Bsava Manual Of Small Animal Fracture Repair And Management ( [408gge754vqx] (2024)

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Acromial head of deltoideus m.

Lateral head of

triceps m. Brachio· cephalicus m.

Radial n. Cephalic v. ~II-_;--


Radial n.

Anconeus m.

BSAVA Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management Edited by

Andrew R. Coughlan BVSc PhD CertV A CertS AO FRCVS Animal Medical Centre 5 11 Wilbraham Road, Cha rlton Manchester M2 1 I UF, UK a nd

Andrew Miller BVMS DSAO MRCVS Willows Veterinary Centre, 78 Tanworth La ne Shirl ey, Solih ull B90 4DF, UK

Publ ished by:

Britis h Small An imal Veterina ry Association Kingsley House, Church Lane

ShurdinglOll, ChcllcnllHlll GL51 5TQ, United Kin gdom A Company Limited by Guarantee in England. Registered Comp;my No. 2837793. Registered as ,I eh"Tity. Copyright © 1998 BSAVA All rights reserved. No p.1rl Of lhis publication Inay be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or tr;msmittcd, in fonn or by any means, electronic, mechanic,ll , photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior wriucn permission of the copyright holder. All the colour illustrations in this book have been designed and created by Vicki Martin [X--sign, Cambridge, UK and arc printed with their pcnn ission. A cata logue record for this book is available from the Britis h Library

ISBN 0 9052 14374 The publishers ~nd cOlllributors cannot take responsibility for information provided on dosages and mcthods of applic3lion of dru gs mcntioned in this publication. Details o f this kind must be verifiL'd by individual uscrs from the appropriate litera ture. Typeset and printed by: Fusio n Design, Fordingbridge, Hampshire, UK _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

C.OLl h



Contents Contents


List of Contributors







Background to Fracture Management Fmcture Classification and Description


D. Gary Clayton Jones 2


History of Fracture T"eatment Leslie C. Vaughan Biomechanical Basis of Bone Fracture and Fracture Repair



Simon Roe


Fracture Healing


Tim M. Skerry


Imaging of Fracture Healing


D. Gary Clayton Jones


Principles of Fracture Management


Evaluating the Fracture Patient


Ralph H. Abercromby 7

Non-surgical Management of Fractures


Jonathan Dyce


Instruments and Implants


John P. Lapish


Principles of Fracture Surgery


Andrew Miller 10

Complex, Open and Pathological Fractures


Chris May II

Fractures in Skeletally Immature Animals


Stuart Carmichael


Management of Specific Fractures


The Skull and Mandible


Harry W. Scott 13


The Spine W. Malcolm McKee

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The Scapula Andy TorringTOn



The Humerus Hamish R. Denny



Radius and Ulna Warrick 1. Bruce



The Pelvis and Sacroiliac Joint Marvin L. Olmstead



The Femur A. Colin Stead



Tibia and Fibula Steven J. Butterworth



Carpus and Tarsus John E.F. HOltltoll



The Distal Limb Jonathan Dyee



Patella and Fabellae Ralph H. Abereromby



Complications of Fracture Management


Fracture Disease John F. Ferguson



Implant Failure Malcolm C. Ness



Osteomyelitis Angus A. Anderson



Complications of Fracture Healing David Benneu

329 341


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PART ONE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Background to Fracture Management

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Fracture Classification and Description D. Gary Clayton Jones

INTRODUCTION A method for classifying fractures is needed to be able to describe fractures for a variety of reasons. An accurate descri ption of a fracture enables surgeons to discuss methods of diagnosis, treatment and prognosis and to compare results, thus providing easier verbal and written communi cation. The use of a

si milar fracture classification system for small animals and for humans could provide a basis for comparati ve studi es between spec ies. An accurate classification could assist in pl anning for patient requirements or ordering implants in quantity, which may be essential in a large hospital. Many of the terms in current usage are man y

centuries old and relate to outmoded or superceded practices and problems. Initially fractures had to be described verbally, as the only alternati ve would have been to draw diagrams. The difficulty with verbal descriptions is that there is no internationall y agreed definition for the terms that are commonly employed. For example, how angulated maya fracture plane be fo r the fracture still to be described as ' transverse'? The problem increases with the lack of a common lang uage, as similar terms may ha ve dif-

becomes for the user to classify each fracture in the same way as other workers and therefore the greater is the opportunity fo r va riation and subsequentl y reduction in value of the data. For this reason no single system of fracture classification or description has yet been adopted internationally for sma ll animals. A system of fracture classification (Muller, 1990; AO/ASIF, 1996) has been developed for use in human patients by the AO/ASIF (Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Osteosynthesefragen/Association for the Study oflnternal Fixation) Group using alphanumeric classifications combined with electronically stored X-ray images. The central store can be remotely accessed but requires considerable computer power at the recording centre, although a PC, scanner and modem are the only requirements at the hospital. Both recording of data and the requesting of data and information can be made from a hospital office. A computer-based CD-ROM or diskette system is now available for equine fra ctures (Fackelman, 1993).

METHODS OF DESCRIPTION Earl y methods of describing fractures were based on

ferent meanings and therefore transmi ssion of data

va ri ous anatom.ical features or on using eponymous

between countries is made even more difficult. The value of exchange of data is obvious, as some fracture types are rare and individual ex perience may be very limited, apart from the important needs of educational exchange. Prior to the advent of X-ray exa mination, photo-

fracture descriptions, often named after the first observer (or sufferer) . The most commonly recognized of such names are probably Colles, Potts and Monteggia. These human medical terms are occasionally used in veterinary practice but are of little va lue unless the explanation is already known. Such eponymous descriptions should therefore probably not be used in veterinary practice. The discovery of X-rays in the latter part of the nineteenth century allowed a more acc urate form of description based on the radiological

g raph y, fax trans mission and scanning, th e use of

prepared diagrams would ha ve been very laborious it is becoming more possible to scan fracture images and transmit the information electronically to some central point for pictorial anal ysis and recording by computer, or possibly for rapid advice from a specialist. An alternati ve is to classify fractures into groups identified from a series of definitions that can be identified by various alphanumeric symbols. The problem is to decide at the outset how much information is required from the data and thence the complexity of any coding system. The more complex the system, the more difficult it and ineffici ent. C urrently

appearance of the fracture .

The earliest description of a fracture was whether or not the fracture was 'simple' (closed) or 'compound' (open). This stems from the period prior to antibiotic therapy when an open fracture carried a high risk of infection and potential loss of the limb or often of the patient. Today the words closed and open are more commonly used to refer to the same clinical features .

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Manual of Small Anjmal Fracture Repair and M anagement

The ex pression 'simple' was used to imply ease or difficulty of treatment, but this was related to the aspect of fracture infection. Some simple fractures may be very difficult to reconstruct, while some open fra ctures can be straightforward two-piece fractures that are mechanicall y easy tomend. Closed is now also used to describe a single circumferential disruption of the diaphysis. (Small cortical fragments of less than 10 % of the circumference are ignored as they probably ha ve little significance for treatment or prognosis.) Open (compound) fractures are now generally

Specific Greater trochanter

Tibial tuberosity Lateral condyle, etc.

Displacement of the fragments Greenstick Guvenile) Folded Fissure - undisplaced fragments which may displace at operation or under stress

classi fied into varioLis types which have a more modern clini ca l significance from the point of view of treatment and prognosis. 'Compound ' does not indi-

D epressed -

cate the number or type of fragmentation, though the wo rd is commonly misused to imply a difficult or fragmented fracture. Complex implies the difficulty or severity of the

cavity, es pecially parts of the slmll Compression - of cancellous bone, often vertebral body Impacted - cortical into cancellous bone.

fra gments in vade an underl ying

fra cture, and ca n be defined as desc ribing a

multifragmented fracture of the diaphysis in which there is no contact between the proximal and distal segments aft er reduction. Pathological (or secondary) fractures are a par-

Nature of the fracture line

which the fractures result from failure of bone strength

Complete - all of the cortices are broken with the separation of the fragm ents Incomplete - part of the bone remains

from an underl ying cause such as bone tumour, infec-


ticular form, not related to trauma in every case, in

lion or osteodystrophy . The initiating defect may not always be readil y identified by X-ray. Compl icated fractures are those in which there

Complete fractures ma y a lso be desc ribe d in

is major blood vessel, nerve or joint in vo lve ment. Th e description is not so commonly used in veteri -

terms of:

nary orthopaedics. These are often more serious in human patients, where loss of major arterial suppl y

Di,.ectioll offractu,.e !ille

may cause perman ent loss of functi on of a vital organ e.g. th e hand, or even result in an amputati on.

Closed (simple) fractures There are various criteria that can be used to define different types of closed fracture: Anatomical location The bone shaft (diaphysis) has been conventionall y divided into thirds: proximal (upper), middleanddistal (lower).

Transverse -

the angle of the fracture line to

a perpendicular to the long axis of the bone is less than 30" Oblique - the angle is equal or greater than 30". Spiral - the result of torsion Longitudinal, Y or T fracture, saucer.

Numbe,. 0,. type of fragments Two-fragment, three-fragment, comminuted (many fragments, i.e. more than two);

Anatomical feature

sometimes multi fragment is pre ferred. Wedge fragments - the main fragments have


some contact after reduction Segmental - large one or more complete or

Capital Subcapital Metaphyseal Diaphyseal (shaft) Sub trochanteric Physeal Condylar Articular.

almost complete fragments of shaft Butterfly (intermediate) fragment Irregular - a diaphysea l fracture with a number of intermediate fragments with no

specific pattern, usuall y accompanied by severe soft tissue lesions

Multiple - more than one fracture in same or different bones.

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Fracture Classificati on and Description

Stability following retiuction

This has been termed the Charnley classification and was used to determine which fractures wo uld respond to closed reduction and fixation. Stable after reduction - tends to remain in place without force Unstable after reduction - fracture collapses as soon as reducing force is removed.


AccessOlY carpal bOlle (JOhIlSOIl, 1987) Type I - intra-articular avulsion of the distal margin Type II - intra-articular fracture of the proximal margin Type III - extra-articular avulsion of the distal margin Type IV - extra-articular avulsion of the insertion of fl exor carpi ulnaris at proximal palmar surface

Nature offractllre origin

Type V - comm inuted fracture of the body which may in vo lve the articular surface.

Avulsion/apophyseal - pulled by tendon or ligament Chip - small fragm ents at articular margin followin g hyperextension injury Slab - larger fragment with a vertical or very oblique fracture of a small cancellous bone which may extend into both articular surfaces.

Articular fractures

Extra-articular - not involving the joint surface but may be intracapsular Partial articular - involving only a part of the articular surface, with the remaining articular cartilage surface being attached to

the diaphysis Complete articular - disrupting the articular surface and separating it completely from the diaphysis (e.g. Y or T fracture) .

Special classifications Growth plate or epiphyseal fractures (separations) The most commonl y used is the Salter-Harris system (Salter and Harris, 1963) in which six types of injury are recogni zed (see Chapter II): Type I - complete, through the hypertrophied cartilage cell zone Type II - partially includes the metaphysis Type III - intra-articular fracture to the hypertrophied zone and then along the epiphyseal plate to the edge Type IV - intra-articular fracture that traverses the epiphysis, epiphysea l plate and metaphysis Type V - crushing injury that ca uses destruction of growing cells

Type VI - new bone bridges the growth plate. Classifications of special joint fractures Certain specific fractures (mainly because of their importance in the racing Greyhound) have been classified to aid prognosis and treatment.

Central tarsal bone (Dee et aI., 1976) Type I - small dorsal slab fracture with minimal displacement Type II - dorsa l slab fracture with displacement Type III - one-third to half of the bone fractured in the median plane and displaced mediall y or dorsa ll y Type IV - combination of Types II and III Type V -

severe comminution.

Various combinations of fractures of the tarsus (see

Chapter 20) are regularl y seen concurrently in the Greyhound, but are not classified, although they have been described as triads (Newton and Nunamaker, 1985).

Metacmpal/metatarsalfract"res (Newtoll allti NllIzamakel; 1985) Type I - painful on palpation at the junction of the proximal fourth/third and distal twothirds/three-quarters of the bone; endosteal and cortical thickening of the bone on X-ray Type II - hairline undisplaced fi ssure type fracture

Type III - complete fracture with palmar/ plantar displacement of distal fragment.

Open fractures Open fractures possess a wound which communicates

between the fracture bed and the outside environment. Usually tltis is via a visible surface wound but could describe a fracture of a skull bone which has penetrated the nose or a sinus cavity. Classification of open fractures is often he lpful in detennining optimal meth -

ods of treatment. Type I - a fractur!' produced from inside to outside by the penetration of a sharp fracture fragment end through the overlaying soft tissues. Such a fracture may become open

some time following the initiating incident as a result of uncontrolled or unsupported

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Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management

movement. There is usually limited soft tissue injury and the bone fragments are all present,

There is usuall y more soft tissue damage with contus ion around th e s kin wound and some

lag phase in which the bacteria become established, the organisms may begin to multiply, turning a contaminated wound into an infected one. This is the concept of a 'golden period' which should be taken into account but not relied upon implicitly. A system for classification of the soft tissue injury has been developed for use in humans (Muller el al ., 1992) (Table 1.1). Certain evaluations in human pa-

mainl y reversible muscle damage. Fractures may be more fragmented but there is little if any loss of bone or soft tissue.

system may be too complicated for animals, although it could probably be used with a little variation.

often with out comminution.

Type 2 - a fracture caused from outside to inside by penetration of a foreign object.

Type 3 - the most severe form of open fracture in which loss of tissue fo llowing

penetration by an outside object has resulted. Loss of skin, soft ti ssue and bone material may have occurred and may be very severe. Some workers recognize a s ubdivision in

which loss of the main arterial suppl y to the limb has occurred, as this indicates mandatory amputation. Although not offi cially recognized, an estimate of the time elapsed since the injury may be helpful in classifying an open fracture. This acknowledges the dangers of bacterial invas ion of a wound where, after an initial

ti ents are not made in veterinary patients and so the

Fracture classification suitable for computer analysis The ability to classify fractures for computer analysis is clearly the best method: it would readily allow anal ys is and comparison of data as well as easily allowing worldwide cooperation. A number of meth-

ods have been attempted but currently no single method has gained acceptance. A method of classification of femur fractures was developed at the Uni versity of Michigan (Braden, 1995) following a general anal ysis of fractures by Brinker (Brinker el al., 1990). This system is on ly applicable to fractures of the femur and has a limited ability for fracture description. It is based on a paper

Illtegumellt Closed (IC) [CI [C2 [C3 [C4 [C5

No injury No laceration but contus ion

Circ*mscribed degloving Extensive closed degloving Necrosis from contusion

Illtegumellt Open (10) [01 [02 [03 104 [05

Skin breakage from inside out

Skin breakage from outside in > 5 em, contused edges Skin breakage from outside in < 5cm, devitalized edges, circ*mscribed degloving Full thickness contusion, abrasion, sldn loss

Extensive degloving

Muscle/ Telldoll (MT) MTl MT2 MT3 MT4 MT5

No injury Circ*mscribed injury, one muscle group only Extensive injury, two or more muscle groups

Avulsion or loss of entire muscle groups, tendon lacerations Compartment syndrome / crush syndrome

Neurovascular (NY) NVI NV2 NV3 NV4 NV5

No injury [solated nerve injury Localized vascular injury Combined neurovascular injury

Subtotal/total amputation

Table 1.1: A system /or classification a/soft fiSSile injuries (designed/or lise in hUl1Ians).

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Fracture Classification and Description fonn which can be an alysed by computer; thus no computer eq uipment is required at the hospital. General classification of fractures was developed by Muller and others of the AO/ ASIF group for human fractures (Muller, 1990; CCF, 1996) . Thi s has been modified by various workers to create similar methods for small animals and the horse. Two systems for small animals, the Prieur (Prieur et aI. , 1990) and the Unger (Ungeretal., 1990), have been described in the literature although neither has yet been accepted universally. These classifications describe the bone, th e location and the type of fracture . Each of the proposed systems creates a four-digit record in a similar way to the human AO system. The Prieur and U nger fracture classification systems can only be used for fractures of the long bones and are not used for fractures in vo lving the s kull, vertebral column, pelvis or small limb bones. Neither system discusses the soft tissue problems, which may well be of the greatest importance in determining

Transve rse ~




Figure 1.1: Examples offemoral fractures alld their Ilumerical

identification using the Prieur classification system. Proximal segment

treatment and outcome.

The Prieur system This is the simpler system but it records slightly less information. Digits are allocated under each of four fi elds (bone; location; fracture area; fragment number) (Table 1.2), so that each fracture is described by four numbers (examples in Figure 1.1). The location zones of each bone are determined by drawing a square around the ends, of length and width equal to th e widest dim ension of the bone end (Figure 1.2).

Figure 1.2: The Prieur


Middle segment

classificatiol1 system: location of bone zones.





Bone Humerus Radius/ulna

1 2


3 4

Tibia Location Proximal segment Middle segment Distal segment

1 2


Fracture area (percentage of bone length) <5% (and/or not involving articular cartilage) 5-25% (specific fractures of femur neck) > 25% (and/or involving articu lar surface) Number of fragments Two Three Four or more Table 1.2: The Prieur system.

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1 2


_. 2

3 4



Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management

The Unger system This identifies fractures in a similarmannertotheabove but records somewhat more data by attem pting to identify reducible or non-reducible wedges or the direction of the fracture line. Charts of both letters and numbers for each bone and the codes aUocated for various fractures are required with this system, which attempts to record the fractures in a clinically related manner.

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING AO/AS IF ( 1996) Comprehellsive Classification oj Fractures. Pam phlets l and II , Maurice E Muller Foundation, AO/AS IF Docu mentation Centre, Davos, C H-7270 Swi tzerland. Braden T O, Eicker SW, Abdinoor D and Pricur WD (1995) Characteristics or 1000 femur fr

Dee JF, Dec J and Piemmttei DL (1976) Classification, management and repair of ccntmltarsal fractures in the mcing Greyhound. Journal oj the Americall Allimal Hospitals Associatioll 12,398-405. Fackelman GE, Peutz IP, Norris JC er al. (1993) 111edevelopment of an equ ine fra cture documentation system. Veterillary alld Comparative Orthopaedics and TrallmolOlogy 6, 47-52 Johnson KA ( 1987) Accessory carpal bone frac tures in the racing Greyhound classification and patho logy. Veterinary Surgery

16. 60. Muller ME, Allgower M, Schneider R and Willenegger H ( 1992). In: Manllal oj Jmemal Fixation, abridged 3rd edn, pp. 118- 158. Springer Verlag, Berlin . Mull er ME, Nazarian S, Koch P and Schalzker J (1990) The AO Clw.sification oJFrac/lires oj Long BOlles. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidel be rg and New York. Newton CD and Nunanwkcr OM (1985) Fract ures associated wi th the mcing Greyhound. In : Textbook oj Small Anilll(ll Orthopaedics. Lippincott, Philadelphia. Prieur WO, Braden TD and von Rechcnberg B ( 1990) A suggested rmcluTC classification of adu lt small animal frac tures. Veterinary and COlllparath'e Orthopaedics and Trallllltltology 3, 11 1- 116. Salter RBand Harris WR ( 1963) Injuries involving the epiphyseal plale. JOllr/wl oj Bone and Joim Slirgery 45, 587-622. Steadmall 's Medical Dictiollary. 25th edfl. Wi lliams and Wilkins, Baltimore. Unger M, Montavon PM and Hcim UFA (1990) Classification of f"nlClures of long bones in the dog and cat, introducti on and clinical applicat ion. Veterillary alld COlllparative Orthopaedics and Trall II/tltology 3, 41 - 50.

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History of Fracture Treatment Leslie C. Vaughan

INTRODUCTION Evidence that s urvives about life in ancient civili zations shows that their people were aware of the effects of trauma. Fractures caused by accidents or combative violence were treated using principles which remain valid today. The bone setters appreciated that fracture healing depended on the broken bone being kept immobile for a long enough period, and splints were used to achieve this. Elliot Smith (1908) examined two sets of splints from Egyptian graves which had been applied to a fractured femur and forearm , respectively, about 5000 years ago. They were made of rough wood wrapped in linen and, together with pieces of bark, completely invested the limb, the whole held in place with linen bandages. Elliot Smith studied healed femoral fractures, many of which were shortened due to fragment displacement, and 100 forearm fractures, of which on ly one had not united while one had suppurated. Egyptian papyri from about 1500 BC, found in Thebes in 1862, illustrate the treatment given to the injured and deformed (Guthrie, 1958). The Ebers papyrus deals with surgery, anatomy and pharmacy while the Edwin Smith papyrus describes fracture treatment with splints. Other civilizations of similar lineage also practised fracture management. In India the Hindus employed bamboo for splints. From writings and relics more is known about the physicians of many centuries later. Hippocrates (460375 BC) wrote books on fractures and dislocations, using terms which are still familiar, and distinguished between open and closed fractures. Rigid support was provided with bandages impregnated with wheat glue, wax or resin, which set hard. Celsus, remembered for describing the cardinal

signs of inflammation, wrote a book in AD 30 detailing fracture treatment with splints fastened to limbs with bandages stiffened by starch. After such early enterprise, fracture treatment might have been expected to progress at a greater pace in the fo llowing centuries than was the case. As Guthrie (1958) ex plained when tracing the development of human medicine, the decline of culture in Greece and

Rome incurred a loss of original medica l thought; and then, during the thousand or so years of the Dark Ages, learning was positively discouraged. It was not until the Renaissance in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries that scientific enlightenment was revived in Europe. Interest in anatomy and surgery was rekindled but the real renaissance in surgery had to wait until the nineteenth century. This is not to say that the intervening years were devoid of originality in fracture management. Guthrie cites Guy de Chauli ac ( 1300- 1367) as possibly the first to employ extension and shows an extension device from Gersdoff (1517) that works on modern principles (Figure 2.1).

Figure 2.1: Gersdoff's (1517) application of extension apparatus to a/ractured arm. (Reproduced/rom Guthrie, /958 with permission.)

As ever, war was a teacher of surgery, and military surgeons became skilled in fracture care. Amputation was routine for open fractures but the mortality was high. In the eighteenth cenn. ry, among many distinguished surgeons, John Hunter (1728-1793) had a great impact. His work on fracture healing and bone growth, much of it learned from animal studies, established him as a pioneer of orthopaedics. About this time the term 'orthopaedic' was coined by Nic holas Andry, from the Greek orlhos (straight) and pais (child), to describe the teacliing of methods oftreating and preventing deformities in children. It was not appropriated for use in a veterinary context until two centuries later.

The nineteenth century is particularly notable for

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Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management

the many innovations that were introduced to avoid the

untoward sequelae of closed reduction methods, such as joint stiffness and limb deformity. Attention began to be paid to the soft tissues and the development of means offixation that enabled the limb to bear weight. By the close of that century, three discoveries had been made which profoundly influenced surgery and fracture treatment. Morton (1846) demonstrated anaesthesia with ether, and Liston (1846) performed the first operation using ether: an amputation through the

thigh. In 1865 Lister demonstrated an antiseptic system, employing carbolic acid, in a case of open fracture of the leg and 2 years later he recorded 11 such cases, with 9 complete recoveries. The discovery of X-rays by Rontgen (1895) enabled fractures to be characterized and the efficacy of manual reduction and external fixation to be evaluated. Poor results could now be explained, and improved means of external and internal fixation were sought.

ANIMAL FRACTURES For lack of evidence, it is not possible to determine what was known about animal fractures before the eighteenth century. Through the ages, the horse was depended on for labour, travel, sport and war and consequently its health and welfare received more attention than that of the other domesticated species. The need for hoof care was evident from the time when horses in the annies of Alexander (356-323 Be) were abandoned because of hoof wear. Ways of protecting the hoof were attempted with woven grass shoes, and later with leather or metal plates. The Romans used a 'hipposandal ' , a metal device strapped to the hoof, and by the fifth century in Europe metal shoes were fixed with nails. The term 'farrier' was introduced in about 1562 and farriers, apart from shoeing, also dealt with general ailments of horses and other animals. Blundeville (1609) wrote the first English text of note on shoeing, under the influence ofItalian and French works. Much of the early literature lacked a scientific basis but, even so, many of the terms used are still common. Concern about farriery training standards led to the formation of the London Company of Blacksmiths in 1356 and this was the forerunner of the Worshipful Company of Farriers, which received its Charter in 1674. The position of the treatment of fractures may be judged from the opinion in Bartlet's Farriery (1756) that there was 'no purpose in keeping horses who have any fracture except in the foot '. Nevertheless, Gibson (1729) treated fractures with splints while supporting the horse in slings. The building of the first veterinary schools in Europe late in the eighteenth century marks the origin of veterinary science. Veterinary surgeons emerged who soon

transformed the study of horse lameness and described the pathology and treatment of most common limb disorders, including fractures. In dogs, Blaine (1824) treated femoral fractures with a pitch plaster, spread on leather, and a wooden splint. Pliable wood was used to support the forearm. For open fractures the bone ends were sawn off, loose pieces were removed, the wound

was closed and a splint was applied. Blaine blamed nonunion on 'neglect of proper attention in the first place' and removed the soft bone ends with a fine saw. Limb operations were performed on horses and dogs before anaesthesia and antisepsis were known,

but with these aids this field expanded. The potential of radiography was immediately recognized and Hobday (1896) published probably the first veterinary skiagraph, of a eat's leg. The skiagraphs of canine fractures published by Hobday (1906) showed their value in diagnosis and for assessment of healing. The trend of human surgery towards specialisms was evident in the late nineteenth century, and the recognition of orthopaedic surgery provided an impetus to promote the subject. Early in the twentieth century the work of Hey Groves, Lane and Sherman indicated the direction that advances in fracture treatment might take, but progress was slow. For example, in World War I the prompt application of a Thomas splint instead of a crude splint reduced mortality from femoral fractures to 20% from 80%, an indication that old methods needed to be changed. Even so, repair results were often unsatisfactory, as Robert Jones (1925) complained in a lecture, 'Crippling due to fractures'. Fai lure to achieve anatomical alignment,

or to avoid injury to soft parts, was too conunon. The remedy, he believed, was to have special units run by surgeons skilled in this work. In the veterinary field a similar cri de coeur in the 1950s changed attitudes to speciali zation and resulted in veterinary orthopaedics developing along similar lines to those in human medicine.

Such has been the revolution in the theory and practice of fracture treatment in modern times that the

main categories under which this has occurred demand separate consideration. In animals, for practical rea-

sons, it is the dog and cat that have benefited most from these advances.

EXTERNAL FIXATION Rigid external limb support has been provided with many different materials. For humans, splints ha ve been made of wood and metal, and casts of bandages impregnated with substances that harden, such as resin, starch, sodium siJjcate and plaster of Paris.

Munro (1935) traced the early use of plaster of Paris to Arabia, and showed how cast application changed over many years, eventually to allow weightbearing and to avoid confinement to bed.

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History of Fracture Treatment In animals, wood, metal, g utta pereha, leather, cardboard and poroplastic felt have been used for splints, and casts were moulded with bandages soaked in starch or pitch. Williams (1 893) and Hobday (1900) advocated plaster of Paris fo r dogs. Lacroix and Cozart (1924) preferred soaked wood because of its lightness and Ehmer (1925) employed yucca board attached with bandages soaked in sodium silicate. Barrett (1936) and Wright (1937) conformed unpadded strips of pIaster of Paris to the s hape of the limb (Fig ure 2.2).


McCulU1 (1933) and Wright (1937) a lso made use of the Scluoeder-type splint. Gunn (1936) ach ieved continued traction with an apparatus in volving the insertion of pins into both bone ends (Figure 2.3).

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Figure 2.3: Mechal1ical jracture traclion apparatlls jor overridingjractllres ill dogs. (Reproducedjrom GUill!, 1936, .. Australian Veterinary Journal, 12, /39.) Figure 2.2: Method of applying plaster slabs. (Reproduced jrolll Wright, 1937, with permission a/The Veterinary


In dogs, adequate results could be achieved with extern al supports for fractures which were read ily reduced, especiall y those distal to the elbow and stitle joints. The method proved less satisfactory for the humerus and femur, where muscle mass and limb shape made reduction and support difficult. In humans, red uction could be achieved with mechanical traction but, due to lack of patient cooperat ion, it was not practi cal in animals. Steiner (1928) treated 40 dogs with femoral fractures by suspending them by their hindlegs and found the results satisfactory but the humanity of this is doubtful. Dibbell (1930) provided traction with a wire splint devised for humans by Thomas (1875), and he checked the red ucti on by fluoroscopy before incorporating tongs attached to the bone end in an external s upport (Dibbell, 193 1). Schroeder (1933a,b, 1934) employed s kin and ske letal traction and developed the Thomas splint for dogs.

Coaptation splinting and casting remained the main o ption for fracture treatment un til s uperseded by internal fi xation . Whi le the Thomas splint has become outmoded except as a fi rst aid measure, casts sti ll ha ve an important role in the treatment of minor injuries and in s upp lementing surgica l repairs. Plaster of Paris has been replaced with synthetic materials such as fibreglass and resin, which have the adva ntages of being light, waterproof and resistant to self-mu tilation.

EXTERNAL SKELETAL FIXATION The advantages of stabi lizing a fracture wit1lOUt exposing the site or burying foreign material have long been recognized. In 1849 Malgaigne (Venable and Stuck, 1947) devised adjustable me ra l hooks that pierced fracture fragments close to the skin surface (Figure 2.4). Parkhill (1897) inserted fo ur pins at right angles into the bone and secured them extern all y with bolts and clamps (Figure 2.5). Lambotte (1907) used a half-pin apparatus.

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Hey Groves (1916) employed a double transfixation device to treat open and comminuted fracnlres, which allowed ambulation and avoided confinement to bed (Figure 2.6). In the 1920s various attempts were made to control reduction and fixation externally.

Figure 2.4: Malgaiglle 's clamp (1849) IIsed jor fractures of the patella and olecranon. The prongs projected through the skin. (Reproducedjrolll Venable and Stuck, 1947, with permission of Blackwell Science. Originally printed in Stimson, Fractures and Dislocations, 1910.)

Figure 2.5: A new apparatus for the fixation of bones after resection and ill fractures with a tendency to displacement, (Reproduced/rom Parkhill, 1897, American Surgery

Association Transactions, 15, 251.)

Anderson (1934) inserted half-pins under local anaesthesia for radius/ulna fractures and embedded their ends in a plaster cast after mechanical reduction. Later he modified this method to include clamps and cOIlllecting rods in various configurations. For dogs, Stader (1934) described a fu ll -pin transfixation splint, with K-wires embedded externally in a wooden strip, while Self (1934) used steel wires and fastened them to a metal splint. Stader (1937) next introduced a half-pin device to provide reduction and fixation. By 1939 the Stader Reduction Splint was available in three sizes (and was also used in US servicemen in World War II). Ehmer (1947) developed a half-pin splint (Kirschner-Ehmer) which allowed flexibility of pin angles and which, after attachment of a reduction gear, allowed the fragments to be manoeuvred - a design that is still manufactured. Such apparanls gained popularity in North America but not in the UK. The risk of tracking infection and pin loosening were common fears. Knight (1949) found that results were not consistent but Turnbull (1951), Weipers (1951) and Kirk (1952) reported favourably on them. At tltis time internal fixation was being perfected; antibiotics had overcome the fear of surgical infection and it was inevitable that intramedullary fi xation and plating would become the chosen methods. In the 1970s interest in external skeleta l fixati on was revived, particularly for open and comminuted fractures, shearing injuries and mandibular fractures. The results achieved were better than previously, due to the upgrading of methods of application and aftercare. There is now a burgeoning literature on this subject which reflects a worldwide acceptance of these techniques. Sophisticated systems may be purchased or home-made devices constructed to suit the individual case (Carmichael, 1991; Harari, 1992).

INTERNAL FIXATION The advantages of maintaining fracture components in apposition by mechanical means were appreciated long before this became possible practically. The introduction of aseptic surgery and of radiography enabled such techniques to advance, though the concept was not immediately accepted. The early implants were similar to those in present use but experience has brought about changes in their design, the materials of which they are made and the manner of their insertion.


Figure 2.6: Double tral1~fixiol1 apparatlls. (Reproduced/rom Hey Groves, 1916, On Modem Methods of Treating Fractures, published by John Wright Gnd SOliS.)

The apposition of bone ends with wire is probably the oldest ofthe internal fixation methods (Figure 2.7). In humans, silver was used first but in 1883 Lister repaired a fractured patella with iron wire and Lambotte employed annealed iron wire. Hey Groves

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(1916) preferred iron to si lver and believed that the wire shou ld perforate rather than encircle the bone, though he thought wiring was unsatisfactory. Despite the relative weakness of wire and its inability to overcome angulation forces, it found favour over the next 20 years because it meant introducing less metal into the wound than did a plate. This is an indication of the fear of complications that plating had engendered, which did not abate until the introduction of biologically inert metals.

( e?:._ 'f".. Figure 2.7: Types of wire 'bone sutures' devised to provide more rigid internal fixatiol1. (Reproduced from Venable Gild

Stuck, 1947, lVith the permission o/Blackwell Science. Redrawn from Seer's Practical Surgery, 1901.)

Metal bands were stronger than wire loops and various designs were made, the most notable being by Parham and Martin in 1916. Erosion tended to occur beneath bands and this could so weaken the bone that it fractured; such changes were attributed to pressure necrosis before the destructive effects of electrolysis were reali zed.

In dogs, Hobday (1906) mentioned the union of fractures with silver wire inserted in hemi-cerclage fashion, while French (1906) treated pseudarthroses with silver wire sutures. Ehmer (1925) plated and wired dog fractures but found after-care with external supports was unsatisfactory. Perrin (1923) repaired a dog 's femur with wire but it became infected. A fractured calcaneum was wired by McCunn (1933), and Weipers (1951) had used silver and phosphorbronze wire in the 1930s. Larsen (1927) and Moltzen-Nielsen (1949) used Parham bands and Knight (1949) employed silver wire for some years. Cerclage wiring gained popularity for small animals largely as an adjunct to intramedullary pinning, to secure long oblique bone ends and to hold fragments in place (Turnbull, 1951). Repair failures were not uncommon, due to wires loosening or breaking, which sometimes led to non-union or osteomyelitis, and this provoked a controversy about the hazards of cerclage (Newton and Hohn 1974). Interference with blood supply was thought to be responsible for some of these failures, though a narrow loop was less likely to reduce vascularity than a band. Bands were discarded and


more satisfactory results were achieved when cerclage application improved (Hinko and Rhinelander, 1975). A more recent innovation using wire is the tensionband technique, which converts a distracting or tension force into a compressive one. It has special advantages for treating avulsions and allows an early return to weightbearing, which is beneficial for animals.

Intramedullary devices Short pegs that crossed the fracture line and impacted in the medullary cavity were used in the late nineteenth century, especially for delayed unions. Hey Groves (1912, 1916) tried pegs of ivory, bone and nickelplated steel, 1.5-2.0 inches (38-51 em) long, for recent fractures. They were difficult to insert, they were limited to simple transverse fractures and they failed to provide rigid alignment. When he introduced full-length pinning for femoral fractures, his critics believed this would cause marrow destruction, fat embolism and sepsis. According to Hobday (1906) pegs were used to treat non-union fractures in dogs. The concept of intramedullary fixation was revived when Kuntscher (1940) successfully repaired experimental fractures in dogs with V-or trefoil-shaped nails. By 1950 nailing was routine in humans (WatsonJones, 1950) and it proved satisfactory in dogs (Jenny et ai., 1946; Marcenac et ai., 1947; Griesmann, 1948; Moltzen-Nielsen, 1949; Schebitz, 1949; Jenny, 1950). It was, however, the round section Steinman pin rather than the nail that found favour for long bone fractures in dogs and cats, possibly because it was easierto insert and cost less. Its early advocates were Bernard (1948), Brinker (1948), Frick et al. (1948), Knight (1949), Knowles (1949), Lauder (1949), Moltzen-Nielsen (1949), Turnbull (1949), Henderson (1950), Leighton (1950) and Weipers (1951). The canine femur p;oved not to be ideally suited for pinning because its medullary cavity varies in width along its length, making it difficult to achieve adequate bone/pin contact. Consequently fragment rotation or even non-union might occur unless the repair were supplemented. Dbel (1951) impacted the medulla with two or more pins. Pins with a threaded end were thought to give a better grip. The addition of cerclage wires oran external skeletal fixator could also resist rotation. An intramedullary extension splint was devised by Jonas and Jonas (1953) which included a springloaded device intended to make insertion easier. Enthusiasm for the splint waned when it was associated with untoward reactions and proved difficult to remove. A round-section pin which has a sledge-runner tip at one end and a hook at tlWother relies on its springlike action to contact the inner wall of the cortex. Although initially developed for humans (Rush and Rush, 1949), it was adapted for small animals (Carney, 1952) and remains popular, especially for condylar fractures in lniniature breeds of dog.

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Plates and screws The first metal bone plates and screws were devised by Hansmann (1886). Made of nickel-plate, they were inserted in such a way that the screws and one end of the plate protruded through the skin to make removal easy (Figure 2.8). Trials with plates in the late nineteenth century led Lane (1907) to design a pattern of steel plate that remained standard for many years. Lane's belief that success depended on strict antisepsis caused him to reconunend a 'non-touch' technique. Lambotte (1907) preferred plates of soft steel plated with gold or nickel, having tried aluminium, silver and brass. As experience with plating grew, it was reported that Lane plates tended to break at the junction of the bar and first screw hole (Figures 2.9 and 2.10). The plates were 1/ 16-3/16 of an inch (1.6-4.8 mm) thick and 1/4 of an inch (6.3 mrn) wide. Since the screws penetrated only one cortex, the repair was wea k. Sherman (1912), advised by engineers, introduced a substantially stronger plate that was slightly curved and had fewer screw holes. It was made of vanadium steel, which was twice as tough as the tool steel in Lane 's plates; the screws were machine type with self-cutting threads, which provided greater holding power than wood-type screws.


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Figure 2.9: Lane bone plates broken at their weakest poim. (Reproducedjrom Shennan, 1912, Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics, 14, 629.)



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Figure 2.10: Lalle bone plates appLied to a fracrured femur. (Reproducedfrom Venable and Stllck, 1947, wirh the permission of Blackwell Science. Originally primed in Lalle, Operative Treatment of Fractures.)


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Figure 2.8: Hansmann's bone plate (1886). The end of rhe plate and tile screws protruded from the wound. (Reproduced jrom Venable and Stllck, 1947, with the permission of Blackwell Science. Originally printed ill A. Hansmanll's A new method of fixation of fragments in compli cated fractures, Verll. d. Deutsch Gesellsch. f. Chir, 1886.)

Hey Groves (1912, 1916) experimentally tested the efficacy of plating in cats and rabbits and found that short plates attac hed with screws through one cortex were unable to retain the bones in position. He advocated longer, thicker plates fixed with screws or cotter pins through the full width of the bone. For some fractures a plate was applied to each cortex, both held

together with bolts. He was ahead of his time in stressing the importance of fracture planning and the value of motor-driven drills. Over the next two decades, plating became associated with an unacceptable level of complications such as plate loosening, wound breakdown and failure of union. The severe bone reactions (,rarefying osteitis' ) that developed were attributed to infection or faulty technique until Venable et at. (1937) showed that the problem was due to the metals used. Metals could disintegrate in tissues through electrolys is, but this could be avoided by using metals that are biologically inert. The inert alloy, vita Ilium, was introduced to bone surgery (Venable and Stuck, 1941) and stainless steel was modified to improve its inertness. The qualities of 18-8 S Mo steel in this respect led to its universal acceptance in implant manufacture. The lesson regarding metal corrosion was learned slowly and it was some years before old stocks of inferior implants were discarded from hospitals (Cater and Hicks, 1956).

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In dogs, Larsen (1927) reported the repair of fractures with Lane plates, the first being in 1910 (Figure 2.11). Chambers (1932) and Stainton (1932) referred to plating but gave no clinical details. Moltzen-Nielsen (1949) described 30 repairs with Lane plates between 1928 and 1939. Bateman (1948) repaired calcaneal fractures in Greyhounds with a slotted plate fixed to the tibia and tuber calcis. Sherman plates of vita Ilium were used by Knight (1949), Chappel and Archibald (1951) and Kirk (1952). Two steel plates were used in tandem to repair a fracnlred calcaneum in a bull (Kirk and Ferll1ell, 1951). The plating of long bone fractures became increasingly cOirunon in the 1960s, tending to replace intramedullary pinning in large dogs. The type of plate depended on the size and shape of the bones, which vary greatly in the different breeds, unlike the standard morphology of bones in humans. Sherman plates were inherently weak at the screw holes and so the straight-edged Venable plate was indicated for large and heavy dogs. The Bums plate combined features of the latter two, while the Eggers Contact plate had long slots instead of screw holes and was claimed to provide compression of the fracture during weightbearing. The finger plates designed for human phalanges were suitable for long bones in the miniature breeds.


of this vigorous reappraisal. At first compression was achieved with a plate attached to the bone using a compression device, but in 1969 Perren et al. tested in animals a new style of '''dynamic compression plate' (DCP), which relies on the geometry of the holes and eccentric placement of the screws to produce compression. It was successfully used in humans by Allgower et al. (1969) and is arguably the outstanding ilillovation in bone plating in th e last half-century. The various systems now commercially available provide implants of high quality but also require practical ski lls of equal quality fortheir correct insertion. In 1970 an international veterinary association for the study of internal fixation was formed, with similar aims to those of the original organization. Implicit in the ethos is the acquisition of skills to the benefit of fracture treatment and many veterinary surgeons worldwide take advantage of the courses that are available where practical knowhow may be learned. The fact that rigid fixation tends to overprotect bone union has led to the introduction of plates made of materials that allow some flexibility, such as carbon fibre. Biodegradable materials might answer some of the problems created by metals, and plates with low contact interfere less with vascularity. These and many other developments are being tested in response to clinical challenges and are part of a never ending process which began when the first attempts were made to assist nature in the healing of fracnlfes many centuries ago.


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Figure 2.11: BOlle plating equipmellt llsed ill dogs. (From

Larsen, 1927, Maanedsskrift fUr Dyrlaeger, 39, 337.)

In 1958 a group of Swiss surgeons formed an association for the study of the problems of internal fixation with a view to evaluating the operative treatment of fractures in humans. The research undertaken in their laboratories at Davos had far-reaching effects on fracture repair in humans and animals. Attention was focused on achieving a mechanically stable unit with lag screws, compression plates and intramedullary nails, in order to allow early, pain-free limb use and thus avoid some of the serious joint and soft tissue complications. Primary bone healing was said to fol low such a fixation although more probably the improved healing was promoted by rigid immobilization of the bone fragments. Implant development has been an important aspect

Allgower M, Ehrsam R, Ganz R ef 01. (1969) Clinical experience with a new compression plate 'DCP' . Acta Orthopaedica Scal1dinavica (Supplement) 125, 45. Anderson R ( 1934) Fractures of the radius and ulna. A new anatomica l method of treatment. JOllmal of Balle alld Joim Surgery 16, 379. Barrett EP (1936) The treatment offracturcs in small animal s by means of the unpadded cast. Veterinary Record 48, 1086. Bartlet (1756) A Gem/eman's Farriery or, a Practical Treatise 01/ 'he Diseases oj Horses, 3rd edn. Nourse, London. Bateman lK (1948) A fresh approach to the repair of the os cal cis in the Greyhound. Veterinary Record 60, 674. Bemanl BW (1948) Method of repair offemoral and humeral fractures. JOllmal ofrile American Veterinary Medical Association 113, 134. Blaine D (1824) Callille Pathology,2 nd edn. Boosey and Sons, London. Brinker WO (1948) The use of intramedu llary pins in sma ll animal fractures. North American Veterinarian 29, 292. Cannichael S (1991) The external fixator in sma ll animal orthopaedics. Joumal oj Small Animal Practice 32 , 486. Camey lP (1952) Rush intramedullary fixation oflong bones as applied to veterinary surgery . Veterinary Medicine 47, 43 . Cater WH and Hicks JH (1956) The recent history of corrosion in metal used for internal fixation. Lancet 2, 871. Chambers F (1932) Fractureof the femu r in the dog . Veterinary Record 12,9 1. Chappel CI and Archibald J (1951) Vita Il ium bone plating in dogs. Description of a practical technique and clinical observations. Veterinary Medicine 46, 291. ~. Dibbell EB (1930) Splints for fixation of fractures and dislocations in small animals. North American Veferinariall 11, 29. Dibbell EB ( 1931) Lowerthird femoral fractures in dogs. North American Veterillarian12 , 37. Ehmer EA ( 1925) Our method of handling fractures. North American Veterinarian 6, 47 . Ehmer EA (1947) Bone pinning of fractures of small ani mals. JOllmal

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a/the Americoll Veterinary Medical Association 110, 14. Elliot Smith G (1908) The mosl ancien( splints. British Medical Jourl/al

t ,732.

French C (1906) Surgical Diseases alld Surgery oflhe Dog. French, Washi ngton, DC. Frick EJ, Witter RE and Mosier JE (1948) Treatment of fract ures by intnuncdullary pinning . North American Veterinarian 29, 95. Gibson W ( 1729) Tlte Farrier's New Guide, 6th cdn . Osbom and

Longman. London. Gricsmann H ( 1948) Marknagclung cines Oberschcnkclbruc hcs bc im Hund. Deutsch tierarzlliche Wo chellschrift 55, 275. Gun n RM C ( 1936) The treatment of limb bone fra ctures in nnimals. AIISlralitlll Velerilla ry Jollma/12 , 139. Guthrie D ( 1958) A History of Medicine (lVith supplcmclIIs). Thomas Nelson and Sons, London.

Harmi J (1992) The Veterinary Clinics of North America 22 , I. Henderson W ( 1950) Intramedu llary repair of femo ral fractures in the dog and cat. Veterinary Record 62, 168. Hey Groves EW ( 1912) Some clinical and experimental observations on the operati ve treatment of fractures. Brifish Medical Journal S, 1102. Hey Groves EW ( 191 6) On Modem Methods o/Treating Fracfures. John Wright and Sons, Bristol. Hinko PJ and Rhinelander FW (1975) Effective use of cerclage in thc trcat mcnt of long bone fractu res in dogs. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 166, 520. Hobday FTG ( 1896) The new photography in vctcrinary practice. The Journal o/Comparative Pathologyalld Therapeutics 9, 58. Hobday FrG (1900) Canine alld Feline Surgery. Wand AK Johnston, Edinburgh and London. HobdllY FrG (1906) Surgical Diseases of the Dog and Car, 2nd edn. Ba illi ere, Tindall and Cox, London. Jenny J ( 1950) Ku ntscher's medu llary nailing in fcmur fractu res of the dog. Joumal of/h e American Veterinary Medical Associ(l(ioll 117,

38 1. Jenn y J, Kanter U and Knoll H ( 1946) Die Behandlun g von Femurfrakt uren des H undes durch Marknagelung. Schweizer A rchi v flir Tierheiikullde 88, 547. Jonas S and Jonas AM ( 1953) Self-retaining medullary extension spli nt. Joumal ofthe American Veterinary Medical Associatioll122 , 26 1. Jones R (1925) Crippling due to fractures: its prevention and remedy. British Medical Jouma/ l , 909. Kirk H ( 1952) Modem methods of fracture repair in large and s mall an imals. Veterinary Record 64,3 19. Kirk H and Fennell C (195 1) Treatment of fracture of os calcisofa bull by plating. Veterinary Record 63,363. Knight GC ( 1949) A report on the use of stainless steel intramedu llary pins and Shennan type vitallium plates in the treatment of small animal fractures. British Veterinary Joumal lOS, 294 . Knowles JO ( 1949) Fracture repair by bone pinning. Veterinary Record

6t , 648. KuntscherG ( 1940) Di e Behandlung von Knochenbruechen bei Tieren durch Marknagelung. Archiv Jiir lVissenschaftliche praktische Tierileilk llllde 7S , 262. ulcroix JV und Cozart JM (J 924) Wood splints and the treatment of fract ures of long bones. Nortll American Veterinarian 5, 408. Lambotle A (1907) L 'lmerl'enrioll Operaroire dans les Frac/eurs. Lamartins, Brussels. Lane WA ( 1907) Cli ni cal remarks on the operative treatment of frac tures. Brirish Medical Jot/mall, 1037. Larsen S ( 1927) Operativ Frakturbehandling . Ma cmedsskrift flir Dyrlaeger 39, 337. Lauder JSJ (1949) Fracture repair by bone pinning. Veterillary Record

Moltzcn-Nielsen H ( 1949) Recent experi ences in the treatment of fractures by s urgical methods. Veterinllry Record 61 ,79 1. Munro IK (1935) The history of plaster-of-Paris in the treatment of fractu res. British Joumal of Surgery 23, 257. Newton CD and Holm RB ( 1974) Fracture nonun ion resu lting from cerclage appliances. Joumal of/he AmeriClln Veterinary Medical Association 164, 503. Obel N ( 1951) lntramed ullar fi xation med rastfria sta var vid fraktur pa femu rdiafysen nos hund. Nordisk Veterinarmedicin 3, 723. Parkhill C (1 897) A new apparatus for the fi xation of bones aft er resection and in frac tures with a tcndcncy to displacement. Americall Surgery Associafioll Transactions IS, 25 1. Perren SM, Russenberger M, Stcinemann S e/ al. ( 1969) A dynamic compression plate. Acra Orthopaedica ScO/ulinavica (S upplement)

125,3 1. Perrin F ( 1923) The treatment of fra ctures. North AmericclII Veterinariall 4, 490. Rush LV and Rush HL ( 1949) Evolution of medullary fixati on of frac tures by longitudinal pin . American J ournal of Surgery 78 ,

324. Sehebitz H (1949) Die Marknagelung bei Haus tieren. MOlllllshefiefiir Veterinarmed;zill 4, 27. Sch roeder EF ( 1933a) The traction principle in treating fractures and disloeations in the dog and cat. North Americall Veterillarian 14,

32. Schroeder EF (1933b) Fract ures of the femoral shaft of dogs. North American Veterillariall 14, 38. Schroeder EF (1934) Fractures of the humerus in dogs. North American Veterinarian IS, 3 1. Self RA (1934) Open reduction and mechuniea l devices in treating fract ures in small animals. Veterinary Medicine 29, 120. Shennan WO (1912) Vanadium steel bone plates and screws. Surgery, Gy necology alld Obstetrics 14, 629. Stader 0 (1934) A method of treating femora l fractures in dogs. North American Veterinarian 15, 25. Stader 0 ( 1937) A preliminary announcement of a new method of treating fractures. North American Veterinarian 18,37. Stader 0 (1939) Treating fractures of long bones with the reduction splint. North American Veterinarian 20, 55. Stainton H (1932) The fractured canine femur. Veterinary Record 12,

187. Steiner AJ ( 1928) Treating femur and pelvic fmct urcs. J ournal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 73, 3 14. Thomas HO ( 1875) Diseaseso/the Hip, KlleealUJAllkleJ oims. T. Dobb and Co., Li verpool. Turnbull NR (1949) Fractures of the huments and fem ur re ~lired by intramedullary pins. Veterinary Record 61 , 476. Turnbull NR ( 1951 ) The problems of the dis placed epiphysis. Veterinary Record 63, 678. Venable CS and Stuck WG (194 1) Three years experience with Vita Ilium in bone surgery. Annals of Surgery 114,390. Venable CS and Stuck WG (1 947) Th e Imernal Fixatioll of Fractures. Blackwell Science, Oxford. Venable CS, Stuck WO and Beach A ( 1937) The effects on bone of the presence of metals: based on electrolysis. AIII/ais ofSllrgery 105,

917. Wutson-Jones R (1950) Medullary nailing o ffra ctures after fift y years. Joumal of Bone and J oint Surgery 328, 694. Weipcrs WL ( 1951) Mailers canine. Veterinary Record 63, 659. Williams W ( 1893) The Prillciplesalld Practice of Veterilwry Surgery. John Menzies and Co. , Edinburgh. Wright JO (1937) Some observations on the incidencc, causes and treatment of bone fractures in the dog. Veterillary Record 49,2 .

6t 866. Leighton RL (1950) A new method of pemlanent intramedullary pinn ing. Joumal of tile American Veterinary Medical Associatioll

117, 202. Marccnac N, Bordet R and Jenny J (1947) Osteosynthese femoral par cnclo uage metallique centromedu ll aire. Bulletill Academie Viterbwire France 20, 6 1. McCu lll) J ( 1933) Fractures and disloeations in small anima ls. Veteri nary Record 13, 1236.

Note 011 Illustrations : The BSA V A has been unable to contact the original publishers for Figures 2.3, 2.5, 2.6, 2.9 and 2.11. We are pleased to acknowledge the source and apologize for any unintended discourtesy.

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Biomechanical Basis of Bone Fracture and Fracture Repair Simon Roe


parameter is used to compare different material s, not

Every aspect of fracture management is influenced by extrinsic or intrinsic forces. It is therefore essential for successful orthopaedists to appreciate the mechanical natureoftheart offracture repair and to meld it with their understanding of the biological aspects of the tissue and its response to trauma. This chapter addresses the mechanics of bone as a material and a structure, of fractures and fracture healing, and of implants used to impart stability. Terms in bold type are dermed further in the Glossary at the end of the chapter.

MECHANICS OF BONE Bone as a material It is often helpful to understand a material before considering the structure that it builds. An engineer must be familiar with how steel behaves before building a bridge. When he looks at the bridge, he considers the loads that are likely to be borne and then decides if the structure and the material it is made of are strong enough. In a similar way, a surgeon must assess a fracture and its repair. The loads that must be considered are discussed later in this chapter. This section considers the stress and strain that might be ex pected within the material with which the surgeon is working. Appreciating these internal forces and deformations is important in understanding the limits of bone as a

mechanical material. A common approach to understanding mechanical materials is to subject them to a load while measuring the resulting deformation. For simple materials (which includes most of those associated with fracture mechanics), the response is linear and the slope ofthe line represents the stiffness of the structure tested. This is often the most important parameter as it conveys how much movement will occur for a certain load. In fracture repair mechanics, it relates directly to the amount of movement that might be expected at the fracture site. If the specimen being tested is a pure material that has known dimensions, then the stress versus strain response can also be produced. The slope of this line is termed the modulus of the material. This

different structures. Bone is a complex material composed mostly of organized collagen fibrils and a hydroxyapatite mineral matrix. Although many other components are present, these two contribute most significantly to the mechanical behaviour of bone. At a very basic level, cortical and cancellous bone are quite similar. When a material is not hom*ogeneous, its mechanical behaviour is influenced by the direction of loading relative to its orientation and it is termed anisotropic. A graphic depiction of how bone properties are influenced by specimen orientation is presented in Figure 3.1. The response also varies with the type of load applied. Due to the organization of the mineral phase, bone is very resistant to compression in all directions. The interaction of the mineral crystals causes it to fail by shear, usually at 45° to the long axis. Because the mineral crystals are much more resistant to compression than the collagen fibres are to tension, peak compressive loads are much greater than failure loads measured in tens ile eva luations.

Figure 3.1: The tensile strength offour specimens prepared from the same piece of corticaL bone is recorded on the graph. Specimens oriented other than in line with the osteolls were weaker ill tension, demonstrating the allisotrophy of bone.

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Figure 3.2: (a) Section through a radills and ulna to demol/strate the cross-sectional area that bears the load ill the limb. (b) After removal a/the ulna, the dimensions, crosssectional area and area (A MI) and polar moments a/inertia (PM!) increase. If a diaphysis responds /0 load by il/creasillg its cortical thickl1ess by 20%, the cross-sectional area increases by 90% and the AMI alld the PMI increase by 250%, to produce a Sfrllcture with grea/ly el1hanced resistance to bending and rotation.

Bone as a structure The structural arrangement of bone (as a material) has both microscopic and macroscopic components. The two primary types of bone when considering fracture management are cortical and cancellous. Cortical On a microscopic level, cortical bone is very dense and very regularly aligned, thus imparting considerable strength to diaphyses of long bones. The arrangement of bone in the diaphysis demonstrates a major mechanical concept, area moment of inertia (AMI), that applies to many aspects of fracture management and will be the basis of understanding many situations described in this chapter. The cylindrical structure of the diaphysis provides resistance to bending and rotation forces while optimizing the mass of the bone. The dynamic nature of the response of bone to its mechanical environment is revea led by the way in which it responds to increases in load (Figure 3.2). If a portion of the ulna of yo ung pigs is removed, the load borne through the radius increases. The radius responds by increasing in thickness and in outer diameter, greatly increasing its AMI. The dimensions of the structure also determine the polar moment of inertia (PMI), which influences the resistance to torsional load. PMI reflects the di stribution of the structure around the central axis of rotation . Material further from the axis will increase this parameter and produce a structure with superior resistance to rotation. An important point to remember is that the bending and torsional strengths of a structure are determined by the strength of the material as well as AMI and PM!. Mineralized disorgani zed callus is not as strong as cortical bone and so, during healing, the amount and dimensions of callus tissue are increased to provide bending and torsional strengths that are able to wi thstand the loads applied.

Cancellous The properties of cancellous bone are determined by its density and by its architecture. It also displays anisotropy. There are few conditions in animals in which the mechanics of cancellous bone need to be considered. The primary concern is its ability to hold implants when fractures occur in the metaphysis or epiphysis, particularly in the young and very old. Some specific conditions (beyond the scope of this chapter) that have stimulated considerable research into cancellous bone mechanics are osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and joint replacement.

