' yawn or laugh is a serious warning signal, and there is nothing cute about it – much as it might seem so.

Would a hippo beat a lion? ›

A hippo would almost always win a fight against a lion with its powerful bite force and sheer size. Even after being outnumbered, this hippo showed these four hungry lions who's the boss. The video was shared on Instagram by the user 'wildlifeanimall' and has gone viral with thousands of views.

How many have hippos killed? ›

Accounts recording the number of human deaths per year by hippo attack range from about 500 to about 3,000. It is thought that hippo attacks on small boats are antipredator behavior, with the hippos mistaking them for crocodiles. As a result, hippos have long had a largely undeserved reputation as aggressive animals.


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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.