Fracture of bone Cortical The majority of fractures involve primarily cortical bone. The way in which a cortical shaft breaks will be determined by the type of loading and the rate at which the load is applied. It is easiest to consider the specific patterns created by simple loads applied slowly (Figure 3.3): Compression results in fracrure lines 45° to the axis Tension produces a straight separation of the material Rotation results in a spiral fracture line Bending is more complex as it produces tension on one side of the cylinder and compression on the other. A simple transverse fracrure begins on the tension side (because bone is weaker in tension). As the forces become compressive, the weakest plane is at 45° and often two fracture lines diverge and a 'butterfly' fragment develops. In clinical situations, loading is usuall y very complex. Weight bearing and muscle contraction in anticipation of a trauma often create large compressive forces within a bone that ma y be subject to rotation, bending or a combination of both. Another factor of the fracture process that influences the final degree of damage is the rate of load ing. The process of development and propagation of fracture lines is very complex and the following discussion is a simplification to high light the major principles involved. When a load is applied relatively slowly, a fracture begins in the material at the weakest point. As more energy is applied to the bone, the fracture line follows the weakest path through the material. A single line of fracture occurs and its configuration is influenced by the type of load applied and any inherent weaknesses in the structure. However, if load is applied rapidly to bone, the energy stored in the structure can cause multiple sites of disruption of the material. As these develop into fracture lines, the large amount of energy being rapidly applied to the structure may be dissipated in multiple directions, and not necessarily along the weakest plane. In the clinical situation, high energy trauma is associated with a high degree of

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c=::::> :::;




~ c:::::>










, ".









~ (e)



.. (d)


.. (e)




Figure 3.3: Thefracture configuration is afunction oftlle/orces acting all tile bone. (a ) Compression: the minerat struclllre shears at 45 0 to the long axis, producing oblique fraclUre lines. (b) Tension: bone is weaker ill tellsion because the mineral crystals contribute little. failure occurs by separation ill a straight tille. (c) Rotation: shear fo rces create a spiral /racture pattern. (d) Bendillg: tension develops on the convex sill/ace alld compression on the concave surftlce as the bone bellds. Because the bOlle is weaker intension. Ihe/raclure begins transversely. As il travels across the bone, the forces change to compression Gild Ihe fracture often progresses ill bOlh 45 0 directions to create a 'butterfly' Jragmem. (e) Combined bending and compression: all increase in the compressive stress resulrs ill shear failure ear/ier and a larger 'butterfly' Jragmem results.

comminution. The highly comminuted femur fracture in Figure 3.4 occurred when the dog leapt from a truck travelling at 35 mph. When the dog's foot contacted the ground and stopped moving forward, his body continued, creatin g a massive torsional load in the limb. This was combined with a massive compressive load from the landing body and the contraction of the tlligh muscles in an attempt to prevent falling. Cancellous Fracture of cancellous structures follo ws some of th e patterns seen for cortical bone. In compression, however, collapse and compaction occur. It is important that this type of change be noted when evaluating a fracture as it will influence the ability to reconstruct th e bone and to appl y an implant to it. Tilis type of fracture is most commonl y seen in vertebrae.

MECHANICAL ASPECTS OF FRACTURE HEALING The various stages of callus maturation are influenced by local humoral and physical fac to rs. The

stress and strain ex peri enced by th e tiss ues wit11in the fracture influence the ir develo pment and d ifferentiation. The ty pes of tiss ue prese nt in vari o us regions of the ca llus are often dictated by their tolerance of the loca l deformation s. Early in the healing process, th e fracture gap fills wi th granulation tiss ue. The loose, fibrous nature of this tissue allows it to tolerate strains in the region of 40%. Because strain is calcul ated fro m the ori ginal length of th e tissue being loaded, one way that nature is able to reduce tissue strain is by increasing the width of the fracture gap. Resorption of fracture ends occurs when large motions are present (Fig ure 3.5). A5 the biological processes drive callus differentiation, regions with less strain become more fibrous and cartilaginous matrix is deposited. This tissue is stiffer less movement of the fracture frag ments will occur with the same load. However, it is also less tolerant of strain. Ifit is distorted by more than5 %, tissue injury will occur, differentiation will be reta~ded, and more granulation tissue will be laid down. If the stiffening of the callus does control movement, mineralization and woven bone formation begin. Again, this corrunences first in regions of the callus with the least motion. The tissue is stiffbutmore

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susceptible to injury - more than 0.2 %strain will damage the mineralized matrix. If tissue strain is minimal during the bridging period, the newly fomled bone can provide sufficient strength to join the fracture ends. The final maturation process is also influenced by the mechanical environment of the bone. Loading is sensed by the osteocytes of the inunature callus and remodelling by 'cutter cones' and the development of an Haversian system result in re-establishment o f cortica l structure. In a fracture in which the implant eliminates fracture fragment movement, the earlier phases of tissue differentiation may be bypassed, and primary bone healing by the cutter cones and gap filling will combine to repair the bone.


Os Penis


Figure 3.4: Litle drawing oj a radiograph of a highly comminuted Jemurfraclllre that occurred when the dog leapt Jrom the back of a truck moving at 35 mph. When the fool lallded alld stopped and Ihe body comil1ued moving, massive torsionalJorces were applied. These com billed with Ihe compressive forces of body weight and of the thigh muscles. The fraclllre developed II/any cOlllminutions because of the large amoullt oj energy alld the rapid rale of loading. Narrow fracture gap

Large tissue strain




(a) _ _....LL--_ _

Wide fracture gap

Smaller tissue strain

~ I-Ll-



i I-rr-


Figure 3.5: (a) Wh en the fracture gap is small, the tissues withill the gap experience a large amOUII! ojstrain because a smail all/oulll oj 1Il0vemel1f is distributed over a short length of tissue. (b) Wh en theJracw re gap is wider, the strain is reduced as the same amount oj de/ormation is distributed over a longer length.

An understanding of the mechanical characteristics of the implants commonly employed in fracture repair is necessary if a surgeon plans to minimize the strain in tile fracture callus so that healing can occur. TillS section will begin by presenting a method used by the author to assess implants in general and individual fracture repairs. TillS method simplifies the likely forces acting on an implant and provides a basis for evaluating stability of a repair.

Forces acting on an implant During a gait cycle, weight bearing and muscle contraction result in a complex array of forces within a bone or bone-implant construct. Studies of these forces are difficult and have provided limited data, but for improvin g clinical judgement in orthopaedics it is usually sufficient to take a much more simplistic approach. The forces acting on a bone or implant are a combination of ax ial compression, bending and rotation (Figure3.6) . In some specific instances, fragments associated with the origin or insertion of major muscle groups may experience mostly tension. This scenario will be addressed in a separate subsection. Axial compression is the component of the forces aligned down the shaft of the bone. When acting on a fracture, it causes collapse and shortening. Weight bearing and muscle contraction will contribute to this component. When evaluating an implant for its ability to counter this force, the purchase obtained in the major proximal and distal fragments must be considered. The ability of a fracture repair to resist compression will also be influenced by the completeness of reconstruction. Bending is present whenever a bone is bearing load and it is not perpendicular to the ground. Eccentric muscle contractions can also apply bending forces in any direction. An implant's resistance to bending is deternlined by the elastic modulus of the material it is made of and its area moment of inertia (AMI). Implants made from 316L stainless steel can be generally

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Axial compression





It is also necessary to determine the AMI at the wea kest point of the structure that wi ll be loaded. It is easy to calculate the AMI for circular or rectangular structures but, if a hole in a bone plate or interlocking nail is bearing load, then this will be the weakest point. The AMI of the solid portion of a 3.5 mm plate is 29.9 mm' while tllrough a hole it is 14.8 mm' - a 50% reduction. If a screw hole in an interlocki ng nail is located close to a fracture, it should also be considered a weak point in the construct. For the 8 mm nail, the AMI drops from an impressive 201 mm' for the solid section to 64.7 mm' in the weakest di rection. Torsion is induced by changes in the direction of the body while the limb is bearing weig ht. Assessment of rotational stability is often more complex than compression or bending. The polar moment of inertia (PM!) of the implant is not usually a weak point in the construct. Stabi lity is estimated by how well the implant engages the primary fracture fragments. Rotational stability may also be im parted by interaction of the fracture fragments. The way in which different systems are assessed wi ll be discussed in the specific sections below.

External coaptation


Figure 3.6: Diagrammatic representation of the three force categories considered when evaluating a fracture. CljixCltioll method. or a repairedfractllre. Weight bearing alld muscle COl/tractions contribllte to compressive forces down the 10l/g axis. Wh ell the bone is at all angle to the ground or when the muscles pull more 011 one side thall 011 the other, belldillg will be indllced. This lIIay be ill allY direction. Torsion will occllr when the mass of tlte body changes direction while the lim b is bearing weight.

compared based on their AMIs. Titanium has a lower modulus and implants of similar AMI wi ll be less stiff. However, titanium resists fati gue damage under re-

peated loading better than stainless steel. Since most implants fai l by fatigue rather than from a single excessive loading event, this property must also be allowed for when assessing an implant's suitability to maintain fracture stability until healing has occurred. Because calculation of the AMI of a structure is based on the direction of bending, it is necessary to estimate this for a repair. In most bo nes, a primary

direction is not evident and the smallest AMI, which determines the weakest direction, is used to character-

ize the weakest point in bending. In the femur, the eccentric location of loading through the femoral head dictates a lateral to medial bendi ng direction.

Splints and casts provide immobi li zation of fracnIre ends by encasing the limb. They do not directly contact bone and so must act tllrough the skin and muscles of the limb. The cast or splint material is the most rigid portion and it must be built wit h sufficient strength to withstand the forces that will be applied to it for the appropriate duration. Bending forces are the most significant forces because casts span joints and there is a great propensity for the limb to want to bend at the level of the joint. There are a number of ways of improving cast design and construction to counteract

the bending forces. Thickness ofthe wall of the cast is the most obvious approach but the disadvantage is that the cast becomes heavier. If the primary bending direction is known , th e cast ma y be reinforced in that

specific plane. This wi ll increase the AMI (because the added dimension is in the plane of bending) without adding too much weight. It is also beneficial to form a cast that is relatively straight but this tends to lengthen the limb and is more awkward fo r the patient. The interface between the cast and the bone will also influence the ability of the cast to immobilize the fracture fragments. The greater the stiffness of this interface, the better wi ll the rigid cast material support the fracture. High stiffness is produced by using little or no cast padding and by applying the cast wrap with pressure. Both these approaches increase the likelihood of pressure injury to the skin and soft tissues between the cast and the bone. The surgeon must therefore judge the correct amount of padding and cast wrap pressure that wi ll avoid soft tissue injury but will still provide adeq uate immobilization of the fracture fragments.

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External skeletal fixators P in factors The strength of the purchase of the pins in the fract ure fragments is an important factor in the success of external fixation (Figure 3.7). Indi viduall y, smooth pins rely on compression of the bone against the pin shaft to resist pull-out. In most frames, multiple pins are placed and they are purposefull y angled to each other so that they brace each other. Threaded pins are more secure ly anchored in bone. Negative thread profiles were used initially because they are easier to manllfactllre~ however, they are weak at the point where the shaft and threads meet and pin breakage was frequently seen. The Ellis pin was designed with a short negatively threaded portion so that only the fa r cortex was engaged with thread and the thread-shaft junction was protected by being inside the bone. Breakage was seen occasionally following resorption of the bone of the near cortex . Positive profile threaded pins are now available. The threads are created by a lathing or ro ll ing process. The shaft diameter is not significantly reduced and therefore the bending strength of the pin is not compromised. Because the thread diameter is greater, the purchase of the pin is also greater than for negati ve profile pins. This larger diameter does make these pins a little more awkward to place as the tlueaded portion does not fit through the hole in the external fixator clamp. The surgeon must select the appropriate diameter pin for each situation. The larger the diameter, the stronger the pin wi ll be in bending and the stiffer the frame will be, overall. This must be countered by the size of the bone into which the pin must be placed. As a general ru le, the diameter of the pin should not exceed 30 % of the diameter of the bone so as not to weaken the bone. This may be difficult to comply with when placing pins in the mediolatera l plane of the radius or in the metacarpals or metatarsals. The rigidity of a fixator is increased by increasing the number of pins in each fragment. Two is a minimum and four is considered the maximum in most small animal applications. Obviously, pin diameter and frag ment size wi ll dictate what can actuall y be acllieved. Pins shou ld be spaced evenly over each fragment, as this increases torsional ri gidity of a fram e. They should be placed as close to the fracture as is considered safe. This is detennined by the possible presence of fissures and the size of the bone. If there are no fissures, an estimate of this safe dista nce is three times the diameter of the pin being used. Because stiffness of a structure is influenced by its length, the pins closest to the fracture should be angled towards each other so that the span of the connecting bar that bridges the fracture is minimized. A final factor that influences the stiffness of a fixator is the length of the pin. Clamps are oriented so

that the clamping bolt is closest to the skin. Sufficient distance must be left between the clamp and the skin to allow for some swelling. The surgeon can reduce the length of the pin by selecting a location with the least soft tissue. This also reduces the tissue irritation caused by the pin and appears to reduce the incidence of pin track drainage and infection. In the beginning of this section, the advantages of threaded pins in increasing the immediate strength of the pin-bone interface was described. It is of eq ual importance for the surgeon to consider the long-term stability of the pin -bone interface. Loosening o f pins is the most common complication of external fixation. It causes discomfort for the patient and ma y affect the hea li ng process. The mechanica l aspects of pin placement feature heavily in the maintenance of a stable interface. Threaded pins loosen less frequently, because they mechanicall y lock into the bone. The more pins that are present in a fragm ent, the less is the load at each interface and, therefore, the less likely is loosening. The amount of bone injury that occurs during pin place ment is also a major determinant of how the bone around the pin will change during hea ling. Significant thermal injury causes bone necrosis.






Weak p a i n t ,

c, (b)

\ 1 .1111 11111 , 111 .111" Weak point protected


.1 , 111 .1 11"


t (d)

.t \'.\ \ \ \ \\\\\' \\ \ \' .\ \\'

Shaft diameter-1 not reduced -

Lar9 er ma'or diameter

Figure 3. 7: Types oj pillS Jar external jixators. (a) Smooth pillS rely ol/frictioll \\lith rhe bone or bracing against other pillS in rheframe. (b) Negative-profile threaded pillS engage the bone more securely bw are sllsceptible to Jailure at the shaft- thread jUllction. (c) Ellis pins have a small length of negative-profile thread, designed to engage only one cortex. The \\leak point a/the pill is protectedfrom bending forces. (d) Positive-profile threaded pillS have a larger major diameter, so holdillg strength is increased. Becallse the sllaft diameter is flot reduced, (h ey are better able to resist tile cyclic bendillg forces associated witll weight bearing.

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t~ t -,(b)


Figure 3.8: (a) Axial compression dOlVn lhe shaft 0/ a/raclllred bone supported by a unilateral external fixator results ill bending 0/ llie pins and lhe connecting bar. (b) Axial compression 0/ a bilateraL /rame results ill bending o/the exposed lengths 0/ rlie pills. (c) Bending/orces directed Ollt 0/ the plane 0/ a bilateraLframe result in bending 0/ the cOllnectillg /XII"S. By addillg a third IXII' ill a nother plane, the frame is beller able 10 resislthese forces.

Microcracking reduces the strength of the supporting bone and stimulates a repair respo nse. Resorption

to re move the dead and damaged bone ma y reduce the strength of the interaction between the bone and pin . Movement at the interface wi ll prevent new bone formation and a fibrous interface will develop. Movement will al so injure these tissues, causing pain and stimulat ing an inflammatory res po nse .

Once it starts, the process often becom es self-perpetuatin g. To reduce thermal injury to bone, pin tracks should be pre-drilled with a drill onl y s lightly smaller than the shaft diameter, or pins with efficient cutting tips should be used. Pre-drilling also reduces the amount of microcracking in the s ur-

complex frame should be applied. A bi latera l frame e mploys connecting bars on each side of the bone. Axial compressive forces will now be resisted by the pins (Figure 3.8b): their diamete r, numbe r and exposed length will determine the stiffness . Bending in the plane of the fi xator is also well resisted because the connecting bars protect each other. Bending in the plane perpendicular to the fixator is resisted by the connectin g bars on ly: their exposed length and diameter are determining factors of ri gidity. Torsional forces also are better resisted by bilatera l frames as the connecting bars are distributed around the axis of rotation. Triangular configurations are selected to improve

the bending stiffness of a frame (Figure 3.8c). The

rounding bone.

connecting bar in the second plane imparts resistance

Frame configuration The forces that act on a fracture - axial compression, bending and torsion - must be considered when assessing the suitability of a fi xator fram e configuration. The simplest frame is a unilateral design. Compression will cause bending of the connecting bar (Figure 3.8a). Thediameterofthe bar and the size and number of pins will influence the performance of the frame. The inherent stability of the fracture must also be considered. If the fracture is transverse, it will not be able to collapse and the bone will reduce the load placed on the fi xator. Ifthe fracture fragments do not interact, the frame must bear all of the load through the limb. Bending forces will be resisted similarl y by a unilateral frame. To increase the res istance of a unilateral frame to bending, a second connecting bar

to bending perpendicular to the plane of the bilateral portion of the fixator. A multi-planar fixator may also be indicated when the primary fragments are small. When only two pins are possible in one plane, a third pin may be placed in a different plane to improve fragment purchase. Complex, multi-p lanar fixators have been criti-

cized as potentially being too rigid. They may significantly reduce the load being borne by the callus and thus reduce the stimulus for callus development and maturation. To counter this effect, destabilization of the frame should be considered once ca llus development has begun. The optimal time at Wllich to increase the load borne by the callus has not been detennined. In a large gap fracture model, s ix weeks of healing

will increase the AMI. Torsional forces are resisted by friction between the e1amp and connecting bar in a unilateral frame. Theelamp bolt must be very firm ly tightened to ensure that it is secure. If the surgeon feels that a unilateral fram e will not be able to provide sufficient resistance to the

seems most advantageous. The extent of the bone and soft tissue injury should be taken into account for each case. Destabilization is preferably achieved by removing connecting bars from a frame but can also be achieved by removing pins. Fixator frames can be constructed with acrylic or epoxy materials. They have the advantage that pins can

bending forces in a particular patient, then a more

be pos itioned in any plane; soft tissue interference can

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be minimized and wo unds can be avoided. This is particularl y helpFul for shearing injuries and for fractures of the jaw. Acrylic connections can also be used when the small metal system is too large, such as in toy breeds and birds. Polymethylmethacrylate is the most common material used. One commercial system supplies tubing and prepackaged methacrylate for connecting bars similar in strength to the small and medium metal systems. The acrylic can also be nnixed to its dough state and applied without tubing. Epoxy putty is of similar strength to the acrylics and is easier to use for small fi xators.

Points to remember Maximize pin diameter Maximize pin number per fragment Reduce pin length Add more cOIUlecting bars Reduce connecting bar span Use full pins and bilateral frames when possible.

Intramedullary pins and interlocking nails Pins Intramedullary pins provide little resistance to axial compression . If the fracture configuration is not inherentl y stable (i.e. simple, transverse), collapse will occur. Intramedullary pins are able to resist bending forc es because of the ir large AMI. They are not able to resist torsional forces and, again , must re ly on interdi gitati on of fracture frag ments to be stable as a single device. Stacked pinning increases the rotational stability only very sli ghtl y and should not be re lied upon if the fracture is not inherentl y stable. Because of these defici encies, intramedullary pinning as the only fi xa tion method is onl y indicated in simple fractures in which there is good interdigitati on of fragments. If this is not the case, adjunct fixati on must be added or another fixation method chosen. Pins can often be used for metaphyseal and epiphyseal fractures, particularly if they are placed dynamically. These fractures are often quite transverse and so they ha ve inherent resistance to collapse. Two small pins placed on either side of a fragm ent will impart rotational stability if they engage well proximally. Dynamic placement entails directing the pins into the medullary cavity and having them deflect off the inner wall of the cortex and continue up the medullary canal into the far metaph ysis. The interaction of the pin with the cortical wall provides a stable anchorage against rotational forces. The crossed pin technique can also be used: these pins begin on one side of the bone and penetrate the cortex on the other side. For optimal rotational stability, the pins should be directed so that the point at which they cross is above the fracture line.

Interlocking nails Interlocking nails resist a ll three of the forces acting on a fracture. The screws that lock the proximal and distal fragm ents to the nail prevent collapse under compressive forces and prevent rotation when torsional forces are app lied (Figure 3.9). The central location of the nail and its large AMI provide good resistance to bendin g. Interlocking nai ls are weakened at the screw holes and this weakening is not reduced by placing a screw in the hole. It is there fore important to position the nai l so that screw holes are not close to the fracture. In some situations, this ma y mean selecting a nail wi th onl y one lockin g screw. New nail systems are being developed for veterinary use. The influence of factors such as screw size, number of holes and nail diameter will need to be determined to guide the surgeon in the selection ofthe appropriate nail for each case.

Orthopaedic wire and cerclage Orthopaedic wire is malleable stainless steel that is formed into cerclage, henni-cerclage, interfragmentary or tension-band wires. The wire is often stressed during placement and tying, and is susceptible to fatigue failure. Small nicks and notches in the wire also weaken its resistance to repetiti ve loading.


t Figure 3.9: Interlocking nails provide good stability because lhe primary fraclurefragmel1ls are 'locked ' to lhe device. Compressive and rotational/orees are resisted by the screws. Because tlte naiL has a large area moment of inertia, it resists belldillg forces well.

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Biomechanical Basis of Bone Fracture and Fracture Repair Untwists Unbends ~




especially in conjunction with one or two skewer pins so that their line of action is directed more perpendicular to the fracture line. Hemi-cerclage is chosen when the cylindrical nature of the diaphysis can not be rebuilt. When used in

conjunction with an intramedu llary pin , the wires Both unbend ~




should also encircle the pin. Interfragmentary wires are used to appose fragments in flat bone fractures, particularly those of the mandible. Twist knots are the most common.

Tension-band wires are employed to counter bending forces on pins or screws used to attach avu lsed bone

Figure 3. 10: The three COIIIIllOIl cerclage kllots. (a) ,/ivist knot. When loaded past its yield POilll, the kilO! Illltwists. (b) Single loop. Greater tension is generated thall for a {wist kllot. The loop yields at a similar load to twist kllots by the free arll1l1llbelldillg. (c) Double loop. A greater tellsioll is generated alld it resists a lIluch greater load before yield. Both arms unbend during this process.

fragments. They should be positioned opposite the direction of pull on the fragment. Although they are passive structures, the cyclic stresses are reduced if they are tightened firm ly. The wires are frequently placed in a figure-of-eight configuration and tied with one or two twist knots (Figure 3.11).

Full cerclage acts to compress fragm ents of the diaphysis together. The complete circumference must be rebuilt and fragments accurately reduced because the wire will no longer be tight ifthere is any reduction of the circumference around which they are tied. Cerclage comparisons are based on the tension that is generated when they are formed and the resistance of the knot to loosening.

Bone screws and plates

Twist knots must be formed by evenl y wrapping both wire strands around one another (Figure 3.10). This knot is used conun onl y because it can be formed with inexpensive equipment. When loaded past their yield point, the wires untwist The single loop knot is formed using a wire with a loop made in one end: the free end passes around the bone and through the loop. The wire

Screws Screws convert the torque of insertion into compression

along theirshaft. They are used individually to compress or hold fragments, or in conj unction with a bone plate. In most instances of individual use, they are applied in lag fashion so that fragments are compressed together. The near fragment is drilled to the diameter of the threads while the far fragment is drilled to the core diameter and, for most screws, threads are cut with a tap. As the screw is tightened, the head of the screw compresses the near fragment on to the far fragment. The amount of compression that can be achieved is dictated

~tl of the triceps ...

is tensioned in a wire tightener wit h a rotating

crank. Once tight, the free end is bent over, cut and fl attened. The single loop cerclage generates greater tension than the twist cerclage but has similar yield properties - the free arm unbends as the wire yields The double loop cerclage is formed from a piece of wire bent double in the middle: both ends are passed around the bone and back through the bend. Both anns are tightened using a w ire .. is countered by the tension band wire

tightener with two cranks and bent, cut and flattened in a similar fashion to the single loop cerclage. This cerclage generates three times the tension o f the single loop cerclage and resists

twice the distracting load. A minimum of two cerclages should always be used; otherwise bending forces are not countered. Long oblique fractures of two or three segments are the most suited to their use but they are not considered strong enough to be the only means of fixation of a fracture. They can be used in some shorter oblique fractures,

Figure 3.11: A tension bal1d wire is a passive structu re that resists the pull of a distracting muscle that is actillg all the \ i\.'. elld of a pill or screw. I/)

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Thread s DO NOT engage in co rtex

Line perpendicular to fracture lin e

I n a number of instances the screw must resist

Line perpendicular to long axis of the bone

bendi ng and the surgeon must select the appropri ate sized implant. The bending strength of a screw is determined by the AMI of its core diameter. This relationship involves raising the radius to the fourth power. A 4.5 mm cortical screw is 2.5 times as strong as a 3.5 mm screw .

Plates Bone plates are effecti ve in resisting all three of the forces that must be countered - compression, bending

Threads engage in far cortex

Figure 3.12: A screw placed illiag/ashion is used to compress two /ragmellls together. Screw threads engage the far cortex but /lot the /l ear cortex. As rhe screw is (igh/elled, compression is achieved. The optimal orielllarioli/or the screw ill sharrer oblique fractures is half way between a line drawn perpendiclliar to rhefracrure line alld a line drawll perpendiclliar to the long a.xis of the bone.

by the strength of the bone threads in the far cortex. For optimal compression, the screw is ideally placed perpendicularto the fracture line. When the fracture is short and oblique, this is not feasible and will often result in sliding of the fracture fragments. The optimal angle is then half-way between perpendicular to the fracture and perpendiculartothe axis of the bone (Figure 3.12) . (The same principle holds if skewer pins and cerclage wires are used for a similar purpose.)


(a )


(b )

and torsion. They are most susceptible to bending forces because of their eccentric position relati ve to the ax is of the bone. Their mode of placement dictates the level of risk associated with a repai r. If a fracture is anatomicall y reduced and the fragments are compressed by the plate, the bone and plate share the load, their combined AMI is large, and the construct is strong (Figure 3.1 3a) . If the bone is not reconstructed, particularl y the cortex away from the plate, the plate alone must resist bendi ng fo rces. The solid section of a plate is usuall y strong enough but if a screw hole is located within the fracture the screw hole is the weakest point. The AMI is greatly red uced and there is a concentration of stress (Figure 3. 13c). To reduce the stress concentration effect, the limited contact plate (LCP) was designed with a scalloped profi Ie to the surface that is in contact with the bone. Because the AMI is similar over the length of the plate, there is little concentrat ing effect of the stress. The solid section of the LCP is significantly weaker than the solid section of the regular dynamic compression




'" 'C


··· 0S.~



" '-Complete bone contact




'" {(1




r3 ;&:; ~ .... /

Screw hole


II '--

Some bone contact

No contact Plate alone

Pin supports the plate by increasing the AM I

Figure 3.13: The bending strength of a fractured bone repaired with a bone plate is affected by the integrity of the bOlle after tlie repair. (a ) If the bone is fulLy rebuilt, its dimensions call be inclllded ill the estimation 0/ the AMI at the weakest poim o/tlie repair. The bone protects the plate/rom belldillg loads. (b) I/th e/ar cortex makes comact, this will also cOllfribute 10 the AMI at the weakest poim. Because the bone comact is some distance from the plate, th is provides some mechanical advantage. (c) If there is no cOlllact between tile bonefragmellfs, the pfate mllst resist all the bending/orces. The AMI of the lVeakest point mllst be considered when assessing the stability 0/ the repair. (d) By com billing a plate with all intramedullary pill, the AMI of the comminuted area is greatly enhanced.

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Biomechanical Basis of Bone Fracture and Fracture Repair plate (DCP). LCPs rely on the presumption that, when the solid section is bearing the load alone, the bone will usuall y also contribute to the strength of the repair. If a hole does need to be left unfilled, the plate is only as strong as its weakest point and the reduced strength of the solid section will have little effect on outcome. Also, the original LCPs were made of pure titanium, which, though weaker and less stiff, has superior fatigue resistance. The scalloped contour also reduces the amount of cortical bone that is devitalized by the plate ' s interference with periosteal blood supply. Plates may still be used for repair in fractures in which it is not possible to reconstruct portions of the shaft or in which it is felt that the extensive dissection necessary to incorporate all fragments into a repair would compromise healing. Lengthening plates, which come with a range of lengths of the solid section, can be used in bones that are large enough to accommodate a 4.5 mm screw. Another approach that can be used in bones of all sizes combines a plate applied to the primary proximal and distal fragments with an intramedullary pin (Figure 3.13d). The plate effective ly prevents fragment collapse and rotation but, without the pin, the central span that is unattached to the bone is subjected to bending. By adding the intramedullary pin to the repair, the AMI of the implants is greatly increased and the risk of plate failure greatly reduced.

GLOSSARY This section gives more detail of terms highlighted in bold earlier in the chapter, in the order in which they first appeared.


percentage. Strain, like stress, is complex within complex structures and similar techniques are used to simplify their understanding. For example, if a piece of cortical bone 10 !TUn long is compressed, it will shorten as the load increases. Because we know that the failure strain of bone in compression is approximately 2%, we know that if the load applied reduces the height of our piece of bone to 9.8 mm, it will probably break.

Stiffness When a load is applied to a structure and it defonns, the relationship between tl,e load and deformation represents the stiffness of the structure. In most simple cases, stiffness is assumed to be linear and is denoted by a single number with ullits of Newtons/mm. It is represented graphically by the slope of the load versus defonnation curve. In fracture mechanics this is often an important parameter to consider: the stiffer the structure, the less motion will be present at the fracture site.

Modulus If the stress and strain are calculated for a structure that had a load versus deformation test, the slope of that curve is termed the modulus. It denotes the stiffness of the material, in contrast to the stiffness of a structure. Its units are the same as stress - Newtons/mm' or Pascals. Modulus is useful for comparing materials and making assumptions about how structures might behave based on their material. An example would be the comparison of a bone plate made of stainless steel versus one made of titanium. The modulus of steel is greater than tl,at of titanium; so, for a similar load and given that the plates have the same dimensions, there would be less movement with a steel plate.

Isotropic and anisotropic Stress When an external load is resisted by a structure, internal forces are generated. These internal forces are termed stress. In complex structures with complex forces (such as bones), the stress is also complex. Two approaches are used to simplify the understanding of stress. The forces can be simplified to a single important direction or the stresses can be considered only in certain important directions. One important point to remember is that stress is distributed over the cross-sectional area of a stmcture, and so the magnitude at anyone point will be influenced by this dimension. The usual units for stress are Newtons/mm' CN/mm') or Pascals (pa).

Strain When an external load is resisted by a structure, the structure defonns. Often, the internal defonnations that compound to produce the overall change in shape must be considered. These internal defonnations are termed strain. Because they describe deformation within a material, they are expressed as a ratio of the change in length to the original length; the usual terminology is

If a material is hom*ogeneous, the expected response will be the same, no matter what is the direction of the applied load. This material is isotropic. The steel of

implants is isotropic. When a material or a structure has a direction in how it is put together, its response to a load will depend on the direction from which the load is applied. This material is anisotropic. Most biological materials are anisotropic and to appreciate the properties of the material fully it is important to denote its orientation relative to the forces impacting it.

Shear Shear is generated when an applied force causes two parts ofthe structure to want to slide past one another. This is most easily demonstrated at interfaces between two objects when one goes one way and tlle other another, but is also present within a stmctiire when the base is held firm and the top is pushed. Shear can refer to a way in which a force is applied and to tl,e types of stress that are present within a material. Shear stress is created when torsional forces are applied to bone.

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Area moment of inertia Area moment of inertia (AMI) is a structural param eter important in assessing resistance to bendin g. It quantitates not only the cross-sectional area, but also ho w the material is distributed. In pure compression or

tension, cross-sectional area alone provides an estimate of a stru cture's strength. In bending, one s ide of

a structure experiences tension and the other compression . There is a plane along the structural centre that ex peri ences no force; tllis is termed the neutra l plane. Material further from the neutral plane is better able to resist the forces in the structure, and so the fo rmula e for calculati on of this parameter emphas ize this distance. For a circul ar structure, the formula is (n .r')/4 , w here r is the radius. The influence of increas ing the diameter on a structu re's abili ty to resist bendin g is easil y appreciated. For a rectangular stru cture, the equation is (b.h3)/ 12 , where b is the width and It is the height. Because the terms width and height relate to the orientation of the rectangle re lative to th e bendin g

force, it is important fi rst to determine in which directi on bending will occur before computing this parameter. For example, a 3.5 mm bone plate (10 x 3 mm) on

the lateral aspect of the femur would be ex pected to fa il in medi olateral bending before crani ocaudal bending, because the AMI in the mediolateral directio n is 29.9 mm' and in thecrani ocaudal directi on is250 mm' . It is also important to realize that AMI is influenced by the plane chosen in measuring the dimensions. When analysing an implant o r fracture repair, consider the weakest po rti on. Using the 3.5 mm bone plate example, the AMI in th e medi olateral direction th rough a ho le is only 14.8 mm'.

Polar moment of inertia Polar moment of inertia is a similar concept to area moment of inertia except th at it defines the dim ension

of a structure at a certain plane relati ve to its ability to resist torsio nal forces. Tllis parameter quantitates th e way in which th e structure is distributed around th e centre of the torsional effect. This is obvio us ly easy for

circular structures but becomes more complex with complex shapes. For a hollow cylinder (li ke a bone) be ing twisted around its longitudinal ax is, the equatio n is '/2 .n.(r' - 1"'), where r is the outer radius and r' is th e

inner fadi us.

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Fracture Healing Tim M. Skerry



Fracture healing is a speciali zed fo rm of wound repair in which there is regeneration of the injured issue without scar formation. The mechanisms behind such a remarkable response involve bone growth, modelling and remodelling. The control of fracture repair therefore in volves the same loca l and systemic influences capable of affecting bone in other circ*mstances. The purpose of this chapter is to provide a brief introduction to the cellular processes that are acti vated when bone fractures, and to explain: The implications of concurrent injury, disease or treatment on the progress of a healing fracture The mechanisms behind the novel treatments for enhancement of healing which are begitming to appear in the clinics.

ACUTE EVENTS AFTER BONE FRAC TURE In addition to the local events that occur immediately after fracture, there is an acute inflammatory response to the injury. The major systemic effect of this inflammation is the acute phase response (APR), a process that appea rs to have a protecti ve fun ction for the organism (for reviews see Lewis, 1986; McGlave, 1990). Local inflammation associated with injury causes changes in the circulating concentrations of the acute phase proteins. These include proteins with coagulation and complement system functions, their inhibitors, transport proteins and C-reacti ve protein . The APR is also associated with changes in hormones (insulin, glucocorticoids and catecholamines), vitamins and minerals - primarily iron and zinc. There is also acti vation of proteolytic enzyme cascades connected with clotting, complement, kinin and fi brinolytic pathways, and a change in amino acid metabolism, with breakdown of muscle protein. Locally, the acute events after fracture follow the same initial sequence seen in other tissues, with bleed-

Coagulation Platelets PDGF TGF ~

ECF (TG Fo.)




Acute Phase Response IL-1 IL-6


Lymphocytes TGFp IL·2 IL·S

Repair Fig ure 4.1 The inflammatory cascade. The consequences oj injury include tile dijferellf stages of the inflammatory process ;n which are expressed mOllY a/the same cytokines as those with effects 011 bone physiology.

ing, progressing through organization of tbe clot, angiogenesis and fibrosis. At this stage, events in bone begin to differ from other tissues, as the fibrous callus is replaced by cartilage which undergoes endochondral ossification and eventually remodelling. It is important to consider the mechanisms of these acute changes, because the so-called inflammatory cytokines (Figure 4.1) are in many cases regulators of normal bone fun ction (Table 4.1 ). This is entirely in accordance with the needs of an earl y inflammatory response to injury. However, persistent inflammation (as a sequel to infection, for example) may cause aberrant or inappropriate effects by direct actions on the cells that are attempting to repair the fracture.

TYPES OF FRACTURE HEALING Indirect fracture healing In normal circ*mstances after a fracture, there will be some degree of instability of the bone ends. The movement between the bones will not support imme-

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Osteoclast formation/activity

Osteoblast growth/activity

Resorption ill vivo

Formation in vivo

IL- I ~

+/ +

+/ -




+ /+

+ /-




-/ -





-/ -/-








Ta ble 4. 1: Cyrokilles implicated ill bone formation (Ind resorpliol1. Mas! of the cytokines ill rliis table are also implicated ill (lie

illjlallll/1atOlY response, showing rite pleiotropic actiolls of these agents. The compLex actions oj cytokilles are iilustrated by the divergence between actions of illdividual age Ills all specific cells in vitro, seell as - which denotes differem results by di/ferellf workers. /" additioll, the fack a/correlation ber-ween in vitro {md in vivo actiolls, or stimulatioll a/both/ormation Gild resorpri all by a sillgle agent, suggest tltat the p icture presellfed by these data are far /rolll complete. + = expression; - = 110 expression; space = 110 data.

diate formation of new bone, and a tissue with the ability to deform more than bone must be made as an intermediate. Fibrous tissue is therefore produced by fibroblasts in the organizing clot aro und the fracture. In the orga ni zation process, capillary invasion and angiogenesis occur so that the clot becomes accessible to other precursor cells via the circulation. The fibrous tissue stabilizes the fracture enough to permit cartilage surviva l, and a wave of metaplasia passes fro m each side of the periosteal cuff of the ca llus ac ross the fracture gap. The cartilage is then replaced by bone in endochondrial fas hion. Biologicall y, this indirect fracture hea ling is a sensible process. Since the clot forms a mass aro und the fracture site, the ensuing callus fo rms a large cuff around the bone enels so that, as the organization process occurs, the sequential stiffening of the tissues provides good mechanical stability. When the bones have uni ted, the fracture is stronger than the surrounding norma l bone, and remodelling (see below) reduces the superfluous mass so that eventually complete restoration of normal function and strength can occur.

ble for trabeculae to regenerate directl y. This can occ ur by axial growth of new elements along collagen alld elastin fibres which form within the defect (Aaron arlei Skerry, 1994). Direct fracture healing does not occur witho ut surgical intervention. The ASIF developed the ideas th at anatomical reduction, rigid fi xation and rapid return to normal function were the ideal goals of treatment (see Chapter 9). In many fractures, perfect anatomica l reduction is not necessary for good function, and ri g id fi xation can have adverse effects on the rate of healin g. Fractures flXed with plates, which heal by direct unio n, are wea ker than the surrounding bone and take mu ch longer to unite than those that heal by indirect union. It is tempting to assemble the 'jigsaw' in order to obtain a satisfactory postoperati ve radiograph, but the reducti on of use of plate fi xation in human orthopaedics, and tlle increase of use of intramedullary nai ls and extern al fixators, implies that other considerations may be more important (see Chapter 10).

Direct fracture healing


There are circ*mstances in which the presence of fracture ca llus is a serious obstacle to a return to function. This is rarely the case in midshaft fractures of long bones, but where a fracture incl udes part of an articular surface, rapid anatomical realigrunent of the fragments is the primary consideration. If this is perfo rmed and the fragments are held ri gidly, direct frac ture healing can occur with littleornocallus fo rmation. In this circ*mstance, Haversian systems can cross the fracture gap and repair the cortical bone directl y without any endochondral processes. Where defects exist in cancellous bone, with sufficient stability, it is possi-

When the processes in vol ved in fracture repair a re dissected into their component parts, there are man y similarities with bone growth and remodelling (Tab Ie 4.2) . In both growth and fracture repair, endocho 11dral ossification occurs to convert a minerali zed cartilage template into new bone tissue, using th e same regulated chondrocyte differentiation pathwa y. Because of these similarities, understanding of fra cture hea ling is simpli fied if the controlling influenc es of the indi vidua l component processes are considered separate ly.


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Fracture Healing

Growth (endochondral)

Growth (apposition)



FractUl'e I·epair

Chondrocyte differentiation



Cartilage resorption



Bone formati on





Bone resorption





Table 4.2: Similar component cellula r processes are comhi/led differently to give rise to such diverse tissile actiolls as longiTudinal hone growth Qlldjraclllre healing.

Endochondral ossification and appositional growth During the no rmal endochondral ossification process, chondrocytes in the growth plate undergo an ordered developmental sequence. Chondrocytes in callus, prob· ably originating from cells within the periosteum or from differentiating cells in the organi zing haematoma, undergo th e same sequence of events. After mineralizati on of carti lage, there is capillary

invasion and recruitment of cells resembling osteoclasts. Since they resorb cartilage, not bone, they are termed chondroclasts, but there is no evidence that they are a separate cell type. The cells resorb crescent-shaped pieces of calcified cartilage matri x, analogous to the Howships' lacunae resorbed from bo ne by osteoclasts. New bone is then fonned in those defects. New bone formation at this stage is similar to the appositional formation that occurs with periosteal expansion durin g growth. Mature osteoblasts line the surfaces, and secrete matrix in a highly polarized fashion , so that it is deposited on the s ide nearest to the bone. This hi ghly regulated polarization is controlled by specific cytokines and moderators of their functi on at diffe rent levels in the periosteum. For example, transforming growth factor 6 (TGF6) is ex pressed by osteoblasts on th e bone surface and in a more periphera l zone two or three cell layers further away from th e surface. Interestingly, the zone between th ese two layers does not contain TGF6, and in th e more periph eral zone the act ions of th e peptide are moderated by expression of the latent TGF6-binding protein, which is absent on the bone surface. The new bone matrix differs from carti lage in that the predominant collagen is type I (type II is the predominant fibrill ar collagen in carti lage), although th e same chondroitin sulphate and some keratan sulphate proteoglycans are also present. Mineralization of this osteoid proceeds with focal calcifications occurring around matrix vesicles. While most osteoblasts advance with th e deposition of matri x, some remain and become incorporated in the new boneasosteocytes. It was tho ught that this was a passive process. However, durin g the development of fi sh bone, all the osteoblasts continue to advance with th e periosteal

surface, so that no osteocytes are formed. This suggests that mammalian osteocytes are osteoblasts that made a committed step to stop advancing by substituting polarized secretion with a generali zed secretion of matri x proteins. Bone fonnation during fracture healing, whether endochondral or appositional, results in replacement of the large mass of the soft periosteal and endosteal callus wi th bone. However, atthisstage,although there is restoration of function in that the bone is ab le to withstand loading, the mass of th e callus is excessive. In addition, the bulk of the callus may interfere with norm al muscle and tendon movements . To convert the relatively disorgani zed bony callus into a restored cortical tube, the callus must be remodelled - a process entailing bone resorption.

Bone resorption and callus remodelling Bone resorption is accomplished by osteoclasts, which must perform two roles: removal of th e hydroxyapatite mineral phase of th e bone wi th acid; and degradation of the collageno us and non-collagenous proteins with enzymes. Osteoclasts are hi ghl y polarized cells that initiate resorption after attaclling to the bone surface at the peri phery of th eir zone of contact. This sea ling or c lear zone contains contractile proteins including osteopontin, which are secreted by the osteoclast to faci li tate attachment. Osteoclast attachment to bone matri x is also facilitated by integrins - a class of cell matrix attachment mo lecules found in many tissues. Interestingly osteoclast attachment is mediated by an a.V63 integrin, whose 63 s ubunit appears to be exclusive to these cells and is different from the 62 s ubunit ex pressed by closely related cells of the monocyte macrophage lineage. This specificity may have therapeutic implications, as neutralizing antibodies to the osteoclast integrins inhi bit bone resorpti on (Horton et aI., 1991). Tight attaclunent allows the osteoclast to maintain specific conditions in the resorption space where the pH may drop as low as 3 (Sil ver et al. , 1988). Acidification of the resorpti on space is the res ult of secreti on of hydrogen ions, prod uced by the action of carbonic an hyd rase and transported across the osteoclast's ' ruf-

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fled border' cell membrane by a specific proton pump. This appears to be uniquely expressed in osteoclasts and different from the classical vacuolar and potassium ATPase pumps found in other cells. A chloride! bicarbonate exchanger in the basal membrane of the cell maintains the osteoclast's intracellular pH, which wo uld otherwise rise with acidi fication of the resorption space. Degradation of matrix proteins is accomplished by neutral protease enzymes such as cathepsins, which are secreted into the resorption space.

Bone resorption in remodelling is responsible for remova l of the now superfluous mass of periosteal and endosteal callus. At the same time, Haversian remodelling occurs in the intracortical callus to restore normal compact bone structure.

Haversian remodelling is an ordered process of bone resorption and formation within the cortex, which gives the classical histological appearance of concentric lamellae inadult bone. It is importanttodistinguish this from the primary osteonal bone seen in yo unger animals, which is a feature only of rapid growth and not previous resorpti on. Primary osteons arise w hen a periosteal bone sur-

face expands rapidly in young growing animals. The osteoblasts in periosteum form osteoid matri x, as de-

scribed previously, but in an irregular way so that some areas of the advancing front proceed faster than others. The conseq uence of this is that gaps lined with osteoblasts are left in the new bone surface and these fi ll in concentrically. Primary osteons are therefore characterized by concentric lamellae of bone, which do not interrupt the more linear lamellae that represent the line of the advancing mineralizing front (Figure 4.2). In appeara nce they are not dissimilar from knots in wood.

.. . ....... ... . ..... ........

,- 6 \.







3 2


... - .... - ...



lae of the Haversian system cut through the preex isting lamellae of the bone.

Increased understanding of the control of bone cells and the way that loca l interactions occur has led to some exciting new ideas w ith direct relevance to the

clinician. The idea of using biological materials to enhance fra cture healing or to stimulate filling of defects has progressed beyond bone graftin g, and may explain some of the mechanisms by which that technique can be so effecti ve. Experiments have shown the profound effects of deminera lized bone matrix in stimulating bone fonnation ill vivo (Syftestad et aI., 1984), and this appears to be due to stimulatory effects of some of the extracellular matrix components as well as mitogenic growth factors such as the insulin -like growth factors, transforming growth fac tor B (TGFB) and the bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) which are present in large quantities in bone. Direct application of exogenous TGFB or BMPs have been shown to stimulate profound bone formation in hea ling fractures (Bolander, 1992). The actions of these agents may be related to their roles in development, where limb morphogenesis is linked to BMP ex pression (Jones et al., 1991). Such therapies are not confined to the laboratory. Growth factor-loaded bone cements and bone substitutes are in development for clinical use, and may offer radical advances for treatment of inactive non-unions, where bi ologi-





continue to resorb bone, so that in cross-section a Haversian system, like a primary osteon, contains concentric lamellae. However, the concentric lamel-


Haversian remodelling


Secondary osteon s or Haversian systems are suo

perficially similar to primary osteons, but arise when a group of osteoclasts tunnel into a surface and proceed along the length of the bone (Figure 4.3). At the same time as the tunnelling is proceeding, capi llary growth occurs to maintain supplies to the cells, and to bring in osteoblast precursors. The osteoblasts fill in the tunnel concentrically as the osteoclasts






cal activity has ceased. Finally, it is appropriate to consider mechanical loading as a method of effecti ng fracture healing. Bone cells are rapidly res ponsive to strain in the matrix (Skerry et aI., 1989), and interfragmentary movement has been shown to stimulate more rapid progression of indirect healing than totally rigid fixation (Goodship and Kenwright, 1985). It is of extreme importance to distinguish these micromovement re-

Figll re 4.2: As osteoblasts appose new bone 011 a periosteal sllrface, primary os/eolls result from concentric infilling of spaces left as the developingjront of/ormation advances unevenly. The lamellae between the primary osteons are continuous and are not imerrupted by the osteollS. Numbers show fhe order of deposition of lamellae.

gimes from the gross movements that occur at inadequatel y fixed fracture sites. The latter will not enhance hea ling! The use of controlled micromovement has become accepted to the degree that fixators are now dynamized to allow small movements at the fracture

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Fracture Healing


-A ____ ------ -------- __ _ ------ ~ ------------------------





- S --- - - - - --------- - - ---- -------------------'Cutting co ne' of osteoclasts

Osteoblasts laying down.~::::==-_ _+:-'I:-~ new bone :::

New osteocytes embe dded in

bone matrix

- - - - --.¥::t:(

Surface lining ce lls ------++,i.!.-::::c::~

-':;';~=\=;t:::::'" Classical co ncentric lamellae of Haversian


Figure 4.3: Cel1lrai figure: Haversian or secondary osreolls are the result of tUl1nelling ilUO the bone cortex by a 'cutting cone' composed of osteoclasts. immediately behind the osteoclasts, populatiolls of acti ve osteoblasts lay dOlVll llCIV bone Gnd graduaiLy become less active as Lining cells which cover the swiaee. Some osteoblasts becollle incorporated illra the new bone matrix as osteocytes. (A)-(C) Cross-sections show progressive expansion oflhe resorbing Haversian cGnal as the clltting COile 0/ osteoclasts erode oul a/the plal1e o/the diagram. (D) - (F) Osteoblastsjill in the defect, resulting ill the classical cOllcentric lamellae o/secondarily remodelled Haversian bOl/e. These lamellae interrupt the original lamellae a/the primary bone.

site, in order to stimulate the cells and enhance the healing_Recent research into the earl y consequences of loading on bone cell gene expression has already led to the identification of a number of possible pharmacological targets which could mimic the effects of loading in situa ti ons where the application of

movement is imprac tical. The discovery that bone cells communicate via exCitatory amino ac ids, previ-

ously thought to be involved onl y in intercellular communication w ithin the eNS , is one example of a route by which the healing of fractures might be enhanced (Mason et at., 1997).

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CONCLUSIONS Fracture hea ling is a remarkable process in that it is one of the most successful repair mechanisms in the body. When one considers the immense complex ity of the cel lular interactions thatoccurto restore the continuity offractured bones, it is surprising that so few problems occur. Increased understanding of the fundamenta l physical and biochemical influences on bone is having a considerable im pact on clinical treatments, and will continue to do so. The relative ease of production of recombinant osteotropic biochemicals and the development of novel methods of app lication and delivery mean that fracture treatments are likely to advance beyond recognition in a short time. Since technological advances invariably appear to exceed predictions, the only certainty about the future is that it wi ll be even more exciting than anytiling which is currently perceived to be possible.

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING Aaron JE and Skcrry TM (1994) Intramembranous trabecu lar gcnern~ tion in normal bone. BOlle alld MilleraI25(3), 211. Bolander ME (1992) Regulat ion of frac ture repair by growth factors. Proceedillgs ofthe Societyfor E:cperimelluli Biology and Medicine 200, 165. Currey JD (1984) What should bones be designed to do? Calcified Tissue IllIernalional 36(S I), 7.

Goodship AE and Kenwright J ( 1985) The innuence of induced micromovemelll upon the healing of experimental tibial fractures. JOl/rnal oj BOlle alld Joilll Surgery 678, 650. Horton MA, Taylor ML, Amell TR and Helfrich MH (1991) Arg-G lyAsp (RG D) pcptides and the anti-vitroncctin receptor antibody 23C6 inhibit dentine resorption ,lIId cell spreading by osteoclasts. £rperimellw/ Cell Research 195, 368. Jones eM, Lyons KM and Hogan BLM (199 1) Involvement of bone morphogenetic protein-4 (BMP-4) and Vgr-I in morphogenesis and ncurogcncsis in the mouse. Deve/opmelll Ill, 531. Lewis GP ( 1986) Mediators of IlIjl(//lIl11atioll , Wright, Bristol. Mason DJ , Suva U, Gencver PG et al. (1997) Mechanically regulated expression of a neural glutamate transporter in bone. A role for exci tatory amino acids as osteotropic agents. BOlle 20, 4-9. McGlave P ( 1990) Bone marrow transplants in chronic myelogcnous leukaemia: an overview of determinants of s urvival. Semillars ill HaelllGtology 27, 23-30. Nathan CF and Spom M8 (199 1) Cytoki nes in context. Journal oJCel! Biology 113, 98 1. Rosat i R, Homn GSB, Pinero OJ et al. (1994) Nonnal long bone growt h and dcvelopmen t in type X co llagen-null mice. Namre Genetics 8, 129. Silver lA , Murrills RJ and Etherington DJ (1988) Microclectro

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Imaging of Fracture Healing D. Gary Clayton Jones

INTRODUC TION The monitoring of the heaLing of fractu res is based upon both the clinical progression of the patient and the evaluation of the process by ancillary examination. By

Immediate post-oper ative Tllis study provides the base line for further examination and indicates the quality of the reduction and the position of any implants (Figures 5. 1 and 5.2).

far the most common meth od of examination is radio-

graphy and this is likely to be the situation fo r the foreseeable future in veterinary practice. The initia l diagnosis of fractures and the planning of trea tment methods is generally based on the X-ray examinations and therefore an initial base line of in formation is already available to enable comparison with thesubsequent healing process. Standard views should be made during any subsequent examination, generally using two views at right angles. Occasionall y other views may be indicated to examine a particular feature of the fracture process, e.g. oblique or stressed views. If all ex posure factors are recorded and kept constant along w'ith the other radiograpllic parameters, then useful comparisons may also be made later in tenns of bone density/calcification. When large metallic implants are present then they may obscure the fracture line in one view and this can make for more diffi cult interpretation as only one view may be possible. Similarly, allowances need to be made when radiographs are taken tllrough a cast or splint, particularl y if the cast or splint is only partiall y radiolucent. It must be remembered that radiographic changes of bone will often appear to lag behind changes that may be perceived clinically and that the rate of radiographic change will depend on: Age of the patient Method of repair Type of fracture Associated soft tissue injury.

TIMING OF RADIOGRAPHS Films may usefully be obtained at a number of time periods following a fracture. However, economics or the condition/nature of the patient may preclude some of these examinati ons.

Figllre 5.1: Immediate post-operative films oj a Bernese MOlillfaill Dog's tibia'fracfllre~ ireared Ilsillg lag screws and

a plate alld screws. These films allowed evaluatioll of overall reduction a/the fracture fragmellfs, size of the fracture gaps, effectiveness a/contouring o/Ihe plate wilh re.speCIIO file bone sllr/ace and rhe length al1d position oj the lag screws and the plate screws.

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Figure 5.2:

Immediate postoperative film 0/ illframedullary pinning 0/ a nonullion, s/towing failure a/ the implant 10 engage ill the distal femoral segmellf. The dog had 10 return 10 rhe theatre fo r repositioning of the pin.

may be noted that an apparently healed fracture is less well repaired than expected, indicating that some secondary treatment may be required. At secondary procedures When a fracture has not healed by the fi rst procedure and furth er treatments have to be made, or when fracture repair progresses more slowly than normal, then furth er radiographic examinations may be required, as indicated by the particular features of the indi vidual case.

EXAMINATION OF THE FILM All of the visible structures on the film should be examined systematica ll y to obtain the maximum information. These include:

Ten to 14 days This will be at around the time of suture and soft dressing removal and would be the period when soft tissue changes should be resolving, or commencing if a post-operative infection is establishing. Four to 6 weeks Fracture hea ling is generall y advancing significantly by this time. Where callus is ex pected or required it wi ll normally be adequately calcified at this stage to be readil y visible. There may be little to see sooner than this, especially in adult animals, even when fracture repair is progressing well. Implant failures due to cyclic loading will often be noted at about this time. Towards the end of healing This is the time at which a decision will be made as to whether the animal can be allowed more normal activity and whether implant removal is to be considered. The time taken to reach this point will vary. Prior to implant retdeval It is always better to make a radiographic assessment of healing rather than to rely on an elapsed calendar period to determine implant remova l. This assessment is often complicated by poor visua lization of the fracture because of overlay of the image of a plate. The nature of the region around the fracture is also examined as extensive covering of implants by new bone formation may complicate the retrieval operation. After removal of implants This is the examination that may now allow assessment of the fracture line on all views and sometimes it

Skin Soft tissues - muscle planes, li gaments, tendons, lymph nodes Joints - articular surfaces, joint space, regions of attachment of ligaments and joint capsule Bone - periosteum, cortex, endosteum, medullary cavity and fracture ends Implants - shape and position and the bone/ implant interface. The possible changes that can be seen in bone are quite limited and will involve loss of bone, production of bone or no change in the bone.

Bone loss (resorption or loss of density/fine structure) Loss of bone is generally associated with hypervascularity and may be the result of motion, infection, dystrophy, allergy, metalosis or tumour. At the fracture line a small amount of resorption is probably norma l, even when there is rigid internal fi xation. However, when significant it indicates instability, infection or corrosion (Figures 5.3 and 5.10). At the bone implant junction it usually indicates motion, infection, corrosion or early stress protection (see Figure 5.8) . Beneath the implant it indicates established infection/neoplasia or stress protection. All of the complicating conditions mentioned may ultimately involve the bone substance at some distance from the vicinity of the fracture. Disuse osteoporosis is usually noted distal to the fracture, often involving the smaller bones of the carpus or tarsus (Figures 5.4 and 5.5). Severe progressive resorption of fracture ends is seen in the uncommon atrophic non-union (see Chapter 26).

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Imaging of Fracture Hea ling

Figure 5.3: Mastiff, 18momhs old. (a) Widened osteotomy line, one month after osteotomy afthe ulnar shaft/or treatment of 11llllllited anconeus. The osteotomy is olliy supported by the radial shaft and so there is //lovell/em at the fracture plane. Note the hypertrophic bOlle/ormation alld the irregular periosteal reaction of active irritation callus extending proximally alld distally 011 the ulnar shaft. (b) The same case 3 lIIomhs later lIIith bridging oflhe gap Gnd infilling with woven bOlle, almost complete resolution oflhe periosteal reactioll alld remodelling a/the callus.

Figure 5.5a, b: Yorkshire terrier with a distal hUllleralllollulliol1. Note the loss of density of the humeral condylar fragments as well as the loss of dellsity alld coarse trabecular appearance in the bones of the forearm belol\! the fracture. The opposite leg contrasts the loss of density and bone structure with all identical radiographic exposure.

Bone production At the fracture line, bone production may indicate primary union if the gap is filled evenly and at right angles to the fracture line. Gap healing is seen when the bone is formed parallel to the fracture line. When bone fonn s parallel to the fracture gap but fa ils to bridge the gap, this may progress so as to seal the medullary cavity and indicates there is motion in the fracture gap and a non-union is developing. At the bone/implant junction, motion may result in formation of a sclerotic line ata slight distance from the surface ofthe implant. Althe junction of the end of the implant and the bone a small mound of bone can be formed because of the sudden difference in rigidity between the bone/implant montage and the bone alone (stress riser). At the periosteum level, bone production is either periostitis or the natural healing response at a fracture, termed periosteal callus. New bone may form below the periosteum or above the surface.

Figure 5.4: Immediate post-operative film of long-standing /lOIl-Ullioll of metatarsal fractures treated with illlrQmedullary pinning. The ends a/the bones a/digit III (the ullsupported digit) show a long-standing resorption of the fracture ends bur no evidence of allY callus formation, in spite of previous external support trearll/em.


Periostitis (irritation callus) (Figure 5.3) develops as the result of infection or instability, or following trauma due to surgery. It tends to be more obviolls in younger patients, in which it may be difficult to avoid entirely. It is rapid in development and has an irregular, poorly defined surface. The density and the fine structure are

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also irregular. It may be very large in hypertrophic non-unions. Periosteal reacti on is

problems, so that the requirement of radiography is not just to monitor the state of union but to try to assist in

also seen in pathological fractures associated with neoplasia as well as being a reaction to the neoplastic process itself. Bridging callus is the combination of periosteal

determining whether or not any further intervention is

reaction, endosteal reacti on and ca llus induced

within the fracture gap. It bridges the fracture ends and is noted most frequently in cases treated by unstable methods such as external coaptation using casts and spUnts. It is a less irregular

reaction than periostitis. Once the gap has been bridged and the fracture is stable, the surface of the reaction becomes smooth and the density and fine structure are more even.

Involu crum is a specifi c type of periosteal callus that endeavours to surround the dead bone of sequestra. Endosteal callus is formed in similar circ*mstances to periosteal reactions but at a slower rate.

required from the surgeon. The age of the patient will have considerable effect on the rate of normal union: fractures injuvenile animals may heal to radiographic union within as little as 3 weeks, whereas they may take two or three times as long in an old animal. The ability of bone to develop a profuse periosteal callus is frequently noted in juvenile patients but the development of a similar callus in an older animal would signify some major problem. When internal fi xation has been performed the ' quality' of the operation will have a direct bearing on the repair. The manner of soft tissue and bone handling will affect periosteal reaction, interference with blood supply may significantly delay healing and the method of repair will determine the type of healing process to be expected.

Healing of bone under stable conditions This type of healing is noted in bone fragm ents that are in contact and usually supported by a plate and/or

No change in bone Apparentl y inert bone is noted occasionally during fracture repair, and repeated radiographs over a period of weeks or months will usually show that there is in fact some very gradual change taking place (Figure

5.4). For bony change to occur there must be a viable blood suppl y or nearby cellular activity. Thus inert bone indicates loss of blood suppl y or absence of cellular activity in the neighbourhood. Avascular fragments or bone ends will remain apparentl y inert until revascularization occurs.

Biologically inactive non-unions are occasionally noted that show inactivity that is marked by the absence of callus fo rmation at the bone ends or of any change in cortical density or finestructure (see Chapter 26). Bone ends of a fracture supported by a large plate or pin may also be inert if no load bearing is passed through the bone substance (stress protection). Sequestra are by definiti on dead bone fragments separated from a blood supply, usually in association with infection. Initi ally they are not always separated physically from the original bone. They remain as radiodense fragments (often appearing more dense than surrounding inflamed bone that loses density because of hypervasc ularity) and they only gradually become devoured by phagocytic activity (see Figure 5.10). They then become ragged in outline and have a moth-eaten appearan ce.

screw fixation so that there is no movement of the

fracture ends in relation to one another - so-called rigid internal fixation. This type of repair is often promoted by compression of the fracture fragments and is sometimes calledprimoryordirectunion. Theonly requirement is for there to be good vascularity of the fragments. In the laboratory under experimental conditions this type of repair can be demonstrated reasonably easily. In practice it is rare that true accurate apposition of the fracture ends is achieved perfectly by the surgeon; by the time surgery is performed the fracture fragments will almost always be deformed by splintering, rubbing or the initiating trauma itself, so that there is almost always a combination of gap healing and contact healing along various parts of the fracture line. Immediately post-operatively, fine lines or small pockets of air from the surgical procedure can be seen in the soft tissues. These often tend to follow the tissue planes and they should disappear within one or two days. Soft tissue swelling is variable: in cases where there was pre-operati ve oedema there will usually be a significant reduction in soft tissue swelling within a week as circulation is re-established. The initial fine lines of the fracture gap and ends remain relatively unchanged for I to 2 weeks and may even appear clearer after this time. This is the result of loss of blood supply from the fracture Line back to the nearest intact Haversian/Volkmann system, so the bon e remains inert until revasc ulariza tion. Once

RADIOGRAPHIC APPEARANCE OF HEALING FRACTURES It is difficult to provide hard and fast rules as to when a fracture is hea ling normally. The healingofa fracture may occur and be successful in spite of therapy or

revascularization has developed, there is a progressive remodelling of the fracture ends by regrowth ofHa versian systems by invasion of new osteones. As remodelling is a combination of osteoclastic and osteoblastic acti vity there may be removal of some bony cortex close to the fracture ends so that there may be a

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Imaging of Fracture Hea ling

transient apparent slight widening of the fracture ga p. The gap becomes more hazy due to new bone production so that by 8 to 12 weeks the fracture lines are filled. Remodelling of the repaired cortex res ults in virtual absence of the fracture lines after a few months (Figure 5.6).


may be noted within a few weeks of the fracture repair. This may be as early as 3 to 4 weeks in younger patients. This is the result of vascular changes in the cortex beneath the plate and also a possible stress protection effect. The vasc ular changes can be minimi zed by the use of low contact dynamic compression (LCDC) plates, but the cost of such implants and the apparent unimportance of such changes clinically means that they are rarely used. A small mo und of periosteal bone, forming next to the ends of th e plate, is noted

after a few weeks because of the stress change occurring in the bone at this level. This can be observed to

consist of an elevated margin all around the plate when it is removed. However, the new bone on th e lateral s ides ofthe plate is difficult to display radiogra phicall y. The cortex beneath this periostea l reacti on may a lso become slightly sclerosed (Figure 5.7). Figure 5.6: Fracture of the femoral IIeek ill all adult Weimaraller treated by a lag screw and allfi-fotatiollal wires via trochanteric osteoromy repaired with pins and tellsioll·

balld wire. (a) Immediate posl-operarivejilm showing fhe fracture lille with clearly defined margills. (b) After 6 weeks thefraclIl re line is still evident bllt is 110W hazy, with less lVell

defined margins, and no callus is seell. (e) Fijreelllllonths later tfle whole regioll is repaired, with well orgallized bOlly bridging {mel /10 excess callus, indicating that the repair was stable durillg the healing period. Clinically the dog made good lise a/the limb at all times.

Fracture callus is said not to develop in fractures successfull y managed by this method. In practice tllis is largely true, altho ugh a small periosteal callus is sometimes seen. This may be more a reflection of the development of periosteal reaction seconda ry to the inevitable handling necessary for fracture reduction and the separation of periosteum from the cortex in the region of the fracture by the original trauma, rather than a requirement on the part of the body for a periostea l bridge to be created. Thus onl y minimal amounts of periosteal new bone should be expected and excessive amounts should be eva luated as indicating some form of fracture complication . Some callus new bone will be produced in those parts of the fracture line where there is a need for gap healing. This initially has an amorphous dense appearance; it fills the gap, and may even be seen to project a little way into the medullary region as endosteal new bone until it remodels to develop a more conventional cortical pattern in later months. If a gap is present in the cortex opposite the plate then a small bridging callus will often be seen here which develops following micro-movement in this region. When greater than 1 mm, gaps may become fill ed by fibrous tissue or cartilage rather than bone and remain radiographically apparent until they finally fill with bone. When a plate has been used for the fracture repair there will be some localized change beneath and near the ends of the plate. Some reduction of bone dens ity


Figure 5.7: DC plate repair of a radius alld uilla !raclIlre ill a Poodle. (a) Immediate post·operativefiJm shows a good reduction of the radius a lld slight displacemelll a/the uilio. A small corrica/fragment is visible between rlie radius alld uillo. (b) Al 4 l1lomhs the/ractllres are healed: the corric'"es of the radius are cominuous, with re-establishment of a 1I0rmal medullary cavity. No callus/armed ill this bOlle but callus formation has llnited the ulna, which needs relllodel1ing. The corticaL/ragment has been resorbed. Smail mOllnds 0/ periosteal bOl1e are presem at the ellds oJtfl e plate alld the cortex beneath the plate proximalfy appears slightly sclerotic because 0/ the bone /ormatioll alol/g flie sides oj the plate. DistaLLy ajine lucent line is seell between the plate alld (he bone, indicating millor cortical resorption/rom mild stress protection or vascular inhibitioll. The trabeculae ill file medullary cavity are more dellse alld hazy af the levels oJlhe proximal and distal screws because a/the extra stress being trallsmitledjrom plate and screws to unsupported bOlle.

Healing after partial reduction with minor instability This type of healing is to be ex pected with repairs using intramedullary (IM) pins and wi res and the external fixator. In these circ*mstances there is little or no dynamic or static compression at the fracture surface and some minor movem ents of the fracture fragments

may be expected. Reduction is often less well achieved than when compression plates and screws are used. The radiographic changes wi ll then depend on the

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degree of stability of the fracture site and the size of any gaps or defects. Callus form ation is therefore to be expected, and both periosteal and endosteal callus will be noted. 1M pin placement may damage the endosteal blood supply so a preponderance of periostea l callus is more like ly, especially in those animals where a large diameter pin which almost fill s the cavity has been used. The amount of callus depends on the amount of fragm ent movement and the age of the animal. As IM pins are often used by inexperienced surgeons, the amount of iatrogenic periosteal trauma may al so be

quite large and tlus can contribute to the periosteal reaction that is seen. Sinli larly the placement of cerclage wires often results in circumferential stripping of

Extemal fi xators are often used for extensively comminuted or open fractures. In these cases soft tissue trauma may be extreme; reduction may be in-

complete or im possible and this will influence the hea ling noted. Callus formation is usually essential for the repair of such fractures and will be a combination of periosteal , endosteal and induced call us. The callus is often irregular as infection comes under control and

because of defects and periostea l damage. Where fragments are displaced from the fracture bed or are separated from their attachments, little change may be noted until the fragm ents are eitl,er revasculari zed or incorporated into a callus process. Fragments at a

soft tissue attachments w ith a resultant reaction.

When healing is progressing norma ll y the callus production wi ll be noted to be fairl y limited to the fracture region, to bridge the gap and to ha ve a smooth

remodelling outline withi n a few weeks. A profuse callus, with extension some distance above and below the fracture level, that fails to bridge the fracture gap and has a rough exterior surface suggests an irritation

call us secondary to infection or movement. Infection tends to cause a more widespread reactive appearan ce

than movement, which is limited to the ends of the bone near the fracture gap. However, infection and movement are often present simultaneously in the

same fra cture so that the distinction may be blurred both radiographically and clinically (Figure 5.8).

Figure 5.8: Femoralfracture ill adulT Boxer Dog treated by intramedullary pill alld cerclage wires 8 weeks previously. (a) There is a delayed Illlion, wiTh the /racture gap stili evident lind mineralized callus/ormation that has flOt bridged 'he gap. The callus is large on the caudal cortex and /lIrther mineralization is presellf ill tile soft tisslles. The wires lie i/1 a lucent region, possibly indicatillg a low-grade ill/ection. Periosteal reactioll is evident along the shaft of the bOlle, almost reachillg the metaphysis proximally alld distaJly. (b) Six weeks later thefraclure has progressed to IInioll, with healillg by caliusformation. Milch o/the periosteal reaction is 1I0W smooth alld wellmineraiized alld will gradua"y resorb.

The callus wi ll rapidly remodel once bridging has been achieved, leavingjust a small bulge in the outline of the bone and a more dense sclerotic scar that can persist for months or years (Figure 5.8).

Figure 5.9: Commillllfed grade 2 open fracture of mid-shaft tibia ill Dobermallfl treated with type 2 eXlemaljixator. (a) Immediate post-reducliolljilm shows soft tisslle swellillg alld gas shadows close to the fracture. Smail, separated, dellse fragmems are visible caudally, {evelwith the distal fracture line. (b) Six weeks later there is extensive periosteal, endosteal and medullary callus engulfing alld almost obscuring the comminutedjragmellfs. The smail dense fragments are 110 W illcorporated infhe callus alld some have been resorbed. Bridging o/the fracture is almost complete. The circ*mscribed naTUre of the ca llus suggests that little 1II0tioll is presel1l in the /racture region. (Delise Linear streaks parallel to the connecting bars are layers of dressing covering the clamps.)

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Imaging of Fracture Healing

significant distance from the fracture bed may not become incorporated into the healing process but may actually graduall y become resorbed. This is a sterile process which is normal if the fragment is no longer req uired for weight bearing, and does not signify an infection (Figure 5.9). At the implant/bone junction there is normally a small amount of peri osteal and endosteal bone production around the pins, especially at the cortex closest to the connecting bar. A small halo of lysis is often noted next to the pin but this wi ll us ually extend to the full thickness of the cortex on ly if the pins are loosening due to movement. Ring sequestra are rarely noted at the implants but, if present, may also indicate loosening of the implants. There is usually some soft tissue swelling around the pin tracks which persists while the implants are in place. In cases treated by external fixator, soft tissue swelling of the limb is often extensive at the time of original surgery ; a general reduction

in the overall soft tissue swelling around the limb is a feature of successful repair and may be noted with in two weeks of surgery.

Healing by spontaneous repair with moderate instability Cases treated by conservative methods or by use of coaptation with splints or casts may be considered to be of this type. These will usually be closed fractures and are often on ly partially reduced. Healing is thus entirely as the result of callus formation without the presence of implants. In these cases there is a gradual formation of periosteal and endosteal callus and it is to be expected that the amount of callus wi ll be greatest in these cases. The callus may often appear to obstruct the medullary canal partially orcompletely. Theamount of callus depends on the amount of fracture movement and the effecti veness of the reduction. The callus is often radiographically visible by 1 to 2 weeks after reduction and bridging is usuall y complete by 2 to 4 weeks. Soft tissue swelling ma y be slower to reduce than may be noted in a fracture treated by open reduction, as movement offracture ends (even within a cast) will continue to induce soft tissue inflammation. The large bridging callus often has a smooth outline and may be seen to be remodelling and reducing in volume at its limits while continuing to enlarge in the region of the fracture gap. Remodelling of the callus is relatively rapid once union has occurred but some change in bone outline may persist for the rest ofthe life of the animal, though re-establishment of the medullary cavity will often occur. Synostosis of paired bones (e.g. radius and ulna) is common with th is method of repair and medullary canal re-establishment may not occur in these cases. This may be of no clinical significance.

Healing of bone graft Cancellous bOlle graft is the type of graft most commonly employed in clinical practice, to stimulate heal-



ing in a delayed union or non-union or to replace a

comminuted segment of bone. In either circ*mstance it is intended to promote callus. Initiall y it is relatively radiolucent and may be almost invisible or appear as poorly defined radio-dense fragments at the fracture site on the post-operative film. This may reduce in density over the first 2 weeks but then be replaced by a more widespread amorphous shadow within and aro und the defect which increases in density and size so as to become a bridging callus. This will consist of a combination of periosteal callus as well as new bone induced within the graft itself. Co rlicalgrafts are less commonly used and consist of fragments of cortical bone usuall y separated from their blood suppl y. In general they are radiographicall y inert for long periods oftime, provided that they are not infected. Callus formation is usually seen at the bone ends of the host bone as they become incorporated. It has been shown that cortical grafts may not develop vascularity fo r a number of years so they function as a physical strut rather than being truly incorporated. Cancellous bone is often placed around the ends and it is probably this that largely contributes to any radiographic change.

DISTURBANCES OF UNION These may be the result of delayed union ar non-union, infection or implant failure . The radiographic identification of impending problems is important in fracture management and will often be pre-empted by clinical signs. Interpretation is often made because of a departure from what would be expected to be the normal process, which is determined by the mode oftreatment that was originally selected (see Chapters 25 and 26).

Acute infection Acute infection is very important but has few obvious rad iographic signs. Soft tissue swelling and possible gas shadows in the soft tissues may be the only earl y signs during the first few days. This will usually become associated with a faint palisade periosteal reaction which may be quite extensive along the shaft of the bone within 2 to 3 weeks. In a young animal infection can track between the periosteum and the cortex so that the cortex remains smooth, with a lucent line between it and the periosteal shadow. Extension of the periosteal reaction, continuing soft tissue swelling and the development of sequestra are the sequelae as the infection becomes fully established.

Chronic infection The changes described for acute infection become established and more radiographically apparent and either continue with an extendi ng bony destruction and periosteal reaction or develop to a condition which no longer progresses but remains established with

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draining tracks, sequestra and involucra I new bone around the frag ments and dra in ing tracks. There is usually a halo of lysis around any im plants which become progressively loose and have a gradually diminishing function. An im plant in effect becomes a metall ic sequestrum (Figure 5. 10).

animal is presented normal progress for a mature patient becomes diagnosed as delayed union. In a true delayed union the fracture will go on and repair without alteration of the treatment method.

Non-union Non-union is a pathological process which requires treatment. The diagnostic features radiographically are that bridging of the fracture does not occur and the fragments remain separate. Various types of nonunion occur with atrophy of the bone ends, minimal callus, or hypen rophic callus, as well as signs of infection in some cases. The medullary cavities become closed by new bone and develop well-defined sclerotic ends. In long-standing cases a pseudanhrosis develops, in which the ends of the bone remodel until they form a crude bal1-and-socket type joint. In the distal limb the socket is distal and the bal1 is proximal. These features may be reversed in the upper limb.

Stress protection

Figure 5.10: Mature Greyhound pet witll ill/eeted /lOIl-lillion of tibia previollsly treated by all extemaljixaror. (a,b) The jraclltre region is surrounded by soft fisSile swelling which contains hazy milleralization of ecropic bOlle/armario1/. The fracture line is poorly marginated, irregular alld widened wirh woolly periosteal reaction. Sequestra are seen ill the fracture gap with a brokelljragmenr of cerclage wire. Some resorption a/the cortices is evidel11 ill {he region a/the jracrure alld /licem tracks/rom previolls extemaljixator pillS are visible ill the distal segmellf. (e) Six weeks later the jixator has beel! removed, leaving large lucent tracks. The original pillt racks have healed. Callus is /lOW partially bridging the/racture caudally, and the bone ends alld margins are more clearly defined. The sequestra have been removed. Soft tissue sweliing is flOW IIl11ch less evident. FlI rtherextemalsllfJport was provided and the fracture went all to heal.

Tins process is not wel1 defined and is not often noted in small animals. It occurs when the implants are strong enough to unload the underlying bone so that most or al1 of the weight bearing is through the implant (usual1y a plate) and not through the bone. This results in atrophy of the unloaded pan of the bone. It is sometimes noted in radius and ulna fractures after synostosis has occurred between the proximal fragments and the distal radial fragment, but in Wllich the dista l fragment of the ulna is not united and gradual1y resorbs. Fractures have general1y united but the cortices beneath the plate undergo a progressive reduction in density as wel1 as a reduction in thickness. A gap may develop beneath the implant and the bone. Careful removal of implants with temporary protection of the weakened bone until it regains its strength is indicated.

FURTHER READING Delayed union A delayed union is one in which the anticipated changes of repair are not as rapid as expected and it has no specific radiographic signs. As most fractures occur in young immature animals there is a general expectation that all fractures heal rapidl y, so that when an older

Brinker wo, Holm R8 and Prieur WD (1984) Mallllal of Imernal Fixation III Smal/ Animals. Springer Verlag, Berlinl Heidelberg! New York. Morgan lP and Leighton RL ( 1995) Rndiology ofSmal/ Allimal Fractllre Managemem. WB Saunders, Philadelphia. Ri ttmann WWand Perrcn SM ( 1974) Cortical BOlle Healing after Internal Fixatioll alld Injectiol/. Biomechanicsalld Biology. Springer Verlag, Berlin.

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Principles of Fracture Management

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CHAPTER SIX - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Evaluating the Fracture Patient Ralph H. Abercromby

INTRODUCTION To the biased observer, fracture management is one of the most exciting and rewarding disciplines of veterinary surgery. However, care must be taken not to become preoccupied with the obvious fracture, thereby neglecting the remainder of the patient. Frequently tissues other than bone, and often unrelated to the musculoskeletal system, are injured. The entire patient must therefore be examined and assessed, and in vestigations and treatments prioritized.

Definitive fracture management may have to be delayed should it prove of less critical concern. Assessment ofthe patient is made in several phases: Telephone advice Initial examination of the patient Detailed examination of body systems.

Telephone advice Fracture evaluation and management may begin at the time of the initial phone call from a distressed owner. First aid advice, such as clearing airways, stenuning haemorrhage or temporary splinting, can be given by phone and may be life saving or may limit further damage to osseous or soft tissues. It must be judged whether it is in the interests of the patient for a veterinary surgeon to attend althe site of injury, with limited facilities, or whether the patient should be transferred urgently to a well equipped, prepared clinic having previously advised the owner with regard to covering open wounds, control of haemorrhage and temporary stabilization of lower limb fractures. Conclusions will have to be drawn from information provided by untrained and perhaps distressed personnel as to the presence oflife-threatening injuries or whether irreparabledamage may occur to vital structures if the patient is moved by such persons.

Initial examination ofthe patient A rapid but careful initial assessment of the patient is made and a thorough history taken when the patient is first encountered. Priority is given to life-threatening injuries. An accurate patient assessment completed in the first few minutes after arrival is often pivotal to


patient survival. Only once the ABC (airway, breathing, circulation) of emergency medicine has been dealt with can a full examination be performed. A patent airway must be confirmed or established (suction or an emergency tracheotomy may be required), haemostasis must be established (using either pressure or Iigationj stapling) and the circulation may require support. Fluid therapy at this stage is usually given to reverse hypovolaemic shock, perhaps caused by obvious haemorrhage or less apparent loss of circulating blood volume into a potentially massive fracture haematoma. Fluid therapy is indicated in the shocked patient. Blood volume expansion will increase cardiac output, systemic blood pressure and tissue perfusion. Isotonic crystalloid solutions such as 0.9% saline or Ringers are useful but high volumes are required to maintain circulating blood volume (CBV) because of fluid redistribution. Alternatives include hypertonic saline, which has a profound effect on CBV for a relatively small amount ofi.v. fluid, orthe use of colloid solutions, either plasma or synthetic plasma expanders. Whole blood should be administered when blood loss is great. Cranial trauma or shock must be considered if the patient is unconsciolls.

Detailed examination of body systems Once obvious life-threatening conditions have been dealt with, a more thorough examination must be given . Analgesics may be required on humane grounds and the calming effect of reduction of pain may facilitate a more efficient further examination. A protocol should be established which is memorable and comprehensive, ensuring that all body systems are examined and assessed. This may be a systemj organ-based examination (heart, lungs, intestines, eyes) or a regional one beginning, say, cranially and extending caudally and distally. The author considers a system-based examination less likely to result in omissions. For example, when examining the neurological system, the effects and responses of the brain, spinal cord and nerves are considered, which includes assessment of structures such as the eyes and muscles which, in turn, demand their own examination - so ensuring that tissues are assessed from at least one perspective, and probably two or more.

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A full examination requires a variety of ski lls and equi pment. Experience and well trained senses can be

Although the major tra uma may be apparently unconnected with the thora x, the pati ent should re-

ceive careful thoracic auscultation and radiography, ECG examination and perhaps ultrasonography. Needle thoracocentesis, in addition to being easily performed, can provide rapid confirmation of clinical suspicions of pneumo/haemothorax and allow earl y (perhaps life-saving) management before results of more invol ved tests are available.

more va luable than expensive monitoring or diagnos-

tic equi pment. Observation and regular reassessments are paramount. Essential equipment includes stethoscope, torch, perclission hamm eror simiiar, and steri le

needles/catheters and syringes (for detection of free fl uid or air within the thorax or abdomen). Trul y life-sav ing findin gs and decisions are likely to be made within the consulting room. Subsequent to

Cond itions o f concern include pne umothora x, pneum omedi astinum , haemothorax , pu lmonary

stabili zatio n and thorough cl inical examinati on, fur-

pa re nc hy ma l hae mo rrh age, frac ture d ribs, diaphragmatic rupture, haemopericardiulTI, traumatic myocarditis and neurogenic pulmonary oedema. Surgeons are sufficiently aware of the majority of the above to estab lish their presence or absence. The possibi lity of traumatic myocarditis is, however, quite often overlooked and may explain otherwise unexpected sudden anaesthetic or post-surgical deaths. Blunt

ther investigations may req uire tec hniques such as radiography, ultrasonography, endoscopy, electrocardiography and laboratory facilities.

THORACIC EXAMINATION The respiratory and cardiovascular systems should be assessed in their entirety, not just those parts contained within the limits of the thorax (Figure 6.1).

trauma to the heart results in areas of cardiac contusion

+/- myocardia l infarction which are conducive to the Tr.I1II11 01

Assess pu lse and mucous membra nes



I Assess rcspi r.ltion-l .---' '----0


j Circulation abnonnal

ICirculm ion nonnall

Respiration nonnal

Resoiration abnonnal l


begin i/v nilid therapy

IObvious site of haemorrhage I

· ECG · +1- thoracocentesis j



,0 It Perfonn ; thoracocentesis








I TIlOracic / radiography




~ I

Examinesource for : al!emative of haemorrhage i



I Rib fracture or nail chest? I r





1Place affected I







Auscul!atc/pcrcuss ThoracocenlesisjradiograDhv I

Identify source Arrest haemorrhage Provide blood replacemem

j Air or blood pTCSCnt?





IImanagement Empirical supportivc( I for shock


Yi IClear/intubate/ I tracheostomy

Source found?




Uself-limiting? ~ Bleeding? I



IOral/pharyngeal/airway I

I Assess cause I


Y;".I 0



Chcst drain

Seal and treat


I No and treat

I No

I Yo; I


.' Yj

~o I

I TIlOr,lcic wound? I

Perform · full clinical examilllition · thordcic radiognlphy


Self limitin/.:?


Manage thoracic problems ~ Investigate/manage other body systems




IImanage Identi fy and ; I source ? Diaphragmatic rup1Ure ? Luns! contusion

Figure 6.1: Algorithmfor initiaL management oftllOracic trauma .

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Evaluating the Fracture Patient

development of cardiac arrhythmias. Most are evident within the first 48 hours but may not be apparent at the time of presentation or for some time thereafter. A wide variety of arrhytlunias may present but the most common ones are relatively non-specific ST segment and Twave changes. The majority of patients will be clinically unaffected but some may progress to conditions slIch as ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation, and death, if appropriate management is not instigated. For this reason it is probably advisable to arrange for a lead 2 ECG to be performed several times on the day of admission and occasionally thereafter and to delay surgery until theECG reading is normal, unless there are very good reasons to do otherwise.

ABDOMINAL EXAMINATION The organs or muscles of the abdomen are not uncommonly damaged in conjunction with musculoskeletal injuries. Plain radiography (indicated in virtnally all cases oftraumatic injury), ultrasonography and peritoneal lavage may be useful in identifying abdominal haemorrhage or rupture of viscera. More extensive investigations of organ integrity or function may require contrast studies. The ability of an animal to pass urine or faeces does not eliminate the possibility of injuries to the relevant system. Animals with ruptured bladders, ureters or urethra will regularly pass relatively normal urine in an acceptable fashion. With the exception of urinary obstruction, ruptures of the gastrointestinal tract tend to be of more pressing importance than are injuries to the lower urinary tract. As far as is practicable an animal's ability to pass urine or faeces under control should be assessed. The cause and implications of any problem must be considered. Extensive abdominal or retroperitoneal haemorrhage may prove rapidly fatal. When treatment can be given, the patient may benefit more from supportive care and abdominal compression to limit further bleeding than from immediate and heroic surgical intervention . The latter may merely facilitate iatrogenic exsanguination of the patient unless large amounts of replacement blood are immediately available. The integrity ofthe diaphragm must be established, especially if anaesthesia is being considered.

nation are unlikely to identify a specific lesion: they are more likely to localize and grade the severity of any problem. Assessment of gait, mental status, posture, cranial nerve reflexes, proprioception and local spinal reflexes enables identification of the presence or absence of a neurological problem and typing of it as upper or lower motor neuron. The area affected may be localized to a general region, e.g. to the head or spine between T3 and L3, or to a more specific site, e.g. a fibular nerve injury. Some injuries, such as those causing increased intracranial pressure, may require inunediate investigation and management, whilst others may significantly affect the prognosis for a return to acceptable posttreatment quality of life. Injuries to the neurological system may present with signs suggestive of musculoskeletal injury, and vice versa. Careful assessment is required to prevent treatment of the wrong body system. A critical neurological examination can be difficult to perform in the severely traumatized patient. Abnormal signs noted may be transient, reflecting swelling or contusion rather than anatomical disruption, or may be static or progressive. Repeat examinations at regular intervals are therefore essential. Ophthalmic examination is likely to be performed in conjunction with the neural system. Clinical findings may suggest that more extensive examination is required, e.g. myelography or MRl scan. Electrodiagnostics such as electromyography can be useful but valid conclusions may require a delay of 3-7 days.

ORTHOPAEDIC EXAMINATION Examination and management of the fracture site, with the exception of early management of haemorrhage and covering open wounds, is likely to be of lower priority than that of most other systems. To limit further skeletal or associated soft tissue injury, however, examination of these should not be allowed to cause unnecessary movement of the patient.

Temporary support (e.g. splints such as rolled-up newspapers, gutter splints or binding to the contralateral limb) may be applied to damaged areas (Figure 6.2). Early appl ication of splints and support bandages, both before and after critical limb examination, has the following advantages:

NEUROLOGICAL EXAMINATION Critical assessment of the neurological system is vital and the reader should consult standard texts for details on examining this system. (The BSA VA Manual of Small Animal Neurology gives an excellent description of the requirements and the interpretation of a neurological examination.) The results of the exami-



Fracture stabilization Reduces pain Reduces further soft tissue damage Prevents or reduces oedema

Reduces periosteal strip Reduces self-inflicted trauma Helps to reduce overriding.

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Fracture type C losed


Assess neurological/vascular

Cover with sterile dressing

status of limb Assess neurological/vascular status of limb abnormal



nonnal/ llcceptable




Y es




Apply spHnt or support


or spica splint






j IIAPPly suppon


I Patient's condition stable? ,,+ .! Y

I Perfonn definitive radiography

and fracture repair/management




j Cage

confinement! spica splint



IPatient stable for anaesthesia?

Continue supponive


care and investigations +/- sub optimum radiography


Sedate/loeul anaes!hetic

Local w ound managemen! +/- sub aplinmm radiog raphs


~o I

Continue supportive care and

investigation Consider initial wound management under sedation + analgesia

or local anaesthesia

General anaesthesia Wound and fracture management

Figure 6.2: Algorithm for fracture management foLlowing stabilization of life-threatening injuries.

Care must be taken to prevent further soft tissue injury and compromise of blood supply. Regular re-examinations are essential to ensure that such complications, or the conversion of a closed fracture into an open one, have not occurred. Splints are usually only applied to fractures distal to the stifle or elbow, to the spine, or to the mandible. Humeral or femoral fractures are usually best left unsplinted, relying instead on restriction of movement of the animal and inherent muscle support to protect the damaged tissues. Splinting of such fractures often results merely in support of the lower limb and immobilization of joints distal to the fracture and places a fulcrum with increased motion at the fracture site, the very area at which one wishes to limit movement. Effective splinting of such fractures requires a spica splint or a correctly applied Thomas extension splint The presence of a fracture may not be in dispute, only the extent and type. Proper assessment and classification generally requires radiography but timing varies (see below) . The area should be protected until radiography is deemed advisable or appropriate. Fractures are not always evident, though resu lts of a careful

clinical examination may increase the index of suspicion. This is especially so with undisplaced fractures or where only one of a pair or group of bones is injured (e.g. radius/ulna or tarsal bones) and adjacent structures give reasonable support. In such cases it is likely that subtle signs such as localized swelling or bruising or exquisite pain on examination/palpation wi ll have to be relied on. On identification or exclusion of grossly unstable fractures the remainder of the musculoskeletal system (as far as is practical) should be examined. Range of movement and stability of all joints, deep palpation of bones and soft tissues and assessment of the integrity of all structures - not just bone - should be performed. Where concurrent injuries allow, the patient should be examined at rest, on rising and at various forms of exercise. Multiple long bone fractures are likely to preclude such an examination but an undisplaced fracture may only become evident on a more critica l evaluation following observation of a relatively mild lameness at exercise. The presence of such fractures in the presence of more severe injuries will always be a

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Eva luating the Fracture Patient

test of clinical ability but emphasizes the importance of a thorough eva luation of the entire patient. The integrity of both neural (see above) and vasc ular structures require to be confirmed. Excellent fracturerepair is oflittle value if the distal limb is avascular or acceptable limb function is not possible because of spinal or peripheral nerve injury. Uncertainties of tissue viability or future function may be extremely important factors in the owner's decision whether to

graphs of lower quality (perhaps with regard to positioning and number of projections) taken of the conscious or lightly sedated animal may suffice, but unnecessary patient pain or discomfort should be avoided. Such radiographs are of use in confirming the presence but not necessarily the absence of fractures. They should not be relied upon for formulation of the

pursue trea tm ent.

fine cortical fi ssures or alterations in bone quality may be overlooked or may not be apparent, resulting in

Should the distal limb be warm and soft tissues bleed when pricked with a needle, the blood supply to the limb is generally assumed to be adequate. Shock and peripheral vasoconstriction, however, reduce the value of such tests. Correction of circulating blood volume and treatment of shock may make assessment easier but uncertainty as to tissue/limb viability may persist. Further in vestigation with arterial contrast

studies, Doppler ultrasound or injection of intravascular fluoroscein dyes may assist detection of blood supply to a specific part of a limb. It would appear that even these tests have limitations and that the use of scintigraphy, where available, is a more reliable assessor of vascular integrity. An increase in interna l pressure within anatomi-

cally restricted regions (compartment syndrome) may require fasciotomy to prevent permanent vascular or

neural damage.

RADIOGRAPHY OF THE FRACTURE REGION High quality radiographs in at least two planes are required to confinn and further evaluate the extent of fractures. They provide information that is vital in producing definitive diagnosis and primary and secondary treatment plans. They therefore assist in fo rmulating a prognosis as to expected return to function and

estimating possible costs of therapy. Heavy sedation or, more conunon ly, genera l an -

aesthesia is usually necessary to produce the quality of radiograph required for treatment planning. This is of little consequence when the intention is to proceed with definitive treatment under the same anaesthetic but often carmot be justified, on medical grounds, merely to confirm a provisional diagnosis knowing that surgery will be delayed, that further radiographs will be required and that information gleaned from interim radiographs is unlikely to alter the temporal management of the situation. In such cases radio-



final pre-operative treatment plan as features such as

catastrophic fracture fragmentati on at the time of

surgery or inappropriate treatment of pathological fra ctures.

Delay in perfonning any fracture radiography until immediately prior to treatment may be justified in some instances on clinical, humane, ioni zin g rad iation

protection or fmancial grounds. If delay is to be of more than a day or so from the time of admission, good client communication and rapport are essential.

FRACTURE PLANNING A treatment plan fo llows full clinical examination and fracture diagnosis. Repair technique decisions should not be delayed until fragments are exposed at surgery; neither should surgery be commenced with only one planned procedure. Complications may be encountered that will require modification of plan A or indeed change to plan B, C, or D, etc. Depending on the complexity of the fracture and the methods of repair considered, the level of planning may vary. The AO/ASIF courses teach the value of tracing all fragments from both orthogonal views on separate sheets of clear acetate to allow reconstruction of the bone. By so doing it is possible to ascertain the size and number of implants required and how they relate to one another. This technique may seem rather laborious and time consuming but it is an excellent exercise in planning and often allows identification of potential problems, such as the proposed site of a plate screw coinciding with fracture lines. Proper planning reduces both decision time and iatrogenic soft tissue injury at surgery. Surgical/anaesthetic times should be reduced and clinical results improved. It must be possible to alter teclmique according to circ*mstances (equipment and information must be available) but the better the pre-surgical assessment and planning, the less likely it is that unex pected surprises will be encountered at surgery.

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CHAPTER SEVEN-------------------------------------

N on-surgical Management of Fractures Jonathan Dyce

INTRODUCTION Historically, the management of long bone fractures using casts and splints pre-dates oth er means of repair. With appropriate case selecti on th e results achieved by such ri gid bandaging, oth erwise known as external coaptation, could be very good. However, it should be appreciated that, with the advent of more sophisti cated fixation techniques, optimal fracture management is now unlike ly to in vo lve primary coaptation. The aim of this chapter is to rev iew th e principles of nons urgical fracture management, with particular emphas is on castin g. It does not give a comprehens ive list of fractures suitable for non-surgical management, and the reader is d irected to the chapters on specific fractures for guidance in the indi vidua l case.



T he following criteria should be cons idered when assessing the suitability of a fracture for cast management.

Cast management of fractures does not result in rigid immobility but should impart sufficient stability for fracture healing to occur. As ri gid bone fixation is not achieved, healing will proceed by secondary bone uni on, with obvious call us formation. Therefore, aspects of the local fracture environment that favour callus fo rm ati on will significantl y influence selection for cast management. The ability of a cast to immobili ze a fracture depends on th e stiffness of the cast, the intimacy of the cast layer to the bone, and the locatio n of the fracture within the cast (Tobias, \995). The stiffness, or resistance to bending, is determined by the choice of cast material and the application technique. Of the fo rces acting at the fracture site, bending is neutralized well by a cylinder cast, but compressive, rotational. shearing and distracti ve forces are countered relatively poorly. Consequently, inherently unstable fractures (including avulsion frac tures) are not suitable for coaptation. Casting materials are stronger in tension than com pression, and so cast fai Iure is Ii kely to occur on the compression aspect of any angulation, but this vulnerable aspect may be reinforced by appl ying a spine moulded from the cast material.


T he presence of large muscle masses about the humerus and fem ur precludes cast management of fractures proxima l to the e lbow and stifle, because of poor mechanical coupling between the cast and bone. Excessive cast paddin g will produce a similar effect. The fracture sho ul d be located centrall y within the cast as cast purchase on the proximal and distal li mb is necessary for stabil izati on. T he ax iom that the joint proximal and d istal to the fracture should be immobilized is a useful guide, but fractures with considerable intrinsic stability (e.g. iso lated distal rad ial or ulnar fractures) may not require extension of the cast proximal to the elbow.

Fracture configuration Re latively stable fractures - for example, those with greenstick (incomplete) and interdigitatin g transverse config uration - are the most suitable fo r casting. If a frac ture is minimall y displaced, particul arly in the immature animal, the peri osteum is mo re li ke ly to be intact, and to contribute to fracture stabili ty. Casting may be appropriate for those cases where one member of paired bones is fractured and th e intact bone contributes s igni fica nt support - for example, frac ture of the radius with an intact uln a, or fewer than three metapodal fractures. Simple oblique or spiral fractures, which are stab le on mani pul ation fo llowing reducti on, may also be good candidates. Comminuted fractures are rare ly suitable fo r casting as subsequent deformati on of the frac tu re plane is likely to occur.

Fracture location The biomechani cs of cast application and the d ifficul ty of mani pul ative reduction'precl ude satisfactory coaptatio n of proximal lim b fractures. Intra-articular fractures proximal to the carpus and tarsus almost in variably dictate open reduction and internal fixa tion; coaptation should not be cons idered .

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Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management

However, selected fractures of the carpus and tarsus can have a good clinical outcome without anatomical reconstmction, and coaptation may therefore be appropriate. Growth plate fractu res occur in young dogs with good osteogenic potential, but the advantage of an ea rl y return to weight bearing offered by internal fixation and the likelihood of complications of cast management of such juxta-articular fractures make cast management a poor option. Salter-Harris Type I fractures of the distal radius are a special case and may be managed by casting alone or by cross-pin fixation and adjunctive coaptation. The latter technique, where an intrinsically weak repair is protected by a secondary fixation, is referred to as adaptation osteosynthesis.

Intended role of the patient While casting is frequently possible, it is unlikely to be the optimal management for athletic and working animals. Expectations of function must be discussed with owners prior to fracture coaptation.

Cost Economy is frequently cited as an indication for cast management of frachlres. However, the cost of materials used in cast application is likely to exceed that of disposable materials used in simple external skeletal fixation. The incidence of complications leading to additional expense (e.g. cast replacement) should also be considered. The time commitment to fracture management and aftercare is similar for both treatment regimens.

Fracture reduction Reduction should be performed without an open surgical approach, to conserve the periosteal envelope and limit vascu lar compromise to the fracture site. The fracture is reduced with care, using a combination of linear traction and toggling of the bone ends. Following manipulation of transverse fractures, the fracture should appear more than 50% red uced in two radiographic planes. Although anatomical reduction is the ideal, it is rarely achieved and is certainly not a prerequisite for success. Muscle masses in the proximal limb and soft tissue swelling may preclude fracture palpation and therefore adequate manipulative reduction. If there is a delay to fracture management, muscle contracture and callus formation will progressively impede reduction. If adequate reduction is not possible then open reduction and alternative fixation must be considered.

Signalment In general, limbs can be mainta ined comfortably in casts for 4 to 6 weeks. Candidates for coaptation should therefore produce adequate bridging callus within this period. Younger animals form callus more readi ly and on this criteria are good subjects for casting, but the rapidly growing juvenile is more likely to encounter complications associated with restricted limb growth within the cast. The specific physiology of distal radial/ulnar fractures in toy breed dogs res ults in an unacceptably high incidence offailure following cast management. Such fractures dictate surgical intervention. WARNING Distal radial/ulnar fractures should not be cast. C hondrodystrophic and obese dogs are difficult to cast effecti vely, because of limb conformation, and therefore alternative methods of fracture management are generally indicated.

CAST CONSTRUCTION A cast typically comprises several layers: a contact layer (generally stockingette), a padding layer, a compression layer and the circumferential cast material.

Casting materials For lIlany decades, plaster of Paris (POP) was the only available casting material (Hohn, 1975). POP products are still produced, but are messy to apply, take many hours to reach weight bearing strength, deteriorate when wet, and are relatively heavy and brittle. Excellent conformability, radiolucency and economy are redeeming qualities, but a number of alternative casting materials are now available that are superior in key respects. Predictably, none is ideal (see below). For reviews of casting materials see Houlton and Brearley (1985) and Langley-Hobbs et at. (1996). Currently, the author uses resin-impregnated fibreglass for all small animal cast applications, and also finds this a versatile splinting material. This consistently makes well tolerated, strong and durable casts. Although such products are not cheap, the cost is justified by the likelihood ofthe initial cast delivering bone union without complication. Properties of the ideal casting material include: High strength/weight ratio Easy to apply Short time to reach maximum strength after application Conformable Durable Radiolucent Water resistant but ' breathable' Easy and safe to remove Reusable Economical.

Cast application If there is significant soft tissue swelling at the time of initial examination, casting shou ld be delayed and a

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Non-surgica l Management of Fractures

non-rigid compressive (Roben Jones) bandage should be applied to the reduced fracture, until this swelling has subsided. Typically, tltis will take 2 to 3 days. Any skin wounds should be debrided and, when necessary, closed. The haircoat is clipped if it would interfere with cast application. The limb should be clean and dry. Following appropriate preparation, adhesive tape stirrups (e.g. zinc oxide tape) are applied to the limb to prevent distal migration of the cast (Figure 7.1a). Tapes placed on the dorsal and palmar aspects of the limb are preferred, as medial and lateral tapes may cause squeezing of the toes within the cast. The free


ends of the tapes are temporaril y secured to a tongue depressor. Stockingette is rolled up the limb to incorporate any wou nd dressing, and is tensioned to elintinate creases (Figure 7. 1b). Cast padding, such as Soffban (Sntith & Nephew), is wound on to the limb with a 50% overlap on each turn. Two layers are generally indicated. Panicular care is taken to ensure even padding over pressure points. Excessive padding about pressure points should be avoided and consideration should be given to increasing the padding in adjacent depressed regions with, for example, doughnuts of onhopaedic foam.

Figure 7. J: Cast application (see text jor details).

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Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management

Next, a compressive layer is applied in a similar manner to compact the padding. The cast material is applied with appropriate tension, again with a 50 % overlap on each tum (Figure 7.1c). Care is taken to maintain this overlap over the convex aspect of joints. A 1-2 cm margin of cast padding is left exposed proximal and distal to the cast (Figure 7.1d). Two or three layers of cast material are generally applied. Manufacturers' recommendations regarding wetting and handling should be followed. Tension is increased as the cast is applied proximal to the elbow or stifle to give a snug fit about the muscle masses and to prevent loosening. It is important that an appropriate limb posture is maintained during casting and that indentations are not produced in the cast by the fingers. Once the cast has hardened, thestockingette and padding are rolled down and secured to the cast with adhesive tape (Figure 7.le). The stirrups are peeled apart, twisted through 1800 and bound to the distal cast (Figure 7.lf, g). The pads and nails of the axial digits should remain exposed (Figure 7.1h). To facilitate removal, the cast may be cut along its cranial and caudal aspect and then bandaged with strong adhesive tape. However, this will affect some of the material properties of the cast, and this approach is not recommended. With the resin-embedded fibreglass materials, weight-bearing strength will have been reached by the time of recovery from anaesthesia. Medication with non-steroidal anti-inflannnatory drugs is useful to limit soft tissue swelling and to provide analgesia. The requirement for ongoing treatment should be reassessed after 3 to 5 days.

CAST MAINTENANCE WARNING Amputation may be the price paid for poor cast management. The majority of patients managed in a cast will be discharged to the care of their owners until cast removal. It is therefore essential that owners are educated in daily cast monitoring, and that the development of complications is reported at the earliest opportunity. It is a sobering fact that a significant amount of litigation arises from poorly managed casts. Written instructions should always be given out at discharge and owners must understand their responsibility in cast maintenance. Points to monitor are swelling of the toes or proximal limb, toe discolouration and COO~lesS, skin abrasion about the toes or proximal cast, cast loosening, angular deformity , damage, breakage, discharge or foul odour. Chewing at the cast may be a response to discomfort and should be investigated. In addition,

deteriorating weightbearing function of the cast limb and signs of general ill health (inappetence, dullness, etc.) may suggest the development of complications within the cast. It is sensible to schedule routine wee kly appointments for cast assessment for the duration of casting. Rapidly growing dogs and other highrisk patients may require more frequent assessment. Excessive exercise while cast will compromise cast survival and predispose to complications; therefore pen rest is recommended, with minimal leash exercise to toilet. The cast must be kept clean and dry. While outside, a polythene footbag is applied and secured using rubber bands or clothes peg.

WARNING The hag should he removed at all other times to prevent moisture build-up within the cast. Bedding materials such as straw can migrate between cast and skin, and should be excluded. Kennelled dogs can be successfully managed in casts provided that monitoring is diligent and hygiene good.

CAST REMOVAL The time course for development of clinical union will be around 3 to 6 weeks, depending on individual patient and fracture factors. Radiography should be performed (Chapter 5) to confirm adequate fracture healing, prior to cast removal. Although plaster shears can be used to remove most casting materials, an oscillating circular saw is most suitable. Bilateral incisions are made in the cast (Figure 7 .2a), taking care not to damage underlying tissue. The two halves are then prised apart using cast spreaders (Figure 7.2b), and the underlying bandage materials are removed (Figure 7.2c). After cast removal it is important that a regimen of progressively increasing controlled exercise is enforced. The goal is stimulation of callus remodelling without jeopardi zing fracture repair.

COMPLICATIONS Joint stiffness Limb immobilization will cause progressive joint stiffness and this is an inevitable consequence of cast management. It is most marked in those patients with periarticular soft tissue damage, which exacerbates periarticular fibrosis and adhesion. It is normal to cast joints in extension and, therefore, compromised joint flexion is to be expected following cast removal. The degree of compromise may be overcome (for example, in the carpus) by immobilizing the joint in a mild degree of flexion. At worst, fracture disease - a syndrome of stiffness, periarticular fibrosis, cartilage degeneration,

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Non-surgical Management of Fractures


seen within hours of cast application . It is therefore sensible to hospita lize the patient overni ght to observe any earl y complications of casting. Ongoing soft tissue swelling within a properly pressuri zed cast will also cause dista l limb oedema, but this will manifest later after application. Limb swelling isa potentiall y serious complication and req uires diligent monitorin g and appropriately rapid intervention.

Pressure sores Bony prominences such as the olecranon, accessory carpal bone and calcaneus are particularl y vulnerable to s kin trauma. Two mechanisms are responsible: pressure necrosis and abrasion. Good application technique and appropriate cast monitorin g will significantly reduce the incidence and severity of s uch complications. Direct skin traumaanda moist environment within the cast predispose to bacterial dermatitis. Staphylococcal organisms are generall y responsible. The development of full thickness s kin wounds can permit extension of infection to underl ying tissues, and necroti zing cellulitis can become established. There may be few systemic clinical signs of deterioration and a purulent discharge staining the cast may be the first obvious sign . Unfortunately, amputation may be the only appropriate management in the severe case. Abrasion of the toes caused by too short a cast should be managed by cast replacement rather than piecemeal reconstruction or local trimtning.

Cast loosening As the acute soft tissue swelling about the fracture subsides, the snug fit of the cast is lost. Tllis will predispose to fracture instability and abrasion within and about the cast. Long-term casting will be inevitably associated with muscle atrophy and similar loosening.

Figure 7.2: Cast removal.

muscle atrophy and osteoporosis - can occur. This is seen particularly following cast application to the proximal hindlimb in young dogs, where quadriceps contracture and the resultant genu recurvatuITI are devastating complications (Chapter 21). WARNING Avoid stifle immobilization in skeletally immature animals.

Delayed union, ma lunion and non-union Correct case selection and good casting technique should prevent fra cture repair failure. Compromised fracture healing is more li kely to be seen in association with any of the above complications. The frequent removal and reapplication of a cast may contribute to movement at the fracture plane and therefore fa ilure of repair. Delayed union, ma lunion and non-union are discussed in detail in Chapter 24.

Joint laxity Laxity is a particular complication in rapidly growing young dogs of large breeds. Carpa l hyperextension, associated with palmar carpal liga ment laxity is most commonly seen. Further coaptation is not appropriate and the majority of such cases will resolve spontaneously with controlled weightbearing.

Limb swelling Excessive tension durin g cast applicati on will cause attenuation of lymphatic and venous drainage and consequentl y distal limb oedema. This is likely to be

Refracture Refracture rarely occurs following cast removal if there is radiographic evidence of bridging callus fo m18tion.

SPLINTED BANDAGES Splinted bandages are useful in the management of fractures distal to the metacarpus/metatarsus as all toes are supported and not subjected to weight bearing. Ready-made plastic and metal ' metasplints' are ava il-

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Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management

able. Customized splints are readily made from casting


materials and have the advantage of better conform-


ability. Metacarpal fracnrres managed with non-mouldable splints are more likely to develop palmar bowing during fracture healing. Thecomponentsofthesplinted bandage are essentially the same as the cast, but with-

Specific issues relating to the management of skull and spinal fractures are covered in Chapters 12 and 13, respectively.

out a rigid circumferential external layer. Padding is

placed between the toes before bandaging to prevent interdigital sores. The s plint is enclosed in the compressive layer and this is then covered with a flex ible cohesive bandage. Splinted bandages are not as rigid as tubular casts and tend to be less suitable for fracture management. Phalangeal fractures are readily managed in splints. Fractures of the tarsus may be immobilized by cranial or lateral half casts made from casting materials or thermall y sensitive plastic.

OTHER BANDAGES Support bandages such as the Spica splint and Schroeder- Thomas extension splint may be used for primary fracture management, but invariably they are not the first choice. Similarly, non-weightbearing slings such as the Velpeau, carpal and Ehmer should be considered on ly as adjunctive means to protect relatively fragil e internal fixation, or reduced luxation. In cases such as scapular and pelvic fractures that are not candidates for s urgical intervention, it is rare

that such bandage support will improve the prognosis or time of conva lescence compared with more con-

serva ti ve management (see below). The likely incidence of complications of bandaging should also be considered.

CONSERVATIVE MANAGEMENT A number of fractures - for example, of the pelvis caudal to the acetabulum - are best managed without any additional support beyond the local muscle bulk. Management invol ves attention to ongoing analgesia, rest in an appropriately sized pen with flooring that offers a sure footing, and provision of comfortable bedding. In all cases in which ambulation is difficult, particular attention should be directed toward supervision of defaecation and urination. Consider the use of a beUy band to support dogs when they are taken out to toilet.

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING Hohn RB (1975) Principl es and application ofplastcr casts. Veterinary Clinics of North America 5, 291. Houlton JEF and Brearley MJ ( 1985) A comparison of some casting malerials. Veterillary Record 117, 55. L. . nglcy-Hobbs SJ, Abercromby RH and Pead MJ ( 1996) Comparison and assessmcnt of casting materials in small animals. Veterinary Record 139, 258. Swaim SF (1970) Body casts. Techniqucs of application to the dog. Veterinary Medicille Small Animal Clinician 65, 1179. Tobias TA ( 1995) Slings, p'ldded bandages, splinted b.:'lndages, and casts. In: Small AI/imal Orthopaedics, ed. ML Olmstead. Mosby, SI Louis. Tomlinson J ( 1991 ) Complications of fractures repaired with casts and splints. Veterillary Clinics of North America 21 , 735. Withrow SJ ( 198 1) Taping of the mandible in trcatmeTll of mandibular fractures. JOllrnal ofthe American Anillwl Hospital Association 17, 27.


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CHAPTER EIGHT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Instruments and Implants John P. Lapish

Fracture repair in small animals using internal or external fixation is very dependent on corrosion-resistant materials for both instrumentation and im plants. An understanding of stainless steel and its properties is one of the fu ndamentals of fractu re management.

STAINLESS STEEL Stainless steel is a generic term applied to a group of special steels containing varying amounts of chromium to improve corrosion resistance. All th ese steels will stain and corrode under certain conditions; the term stainless is, therefore, somewhat misleadi ng. Veterinary surgery may involve the use of ma ny types of sta inless steel. Each will have a different compositi on dictated by the properties which are requi red. Stainless orthopaedic implants must be very resistant to corrosion - all other properties are subord inate. Implant stainless steel contains high levels of c11romium and nickel but low levels of carbon and as such belongs to a gro up of a lloys called austeni tic sta in less steels. This type of steel cannot be hardened by heat treatment but can be hardened to a certain degree by ' workin g ' the metal. Bone plate, for example, is rolled during man ufacture, which makes it sti ffer. Surgical instruments, on the other hand, are required to have a certain degree of spring and be capable of taki ng and keeping a cutting edge. Surgica l steels therefo re contain re latively high levels of carbon and may be made hard by heat treatment. These steels belong to the martensitic group of stainless alloys, which are mag netic. Unfortunate ly this composition

results inevitably in poor corrosion resistance - hence the requirement for a strict instrument care routine.

Stai nless surgical instruments are protected fro m corrosion by a very thin coating of chromium oxide. Activities that encourage the production of chromium oxide (e.g. thorough cleaning of organic deposits, and dry storage) minimize corrosion and staining. Procedures that damage the protective layer (e.g. poor cleaning and rinsing, wet storage and certain chemical

disinfectants) will encourage staining and rusting .

Ma nufacture of surgical instruments The manufacture of a stainless surgical instrument from raw material to fi nished instrument involves some 30 different quality controlled processes. The instrument maker is usually presented with a stai nless steel blank which is roughly the same shape as the fina l instrument. The blank is machined to produce the relevant box joint, screw joint or ratchet. Hand and eye skills are required to grind and shape the blank into its final form. During fo rging, im purities accumulate on the surface of the blank. These are removed by abrasive wheels anel belts during the process of glazing, the first of many stages designed to minimi ze corrosion. The heat treatment process is of para mount importance in the manufacture of surgical instruments. The hardness of the steel is cri tical: if it is too soft, the scissors will not keep their edge; if it is too hard, the instrument will crack and break. Instruments that look right but fa il to perform have often been hardened incorrectly. Fo ll ow ing harde nin g, the in strum e nts are electropo lished and passivated in special solutions to remove corrosive elements and to encourage the formation of chromium ox ide. The final process is polishing, performed either by hand or, increasingly, by mechanica l tumbling methods. The fi nal polish may be bright or satin. A bright polished fin ish is most resistant to staining and corrosion. A satin fini sh is produced by microscopically roughening the surface, usually by blasting with small glass beads. This increase in surface area also increases the risk of stai ning. The manufacture of surgical instnunents remains very labour intensive, depending on the skills of craftsmen. This is pan iculariy true of low volume production which does not justify mechanization. The durability of an instrument depends on strict quality control over all stages of manufacture together with equal attention to the use and maintenance of the instnllnent.

IMPLANTS AND INSTRUMENTS Most veterina ry orthopaedic instruments and im plants are selected from the enormous range of human speciaHties. However, not all veterinary fractures have a

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comparable human fracture. Increasingly veterinary orthopaedic surgeons are demanding instruments and implants designed specifically for their needs. Orthopaedic instrumentation may be classified under the following headings. Orthopaedic implants Implant insertion hardware Orthopaedic hand tools Orthopaedic power tools Bone manipulation instrumentation Bone cutting instruments Tissue retractors .

Orthopaedic implants The range of available implants is enormous and their exact form wi ll not be covered here in detail. The various s hapes and sizes are illustrated in orthopaedic catalogues available from the major suppliers. Four materials are currently employed for human implants: stainless steel, chrome cobalt molybdenum a ll oy, titanium and its alloys and high density polyethylene. All must meet British, US and intemational standards. Veterinary implants are not restricted in any way but, practically speaking, the available materials for implants meet the current human specifications. Stainless steel Very high purity austenitic materials are used for the production of bone plates, compression plates, bone screws, intramedullary pi.ns etc. The current human s pecification for stainless steel in the UK is BS7252 composition ' D'. Equivalent intemational specifications include ISO 5832-1 , ASTM F 138-92 Grade 2 and DIN 17443-86. Components meeting these specifications may be mixed. All these specifications are variants of stainless steel type 316L, which has no free ferrite stage - hence its very high corrosion resistance. Chrome cobalt molybdenum alloy TI,is alloy is principally employed in the manufacture of total hip replacements. T itaniulII and titanium alloys This group of metals is primarily used in human orthopaedics in patients known to react to stainless steel. The component that usually causes the problem is nickel. Pure titallium is MRI-scatmer compatible. Stainless steel implants must be removed prior to MRI scantling . Both these indications are very uncommon in veterinary orthopaedics. Titanium has been used for canine total hip replacemettls. Although it has a very high strength to weight ratio, its wear characteristics are poor. Titanium and its alloys shou ld not be used with stainless steel components.

Ultra high molecular weight polyethylene UHMWP is primarily used for acetabular components of total hip replacements but is compatible with all of the above. WARNING To be safe for routine implants, use only stainless steel 316L type and UHMWP. For total hip replacement any combination of hard alloy and UHMWP is acceptable.

Implant hardware Most implants require dedicated instrumentation. Intramedullary (1M) pins (hard wires) IM pins may be inserted by a simple Jacobs chuck. Altematively a power drill may be used. Driving trochar pins even by hand in a Jacobs chuck can produce enough heat to cause necrosis. Using power, heat necrosis followed by implant loosening is a significant risk. Arthrodesis wires and K-wit-es (hard wires) These may be inserted us ing asma ll Jacobs chuck if the bone is soft. Hard cortical bone is better penetrated by a power drill, preferably with a wire driver attachment (see section on power tools, below). The exposed section of wire should be kept short to minimize wobble and pin bending. Orthopaedic/Cerclage wire (soft wire) Where cerclage wire is cut from a roll, the ends of the wire must be twisted evenl y around each other. To achieve this clinically it is important to twist under tension. Artery forceps or some kind of pliers will work but dedicated wire twisters Wllich lock on to the wire are available (Figure 8.1) . Cerclage wire loop-ended lengths require a matching wire tightener (Figure 8.1) to pull the free end through the loop prior to locking and breaking. This system does not permit further tightening. Rush pins Rush pins are less commonly used in veterinary orthopaedics than previously; there has been a shift towards the use of arthrodesis wires and K-wires. A rush pin introducer is available to customize the bending and insertion of this implant. Self-tapping screws Self-tapping (Sherman) screws can be inserted with a minimum of special equipment: Drills equivalent to the screw core diameter (pilot) and outside diameter (clear): 3.5 mm (9/64 in) 2.7 nun (7/64 in)

pilot = 2.7 mm pilot = 2.4 mm

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clear = 3.5 mm c1ear =2 .7 nun


Instruments and Implants Depth ga uge: it should be noted that selftappin g screws are measured from under the


three fiutes (grooves) to allow removal of bone debris as the threads are being cut.

head to screw tip, i.e. thread length, whereas pre-tapped screws are measured as overall

length. The appropriate ga uge must be used or the difference compensated for. Screwdriver: self-tapped screws have slotted heads; 3.5 mm (9/64 in) screws have a cruciate head; 2.7 mm (7/64 in) and 2.0 mm screws have a single slot. Screwdri vers should be selected accordingly. (a)



Pilot drill equi valent to core diameter (clearance drill has the same diameter as the screw): 1.5 2.0 2.7 3.5 3.5 4.0 4.5

mm mm lrun lrun mm mm lrun

cortical cortical cortical cortical cancellous cancellous cortical

pilot 1.1 pilot 1.5 pilot 2.0 pilot 2.5 pilot 2.0 pi lot 2.0 pilot 3.2

mm mm mm mm mm mm mm

Screwdrivers. A ll screws ha ve a recessed hexagonal head and the ra nge of screws is covered by three different sizes (referring to the width across the flats of the hexagonal head): 1.5 and 2.0 mm screws require a 1.5 mm hexagonal screwdriver



2.7,3.5 and 4.0 mm screws require a 2.5 mm hexagonal screwdriver 4.5 mm screws require a 3.5 mm hexagonal screwdriver.

Orthopaedic hand tools (g)

~~ '---(h) ~~

Figure 8.1: Imp/allt hand instrumen ts: (a) Jacobs chllck; (h) smaiL pill/rap vice; (e) K-lVire bender; (d) K-wire pUllch; (e) wire loop tightcner; (f) hard wire cutter (2.5 111111 maximum);

(g) soft wire twister/cutter; (11) soft orthopaedic wire.

Pre-tapped screws (AO type) Generally, but not exclusively, these are used with compression plates requiring a range of sophisticated instruments. Much of the specialized equipment is designed to place screw holes accurately with a minimum of soft tissue damage. The essential difference between the two types of screw is that the AO type will not cut their own threads in cortical bone. It is possible in certain circ*mstances to allow AOtypescrews taeut their own threads in cancellous bone. To pre-cut the threads, a tap is passed down the pilot hole. A tap is a threaded instrument possessing essentially the same thread form as the screw to be used. At right angles to the threads are

Jacobs chuck This tenn has come to decribe an aluminium handle coupled to a stainless steel three-jawed device for holding pins. In fact only the stainless drill chuck made by the Jacobs Manufacturing Company should be described as a Jacobs chuck (Figure 8.1). Such chucks are fitted to virtually every orthopaedic drill avai lable in the world today, as well as most intramedullary pin chucks. The Jacobs (intramedullary) pin chuck is a simple tool widely used to insert intramedullary pins. It can, however, be used to hold and insert drills, external fixation pins, K-wires and arthrodesis wires. Control is good but it is difficult to produce the pure axial rotation necessary to obtain a perfectly round hole. It is difficult to cause heat necrosis using a hand-held chuck. Pin slippage is a frequent problem in all tools using a Jacobs chuck. At best this misleads the surgeon as to how deep the pin penetration is; at worst the pin can cause a serious injury to the surgeon. Always use the pin guard when dri ving long pins. Always lubricate the chuck mechanism. Stiff chucks do not tighten very wel l. Always replace worn chuc ks and keys. Having fewer teeth, the key wears first. Regular key renewal will prolong the life of the chuck.

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Orthopaedic hand drill Hand drills were widely used in veterinary onhopaedics prior to the more widespread use of power tools. The big disadva ntage is that two hands are required to operate the drill , leaving the bone to be held by an assistant.

or shrouded before use. All are fitted with a stainless chuck which can be detached for separate autoclav ing. Drill speed is controlled via the trigger and ideally should increase s moothl y from zero to around 200 rpm. Most will in fact run at over 500 rpm so caution must be exercised.

Orthopaedic power tools Power drilling Power drills remove much of the physica l effon involved in many onhopaedic procedures. In addition they offer the surgeon more control than hand dri ven tools in that power drills may be held and contro lled by a single hand, leaving the other hand free to hold the bone (or at least a drill guide connected to the bone) . The major drawbac k of power drilling is that the heat produced by friction can cause heat necrosis and implant loosening. Living bone is a difficult medium to drill. Twist drills are manufac tured with flutes (grooves) spiralling along the length of the drill. As the subject material is drilled, the debris produced accumulates in the flutes and tra vels up and along the drill , ap pearing at and being discharged from the drill hole. When drilling bone, other than very dry bone, the bone debris clogs the flutes and is not removed fro m the drill tip. A buildup of debris reduces the cutting efficiency of the tip,



(i) (iv)

increasing fri cti on, w hich produces more heat, w hich

coagulates any proteins in the bone debris, which then sets in the flutes - creating a vicious ci rcl e.

The net effect of the drilling properti e.s of stainless steel and bone is the inevitable produ ction of heat. The surgeon must take great care to deal with this. Use slow speed drilling, max imum 100 rpm . Use onl y s harp drill bits. Drilling 10 holes will du ll onhopaedic drills. An y contact between drill tip and other implants will damage the drill tip. Clean bone drills very frequentl y, especiall y when drilling deep holes and when using AO type drill guides, which funher limit debris clearance.

Take care when drilling trochar ti ps, which are not designed for drilling. Some trochar tips are very poorly designed. Sha n stubby tips are the worst. Overall the length of the tip should be 2-3 times the diameter of the pin. Irriga te wi th sterile saline. To cool the drill tip, it must be removed from the hole! Battery drills Some very ex pensive surgical units will tolerate autoclav ing but most units availa ble to the veterinary surgeon are based on industrial designs and will be destroyed if autoclaved. For sterile use, therefore, battery drills (Figure 8.2) must be either gas sterilized


Figure 8.2: Orthopaedic power instrumems: (a) recha rgeable battelY drilL; (b) Symhes reversible drill; (c) 3M milli driver: (i) handpiece, (ii) saw attachment, (iii) drill auachmem, (iv) K-wire driver; (d) 3M Minos 100000 rpm air burr system handpiece.

Air- drills Generally speaking these are more ex pensive to buy and maintain than battery units but do have the adva ntage of being full y autoclavable. Compressed air is suppLied by bottle or compressor. Single hose units venting at the table s hould use sterile bottled air. Units with double return hoses venting remotely are less demanding regarding air supply. The ai r and hose requirements make air drills more awkwa rd to set up but they are usuall y lighter than their battery counterpan s.

K-wire driver This device (Figure 8.2) is available as a stand-a lone unit or as an attaclunent for the modular drills. The instrument connects K - w ires or arthrodesis w ires to an air motor via a finger-operated clutch. Wires may be insen ed incrementall y, the wire being fed through the clutch, ensuring that at no point is a long vulnerable length of wire is ex posed.

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Instruments and Implants

Power saws Dedicated surgical saws are expensive. The mechanism to convert the rotating motion of dri ve systems into a to-and-fro saw system is difficu lt to manufacnlre in autoclavable materials. Surgical saws cut hard materials such as bone but leave soft tissues virtually undamaged. The cutting teeth move only a small distance. Bone, provided that it is held or has sufficient inertia, does not move and so the teeth will cut it. Soft tissues travel with the saw blade and the teeth are not drawn across the fibres. It should be understood, however, that if soft tissues are placed undertension the teeth of the saw will move across the fibres and will cut. This may be illustrated by oscillating cast cutters used over prominent bones or situati ons where the skin becomes tense. Saws may be classified according to the direction of movement of the saw blade relative to the dri ve shaft:

Oscillating saws: These move in an arc of 5 or 6 degrees at ri ght angles to the dri ve s haft. This type of acti on is also to be found in plaster saws. Indeed some 240 V cast cutters have been converted to surgical use by fitting surgical blades. The results can be satisfactory but compromises have to be made with respect to sterility and safety. The blades are arcs or segments of arcs and require that bone is either superficial or very well elevated (e.g. s kull work or femoral head osteotomy) . Sagittal saws: These also move 5 or6 degrees in an arc but in the same plane as the drive shaft. This action is the most useful in veterinary orthopaedics and is widely used for osteotomies. The cutting blade can be introduced deeply into surgical sites without fouling soft tissues with the drive system (e.g. for osteotomy of the ilium during the triple pelvic osteotomy procedure). Reciprocating saws: These move to and fro along the line of the drive shaft in the manner of a hand-held wood saw . The distance of blade travel is very short. This type of action is rarely used but an example is the ischial Cllt in the triple pelvic procedure. Burr systems Ideall y, orthopaedic orneurological burr systems should have high speed and low torque and be easy to sterili ze. To obtain burr speeds in excess of30 000 rpm requires an air-dri ven system.

Dedicated air systems: These systems (e.g. 3M Minos (Figure 8.2) and Halls Surgairtome) run at up to [00 000 rpm with a low torque. Using a range of burr guards to support the burr shaft it is possible to use burrs upto 70 mm long. Long burrs shou ld not be used without a burr guard. The risk of shaft shatter in brittle carbide blUTS is significant. The speed on both instruments is controlled by a lever on the handpiece. Generally speaking, air burrs are run at maximum speed. Some system


of saline cooling will be requi red to avoid heat damage to tissues and coagulation of proteins on the burr.

Dental air drills: Neurological burrs fit the straight nose cone of the slow-speed handpiece (HP fitting burrs) . The slow handpiece runs at a maximum of 20 000 rpm with relati vely high torqu e. T he Ilighspeed handpiece will run at 400 000 rpm but the angle of the burr attachment severely limits its use. The handpiece can be autoclaved but the airline cannot, necessitating a shroud system. Hobby type drills (electric): These drills have a maximum speed of30 000 rpm todrive burrs either directly from the motor or via a fl exible drive with a separate handpiece. The best-known system is the Dremmel, which has a variable speed via a foot control, a flexible drive shaft, and a separate handpiece which, with some modifications, will autoclave satisfactorily. The non-dedicated systems (dental and hobby) give acceptable results but are much less satisfying to use. They are, however, approximately [5 % of the cost of dedicated systems.

Bone manipulation instrumentation A very large number of bo ne clamps are ava ilable to the human-orthopaedic surgeon. Many are appropriate for veterinary orthopaedics. Very few have been developed specifically for the veterinary field. Bone is an unyielding substance. Holding instruments are usually adjustable over a range of positions and the adjustment may be locked in pos ition by a long ratchet or, alternatively, by a threaded thumb screw. Locking clamps are particularly useful in general practi ce, where assistance is often lacking. Fragment forceps Fragment forceps (Figure 8.3) or pointed reduction forceps are single- or double-pointed clamps designed to maintain fragm ent reduction with a minimum of interference with implants and assoc iated instrumentation. A range of s izes is ava ilab le, covering most veterinary situations. A common application is the reduction of growth plate separations in the immature animal, e .g. distal femoral growth plate. Care must be exercised us ing fragm ent forceps on immature bone if one is to avoid excess trauma or a loss of reduction as the forceps points bite into the soft bone. Single-pointed fragment forceps usually apply compression at the exact point where screw fixation is desirable, e.g. lagging bone frag ments. Twin-pointed forceps are he lpful in these situations. Gynaecological vusell um forceps may be used or twin-pointed forceps designed for orthopaedics "are ava ilable. The advantage of the latter is that they will lock over a range of positions. Good examples of their use include fractures of the latera l condyle and fractures of the central tarsal bone in the racing Greyhound .

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contracture. These forces must be transmitted through the bone fragment without damaging bone or periosteum. Some older designs have a tendency to crush boneas pressure isapplied (e.g. Fergusson 'Lion' bone forceps) .

Bone cutting instruments Bone cutters Bone cutters (Figure 8.5) vary according to blade size, angle of cut and power of cut. The range for humans is enormous. The following is a selection of cutters found to be useful in veterinary orthopaedics.

~ -

Figure 8.3: Fragmellt or poillted reductionjorceps: (a) tlVillpoint fragment jorceps; (b) plate-holdillg jorceps; (c) small fragmentjorceps; (d)fragmentforceps; (e) very largejragmelll forceps.


2 (e)

Bone holding fo rceps Bone holding forceps (Figure 8.4) are used to grip and manipulate large bone fragments. Sometimes large forces are required to overcome the forces of muscle






(e)~_ _


Figure 8.5: BOlle clltting instruments: (a) Liston bone cutlers; (b) Mcindoe bOlle compollnd cutters; (c) small al1gled cutters; (d) Gigli saw handles and wire; (e) osteotome; (j) chisel; (g) gouge; (II) adjustable bone saw.



~ ~-==)j -'i



Liston cutters: Liston cutters are available in a large variety of sizes and blade cutting angles. Generall y they are too heavy in construction for most veterinary procedures. (d)



Figure 8.4: BOlle holdingforceps: (a) Dillgmalljorceps; (b) bone llOldillgforceps; (c) self-cemringforceps; (d) kern bOlle holdillgforceps; (e) Hey Grovesforceps.

McIlldoe compoulld culters: McIndoe 7 in (175 mm) cutters are fine bladed and angled, and ha ve a powerful compound action (double-jointed). A consequence of the compound action is that the jaws do not open very wide. Small allgled CIllters: These cutters were developed as general purpose cutters for small animals. Applications include tibial crest transposition, and excision arthroplasty in small dogs.

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Instruments and Implants

Bone rongeurs Bone rongeurs (Figure 8.6), or bone nibblers, are available in a range of sizes, angles and weights. A useful selection includes the following.

scoop out cancellous bone or to scrape cartilage from

joint surfaces during arthrodesis procedures. The Volkman (Figure 8.7) is the industry standard and is avai lable as a single- or double-ended instrument; it will scoop diameters from 4 mm to 10 mOl.

.. :: 1*'







(tI) (tI) (e)

...!!::! .



Figure 8.6: Bone ml1geurs: (a) small angled rongeurs; (b) duckbilled Daniels (Ongellrs; (e) D Olliels rongeurs; (d) compound action spinal rongellrs; (e) Luer (Ongellrs.

Liters: This is a heavy, simple action rongeur fo r rough work (e.g. removal of articular facets). Jall sell: This has a compound action with a smaller bite than Luers. Daniels: The Daniels has a very small bite and a simple action.

Small allgled rongeur: This is designed as a general purpose small animal rongeur. Osteotomes Osteotomes (Figure 8.5) possess a very fine, very sharp blade between 4 and 25 nun wide. They are used to slice through bone during elective osteotomies such as trochanteric osteotom y and excision arth rop lasty. Chisels a nd gouges Chisels (Figure 8.5) are very much heavier than osteotomes in construction and have a bevelled blade. Their use is rare in veterinary orthopaedics. Gouges have curved blades of varying radii. Bone curettes Curettes will not cut cortical bone but may be used to

Figure 8.7: Curettes, elevators, drill guides alld tissue protectors: (a) Volkman Clifeffe; (b) Michele's trephine; (e) periosteal elevator; (d) Freer periosteal elevator; (e) tissue protector; (j) drill guide; (g) ESF tissue protector.

Trephines Trephines are used to cut windows in cortical bone, either to provide access for a bone scoop or to take a core of bone for biopsy. The most widely used type is the Michele's Trephine (Figure 8.7), usually 8 mm in diameter. Some authors suggest that this instrument may also be used to provide access to the spinal canal but this is not to be recommended. G igJi saws The gigli saw (Figure 8.5) is essentially a bone cutting wire with handles. This device can be threaded around bones which ha ve limited access for conventional saws (e.g. excision arthroplasty and the ischial cut in the triple pelvic procedure). To-and-fro movement of the wire cuts through the bone. Unfortunately the ' teeth ' on the wire are usually too coarse for mediumsized and small patients. Periosteal elevators These elevators (Figure 8.7) are used to reflect muscle from bone. They vary in tip shape, size and degree of sharpness. A double-ended general purpose instrument is ava ilable for most situations. A finer instrument, the Freer, is useful in spinal procedures.

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Orthopaedic retractors Retractors (Figure 8.8) are used in orthopaedics to maximize exposure and minimize soft tissue trauma. This in tum leads to faster surgery. Appropriate retraction can significantly reduce post-operati ve complications. Skin and superficial muscle layers may be retracted using the general retractors such as Langenbeck's, West's or Travers' . The modified Gelpi hasshortertips than the standard version and may be used as a superficial tissue retractor but it is better known as a focal deep retractor used to create a window in the soft tissues over a lesion (e.g. OeD in the shoulder and elbow).


. <S





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Figure 8.8: Retractors: (a) Hohmann; (b) smaiL Gelpi selfretainil1g; (e) Gelpi self-retaining; (d) West 's self-retaining; (e) Travers' self-retaining; (f) Langel/beck 's.

Hohmann retractors Over a dozen Hohmann variants are to be found in human orthopaedics. Only about four are found in regular usage in veterinary surgery. The spike part of the blade is placed at the posterior aspect of the bone to be exposed. The tip acts as a fulcrum for the rest of the blade. Downward pressure on the handle (the holes in the handle were originally designed for the attach-

ment of weights) brings the broad part of the blade into contact with overlying soft tissues, usually muscle masses, pushing them away and down. The overall effect is to appear to e levate the bone in the exposure. The degree of retraction will vary with tip length and blade width. The most useful Hohmann in veterinary orthopaedics is the 18 mm blade with a short narrow tip. TillS variant is almost synonymous with the tenn 'Hohmann'. Examples of use include: retraction of tensor fascia lata to expose the lateral fabella in the over-the-top technique of anterior cruciate ligament repair; elevation of the femoral head and neck for arthroplasty or total hip replacement. Other useful Hohmanns are smaller-scale versions of the same basic style of the 18 mm with a short narrow tip, e.g. 12 mm and 8 mm. The 18 mm Hohmann may also be used to advance the tibial plateau relative to the femoral condyles for the examination of the menisci. The tip is placed behind the tibia and the blade is levered against the trochlea. A much better instrument for this important procedure is the Stifle Distractor (Veterinary Instrumentation) which produces much less distortion of the menisci. These distortions can be confused with menisceal tears. Tissue protectors Twist drills and the various types of threaded external fixator pin have a great tendency to attach themselves to soft tissues, which then become wrapped around the drill or pin. The consequences may be very severe if the tissues include nerves or blood vessels. In a large exposure (during plating, for example) it is possible to clear all soft tissue away from the drill site without causing extra soft tissue damage. In other procedures a linUted dissection is desirable to minimize devascularization. In these situations a tissue protector (Figure 8.7) can be very useful. The tissue protector is in essence a short stainless steel tube with small teeth at the distal end which can be introduced through the soft tissues and held on to the bone. The drill or pin is passed down the tube without contact with soft tissues. The tissue protector may also be used as a locating device for the drill or pin, ensuring that bone entry occurs at exactly the right point. Without such a device, drills (and to a lesser degree pins) tend to 'skate ' over the bone surface. This results at best in incorrect positioning of the drill or pin. At worst the drill or pin slides off the edge of the bone, with consequent damage to patient or surgeon.

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CHAPTER NINE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Principles of Fracture Surgery Andrew Miller

PRE-OPERATIVE MANAGEMENT Diagnosis Diagnosis of fracture is usually relatively straightfo rward o n clinical or radiographic gro unds. Some fractures may be difficult to diagnose, e.g. non-displaced,

incomplete or stress fractures . In some cases there may be multiple injuries in the same o r different locati ons and it is easy to overl ook more subtle lesions by concentrating on an obvious fracture. A complete dia gnosis should include patient signalment , location and type of fracture; distal metaphysea l fractures of the radius and ulna in a 12-week-old Great Dane and a 7-year-old Poodle differ significantl y. Fractureclassification systems have been discussed in Chapter I. Treatment options A full diagnosis allows consideration of treatment o ptions. Cons ideration must be given to: Fracture type and location Age, size and function of patient Type and quality of bone invo lved In vo lvement of joint surfaces Open or closed fracture Single or multiple fractures Single or multiple limb in vo lvement In volvement of other tissues (e.g. neural tissue, pelvic canal contents) Magnitude and direction of forces acting at the fracture site Experi ence of surgeon Owner's requirements and resources Equipment ava ilable.

PRACTICAL TIP It is usually good practice to have several treatment options available. In cases of difficult fractures or high owner expectations, consideration should be given to referral of the patient to a specialist surgical cenb'e at the outset.

Estimation of prognosis/client expectations Most fractures will heal. Some, however, will not heal or will heal in an inappropriate manner. In some cases healing of the fracture may not be accompanied by the return of full limb use or full athleti c ability. It is helpful to be able to predict the chances of fracture treatment being successful in each case, wheth er in a sedentary pet or a racing Greyhound. Experience with a broad range of injuries, good recording of previous results and appreciation of the requirements of the patient's owner will assist in this. Predicting complications Some fractures are prone to particular predictable complications. Joint stiffness and osteoarthritis are possible following articular fractures. Distal radius and ulna fractures in toy breed dogs are predisposed to nonunion. Constipation or obstipation may occur following non-surgical management of some pelvic fractures, particularly in cats. Any surgical fracture repair involvesa certain risk of infection. Unanticipated complications can bedifficultto explain and it is worth spending a few minutes discussing possible complications with clients prior to undertaking fracture treatment. Estimation of costs The cheapest fracture treatment is the one that works first time. Estimating the cost of fracture treatment is never easy. It is usuall y helpful to itemi ze anticipated costs prior to obtaining consent for treatment from the client and to explain w hether the cost includes followup examinations or treatment of complications. The treatment that appears cheapest on paper may actually work out much more expensive (e.g. cast fixatioll of distal radius and uhla fracture ifno ll-unio n results) and expected success rate and ris k of complications sho uld be taken into consideration. Consider also whether th ere might be any complicating factors as yet undiagnosed (e.g. pneumothorax, ruptured bladder).

Patient preparation Patient stabilization It is beyond the scope of this manual to describe critical care procedures in detail. Most fracture patients will

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Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repa ir and Management

have suffered majortrallma and are very li kely to require supportive treatment for shock and pain. Other relevant features might include respiratory compromise, haemorrhage, injury to vital organs and open wounds. Patient assessment and minimum database It must never be forgotten that every fracture is anached to a patient and the whole patient must be assessed prior to fracture treatment. A full physical examination should be undertaken, as well as selected radiographic and

laboratory examinations. Factors to consider include: Presence of other injuries (bony or soft tissue) Presence of underlying pathology (e.g. neoplasia, nutritional bone disease).

Examinations indicated in particular circ*mstances might include: Rectal temperature and body weight PCV and total protein estimation ECG Radiograpllic examination of thorax and abdomen (e.g. trauma cases, possibility of neoplasia) Radiographic examination of contralateral limb, pelvis or spine (e.g. in animals with an obvious unilateral limb fracture that are non-ambulatory) Selected contrast radiographic procedures (e.g. retrograde urethrography in pelvic fractures, myelography in some spinal fractures).

Examinations may have to be repeated in some cases and results should always be recorded. Temporary fract ure support Fractures distal to the elbow or stifle will usually benefit from temporary external support until definitive treatment is possible. A bulky bandage is ideal for this but must extend well proximal and distal to the fracture. Benefits to the patient include reduction in pain and prevention of further tissue injury, such as development of a closed fracture into an open wo und. This is particularly important if the patient is to be transported. In addition, haemorrhage and swelling will be reduced, wllich aids the surgeon. Fractures proximal to the elbow and stifle can be difficult to immobilize satisfactorily and may be better left unsupported, as long as adequate provision is made for analgesia and confinement of the patient. If external support is desired, a bandage encircling the body may be applied. Definitive treatment of fractures using external support alone is discussed in Chapter 7. PRACTICAL TIP It is important to make an effort to maintain normal joint angulation during bandage application.

Anaesthesia and analgesia All fracture patients must be provided wi th adequate analgesia throughout all phases of treatment. Useful drugs may range from non-steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to morphiates. It is beyond the scope of this manual to describe general anaesthesia procedures in detail. The reader is referred to the standard texts.

WARNINGS Due to enhanced toxicity, combinations of NSAIDs and glucocorticoids should not be used. NSAIDs should be used with caution in the peri-operative period.

Supportive therapy Obvious supporti ve measures include: Intravenous fluid therapy (crystalloid, colloid, blood) Adequate analgesia Care of traumatic or surgical wounds Prophylactic antibiosis (see later) Adequate nutrition (nutritional requirements are often increased in the face of anorexia) Regular bladder emptying and prevention of decubitus sores in recumbent patients Assisted ambulation and physiotherapy.

Surgeon preparation Theatre practice It is good practice to aspire towa rds a completely clean operating environment. To this end, the following

measures are recommended: Allow the minimum of air movement - avoid constant procession of casual observers, doors opening, etc. Clip hair and clean the patient 's skin in a different room Empty patient's bladder and rectum prior to travelling to theatre.

Surgical attire All operating theatre persollnel should wea r some type of theatre suit with surgical hood or cap and mask, as well as clean theatre shoes. Outdoor clothes and shoes are not acceptable. The surgeon and assistant(s) should wear sterile operating gowns. Surgical attire need not be expensive but it should be dedicated. Good scrub technique for the surgeon and patient is essential and the surgeon and assistant(s) should wear surgical gloves.

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WARNING Use of prophylactic antibiotics will not compensate for poor preparation or surgical technique.

Aseptic technique Instruments Instruments and implants are best autoclave sterili zed, unless suppli ed sterile. Ethylene oxide isan acceptable substitute. It is imponant to check periodically that the sterilization process is working properly and to handle and store sterili zed materials properly.


Drapes and draping techniques Drapes may be traditional reusable cloth or disposable. They should be large, easy to handle and, ideally, impenneable to fluids in order to prevent 'strikethrough' infection by wicking of bacteria. Draping techniques are a matter of personal preference. Free-limb draping is often required to allow wide access to an injured limb and it is imponant to be able to drape the distal limb safely and effecti vely. Secondary draping following the initial skin incision is recommended, to reduce direct contact between surgeon and patient. Small towels or drapes may be clipped to the skin edges or adhesive plastic drapes may be applied, though these often loosen rapidly due to haemorrhage.

Prophylactic antibiosis The use of prophylactic antibiotics is justifiable in fracture surgery. Fractures may be contaminated, tissues will certainl y be severely traumati zed, operating time may be prolonged and substantial amounts of foreign material may be insen ed. All of these factors increase the risk of bacterial contamination or reduce the local host defence mechanisms. Infected fractures require therapeutic use of antibiotics. Suitable drugs for antibiotic prophylax is should be effecti ve aga inst anticipated contaminants and present at the operati ve site in effecti ve concentrations for an appropriate period. This can be achieved by consideration of the following factors: Knowledge of th e bacterial flora of the operating environment (e.g. by regular bacterial audit using strategically placed dishes of bacterial growth medium; recordin g results of bacteriological exarn.ination of post-operati ve infectio ns) Administration of selected drug(s) by a suitable route at a suitable time (e.g. intraveno us ly at the time of induction of anaesthesia) Maintenance of antibacterial concentration for an appropriate period (e.g. by repeated intravenous injection if duration of surgery exceeds 90 minutes; by systemic administration for 24-72 hours foll owing surgery).

Surgical technique SUI·gical anatomy and approaches Familiarity with surgi cal anatomy and approaches is absolutely essential. It must always be borne in mind that anatomy may be severely deranged following trauma and surgical landmarks may have been altered or obliterated. Majorsurgical approaches and procedures should be practised on cadavers wherever possible before being attempted forthe fi rst time in the li ve animal. Reference to Piermattei (1993) is strongly recommended.

Instrumentation There is no substitute for an adequate range of s urgical instrumentation and implants. In particular, suitab le retractors and bone ho lding instruments are required. It is often helpful to pack particular sets of instruments together. Figures 9.1 to 9.3 sho w examples of such kits. Tissue handling Bone and so ft ti ssues s hould be handl ed as atraumatically as poss ible. Surgical approaches that

Figure 9.1: Fracture kif illsfr/lmellfs. Upper row (left to right): Hey Groves, Bums, Kern bone holding/oreeps; seleClioll of

Hohmann retractors; Gelpi se/fretaining retractors. Lower row (left 10 right): slIlall bone holding/oreeps (two); farge alld slIlall

pointed reduction/oreeps; small osteolOme; periosteal elevator.

PRACTICAL TIP The author's current empirical choice of

antibiotic for routine use is c1avulanatepotentiated amoxycillin.


Figure 9.2: Pin and wire kit inSfrUl1Iellts. Upper row: pill benders. Lower row (left to right) : wire ciltler/twisters (two);

small chuck and key; large and small pin cutters.

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Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management ure 9.4). Operati ve time and soft tissue trauma should be kept to a minimum, so a precise plan of action should be made and followed. Surgical anatomy should be reviewed with consideration of approaches, positioning of retractors, etc. Radiographs taken in at least two

orthogonal planes should be studied and fracture reconstruction rehearsed mentall y or by the use of tracings of fracture fragments. Particular consideration should be given to potential locations for lag screws and bone plates, if plate fixation is planned. Reference to specimen bones can be very valuable for planning fragment reconstruction, reviewing anatomy and ori entation and

pre-bending of implants prior to sterili zation in some cases (e.g. pelvis). Several options should be considered and ranked, so that there is at least one back-up plan if the original strategy must be discarded for whatever reason. The patient should be completely prepared and draped and all instrumentation should be assembled prior to the initial skin incision being made. Figure 9.3: Range oj drills, guards, depth gallges alld taps for screw insertion

allow separation rather than incision of muscles or tendons should be planned. Osteotomy is preferable to tenotomy. Sharp dissection and a 'no touch ' surgical technique should be practised whenever possible. Important soft tissue structures (blood vessels, nerves) should be identified and protected. Penrose drains are ideal for gentle retraction of nerves. Haemostasis and irrigation Good haemostasis allows a clear surgical field and reduces the like lihood of post-operative wound infection due to bacterial strikethrough of blood-soaked drapes orthe presence of an infected haematoma. Used surgical swabs or sponges should be counted and disposed of immediately into a bin or bucket rather than being deposited on drapes or instrument trays. Tourniquets can be very helpful in minimizing intra-operative haemorrhage, especially in the distal li mb, but must be applied with caution (Blass and Moore 1984) . Electrocautery is very useful and bipolar cautery is usually more effective and controllable than monopolar. Surgical suction is very helpful for removal of gross haemorrhage or irrigating fluids. The surgical field should be irrigated regu larl y using sterile saline or lactated Ringer's solution to refresh exposed tissues and wash away blood and bacteria. Dilution of bacterial populations helps to decrease the pathogen load at the end of surgery. Various antibacterial irrigating solutions are available but their value is unclear. Irrigation fluids should be aspirated promptly and completely from the surgical site and drapes should be kept dry.

Fracture planning The importance of preparing a surgical strategy before commencing surgery cannot be over-emphasized (Fig-

M ultiple injuries The presence of multiple orthopaedic injuries or involvement of more than one limb wi ll influence choice of fixation method. In these situations the optimal (i.e. strongest) fixation method should always be selected as the repaired fracture(s) will be loaded to a far greater extent in the early stages of healing than in solitary injuries and fixation failure is significantly more likely to occur. In general, it is better to treat multiple injuries during a single operating session, assuming that the patient's condition and the surgeon's expertise allows for this.

Decision-making in fracture reconstruction Fracture healing requires adequate fracture reduction, stability and vascularity and a balance between these must be achieved. Most fract ures should be reconstructed as accurately as possible (as long as doing so does not compromise their vascular supply or the surrounding soft tissue envelope) and then stabilized as rigidly as possible, using the chosen method. Perfect anatomical recon struction remains mandatory in articular fractures.

Some comminuted diaphyseal fractures cannot be anatomically reconstructed due to severity of conunimltion or small fragment size. Under these circ*mstances it may be advantageous to simplify the fracture by partial reconstruction and then perform osteotomy of bone ends to increase cortical contact (Figure 9.5). Imperfect or even no reconstruction may be preferable to causing excessive further soft tissue damage in selected severely conuninuted diaphyseal fractures. In such cases a minimally invasive strategy (MIS) may be adopted (see Chapter 10). This involves 'spatial realignment' (Aron et at., 1995); that is, re-establishing normal bone length with less than five degrees of rotational or angular malalignmentofthe proximal and distal ends (or joints) and at least 50 % axial overlap. Spatial realignment may be achieved closed - for

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Principles of Fracture Surgery


I Fracture type I

IDiaphyseal or Articular? Number of fractures Additional musculoskeletal injuries

IOpen* or Closed? I


I Simple or Conuninllted? I

Size of patient


Bone type I



! IReconstrllctable I

I Cortical II Cancellous I

I Non-reconstructable I I




1 Simplify

and reconstruct



1 No


tre~tment 1


Extraneous factors (e.g. finances, temperament, equipment & expertise available)


Age, health, soft tissue viability






Specific contraindications



Figure 9.4: Fracture treatment planfling. * See Chapter 10 jor management of open wounds alld fractu res. (a)




i ![;8 O~~~t~~y·T-- ----r·

I\ L

( (


( (

Figure 9.5: Simplification 0/ a cOlllminuted diaphyseal/mcture. (a) Comminuted diaphyseaL/raclure. (b) Partial reconstruction a/major fragments llsing lag screws to produce inrerjragmel1tary compression. SmallJragments are excised and osteotomy of major fragmellls is performed to mGzimize bone to bone COlltaCt. (e) A neutralization plate is applied. The bone is inevitably shortened to some extent. This is rarely problematical in the femur or humerus.

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Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management


Figure 9.6: (a-c) SevereLy comminuted tibial diaphyseal fracture treated by spatial realigllment a lld buttressillg by all external skeletal jixator. III the distal limb, spatial realignment may be achieved by suspending the limb vertically. A cancellolls bone graft may be inserted ijrrearmem;s opel/. (eI) Buttressing the samefraclllre llsing a plate and screws with cancellolls bone graft.

example, by traction on the bone (Johnson el aI. , 1996) - or open, in which case an ' open but don 't touch' (OBDT) approac h is adopted towards fracture frag ments. The intention is to minimize interference with fracture fragments and their envelope of organizing

haematoma and soft tissue in the hope of reducing the likelihood of fragment sequestration. Following spatial realignment, the fractured region must be buttressed rigidly to allow for weightbearing on the limb wllile the fracture heals and this can be achieved using an extemal skeletal fixator (+/- intramedullary pin +/- 'tie-in ' configuration), a buttress plate (+/inttamedullary pin) or an interlockin g nail (Figure 9.6). It is important to realize that the minimally in vasive strategy does not represent an abandollment of AO/ ASIF principles (see section below). Rather, tins plnlosophy is deri ved from increased understanding of the relevance of interfragmentary strain on bone cells and fracture healing and depends upon ri gid fi xation. The combination of many large interfragmentary gaps and rigid fiXation minimizes interfragmentary movement and tllereforestrain, optimizing the local environment for the production of new bone. It is believed that, in some cases, fracture healing can be by inttamembranous ossification, i.e. the direct production and mineralization of osteoid without intervening cartilaginous tissue. Thjs rapid healing can be coupled with earl y limb use, so that fracture disease is prevented. Clearly, rigid support by buttressingdevicesrequi res thattlleyareextremelysttong, and a clear understanding by the surgeon ofbiomechanical concepts sllch as area moment of inertia, polarmoment of inertia and interfragmentary strain is required.

Compression, neutralization or buttressing? Interfragmentary compression minimizes fracture gap and increases interfragmentary friction and stability.

Compression may be dynamic, i.e. dependent upon forces created by loading, or sIatic, i.e. independent of loading, and may be created in a number of ways: Cerclage wires (static compression) Tension-band wires (dy namic compression) Lagged bone screws (static compression) Tension-band plates (dynamic compression) Dynamic compression plates (static compression unless used as tension band). (See Operati ve Techniques 9.2, 9.3, 9.5 and 9.6.) Static compression is often temporary due to the viscoelastic nature of bone and bone remodelling. Following fracture reconstruction, forces acting at the fracture site may be neutrali zed using some device - usuall y a bone plate or external ske leta l fixator that spans the fracture completely and transmits loading forces between proximal and distal intact fragm ents. There should be some degree of load sharing by bone and implant at the fracture site (see Operative Technique 9.6). Fractures that cannot be reconstructed and therefore catmot share in load bearing may be buttressed using bone plates or external fixators. In this situation the implant is responsible for all load bearing (see Operative Teclltliques 9.4 and 9.6). The interlocking nail is also applicable to neutrali zation or buttressing. Compression is he lpful in fracture stabili zation and hea ling, but it is not always feasibleordesirable. When formu lating a treatment plan, it is important to identify whether interfragmentary compression is possible or desirab le, or indeed whether the fracture can be reconstructed fu ll y, partially or not at all. Fracture fixation options are sununarized in Table 9.1.

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Principles of Fracture Surgery

Ideal fixation *

C ompromise fixation

Simple transverse diaphyseal

Compression plating

External coaptation External fi xator Intramedu llary pin plus externa l fi xator Interlockin g nai I Non-compression plate

Oblique or spiral diaphyseal

Interfrag mentary compression by lag screw(s) plus neutralization plating

Interfragmentary compression by cerclage wires and intramedullary pmnmg

Fracture type


Interfragmentary compression by cerclage wires or lag screws and externa l fixator Interl ocking nail Intramedu llary pin Comminuted diaphyseal!

Interfrag mentary compression by lag screws plus neutrali zation plating

Partial reconstruction using interfragmentary lag screws followed by transverse osteotomy (simplification) and neutralization plating Partial reconstruction using interfragmentary lag screws or cerclage wires followed by buttressing using plate or ESF. Minimal or no reconstruction followed by buttressing using plate, pin and plate, interlocking nai l, pin and external skeletal fixator, or external fixator alone (See Chapter 10)

Anatomical reconstruction and ri gid internal fi xation with interfragmentary compression using lag screws ± plates

Articular fracture

K-wire fixation if fragm ents small Fragment excision if very small Arthrodesis if severe derangement of articular surface Non-surg ical management (e.g. selected acetabular fractures)

Open fracture

Externa l fi xator Plate and screws in selected fractures

Amputation if severe dera ngement of limb

Avulsion fracture

Tension-band technique

Lag screw fixa tion

Pathological fracture

No fixation Address underl ying pathology

Depends upon pathology, necessity of fixation and type/location of fracture .

Tab le 9.1: Fractllre fixatiol1 options. • Ideal fixal ;oo method is dC lcnnincd by the perceived ba lance betwee n qu ali ty offmclUrc reduct ion, degree of ri gidi ty offi~;u;on 3ml J I110UlI l of soft ti ss lle damage causcd in achiev ing t he~,-, for any given rr~Clu re and pa tient age or typc. Other factors. includin g surgeon 's experie nce. personal prefere nces and inSlrtlmenlalioll avai lab le. must also be taken imo account. These recommendat ions are ba~d upon Ihe author 's preferen ces t Seve rel y commin uted fmclurcs can prcscll1 a rea l chall enge to the surgeon and serious considerat ion must be givcllto Ihe va lue of rcconsl ruction versus the risk of fu rther iulrogenic trallllW . Under lhese circu llIswnces the ideal fixat ion met hod depends II [XJn Ihe morphology of the fraCiure and alrnOSI any of Ihe methods listed may be regarded as appropriu le allemat ivcs.


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Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management

Fracture reduction and stabilization Methods of reducing fracture fragments include toggling, leverage and traction/counter-traction in simple fractures and the use of various fragment forceps in comminuted or small-fragment fractures. Pre-operative traction (e.g. by suspending the limb) may be useful in stretching or fati guing muscles, thereby facilitating reduction. Fragments may be stabili zed temporarily using fragment or bone holding forceps. Temporary Kirschner wires (K-wires) may be driven across the fracture site or cerclage wires passed around it before definitive fi xation is applied. Alternatively, fragments may be reconstructed using lag screws or cerclage wires to restore bone anatomy prior to the application of neutralizing or buttressing devices. PRACTICAL TIP Many fractures require specific manipulations to effect reduction. These can often only be learned by experience or from more experienced colleagues, but wherever possible they have been descrihed in appropriate sections of this manual. Fragment management Bone fragments must be handled with care. Soft tissue attachments should be maintained if possible . Any fragment devoid of a substantial soft tissue attachment is dead bone and its potential value in reconstruction must be weighed against the risk of infection and sequestration. Free fragments that can be stabilized securely by interfragmentary compression and that contribute to reconstruction and overall stability may be retained. Others should be discarded. Alternatively, fragments may be left undisturbed and the fracture buttressed. The intention is that the fragments will then be incorporated in the healing process. Bone grafting: types, indications and application Three types of bone graft are used in fracture surgery; cancellous, cortico-cancellous and cortical. Bone grafts in small animal s urgery are usually avascular, although vasculari zed bone grafting is possibl e (Szentimrey and Fowler, 1994; Szentimrey et aI. , 1995). Bone autograft (derived from the same individual) or allograft (derived from a different individual of the same species) can be used. Zenograft (bone obtained from a diffe rent species) is not used in small animal surgery. Autogenous cancellous bone graft is by far the most useful. Bone grafts speed fracture healing in several ways: Osteoconduction: provision of a scaffold for neovasculari zation and new bone formation (Elkins and Jones, 1988) Osteoinduction: provision of factors that recruit local pluripotential cells to differentiate into

osteoblasts and induce formation of new bone (BMP; bone morphogenetic proteins). BMP is now produced synthetically (Kirker-Head, 1995) Filling of interfragm entary defects and/or provision of structural support. Bone grafting is indicated in any situation where it is anticipated that healing could be delayed: Comminuted fractures Presence of bony defects Delayed or non-union fractures Elderly patients Arthrodesis. WARNING Bone graft, usually being dead tissue, should be used with caution in the face of infection. Cortical bone graft is contmindicated in this circ*mstance. Bone for grafting can be obtained from a number of sites : Cancellous bone: proximal humeral or tibial metaphysis, wing of ilium Corti co-cancellous bone: wing of ilium, rib, ulna Cortical bone: ulna (autogenous), most long bones (allograft). The most commonly used site is the proximal humeral metaphysis, as a large volume of cancellous bone can be obtained with least donor site morbidity (pen wick et aI., 1991). Use of long bones carries the risk of iatrogenic fracture. As an alternative, cortico-cancellous bone sludge can be obtained from the wing ofthe ilium using a power reamer (Culvenor and Parker, 1996; Stallings et aI., 1997). Solid cortical or corti co-cancellous bone grafts must be rigidly stabilized. Soft cancellous or corticocancellous grafts are simply packed around fracture sites and maintained in position by surrounding soft tissues. Drains Drains are used only rarely following fracture surgery, probably due to concern over the risk of ascending infection. Closed suction drainage can be useful for 12- 24 hours post-operatively ifmajorfluid accumulation is anticipated. Post-operative external support Bandaging can be useful for a few days following surgery to liIT1it post-operative swelling and thereby reduce patient discomfort, protect the surgical wound and optimize tissue perfusion. In certain circ*mstances, external support may be necessary to supplement internal fixation devices.

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Principles of Fracture Surgery

Principles of use of pins and wires

The advantages and disadvantages of different types of pin are shown in Tables 9.2 to 9.4, and indications and contra indications are given ill Tables 9.5 to 9.7.

Kirschner wires K-wires are solid steel pins of 0.9-2 mm diameler. They may ha ve trocar or bayonet tips. Arthrodesis wires are the most usefu l, ha ving a trocar tip at each end. Steinman pins These pins are solid steel rods, circular in crossseclion. They are available in sizes from 1.6 to 8 mm in diameler and 300 lrun in length and generall y have trocar tips at each end. One end may be threaded, which may reduce pin migration. Rush pins Rush pins are a form of dynamic intramedullary crosspilming, most often used for the fixation of dista l femoral condylar fractures (Lawson, 1959; Campbell, 1976). They are best manufactured as required, using appropriately sized K-wires or small Steinman pins according to the following guidelines.


of the smaller fragment One end should have a sledge-runner tip The other end should be hooked The whole pin is sLightly curved. The use of Rush pins is iIIustraled in Chapter 18. Interlocking nails An interlocking nai l (ILN) is a solid steel rod 6 or 8 mm in diameter, with a number of holes in itthrough which bone screws can be inserted to fix the rod within the bone and eliminate rotati onal and axial movement (See Chapter 3). The screws are inserted using either a specially designed jig or fluoroscopy. The 8 mm ILN appears to provide superi or resistance to bending and torsion than comparable plate or external fi xator repairs (Dueland et al., 1996). Interlockin g nails are used increasingly in humans and their use is becoming accepted in veterina ry surgery (Muir et aI., 1993) . Kuntscher nails These are hollow trefoil (c1overlea!) or V-shaped nails, usually with a taper at one end and a slot used for removing the nail at the other. They are available in greater widths than Steimnan pins, but are of little use in small animal orthopaedics.

Pins should not exceed one-third of the width of the medullary canal Pins should be approximately 3 times the length

Eliminating rotational instability Rotation in long bone fractures is a major problem with



Resist bending forces well due to location at neutral axis of bone

Resist rotation, distraction and shearin g very poorl y

Quick and easy to insert and remove

May allow wicking of bacteria along medullary canal

Little special equipment or training required

Rarely provide adequate stability alone

Fracture healing relatively easy to assess Table 9.2: Advallfa*ges and disadvaflfa*ges of illframeduliary pillS.



Resist bending forces well due to location at neutral ax is of bone

Insertion technique requires practice Limited usefulness other than distal femur

Resist rotation well due to spring-loaded effect Fracture healing relatively easy to assess Table 9.3: Advamages alld disadvantages of Rush pins.



Resist bending fo rces well due to location at neutral axis of bone

Difficult to insert and remove Special equipment and training required

Resist rotation, distraction and shearing well due to interlocking function Fracture healing relatively easy to assess Table 9.4: Advantages alld disadvantages of illferlockillg nails.

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Man ua l of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management



Completely reducible, intrins icall y stable simple transverse' or short obuque interlocking di aphyseal fractures in animals with good healing potential

Irreducible fractures with s ignificant rota ti on, distraction or shearing

Completely reducible long oblique o r spiral fractures with cercl age wires Irreducible severely conuninuted fractures if used in conjuncti on with ESF or plate and screws as part of a minimall y invasive strategy

Open or infected fractures Metaphyseal or articular fra ctures Any fracture where th e pin cannot be inserted safel y (e.g. radius) Avulsion fractures

Cats • Many transverse fractures arc poor c3ndidalcs for intramedullary pinning due lO lack of rcsisl anc.: 10 TOIalion

Table 9.5: I lldicatiolls alld colltrailldicatiollsjor intramedullary pillS.


Contra indications

Distal fe moral condylar fractures

Open or infected fractures

Selected other metaphyseal fractures

Avulsion fractures Comminuted fractures

Table 9.6: Indications alld cOl1traindicatiollS for Rush pillS.


Contra indications

Diaphyseal fractures of the long bones

Open or infected fractures

Irreducible severely comminuted fractures

Metaphyseal or articular fractures Avulsion fractures Any fractures w here the pin cannot be in serted safe ly (e.g. radius)

Table 9. 7: Indications alld comrailldicGriolls/or illler/ocking flails.

intramedull ary pins as, in general, they are very poor at resisting it. Rotati on within the developing callus is a major obstacle to healing and a common cause of delayed o r non-uni on. Rotational instability can be minimized by the follo wing meas ures:

· ·

· · ·


Select transverse or short oblique interlockin g fractures with good intrinsic rotational stability (NB: rotational stability is often poor in such fractures) Select fractures with potential for rapid healin g, e.g. s imple fractures in young healthy dogs or cats Use cerclage wires in appropriate long oblique or s piral fractures Use external fi xator as auxiliary fixati on Use plate and screws as auxiliary fi xation Use interlocking nail Use extem al support judiciously.

Use of multiple intramedull ary pins (stack pilming) is of little value, as pins tend to loosen and migrate. I

Biodegradable rods Metallic implants may have th eoreti cal and practi cal

disad va ntages relating to potential fo r sarcoma inducti on and relative mismatch between ri gidity of bone and implant. Rods fo rm ed fro m self-re inforced polyga lactide or polylactide have been d escribed for use in cancellous bone and, mo re recently, in the diaphysis (Axelson et al., 1988; Riiihii et a1. , 1993a,b) . Suggested benefits include a gradu al tran sfer of stress fro m implant to bone durin g th e healin g phase and avoidance of a second surgery for implan t removal. These implants are inserted into slig htly smaller pre-drilled bone tunnels using specially designed applicators. They are diffic ult to remove 0 nee inserted and are radiolucent, although this latter a ttribute may facilitate assessment of the fracture line. Biodegradable implants have, to date, gained little popularity in th e UK other than for the reattachment of intra-articular osteochondra l fragments to the canine tibial tarsal bo ne, presum ably due to relati vely hi gh costs of implants and applicators and limited ra nge of sizes ava ilable. Orthopaedic wire Orthopaedic wire should always be monofi lament steel and should be obtained from the same so urce as pins. Useful diameters range from 0.8 to 1.2 ml n. Wire nar-


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Principles of Fracture Surgery

rower than 0.8 nun or thicker than 1.2 mm cannot be tightened adequately. Wire may be tightened using combined cutter/twisters, parallel pliers, or various special wire twisters or tighteners. AO/ASIF wires have looped ends to permit tensioning using a special device.


Distractive force A

Indications and principles of cerclage wire Full cerclage wires encircle the bone completely. Hemicerclage wires pass through a tunnel in th e bone at some point, which may provide more secure fixation but can be challenging to apply. Cerclage wires may be used to supplement intramedullary pins by applying interfragmentary compression in long oblique or spiral fractures, or completely reducible mildly comminuted fractures, but are inappropriate for sole fixation oflong bone fraen"es. There is no detrimental effect upon the bone (Wilson, 1987). Principles for use of cerclage wire are as foll~ws:

Distractive force B

Figure 9.7: Tension-band effect: the sum 0/ tlVO forces (A, B) exerted at different angles will result ill a compressive/orce (e). The example sholVs tensioll -band wiring in the {rearmem o/tibial tuberosity avulsiol1.


where a relatively small fragment of bone is detached by tensile forces generated by soft tissues to which it is attached (e.g. tibial tuberosity separation, distal tibia l malleolar fracture, osteotomy of the greater trochanter ofthe femur). The wire is used in conjunction with one or two small pins, whose function is to aid in fragment stability by resisting the comparatively small angular or rotational forces.

Fracture should be fully reconstructable Length of fracture should be at least 2 times diameter of bone At least two cerclage wires should be used Wires should be not less than 1 cm apart A ll wires must be tight.

Tension-band wire

Principles of use of external skeletal fixation

A tension-band is an inelastic device positioned in a location whereby it is placed under tension. The tension-band, which may be a wire or a plate, converts tensile force to compression (Figure 9.7). This is termed dynamic compression. Tension band wires are generally indicated for treatment of avu lsion fractures,

Definitions External skeletal fixators (external fixators, fixators, ESFs) consist of a series of percutaneous transosseous


Transfixing pin'

Con necting bar

Small Medium Large Extra Large

2 3 4 5

3 mm (1/8") 4 mm (3/16") 8 mm (5/ 16") 10 mm (7/ 16")

mm mm mm mm

(1/16-3/32") (3/32- 1/8") (5/32-3/ 16") (3/ 16-1/4")

• Core lIialTlcler or pin

Table 9.8: Externaijixator sizes.




Minimal instrumentation required Certain components recyc lable! Minima l disruption of local soft tissues Minimal fo reign body at fracture site Open wound management easy Easy to combine with other implants Rigidity and alignment easily adjustable Gradual linear and angu lar traction possible, allowing progressive correction of deformities Assessment of fracture healing easy Easy to remove

Soft tissue problems possible App lication technique requ ires practice Prematu re pin looseni ng common Perception as panacea has led to abuse Difficult to apply to proximal limb

Clamps anll (possibl y) bars may be reusell. PillS may nOi.

Table 9.9: Advantages and disadvantages 0/ externaL skeletal jixation.


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Diaphyseal fractures Highly comminuted fractures Open or infected fractures Mandibular fractures Auxi liary fixation Corrective osteotomy Transarti cular immobilization

Sole fixation method in pro xima l limb Situations where anatomical fixati on is required

Table 9.10: Indications and cOllfrailldicariofls for external skeletalfixatioll.

transfixing pins th at penetrate both corti ces of the bone to which they are applied but mayor may not penetrate soft tissues on both s ides of the limb, connected by some type of external bares). The pins may be smooth in outline, or may be centrall y or terminally threaded. COImecting bars may be steel rods to which th e transfixing pins are connected by clamps or may be acry lic resin (e.g. polymethy lmethacrylate bone cement, denta l acrylic, etc. ). Clamps may be s ing le, to cOlmect pins to bars, or doub le, for connecting a number of bars to one another in the assembly of more complex configurations. Fixators are extremely versatile devices and are very well to lerated, but it is prudent to counsel owners regarding their appearance, or to show photographs of previous cases.

External fixators are available in a range of sizes (Table 9.8). The advantages and disadvantages of external skeletal fi xa tion are shown in Table 9.9, and the indications and contraindications for its use are in Table 9.10. APEFsystem The acrylic pin external fixator (APEF) system uses corrugated tubing that is attached to traditional transfi xing pins before being filled with pre-packaged po lymethylmethacrylate. This system is used in an identical maImer to traditional systems, but it has th e ad vantage that all pins may be inserted prior to app lication ofthe connecting bar. Hence, greater versatility in mu ltiplanar pin insertion and more in ventive confi guration design are possible (Figure 9.8). Acrylic appears to be strong enough to satisfy its role as a connecting bar (Willer et al., 1991) and APEF systems appear to perform we ll in sma ll animals (Okrasins ki el al., 1991 ). Configurations To allow fracture healing, the fi xator must fulfil the biomechanical demands of the particular fracture over th e required period of time. Fram e configuration and

properties are, therefore, important considerations. One advantage of fixators is the abi li ty to va ry the characteristics of the frame, changing the number, size and orientation of its components to suit the needs of any particular fracture. An infinite number of varia-

Figure 9.8: (a) APEF system comprising traditional transfixing pillS and plastic lIlbillg containing acrylic cement. (b) Temporary/racture stabilization /Ising removable clamps and steel bars. Plastic tubing is pushed over pin ends jollowingjracllIre reduction alld bOllom-plugged. Acrylic is mixed ill self-colllained packets and poured i1ll0 tubing while still in the liquid phase. Tlte steel damps and bars are removed ollce the acrylic is set. Cour1 ~'Sy

of J .P. Lapish

tions on the basic extern al fixatorcould be constntcted, but a good philosophy is to apply the simplest configurati on that will provide sufficient strength for the job in hand. W ith current hardware, unilateral systems are satisfactory for most s ituations and have a lower complication rate than more complex systems. External fixator configurations are described as uniplanar or biplanar and unilateral or bilateral (Carmichael, 1991). In addition, ring fixator systems exist (e.g. !lizarov). Useful confi gurations are illustrated in Figure 9.9.

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Figure 9.9: External skeletalfixator configurations. (a) Unilateral uniplanar Type ], halfframe. (b) Unilateral uniplallar extemal skeletalfixator and intramedullary pill tie-ill. (e) Unilateral biplanar; quadrangular, delta frame. (d) Bilateral unip/anar (modified) Type 2. (e) Bilateral hiplanar Type 3. (f) !lizarav ring.

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Altering rigidity of the external skeletal fixator The followin g measures will increase the stiffness of a unilateral frame. Apply frame in a mechanically advantageous position Increase the number of transfixing pins (up to four per main fragment) Increase the diameter of transfixing pins (up to 20-30% of bone diameter) Increase the spread of transfixing pins Increase the rigidity of the connecting bar (Polio et al., 1993) Increase the number of connecting bars Decrease the distance between clamp and skin or contour the cOImecting bar to the limb (Bouvy et al., 1993) Use a biplanar configuration Use intramedullary pin ' tie-in ' configuration (Aron et aI., 1991). The opposite measures can clearly be used to decrease frame stiffness. I1izarov and ring fixators The ring fixators, of which the I1izarov system is one example, offer a different philosophy. These devices usea number of very small pins (in effect K-wires) that are inserted through the limb in whichever plane is most appropriate and connected to an encircling or hemicircumferential connecting bar. Crucially, these pins are tensioned before tightening, making them disproportionately strong in much the same way as the spokes of a bicycle (Thommasini and Betts, 1991). Ring fixator systems offer tremendous versatility in constructing frames to deal with almost any situation. Complicated fractures, filling bone defects (Lesser 1994), correction of angular deformities and limb lengthening procedures using distraction osteogenesis (Elkins et al., 1993) can be undertaken. Their main disadvantages relate to the greater difficulty in application and their cumbersome nature as compared with

bar fixator systems. External fixator boot On occasion, in the distal limb, it is necessary to apply an external skeletal fixator to the metacarpals or metatarsals. This is often a transarticular external skeletal fi xator. The arched structure of the bones and their relatively small size may make pin selection and placement challenging. A 'boot' of cast material may be applied to the distal limb and pins incorporated into it rather than being driven into the metatarsa ls or metacarpals (Gallacher et aI., 1990, 1992). Pin design and insertion technique The pin-bone interface is the weakest link in any external fixator configuration and the point of maxi-

mal stress concentration during loading, especially on the cis cortex when unilateral systems are used (cis refers to the near cortex; trans is the distant cortex) . Excessive strain causes bone resorption and replacement with fibrous, synovial-like and cartilaginous ti ssue around the pin, with consequent pin loosening.

Loose pins do not contribute any stability to the fixation , but do cause periosteal and soft tissue pain,

leading to poor limb use and predisposing to pin tract infection. The holding power of pins depends largely on their design, the insertion method and the nature and quantity of the involved bone (Clary and Roe, 1995). Pinbone purchase is less critical in situations of rapid healing or good load shari ng between bone and fixator. The use of threaded pins increases holding power. Threads may be cut into the pin (negative profile, e.g. Ellis pin), or may be rolled on during manufacture (positive profile, e.g. IMEX pin) (See Operative Technique 9.4). Negative profile pins have the disadvantage that a stress riser exists at the thread/non-thread junction. This region must be protected by being located within the medullary canal, or else there is a risk of the pin breaking (Palmer and Aron, 1990). Hence, Ellis pins have a fairly short tltreaded section . Positive profile pins do not have this weakness, but do ha ve the disadvantage that they cannot be inserted through fixation clamps. Whatever pin type is selected, it should not exceed 20-30% of the diameterof the bone in question. Recommended methods of pin insertion include slow-speed drilling and insertion into slightl y smaller pre-drilled holes, especially for positive profile pins (Clary and Roe, 1996). High-speed drilling leads to thermal necrosis of bone and poor fixation; manual insertion is prone to lead to mechanical damage to the bone due to hand wobble (Egger et al., 1986). Post-operative management Despite the presence of percutaneous pins, infection is rare and antibiotic therapy is not necessary other than in the peri-operative period. Pin tracts require no specific treatment and are best left to heal by second intention. The patient should be restricted to the house and to controlled activity, as fixators can get tangled in trees, bushes, etc. and could be avulsed prematurely. Follow-up radiographs should be taken at regular intervals. The progression of fracture healing is easy to assess as there is minimal hardware at the fracture site

to obscure this on radiographs. Staging down As healing progresses and callus formation increases, it is advantageous to decrease the strength ofthe fixator as the strength of the bone increases. This can be done by reversing the measures taken to increase the strength of the fixator outlined above. This is usually appropriate around 6 weeks after surgery (Egger et aI., 1993).

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If done too soon, there will be insufficiently strong callus and healing will be retarded due to instability. Fixators are generally removed piecemeal, firstl y by removal of additional connecting bars (if present), then by remova l of centrally located transfixing pins. This can be done without general anaesthesia if desired, although thi s is us ually necessary for radiograph.ic evaluation in any case. There will often be haemorrhage from empty pin tracts, but rarely requires s pec ific treatm ent other than a light bandage. Dynamic extemal fi xators exist that allow strictly controlled axia l micromovement, which increases callus formation and maturation, accelerating clinical union (Lanyon and Rubin, 1984). Note that this micromovement is very strictly controlled, being purely axia l in nature, and this situation is fundamentally different from one of unstable fixation or staging down. These devices are currently prohibitively expensive for the veterinary market.

Principles of use of plates and screws Bone plates act as intemal splints, stabilizing fracture fragments whi le healing occurs. Plates are contoured to fit the bone and fixed to it by screws. They depend upon friction between plate and bone for their grip. Plates are generally good at resisting distraction and rotation, but are weaker than intramedullary devices with respect to angulation. Types of plate Bone plates have undergone considerable evolution since their development and some examples are illustrated in Figure 9.10. WARNING The Sherman and Burns style plates and sem i-tubular plate are not recommended. Various special plates also exist for use in particular situations (e.g. curved plates for acetabular fractures, T -plates for metaphyseal fractures) and custom-made plates can be manufactured if required for specific awkward situations.


Types of screw Screws can be divided broadly into: Cortical and cancellous Self-tapping and non self-tapping (ASIF-type). Cortical screws have a relatively fine thread pitch and are designed for use in thin but hard cortical bone, although they may also be used in cancellous bone. Cancellous screws have a much coarser pitch and are designed for use in cancellous bone only; they have a sma ller core diameter and therefore a lower AMI than corresponding cortical screws. They may be full y threaded or partially threaded. Partia lly threaded screws can be difficult or impossible to remove following healing, as bone fills the space left around the nonthreaded portion. Self-tapping screws ha ve a cutting tip and a 'triangu lar' thread. These cut th eir own thread in bone, inevitably damaging it to some extent. If the screw must be removed during surgery, the tluead will often strip, necessitating the insertion of a larger screw. The screw head is of the traditional s lotted type. Non-selftapping screws have a rounded tip and a ' buttress' thread (Figure 9.11) and req uire the use ofa tap to cut a tluead in the bone prior to their insertion. The tap

damages the bone much less, so screws can be removedand replaced ifrequired. The tap should always be used, even in soft bone. The screw head has a hexagona l recess to receive the screwdriver and allows significantly better purchase and less chance of damage to the head as compared with the slotted type. The underside of the head is semi-circular, allowing greater versa ti lity in directing the screw through the plate hole. Screws may be used wi th flat steel washers to prevent the screw head from sinking into soft bone. Screw sizes and appropriate drill sizes are Listed in Table 9.11. PRACTICAL TIP The DCP is the most versatile plate for routine use. The most useful screws are non-self-tapping (ASIF-type) cortical screws.

Screw size

Thread hole

Gliding hole


1.5 mrn cortical 2.0 mrn cortical 2.7 mm cortical 3.5 mm cortical 3.5 mm cancellous 4.0 mm cancellous 4.5 mm cortical 6.5 mrn cancellous

1.1 mrn 1.5 mm 2.0 mrn 2.5 mrn 2.0 mrn 2.0 mrn 3.2mm 3.2 mrn

1.5 mm 2.0mm 2.7mm 3.5 mm 3.5mm 4.0mm 4.5mm 6's"mm

1.5 mm 2.0mm 2.7 mrn 3.5 mm 3.5mm 4.0mm 4.5 mrn 6.5 mrn

Tab le 9.11: Appropriate drill alld lap sizes for various screws.

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Figure 9. 10: (a) Sherman, Bums style plates: Round holes; plate "arrows considerably between holes, resulting in sigllijicollt weakening.

(e) Reconstruction plate: DCP-style plate that is notched between screw holes to allow for more versatile three-dimensional bellding. at the cost of some strength. Usefllifor pelviC (Dyce alld Houlton, 1993) or distal femoral condylar fracture repair (Lewis et aI. , /993) where very complex plate contouring may be required E5

(b) Semi-tubular plate: Weak plate, designedfor millimal loadillg. Screw holes may be oval, allowing eccentric screw placement alld a degree ofaxial compression.

(e) Venables plate: Stronger plate. Screw holes round and offen illslI/ficiellt /lumber. Modem variant is thicker and stronger lhall traditional design.

(j) Vete rinary cuftable plate: Semi-tubular, round hole plate. Purchased as very /ollg plate, from which the required length is cut. High screw density is useful when bOlle stock is limited e.g. buttressing severely comm inute,l 10llg bOlle fractures. May be stacked aile all lOp of another in order to increase strength (McLaughlin et aI., /992). Useful ill smaller bOlles (Gentry el aI., 1993).

© (d) Dynamic compression plaIe (D C? ) A OjASI F type: Strollg plate, specially engineered self-compressing screw holes use 'rollillg ball' principle to allow axial compressiolillsing special 'load' drill guide to position screw hole eccemrically ill plate hole. Enormous range of sizes available. The best plate for routille lise.

(g) Limited contact dynamic compression plate (LC- DCP): Plare with specially-designed undercuts that reduce impairment of osseous blood flow by limiting contact area between plate and hOlle and elimillate stress cOllcell1rarion at screw holes. Screw holes are bevelled to allow axial compression in either direction.

(It) The DCP screw hole. When the semi-circular screw head contacts the 'shoulder' ill the specially-designed plate hole the screw slides towards the fracture site. (i) The DC? drill guide has'neutral' alld 'load'fimctions; the 'load' guide normally has all arrow that should poillt towards thejracture site. Axial compression is produced by positioning the screw eccentrically within the screw hole i.e. distant from thejracture site. UJ Tightening the screws results in compression o/the /ractllre as the screws slide towards one another.


'Load' drill guide


'Neutral' drill guide






., ,.

-:: ':,. .,





axial . ... compression


minimal axial compression


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Figure 9.11: Screws. (a)


NOIl~seil·tappi l1g


Interfragmentary compression may be dynamic (i.e. it is produced by axial loading or muscle forces) or static (i.e. it does not depend on the above forces).

AD-type screw.

(b) set/tapping screw,

AO/ASIF principles and instrumentation The formation of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft fiir Osteosynthesefragen I Association for the Study of Internal Fixation group (AO/ASIF) in Switzerland in the 1950s was in reaction to an unacceptable incidence of fracture disease associated with contemporary fracture fixation methods. The group defined a number of aims and principles for a rapid return to full function following fracture treatment (Prieur and Sumner-Smith, 1984): Anatomical reduction of fracture fragments, especially with respect to articular surfaces Preservation of blood supply to bone fragments and soft tissues by delicate atraumatic surgery Stable internal fixation, satisfying the biomechanical requirements Early active pain-free movement and full weight bearing of the traumatized limb, avoiding fracture disease. The AO/ASIF group also designed novel implants and instrumentation to achieve these goals, the prime amongst which is the dynamic compression plate. It can be seen that, currently, two of the AO/ASIF principles (i.e. anatomical reduction and internal fixation) are not invariably the surgeon's aim. Other principles (i.e. rigid fracture fixation, atraumatic technique and early mobilization) are still paramount. For a full description of AO/ASIF philosophy and techniques, refer to the excellent manual of Brinker et al. (1984).

lntelfragmentary compression using lag screws: Insertion of a lagged screw across a fracture gap will result in interfragmentary compression (see Operative Technique 9.5). Lag screw fixation may be the sale method of fixation (e.g. lateral distal humeral condylar fracture) or may be used to reconstruct comminuted fracture fragments. In the latter situation, lag screws may be used through the plate, or separate from it. Note that lag screws generate static compression.

WARNING Only lag screws should cross fracture lines, unless this causes fracture collapse.

Axial compression using plates: Plate fixation with axial compression is a good way of repairing simple transverse or short oblique fractures but is not appropriate for comminuted fractures. Plates can generate axial compression in several ways and more than one of these may act in any given situation: Application of the plate to the tension surface of the bone will allow the tension-band effect to apply and will result in axial compression of the bone under the plate. This is dynamic compression (Figure 9.12) Load




WARNING The development of AO principles still represents one of the most important advances in the history of orthopaedic surgery and the surgeon would be ill advised to ignore them. Interfragmentary compression Compression between fracture fragments reduces the fracture gap and, by increasing interfragmentary friction, increases ' stability. Both these factors help to optimize conditions for healing in the presence of rigid stability. Note that the size of the fracture gapes) can have a crucial bearing on interfragmentary strain if there is interfragmentary movement (see Chapter 3).



Figure 9.12: Tension-band effect using plate. Most bones (e.g. femur) are loaded eccentri~'ally alld have tension and compressiol1 sur/aces. Fractures will there/ore also tend to have tension and compression surfaces. Application 0/ an inelastic device (plate) to the tension surface will convert tensile/orces generated by loading to compression at that surface. This l1eed not be a DCP-style plate.

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Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management span fractures that are not reduced and bear fu lly the forces generated by weight bearing. It is obvious that the plate is extreme Iy vulnerable in this situation. Implant strength a nd healing rate should be ma ximized.

Use of a tensioning device at the end of the plate can produce static axial compression Use of a DCP can allow generation of static axial compression by eccentric screw positioning in the oval plate hole using a special drill guide (see Operati ve Technique 9.6).

Neutralization and buttressing Axial compression in conuninuted fractures is not desirable. Fracture fragments may be reconstructed using lag screws, so that interfrag mentary com pressian is present. Axial compression subsequent to this would disrupt interfragmentary compression. Instead, plates are used to protect the repaired fracture from load ing when weightbearing occurs. Neutralization plates span the reduced fracture and transmit loading forces past the fracture (see Operative Technique 9.6). Variable amounts of load-sharing between fracture and implant occur. Very accurate plate contouring is essential so that unwanted forces are not created within the repaired fracture as the screws are tightened. Buttress plates (see Operative Technique 9.6)

Application of plate and screws The basic guidelines for plate and screw app lication are as follows:


· · · ·

· ·

PRACTICAL TIP Compression, neutralization and buttress are descriptions of plate application and function rather than design. The DCP is most commonly used in all these roles, although custom-made plates are very useful in buttressing roles.

Use as long a plate as possible a nd contour it accurately to the bone Engage at least six cortices prox imal and distal to the fracture Fi ll all screw holes All screws must be tight and should engage both cortices Only lag screws may cross fract ure lines (in some situations lagging a screw across a fra cture line may cause fragment collaps e; in this situation a position screw may be inserted, thread cut in both cortices - i.e. no lag effect) Avoid cortical defects, especiall yon the compression surface Learn to plan fixation carefully and work quickly.

Clearly, it is not always possible to fulfil all these guidelines. Some fractures (for exa mple, metaphyseal or articular fractures) do not allow fo r six cortices to be engaged on either side. These guide Iines should, however, form a useful checklist to ap ply to most plate fixations. Disadvantages

Advantages Anatomical fracture reconstruction possible

Specialist equipment and training required

Healing with little or no external callus formation possible

Wide ex posure of bone required Large foreign body inserted at fract ure site

Most forces acting at the fracture resisted well

Substantial investment in materials

Rigid fixation allows early pain-free mobility and prevents fracture disease Ta ble 9.12: Advantages and disadvantages aJplate and screw fixation



Fractures involving sizeable fragments that can be reconstructed Fractures where anatomical reconstruction and minimal callus formation are required (e.g. articular fractures)

Inadequate screw purchase in bone possible (e.g. very young patient, osteopenia) Selected comminuted fractures in w hich alternative buttressing methods apply.

Any fracture requiring compression (e.g. non-union) Buttressing non-reconstructable fractures Arthrodesis Table 9.13: indications and cOlltraindications oj plate and screw fixation

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The advantages and disadvantages of plate and sc rew fi xati on are listed in Table 9. 12, and the indications and contra indications in Table 9.13.

Combining fixation system: maximizing rigidity of fixation C hemical and physical compatibility As a rul e, different implant systems should not be mi xed, du e to possible small differences in chemical composition that cou ld cause galvanic effects or variances in dimension that could lead to mis matches, e.g. between tap and screw sizes (Baumgart, 199 1). Practi call y spea king, all reputable instruments and implants should be of identical chemistry and constructi on and incompatibility should be unlikely (see C hapter 8). Combining different fixation methods can be enormous ly helpful in situations where max imum strength o r ri gidity of fi xation is required, e .g . for buttressi ng non-reconstructable severely comm inuted fractures. This approach is generally combined w ith a minimally in vasive 'open but don't touch' (OBOT) philosophy (see Chapter 10) and allows considerable in venti ve-


Figure 9.13: Radiograph of healing comminuted humeral fracture treated by cerclage wiring alld pinplale blillressing 6 weeks earlier. There is moderate bridging callus formation (the so-called bia-buttress). The pill had migrated proximally and was removed. The free and broken screw are remnants of a failed surgical repair.

Pin-ESF systems Combining an intramedullary device with an external fixat or prod uces a very strong fixation , but significant complications can be assoc iated with th e use of such a combined device in the proximal limb (Fola nd el aI. , 199 1). The intramedullary pin may be a llowed to protrude through the s kin and be clamped to th e connectin g bar of the external fixator. This is a ' ti e-in ' configuration (see Figure 9. 14). The fl aring of the bone towards the metaphys is usually allows sufficient room fo r insertion of transfixing pins.

va lescence/rehabilitation. Modern fracture fixation methods allow rigid immobili zation of th e frac ture without immobilization of the limb, and controlled limb use should be allowed along with provis ion of analgesia, in order to minimi ze fracture disease. Vigorous or uncontrolled activity should be avoided until fracture healing has occurred. Short bouts of leash exercise (for exa mple, 10-15 minutes two to three times a day) are genera ll y appropriate for the first 3-4 weeks, after which time this may be increased, pending th e res ults of follow-up rad iography.

Pin-plate systems Combining an intramedullary pin with a plate is even more rigid (Hulse et aI., 1994). To faci litate sc rew inserti on, th e pin should be 50-70% ofthe diameter of the medullary cavity (Figure 9.13). Monocortical screws may be used with success.

Physiotherapy Physiotherapy is diffic ult to use to any great extent in dogs and cats for reaso ns of practi cality and expense. In most cases, however, owners can be instructed in a few simple flexion -extension exercises if appropriate. Controlled or even assisted ambul ation is useful and swi mming can be particularly beneficial once skin wounds have sealed, allowing full limb mobilization and maintaining muscle bulk without excessive loading of repaired fractures. Many equine rehabilitation units are happy to allow dog owners to use their facilities and a few swimming pools specifically for dogs now exist. Experienced supervision is required for swimming in order to eliminate vio lent uncontrolled movement in the early stages of healing.

POST-OPERATIVE MANAGEMENT Client education Rest "equirements Requirements for post-operati ve care of fracture surgery patients must be explained clearl y to their ow ners and doc um ented on case notes. Written directions sho uld be provided for owners wherever possible. The traditional view that cage rest should be advocated following fracture surgery is out-dated and in most cases detrimental to fracture healing and patient con-


PRACTICAL TIP Frequent short bouts of exercise or physiotherapy are superior to infrequent long bouts.

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Following up Critical appraisal of fracture repair Constant self-appraisal is essential to maintain and improve standards. Radiographs of fracture repairs should always be taken at the end of surgery and at intervals until fracture healing has been documented. The result of surgery should be assessed and compared with the original fracture plan. The fracture plan itself should also be reviewed and appraised once its result is known. Record keeping Detailed records should be kept and reviewed regularly in order to assess the results of fracture treatment and to compare these with the experiences of other surgeons and published results. If results of fracture repairs appear unusually poor, possible reasons forth is should be sought and treatment protocols amended accordingly. If results appear unusually good, reasons for this should be identified and published in order to disseminate the increased knowledge and improve quality of care generally. Assessment of fracture healing (see Chapter 5) Fracture healing should be assessed physically and radiographically at regular intervals, usually monthly or bimonthly. Functional union will usually occur prior to radiographic union. Healing is easier to assess with some fixation systems than others. Fractures treated by plate and screw application can be particularly difficult to assess as the fracture line may be difficult or impossible to visualize immediately following repair and therefore assessment of healing, which may occur with little or no visible ca llus formation, may be challenging. Conversely, fractures treated using external skeletal fixation will usually be fairly visible and there will usually be appreciable amounts of callus formation, which facilitate assessment. Recognizing and dealing with complications It is important to realize and accept that not all fracture fixations will be without complications. Problems noted on post-operative radiographs (e.g. inappropriate implant placement) should not be tolerated, but should be remedied by immediate revision surgery. Evidence of infection or of delayed or non-union should be treated aggressively. Complications will always occur, but their frequency can be minimized by attention to good planning and surgical technique. Anticipating complications wi ll allow their early detection and treatment. Implant removal Surgical implants may be removed following complete fracture healing if required. This can be beneficial in tenus of removing any shielding effect from the bone, which could result in disuse atrophy ofthe bone ('stress

protection ' ), though this may be less important than previously believed (Glennon er aI., 1994; Muir er aI., 1995). Implants will also occasionally loosen, especially pins, and may cause discomfort if they are loose or other problems if they migrate. If there has been infection of the fracture site, this may becomeassociated with the implant ('cryptic infection') and lead to recurrent lameness or, possibly, predispose to fracture-associated sarcoma, although a definite link between metallic implants and cancer in dogs has not been shown (Li er al., 1993). Persistence of bacteria at a significant proportion of metallic implants has been documented (Smith er aI., 1989). Implants in some sites, e.g. pelvis and humerus, are rarely removed. It must be remembered that open screw holes left after implant removal will concentrate stress and predispose to fracture, so restricted exercise or even external support should be advised especially after plate removal. The perceived benefits and possible risks of implant removal must always be weighed up against one another.

REFERENCES Aron DN, Foutz TL, Keller WG and Brown J (199 1) Experimental and clinical experience with an IM pin exte rnal skeletal fixalo r tie-in configuration. Veterinary alld Comparative Orthopaedics alld Tralllllafology 4, 86-94. Aron DN, Johnson AL and Palmer RH (1995) Biologic strategies and a balanced concept for repair of highly comminuted long bone fractures. CompendiulII ojCofllilluillg EducQtiolljor the Practising Veterinarian 17, 35. Axelson P, Rtiihti JE, Mcro M, Vainionpaa S, TonnaHi P and Rokkanen P (1988) The use of a biodegradablc implant in fracture fixation: a rcview of the literature and a re port of two clinical cases. Journal ofSmal! Animal Practice 29, 249- 255. Baumgart F (1991) The 'mixing' of implant systems. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology 4, 38-45. Blass CE and Moore RW (1984) The tourniquet in surgery: a review. Veterinary Surgery 13(2), 111 - 114. Blass CE, Piennattei DL, Withrow SJ and Scott RJ (1986) Static and dynamic cerclage wire analysis. Veterinary Surgery 15(2),18 1184. Bouvy BM, Markel MD, Chelikani S, Egger EL, Piermattei DL and Vanderby R (1993) Ex vivo biomechanics of Kirschner-Ehmer external skeletal fixation applied to canine tibiae. Veterinary Surgery 22(3) , 194-207. Brinke r WD, Hahn RB and Prieur WD (1984) Manual of llllernal Fixation i/l SlIIal/ Animals. Springer- Verlag, Berlin. Campbell JR (1976) The technique of fixation of fractures of the distal femur using Rush pins. Journal ofSmal/ Animal Pracrice 17, 323329. Cannichael S (1991) The external fixator in small animal orthopaedics. Journal of Smal/ Animal Practice 32, 486- 493. Clary EM and Roe SC (1995) Enhancing extcrnal s kelctal fixation pin pcrfonnance: consideration of the pin-bonc intcrface. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology 8(1), 1-8 . Clary EM and Roe SC ( 1996) 1/1 vitro biomechanica l and histo logical assessment of pilot hole diameter for pos itive-profile external skeletal fixation pins in canine tibiae. Velerinary Surgery 25, 453462. Cu lvenor JA and Parker RJ (1996) Collection of corticocancellous bone g raft from the ilium of the dog using an acetabular reamer. JOllrnal of Small Animal Practice 37, 513-515. Ducland RT, Berglund L, Vanderby R and Chao EYS (1996) Structural properties of interlocking nails, canine femora and fe mur-interlocking nail constructs. Veterinary Surgery 25, 386-396. Dyce J and Houlton JEF (1993) Use of reconstruction plates for repair of acctabular fractures in 16 dogs. Journal of Smal/ Animal Practice 34, 547-553. Egger EL, Histand MB, Blass CE and Powcrs BE (1986) Effect of fixation pin insertion on the bone-pin interface. Veterinary Surgery 15(3),246-252.

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Principles of Fracture Surgery EggerEL, Histand MS, Norrdin RW, Konde U and Schwllrz PD (1993) Cllnine osteolOlllY heali ng when stabili zed wit h decreasingly rigid fixat ion compared to constantly rigid fixati on. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology 6, 182- 187. Elkins AD and Jones LP ( 1988) The effects of Plaster of Paris and autogenous cancellous bone on the healing of cortical defects in the femurs of dogs. Veterinary Surgery 17(2), 71-76. Elkins AD, Morandi M and Zembo M (1993) Distmction ostcogenesis in the dog using the Ilizarov external ring fixato r. Journal of tile American Animal Hospital Association 29, 419-426. Foland MA, Schwarz PD and Salman MD (199 1) The adjuncti ve use of half-pin (type I) external skeletal fixators in combin:llion with intramedullary pins for fe moral fra ctu re fi xation. Velerinaryand Comparative Ortho{Jaedics and Traumatology 4,77-85. Gallacher LA, Rudy RL and Smeak DD (1990) The external fixa tor boot: appliclltion, techniques and indications. J ournal oflhe American Animal Hospital Associalioll 26, 403- 409. Ga llacher LA, Smeak DD, Johnson AL, Boone RJ and Rudy RL (1992) The external l1 xator boot for s upport of surgica l repnirs of injuries involvi ng the crus and tarsus in dogs and cats: 21 cases. J ournal of the American AI/imal Hospital Association 28, 143- 148. Gentry SJ , Taylor RA and Dee JF (1993) TIlC use of veterinary cuttable plates: 21 cases . Journal oftheAlllerican Animal Hospital Association 29, 455 - 458. Glennon JC, Flanders JA , Beck KA, Trotter EJ and Erb HN ( 1994) The effect of long-term bone plate applicat ion for fi xation of radial fractures in dogs. Veterinary Su rgery 23, 40-47. Hulse D, Nori M, Hylmm B nnd Slater M (1994) Clinica l, in vitro and mathematical analysis of pl ate/rod buttressing for biologica l fracturestabilisation. Veterinary Surgery 23 , 404 (ACVS abstmct 40). Johnson AL, Seitz SE, Sm ith CW, Johnson JM and Schacffer DJ ( 1996) Closed reduction and type-II external fi xati on of comminuted fractures of the rndius and tibia in dogs: 23 cases (1990-1994) Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Associatioll 209, 8, 1445- 1448. Kirker-Head, C.A. (1995) Recombinant bone morphogcnctic proteins: novel substances for enhancing bone hell ling. Veteril/ary Surgery 24,408-4 19. Lanyon LE lind Rubin CT ( 1984) Static versus dynam ic loads as an influence on bone remooelling. Journal of Biomechanics 17,897905. Lawson DD (1959) TIle techniquc of Rush pinn ing in frncture repair. Modem Veterinary Practice 40, 32-36. Lesser AS ( 1994) Scgmenta l bone transport for the treatment of bone deficits. Journal of the American Animal Hospiral Associatiol/30, 322 - 330. Lewis DD, van Ee RT, Oakcs MG and Elkins AD ( 1993) Use of reconstruction plates for stabilisation of fmctures and osteotomies involving the s upracondylar region of the femur. Journa l of the American Animal Hospital Association 29, 17 1- 178 Li XQ. Hom DL, BlackJ and Stevenson S (1993) Relationship betwccn metallic implmns and cancer: a case-control study in a canine popul ation. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Trau matology 6, 70-74. Marti JM and Mill er A ( 1994a) Delimitation of safe corridors for the insertion of extemal fi xator pins in the dog. I: Hindlimb. Joufllal of Small Animal Practice 35(1), 16-23. Marti JM and Miller A ( 1994b) Delimitation of safe corridors for the insertion of extema l fixator pins in the dog. 2: Forelimb. Journal of Small Animal Practice 35(2), 78-85. Mclaughli n RM Jr, co*ckshutt JR and Kuzma AB (1992) Stacked veterinary cuttable plates for treatment of comminuted diaphyseal frnctures in cats. Velerillary and Comparative Orthopaedics and


Traumatology 5, 22-25. Muir P, Parker R, Goldsmid SE and Johnson KA (1993) Int erlocking intrnmedullary nail stabilisation of a diaphyseal ti bial fracture. Journal of Small Animal Practice 34, 26-30. Muir P, Markel MD, Bogdans ke JJ and Johnson KA ( 1995) Dualenergy Xray absorptionometry and force-plate analysis of gait in dogs with healed relllom after leg-lengthening plate fi xation. Veterinary Surgery 24, 15-24. Okrasins ki EB, Pardo AD and Gmehler RA (1991) Biomechanical evaluation of acry lic external skclctnl fixatio n in dogs and cats. Journal oftlte American Veterinary Medical Association 199(1 1), 1590. Pa lmer RH and Aron DN ( 1990) Elli s pin com pli cations in seven dogs. Veterinary Surgery 19(6),440-445 . Pardo, AD ( 1994) Relationshi p of ti bial intramedullnry pins to canine stifle joint structures: a comparison of nonnograde and retrograde insertion. Journal ofthe American Animal Hospital Associarion 30, 369-374. Penwick RC, Mosier DA and C lark DM (1991 ) Healing of canine autogenous cancellous bone graft donor si tes. Veterinary Surgery 20(4),229-234. Piermattei DL (1993)AnAtlasofSurgical Approaches 10 the Bonesand Joill/s of the Dog and Cat, 3rd edn . WB Saunders Co. PolIo FE, Hyman WA and Hulse DA (1993) The role of the cxtcma l bar in a 6-pin type 1 extemal s kcletal fixation device. Veterinary and Compararive Orthopaedics alld Traumarology 6, 75- 79. PricurWDand Sumner-Sm ith G ( 1984) In: Manual oflmernal Fixation in Small Animals, cd WO Bri nker, RB Holm and WD Prieur, pp 67. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. Riiiha JE, Axelson P, Rokknnen P and Tonnatii P ( 1993a) Intramedullary nailing of di aphyseal fractures with self-reinforced polylactide implants. Journal of Small AI/illlal Practice 34, 337-344. Riiihii JE, Axelson P, Skutnabb K, Rokkanen P and TonniiHi P (1993b) Fi xation of cancellous bone and physeal fractures with biodegradabl e rods of self-reinforced polylactic acid. Journal of SlI1all Animal Practice 34, 13 1- 138. RoeSC, Johnson ALand Harari J ( 1985) Placement of multiple fu ll pins for external fixa tion. Technique and results in fourdogs. Veterinary Surgery 14(3), 247-252. Smith MM , Vasseur PB and Saunders HM (1989) Bacterial growth associated with metallic implants in dogs. Jou rnal ofthe American Animal Hospital Association 195, 765- 767. Stallings JT, Parker RB, Lewis DD, Wronski TI1J and Shiroma J (1997) A comparison of autogenous cortico-cancellous bone graft obtained from the wing of the ilium with an acetabular reamer to autogenous canccllous bone graft obtained from the proximal humerus in dogs. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Trallmatology 10, 79-87. Szentimrey D and Fow ler D (1 994) The anatomic basis of a free vascularised bone graft based on the canine distal ulna . Veterinary Surgery 23, 529-533. Szentimrey D, Fowler D, Johns ton G and Wilkinson A (1995) Transplantation ofth ecanine d istai ulna asa free vascu larised bone graft. Veterinary Surgery 24, 215 - 225. Thommasini MD and Betts CW ( 1991) Usc of the ' Il izarov' extenUl I fixator in a dog. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics alld Traumatology 4 , 70- 76. Willer RL, Egger EL and Histand MB ( 199 1) Comparison of stainl ess steel vcrsus ncrylic for the conncct ing bar of extemal skeletal fi xators. Journal ofthe American Animal Hospital Associarion 27, 541-548. Wilson JW (1987) Effect of cerclage wires on periosteal bone in growing dogs. Veterinary Surgery 16(4), 299-302.

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Insertion of intramedullary pin





& pin

& pin



• II

• Fig ure 9.14: Pin insertion: (a) normograde; (b) retrograde.

Pins may be inserted normograde or retrograde.

Tray extras Gelpi relrac tors; bone holding forceps; pointed reduction forceps; Jacob's chuck or motori zed pin dri ver; small and large pin cutters; appropriate pin (s) Surgical approach Appropriate for bone involved Selection of pill size Pin diameter slightl y less than diameter of medullary cavity at its narrowest point (isthmus). Length of pin best determined from pre-operati ve radiograph of same bone in contralateral limb: tip should impact in (distal) metaphysis; free end should protrude approximately 5- 10 mm (prox imally) to allow removal. Pin may be cut to appropriate length pre-operati vely (best option), or notched pre-operati vely and broken in

situ, or cut fo llowing insertion (very robust pin cutters may be required; hacksaw is inappropriate) Redu ction and fixatioll The fracture is exposed if required and the fragment ends are examined for fi ssuring. Any fiss ures present should be protected using cerclage wi res. The fracture should be reduced and temporaril y stabilized using suitable bone holding forceps.

Normog1'at[e pin inse,.tion The pin is dri ven into the medullary canal at some point distant from the fracture and adva nced along the medullary canal, tra versing the fracture site and impacting in the metaphysis of the opposing fragment. The pin is then cut (unless pre-cut) leaving 5- 10 mm protruding to allow for removal. It is sometimes possible to perfonn normograde insertion closed.

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Insertion of intramedullary pin

Retrograde pin insertion The pin is inserted into the medullary canal at the fracture site and driven along the medullary canal until it ex its the bone at some appropriate distant site. The chuck is reversed and the pin is then draw n out of the exit site until only the tip is visible at the fracture. The fracture is reduced and the pin is dri ven across the fracture site and im pacted in the metaphys is of the opposing frag ment. Open pin insertion is always required and double-pointed pins are advantageous. Most long bones are suitable fo r either normograde or retrograde pinning. Landmarks for normograde pinning: Humerus Craniolateral metaphys is proximally Femur Intertrochanteric fossa, immediately medial to greater trochanter Tibia Craniomedial aspect, immediately caudomedial to insertion of straight patellar liga ment. PRACTICAL TIP T he tibia should be pinned normograde (Pardo 1994). WARNING The radius s hould never be pinned. PRACTICAL TIP Remember to allow for radiographic magnification (10-15 %). Small changes in pin diameter produce large changes in AMI and pin strength.

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Application of cerclage wire

Tray extras Gelpi retractors; bone holding forceps; pointed reduction forceps; parallel pliers and wire cutters or combined cutter/twisters; assorted wire (0.8, 1.0 and 1.2 mm diameter) ; wire passer. Reduction and stabilization The fracture is reduced and stabilized using bone holding forceps or temporary K-wire. Application of cerclage wire For full cerclage wire (Figure 9.15a), the wire is passed around the bone, avoiding soft tissue entrapment (a wire passer may be helpful), or through bone tunnel for hemicerclage (Figure 9.15b) The ends are twisted tight (tension must be placed on the wire as it is tightened to ensure that even and secure twisting occurs) and cut short (two or three twists should remain). The free end may be twisted and bent flat if desired. As an alternative, ASIF type wire loop or ' dynamic' double loop cerclage may be used (Blass et aI., 1986). (a)

Figure 9.15: Cerclage. (a) Futt cerclage. (b) Hemicerclage wire.


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Application of tension band wire

Tray extras Pointed reduction forceps; Jacob 's chuck or motorized pin driver; small pin cutters; assorted small pins; pin bender; parallel pliers and wire cutters or combined cutter/twisters; assorted wire (0.8, 1.0 and 1.2 mm diameter). Reduction and stabilization The frachlfe or osteotomy is reduced using one or two K-wires or arthrodesis wires. A transosseous tunnel is drilled distant from the fracture site in the main fragment (distance ~ approximately 2.S x length of smaller frag ment). A piece of wire is passed through the bone tunnel and the ends are crossed over. A second length of wire is passed around the ends of the pins (ensure that loca l softtissues, e.g. tendons, are not entrapped) or through a bone tunnel adjacent to the pins. The ends of the pins are bent over and the wires are twisted tight evenly (tension must be placed on wire as tightened to ensure that even and secure twisting occurs). The wires are cut short and the ends are bent down.

Figure 9.16: Tension band wire.

PRACTICAL TIP Use small pins and heavy tension-band wire. Ensure the wire tension-band is of adequate length.

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Application of external skeletal fixator

Tray extras Appropriate retractors and bone-holding forceps for open reduction; Jacob's chuck or motori zed pin dri ver; small and large pin cutters; appropriate drills, transfixing pins, clamps and connectin g bars; spanner or socket for ti ghtening clamps.

Reduction and stabilization The fracture is reduced. Reduction may be open or closed and may involve the use of cerclage wires, lag screws or intramedullary pins.

Application ofwlilateralltlliplanar (Type /) extemalfixator (Figure 9.17)

Figure 9.17: Application oj Type I external Jixator.

The appropriate size of system is selected. Transfixing pins should not exceed one-third of the diameter of the narrowest part of the bone involved. Stab incisions are made through the skin on the appropriate aspect of the limb as far distant from the fracture proximal and distal as possible, without interfering with adjacent joints or vital soft tissue structures (Marti and Miller, 1994a, b). The incisions should be large enough (0.5 to I cm) to prevent any tension in the skin after pin insertion, as this will result in skin necrosis. Stab incisions should ideally be distant from any surgical incision. Proximal and distal pins are inserted either directly, using a low speed drill, or into slightl y smaller pre-drilled holes if the bone is hard. These pins should be inserted at converging angles of around 60° - 70° to the bone axis and should be threaded (Figure 9. 18) (positive profile is best). All pins must penetrate both cortices of the bone. Ellis pin (negative profile)

Central thread positive profile pin (for bilateral fixators)


Figure 9.18: Types oj !lXotor pill.

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Application of external skeletal fixator

The connecting bar, with all the required clamps attached, is connected to these transfi xing pins and their clamps are tightened, leaving a gap of around 1 em between skin and clamp to a llow for swelling. Clamps may be positioned with the nut ' inside' or ' outside' the bar according to personal preference. ' Outside' is probably better as the length of pin from bone to clamp is less and therefore the fixation is stronger. A second connecting bartnay be attached in the same way, external to the first, if increased strength of fixation is required.

Fracture reduction is checked and the remaining pins are inserted as above, using their loose clamps as guides. This is essential to ensure proper alignment of all the pins. It is not possible to insert all the pins and tben apply the bar. In general, sets of pins within major fragments should converge. Positive profile pins cannot be inserted through the clamps, so smooth or negative profil e pins should be used. All pins must penetrate both cortices. The remaining clamps are tightened and fracture alignment checked again.

Application of unilateral biplanar external Jixator Proceed as above. A second fixator is applied using the same principles within an arc of 90° to the first (e.g. primary fixator applied along medial aspect of the radius with the second applied cranially). The two fi xators are connected using small connecting bars and double clamps. When both devices lie within a 90° arc the system is regarded as unilateral. If the arc is greater than 90°, it is bilateral.

Application of a bilateraluniplanar (Type II) external Jixator Proximal and distal pins should be inserted perpendicular to the bone axis. These should penetrate the soft tissues on both sides of the limb and should be connected to a cOlmecting bar on either side of the limb. These pins should have a centrally located positive profile thread. Additional pins are placed as before. It is difficult to maintain alignment of the transfi xing pins through the limb and to engage the clamps on the far side properl y. It is helpful to attach a second connecting bar on the operator side and to use this as a drill guide in order to improve planar alignment of the pins (Roe et al., 1985). The supplementary cOlmecting bar on the operator side is subsequentl y removed. Alternati vely, further pins may be unilateral (modified Type II).

Application of bilateral biplanar (Type III) external Jixator Use principles described above. Radiographs in at least two planes should be taken to assess fracture alignment prior to the pins being cut short. Sharp pin ends should be covered by cohesive tape (adhesive tape is very difficult to remove later) and the fi xator may be protected by a small bandage. It is sometimes helpful to apply a padded bandage around the limb for 2-3 days to reduce post-operati ve swelling.


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Application of lag screw

Tray extras Appropriate retractors and bone-holding instruments; appropriate drills, guides and taps; appropriate screw sizes.

Reduction and stabilization The fracture is reduced and stabilized temporaril y using pointed reduction forceps. A hole the same diameter as the screw threads is drilled in the cis cortex (gliding hole) and an insert guide is passed through this. A drill the same diameter as the screw core is inserted through the guide to ensure central placement and a hole is drilled in the trans cortex (thread hole) . The hole in the cis cortex may be countersunk if required, although this can be risky in the very thin cortices of canine and feline bone. The necessary length of screw is measured using a depth gauge. The trans cortex onl y is tapped and the screw is inserted. Approximately 2 mm is added to the measured length. (The length of the screw is measure from the head to the tip, which tapers and does not grip the bone well . Adding 2 mm ensures adequate thread contact in the trans-cortex.) Tightening the screw generates ax ial compression along its length and compresses the trans cortex towards the screw head, where it engages the cis cortex or the plate. For maximum function, the lag screw should be inserted midway between the perpendicularto the fracture line and the perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the bone. A lag effect can be created using a partially threaded cancellous screw, although it may be difficult to ens ure that the threaded portion of the screw is of an appropriate length.



Figure 9.19: Insertion o/lag screw.

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Application of plate and screws

Tray extras Appropriate retractors and bone-holding instruments; appropriate drills and taps; appropriate sizes of plate and screws.

Redllctiolllllld stabilization of a. simple transverse lliaphysealfractllre llsing a compression ]Jlate (Figure 9.20) The fracture and most or all of the involved bone should be exposed. The bone ends must be examined for occult fissurin g. (If fissuring is present, axial compression should be avoided. Secure the bone ends using cerclage wire to prevent further fissurin g and proceed with neutrali zation plate fi xation.) The fracture is reduced, us ually by toggling or traction, and reduction is maintained using bone holding forceps or temporary K-wire(s). The plate is contoured to fit the bone. A small gap may be left between plate and bone over the fracture (prestressing) to produce compression of the trailS cortex (Figure 9.21). An appropriate ly sized thread hole is dri lied close to one fracture end (Figure 9 .20a), the hole is measured through the plate and the thread is tapped. The plate is applied to the bone and a screw is inserted but only tightened until the underside of the screw head contacts the 'shoulder' of the screw hole (Figure 9.20b). The plate is slid proximally or distally so that the screw contacts the side of the screw hole distant from the fractu re site and clamped or held in that position. Using the ' load' drill guide, the screw hole on the opposite side of the fracture is drilled, ensurin g that both ends of the plate contact bone (Figure 9.20c) . This hole is meas ured and tapped as before. The screw is inserted and both screws are fully tightened in turn, compressing the fracture (Figure 9.20d). Further screws are inserted on either side, using the 'neutral ' dri ll guide (Figure 9.20e), progressively moving away from the fracn"e. All screws are checked for ti ghtness prior to clos ure.


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axial compression



m ~ ~I

Figure 9.21: Application of a pre-stressed plate. (a) Exact colltollrillg of a plate to a surface call result ill a lIarrolV gap ill fhe/ar cortex after screw fixation (b) The plate call be pre-stressed to create a curve in the part thaI wili fie above

the fracture. The far cortex is 110W compressed whell the . screws are tightened.

Figure 9.20: Application of a compressioll plate.

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Application of plate and screws

Reduction and stabilization of a comminuted diaphyseal fracture using lag screws and a neutralization plate (Figure 9.22) The fracture is approached as above and stepwise fragment reconstruction is commenced from either main fragment. Fragments are stabilized temporarily using pointed fragment forceps or K-wires. Any fragments that cannot be securely fixed must be discarded. Interfragmentary compression is achieved using lag screws and the fracture is rebuilt until only two main fragments remain. These are reduced with care, and lag screw fixation may again be used. Consideration must be given to the location of lag screw heads in relation to the position of the plate. Lag screws may be inserted through the plate if required. The plate is contoured to the bone without pre-stressing. Plate screws are inserted using the ' neutral ' drill guide and the steps detailed above. The order of screw insertion is not critical; it may be advantageous to insert the terminal plate screws first to ensure that the ends of the plate are located over bone. All screws are tightened prior to closure. The repair, especially the compression surface, is examined for cortical defects and these are packed with cancellous bone if present. Figure 9.22: Application of a neutralization plate using Lag

Pointed fragment forceps


Neutralization plate

Reduction and stabilization of a severely comminuted diaphyseal fracrure using a buttress plate (Figure 9.23) Little or no attempt is made to reconstruct the fracture, although large fragments may be reconstructed using lag screws or cerclage wires if wished. A pre-contoured plate is applied to the major proximal and distal fragments to regain normal bone length and alignment. The ' load' guide should be used with the arrow pointing away from the fracture to ensure that there is no axial compression.

Figure 9.23: Application of a buttress plate.

fi~ fI?

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Complex, Open and Pathological Fractures Chris May

COMPLEX FRACTURES This first section considers the management of severely comminuted diaphyseal fractures (see definition of complex fractures in Chapter 1). Comminution occurs because of a high energy impact and is usually associated with considerable damage to local soft tissues and other body systems. Careful and complete evaluation of the whole patient is essential. One major challenge with these fractures arises from the need to provide rigid fixation and early return to function for an inherentl y unstable fracture site. There may also be devitalized bone fragments and extensive soft tissue damage. In some situations, anatomical reconstruction with plate and screws will be appropriate (Chapter 9). In other cases, attempts at anatomical reconstruction may be considered unfeasible or even undesirable because: Reconstruction may be impossible due to small fragment sizes Reconstructive surgery would be prolonged and/ or would result in excessive tissue dissection.

This would damage local blood supply to the fracture site, compromising fracture healing and predisposing to infection.

In these circ*mstances, a shift to a minimally invasive strategy (MIS) is adva ntageous. Such strategies have also been called ' biologic' in American literature, but this terminology is avoided here because the author regards all fracture healing as biological.

A minimally invasive strategy for repairing complex fractures The principles of this strategy are: Use closed alignment, or minimal exposure

aligrunent of the two major fracture fragments to achieve spatial reconstruction (see below) Aim for maximum preservation of blood supply to the bone fragments Provide sufficient stability to allow for the lack of load shari ng by the non-reconstructed bone. Spatial reconstruction has been defined by Aron et al. (1995) as: Reconstruction of normal bone length Adjustment of the two main bone fragments to within 5° of normal torsion or angulation At least 50% overlap, in the mediolateral and

(a) (b) (e) (d) (e) (f) Figure 10.1: Techniques, compatible with a minimally invasive strategy, for stabilizing complex fractures: (a) externalfixator; (b) external jixator + intramedullary alignment pin; (c) exrernaljixator + 'tied-in ' imramedullary alignment pill; (d) bridging plate; (e) plate alld 'rod' (imramedllllary pill) technique; (j) interlocking nail.


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Figu re 10.2: (a) 'Hanging limb' preparation prior to closed reductioll of a radius and ulna fracture ill a dog. (b) Application of an externaljixator to the limb shown in (a).

craniocaudal planes, of the two main bone fragments. For adhering to these principles, the author's preference is the use of external skeletal fixation (ESF). Alternative methods incl ude bridging plates with or without an intramedullary pin and interlocking 1Il tramedullary nai ls (Figure 10.1) (see Chapter 9). Minimally invasive strategy for fractures ofthe antebrachium and crus Spatial reconstruction can be achieved by suspending the patient in the hanging limb position routinely used to overcome fragment overriding. Reduction is confirmed by closed palpation, or by a minimal exposure of the fracture site, and the fixator is placed with the animal maintained in the suspended position (Figure 10.2). In most cases a modified type II fixator is indicated (Chapter9). However, more rigid configurations may sometimes be required initially because of the lack of load sharing by the bone. As fracture healing progresses, the ESF is usually removed by staged disassembly, typically beginning 4 to 6 weeks after the initial repair. Minimally invasive strategy for fractures of the femur and humerus Both the femur and the humerus can be repaired by a mi nimally in vasive approach. However, these are more cha llenging than distal limb fractures, because there are no safe corridors for ESF pin placement

(Marti and Mi ller, 1994a,b) and it is more difficult to achieve a rigid construct because of the proximity of the torso. Closed alignment is often not possible with these bones and the hanging limb position does not complete spatial reconstruction. The alternative is to make a minimal surgica l approach between muscle bellies to accomplish alignment of the two main frag ments and positioning of the fixation device whilst leaving the intervening minor frag ments undisturbed (min.imal exposure alignment) . M inimal exposure alignment Only expose the main prox imal and distal fragments - do not handle individual intervening cortical fragments as this may deprive them of blood supply Only remove those fragments that are totall y devoid of soft tissue attachments Achieve spatial alignment of the two main fracture segments by minimal manipulation In some cases, alignment can be achieved th rough fascia or muscle, thus avoiding complete exposure of the fracture site and further damage to soft tissues and blood supply. If ESF is used fo r stabilization, there should be mi nimal pin penetration of surrounding muscle masses.

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Complex, Open and Pathological Fractures


Although placement of autogenous cancellous bone grafts is simple and recommended in most comminuted fracture repairs (Chapter 9), the author does not routi nely graft when using a MIS, particularly if it involves disturbing fracture frag ments.

Figure 10. 3: Schematic view of a complex femoral fracture to illustrate placement of all intramedllJJary alignment pill and extemaljixator: (a) minimal exposu re of the main jragmenrs to facilitate pill positioning (see text for details); (b) t/se of bOlle !lOldillg forceps to 'slide' the fragmellfs alollg the pill, thus restoring limb length; (c) application afthe extemaljixator (see text jar details).

In both the humerus and the femur, reduction Illay be faci litated by the use of a narrow intramedullary ali gnment pin (Figure 10.3). Typicall y, a 3-4 mm pin is used for a 30 kg dog and a 1- 1.5 mm K-wire for a cat. Larger pins are unnecessary and may hinder fi xa tor pin placement. Theoretically, normograde pl ace ment ofthe alignment pin is less likely to disturb the local blood suppl y. However, the author finds

Cortical autografts and allografts In fractures with severe bone loss, replace ment of large sections of diaphysis may prove necessary. This may be achieved with an autograft (rib or distal ulna) or with a cortical allograft from banked bone. In either case, fi xa tion is by rigid bone plating with strict adherence to the principles of fi xation and of asepsis. For further discussions of bone grafting and bone banking see Weigel (1993) and Parker (1993).

OPEN FRACTURES In open fractures, the amount of energy absorbed by the limb at the time of fracture has important prognostic implications . High energy impacts cause greater

soft tissue devitalization and may have a higher risk of infection. Wound size may not be a major consideration in prognosis, as severe soft tissue crushing can

occur even with small puncture wo unds. The classification of open fractures is discussed in Chapter 1.

accurate pin positioning to be eas ier via retrograde

placement. Provided the ends of the two major fragments are ex posed through a small incision in the overl ying fascial plane (MIS !) and the intervening fragments are not disturbed, retrograde placement of the alignlllent pin does not appear to affect fracture hea ling adversely in practice. The alignment pin maintains axial alignment and

helps to minimize the number of fracture manipulations necessary before application ofESF, thus helping to preserve blood supply. The pin is generall y left in place as it increases the rigidity of the may also be ' tied in ' to the fixator (Figure 10.1), and is then removed as part of the staged disassembl y during fracture hea ling. When ESF is used, a rigid construct is created to cope with the non-load sharing and the excessive muscle tensions in the proximal limb. This may be by an enhanced bi-planarconfiguration (Aron el ai., 1995) but the author has success with double bar type I fi xation us ing threaded pins and ensuring a minimum

of six (preferably eighl) corlices gripped by the fixator pins in each segment (Figure 10.4). An alternati ve to traditional ESF devices is the use of polymethylmethacrylate to form the connecting bars, with either pins or bone screws for transfixati on (Dew el al. , 1992; Ross and Matthiesen, 1993). This allows more creative formation of the connecting bars, which can help in constructing a rigid device despite the confines o f limited transfixation pin positioning.


Figure 10.4: Post-operative radiograph showing the use all all illframedullary aligllll/em pin alld external jixator for managillg a complex jemoral jracfllre in a dog.

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The goals in the treatment of open fractures are: To stabilize the fracture and allow wo und management To prevent contamination progressing to infection To achieve bone union and restore limb function as soon as possible. Open fracture management can be considered in four phases: First aid care The rational use of antibiotics Wound management Fracture stabilization.

First aid care Primary consideration must always be given to the basics of acute care for trauma patients. WARNING Approximately 30 % of patients with open fractures have significant injuries to other body systems. Open frac tures have a high association with compromised neurovascular fun ction. Th is should be full y assessed as early as possible, as it will ha ve a major bearing on fracture management. Severe compromise of the soft tissue envelope may be an indication for early amputation. Immediate fi rst aid considerations for the open site include the following. Do not obtain samples for bacterial cultures at this stage. Recent studies suggest that such cul tures are not helpful in plann ing fracture therapy (Moore el al., 1989) . Do nol probe or manipulate the fracture site. Do cover open wounds with sterile, soaked compression dressings. The dressings may be soaked in any of the following: Sterile normal saline Chlorhexidine diacetate solution (0.05 %) Povidone-iodine solution (0.5- 1%).

The dilution and composition of these solutions is critical and the author prefers to use only sterile saline. The use of compression dressings helps to control haemorrhage from the site. WARNING The hospital environment is the major source of contaminating organisms that produce subsequent infection in open wounds.

Do provide limb splint support for the fracture sites (e.g. Robert Jones bandage, gutter spLint or Zimmer splint). The dressings should stay in place until the animal reaches an operating suite. If they must be removed (e.g. for evaluation of the soft tissue envelope, or fo r radiography), they should be replaced as soon as possible. Do obtain appropriate radiographs as soon as possible.

The rational use of antibiotics Antibiotic use in open fracture management is a complex and controversial topic more thoroughly covered in other publications (Patza kis et al., 1974; Worlock et al., 1988; Patzakis and Wilkins, 1989; Robinson et al., 1989; Gustilo etal., 1990). Antibiotic therapy should be instituted as soon as possible in all open fractures. An intravenous bactericidal antibi otic is preferred, such as clavulanate potentiated amoxycillin or a cephalosporin. Tissue samples (Figure 10.5) are submitted for aerobic and anaerobic culture and antibiotic sensitivity testing. Antibiotics are discontinued after 5 days unless there are positi ve findings on culture or if the patient 's condition indicates frank infection. Sensitivity testing may dictate a change in the antibiotic being used and antibiotic therapy should continue ror at least 3 weeks if culture is positive. An exception to these general guidelines is in very severe type III open fractures, in which there may be merit in a continuous antibiotic course.

Wound management The principles of wound management in open fractures are no di fferent from those for other open wounds. Good wound management hinges on haemostasis, copious irrigation, debridement of devitalized tissues, drainage and wound closure or reconstruction (Figure 10.5).

Fracture stahilization Fracture sta biliZQtion occllrssimultQl leollsly with 11lan-

agell/ em of the open IVound . Indeed, stability at the fracture site contri butes significantl y to combating loca l infection because:

Restoration of limb length minimi zes dead space. Stabilization of the fracture secondarily stabili zes the neighbouring soft tissues and facilitates revascularization. Oxygenation via a health y blood suppl y is the single most important factor in re-establishing tissue resistance to infection. Stabilization of tissues assists white blood cell infiltration of the contaminated tissues by providing a constant chemotactic gradient, not found in unstable tissues. Early stability provides for muscle and joint mobility, which helps to encourage both venous and lymphatic drainage and reduce oedema.

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Complex, Open and Pathological Fractures


FIRST AID FOR THE FRACTURE SITE I. PREVENT FURTHER CONTAMINATION Cover wi lh steri le dressings (or even clean towels in an emergency). 2. ACHIEVE HAEMOSTASIS Pressure Direct clamping/ligation of aneries (tolerated by conscio us patient). 3. PROVIDE TEMPORARY SUPPORT FOR THE FRACTURE

DEBRIDEMENT AND IRRIGA TlON I . INITIAL STEPS WITHOUT ANAESTHESIA Genlly debride and obtain samples for bacterial culture. Lavage with copious amounts of sterile sali ne deli vered via a shower head. For cost-efficacy in very contaminated wounds, tap water lavage will suffice. 2. AFTER PATIENT STABILIZATION Anaesthetize. Debride (asepti c precautions, waterproof drapes). Pulsati le lavage at 8 psi (this e ffect can be approximated with a home-made lavage gun) Lavage with copious amounts (up to 10 lit res). Soluble anti biotics may be added to the last 1 to 2 Iitres.

Sterile saline, a giving set, 3-way lap, 30 ml syringe and 18 g needl e are handed asepticall y and connected as shown. The saline is handed to a non-sc rubbed

assistant who can plug in extra bags as needed.

IF IN DOUBT: LEAVE THE WOUND OPEN WOUND CLOSURE I. PRIMARY WOUND CLOSURE May be possible in type I and some type II open fracture wounds. Close over drains. Consider suction drains if Illuch dead space. 2. OPEN WOUND MANAGEMENT Essential in most type II and type 111 open fra cture wounds.

OPEN WOUND MANAGEMENT Re-eva luate after 24-48

Ini tially use dressings to encourage furth er debridement (e.g. hydrocolloids, hydrogels, hydrocellular dressings, wet-packs)

Dressing for epithelialization (warm , humid environm ent, non-adherent dressing). Consider: . Continue with hydrocolloid or hydrocellular • Change to semi-permeable film dressing



hours and consider

repeat ing surgical debridement


Once granulation tissue is establi shed (5 - 10 days) consider: · Delayed primary closure · Skin grafting procedure · Dressing for epithelialization

Figure 10.5: Wound management ill open!ractures.

In most cases, rigid fixation will be required and this is most readily achieved by either lag screws and bone plates or by external skeletal fixation (ESF). WARNING Whichever technique is chosen, the surgeon must pay meticulous attention to the principles of fracture fixation as the risks of infection and/or non-union are high if the stabilization is anything less than optimal. Internal fixation The role of internal fixation in open fractures is controversial, but appropriate use of the technique in fresh,

open fractures is associated with good results and a reasonably low complication rate. In humans, complication rates as low as 8.2 % for acute osteomyelitis, 0.5 % for chronic osteomyelitis and a 2.2 % incidence of salvage by amputation have been reported following fIXation by bone plating or intramedullary nailing with reamed or locking nails (Clancey and Hansen, 1978; Chapman and Mahoney, 1979; Rittman el al., 1979). Most complications were associated with type III open fractures. " Steinmann pins, commonly used for intramedullary nailing in veterinary surgery, cannot be routinely recommended for the more severe types of contaminated fracture as they often fail to provide appropriate

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stability and may contribute to the intramedullary spread of infection. In most veterinary cases, rigid

internal stabilization of open fractures will comprise lag screw and bone plate fixation. Specific indications for primary internal fixation of open fractures include:

substitution with a variety of artificial prostheses anchored around screws placed into the residual bone. Ho we ver, in many cases, the extremity can be stabi-

lized by ESF throughout the period of wound management and without addition of prosthetic implants. Subsequent fibrosis is often sllfficiellllO stabilize the

Fractures in multiple injury patients when earl y mobili zati on is essential and ESF is impractical

injured joints.

Articular fractures

Bone grafting

Open fractures of the long bones of elderl y animals in which ESF may be inadvisable. Plate application should ideally be through the open wound or by extension of the open wound after debridement (Chapman, 1993). This may not al ways be practical but it does minimizes the additional soft tissue trauma inherent in a second, elective incision.

Whenever possible, soft tissue cover should be provided for the plate. In gaining access tllrough the open

The high risk of non-union associated with open fractures makes grafting of autogenous, cancellous bone desirable in almost all cases. WARNING Large cortical allografts or autografts are contraindicated in the face of infection.

w6und and endeavouring to place the plate under

healthy soft tissue cover, it may prove necessary to apply the plate in a non-traditional location. External skeletal fixation ESF is the author's first choice for most open fractures, unless a specific indication exists for internal fixation. It is undoubtedl y the method of choice for stabilizing open fractures below the stifle in the pelvic limb or below the elbow in the thoracic limb. Correctly applied, ESFprov ides suitable stability and has a number of advantages over internal fixation for the management of open fractures :

Particular indications for using autogenous cancello us

bone grafts in open fractures include: Comminution

Bone loss Internal fixation by plates and screws. Grafting may be performed early, when adequate soft tissue cover exists, or at the time of delayed primary closure of the wound if initial soft tissue cover is inadequate to retain and revascularize the graft. In type III injuries it may be appropriate to delay grafting for several weeks to allow for adequate soft tissue recovery first.

The device is relati vely easy to appl y and may even be adjusted during the fracture hea ling process There are no metal implants at the fracture site and ready access is usuall y gained for open

In some injuries, early amputation may be the treat-

wound management.

ment of choice. Indications include:

Disadvantages of ESF, specific to open fractures, include: The pins may interfere with plastic reconstruction procedures

There is a risk of pin loosening and pin tract infection adding to contamination problems The physical bulk of the more complex devices may be awkward and interfere with attempts at early limb mobility, particularly in patients with multiple limb injuries. Shearing injuries Shearing injuries of the distal extremities are particularl y amenable to transarticular ESF. The injuries are often complex and comprise 'degloving ' ofsofttissues and abrasion of bones, ligaments and other articular structures, usuall y over the tarsus or carpus (Chapter 20) . Historically, these ha ve been repaired by ligament


Reduction of morbidity. Early amputation can provide a rapid return to acceptable function, and, for many dogs and cats, a return to preinjury life style. This may be judged preferable to a prolonged clinica l course and the associated risk of complications inherent in managing complex open fractures. Severe type III injuries. The severe vascular compromise in such injuries makes amputation

the only viable procedure in many cases. Removal of large amounts of poorly vascularized tissues may e ven be essential to preserve li fe. Financial cons iderations. The combined requirements of open wound management and

complex fracture management are potentially expensive in labour and materials. In open

fractures it is a matter of financia l realism that earl y amputation may be the only option for many owners.

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Complex, Open and Pathological Fractures

PATHOLOGICAL FRACTURES A pathological fracture is fracture of a bone without excessive trauma as a consequence of pre-existing bone disease reducing the ultimate strength of the bone. Local disease that may result in pathological fracture (Figure 10.6): Neoplasia Osteomyelitis Bone cysts Local bone atrophy (e.g. disuse) . Generalized diseases that may result in pathological fracture (Figure 10.7) are: Hyperparathyroidism (alimentary, renal or primary) Hyperadrenocorticism Rickets (now rare in pets in the UK) Generalized neoplasia (e.g. myeloma). The prognosis and treatment of pathological fractures are ultimately governed by the primary disease process and also by the site of the pathological fracture. Pathological fractures of the vertebral column giving rise to significant neurological injury frequently have a poor prognosis.

Figure 10.6 ParllOlogicaijractlire secondary to a primary bone TllmOllr.


Neoplasia Consider amputation or a limb salvage procedure. Osteomyelitis Appropriate treatment of the inciting infection is combined with rigid fixation (Chapter 25). Bone cysts Treat with reduction, rigid fixation and packing of deficits with autogenous bone grafts. Consider corticocancellous grafts if large stmctural defects exist. Alimentary hyperparathyroidism Often these cases present with folding fractures and the bone is already too soft to withstand fixation. The best strategy is usually to provide analgesia and cage rest. The nutritional disease is corrected immediately but definitive treatment of bone deformities is delayed. Several weeks later, once bone density has improved, corrective osteotomies can be pJalUled as needed.

Stress riser effect When load sharing between a fracture fixation device and the bone is spread along the longest length of bone possible, the risk of a stress riser effect is minimized.

Figure 10.7 Pathologicalf:a.ctu~e secondary to nutritional \, .... i secondary hyperparathyroidIsm ill a puppy. ..! \ ' /) _, 'J



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... ,


102 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management

Thus, when internal fi xation is used on boneof reduced strength, the longest possible bone plate should always be applied. Similarl y, if ESF is used, pin placement should be distributed along the greatest possible length of bone.

Marti JM a nd Miller A ( 1994a) Deli mitation of safe corridors for the insertion of exte m al fixator pins in thcdog 1: Hindlimb. J ournal of Small Animal Practice 35. 16-23 Marti JM and Mille r A (1994b) Delim itation of safe corridors for the corridors for the insertion of extenta l fixa tor pins in the dog 2: Forelimb. Journal of Smal/ Animal Practice 35, 78- 85 Moore TJ, Mauney C and Barron J (1989) T he use of quantitative bacterial counts in open fract ures. CliniC(11 Orthopaedics


REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING Aron ON, Palmer RH and Johnson AL (1995) Biologic strategies and a balanced concept fo r repair of high ly comminuted long bone fra cturcs. CompendiulII ojCollfilllling Education .7, 35-49 BrinkcrWO, Holm RB and Prieur WD (cds) (1984) Mallilol of/l11ernal Fixalioll ill Small Animals. Springcr-Verlag, Berli n Chapman MW ( 1993) Open frac tures. In: Operative Orthopaedics, 2nd cdn, cd . MW Chapman. JB Lippincott Co., Philadelphia Chapman MW and Mahoney M (1979) The role of inte rnal fi xation ill Ihe management of open fractu res. Clinical Orthopaedics 138, 120 C I:l1lccy GJ and Hansen ST J r (1978) Open fraclUres of the ti bia: II review of 102 cases. JOl/mal oJ BOlle alld Joim Surgery 60-A, 118 Dew TL, Kem DA and Johns ton SA ( 1992) Treatment of compl icated femora l fractu res with external skeletal fixa tion utili zing bone screws and polyme thylmethacrylatc. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics alld Traumatology 5, 170-175 Gustilo RB, Merkow RL a nd Templeman D (1990) The management of open fractures. Journal of Bone and Joilll Surgery 72-A, 299 Hara ri J (eel .) (1992) Externa l skeletal fi xation. Veterinary Clinics of North America 22:1

Pa rker RB (1993) &tablishment of a bone bank. In : Disease Mechanisms in Smal/ Animal Surgery, cd. MJ Bojrab. Lea and Fcbiger, Philade lphia Patza kis MJ and Wilkins J ( 1989) Factors inil uenci ng infec tion rate in o pen fracture wounds. Clinical Orthopaedics 243, 36 Patzakis MJ, Harvey JP and Ivle r D (1974) The role of allli hi otics in the management of open fractures. Journal of BOlle and Joil1l Surgery 56-A, 532 Rittman WW, Schibli M, Malter P and Al1g6wer M ( 1979) Opcn fractures: long tenn results in 200 consecutive cases. Clinical Orthopaedics 138, 132 Robinson D, On E, Hadas N et al. ( 1989) Microbiologic flora contaminating open fractures: its signifi cance in the choice of prim ary ami biotic agcnts and thc likelihood of deep wound infection. Journal ofOrlhopaedics alld Traumatology 3, 283 Ross JT and Matthiesen DT (1993) TIle lISC of multi ple pin and methylmcthacrylate extenta l s kcleta l fixation for the treatment of orthopaedic inj uries in the dog a nd cat. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Trallmarology 6, I (5- 121 Weigel JP (1993) Bone grafting. In : Disease Mechanisms in Small Animal Surgery, cd. MJ Bojrab. Lea and Fcbiger, Philadelphia Worlock P, Slack R, Harvey L and Mawhinney R ( 1988)Theprevcntion of infectio n in open fractures. An cxperi mcnta l study of the effect of a ntibiotic thera py .Journal ofBone and Joilll Surgery 70-A , 134 1

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Fractures in Skeletally Immature Animals Stuart Carmichael

INTRODUCTION When a fracture occurs in an immature animal, both bone hea ling and fracture management will be markedl y influenced by the growing process taking place in the skeleton. This presents an additional set of considerations and challenges for the orthopaedist. The active anabolic state of the skeleton produces rapid fracture healing and, as a result, non-union fractures are extremely rare in immature animals. Malunion or the production of excessive amounts of callus around the fracture site are more realistic problems. Growth may be altered as a result of abnormal activity at the growth plates leadin g to shortening or progressive deformity of the affected long bone. If implants are used to stabili ze the fracture they may impair the growth process or be engulfed by newly form ed bone during healing, making removal of these implants a complicated procedure. Therefore, when facing a fracture problem in an immature animal, the orthopaedist not only needs a good working knowledge of the best way to stabilize the bone but also has to understand the growth process fully and how it will influence the outcome offracture repair. The dynamic state of growth during this period is also important since a three-month-old patient with a fracture will present a very different set of problems to one in a patient of seven months of age. Structural weakness present at the metaphyseal growth plate, particularly in the newly formed bone, predisposes to failure at this site. The range of fractures seen in young animals is therefore very different from those in the adult and demands an entirely different approach to management.

INCIDENCE OF FRACTURES IN YOUNG ANIMALS A very high proportion of all fractures in dogs and cats are found in animals less than one year of age. In a fouryear retrospective study of long bone fractures in dogs, 452 of 844 (54 %) were present in animals less than one year old (Marretta and Schrader, 1983). In a similar study in dogs and cats by Phillips (1979), 123 fractures

out of a total of 283 fractures were in dogs of under one year. This represents almost 50 % ofthetotal.In cats, 121 out of 244 fractures were presented in animals less than one year old, representing 49 % of all fractures seen. Many of these fractures are found affecting the metaphyseal growth plate, as a direct result of the structural weakness in this area. In Marretta and Schrader's study, 135 of the 452 (30%) fractures reported in juveniles in the study were described as epiphyseal.

SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS WHEN MANAGING FRACTURES IN YOUNG ANIMALS Growth The successful management of fractures in immature

animals depends on a good working knowledge of the growth process. It is outside the remit of this chapter to consider all aspects of growth, which are well documented elsewhere (Brighton, 1978; Ham and Cormack, 1979; Herron, 1981) but it is worth reviewing some important points which may influence decision-making processes when dealing with these fractures. The growing process is taking place at all parts of the skeleton but is concentrated at certain points: The metaphyseal growth plates The periosteum Subchondral area in the epiphysis. As bone is produced in these specific areas, the shape of the skeleton is defined and the long bones achieve their adult proportions. When a fracture occurs, bone development must be altered. The objective of management is to restore the situation to normal as quickly as possible. The metaphyseal growth plate ('growth plate' or 'physis') . The most important area of growth is the metaphyseal growth plate. Bone is formed very rapidly in this location by the process of endochondral ossification (Figure 11.1). Any disturbance to this area by fracture or by fixation methods will have a profound effect on

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~~ $




of growth _ _ _..J




Calcification Zone of cartilage transformation






e0@~ @

Degeneration oste0geneSiS '

Zone of ossification

Vascular entry

Metaphysis ~



Average closure time (months)


I~ ~oI





Figure 11.1: Metaphyseal growth plate showing tlte dijferem regions of cartilage differentiation alld bone /ormatioll.

bone growth and development. The growth plate is mechanica ll y weaker than the adjacent bone or articular structures, and so a high incidence of growth plate fractures are seen in inunature animals compared with a corresponding low number of liga mentous or soft tissue disruptions of the adjacent joints. The weakness of this area is due to the presence of cartilaginous matrix and newly formed bone (Figure 11.1). A fracture occurring in a long bone inevitably leads to some disturbance of growth. Fortunately th ere seem to be good compensatory mec hanisms which act to preserve limb length . General stimulation of growth of th e affected long bone in the period after fracture has been described in children (Rey nolds, 1981). In addition, compensatory increase in length of adjacent long bones has been observed experimentally (Wagner et al., 1987) and in healed fracture cases (Alcantara and Stead, 1975; Denny, 1989). These processes will allow some compensation for initial disruption in growth and act to preserve total limb length provided the growth plates remain functional. When planning fracture repair, it is important to consider the time at which a particular growth plate loses function naturall y and closes. T he average time of closure of commonly involved growth plates in the dog and cat is detailed in Table 11.1. Periosteum and subchondral areas New bone can be produced in both of these areas to augment fracture healing and remodelling. The periosteum is of particular interest in yo ung animals as it is

Scapula Tuber scapulae Hemipelvis Multiple junction (Acetab) Tuber ischii (secondary) Femur Femoral head Greater trochanter Distal Fibula Proximal Distal H umerus Proximal Lateral/medial condyle Lateral epicondyle Metacarpals/tarsals Distal epiphys is II- V Phalanges Proximal II-V Radius Proximal Distal Tibia Proximal Tibial crest Distal Medial malleolus Ulna Proximal Distal Carpus Carpal bones Accessory Tarsus Tarsal bones Fibular tarsal Skull:





3.6 10 10.5 10.5 11

8 7.5 15

10 9.5

13 12

12.5 6 7

21 3 3





8.5 10.5

7 16.5

11 8 10.5 4.5

15 15 10.5

10 8.5

10 18

3.5 4.5


5 3


Individual bones are joined at birth by cartilaginous or fibrous sutures. These stay physiologicall y open until 11 - 14 months of age, after which they may become fused by calcification

Vertebrae: The primary centres have fused to form a complete neural arch at birth. The epiphyseal plates stay open for varying periods up to 11 months Table 11.1: Average time a/radiographic growlII plate closure: dog alld cat.

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Fractures in Skeletally Immature Ani mals


very thick and easily stripped from the bone . As a res ult of its mec hanical strength it is able to hold fragments in the vicinity of the fracture, allowing reincorporation during the rapid healing process. This may allow anatomical healing in the absence of surgical reassembly of fract ure fragments in comminuted fractures and is one of th e major factors supporting a more conservative approach to fracture surgery in immature dogs. Needless to say, th e periosteum must be preserved and handled with care during surgery .

Bone strength and structure Juvenile bone is markedly different in composition from th at fo und in th e adult, resulting in softer more pliable bones. The bone structure itself is more porous, with an increased number of Haversian canals. Immature bone is much more resistant to fracture than adult bone because of these properties (Sharrard, 1993). Nevertheless fractures in immature animals are common and constitute a considerabl e proportion of all fractures seen in small animal patients (see above) . Incomplete fractures A higher percentage of incom plete or greenstick frac-

tures are seen in yo ung animals, as a result of their more pliable, less rigid s keleton. In incomplete fractures part of the cortex fails while the remainder remains intact and can act as a support for the damaged bone (Figure 11.2). Poor mineralization of bone The demands of the growing skeleton for calcium can result in weakness as a result of poor minera lization if dietary defici ency is present. Secondary nutritional hyperparathyroidism is th e common underlying cause and multiple fo lding fractures of poorly mineralized bone may result (Figure 11.3).

Figure 11.3: Pathologicalfracrure o/thefemur in a dog sufferingfroll1 Ill/tritional secondary hyperparathyroidism, The bone gives the appearance offolding, hence the term 'foldil1g fracture',

Poor holding potential fo r implants The soft nature and thin cortices of immature bone have significance forth e placement of implants such as bone screws, wltich achieve the best grip in hard material like mature cortical bone. The same sec urity cannot be obtained in immature bone and this must be considered in the selection of implants, especially when the use of bone plates is considered. Conversely, the large medullary canal present in juveniles, with its high proportion of trabecular or cancellous bone, is significant when intramedullary devices are considered.

Other considerations Prompt diagnosis Rapid identification of the fracture and prompt decision making with regard to frachlre management are vital to ensure a successful outcome in young animals, as th e healing process can be extremely fast. Since most growth stops at about nine to ten months of age, this identifies the time scale during which these conditions apply. Radiographic interpretation Early diagnosis depends o n a thorough clinical examination and pertinent radiographic in vestigations. Radiographic interpretation poses problems itself in immature animals as a result of incomplete calcification of th e young bones and the presence of open physes, both of which can produce a confusing picture •. and disguise fractures.

Figure 11.2: A greenstick/racture of rlie IOlVer tibia ill a young cat. The fracture can be seen as a spiral line traversing the distal third of the bone. The cortex is still part il1taCI and the fracture remaills ulldisplaced.

Fracture manipula tion The rapid healing process in immature animals is an obvious biological advantage but can cause problems

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106 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management if fracture management is dela yed for any reason. Callus already formed may have to be broken down to reset the fracture. This can produce difficulty in achieving proper fracture reduction, especially when closed fracture reduction is employed, and can result in longer operating times and additional soft tissue traumatization if surgical reduction is selected. In many cases imperfect reduction may be preferred to additional traumatic manjpulation and a reliance may be placed on the compensatory mechanisms present in youn g bone to produce a functiona l result in the absence of complete anatomical reduction.

Post-fracture patient management Additional problems are posed by the activity of the patient during the healing period. Puppies and kittens are by nature very active and extremely diffic ult to rest. Any fi xation method must take account of tIlis problem and allow the owners a reasonable chance of adhering to management instructions. At the same time the low body weight of youn g puppies and kittens reduces the load on the bones and so the mechanical challenge on the healing fracture. This improves the overall success of fixation.

GROWTH PLATE FRACTURES When trying to identify or assess fractures in this location, it is important to understand the different loads being applied through the area. Epiphyses can be broadly divided, by function, into pressure and traction epiphyses. The forces app lied through the growth plate often dictate the type of fracture produced and the management regime necessary to resolve the problem. All injuries of the epiphyseal region must be investi ga ted carefull y so that fra ctures are not overlooked. Fractures ha ve to be dealt with rapidly and often require surgical intervention to preserve full y the fun ction of the adjacent joint. In volvement of the articular s urface and/or impairment of growth by damage to the growth plate are important complications of fractures in this area and significantly affect prognosis. The Salter-Harris classification of growth plate injuries (Figure 11.4) is often used to describe and attempt to comment on prognosis of individual fractures. In reality, all fractures involving the growth plates must be regarded as having an adverse effect on long bone growth and a prognosis must be given accordingly. In the same way, if surgica l fixation is attempted due

Type I


Type II



Type III

Type IV

Figure 11.4: The Salter-Harris classification of growth plate fractures.

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Type V


Fractures in Skeletally Immature Animals

consideration must be given to the effect on continued growth from the surgical intervention and from any implants employed.

Growth plate fractures adjacent to pressure epiphyses When faced with these fractures at pressure epiphyses, it is convenient to review Salter types I and II separately from Salter types III and IV. Fractures involving the growth plate without involvement orthe articular surface (Salter I and II) Fractures falling into this classification form the largest group of physeal fractures occurring in cats and dogs. In the series described by Marretta and Schrader (1983),65.5% of the fractures were identified as either Type I or II. Fractures can be found at various sites (Figure 11.5) but the most common locations involve the distal and proximal femoral epiphyses, respectively. Fractures in both of these sites present different problems for management (Chapter 18) . The majority of distal femoral fractures are classified as Salter type II while most proximal femoral fractures are classified as Salter type I. General considerations for dealing with this type of fracture are outlined in Table 11.2. Recommendations are as follows: Secure the epiphysis with the least invasive method possible Preserve soft tissues around physis Use parallel, small K-wires if possible Place the implants to avoid impairing joint function Aim for early limb use. Fractures involving the growth plate with involvement of the articular surface (Salter III and IV) The most common site of occurrence is the distal humerus, though other sites have been reported. In the series described by Marretta and Schrader(1983),25.5 % of the fractures were identified as either type III or IV.


Positive Potential for rapid healing Negative Small fracture fragments Proximity of joint Soft cancellous bone Possibility of further damage during fracture manipulation Involvement of the articular surface

Type IIlI




+ + + +

+ + +



Table 11.2: General considerations in managemel1f of fractures involving the growth plate without (Salter types I and II) and with (Saiter types III alld IV) involvement a/the articular surface in skeletalLy immature animals.

Type IV fractures predominated (24%). The involvement of the articular surface alters the priorities in dealing with these fractures. It is imperative that the fracture is reduced accurately to allow the articular surface to heal well and avoid the possibility of debilitating joint disease later in life. Compression fixation has been demonstrated to lead to improved articular surface healing and so fractures are often stabi lized using lag screw fixation. Early mobilization is also encouraged, to protect the function of the joint. General considerations are detailed in Table 11.2. Recommendations are as follows: Accurate anatomical reduction of the articular surface is a priority Stabilize the articular fracture with compression fixation if possible Place the implants to avoid impairingjoint function Preserve soft tissue structures Plan early limb use. The application of all of these recommendations will obviously depend on the site involved, the age and size of the patient and the details of the fracture. Impaired growth is a much more important consideration in animals under 6 months of age. Similarly, problems with small fragments and soft bone are more likely in very young anjmals. However, the important principles outlined for each fracture type must be applied for any chance of good success in any patient.

General guidelines for management of growth plate fractures

Figure 11.5: The location ill the skeleton a/Salter-Harris type I and If fractures.


Early recognition and treatment is important Surgical intervention is usually indicated Handle fracture fragments carefully to avoid further damage

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Take special care in manipulating epiphyseal fracture surface to avoid damaging germinal layer Implant selected should occupy < 20 % of the physeal diameter Avoid fi xing cortical bone on both sides of the growth plate, which would prevent longitudinal expansion Complete and accurate reduction of articular fra ctures is necessary Aim for early removal of implants once fracture has healed.

Implants used in the management of growth plate fractures It is worth considering the relative merits of different implant systems commonly used to stabili ze physeal fractu res. The systems include:

Parallel pins Rush pins Crossed pins Biodegradable pins Bone screws. It is common to use small diameter smooth pins (Kwires) to stabilize the Salter I and II fractures (Figure 11.6). To give rotational stabi lity, two or three wires are usually used. Carefu l positioning allows them to be placed so that they do not interfere with joint function during the healing process. The manner in which they are positioned determines the effect they will have on continued physeal function. The optimal position seems to be parallel pins running perpendi cular to the growth plate. Tills method is simple, minimally invasive and ideal for very young animals. Migration of pins may occur but tills is not a major problem as earl y removal is planned. Figure 11.6: Proximal femoral physealfracture (Sct/fer- Ha rris type I) in a cat. ThejraclUre was stabilized using three K-wires. A concomitant fracture of the g reater trochanter was repaired wirll (IVO K-wires.

Figure 11. 7: Cralliocaudal alld {a feral post-operative radiographs of a cat with Rush pins llsed 10 stabilize a distal femoral fracture.

Rush pins (Figure 11.7) achieve better seating in the epiphyseal fragment and should allow longitudinal ex pansion,as their bodies lie within the intramedullary canal. However, studies have shown that impaired growth is common even after this type of fi xa tion. Crossed pins are popular for dealing with physeal fractures but they can be difficult to position in the epiphyseal fragment to allow good purchase. They can also bridge the growth plate and theoretically impair longitudinal development while in position, especially if placed almost perpendicular to the long axis of the bone. Biodegradable pins are commonly used in a parallel fashion and have the advantage of not requiring a second surgical procedure for removal. Reported success has been good. Fractures involving the articular surface (Salter III and IV) are best stabilized using a lag screw. The use of bone screw fi xation or the use of any threaded im plants to span the fracture is not common ly indicated to stabili ze physea l fractures, because of the possible effect they may ha ve on growth plates (Newton and Nunamaker, 1985). The possible exceptions are fractures in animals reaching the end of their growing period.

Managing growth plate fractures adjacent to traction epiphyses Av ulsion fractures are common and are a direct result of the force app lied from the attached muscle mass resisting movement of the adjacent joint: the epiphysis is literally pulled free from the area of endochondral ossification, resulting in an avulsion fracture. Any site where a major muscle mass attaches to a traction epiphysis is a potential site for fracture (Figure 11.8), but these injuries most commonly involve the tibial tuberos ity (Chapter 19) or the greater trochanter of the femur (Chapter 18). Such fractures pose a serious teclmical challenge because of the small size of the

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Fractures in Skeletally Immature Animals


months of age nearing the end of growth and they often involve the bones of the upper limb. Fractures resulting from bone weakness due to preexisting bone disease must always be considered in the juvenile fracture patient as a result of

tal or hereditary disorders or, more commonl y, nutri-

tional imbalances affecting the bo nes (Figure 11.3). These so-called pathological fractures us ually occur with a history of minimal trauma and there may be evidence of multiple s ite in volvement.

General considerations Figure J 1. 8: Location in the skeletoll of commoll sites of avulsioll!racfltres at tractioll epipyses.

bone and the large forces generated by the attached muscle. Surgical intervention is necessary to reappose the fracture s urfaces and allow healing to take place. Stabilization of the fracture is achieved using combi-

In general management, strategies sho uld be simple and in volve stabilization systems that can be removed early and easi ly. Rapid biologica l healing means that many of these fracttlfes can be managed us ing external coaptation. However, each indi vidual case must be

considered carefull y before a choice of fi xation is made, taking into account both positi ve and negati ve factors.

nations of pins and wires.

In most cases the safest way to deal wit h this fracture separation is to apply a tension-band wire. This will produce secure fracture stabili zation with minimal compromise to the surrounding soft ti ssues.

Using small pins to secure the fragment reduces the possibility of iatrogenic fracture while allowing two fixation points for rotationary stability. Very fine pins can be used as they are protected by the tension wire. The wire must be of sufficient diameter to develop tension when tightened to res ist the distractive pull of the muscle in volved. In very young dogs a compressive force across the

growth plate will cause the plate to fuse, with possible undesirable effects. The most conunon example of this is seen in young Greyhounds with avuls ion injuries of the insertion of the straight patellar ligament. The tibia may continue to grow, leaving the tibial tuberos ity fused be low the plate and so in an anatomically incorrect position (Chapter 19). For this reason two pins inserted either parallel or in a convergent or divergent fashion without a tension wire may be preferred, avoiding direct compression across the growth plate in very

young animals. An alternative approach is to remove the tension wire earlier in the healing period, leaving the pins in position, but this necessitates an additional surgical procedure.

Positive factors Rapid healing Production of large callus Low mechanical loading compared with adult Thick periosteum can act to support fragments of bone. Negative factors Soft bones with relatively thin corti ces Poor purchase fo r implants Variable length and shape of diaphysis Impairment of continued growth Implants engulfed by new bone, making removal difficult Exuberant callus with soft tissue entrapment.

Specific recommendations for fracture management Incomplete (greenstick) fractures These are often found on the tension surface of the bone, whi le the compression s ide bends or folds instead of breaking. Diagnosis can be difficult in the absence of recogni zable defonnity. The patient may present with an acute lameness, with foca l pain over


the siteofthe incomplete fracture. Definitive diagnosis depends on positi ve identi fi cati on of the cortiea I brea k, using radiography. Primary management, once the

Fractures affecting the diaphysis of immature patients are usuall y low energy type and are typically incomplete or simple fractures. This is due directly to the pliable nature of inunature bones. High energy fractures (typically comminuted fractures) are not as frequently found as in adults. When they dooccurthey are usually found in young, large or giant breed dogs 6-9

diagnosis has been established, is aimed at preventing the fracture line propagating furth er and producing a complete fracture, and at preventing angulation at the fracture site as the bone heals. A dressing,castor external fixato rin the lower limb will protect the bone and provide support whi le the fracture heals. In the upper limb the bone is less

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accessible and an external fixator may be the surest method of prov iding the necessary support. The fracture will heal very quickl y and earl y removal of the support in 3-4 weeks should be planned.

All of these methods rely on a good biological response and short fracture healing time so that dependence on the implant is onl y required fo r short peri ods of time.

Simple fractures Sim ple fractures tend to occur in the mid-diaphyseal area. They will heal quickly if rea pposed and stabilized. The simplest methods of stabili zation should be considered because of the biological advantage these fractures have. For fractures of the lower Lim b a tu bular cast may allow good, uncomplicated healing, provided the normal conditions fo r selecting a cast as the method of stabilization are satisfied (Chapter 7). Otherwise surgica l fi xation w ith an external fi xator w ill allow stabili zation. For the upper limb, intramedullary pins and external fixators used alone or in combination w ill allow healing to occur. Fracture healing should be checked at regular intervals and the s upport removed as soon as it is redundant.

F ractures as a result of pre-existing bone disease Secondary nutritional parathyroidism arising from dietary imbalance is the most common cause of bone disease in juveniles, resulting in poor s keletal minerali zation and weak bones. There may be pathological folding fractures (Figure 11.3), which can be difficult to diagnose since the bones may be di fficul t to visualize on radiographs because of poor calcification. The radiographs need to be inspected carefull y as multiple fractures may be present. Diagnosis is made fro m the history, radiographic evidence of poor mineralization and the characteristic appearance of the fractures. Ma nagement is primaril y aimed at preventing further frac tures and ensurin g pain relief for the patient. It is often a mistake to use external or internal fixation devices, due to the poor mechanical state of the bone. The devices may produce additional fractures and complicate the situation even more. The patient is cage rested to try to prevent furth er fra ctures occurring while the dietary problem is reversed.

Commi nuted fra ctures When comminution is present different mechanical and biological circ*mstances exist, producing a more complicated picture. The simplest way to approach these situations is to make full use of the biological potential of the comminuted fragments to heal together: provide rigid splinting across the fracture site. In the lower limb t11is can be best achieved by applying an external fixator, which is ideally designed to maintain Limb length and position without involving the area of the frac ture. It will also pennit early Limb use, which is an important factor since these fractures may take longer to stabilize than sim ple fractures. The use of external coaptation methods is far from ideal in many of these cases. Cast fixation will not easily preserve limb length; in circ*mstances where prolonged healing time is antici pated, immobilization of joints and muscles (especially when exuberant callus is being produced) may lead to fracture disease (Chapter 23). In the upper limb, the bone is once again less accessible, due to the surrounding muscle mass, and this produces a dilemma when considering the best option to givea good result. Often external fi xa torscan be used, despite the fact that their use is less idea l as a result of the increased muscle mass. If they are placed carefully they will produce good stability with minimum invasion of the fracture site. Combining these with intramedullary pins can give better alignment of the main fragments and enhance the stability by ' tying in ' the fi xator (Langley-Hobbs et aI. , 1996). Bone plates have been used to provide a biologica l bridge across the fracture with good success (D rape, personal communication). In these cases no attempt is made to reconstruct the fracture. The plate is attac hed proximally and distall y. Plates with low mechanical strength, such as cuttable plates, have been used in small dogs and cats.

General guidelines for dealing with diaphyseal fractures in skeletally immature animals Eliminate bone disease as a cause of fracture Use minimall y invasive technique if s urgery is required Complete anatomical construction of fracture is unnecessary Casts may be considered, due to rapid healing requiring short support peri od Check stability weekl y and remove implant or cast as soon as practical.

Implants used in diaphyseal fracture management No single fi xation teclmique will overcome all the problems that can be encoun tered in the juvenile fracture patient. The surgeon should understand the benefits and disadvantages of using each type of implant in order to make a correct selection in any g iven situation. Bone plates Ofte n the most predictable and dependable implant in orthopaedic surgery in adults, bone plates produce both mechanical and biological difficulties in juveniles. The soft cortical bone does not provide good screw purchase for stability and the strong rigid bone plates and screws are mismatched with the more flexible diaphyseal bone in young animals. Biological problems may be produced by the extensive surgical

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Fractures in Skeletally Immature Animals

exposure and dissection required to place the plate, and the large contact area with bone. Growth may be compromised if it is necessary to fix the plate in the proximity of the growth plate. Early removal of a bone plate necessitates a second major surgical procedure. Intramedullary pin or nail The medullary canal of growing bone is relatively larger in diameter than an adult bone and contains more cancellous bone. Intramedullary pins are useful, producing good mechanical and biological environments in suitable fractures. Early removal can be achieved easily with a minor surgical procedure. External fixators The external fixator is disadvantaged by poor purchase of pins in cortical bone in much the same way as bone plates. However, the short duration of dependence on the implant, the flexibility possible in designing and applying frames and the relative ease of removal makes the fixator a versatile and useful method of stabilizing fractures in young animals.

REMOVAL OF FIXATION SYSTEMS This should be planned in every fracture. This is more important in young animals since problems may occur as a direct result of the implant's presence as the animal ages. The longer the implant remains in position, the more likely it is to produce a problem. Implants should be removed when their presence is no longer essential to the stability and function ofthe bone. This can be at the time of clinical union of the fracture but the point of radiographic union is more often selected as a safer option. In very young dogs removal ofthe implant may ensure continued longitudinal growth. The ideal method of fracture repair in immature animals would incorporate the following points: Allow rapid healing by callus formation Allow weight bearing and limb use throughout healing


Be simple to apply and remove Allow growth to continue unimpaired Allow assessment of clinical union on different occasions Allow radiographic assessment of healing Be well tolerated and produce no problems that might complicate hea ling.

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING Alcantara PJ and Stead AC (1975) Fractures of the distal femur in the dog and cat. Journal of Small Animal Practice 16,649-659 Berg RJ, Egger EL, Konde U and McCurmin DM (1984) Evaluation of prognostic factors for growth following distal epiphyseal injuries in 17 dogs. Veterinary Surgery 13, 172- 180 Brighton C (1978) Stmcture and function of the growth plate. Clinical Orthopaedics 136, 22-32 Denny HR ( 1989) Femoral overgrowth (0 compensate for tibial shortening in the dog. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics alld Traulllatology 1, 47. Ham A Wand Cormack DH (1979) 377, Histophysiology of Cartilage. Bone and Joims. jp Lippincott, Philadelphia, PA Herron AJ (1981) Review of bone stmcture, function, metabolism and growth. In : Pathophysiology ill SlIIal/ Anill/al Surgery, PP. 791801. Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia, PA. Langley-Hobbs S, Camlichael S and McCartney W (1996) Use of external skeletal fixators in the repair of femoral fra ctures in cats. Journal of Small Animal Practice 37, 95- 101. Lawson DD (1958) The use of Rush pins in the management of fractures in the dog and the cat. Veterinary Record 70, 97-172 Marretta SM and Schrader SC (1983) Physeal injuri es in the dog. A review of 135 cases. Journal of American Veterinary Medicin e Associarion 182,707-710. Milton JL, Home RD and Goldstein OM (1980) Cross-pinning : a simple technique for treatment of certain metaphyseal and physeal fractures of the long bones. Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association 16, 891 -905 Newton CO and Nunamaker OM (1985) Paediatric fractures . In: Textbook of Small Animal Orthopaedics, cds CD Newton and DM Nunamaker, pp 461-466. Lippincott, Philadelphia, PA Phillips lR ( 1979) Asurveyofbone fractures in the dog and cat. Journal of Small Animal Practice 20, 661 - 674 Reynolds DA (198 1) Growth changes in fractured long bones. A study of 126 children. Journal of Balle alld Joint Surgery, 638, 83-88 SalterRB and Harris WR (1963) Injuries involving the epiphysea l plate. Journal of Balle and Joint Surgery, 45A, 587 Sharrard WJW ( 1993) Fractures and joint injuries. In: Pediatric Orthopaedics and Fractures, 3rd edn, ed. WJW Sharrard, p. 1365. Blackwell Scientific Publ ications, Oxford Wagner SO, Desch JP, Ferguson HR and Nassar RF (1987) Effect of distal femoral growth plate fusion on fcmoral-tibiallength. Velerinary Surgery 16, 435-439

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PART THREE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Management of Specific Fractures

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CHAPTER TWELVE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Skull and Mandible Harry W Scott

INTRODUCTION Trauma to the head ma y result in fractu res of the calvarium, the maxillofacial region, the mandible, the dentition or any combination of these. Such injuries frequently produce severe disfi gurement and pain, and are among the most distressing for patient and client alike. Many of these fractures pose special problems

either joint is suspected. Special projections and the use of intraora l non-screen film may be required to visua lize indi vidual structures, details of which may be found in standard texts.


because they are open and invo lve concurrent trauma

to soft tissue structures such as the oral mucosa, nasal

passages and tongue. Treatment must not onl y address fracture fixati on but also the soft tissues, the dentition and the maintenance of nutrition. Emergency treatment may be required in severely traumati zed patients to maintain a patent airway and prevent further injury to soft tissue structures. Early reduction and stabilization are necessary when the fracnlre fragments obstruct the airway, impinge on the brain or eye, or prevent eating and drinking. The location and nature of jaw fractures can frequently be visuali zed on physical examination; nevertheless, radiologica l examination should always be performed to assist in the identification of concomitant fractures, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) luxation and dental trauma. Evaluation of radiographs of this region is complicated by the great range of normal variation in skull shape and size between breeds of dog. Breed differences are less pronounced in the cat but the small size and the superimposition of structures complicates radiographic interpretation. With correct positioning distortion is e liminated and the bilateral symmetry of the sknll can be used to advantage to facilitate assessment of unilateral abnormalities. Interpretation of radiographs obtained to assess fracture healing in the max illofacial region and the calvarium is difficult because the thin cortical bone hea ls with less callus formation than that of long bone fractures. An external callus can be demonstrated radiologically during the healing of mandibular fractures but because the mandible is not a weight-bearing bone this is less extensive than that seen during the healing of most long bone fra ctures (Morgan and Leighton, 1995). Routine radiography includes the lateral and dorsoventral or ventrodorsal views and lateral oblique projections of both TMJs when fracture or luxation of

The basic principles of fracture repair are the same as those for fractures elsewhere, with the addition of factors that are unique to the jaw because of the presence of the teeth . Most of the dorsal two-tllirds of the mandible is occupied by tooth roots; the ventra l third includes the mandibular canal, which contains the mandibular al veolar artery and vein and the mandibular alveolar nerve. The mandibular canal has one caudomedia l opening, the mandibular foramen, and two or three mental foramina on the rostrolateral aspect, the largest of which (the middle mental foramen) is located ventral to the septum between the first two premolars. The mandibular alveolar artery and its branches provide the sole blood supply to the alveolar bone, periodontal ligament and the teeth (Roush et al., 1989). Disruption of the blood suppl y to the rostral fragment after osteotomy of the mandible is followed by the development of a transient extraosseous bl ood suppl y via the soft tissue attacllments until the normal vascular pattern is re-established (Roush and Wilson, 1989). Thus the integrity of the rostral soft tissues is important for revascularization of bone and hence the prognosis for fracture union.

Considerations when undertaking fractu re repair are the avoidance of iatrogenic trauma to the teeth and associated neurovascular structures, removal of di s-

eased teeth within the fracture line, and - most important of all - restoration of correct dental occlusion. Implants should never be placed into or within the pulp or dentine of the root, including unerupted teeth in youn g animals, and the mandibular canal and its foramina should be avoided. Small malalignments that are well tolerated in diaphyseal fractures of the appendicular skeleton are usually unacceptable in the mandible. Caudal malalignment of only 2-3 mm may prevent closure of the mouth by up to 10 mm (Weigel, ,

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116 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management

defects at the fracture site, partic ularly in the presence of metal implants, should be avoided since they are associated with an increased incidence of osteomyelitis, delayed union and non-union (Ross and Goldstein, 1986). A large defect that cannot be c losed by simple tissue apposition can be closed using a mucosalsubmucosal advancement flap based on the lip margin . Ifnecessary; alveolar bone can be removed beyond the mucosal margins to gain free tissue and facilitate flap

advancement and suturing. Sma ll fragments of bone devoid ofsofttissue attachment should be discarded to prevent the development of sequestra; larger fragments should be retained even

Fig llre J2. J: Schematic view of the canine skull showing normal delllal occlusion.

if they

are avasc ular,

provided they contribute to fracture stability . Fracn"es frequentl y occur through dental alveoli either because of prior weakening caused by periodontal disease or beca use the alveolus serves as a stress

1985). To achieve normal occlusion the mandibular canine tooth should be positioned in the middle of the space between the ma xillary lateral incisor and canine tooth (Figure 12.1), and the cusp of the mandibular fourth premolar should be positioned between the maxillary third and fourth premolars (Ross, 1978). Malocclusion may result in complications such as impaired mastication , abnormal tooth wear, accumu-

lation of plaque and tartar, periodontal disease, and degenerative disease of the TMJ (Chambers, 198 1). A number of methods of fracture repair ha ve distinct adva ntages and are more readily adapted for use in the repair of jaw fractures in dogs. The surgical options in cats are limited by the small size of the fracture fragm ents, the irregular shape of the bones and the sparsity of the cortical bone. Almost a ll fract ures of the mandible are open, due to the tight attachment of the gingiva to the underl ying bone. The use of broad spectrum antibiotics has been associated with a reduced incidence of compl ications in open mandibular fractures in humans (Zallen and Curry, 1975) and dogs (Umphlet and Johnson, 1990). Cephalcx in or potentiated amoxycillin are good empirical choices based on the type of micro-organisms composing the microbial flora of the mouth. Anima ls with concurrent severe periodontal disease may ben-

efit from antibiotics directed at the type of microorgani sms assoc iated with thi s disease, such as

clindamycin, or metronidazole either alone or in combination with spiramycin. The viability of the soft tissues should be assessed durin g fracture repair. Judicious debridement of devitali zed soft tissue should be performed followed by primary closure of the resulting mucosal defect where possible. Primary repair of the gingiva is often limited by the lac k of available purchase to secure the suture adjacent to the alveolar bone and the delicate nature of the tissues. Absorbable suture materials are preferred, such as small-diameter polyglactin (Vicryl; Ethicon) in a simple interrupted pattern. Soft tissue defects over intact bone will rapidly granulate and re-epithelialize;

riser. Some authorities have advocated the extraction of teeth on the fracture line based on the rationale that the presence of a tooth in the fracture line increases the incidence of osteomyelitis and non-union (Rossman et al., 1985; Manfra Maretta and Tholen, 1990). Several studies in humans have shown that immediate extraction of the tooth does not prevent these complications (Neal el aI., 1978; Kahnberg and Ride ll, 1979) and loss of teeth and associated alveolar bone increases the difficulty of achieving anatomical reduction. A recent study of mandibular fractures in the dog showed that there was an increased frequency of complications following remo val of teeth (Umphlet and Johnson, 1990). Extraction of teeth should only be performed if there is severe periodontal disease, or if the tooth roots are fractured or loose and cannot be stabilized (Shields Henney et al., 1992). If the dental fracture is coronal and the pulp cavity has not been invaded, the fragment should be removed and the tooth restored by enamel bonding. Fractured teeth with apical fragments can often be salvaged but usually require root canal therapy. Avulsed teeth may be re-implanted, provided the alveolar socket is intact, but wi ll require root canal therapy once stable. Disruption of the blood supply to the teeth along the fracture line may cause inflammation o f the pulpal tissues lead ing to pe riapical abscessation; such teeth should be monitored closely during the post-operati ve period and complications treated either by extraction or root canal therapy, as approp riate (Smith and Kern, 1995).

ANAESTHESIA General anaesthesia is required for nearl y a ll patients to allow a full physical and radiographic evaluation of the injury. The animal should be anaestheti zed as soon as it is safe to do so following assessment and appropriate treatment of other injuries. Injectable agents may be used to allow examination of the oral cavity, the application of a mu zzle, or for short


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The Skull and Mandible procedures such as the wiring of a mandibular symphyseal fracture; for longer procedures inhalation agents should be administered through a cuffed endotracheal tube that wi ll prevent the inhalation of blood and debris. A conventionally placed tube impedes oral manipulations and prevents closure of the mouth to check for correct reduction by alignment of the teeth; consequently pharyngostomy intubation should be used when undertaking repair of bilateral, comminuted or multiple fractures of the maxilla or mandible (Hartsfield el al., 1977). After anaesthetic induction, intubation is performed in the usual way

and the animal is positioned in lateral recumbency


with the neck extended (Egger, 1993). Using a finger inserted into the oropharynx, medial to latera l pressure is exerted in the piriform fossa, just caudal to the epihyoid bone. A skin incision is made ap proximatel y 1.5 times the diameter of the endotracheal tube and continued through the platysma muscle and sphincter colli muscle into the pharynx. Artery forceps inserted fro m the exterior are used first to grasp the cuff inflation tube and then the endotracheal tube itself, with the adapter removed, and pull it through the pharyngotomy incision. Following fracture repair the pharyngotomy wound is left unsutured and allowed to heal by second intention. For patients with concomitant upper airway obstruction, following rou-

Force of


masticatory m.

Bending force on fracture

tine endotrachea l intubation, a tracheotomy should be performed fortracheostomy tube placement (Smith and Kern, 1995).



Bending force on fracture

Force of masticatory m.

The dominant muscle pull on the mandible is from the temporalis, masseter and the medial and lateral pterygoid muscles, whose combined effect is to close the jaw. In the dog these muscles are very strong and are capable of generating massive occlusal forces. The only muscle whose action is to open the jaw is the relatively weak digastricus muscle which attaches to the ventral aspect of the mandibular body. The primary force acting on the mandible during mastication is bending which induces maximum tensile stress at the oral or alveolar side of the mandible. Shear, rotational and compress ive forces are of much less significance,


Force of masticatory m.

Bending force on fracture

particularly when fractures are unilateral due to the splinting effect of the hemimandible. The forces acting on the maxilla are similar but of smaller magnitude. To take advantage of the tension-band principle, all implants should be placed on the alveolar border unless this is likely to jeopardi ze the tooth roots and the neurovascu lar structures in the mandibular canal.

Forsimple mandibular fractures the direction of the fracture line will influence the inherent stability of the fracture and should be considered when choosing the method of fixation (Figure 12.2).

TECHNIQUES USED IN MANAGING HEAD FRACTURES Figure 12.2: Biomechanics of mandibular fractures. (a) A fracture perpendicular to the long axis a/the body a/the

mal1dible wilL tend to open at the dorsal end a/the/racture fine. (b) For oblique fractures, stability will depend all the angle alld direction oflhe obliquity. A/racture line that fllns from dorsocaudal to vellIrorostral isJavourable because muscle/orees compress the fracture line and it will be il1herently stable. (c) A fracture Line (Ilat is oriellfated/rom dorsorostral to ventrocalldal is unfavourable because similar forces lead to distraction a/the rostral/ragmen!.

Long-term mouth closure A ll of these techniques rely on interdigitation of the teeth of the upper and lower dental arcades to achieve fracture reduction through occlusal aligrunent. A 5-10 mm gap should be left beiween the upper and lower incisors to allow for the animal to lap a semi-liquid diet. If proper occlusion can only be maintained by closing the jaws then no gap is lefland the ani mal is fed by gastrostomy or pharyngostomy, or by introducing

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US Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management

liquid food into the cheek pouch. The major disadvantage of all of these methods is that they interfere with normal masticatory fun ction. External coaptation External coaptation may be indicated in the following circ*mstances: Stable fractures of th e mandible and maxilla with minimal displacement Fractures in young animals, provided occlusion is good Unilateral or bilateral fi ssure or greenstick fractures Fractures of the ramus of the mandible including th e condyloid process, provided displacement is not too severe Fractures secondary to periodontal disease where th ere is insufficient bone stock to accept implants As a temporary means of stabilization before definitive repair As an adjunct to other methods of stabilization External support using a mu zzle fashioned from adhesive tape (Withrow, 1981) (Figure 12.3) or a commercially available nylon muzzle (Mikki; MDe products) is a practical, cheap and non-in vasive method of managing selected jaw fractures. Muzzle coaptation is probably the commonest definitive stabilization technique for mandibular fractures in dogs (Umphlet and Johnson, 1990). Despite its common usage, there are numerous disadvantages, some of which are similar to those for external coaptation of limb fractures:

Less stability than a properly perform ed open reduction Reliance is made on th e owner for daily maintenan ce of the muzzle Dermatitis may develop under the muzzle Immobilization ma y lead to soft tissue contraction. Some patients may not tolerate application of a muzzle Delay in return to normal eating and drinking Ris k of heat stroke due to interference with panting Risk of inhalation pneumonia if the animal vomits Less suitable for cats and contraindicated in brachycephalic breeds because of interference with breathing. It is essential to check that an animal can breathe through its nose before application of a muzzle. Intraoral techniques Depending on the location of th e fracture, dental occlusion is maintain ed by th e place m e nt of interarcade wires either around the inciso r teeth (Merkley and Brinker, 1976), through drill holes in th e alveolar ridge just caudal to th e canine teeth, or between the tooth roots of the maxillary fourth premolar and the mandibular first molar (i.e. th e carnassial teeth) bilaterall y (Lantz, 1981). The endotracheal tube is removed following recovery from general anaesthes ia and th e wires are tightened to secure the jaw in the desired pos ition . The technique may be used for conuninuted fractures in which accurate bone fragm ent reconstruction is not possible, especially where th e contralateral hemimandible is intact, and for combined fractures of the mandible and maxilla ifthey cannot be stabili zed separately (Brinker etal., 1990). A variation on this technique, applicable



Figure 12.3: Tlte appLication of a tape


Th ree pieces of adhesive tape are used/or the basic muzzLe. (aJ Theftrst piece

ellcircles the muzzle (sticky side out). (b) A' second strip of tape is then placed around the back of the head with each end running

alongside the muzzle (sticky side out). The ends should be of sujjiciellliength to fold back behind the ears again after a third piece of tape has been applied. (c) A third strip of tape is placed arollnd the muzzle (sticky side down) to bind ill the second piece. Th e ends of the second piece are now folded back on themselves alld anchored behind the head. (d) A fourth strip acting as a chin strap may be added.

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The Skull and Mandible only to cats and small dogs, is the placement of screws in the mandible and maxilla caudal to the canine teeth; elastic bands are then placed over the screw heads which protrude into the buccal space to achieve alignment (Nibley, 1981) . If th e screws are placed unilaterally th ey should be positioned strategically to oppose any malalignment of th e jaw. The client should be instructed how to remove the e lastic bands in an emergency. A technique that has been described more recently is the use of dental composite for the fixation of mandibular fractures and luxations in dogs and cats (Bennett et ai., 1994; Goeggerle et aI. , 1996). The upper and lower canine teeth are bonded together to provide the same functional effect as a muzzle. This method of mouth

closure is said to provide a better prognosis for restoration of occlusion compared with muzzling and eliminates the risk of iatrogenic damage to the teeth and periodontal structures that exists with interarcade wiring. Advantages of intraora l methods over the use of muzzle fixation are as follows: No risk of dermatitis No risk of patient interference More applica ble to th e cat. Disadvantages are as follows: Potential damage to teeth and periodontal tissues by the implants Tube feeding is necessary if the incisors are wired, or if the jaw is completely closed The appliance cannot be removed quickly in an emergency.


Angle th e drill holes towards the fracture s ite to facilitate th e subsequent passage and tightening of the wire When drilling through the mandibular canal, use a Kirschner wire (K-wire) rather than a drill bit to reduce the risk of damaging the neurovasc ular structures Use the tension-band principle, i.e. place the first wire close to th e alveolar border and ti ghten this wire first In all but the most stable fractures use two wires, preferabl y at an angle to one another. Place one wire perpendicular to th e fracture line and the other parallel to th e long axis of th e mandibular body (Figure 12.4). A triangular configuration, with one hole in the rostral fragment and two holes in the caudal segment, is very effective for oblique fractures (Figure 12.5) When using a s ingle wire, place th e wire perpendicular to the fracture line to minjmi ze iatrogenic shear forces Use wire ofthe correct size. Wire that is too thin will either break or cut through the bone; wire that is too thick will not be fl exible enough to allow manipulation and tightening. Use 18 -22 gauge wire, accord ing to the s ize of the patient Avoid excessive soft tissue dissection and entrapment of soft tiss ue beneath the wire Tighten wires securely from caudal to rostral; symphyseal fractures should be wired last. Interfragm entary wiring is not suitable for repair of fractures with conuninution that cannot be reconstructed.

WARNING Because of these drawbacks the use of alternative techniques is recommended whenever possible.

Interfragmentary and cerclage wire fixation The most frequent application of wiring tec hniques is cerclage or circumferential wiring for the repair of fractures of the symphysis, and interfragmentary wiring, wh ich involves the placement of wire directly across a fracture line. Interfragmentary wiring is a versatile and economical technique when properly perform ed and should be considered as the standard method of internal fixation of jaw fractures (Rudy and Boudrieau, 1992). However, it is an invasive procedure that requires a thorough knowledge of tooth root anatomy and is unforgiving of technical errors. The following are guidelines for correct placement of interfragrn entary wires: Avoid tooth roots when drilling holes Drill all holes and place all wires before tightening Drill holes 5-10 nun from the fracture line and avoid weakened bone and soft alveolar bone

Figure 12.4: Implallt placement ill the repair of a mandibular body fracture using interfragmellfQlY wiring.

Figure 12.5: llllerjragmentary wiring of an oblique mandibular body fracture.

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120 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management



Interdental wiring

Fixation technique used in management of mandibular and maxillary fractures. Fragment alignment and stability are achieved by the placement of one or more wire loops that span the fractured region and are anchored around intact teeth on either side of the fracture.

Interdental splint

Uses the same principle as interdental wiring except that the wire is augmented with a dental acrylic splint which also spans the fractured region. In some circ*mstances the wire is omitted and the dental acrylic splint is bonded directly to tooth enamel.

Intraoral splint

Dental acrylic appliance placed against the hard palate and either wired or bonded to the teeth of the maxilla in order to maintain aligrunent and support of fracture fragments.

Interarcade wiring

Intraoral placement of wire between the mandible and maxilla to produce partial oral closure. Fracture fragment alignment is maintained as a result of interdigitation of teeth of the upper and lower dental arches.

Table 12.1: Wiring and splints llsed for fractures of the jaw.

Interdental wiring and splints Interdental wiring is commonly used for the management of human jaw fractures and has been adapted for use in dogs, either as the sale method of repair for maxillary fractures and simple transverse mandibular body fractures, or as an adjunct to other techniques for the repair of more complex jaw fractures. Unfortunately, the dental anatomy of the dog and cat does not lend itself to this technique because of the large interdental spaces and the lack of a supragingival 'neck' to the teeth. Fractures often involve at least one of the roots of the adjacent teeth; therefore the wire should normally incorporate a minimum of two teeth on either side of the fracture line. The technique is only applicable to animals with an intact and healthy dentition. A number of configurations of wire have been described (Weigel, 1985) but a simple loop or figure-of-eight pattern works well. If interdental wire is to be used alone, the wire is passed through holes created in the gingiva at the neck of the tooth using a small K wire. Slipping of the wire can be prevented by creating a small notch in the teeth at the gingival margin, using a small round burr. Over-tightening of the wire must be avoided because this causes opening of the ventral side of the fracture line. An alternative method of interdental fixation is the use of acrylic or dental composite to construct an interdental splint that is bonded directly to the enamel of the teeth after etching with phosphoric acid gel. Mandibular splints are created on the buccal and lingual surfaces of the first to third premolar teeth, and only the lingual surface of the fourth premolar and molars, to allow for the scissor bite of the carnassial teeth. The acrylic may be reinforced with interdental wiring or with a preformed metal splint. The combination of acrylic with metal reinforcement has been shown to be significantly stronger and stiffer than either metal or acrylic alone (Kern et aI., 1993). A recent study of this form of fixation showed that it is a

viable alternative to bone plating and external skeletal fixation for the repair of mandibular fractures (Kern et ai., 1995). The technique is quick, economical, simple to perform and avoids the risk of iatrogenic damage to the tooth roots and neurovascular structures of the mandibular canal.

Intraoral splints The most effective type of intraoral splint is fabricated from aery Lic and is wired or bonded directly to the coronal surfaces of the teeth. The surfaces of the teeth for attachment of the splint are acid-etched and a thin layer of lubricating jelly is applied to protect the soft tissues. Polymerization is an exothermic reaction and there is a risk of thermal necrosis of oral tissue. This can be avoided by applying the acrylic powder in multiple thin layers in an alternating pattern with liquid monomer to build up the splint, or more simply by the use of cold-cure acrylics. The wire may be interdental or may be placed around the maxilla or through holes drilled in the maxilla. Disadvantages with this technique include interference with the management of soft tissue injuries and development of stomatitis and gingivitis secondary to entrapment of food between the appliance and the gingiva. Care must be exercised to prevent entry of acrylic into the fracture site during construction of the splint, since thls increases the risk of delayed healing.

External skeletal fixation The standard Kirschner-Ehmer splint with connecting bars and clamps can be used for the fixation of mandibular and maxillary fractures. Such splints are heavy and cumbersome, and difficult to apply, but these problems can be overcome by the use of dental acrylic for pin stabilization (Tomlinson and Constantinescu, 1991; Davidson and Bauer, 1992). The general principles are similar but the use of acrylic permits the placement of numerous pins of

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The Skull and Mandible differing sizes and at variable angles, and the splint can be curved around the j aw rostrally to incorporate bilateral pins. Standard intramedullary pins, threaded pins or K-wires, can be used as transfixation pins and may be inserted either as half-pins or full pins. At least two and preferably three pins of the correct diameter should be used in each main fragment to provide rigid fixation. Threaded pins are recommended because they can be placed perpendicular to the long axis of the bone, they grip more securely, and they prolong the stability of the pin- bone interface (Aron et al., 1986; Bennett et al., 1987). Threaded pins with an outer thread diameter greater than the shaft diameter may be used but are more expensive

and probably confer little advantage when used for jaw fractures. Pin brea kage is much less of a problem following repair of jaw fractures than with fractures of the weight-bearing bones ofthe appendicular skeleton, because the forces on the jaw are smaller and can be more easily controlled by appropriate postoperative care. The pins may be bent over to lie parallel to the skin to increase the strength of the pinacrylic interface. The acrylic can either be injected into flexible tubing or a penrose drain, using a catheter syringe, or be allowed to become doughy before being moulded over the bent fixation pins by hand. A 20 mm diameter acrylic rod is stiffer and stronger than a medium Kirschner- Ehmer connecting bar (Willer et al., 1991) and is strong enough for the largest of dogs. Advantages of the technique are: that it is easy to apply to a wide variety of fracture configurations; it is minimally in vasive; the fracture fragments and associated soft tissue and blood supply are not disturbed; and there are no implants at the fracture site to potentiate infection. Indications include fractures where there is comminution and those where there is gross soft tissue damage. Furthermore, stable fixation can be achieved in fractures where there are deficits due to loss of bone or teeth.

Intramedullary pinning This technique has been advocated for the repair of mandibular fractures (Brinker et al., 1990) but has little to commend it. The pin inevitably causes


grade, startin g with the shorter segment. Fractures in the segment of the mandible between the second premolar and the first mo lar are the most amenable to pin fixation but alternative methods of fi xation are recommended because of the aforementioned disadvantages. Bone plating Although bone plating provides an opportunity for rigid fixation, rapid return to pain-free norm al fun ction and primary bone healing, the technique has numerous disadva ntages when used for the repair of jaw fractures. Application invo lves considerab le disruption of soft tissues and fracture frag ment vascularsupply, which may compromise healing (Roush et al., 1989). Furthermore, damage to the tooth roots or neurovascular stru ctures during screw pla cement

is almost inevitable and ma y res ult in endodontic disease. Precise contouring of the plate is required if malocclusion is to be avoided when the screws are tightened. Application of the plate on the tension side of the bone near the al veolar border provides the best fixation but is not recommended, because of the likelihood of interference with the tooth roots and the ri sk of complications due to gingival erosion over the implants (Verstraete and Lighthelm , 1987) . Some of these problems can be overcome by usin g ASIF-style plates that enable the surgeon to angle the screws away fro m the tooth roots; reconstruction

plates ha ve the added advantage of allowing more precise three-dimensional contouring. Toavoidsome of these complications, the screws may be inserted in monocortical fas hion so that they only engage the cortex in contact with the plate. In two recent experimental studies six-hole ASIF plates were applied in compression mode with the screws penetratingCthe cortex on only the ventrobuccal aspect of the mandible (Roush and Wilson, 1989; Kern et al. , 1995). Stable fixation was achieved as indicated by pri mary bone healing and most of the recognized complicati ons were avoided. Conventional bone plating is most useful for large or giant breed dogs with unstable unilateral or bilateral mandibular body

disruption of the neurovascular structures in the

mandibular canal and damages the tooth root apices and associated soft tissues (Weigel, 1985 ; Roush and Wilson, 1989). Umphlet and Johnson (1990) reported that intramedullary pinning of mandibular fractures was associated with more complications

than other methods of fixation. The mandibular canal is relatively straight from the root of the canine to the first molar but it then curves upwards until it opens on the medial aspect ofthe ramus as the mandibular foramen. A large pin tends to cause malocclusion as the bone accommodates to the shape of the pin, whereas a smaller pin provides insufficient stability. The pin is usually inserted retro-

Figure 12.6: Plating a/a mandibular body fracture (see text for details).

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Vertical ramus


Symphysis 15% Incisor 5% Cani ne


Premolar 31 %

Molar 18%

Condyle 5%

Symphysis 73%

Body 16%

Condyle 7%

Figure 12.7: 11,e distribution o!lI/olldibularjraclllres ill the dog.

Figure 12.8: Th e distributioll a/Illolldibular fractures ill the cat.

fractures (Ha rvey and Emily, 1993). The plate is placed o n the ventral third of the latera l surface of the mandible and may be combined with interdenta l fi xa ti o n or the use of a mu zzle for 3-4 weeks pos toperati vely (Fig ure 12.6). Recently the use of miniplates and screws designed specifically for the treatment of humans wit h maxillofacial trauma has been described for the repair of mandibular and maxillofacial fractures in dogs and cats (Boudrieau and Kudisch, 1996). The ability to perfonn precise three-dimensional contouring of the miniplates, combined with their small size, makes them applicable for fractures where conventional plates would be uns uitable or difficult to apply. The authors concluded that max illofac ial miniplatesare particularly indicated in the management of selected comminuted fractures or fractures in which ga ps are present, thus precluding the use of interfragmentary wire. Currently ava ilab le mini plate systems are ex pensive and their use is therefore likely to be confined to referral institutions with a particular interest in these types of injury.

23 % of all fractures in cats and 1.5 % and 2.5 % in dogs (Hill, 1977; Phillips, 1979). In two recent retrospective studies of mandibular fractures, in cats (U mphlet and Johnson, 1988) and in dogs (Umphlet and Johnson, 1990), the commonest method of treatment for cats was cerclage wiring of symphyseal fractures, whereas for dogs the commonest technique was the useofa tape muzzle for fractures caudal to the second premolar teeth. The distribution of mandibular fractures in these studies is shown in Figures 12.7 and 12.8 . The predominance of symph yseal fractures in the cat was largely responsible for the high incidence of mandibular fractures in this species. Road traffic accidents were the most frequent cause, fo llowed by fights, fall s and iatrogenic effects as a result of dental extractions.

Partial mandibulectomy/maxillectomy These techniques are widely used for the management of ora l neoplasia and are well tolerated in dogs and cats. Hemimandibular instability and TMJ degeneration are inevitable sequels of mandibulectomy (U mph let et at. , 1988). Mandibulectomy has been recommended for the management of fractures where primary repair is likely to fail because of the presence of extens ive trauma or infection, or in cases where primary repair has already failed and resulted in an inability to eat or drin k (Lantz and Salisbury, 1987). The technique s ho uld be regarded as a salvage procedure and, with rare exceptions, should not be used for primary repai r unless there are financia l constraints that preclude the use of other methods.

APPLICATION OF FIXATION TECHNIQUES TO SPECIFIC FRACTURES Fractures of the mandible Fractures of the mandible are the third most common fracture in the cat, accounting for between II % and

Decision making in mandibular fracture repair The choice of technique will be based o n the s ize, age and use ofthe animal, the locati on and stabi lity of the fracture, concurrent injuries and economic considerations. It will also be influenced by the personal preferences and expertise of the surgeon and the equipment available. The number and diversity of techniques that have been described for mandibular fracture repair are matched only by the vari ety and unpredictability of fracture configurations. Before embarking on treatment it is important to formulate a fracture plan tailored to the individual patient. A lack of avai lable expertise or equipment for optimum repair should prompt consideration of referral. Table 12.2 gives a summary of the commonly used techniques and their suitability for fracture repair based on the anatomical location and stability of the fracture. Fractures of the mandibular symphys is The symphysis of the mandible is a fibrocartilaginous joint or synchondrosis uniting the right and left mandibular bodies. The joint is flexible and pemlits a moderate amount of independent movement of the two hemimandibles. Thesimplest method of repair is the use ofacircumferential wire (Figure 12.9). The wire(18-20 ga uge for dogs, 20-22 ga uge for cats) is placed using a large-bore needle wllich is inserted through the skin of the ventral nlidline chin along the lateral aspect of the mandible to exit the gingiva jusi caudal to the canine tooth. The wire is then threaded through the needle,

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The Skull and Mandible

Fracturc location

FractUl'c type


Sy mphysis

Simple separation Comminut ed fractures

C ircumferential wiring Tape muzzle Dental composite and w ire Part ial mandibu lectomy Dental compos ite bonding of canines/int erarcade wiring

Rostral body

Stabl e

Tape muzzle Inlerfragmentary wire Interdental acryli c s plint Externa l lixator Interfragmentary wire +/- interden tal wire Int erdental acrylic splint Partial mandibulectomy Dental composite bonding of canines/interarcade wiring

Unstab le

Caudal body




Stable Unstable


Tape muzzle lnterfragmentary wi ring +/- interdenta l wiring lmerdenta l ac rylic splint Plate Exte"nal fixator In lerfragmentary w iring +/- interdenta l wiring lnterdenta l acrylic splint Dental composite bonding of canines/i nterarcade wiring Tape muzz le Tape muzzle

Plate Interf"agme ntary w iring +/- K-wire Dental composite bonding of canines/ interarcade wiring Coronoid process

Stable Unstable

Condyloid process

Stable Unstable

Tape muzzle Tape muzzle Dent al composite bondi ng of canines/interarcade wiring Tape muzzle Tape muzzle Interfragmentary wiring +/- K-wire Mandibular condy lectomy

Table J2.2: Decision making in the management of mandibular fractures. Bold type indicates the author's preferred methods.

which is withdrawn and the procedure is repeated on the contralateral side using the same hole in the skin. The wire is tightened by twisting the ends together until stability is achieved. After 6 weeks the wire is removed under a general anaesthetic. Clinical union usually occurs within tllis period, although in some animals stability may occur in the absence of bone healing, owing to the formation of a fibrous union. For comminuted or oblique symphyseal fractures the addition of a figure-of-eight wire or a wire brace (Kitto, 1972) around the base of the caIline teeth may be necessary to avoid collapse of the teeth medially. Alternatively, an intraoral acrylic splint can be used to achieve normal occlusion, either incorporating the wire or bonded to the canine teeth (Harvey and Emily, 1993) (Figure 12.9). Fractures of the body of the mandible The body of the mandible is the tooth-bearing portion of the bone. The premolar region is the commonest site of jaw fractures in the dog (Umph let and Jolmson, 1990). If the fracture is inherently stable almost all repair techniques are applicable and the simplest method

that wi ll provide adequate stability with the least potential for complications should be chosen. Muzzle fixation can be used for fractures where there is innate stability, especially in young ani ma ls where healing is expected to be rapid, provided the canine teeth are able to occlude normally when the mouth is gently closed. The stability ofthe fracture will depend on the location and direction of the fracture line, as previously stated. Healing times for mandibular fractures may be longer than the previously reported period of 3-5 weeks (Brinker et aI. , 1990). Umphlet and Jolmsotl (1990) found that cl*tlical union for canine mandibular fractures in the premolar region occurred in an average time of 9 weeks (range 4 - 16 weeks). Overa ll it was found tha t the more caudally placed the fracture, the longer was the time required for hea ling. The ventral surgical approach is preferred for access to most mandibular fractures (Piermattei, 1993) (Operative Technique l rl). Bilateral fractures immediately caudal to the canine teeth or in the rostral premolar region can be managed using either external skeletal fi xation (Figure 12.10) or tension-band wiring of the dorsal surface.

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Fortension-band wiring a ventral approach is used first to reduce the fracture and place the interfragmentary

wires; intraoral tension -band wires are then placed

J Figure 12.9: Circumferential wiring a/a mandibular sYlllphysealfracture in a cat. (a) A small, midline skin incision is made on the velltral aspect 0/ the ja w below {he canine (eeth. A large bore hypodermic needle (see text) is inserted through the skill incision to emerge intraorally between the mandibular lIIucosa alld the skill, just calldal to a lower canine tooth. Olle end a/the wire is passed through the centre of the needle to emerge ventrally. The fleedle is withdrawl1 leaving the wire ill positioll alld the procedure is repeated all the other side. (b) The wire ends are then twisted to stabilize the reduced/racture. The twisted ends call then be bent over or left protruding.

through holes drilled in the alveolar bone of the two fragments. The drill holes must be placed carefully to avoid the root of the mandibular canine tooth, which occupies a large portion of the rostral fragment. The rostral hole is drilled between the canine teeth and the lateral incisors, and the caudal hole between the second and third premolars. To provide secure fixation, the holes are placed well below the dorsal margin of the alveolar bone. External skeletal fi xation has two distinct advantages over tension-band wiring. Firstly, the implants are not placed immediately adjacent to the fracture site in an area where there may be little bone stock; and secondly, stability can be achieved where there is loss of bone fragm ents or even of an entire canine tooth. For comminuted fractures where the canine

teeth are intact and stable, the canine teeth can be bonded together, as previously described, to maintain normal occlusion during the hea ling process. Where there are multiple small fragments of bone and broken teeth, an alternative approach for comminuted fractures is a partial mandibulectomy.


Figure 12.10: External skeletal fixation 0/ mandibular fractures. (a) Schematic view 0/ a bilateral comminuted mandibular body fractu re repaired with pins and a dental acrylic cOllnecting bar (see text for details of application). (b) Bilateral open fractures of the rostral mandibular body ill a dog /oilowing a road traffic acefdem. (c) The same dog 24 flOurs after repair of the fractures using an acrylic fixGlO r.

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The Skull and Mandible Interfragmentary wiring, combined with interdental wiring if necessary, is adequate for most other unstable fractures. Where fractures are bilateral or th ere is comminution, gross soft tissue trauma, or loss of bone stock, external s keletal fi xation is a more appropriate method of repair. If the fracture is bilateral it is best to place the fixation pins as half-pins. An alternative technique for bilateral or comminuted fractures is bone plating, especially for caudal body fractures, where it is easier to avoid the mandibular canal and the tooth roots. However, plating is not a good choice for cats or for young dogs with growing teeth. Fractures of the ramus of the mandible The (vertical) ramus is th e caudal non-tooth-bearing verti cal part of the bone. It has three processes: the coronoid process, the condyloid or articular process and th e angular process. The mandibular notch is located between the coronoid and the condyloid processes; the angle of the mandible is its caudoventral portion. Beca use of its protected location, fractures of the ramus are less common than fractures of the body of the mandible. The ramus differs from the rest of the mandible in that the bone is thinner and weaker and, because of its shape, it is more diffi cult to hold in alignment using internal fixation. However, the bone is surrounded by broad muscular insertions over its entire surface, th e coronoid process in particular being well protected by the overlying zygomatic arch and masseter muscle. Fractures in this region are usually closed, stable and minimally displaced. If significant malocclus ion is present, concomitant TMJ luxation or fracture/luxation should be suspected. Muzzle fixation is the preferred technique for most fractures of the ramus. The options for grossly displaced or unstable fractures, especially in larger dogs, include Kirschner wires, interfragmentary wires or mini-plates (Sumner-Smith and Dingwall, 1973). Dental malocclusion as a complication of fracture repair is less common in this region oJ th e mandible (Umphlet and Johnson, 1990). For surgical approach, see Operative Technique 12.2. Fractures of the condyloid process Condylar fractures are uncommon and when they do occur are often associated with fractures of the rostral mandibular body or mandibular symphysis. The condylar fracture is easily overlooked even when radiographic examination is performed. As with other articular fractures, rigid internal fixation and an early return to function have been recommended. However, most fractures are minimally displaced and internal fixation is difficult because of the small size of the fragments and the inaccessibility of the joint. In most cases good resuits can be obtained with conservative management, and post-operati ve periarticular fibrosis is avoided (Salisbury and Cantwell, 1989). A muzzle is


applied for 2-4 weeks and th e animal is fed a semiliquid diet. Clinical union takes an average of 11 weeks (range 10- 13 weeks) (Umphlet & Johnson, 1990). In some cases a fibrous union may develop because of motion at the fracture site but good mandibular function may still result (Chambers, 1981). Open reduction and internal fixation may be indicated for severely displaced condylar fra ctures, us ing interfragmentary wire, small intramedullary pins or K-wires. Mandibular'condylectomy and meniscectomy are well tolerated in normal dogs (Tomlinson and Presnell, 1983) and this is the preferred method of managing painful non-union fractures, DJD, and ankylosis attributable to periarticular fibros is (Lantz et ai., 1982; Lantz, 1991). The surgical approach to the TMJ is described in Operative Technique 12.3.

Fractures of the maxillofacial region Fractures of this regio n account for approximately 12 % of all fractures in the dog and cat (Leonard, 1971 ; Phillips, 1979). In addition to the maxilla, the other bones rostral to the orbital region are frequently involved. These are the incisive, nasal and palatine bones which constitute the hard palate, the upper dental arcades and the muzzle. Fractures of the face near the orbit may invol ve th e frontal, zygomatic, temporal and ethmoid bones. There is often epistaxis due to concurrent trauma to the nasal turbinates but haemorrhage tends to be self-limiting and these injuries are not of primary concern, provided reduction of the fractured bones is achieved. The extent of the fracture may be determined by physical and radiographic examination. As with fractures of the mandible, restoration of normal dental occlusion and masticatory function is paramount. The majority of fractures are stable and minimally displaced and can be treated using external coaptation. Because the muscular forces on the maxilla are much less than those on the mandible, less rigid fixation is required and a fibrous union may produce a satisfactory functional result, provided dental occlusion has not been compromised. Fractures that communicate with the nasal cavity or the s inuses are likely to be contaminated and the patient should be treated with antibiotics, as in any other open fracture. Frontal bone fractures may develop subcutaneous emphysema if fractme fragments penetrate the frontal sinus. These rarely require surgical intervention unl ess they impinge on th e eye, in which case small fragments should be removed and larger fragments should be stabilized. Conservative treatment may require aspiration of the emphysema, if extensive, followed by application of a compressive dressing to pre vent recurrence. Fractures of the zygomatic arch are relatively common and may require surgery if they interfere with mastication or compress ocular structures. An occasional complication of healing of fractures of the zygomatic arch or the

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ramus of the mandible is the production of excessive bony callus that interferes with normal jaw movement (Belrnett and Campbell, 1976; Van Ee and Pechman, 1987). The condition is treated by resection of a portion of the zygomatic arch and fibrous tissue adhesions as necessary. The surgical approach is made through the skin and platysma muscle directl y over the bone. Most of the standard internal fixation techniques are applicable for comminuted or displaced fractures in this region, particularly interfragmentary and interdental wi ring. Draping of the maxilla is si milar to that of the mandible. The surgical approach should be made directl y over the site of the fracture, although for multiple fractures (especially along the nose) a dorsal midline approach with retraction of soft tissues laterally may be best to avoid neurovascular structures. Care should be taken to avoid the infraorbital artery and nerve exiting through the large infraorbital foramen of ihe maxilla which lies dorsal to the septum between the third and fourth maxillary premolars. The osseous lacrimal cana l should be avoided when drilling holes for orthopaedic wire in the small lacrimal bone in the rostral margin of the orbit. Intraoral approaches are used for fractures of the hard palate or along the dental arcade. Longitudina l fractures of the hard palate or nasa l bones are not uncommon in the cat and may be seen as one component of the specific triad of injuries (thoracic injury, facial trauma and extremity fractures), first termed the ' high-rise syndrome' by Robinson (1976), that occurs when an animal jumps or falls from a height and lands on its forelimbs and chin. Traumatic clefts of the hard palate can be repaired using wire fixation perpendicular to the fracture line, anchored between the teeth on either side of the buccal cavity - usually the fourth premolars in the cat, and additionally the canine teeth in the dog. Where more support is required the wire is anchored overtheends of a small pin or K-wire passed just dorsal to the hard palate. The mucoperiosteum along the fracture line may sometimes require suturing to prevent the development of an oronasal fi stula. Extemal skeletal fixation is particularly suited to bilateral or severely comminuted maxillary fracture repair since the presence of multiple small fragments makes these fractures difficult to stabilize by any other means (Stambaugh and Nunamaker, 1982). The only requirement is that there must be sufficient bone stock caudal to the fracture line to allow placement of the fixation pins. A type 2 fixator is most commonly employed and the pins are driven as either half-pins or full pins, depending on the configuration ofthe fracture. If the fracture is bilateral they are driven as full pins across the nasal cav ity, taking care to avoid the tooth

roots and the infraorbital foramen. Fixation pins are always inserted parallel to the hard palate, with the teeth held in the correct alignment, using at least two pins for each major fragment. Once inserted, the pins may be

used to manipulate the bone fragments to achieve dental occlusion before they are embedded in acrylic.

POST-OPERATIVE MANAGEMENT OF JAW FRACTURES Post-operative care for all animals with jaw fractures includes the feeding of a liquid diet for the first 4-7 days after surgery, followed by avoidance of hard foods until the fracture has healed. Animals that are anorexic may require tube feeding . Nasopharyngeal tube placement can be performed in the conscious patient and is particularly useful for cats, where insertion is very easy. In cases where long-term nutritional support is anticipated (more than 7 days) a gastrostomy tube should be placed at the time of fracture repair. A technique of blind percutaneous placement of the tube has been described (Fulton and Dermis, 1992). In animals with oral wounds or where an intraoral appliance has been used for fracture repair, the mouth should be rinsed dail y with wann water or an antiseptic mouthwash. Intraoral appl iances may cause trauma to soft tissues and will inevitably cause a degree of stomatitis and gingivitis secondary to food entrapment between the appliance and the gingiva. This problem generally resolves spontaneously within 7 days of removal of the appliance.

PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED IN REPAIRING JAW FRACTURES There are two situations where an increase in the

frequency of complications of fracture repair can be predicted:

Fractures where there is severe comminution or bone loss Fractures where there is advanced periodontal disease. The critical size of a bone defect that will not heal is probably about 20- 40 mm (Schmitz and Hollinger, 1986). External skeletal fixators and bone plates are the best teclmiques for bridging deficits. A cancellous bone graft should be used for all fractures where a problem is anticipated if an open approach is performed. Substantial defects may be managed as partial mandibulectomies requiring no further treatment (Lantz and Salisbury, 1987); alternatively, plate fixation and cortical bone grafting may be performed (Boudrieau et aI., 1994). Approximately 85 % of all dogs and cats older than 6 years have periodontal disease (Tholen and Hoyt, 1983). If an animal has clinically significant periodontal disease a complete dental prophylaxis should be perfonned, with dental extractions as appropriate, at the

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same time as fracture fixation. Pathological fracture ma y occur in anima ls with severe periodontal disease as a res ult of minimal trauma through an alveolus already weakened by osteolys is. These animals are also at risk of iatrogenic fracture as a res ult of attempted extra ction of teeth where th ere has been extensive bone loss but the teeth are still securely maintained in the ir sockets . Management of iatrogenic fractures is frequently complicated by the bone loss and th e presence of poor quality osteoporotic bone, with limited osteogenic potential, and infected bone secondary to the periodontal disease. Typically these patients are geriatric small-breed dogs with in complete dentition caused by previous extractions or shedding of teeth. Internal fixati on is generally not a good option because of th e poor bone quality. Judicious extraction of diseased teeth is indicated where there is periapi ca l abscess formation , though this ma y result in further weakening of the bone. Options fo r fracture management are limited to long-term mouth

closure techniques or mandibulectomy, the choice of technique depending on the type of fracture. A functional resu lt is to be expected for fractures that are unilateral and stable even in cases where the bone fail s to heal and a fibrous union develops. For unstable fractures, especially when bilateral, it may be preferable to perform a primary mandibulectomy rather than risk a prolonged and potentially unsuccessful attempt at fracture repair.

POST -OPERATIVE COMPLICATIONS OF JAW FRACTURE REPAIR Complications of jaw fracture repair and their associated management are essentially the same as those described for fractures of the appendicular skeleton but with the addition of problems relating to the dentition. These include osteomyelitis, delayed union, non-

union, malunion and malocclusion, bone sequestration, facial deformity, oronasal fistula and dental abnormality. Complications were reported in 34% ofmandibularfractures in 105 dogs (Urn ph let and Johnson, 1990) and 24.5 % of mandibular fractures in 62 cats (Umphlet and Johnson, 1988) - figures which are higher than those for long bone fractures. The most frequent complication in dogs and cats was dental malocclusion, which, besides adversely affecting function, increases the risk of delayed union and non-union by increasing th e forces of leverage against th e fixation device. Treatment for this complication is determined by the severity of th e associated clinical s igns. Options include immediate removal of the fixatio n device fol-

lowed by correct reduction and fixation, and extraction or orthodontic movement of the maloccluded teeth (Manfra Maretta et al., 1990). Malocclusion secondary to segmental defects may be corrected by bone grafting and plate fixation (Boudri ea u et aI., 1994).



FRACTURES OF THE CAL V ARIUM Fractures of the calvarium are uncorrunon and tlus may be due in part to the fact that most animals are either killed outright or die soon after injury as a result of severe brain trauma (Hill, 1977; Phillips, 1979). These fractures are in va riably associated with injury to the underlying neurological structures. Brain trauma can be classified as concussion, contusion and lacerati on, in increasing order of severity. All three types of injury may occur in assoc iation with fractures of the s kull but laceration is th e commonest (Dewey et al., 1992). All an imals with head trauma constitute a medical emergency and in a small proportion of cases rapid surgical intervention may also be indicated. Details of medical therapy for head injury are not within the scope of this book. The level of consciousness and brainstem refl exes are important in the initial assessment and in the monitoring of animals with head trauma. Transient loss of consciousness followed by a rapid recovery may occur when the brain is concussed and this is associated with a good prognosis. Most skull fractures can be managed conservati vely (Newton, 1985; Egger, 1993). The benefits of surgical intervention must be weighed against the complications of administering a general anaesthetic to a neurologically compromised patient. In the absence of neurological deteri oration, surgery may be delayed for 24-48 hours if time is needed for patient stabili zation. Surgical intervention may be indicated in the following circ*mstances (Dewey et al., 1993): Open fractures Fractures where there is depression of the fragments more than the width of the calvarium in the fracture area " Retrieval of contaminated bone fragm ents or foreign material Persistent leakage of cerebrospinal fluid For decompression where th ere is a deteriorating neurological status despite medical therapy . Fractures of the base of the skull are rarely treated because of the severity of th e injury and their inaccessibility for surgical intervention. The surgical approach to the calvarium is made with the patient positioned in ventral recumbency with the head supported and stabilized. A midline s kin incision is made extending from the external occipital protuberance to the level ofthe eyes (Piermattei, 1993) (Figure 12.11). Alternatively a lateral curved incision may be made, depending o n the location of the fracture. The superficial tempora l fascia is incised and the temporalis muscle elevaied subperiosteally and retracted laterall y to expose the area of the fracture. Multiple ho les are drilled in the calvarium around the periphery of the fracture, enabling the insertion of small instruments to elevate the fragments (Oliver,

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128 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management


Drill hole



Burr/d rill holes

Figure 12.1 J: Exposure alld reductio" o/fractures o/the calvarium.

1975). Unstable fragments can be removed even if large since the temporal is muscle provides adequate protection of the brain parenchyma.

REFERENCES Aron ON, Toom bs j p and Ho llingswonh SC ( 1986) Primary treatment of severe fract ures by external skeletal fi xation: threltdcd pins compared with smooth pins. Journal oj rile Americall Anilllal Hospital Associatioll 22, 659. Bennett D and Cutnpbell JR ( 1976) Mechanical interfe rence with lower

jaw movement as a compli cati on of skull fractu res. lOl/mal of Small AI/ima/ Practice 17, 747. BcnncuJ W, Kapatkin AS and Manfra Ma retta S ( 1994) Dental composite for the fixat io n of mandibular fractures and luxatio ns ill 11 cats and 6 dogs. Veterillary Surgery 23, 190. Bennett RA, Egger EL, Histand M and Ellis AB (1 987) Comparison of

the strength and holding powerof 4 pin designs for usc with half pin (type l) extcmal skeletal fix ation. Veterinary SlIrgery 16, 207. Boudrie:m RJ and Kudisch M ( 1996) Miniplate fi xation of mandibu lar and maxillary fmctu rcs in 15 dogs and 3 cats. Veterinary Surgery 25.277. Boudrie:1U RJ , Tidwell AS, Ullman SL and Gores BR ( 1994) Correction of mandibu lar nonunion and malocclusion by plate fixation and autogenous cortical bone gmfts in two dogs. Journal o/the Americall Veterinary Medical Association 204, 744 . Brinker WO, Piennattei DL and Flo GL (1990) Fractures lind dislocations of the upper and lower jaw. In : Handbook 0/ Small Animal Orthopaedics and Fracfllre Treatment, 2nd edn. WB Silunders, Philadelphi a. Chlllllbcrs JN ( 198 1) Pri nci ples of lllanagelllent of mandibular fractures in thc dog and cat. Journal 0/ Veterinary Orthopaedics 2, 26. Davidson JR and Bauer MS (1992) Fractures of thc mandible and maxil la . Veterillary Clillics 0/ North A merica Smal/ Animal Practice 22 , 109. Dewey CW, Budsbcrg SC and Oliver JE (1992) Pri nciples of head trauma management in dogs and cats - Part I . CompendiulII on Comilll/ing Educmion/or the Practising Ve terinarian 14, 199. Dewey CW, Budsbcrg SC and Oli ver JE ( 1993) Princi ples of head trauma management in dogs and cats - Part 2. CompendiulII on Comilluillg Education/or the Praclisillg Veterinarian IS, 177. Egger EL ( 1993) Skull and mandibular fractures. In: Textbook a/Small Animal Surgery, 2nd edn (ed. D Slatter). WB Saunders, Philadelphia. Fulton RB and Dcnnis JS (1992) Blind percutancous placement of a gastrostomy tube fo r nutri tional support in dogs and cats. Journal a/the Americall Veterillary Medical Association 201 , 697. Goeggcrle UA, Inskccp GA and Toombs JP ( 1996) Managing mandibular fractures in dogs. Compelldium 011 Continuing Education/or the Practising Veterinarian 18, 5 11. Hartsfield SM, Gcndrcau CL, Smith CW et 01., (1977) Endotrachea l intubation by pharyngotomy. Journal 0/ the American Allimal Hospital Associatioll 13,7 1. Harvey CE and Em ily PP (1993) Oral surgery. In : Small Animal Delllislry. Mosby, St Louis, MO. Hill FWG ( 1977) A su rvey of bone fractures in the caL J Ollrnal o/SlIIall Allimal Practice 18, 457.

Kahnberg KE and Ridell A (1979) Prognosisoft ccth involved in the line of mandibular fractures. lnternaliollal Journal a/Oral Surgery 8, 163. Kern DA,S mith MM, Grant JWand Rockhil l AD (1993) Eva luat ion of bending strength of fi ve interdcntal fi xation nppamtuses appl icd to canine mandibles. American JOl/rnal 0/ Velerinary Research 54, 1177. Kern DA, Smith MM , Stevcnson S. et al. (1995) Evaluation of thrce fixa tion techniques for repair of mandi bular f".ctures in dogs. Journal 0/ the Americall Veterillary Medical Association 206, 1883. Kitto HW (1972) A tcchniqucof mandibul ar fi xation in cat symphyseal fractures. Th e Veterinary Record 91 , 59 1. Lantz GC (J 98 1) Interarcade wiring a5:1 method of fixat ion for selected mandibular fractures. Journal 0/ the A mericall Animal Hospital Association, 17,599. Lantz GC (1991) Surgical correct ion of unusualtcmporomandi bular j oint conditions. COII/pendium Oil Comilluillg Education for the Practising Velerinarian 13, 1570. Lantz GC and Salisbury SK ( 1987) Partia l mandibulcctomy for treatment of mandibular frac tures in dogs: cight cases (1981- 1984). Journal o/llie A merican Veterinary Medical Association 191 ,243 . Lantz GC, Cantwell HO, Vanvleet JF and Cechner PE (1982) Unilateral mandibular condylectomy: experimcnta l and cl inical results. Journal o/the American Allilllal Hospiral Association 18, 883. Leonard EP (197 1) In: Orlhopaedic Surgery o/Ille Dog alld Cal. WB Saunders, Philadelphia. Manfra Maretta S and Tholen MA (1990) Extraction techniques and management of associated complications. In: 511101/ Animal Oral Medicine and Surgery (cds. MJ Bojmb and MA Tholcn). Lea & Febiger, Philadclphi a. Manfra Marella S, Schrader SC and Matthicscn DT ( 1990) Problems associated with the managemcnt and treatment of jaw fractures. Problems ill Veterinary Medicine 2, 220. Mcrklcy DF and Brinker WO ( 1976) Facial reconstructi on foJ[owing massive bilateral max illary fra ctu re in the dog. Journa l 0/ the Americall Allimal Hospital Associ(l[ion 12, 83 1. Morga n IP and Leighton RL ( 1995) Axial skclctal trauma. In: Radiology o/Small Animal Fracture Managcment. WB Saundcrs, Philadelphia. Nea l DC, Wagner WF and Albert B ( 1978) Morbidity associated with teeth in the line of mandibular frac tu res. JOl/rnal of Oral Surgery 36, 859. Ncwton CD (1985) Fractures of the skull . In: Textbook o/Small Animal Orthopaedics. JB Lippincott, Philadelphia. Nibley W (198 1) Treatment of caudal mandibular fractures: a preliminary repon . Journal of rile American Animal Hospital Association 17, 555. Oliver JE ( 1975) Craniotomy, cmn iectomy, and skull fmctures. In : Currem Techniques;1I SIIIal/ Animal Surgery (cd . MJ Boj rab). Lea & Febiger, Phi ladelphia. Philli ps IR ( 1979) A survey ofbonc fractures in the dog and cat. J Ol/rnal 0/511101/ Animal Practice, 20, 66 1. Pi ennattci DL ( 1993) The head. In: An Arias o/Surgical Approaches fO the BOlles and J oints a/the Dog and Cat, 3rd edn. WB Saundcrs, Phi ladelphia. Robinson GW (1976) The high rise trauma syndrome in cats. Fe/ille Practice 6, 40. Ross OL (l978) Evaluation of oral abnormalities. In : Proceedil1gs American Animal Hospital Association, 45111 Anllual Meelillg, Salt

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The Skull and Mandible wke City, UT, 79. Ross DL and Goldstein GS (1986) Oral surgery basic techniq ues. Veterinary Clinics oj North America Small Animal Praclice 16. 967. Rossman LE, Garber DA and Harvey CE (1985) Disorders of teeth. In: Veterinary Dentislry(cd. C.E. Harvey) . WB Saunders, Philadelphia. Roush JK and Wilson JW (1989) Healing of mandibular body osteotomies ufter plate and intramedullary pin fi xation. Velerinary SlIrgery J8, 190. Roush JK , Howard PE and Wilson JW ( 1989) Nonna l blood supply to the canine mandi ble and mand ibula r teeth . American Journal oj Vete rinary Research SO, 904. Rudy RL and Boudrieau RJ (1992) Maxillofacia l and mandibu lar fra ctures. Seminars in Veterinary Medicine and Surgery (Small Anilllal) 7, 3. Salis bury SK and Cantwell HD (1989) Conservati vc management of fracture s of the mandibular condyloid proccss in three ca ts and one dog. Journal aJlhe American Veterinary Medical Association

194,85. Schmitz JP und Hollinger JO (1986) The critical size defect as an ex perimental modcl for craniomandibulofacial nonunions. Clini· cal Orll/Opaedics, 205, 299. Shields Henney LH . Galburt RB and Boudrieau RJ (1992) Treatment of dental injuries foll owing craniofuciul trauma . Semillars in Veleri· nary Medicine and Surgery (Smal/ Allimal) 7, 2 1. Smith MM and Kern DA ( 1995) Skull trauma and mandibular fractures. Velerillary Clinics aJNorth America Small Animal Praclice 25, 11 27. Stamb.lugh JE and Nunamaker DM (1982) External skelctal fi xation of comminuted maxillary fra ctures in dogs. Velerillary Surgery 11,72 . SUTllller·Smith G und Dingwall JS (1973) The plating of mandibu lar frac tures in giant dogs. The Veterillary Record 92. 39. Tholen MA and Hoyt RF ( 1983) Oral pathology. In : eOIlCePIS ill Vererinary Delllisrry (ed. MA Tholen). Veterinary Medicine Pub-


lis hing, Edwardsvi1lc, Kansas. Tom linson JL and Constantinescu GM ( 199 1) Acrylic extemal s keletal fi xation of fractures. Compendium 011 COII/illllillg Educ(lliolljor the Practising Veterillarian 13,235. Tomlinson J and Presnell KR ( 1983) Mandibular condylectorny effects in nonnal dogs. Vererinary Surgery 12, 148. Umphlet RC and Johnson AL ( 1988) Mandibular fractures in the cat. A retrospective s tudy. Velerillllry Surgery 17,333. Umphlet RC and Johnson AL ( 1990) Mandibular fra ctures in the dog. A retros pect ive study of 157 cilses. Velerinary Surgery

19,272. Um phl ct RC. Johnson AL. Eurell JC and Losons ky J ( 1988) Thc effect of partial rostra l hemimandibulectomy on mandibular mobil ity and temporomandi bul ar j oint morphology in the dog. Veterinary Sur· gery 17, 186. van Ee RTand Pechman RD ( 1987) False ilnkylosisofth c tcmporomandibu lar j oint in a cat. JOllrnal oJlhe Americall Veterinary Medical Associalioll 191, 979. Verstraete FJM and Lighthelm AJ ( 1987) Dental trauma caused by screws used in internal fi xat ion of mandibular osteotomies in the canine. Journal oj Veterinary Dellfisrry 4, 5. Weigel JP (1985) Trauma to oral structures. In: Velerillary Delltis1ry (cd. CE Harvey). WB Saundcrs, Phillldelphia. WillerRL, EggerEL and HistandMB ( 199 1). A comparison of stai nless steel versus acrylic for the connecting bar of external skeletal fi xators. Journal oJtlle Ameriwn Animal Hospiral Associalioll 27, 541. Withrow SJ ( 198 1) Taping of the mandible in treat ment of mandibular fmctures. Jolirnalojrhe AmeriClIlIAllimal Hospiwl Associarioll 17, 27 .

Zal len RDand Curry JT( 1975) A studyofantibiOlic usage in compound mandibular fractures. Journal ojOml Surgery 33, 43 1.

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130 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management


Surgical exposure of the mandibular body

Positioning The animal is placed in dorsal recumbency and routine aseptic preparation of the surgical field is performed. In those cases where access to the oral cavity is req uired the mouth is repeatedly irriga ted with dilute povidone iodine solution and the tongue is reflected back on itself into the pharynx so that it does not interfere with assessment of dental occlusion. An intraoral drape faste ned to the s kin at the level of the oral conunissures is used to cover the anaestheti c apparatus in those animals intubated conventionally. The drape may be reflected rostrally to allow observation of the oral cavity following pharyngostomy endotracheal tube placement. In either case the anaesthetic machine is placed to the side ofthe patient to allow unimpeded access to the surgical field. Assistant Optional. Tray Extras Pointed reduction forceps; Gelpi and HolunarUl retractors; selected implants and hardware for insertion. Surgical Approach Exposure ofthe mandible is achieved by incising the thin sheet-like platysma muscle, which is then retracted laterally with the fascia and skin (Figure 12.12). Exposure of the medial aspect of the bone can be increased by separating the mylohyoideus muscle from the medial edge of the mandible and retracting it medially. Although subperiosteal elevation of the digastricus muscle from the ventral aspect of the mandible may be performed for access to caudal body fractures, it is preferable to preserve the attachment by retraction of the muscle to either side as necessary. It is important to avoid the facial vein and accompanying nerve trunks laterally.

Facial vesse ls

Mandibular body -f-l'l-l'F'I-

Ventral buccal branch of facial nerve Masseter m.


Digastricus m. -r-H.4---l:-'

Myelohyoideus m.

middle and

deep portions elevated from masseteric fossa Masseter m. superficial portion

Figure 12.12: Ventral exposure of a mandibular body fracture (see text/or deta ils).

Woulld Closure The intermuscular septum between the digastricus and masseter muscles is sutured using absorbable material of the surgeon's choice. The rest of the closure is routine.

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The Skull and Mandible



Surgical exposure ofthe mandibular ramus

Positioning Lateral recumbency with the head supported. Intubation as described in main text. Assistant Optional.

Tray Extras Pointed reduction forceps; Gelpi and Hohmannn retractors; selected implants and hardware for insertion. Surgical Approach The surgical approach to the angle of the mandible is hampered by the heavy musculature, the parotid gland and the neurovascular structures in this region (Figure 12. 13). After incising the platysma muscle, the dorsa l and ventral buccal branches of the facial nerve, and the parotid gland and its duct shou ld be identified (Piermattei, 1993). Exposure of the fracture is achieved by incising across the superficial layers of the masseter muscle parallel with the caudal border of the mandible. The middle and deep layers of the muscle are elevated subperiosteally from their insertion on the masseteric fossa and retracted dorsally, allowing exposure of the ramus to the level of the TMJ.

Platysma m. Parotid ducl

Ib~~~~==~r -"W----;tt1.

Parotid gland

buccal branch of /.f-,J./--;77'l r ventral facial nerve

Platysma m.

Figure 12.13: Surgical approach to the mandibular ramus (see text for details).

Wound Closure The aponeurosis covering the superficial layer of the masseter muscle is sutured. The rest of the closure is routin e.

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132 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management


Surgical exposure of the temporomandibular joint

Positioning Lateral recumbency with the head supported. Intubation as described in text.

Assistant Optional. Tray Extras Pointed reduction forceps; Gelpi and Hohmanrum retractors. Surgical Approach The skin incision is made along the ventral border of the zygomatic arch and crosses the TMJ caudally (piennattei, 1993) (Figure 12.14). The platysma muscle and fascia are incised and retracted with the skin; the attachment of the origin of the masseter muscle on the zygomatic arch is incised and subperiosteal elevation of the muscle is performed. The palpebral nerve and the transverse facial vessels and dorsal branch of the facial nerve should be avoided. Reflection of the tissue ventrally exposes the lateral surface of the joint and the upper portion of the condyloid process. This approach may be combined with the approach to the ramus of the mandible when greater exposure of this region is required.

Zygomatic arch



Palpebral nerve Transverse facial vein Nerve to tactile and sinus hair

Condyloid process of mandible Dorsal branch of facial nerve

Masseter rn .

Platysma m.

Figure 12.14: Surgical exposure a/the temporomandibular joint (see text for details).

Wound Closure The aponeurosis covering the superficial layer of the masseter muscle is sutured. The rest of the closure is routine.

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The Spine W Malcolm McKee

INTRODUCTION Traumatic spinal injuries are relatively conunon in small animal practice. They generall y result from road traffic accidents. Other forms of trauma include falls from heights, gunshot injuries and collision with stationary obj ects. Of key importance is the potential for concomitant inju ry to the spinal cord or cauda eq uina. This may result in various degrees of neurological dysfunction. Cases with acute spinal cord injury should be considered as emergencies. The use of the neuroprotective drug methylprednisolone sodium succinate may be beneficial in animals presented within a few hours of injury. Open reduction and internal fixation of caudal thoracic and lumbar fracn)res and luxations is often indicated in order to decompress the spinal cord and reduce pain; surgery can be challenging and thus referral to a specialist should be considered. However, oth er injuries, such as cervical fractures, can often be managed non-surgically with external splinting, or cage confinement. The prognosis in patients that retain pain sensation is generally favourable. Vertebral fractures and lu xations are the most common types of injury. Although this chapter deals primari ly with vertebral fractures, many of the principles of assessment and management are app licable to vertebral lu xations and fracture/luxations. It is therefore considered appropriate that the management of spinal luxations should also be cons idered here.

trauma that is sufficient to cause a vertebral fracture or luxation may result in significant concomitant injuries. Particular reference should be made to the cardiopulmonary system and the patient should be monitored for evidence of pneumothorax, cardiac dysrhythmia and shock. In one study of 67 dogs with lumbar fractures and luxations, 24 dogs had cardiopulmonary trauma, 13 had pelvic fractures and five had urogenital injuries (Turner, 1987). Concurrent pelvic trauma may be difficult to detect in nonambulatory patients. Rectal examination and careful assessment of pelvic symmetry may be helpful. Failure to detect pelvic fractures and sacroiliac separations may result in an overestimation of th e severity of spinal cord injury.

Neurological examination A detailed neurological examination should enable the level of vertebral colunUl injury to be identified (Wheeler and Sharp, 1994) and the severity of spinal cord damage to be graded (Table 13.1). Malalignment of the spine may be palpable, or indeed visible, and there may be external evidence of trauma. Certain postural reaction tests (for example, hemi-walking and wheelbarrowing) should be avoided due to the possibility of instability and furtherspinal cord trauma. The Grade

Neurological dysfunction

1 2 3a 3b 4

Spinal pain (no neurological deficits) Ambulatory paraparesis/tetraparesis Non-ambulatory paraparesis/tetraparesis Paraplegia/tetraplegia Paraplegia/tetraplegia; urinary incontinence Paraplegia/tetraplegia; urinary incontinence; loss of superficial (digital pressure) pain perception Paraplegia/tetraplegia; urinary incontinence; loss of deep pain perception Grade 5b and e~idence of ascendingdescending myelomalacia


Physical examination Dogs and cats with traumatic spinal injuries should be handled with care as they are often distressed and in s ignificant pain. The use of a muzzle is advisable. Avoidance of further spinal cord injury is of paramount importance. A temporary splint may be applied, or alternatively the animal may be strapped to a rigid board or stretcher, especially when being transported. A thorough clinical examination is essential since



Table 13.1: Grading ::.pinal cord injury. The combinatlOll of tetraplegia and loss of deep pain perception is rare; cervical spinal cord injuries o/this severity tend to be/araL

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134 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management severity of cord injury is primarily determined on the presence or absence of motor function (purposeful limb movement) and conscious pain perception caudal to the lesion. The presence or absence of deep pain perception (as assessed with pump plier stimulation of periosteum, e.g. metatarsals, tibia, tail) is a key prognostic factor.

WARNING It is essential to remember that the reflex withdrawal of a limb is not evidence of pain perception. The patient must show a behavioural response, such as turning of the head. The possibility of injury at more than one area of the vertebral column should be considered and also the potential for concomitant peripheral nerve damage, e.g. brachial plex us avulsion.

WARNING Serial neurological examinations are important to detect changes in neurological status.

DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS Diagnosis is generally straightforward from the history and neurological findings; however, on occasions the owner may be unaware of trauma. Other causes of acute onset neurological dysfunction must be considered in these cases.

Common causes of acute onset neurological dysfunction: Degenerative intervertebral disc extrusion Ischaemie myelopathy (e.g. fibrocartilaginous embolism) Cervical spondylopathy (wobbler syndrome) Atlantoaxial sublu xation (developmental).

RADIOGRAPHIC EXAMINATION Radiographs of the chest are mandatory in all spinal trauma cases to detect potentia lly life-threatening problems, such as pulmonary contusion and pneumothora x. Rupture of the diaphragm and rib fractures are less common. Radiographs of the pelvis should be obtained if there is any doubt regarding possible injury (Figure 13. 1). General anaesthesia is generally mandatory when performing spinal radiography in order to obtain diagnostic images. However, light sedation is preferable initially in trauma patients so that the protective role of the paraspinal and abdominal musculature is preserved. More detailed films may be obtained under general anaesthesia when the nature ofthe injury and degree of vertebral instability have been determined, and a potential therapeutic plan may be discussed with the owner.

Survey radiography Lateral and ventrodorsal projections of the spine should be obtained (Brawner et aI., 1990). Horizontal beam techniques should be employed in cases with vertebral instability in order to avoid further cord injury. Oblique views may be useful for detecting articular facet fractures. Theentirespineshould be radiographed in animals where there is a clinical suspicion of more than one lesion. Multiple fractures or luxations are uncoTntnon: 3 of 51 cases in one study (McKee, 1990) and 2 out of 112 cases in another series (Seleer et al. , 1991). It is important to remember that radiographs do not necessaril y represent the position of the vertebrae at the time of trauma. This is one explanation for the poor correlation that often exists between the degree of vertebral displacement and the severity of the neurological dysfunction (McKee, 1990). Conversely, many dogs with significant displacement of vertebral fractures and luxations, especially in the cervical and caudal lumbar spine, retain pain perception and variable motor function. This is primarily due to the large ratio of vertebral canal to spinal cord and cauda equina diameter respectively.

Uncommon causes of acute onset neurological dysjunction: Pathological vertebral fracture - neoplasia (e.g. osteosarcoma) - osteoporosis (e.g. nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism) - infection (e.g. osteomyelitis, discospondylitis) Spontaneous spinal haemorrhage (+jcoagulopathy) Non-osseous spinal neoplasia (possible haemorrhage) Acute inflammatory central nervous system disorders.

Figure 13.1: Combil1ed pelvic and vertebral injuries resulting from a road traffic accident in a terrier. Note rlie compressionjracture L4 (shortened vertebral body) (arrowed), ilial fractures alld coxofemoralluxatiol1s.

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r The Spine

PRACTICAL TIP Since radiographs do not necessarily represent the position of vertebrae at the timeoftrauma, the prognosis must be assessed on the basis of the neurological examination rather than the radiographic findings.

Stress radiography Stress view radiographs are seldom necessary; however, on occasions they can provide va luable information, especially about vertebral stability. For example, vertebral subluxations with minimal displacement and traumatic disc extrusions may be difficult to differentiate on survey radiographs, especially in the thoracic spine where there is superimposition of rib heads. Stressed views may aid differentiation and this information can be critical for management (e.g. stabilization versus decompressive surgery). Traction views are preferable to flexion -extension views, but the latter are often more informative. The risk of further spinal cord injury is significant and thus these techniques should be performed with great care and using fluoroscopy where possible.

Myelography Myelography is not routinely performed in all spinal trauma cases. It is indicated in the following situations: Survey films are normal or inconclusive (e.g. spinal haemorrhage, spinal cord concussion, subtle intervertebral disc extrusion) Survey radiographic findings are inconsistent with neurological findings (e.g. thoracolumbar luxation in a patient with absent patellar reflexes) Decompressive surgery is contemplated (e.g. to remove disc material, bone fragments or blood clots) Exploratory surgery is considered in cases with no deep pain perception (grade 5b) (Figure 13.5) (transection of the spinal cord may on occasions be identified). Myelography should be performed wi th care since flexion of the spine may exacerbate spinal cord compression where vertebral instability exists; consideration shou ld be given to cisternal versus lumbar puncture. Myelography enables space-occupying lesions to be localized: Extradural (e.g. fracture, luxation, disc material, bone fragments, haemorrhage) Intradural-extramedullary (e.g. haematoma) Intramedullary (e.g. haematoma, spinal cord oedema). The vast majority of spinal trauma lesions are extradural.


MANAGEMENT OF THE SPINAL TRAUMA PATIENT The appropriate management of traumatic spinal injuries necessitates an understanding of: Pathophysiology of acute spinal cord injury Spinal biomechanics Types of spinal injury Assessment of vertebral stability.

Pathophysiology of acute spinal cord injury Vertebral trauma may result in varying degrees of spinal cord concussion and compression. The magnitude and relative contribution of these features is important with regard to the potential for reversible (or irreversible) cord injury and the most appropriate method of management. Pathological changes within the spinal cord may be considered as primary and secondary. The primary changes are associated with the initial concussive injury and include axonal disruption, vascular damage, grey matter haemorrhage and necrosis, and oedema. Cord compression may result in nerve conduction blockage, interruption of neuronal axoplasmic flow, demyelination and additional vascular compromise. Secondary metabolic and vascular mechanisms may subsequently cause additional neuronal and supporting tissue damage. These processes may result in vicious cycles of autodestruction. Metabolic mechanisms of secondary spinal cord injury Spina l cord trauma and resultant ischaemia result in increased production of oxygen free-radica ls which may overwhelm natural scavenging systems. Cell membrane phospholipids are particularly prone to free-radical attack, with resultant membrane disruption and the production of lipid peroxides - a process re ferred to as lipid peroxidation (Brown and Hall, 1992). Further free-radicals are released, thus perpetuating the process, which may ascend and descend the spina l cord (ascending-descending myeloma lac ia). Arachidonic acid production wil l contribute to the lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase pathways to form leucotrienes and prostaglandins. Free-radicals may damage the microvasculature and contribute to ischaemia. Acute spinal cord injury may also result in e levated intraneuronal calcium levels and cell death. Vascular mechanisms of ~econdary spinal cord injury Following acute spinal cord injury, there is an immediate marked fall in grey matter blood flow. There is also a loss of autoregulation of spinal cord blood flow, and endogenous opioids may be released and cause

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136 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management Supraspinous ligament

Interspinous ligament

Articular facets & joint capsules





f"'-::t=;>i'::!:\,,______ Dorsal


longitudinal ligament Vertebral body

Ventral longitudinal ligament

IntelVertebral disc

Intertransverse ligament

Figure 13.2: Dorsal Gild ventral compartment structures a/the vertebral column.

systemic hy potension. T hese two factors may result in an additional fall in spinal blood flow (Tator and Fehlings, 1991). Vasoconstrictive substances (e.g. thromboxane A2, serotonin) and free- radi cal induced lipid peroxidation may also adversely affect the microcirculation. For further discussion of the mechanisms of acute cord injury, refer to reviews in Brown and Hall (1992) and Coughlan (1993).

Spinal biomechanics Structures that provide strength in the normal vertebral column may be divided into dorsa l and ventral compartments (Figure 13.2) .

Dorsal compartment structures: Articular facets/joint capsules Vertebrallamina/pedicies Supraspinous liga ment Interspinous ligament.

Ventral compartment structures: Vertebral body Intervertebral disc Dorsal longi tudinal ligament Ventral longitudinal ligament Intertransverse ligament. The vertebral bodi es and (to a lesser degree) the articular facets resist compressive forces, whereas the ligamentous structures and the facet joint capsules provide tensile strength . Rotational stability is deri ved fro m the intervertebral disc and articular facets (Shires et at., 1991). The effect on strength and stability of removing various of these support structures, thus mimicldng various traumatic injuries, has been studied (Smith and Walter, 1988; Shires et aI., 1991). A combination of discectomy and bilateral facetectomy markedl y wea kens and destabilizes the rotational integrity of the spine, compared with either of these procedures in isolation .

Traumatic vertebral column instability may be caused by bending (e.g. dorsoventral and lateral), rotational, compressive or shear forces. Naturall y occurring injuries tend to result from a combination of these forces.

Types of spinal injury Injuries tend to occur between stable and more mobile parts of the vertebral column, such as the thoracolumbar and lumbosacraljunctions, although any vertebra(e) may be affected. T he various types of injury are listed in Table 13.2. Fractures of the vertebral body are the most common and ma y be oblique, transverse, physeal, compressive or comminuted (Figure 13.3). Concomitant luxation of the vertebral facets is not uncommon. Vertebral luxation and subluxation involve tearing of the annulus fibrosus of the intervertebral disc, with Common


Vertebral fracture

Haemorrhage/ haematoma Spinal cord concussion

Vertebral (sub)luxation Vertebral fracture-luxation Intervertebral disc extrusion

Table 13.2: Types of traumallc splflal injury.

Figure 13.3: Fracture of the axis in a Staffordshire Bull Terrier.

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The possibiliry of secondary mechanis ms of spinal cord injury and ascending-descending myelomalacia sho uld also be cons idered.

Radiographic features of spinal instability:

Significant displacement of vertebrae Combined dorsa l and ve ntral compartment injury Change in alignment on s ubsequent radiographs Change in alignment with stress radiography (take care!).

Figure 13.4: C6-C7 luxation in a Skye Terrier.

damage to the facet joints and s upporting ligaments (Figure 13.4). This is in contrast to intervertebral disc extrus ion w here the nucleus pulposus is rapidl y extruded t1lrough a previously hea lthy annulus. A specific sy ndrome caused by dorsolateral explosio n of cervica l discs has been described (Griffit hs, 1970). Spinal cord concussion, and indeed necrosis, may

occur in the absence of vertebral column injury (Griffiths, 1978). Traumatic spinal injuries may be di vided into three groups on the basis of which structures are affected: Dorsal compartment injury (e.g. articular facet fracture) Ventral compartment inju ry (e.g. intervertebral disc extrus ion) Combined compartment injury (e.g. vertebral body fra cture/articular facet luxati on) . Combined compartment injuries are the most common. Dorsa l com partm ent injury in combinat ion with vertebral body fracture is the most serious, allowi ng bending, rotati onal and trans lational displacement, as we ll as vertebral collapse. In contrast, injury to the

dorsal compartment structures in combination with vertebral luxation is less serious since a ventral buttress remains. Disc extrusions are inherently stable, because of an intact ventral buttress and articular facets. Isolated

dorsal compartment injuries are uncommon and are often not of clinical significance, although cicatricial scar formation may on occasions result in delayed spinal cord compression (Waters el al., 1994).

Assessment of vertebral stability Assessing the degree of stability at the site of injury is an important factor in spinal trauma management. Although somewhat subjecti ve, certain clinical and rad iographi c features may provide an index of suspicion.

Clinicalfealures of spinal instability: Detection of crepitus when palpating the spine,

or as the patient moves Progressive neurological dysfunction (14 % of cases in one study; McKee, 1990)

GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT It is essential th at vertebral frac tures with concomitant neurological dysfunction are treated pro mptl y. Medical management of acute s pinal cord injury is aimed at redu ci ng the secondary mec hanis m of lipid

peroxidation and maintaining spinal cord blood flow. The need for surgery should be cons idered accord ing to individual status . Decompression of the spinal cord and/or stabilization of th e ve rtebral column are frequently indicated. These techniques are often tec hnically demanding and thus referral of the patient to a surgical specialist should be cons idered. A temporary splint should be applied, or alternati vely the patient ma y be strapped to a rigid board, in order to reduce th e possibility of further spinal cord injury during transport.

Medical management of acute spinal cord injury The judicious use of intravenous fluids is indicated to aid maintenance of spinal cord blood fl ow, especially when the patient is anaestheti zed, s ince the injured spinal cord is unable to reg ul ate its own perfusion. Monitoring of mean systemic arterial pressure is advisable in order to avoid hypertension and increased cord oedema. The neuroprotective drug methylprednisolone sodium succinate may inhibit lipid peroxidation and thus reduce secondary spinal cord inju ry (Hall, 1992). The fo ll ow ing protoco l is c urre ntl y recomm ended (Coughlan, 1993): Use within 8 hours of inju ry 30 mg/kg initially 15 mg/kg 4 and 8 hours after the initial dose Slowly administer intravenous ly over a few minutes to avoid hypotension and vomiting. Other corticosteroids (fo r exa mpl e, dexamethasone) and non-steroidal anii-inflammatory drugs should not be administered, as no beneficial effects have been demonstrated. In addition, they may result in potentially serious and even lethal gastrointestinal complications, especially when used in combination.

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138 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management

analgesics, but they cause respiratory depression and thus should be avoided in patients with cranial, cervical and chest injuries. Non-steroidal anti-inflanunatory dmgsshould be used with care as spinal surgery patients have a tendency for intestinal ulceration. Carprofen (2 mg/kg IV or SC q 24 hours) does not appear to inhibit prostaglandin E levels in the gut (McKellar et at., 199 1) and tims is the author's drug of choice. It has not been determined whether carprofen and methylprednisolone sodium succinate may be used in combination safely in spinal injury patients. Methocarbamol (20 mg/kg PO q 8 hours), a centrall y actin g skeletal muscle relaxant, and diazepam (2- 15 mg PO q 8 hours) may reduce the pain associated with muscle spasm. They are often helpful m combination with analgesics.

WARNING The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in combination with corticosteroids is contraindicated. Tirilazad mesylate, a 2 1-amino steroid which lac ks glucocorticoid acti vity and thus side-effects, is a potent inhibitor of lipid peroxidation and may be the drug of choice in the future (Meintjes et at., 1996).

Analgesia Spinal fractures and luxations often cause significant pain. It is thus important that analgesics are administered as soon as possible following neurological assessment. Narcotic analgesics - fo r example, morphine (cat 0.1 mg/kg 1M, dog 0.25- 1.0 mg/ kg 1M q 4 hours) and buprenorphine (0.006- 0.01 mg/kg IV or 1M q 6-8 hours) - are more effective than non-steroidal ant iinflammatory drugs. However, combination therapy is often the preferred therapy, provided corticosteroids have not been used. Pre-operati ve administration of opioids reduces the requirement for post-operati ve

SURGIC AL VERSUS NON-SURGIC AL MANAGEMENT The choice of treatment for animals with spinal trauma is a subject of controversy. Many authors adopt a













r l - - L - - -1







disc SP.1CC or no olila sigTl ifica1\l findings


Consi der radiography, myelogr:.phyand


Narrowed inlcn'crtchral



lsolalcd oorsal or ""lI1 ml compartmenl injury e.g. raCe1 rraCIUr~ (4)

e,g. disc CXlrusion. haemalOma. cord concussion (4)

Consider euthanasia

Sl abilisalion/dl~m prC';.,ivc


Com hi ned dorsal and

wmral companmcm injury q;. \'cicrbml rmClurc·luxal;on

s urgery (3)






"""r '""' W"'P"~'''' NON ·S URGICAL ~l ANAGE~lENT




CI - TJ (5)

TI-TI2 (5)

T I2-LJ (5)








ModeraIC/,..,'·crc cord col)lpr~'SSion


I GRADE 1-3a







GRAD E 33-5,



GRADE 3a-5a



LJ-L7 (5)

I GRADE 1- 2








GRADE 3a-5,



Figure 13.5: An aigarithmjar the management afspinal traullla. (1) A void additional spinal card injury. Consider the use of methylprednisolone sodiu m succinate. (2) Refer to textfor grading of spinal cord injury. (3) These animals have a very guarded prognosis. Surgery should be reserved for cases where vertebral displacelllellf 011 radiographs is 1101 severe. Spinal cord integrity should be assessed prior to consideratioll of vertebral stabilization. Application of a pedicle of intacl Omelltlllll to the injured cord may be llseful to reduce oedema and aid neovascularization (Goldsmith et al. , 1985). (4) Consider possibility of nondisplaced vertebral subluxation and llse of stress view radiography to demonstrate instability. Surgery is seldom indicated ill tile managemel1l of trau matic disc extrusions and cord concllssion, since neither a mass effect nor instability is a signijicallf feature (Griffiths, 1970; Griffiths, 1978). (5) Consider 'other factors' listed above. (6) Consider further investigation and surgery if there is progressive neurological dysfunction or where there is 110 neurological improvemel1l within 10 days, also if relentless pain is a jeature. (7) The use oj all external splint should be strongly considered.

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conservative approach while others fa vour vertebral stabilization and/or decompressive procedures (Carberry et af., 1989). A number of neurological and other factors should be considered (Figure 13.5). Neurological factors : Nature of spinal lesion Evidence of vertebral instability Grade of spinal cord injury Degree of spinal pain Myelographic evidence of spinal cord compression

Anatomical location of injury Interval between injury and presentation.


mended fo r combined compartment injuries since their ability to counteract major disru pti ve forces is limited. Back splints may be used as the sole means of providing stability or as an adjunct to internal fixation techniques. The following advantages and disadvantages are worthy of consideration. Advantages of back splints: Inexpens ive

Unlikely to cause harm during application Can move patient safely when applied Myelography not necessary Less expertise/equipment required. Disadvantages of back splints:

Otherfactors: Size of the patient Concurrent orthopaedic injuries Concurrent non-orthopaedic injuries Disposition and function of the patient Available equipment and expertise Financial restrictions and owner compliance.

Vertebral stabilization allows early pain-free ambulation and unimpeded physiotherapy, including hydrotherapy, compared with non-surgical management. This is particularly important in large dogs, where the standard of nursing care should not be underestimated. In addition, internal fixation generally reduces the hospitalization and recovery times and thus the incidence of decubital ulcers and other complications of prolonged recumbency. However, one of the key disadvantages of surgery is the potential for iatrogenic spinal cord injury.

NON-SURGICAL MANAGEMENT External splinting and/or cage rest are advocated in the majority of non-surgical patients with vertebral fra ctures and luxations. Cage rest alone is not recommended for combined or ve ntral compartment injuries in the thoracolumbar region of the spine, where the cord occupies the majority of the vertebral canal, unless the fracture o r luxatio n is inher-

entl y stable. In contrast, the majority of cervical fractures and luxations can successfull y be managed non-surgically since the spinal cord occupies less of the vertebral canal. It is essential, however, that the patient is monitored for evidence of neurological

Require intact ventral or dorsal buttress Signi ficant risk of decubital ulcers Hindra nce' of manual bladder expression Necessity for fluoroscopy when reducing fracture/luxation and applying splint , . Inability to manage concurrent traumatic chest and abdominal wounds Necessity to monitor/adjust splint on a weekly basis Inability to institute hydrotherapy.

WARNING Significant complications may result frolT' pressure sores and urine scalding if a high level of nursing care is not practised with back splints. Back splints may be constructed from aluminium sheeting or thermoplastic materials. Mason metasplints are an alternative in small dogs and cats (Figure 1'3.6). They are secured to the patient with Velcro straps or sticking plaster. The fo rmer may allow the splint to be changed, or adjusted, more readily. Refer to Patterson and Smith (1992) for further details.

Cage confinement Animals with cervical and (to a lesser degree) lumbosacral fractures and luxations may respond favourably to strict cage confinement (Denny, 1983 ; Turner, 1987) (Figure 13.7). Closed reduction of these injuries is extremely difficult and provision of adequate stability with external splints is practically impossible. The two key disadvantages of cage confinement are the possibility of prolonged pain and the risk of vertebral instability increasing spinal cord compression and neurological dysfunction.


External splinting


External splints are most applicable to thoracolumbar fractures and luxations in animals with an intact ventral buttress or intact facets. They are not recom-

The surgical management of spinal fractures has three major aims:

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The following biomechanical properties of fixation tec\miques should be considered when planning surgery and post-operative management:

When subjected to bending, vertebral body plating is the most strong and most rigid single tec\mique (strength = load at failure; rigidity = load-related deformation). However, the strength at fa ilure is on ly one-third the strength of the normal intact spine (Walter el aI., 1986) When subjected to rotational deformation, vertebral body pins and bone cement provided the greatest stability and strength compared with other tec\utiques (Waldron et al., 1991 ) The resistance to bending of pins and screws depends on their area moment of inertia and for these implants a small increase in core diameter dramatically increases their bending strength (Muir et al., 1995). When interconnected with bone cement, 3.2 nun vertebral body pins are significantly stronger than 3.5 mm vertebral body screws (Garcia et al., 1994) Vertebral body fo ur-pin fixation techniques appear to be strongest when the implants converge towards the fracture/luxation. In contrast, eight-pin techniques appear to be strongest when the implants angle away from the site of injury (Garcia et al., 1994).

Choice of fixation technique Many spinal fixation techniques have been described.

Figure 13.6: A Mason metasplint provided temporary vertebral stabilization in this Chihuahua with a mid thoracic fracture-luxation

Fracture/luxation reduction Fracture stabilization Spinal cord/cauda equina decompression. Ideally the technique employed should be sufficiently rigid to encourage fracture or luxation healing and strong enough to withstand the intrinsic and extrinsic forces exerted on the vertebral column during tltis period .

Biomechanics of spinal fixation techniques The potential post-operative bending (especially flexion), rotational, shear and compressive forces which may disrupt vertebral fracture or luxation fixation techniques must be carefully considered. The possibility of inadvertent injury when nursing paretic and ataxic patients is significant. Walter el al. (19 86) estimated the bending moment at the thoracolumbar junction in a 45 kg dog, supported by the chest with the hindlimbs hanging free, to be greater than three times the strength provided by vertebral body plating.

Figure 13.7: (a) Lumbar fracture- luxation ill an immature Labrador Retriever with mild paraparesis which was managed by cage confinement. (b) Ten lVeeks post-trauma the fracture had healed alld (he l1eurological deficits had resolved

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Location of injury

Technique of choice

Alternative technique(s)t

C I-C2

Articular facet screws (Operative Technique 13.1)

Ventral pins or screws and bone cement Ventral plating (Stead et aI., 1993) Dorsal cross pinning (Jeffery, 1996)

Vertebral body pins o r

Transvertebral screw(s) +/- intervertebral spacer (McKee, 1990)


screws and bone cement


(+/- screwing of luxated articu lar facets in large dogs) (Operative Technique 13.2) Tl-Tll

Spinal stapling'

Dorsal spinous process plating'

(Operative Technique /3.3) Tll-Tl2

Vertebral body pins or screws and bone cement' (Operative Techniques 13.4&/3.5)

Dorsal spinous process plating Spinal stapling

Tl2- L3

Vertebral body (+/- ilial) pins or screws and bone cement' (Operative Technique /3.5)

Dorsal spinous process plating and transilial pints)' Spinal stapling'


Transilial pints)' (Operative Technique /3.6)

Vertebral body and ilial screws and bone cement' (Bea ver et aI., 1996)

Sacrum and coccygeal vertehrae

See OperGlive Technique 13.7 for discussion of management

Table 13.3: Fixatiol1 techniques at variolls levels of Ihe verrebral co/ullin • - Altlrol/gl' fort'. mlllllloric atlanro·occipila/ Sltblll_Wlioll hilS been fl'porrcd (DeCamp Cl a1.. 1991 J t - RI'/rr 10 Short's Cl al. (l989) and Phillips and BlackmQre (1991I/or 1I'c/miqllf .f I'lIIp/oy;.rg (:£/(''''0/ skrleto/Ju G/iQII # - Lu;t:(Jle(f (oQlIjmcmr..

The choice of tec hnique depends on characteristi cs of th e vertebral injury and biomechanica l factors.

Fracture/luxation characteristics: Location of the injury Potential for acc urate reduction Necessity for laminectomy/hemi laminectomy.

Biolllecha 11 ica IJactors: Inherent fracture/l uxation stability Ability of technique to counteract disrupti ve forces Size and acti vity of the patient Concurrent orthopaedic injuries. Teclmiques that utili ze the vertebral bodi es (ventral compartment) are generall y preferred since the dorsal compartment structures are inherentl y weak and implant failure is common. However, the technique of choice is often di ctated by the location of the fracture or lu xation. The author's spinal fixation tec hnique of choice applicable at various levels of the vertebral column and the advantages and disadvantages of th e more common techniques are listed in Tables 13.3 and 13.4, respecti vely.

In view of the potential for iatrogenic spinal cord injury during r eduction and stabilization ofvertebral fractures and luxations, it is strongly recommended that frequent reference is made to a cadaver spine for anatomical details.

The value of decompressive surgery Myelography plays an important role in selecting patients for decompressive surgery. The technique of choice is primarily governed by the method ofspinal fixation,since this dictates the surgical approach to the affected area. Hemilaminectomy is generally preferable to dorsallaminectomy, because the former results in less instability (S mith and Walter, 1988; Shires el aI., 199 1). Such procedures enable the removal of extmded disc material, bone fragments and blood clots from within the vertebral canal. Their importance fo llowing reduction and stabili zation of a fracture or luxation is debatable. Following decompressive surgery it is essential that fractured or luxated vertebrae are stabilized by intemal fLxation.

GENERAL COMMENTS ON POST -OPERATIVE MANAGEMENT Post-operative management is an extremely important

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142 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management




Vertebral body pins or screws and bone cement

Excellent flexibility in terms of number and position of pins/screws Accurate reduction of fracture/ luxation not essential Strong since utili zes vertebral bodi es Good resistance to rotationa l forces Avoids important spinal nerve roots Applicable at most levels of the vertebral column Not necessary to resect rib heads Minimal instrumentation/ implants Can appl y bilaterall y

Poor resistance to bending fo rces Can only span one intervertebral space Potential soft tiss ue complicati ons, e.g. oesophageal obstructio n, hindrance of wound closure Possible thermal injury to spinal cord Potential for pin migration Risk of infection

Vertebral body plating

Strong since utili zes vertebra l bodi es Resists fl exion- extensio n bending forces Readi ly combined with hemilaminecto my Can apply bilaterall y in large dogs

Only applicable in caudal thorac ic and crani al lumbar spine (Tl2-L3) Poor resistance to rotational forces Accurate reduction necessary Screw positioning determined by s ize and design of plate Potential pneumothorax if rib head resection necessary

Atlantoaxial facet screwing

Reduced risk of iatrogenic cord injury Permanent fixation/fusion

Utilizing compression rather than tension s ide of spine Technical difficulty in placing screws in small dogs Retraction injuries to soft tissues

Transilial pinning

Avoids important spinal nerve roots Minimal instrumentati on required

Does not provide rigid fi xation Pin migration if not bent or clamped

Dorsal spinous process plating

Avoids important spinal nerve roots Easy exposure and app licati on of plates Minimal instrumentation required

Poor resistance to bending and rotati onal forces Immobilizes large segment of vertebral column Processes weak and prone to fracture Implant loosening A vascular necrosis of processes

Spinal stapling

Avoids important spinal nerve roots Effective when ventral buttress intact Minimal instrumentation required

Poor strength where ventral compartment injury Immobilizes large segment of vertebral column Articular and dorsal spinous processes prone to fracture Injures articular facets (osteoarthritis/ ankylosis)

Table 13.4: Advolllages and disadvantages of IIlternal fixauoll techl1lques used m the spllle.

aspect of care of neurosurgical patients. Analgesics (narcoti cs and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) should be used routinely. Antimicrobial agents, if considered necessary, should be used peri -operati ve ly. Routine post-operati ve use should be avoided. If an infecti on develops (for example, urinary or wound), the cho ice of antimicrobial agent should be based on aerobic and anaerobic culture and sensitivity. Faeces should be monitored for evidence of melaena since gastrointestinal ulceration is not uncommon in spinal injury patients treated with anti-prostaglandin dru gs, especiall y corti costeroids.

WARNING Corticosteroids have no role in the postoperative management of spina l trauma patients. A hig h standard of nurs ing care is essential in orderto prevent urinary tract infecti ons, faeca l and urine scalding, decubital ulcers and pneumonia . The bladders of incontinent animals must be emptied at least three times daily. Pharmaco logical drugs ma y be ne c essar y - for ex ampl e , be than ec h o l and phenoxy benzamine . Patients must be kept clean and

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The Spine dry on non-retentive, well padded bedding. Recumbent anima ls should be turned regu larly. Both active (whirlpool bath or bathtub) and passive physiotherapy (flexion and extension exercises) are invaluable . Medium and large dogs shoul d be assisted with belly band or other support since internal fixation techniques have a limited abi lity to resist bending and rotational forces.

PROGNOSIS The prognosis depends on a number of factors, the most important of which is the severity of the neurological dysfunction. Cases that retain some degree of voluntary motor function generally havea good prognosis. Patients with no voluntary motor function and with urinary incontinence have a guarded prognosis and cases with loss of conscious pain perception rare ly recover (McKee, 1990; Seleer et at., 1991) . Serial neurological examinations are an important factor in assessing the prognosis more accurately. A functional recovery is only likely if there is at least one grade of improvement within 2-4 weeks of the initial injury.

REFERENCES Anderson A and Coughlan AR ( 1997) Sacral fractures in dogs and cats: a classification scheme and review of 5 [ cases. Journal of Small Animal Practice 38, 404-409 Beaver DP, MacPherson GC, Muir P and Johnson K A ( 1996) Methylmethacrylate and bone screw repair of sevent h lumbar vertebral fraclurc-\uxations ill dogs. Journal of 5111all AI/ill/al Pracrice 37, 381-386 Blass CE and Seim HE (1984) Spinal fixation in dogs using Steinmann pins and methyl methacrylate. VeTerinary Surgery 13, 203-210 Brawner WR, Braund KG and Shores A (1990) Radiographic eval uation of dogs and cats with acute spinal cord trauma. Veferinary Medicine 85, 703-723 Brown SA and Hall ED ( 1992) Role for oxygen-derived free radicals in the pathogenesis of shock and trauma, with focus on central nervous system injuries. Journal oflhe American Veterina ry Medical Association 200, 1849-1859 Carberry CA, Flanders JA, Dietze AE, Gilmore DR and Trotter EJ (1989) Nonsurgical management of thoracic and lumbar spinal Fractures and fracture/l uxations in the dog and cat: a review of 17 cases. Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association 25,

43 - 54 Clary EM and Roe SC (1996) III vitro biomechanical and histological assessment of pilot hole diameter for positive-profile externa l skeletal fixation pins in canine tibiae. Veterinary Surgery 25, 453 462 Coughlan AR (1993) Secondary injury mechanisms in acute spinal cord trauma. Journal of Small A nil/wi Practice 34, 1 17- 122 DeCamp CE, Schirmer RG and Stickle RL (1991) Traumatic atlantooccipital subluxation in a dog. Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association 27, 415 -4 18 Denny HR (1983) Fractu res of the cervical vertebrae in the dog. Veterinary Al/lll/al23, 236-240 Denny HR, Gibbs C and Waterman A (1988) Atlantoaxial subluxation in the dog; a review of 30 cases and an evaluation of treatment by lag screw fixatiQ n. Journal of Small Animal Practice 29, 37-47 Garcia J, Milthorpe BK, Russe ll D and Johnson KA (1994) Biomechanical study of canine spinal frac ture fixation using pins or bone screws with polymethylmethacrylate. Veterinary Surgery 23,322- 329 Goldsmith HS, Steward E and Duckett S (1985) Early application of pedicled omen tum to the acutely traumatised spinal cord. Paraplegia 23, 100- 112


Griffiths IR (1970) A syndrome produced by dorsolateral 'ex pl osions ' of the cervical intervertebral discs. Veterinary Record 87, 737-741 Griffiths IR ( 1978) Spinal cord injuries: a pathological study of natura lly occurring lesions in the dog and cat. Journal of Comparative PatllOlogy 88, 303-315 Hall ED (1992) The neuroprotcctive pharmacology of methy lprednisolone. Journal of Neurosurgery 76, 13-22 Jeffery ND (1996) Dorsal cross pinning of the atlantoaxial joint: New surgical tcchnique for atlantoaxial subluxation. Journal of Small Allimal PraCTice 37, 26-29 Kuntz CA, Waldron D, Martin RA, Shires PK, Moon M and Shell L (J 995) Sacral fractures in dogs: a review of32 cases. Journal ofthe American Animal Hospital Association 31 , 142- 150 Lewis DO, Stampley A, Bellah JR, DonnerGS and Ellison GW ( 1989) Repair ofsixlh lumbar vertebral fracturc~lllxations using transilial pins and plastic spinous-process plates in six dogs. Journal oflhe American Veterinary Medical Association 194, 538-542 Lumb WV and Brasmcr TH (1970) Improved spinal plates and hypothermia as adjuncts to spinal surgery. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Associatioll157, 338-342 McAnulty JF, Lcnehan TM and Maletz LM (1986) Modified segmental spinal instrumentation in repai r of spinal fractu res and luxat ions in dogs. Veterinary Surgery 15, 143-149 McKee WM ( 1990) Spinal trauma in dogs and cats: a review of 51 cases. Veterinary Record 126, 285-289 McKellar QA, Lees P, Ludwig B and Tiberghien MP ( 1991 ) Phannaco*ki netics, tolerance and sennn throm boxane inhibition of carprofen. Journal of Small Animal Practice 31 , 443-448 Mcintjes E, Hosgood G and Daniloff J (1996) Pharmaceutic treatment ofaculespinal cord trauma . Compendium ofContinuing Education for the Practising Veterinarian 18, 625~635 Muir P, Johnson KA and Markel MD (1995) Area moment of inertia for comparison of imp Ian I cross-sectional geometry and bending stiffness. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics alld Traumatology 8, 146 ~ 152 Patterson RH and Smjtll GK (1992) Backsplinting for treatmcnt of thoracic and lumbar fracture/luxation in the dog: principles of application and casc series. Veferinary and Comparative OrtllOpaedics alld Traumatology 5, 179-187 Phillips L and Blackmore J (1991) Kirschner- Ehmer device alone to stabilise caudal lumbar fractures in small dogs. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology 4, 112-115 Selcer RR, Bubb WJ and Walkcr TL (1991) Management of vertebral column fractures in dogs and cats; 211 cases (1977 - 1985). Journal oflhe American Veterinary Medical Association 198, 1965 ~ 1968 Shires PK, Waldron DR, Hedlund CS, Blass CE and Massoudi L(1991) A biomechanical study of rotationa l instabil ity in unaltered and surgically altered cartine thoracolumbar vertebral motion units. Progress in Veterinary Neurology 2, 6-14 Shores A, Nichols C, Rochat M, Fox SM and Burt GJ (1989) Combined Kirschner-Ehmer device and dorsal spina l plate fixation tcchnique for caudal lumbar vcrtebral fractures in dogs. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 195, 335 - 339 Shores A, Haut R and Bonner JA (1991) An in-vitro study of plastic spinal platcs and Luque segmental fixation of the canine thoracic spine. Progress ill Veterinary Neurology 2, 279-285 Slocum B and Rudy RL (1975) Fractures ofthcseventh lumbar vertebra in the dog. Journal of fhe American Animal Hospital Association 11, 167- 174 Smeak DD and Olmstead ML ( 1985) Fracturc/luxations of the sacrococcygeal area in the cat. A retrospective study of 51 cases. VeTerinary Surgery 14, 319-324 Smith GK and Walter MC ( 1988) Spinal decompressive procedures and dorsal compartment injuries: com parative biomechanical study in canine cadavers. American Journal of Veterinary Research 49, 266-273 Sorjoncn DC and Shires PK (1981) Atlantoaxial instabil ity: A ventra l surgical technique fo r decompression, tixalion and fusion. Veterinary Surgery 10, 22-29 Stead AC, Anderson AA and Coughlan A (1993) Bone plating 10 stabilise atlantoax ial subluxation in four dogs. JOl/rnal of Small Animal Practice 34, 462~465 Stone EA, Bctts CW and Chambers IN (1979) Cervical fractures in the dog : a literature and case revie.w: Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association IS, 463-47 1 Swaim SF (1971) Vertebral body plating fo r spinal immobilisalion. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 158, 1683-1695 Tatar CH and Fehlings MG (199 () Review of the secondary injury theory of acute spinal cord trauma with emphasis on vascular mechanisms. Journal of Neurosurgery 75, 15-26

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144 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management Tlimer WD ( 1987) Fractures and frac ture-ilixations of thc lumbm spinc: a retrosrx:cti ve study in the dog. Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association 23, 459-464 Ullman SL and Boudrieau RJ ( 1993) Intemal skeletallixation using a Kirschner apparatus for stabilisation of fracturc/luxations of the lumbosacral joi nt in six dogs. Veteril1ary Surgery 22, 11 - 17 Waldron DR, Shi res PK, McCain W, Hedlund C. and Bl ass CE ( 1991 ) The rotational stabilising effect of spinallixatioll techniques in an unstable vertebral model. Progress ill Veterinary Neurology 2, 105-110

Wa lter MC, Smith GK and Newton CD ( 1986) Canine lumb..u spinal intcmallixalion techniques: a comparati ve biomechanical slUdy. Veterillary Surgery 15, 191 - 198 Waters DJ, Wal1ace U and Roy RG ( 1994) Myelopathy in a dog secondary to scar tissue (ci catri x) fomlation: a complication of vertebral articular facet fracture. Progress ill VererinaryNeurology 5, 105-108 Wheeler SJ and Sharp NIH ( 1994) Patient examination. In : Small Animal Spinal Disorders: Diagnosis al/d Surgery. Mosby·Wolfe, London

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Atlantoaxial (CI- C2) (sub)luxation

Backgroulld Atlantoaxial (s ub)luxation is most commonly a developmental disorder; however, trauma (for example, collision with a patio door) may occasionally disrupta previously normal articulation (Figure 13.8). Fixation of the articular facets using screws via a ventral app roach is the treatment of choice (Sorjonen and Shires, 1981).

Figure 13.8: Radiograph showingatJamoaxial subluxation.

Positioning Dorsa l recumbency with the cranial cervical spine extended over a sand bag; initially gentle tractio n (Figure 13.9a). Thyroid


PRACTICAL TIP Symmetrical positioning of patient is critical.

Recurrent laryngeal Sternonerve cephaticus m.

line of incision Traction

Cranial sandbag to extend cervical spine


Figure 13.9: Vemral surgical approach to CJ-C2.

vasc~ul~a~r------~------~~----~~-­ (b)


supplying thyroid

Sectioned right Sternostemothyroideus m. hyoideus m.

Common carotid sheath

Assistant Useful. Tray Extras Gosset and Gelpi retractors; periosteal elevator; small curette or pneumatic burr; drill; cortical screws ( 1.5, 2.0, 2.7 or 3.5 mm) and corresponding instrumentation for insertion; drill bit (or gouge and mallet) for making bone graft hole; dental tartar scraper. Surgical Approach A midline incision is made from cranial to the larynx to the manubrium. The stemohyoideus muscles are separated and the right sternothyroideus muscle is sectioned near the thyroid cartilage (Figure 13.9b). The trachea, oesophagus and left common carotid sheath are retracted to the left.

PRACTICAL TIP An oesophageal stethoscope aids identification of oesophagus. The prominent ventral process of the atlas is palpated and the tendons of the longus colli muscles are dissected from this structure and retracted laterally. The atlantoaxial synovial joints are opened and the articular cartilage is removed with a small burr or curette.

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Atlantoaxial (CI- C2) (sub)luxation

Reduction anti Fixation Release aforementioned tracti on; maintain extension of spine. Drill one set of facets and leave drill bit insiUt as the other set are drilled, meas ured, tapped and screwed. Screws are positioned at an angle of 30° away fro m the midline and 20° dorsall y (Figure \ 3.10). Lag screws are preferable to positional.

Articular cartilage of axis removed

Sternohyoideus m.

Sectioned right stemothyroideus m.

Fig ure 13.10: (a) Exposure allc/jixation of the atlantoaxial sYl1oviaijoil11S. (b) Schematic views of the atlas alld {Lris to show the ideal positions of atlantoaxial fixation screws. (c) A velllra! postoperative radiograph showing screw position in the case of atlantoaxial subluxation showll in Figure /3.8. (d) Lateral radiograph oflhe case sllo\ll/1 ill (c).

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Atlantoaxial (CI-C2) (sub)luxation

PRACTICAL TIP Prevent dorsal displacement of axis when drilling by levering it ventrally with small dental tartar scraper. In most small dogs 2.0 mm screws are appropriate; 1.5 mm screws may be used in miniature dogs (positional rather than lag) and 3.5 nun screws in large breeds. Cancellous bone is obtained from the proximal aspect of a humerus and packed in and around the joint spaces to promote fusion. WARNING It is technically difficnlt to position the implants sufficiently ventral in the atlas and this may result in fixation failure. Avoid injury to recurrent laryngeal nerves and prolonged retraction oftrachea. Closure Routine, including repair of right sternothyroideus muscle. Post-operative Care Light support dressing to extend head/neck for 4 weeks. Strict rest for 6 weeks. Harness preferable to collar.

WARNING Dorsal wiring techniques are to be avoided because of the significant incidence of iatrogenic cord injury (Denny et aI., 1988) and fixation failure.

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Cervical fractures and luxations (C2- Tl)

Backgroulld The axis is the most frequently fractured cervical vertebra, due to concentration of force in this area which is a transition point between the atlanta-occipital unit and the caudal cervical spine (Stone et aI., 1979). When deemed necessary, fractures and luxations of the cervical spine are most appropriately stabi lized with vertebral body pins or screws and bone cement (Blass and Seim, 1984). Positioning Dorsal recumbency, with the affected region of the spine supported with sand bags. (a)

line of


incision ~ Traction

Symmetrical positioning of patient is critical and this is aided with gentle cervical traction (Figure 13.11a). Traction also aids reduction of fracture/luxation.

Cranial sandbag to extend cervical spine (b)




Sternohyoideus m.

Sternocephalicus m.

Carotid sheath

Ventral process

Intervertebral disc

Longus colli m. separated to expose ventral surfaces of cervical vertebrae

Figure J 3.11: VentraL exposure of the cervicaL spille.

Assistallt Yes. Tray Extras Gosset, Hohmann and Gelpi retractors; periosteal elevator; end-threaded positive profile pins (2, 3, 4 mm); variable speed battery drill (+/- shroud); drill bits; bone cement; pin cutters. Surgical Approach A midline incision is made from the larynx to the manubrium. The stemocephalicus and sternohyoideus muscles are separated and branches of the caudal thyroid vein are cauterized (Figure 13. lib). The trachea, oesophagus and left common carotid sheath are retracted to the left. The prominent ventrally directed tra nsverse processes of C6 are a useful landmark. The longus colli muscles are elevated from the affected vertebrae and retracted laterally (Figure

PRACTICAL TIP An oesophageal stethoscope aids identification of oesophagus.

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Cervical fractures and luxations (C2-T2)

Reduction atul Fixation The caudal segment is generall y displaced dorsa lly. Reduction is ac hieved by leverage with a Hohm3lill retractor and gentle traction/counter-traction. Reduction can be maintained using carefull y positioned vertebral body/transvertebral K-wire(s). Ideally, positive profile threaded pins are then placed into the vertebral bodies, directed away from the vertebral canal (Figure 13.12). It is important to ensure that the transcortices are penetrated. A minimum of two pins should be placed in pre-drilled holes both cranial and caudal to the fracture or luxation. Polymethylmethacrylate bone cement is placed around the pins and lavaged with saline, preferably cooled, to dissipate heat during hardening. Aseptic technique is of utmost importance. Bone cement


Bone cement

profile pin


Figure J 3.12: (a), (b) Schematic views of rhe cervical verrebrae to show the ideaL positioning a/vertebral body pillS alld bone cemellt. (e) C2 fracture ill a dog. (d), (e) Lateral alld vellfrodorsal post-operative radiographs of fh e case shown ill

(c). Fixation \lias achieved using ventraL pillS alld hOl1e cement.

WARNING Excessive cement is to be avoided in order to reduce the possibility of tracheal 01' oesophageal injury. WARNING Avoid penetrating the vertebral canal!

WARNING Monitor closely for potential bradycardia.

Clos"re Routine, including apposition of longus colli muscles where possible. Penrose or closed suction drain should be employed for a short period if haemostasis is suboptimal. Post-operative Care Strict rest for 6 weeks. Harness preferable to collar. Dressing generally not helpful. Altemative Technique Application of a bone plate is difficult because of the irregular shape of the vertebral bodies.

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Cervical fractures and luxations (C2-TI)

Additiollal Commellts When using bone cement techniques the surgeon has a choice of vertebral body pins or screws. The advantages of screws compared with non-threaded pins are that they have greater pull-out resistance, are less likely to migrate, are interchangeable if length is inappropriate, and do not need to be bent or cut. However, screws are debatably more diffi cult to insert than pins. The author's preference is to use positive profile threaded pins (negative profile have a tendency to break), which combines the advantages of screws and oonthreaded pins. Although accurate insertion is aided by their self-tapping nature, it is beneficial to pre-drill a pilot hole whose diameter approximates to but does not exceed the inner diameter of the pin. This improves pin stability and reduces microstructural damage that may lead to excessive bone resorption and premature pin loosening (Clary and Roe, 1996). Pre-drilling also enables the depth of the vertebral body to be measured accurate ly prior to pin insertion.

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Thoracic vertebral fractures and luxations (TI-Tll)

Background Injuries in this area of the spine are fortunately uncommon. They tend to be inherentl y stable because of the epaxial musculature. Utilization of the vertebral bodies is extremely difficult because oftheir triangular crosssection and the re lative lack of bone stock in the centre of the vertebrae. Dorsal spinous processes plating is the most applicable technique (Lumb and Brasmer, 1970; Shores et al.1991). Positioning Ventral recumbency (symmetrical). Assistant Yes.

Tray Extras Gelpi and Hohmann retractors; periosteal elevator; plastic or metal spinal plates; bolts and nuts; spanners; drill and drill bit for metal plates. Surgical Approach Dorsal midline with elevation and retraction of the epaxial muscles from the dorsal spinous processes and dorsal laminae (Figure 13.13). Gelpi retractor

Edge of thick fascia

Gelpi retractor

line of incision


Thoracic spinous processes

Epaxial m. elevated & retracted


Figure 13.13: Exposure a/the dorsal thoracic spine.

Reduction and Fixation Towel clamps or artery forceps attached to the dorsal spinous processes cranial and caudal tothe fracture/luxation may be distracted with a Gelpi retractor. Alternatively, an assistant may apply traction and counter-traction. The tip of a small Holunann retractor can be placed underthe lamina ofthe ventrally displaced vertebra and levered on the lamina of the dorsal vertebra to aid final reduction. Reduction is maintained using traction and counter-traction by assistant. In addition, non-fractured facet joints may be stabilized with K-wires.

Figure 13.14: Schematic view oJ the .fhoracic spine to show (lie ideal position of plastic spinal plates.

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Thoracic vertebral fractures and luxations (TI- Tll)

Fixation is achieved using paired metal or plastic plates secured to the dorsal spinous processes by bolts placed either through (metal) or between (plastic) the processes (Fi gure 13.14). PRACTICAL TIP Position plates as ventral as possible on processes. WARNING The processes are inherently weak and failures due to implant slippage, fracture or avascular necrosis are common complications. Closure Routine, including the midline tendinous raphe. Post-operative Care Strict confinement for 6 weeks. Consider use of external splint in large dogs with mid to caudal thoracic injuries since the fi xation technique is inherently weak. Belly band support.

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Thoracolumbar fractures and luxations (T12-L3)

Background Vertebral body plates (S waim, 197 1) can be readil y applied in this region of the spine and bilateral plating may be performed in large dogs. Positioning Lateral recumbency - preferably right lateral fo r right·handed surgeon. Appl y gentle traction by securing fo re limbs crani all y and hind limbs ca udall y (Figure 13.15a).


13th rib

line of incision

Transverse process L2

Iliocostalis lumborum m.


Figure 13.15: Lateral exposure of the cranial lumbar spine for vertebral hody plating.

Separated iliocostalis lumborum m.

Assistant Useful. Tray Extras Gelpi and Hohmann retractors; periosteal elevator; drill; bone plates/cortical screws and corresponding instrumentation for insertion. Surgical Approach Lateral approach with elevation and retraction of the epaxial muscle mass. In the thoracic region, resection (or disarticulation) of rib heads is required and removal of the short transverse processes (Figure 13.15 b, c). Reduction and Fixation Reduction is achieved by traction/counter·traction and leverage with a Hohmann retractor.

Intact articular facet processes may be used to assess accuracy of reduction.

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Thoracolumbar fractures and luxations (T12-L3)

Articular facets may be luxated and require careful reduction. There is inherent stability if facet processes are intact (may secure with K-wire) . Increasing traction/counter-traction on limbs may aid maintenance of vertebral body fractures in cases with no ventral buttress. The bone plate is positioned on transverse process ostectomy sites in the thoracic region and at the junction of the transverse processes and vertebral bodies in the lumbar region. Screws should engage a minimum of four cortices cranial and caudal to the fracture or luxation. It is essential that they are directed ventral to the vertebral canal (Figure 13.16).



Figure 13.16: (a), (b) Schematic views a/the lumbar spine to show the ideal position oj a vertebral body plate alld screws. (c) Lateral radiograph ala German Shepherd Dog with a cranial lumbar fracture-Luxation. (d) Lateral post-operative radiograph a/the case showll ill (c). Fixation was achieved using vertebral body plating.

PRACTICAL TIP Ascertain appropriate plate size from pre-operative radiographs; consider a custom-made plate if standard plates inappropriate. In order to avoid inappropriate screw placement, identify intervertebral disc spaces with a hypodermic needle. Converge screws in vertebral body to increase pull-out resistance. WARNING Inappropriate plate positioning or angle of drilling may result in catastrophic iatrogenic spinal cord injury, or implant loosening. Closure Routine, including repair of the lumbodorsal fascia. Post-operative Care Strict rest for 6 weeks. Belly band support.

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Caudal thoracic fractures and luxations (Tll-T12) Lumbar fractures and luxations (L3- L7)

Background Vertebral body pins, or screws, and bone cement are less likely to interfere with important hind limb spinal nerves compared with plates in the L3- L7 region of the spine. Positioning Ventral recumbency with hind limbs positioned alongside the abdomen (Figure 13.17a).

line of incision

~\ Figure 13.17: Dorsal exposure a/the lumbar spine.

Gelpi retractor

Edge of thick lumbodorsal fascia

Gelpi retractor





~ /~:J. ~ ~ ~< ~ \;\ F\\ ~ ~/



// Lumbar spinous processes

'\ ~ ~ Epaxial m. elevated and retracted

Assistant Yes. Tray Extras Gelpi and Hohmann retractors; periosteal elevator; end threaded positive profile pins (2, 3, 4 nun); drill bits; variable speed battery drill (+/- shroud) (e.g. Makita); bone cement; pin cutters. Surgical Approach The affected vertebrae are exposed via a dorsal midline approach with elevation and retraction of the epaxial musculature (Figure 13.17b). Reduction and Fixation Towel clamps or artery forceps attached to the dorsal spinous processes cranial and caudal to the fracture/ luxation may be distracted with a Gelpi retractor. Alternatively, an assistant may appl y traction and countertraction. The tip of a small Hohmann retractor can be placed under the lamina of the ventrally displaced (usually caudal) vertebra and levered on the lamina of the dorsal (usually cranial) vertebra to aid final reduction. Reduction may often be maintained with screws or K-wires, placed across intact articular processes. Manual reduction by the assistant surgeon is occasionally necessary. Threaded pins (pre-drilled) or screws are placed bilaterally in the vertebral bodies where the transverse processes originate. A minimum oftwo pins or screws, and preferably three, should be placed both cranial and caudal to the fracture or luxation. Bone cement is placed around the implants and lavaged with saline to dissipate heat during hardening (Figure 13.18 a-e).

PRACTICAL TIP Placement of pins/screws in L 7 vertebral body leaving sufficient implant available for incorporation in cement is technically difficult because of the proximity of the ilial wings. Placing screws in the ilial wings is an alternative (Figure 13.18). WARNING Protect vital hindlimb spinal nerves. Excessive cement may make wound closure difficult. Ensure pins do not unduly penetrate the abdominal (or thoracic) cavity, since they may result in vascular injury (immediate or delayed) i.e. measure, rather than eye-ball, their depth.

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156 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management


Caudal thoracic fractures and luxations (Tll-T12) Lumbar fractures and luxations (L3-L7)

Positive profile pin

Positive profile pin

Bone cement

Positive profile pin

Figure 13.18: (a), (b) Schematic views of the lumbar spine to show the ideal position of a vertebral body, pins and hone cement. (c) A sixth iumbar vertebral fracture ill a dog. (d), (e) Lateral alld ventrodorsdal post-operative radiographs of the case shown ill (c). The fracfure was stabilized using screws and bone cement, with the caudal screws placed through the wings of fhe ilia. The lllxared articular facets were screwed together after reductioll.

Closure Routine; including, where possible, repair of the lumbodorsal fascia. Post-operative Care Strict rest for 6 weeks. Belly band support. Alternative Techniques Dorsal spinous process plating in combination with transilial pins (Figure 13.19) (Lewis et aI., 1989) and spinal stapling (McAnulty et aI. , 1986) are alternative methods of fixation. In the latter technique, several pins are wired to the articular and/or dorsal spinous processes. Additional fixation may be obtained in the lumbosacral region by bending the pins and anchoring them in the wings of the ilia (Figure 13.20).

Figure 13.19: Dorsal spinous process plating ill combination with transilial pills/or the management of a sixth lumbar vertebral fracture. COlirles), of Dr DD Lewis.

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Caudal thoracic fractures and luxations (Tll-T12) Lumbar fractures and luxations (L3-L7)

Figure 13.20: Lateral alld vemrodorsal postoperative radiographs illustrating the use of pills wired to the articular facets alld anchored through the wings a/the ilia (0 manage a caudalillmbar fracture in a dog.

Additional Comments When using bone cement techniques the surgeon has a choice of vertebral body pins or screws. The advantages of screws compared with non-threaded pins are that they have greater pull-out resistance, are less likely to migrate, are interchangeable if length is inappropriate, and do not need to be bent or cut. However, screws are debatably more difficult to insert than pins. The author's preference is to use positive profi le threaded pins (negative profile have a tendency to break), which combine the advantages of screws and nonthreaded pins. Although accurate insertion is aided by their self-tapping nature it is beneficial to pre-drill a pilot hole whose diameter approximates to but does not exceed the inner diameter of the pin. This improves pin stability and reduces microstructural damage that may lead to excessive bone resorption and premature pin loosening (Clary and Roe 1996). Pre-drilling also enables the depth of the vertebral body to be measured accurately prior to pin insertion.


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Seventh lumbar vertebra fractures (L 7)

Backgroltlul Injury to L 7 typically involves luxation of the articular facets and an oblique fracture of the vertebral body with cranioventral displacement of the caudal segment. Transilial pines) may be employed to maintain reduction (S locum and Rudy, 1975; Ullman and Boudrieau, 1993). Since this technique does not provide rigid fixation, shortening of the vertebral body during healing is to be expected. Positioning Ventral recumbency with hindlimbs positioned alongside the abdomen (Figure 13.21a).

line of incision

~\ Figure 13.21: Dorsal exposure of the lumbosacral spille.


Lumbodorsal fascia





~" ~~ dL (b) ~~Q~~~

fr::~ \:-~J/

EPaxi::musculature elevated & retracted



Sacral spine

Assistant Useful. Tray Extras Gelpi and Hohmann retractors; periosteal elevator; dri ll ; cortical screws (generally 2.0 or 2.7 mm) and corresponding instrumentation for insertion; spiked washers; external skeletal fixation clamps and connecting bars (generall y small or medium); Jacob's chuck; pin cutters. Sllrgical Approach The lumbosacral spine is exposed via a dorsal midline approach with elevation and retraction of the epaxial musculature. Articular facets L7- S1 are identified. The middle gluteal musculature is elevated from the lateral aspect of the wings of the ilia (Figure 13.21b).

Reduction alld Fixation Towel clamps attached to the dorsal spinous processes of L 7 and the sacrum may be distracted with a Gelpi retractor. Alternatively, an assistant may apply traction and counter-traction. The tip of a small Hohmann retractor can be placed under the lamina of L 7 vertebra and levered on the dorsal lamina of L6 to aid final reduction. Reduction may be maintained with screws (+/- washers) placed across luxated articular facet processes (Figure 13.22). Oneortwo pins are placed through one ilial wi ng, projected just dorsal to the caudal lamina of L7 (or facet screws/washers), and through the contralateral ilial wing. External skeletal fixation clamps are attached to the ends of the pins to prevent migration (Figure 13.22).

PRACTICAL TIP Drilling one set of articular facet processes and leaving tbe drill bit ill sitr, as tbe other set are drilled, measured, tapped and screwed aids the unassisted surgeon.

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Seventh lumbar vertebra fractures (L 7)

WARNING Bending the ends of transilial pins may result in bowing with subsequent rotation and loss of fracture reduction. Prevention of pin migration with clamps is prefer a ble.

Figure 13.22: (a) Schematic view of the lumbosacral spine to slLOw the ideal position oj a transilial pin for maintaining reduction of L7 vertebral body fractures. The L 7~Sl articular Jacets are shown screwed together. (b) L7 fracture in a dog. (c), (d) Lateral and venlrodorsal post-operative radiographs oflhe case shown ill (c) iLlustrating the use of a transilial p ill and articular facet screws in the management of L7 fractures. External skeletal fixation clamps prevented migration a/the transilial pin.

Closure Routine, including repair of the lumbodorsal fascia. Post· operative Care Strict rest for 6 weeks. Belly band support.

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160 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management


Sacral fractures and caudal vertebral fractures and luxations

Sacral fractures Sacral fractures commonly have concomitant pelvic injuries; for example, ilial fracture or sacroiliac separation (Anderson and Coughlan, 1997). Pain is often a feature and neurological deficits can be significant (e.g. urinary and faecal incontinence), especially when fractures traverse the sacral canal or sacral foraminae. Fractures lateral to the sacral foraminaeand those involving the spinous processes are ofless clinical significance (Kuntz et aI., 1995). A classification for sacral fractures has recently been proposed (Figure 13.23).

Type III

Type IV

Type V

Figure 13.23: Classification ojsacralfractures (redrawl1/rom Anderson alld Coughlan, 1997).

Many sacral fractures can be managed non-surgically, e.g. avulsion of the sacrotuberous ligament. Others may benefit from surgical reduction and stabilization, e.g. a sagittal foraminal (Type II fracture). The options for stabilizing foraminal fractures after open reduction are lag screwing, transilial pin(s) or bolt(s) (Figures 13.22 and 17.6) or a combination of the two techniques (Figure 13.24). Reduction and fixation of sagittal fractures can be challenging. Referto Operati ve Technique 17.1 (managing sacroiliac luxations) for guidance on exposure and fixation of sagittal foraminal fractures of the sacrum.

Caudal vertebral fractures and luxations These are most commonly seen in cats, and on occasion the tail may be avulsed. Caudal spinal nerve injury is often severe. In addition, traction on the tail may affect sacral nerves cranial to the vertebral lesion, causing urinary incontinence.

Fractures and luxations of the caudal vertebrae are usually treated non-surgically or by tail amputation. Reduction and fixation may be contemplated on occasions, especially in larger dogs. Possible fixation techniques would include wiring, screwing and plating. The prognosis for return of bladder function is good in animals with good anal tone and perineal skin sensation. Failure to regain continence within 4 weeks indicates a poorer prognosis (Smeak and Olmstead, 1985).

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CHAPTER FOURTEEN - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Scapula Andy Torrington

INTRODUCTION Scapular fractures are uncommon. When they do occur they are mainly confined to fractures ofthe neck or the acromial process, or invol ve the articular surface.

Fractures of the body are less common. The scapula is the point of insertion of the trapezius, omotransversarius and th e serratus ventralis

thoracis muscles. Medial to the scapula the major structures include the brachial plexus from which the nerves supplying the forelimb originate and the axillary artery from which the major arteries supplying the forelimb arbori ze. Fracture of the scapula may be associated with rib and/or cervical fractures. Thoracic trauma, including

may be treated conservati vely (Chapter 7). Confinement, with or without a support dressing, should be continued for 4-6 weeks. When displacement does occur, the distal fra gment usuall y overrides mediall y and proximally, with the fracture site of the prox imal frag ment overl ying the shoulder joint area (Figure 14.1). Failure to repairthese fractures adequately may result in degenerati ve joint disease of the shoulder, resulting from non-physiological loading. Surgical

management is described in Operati ve Technique 14.1.

pulmonary contusion, pneumothora x and traumatic

myocarditis, may also be found in association with these fractures (see Chapter 6) . The presence or absence of these concomitant injuries must be thoroughly investigated before other injuries are considered. Because of the proximity to neurovascular structures whose integrity is paramount for continued function of the forelimb following fracture repair, these must be assessed prior to surgical intervention.

Both caudocranial and mediolateral radiographic views of the scapula are necessary in order to assess

the fracture adequately. Rotating the body of the patient 30 degrees away from the affected limb facilitates the caudocranial view. This reduces interpretational difficulties associated with overlying bony densities. Fractures of the scapula can be di vided into fi ve types: Fractures of the scapular body and spine Fractures of the scapular neck Fractures involving the glenoid cavity Fractures of the supraglenoid tubercle Fractures of the acromial process.

Figure 14.1: Relative d isplacement of proxiiliaI alld distal fragments ill a transverse scapular fracture.

FRACTURESOFTHESCAPULARNECK The glenoid cavity is most commonly displaced medially and proximally (Figure 14.2a). The presence of displacement is an indication for open reduction and rigid internal fi xation (Operati ve Technique 14.2) .

FRACTURES OFTHE SCAPULAR BODY The majority of scapular body fractures are not severely displaced, because of the splinting effect of the surrounding musculature. These types of fractures

Figure 14.2: (a) Transverse scapular neck/mcture. (b) Tfracture 0/ scapular neck with involvemem of glenoid cavity.

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FRACTURES INVOLVING THE GLENOID CAVITY These are us uall y T-fractures (Figure 14.2b). They are articular fractures and should be managed by open reduction and ri gid intemal fixation (O perati ve Technique 14.3). WARNING Successful surgical treatment of T -fractures requires a substantial degree of orthopaedic


FRACTURES OF THE SUPRAGLENOID TUBEROSITY Supraglenoid fractures are most commonly seen in skeletally immature dogs less than 7 months of age, but they are occasionally seen in the adult. Thesupraglenoid tuberosity is the pointof origin of the biceps brachii ; thus these fractures are avulsion injuries (Figure 14.3). As s uch they are more commonly associated with low-grade trauma, during exercise. Because these injuries are often not associated with overtly traumatic incidents, many cases do not present until some time after the injury - often up to 3 weeks or mo re. On occasion they wi 11 be seen in association with scapular body fractures following road traffic accidents (Figure 14.4).

Figure 14.4: Fracfllre a/slipraglenoid tuberosity associated lVith longitudinal scapular body fracture.

Diagnosis requires radiography. The lateral view is us ually more helpful than other projections. Radiographs will show the displaced supraglenoid tuberosity. Placing the shoulder joint in flexion during radiography may he lp in identifying the injury. The condition is managed surgica ll y (Operative Technique 14.4).

FRACTURES OF THE ACROMUAL PROCESS See Operative Technique 14.2 for fixation techniques.


Biceps brachii muscle

Figure 14.3: A vlllsion f raclllre of supraglelloid fIIberosi ty.

Caywood 0 , Wallace U and Johnson GR (1977) The usc of a plastic plate for repai r of a comminuted scapular body frac ture in a dog. Jourl/al of Americall AI/imal Hospital Associarioll 13, 176. Chcli R (1976) Surgical treatment of fra ctures of the scapula in the dog und cat. Folia Vet. Lilt. 6, 189. Holt PEe 1978) Longitudinal fra cturc of the scapula in a dog. Veterinary Record 102, 311. Piermanci DL ( 1993) All Atlas of Surgical Approaches 10 the BOlles of rile Dog and Cal . 3rd edn. WB Saunders, Philadelphia. Ticer JW (1975) Rndiographic Techniql/es ill Small Animal Practice. WB Saunders, Philadelphia.

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The Scapula



Fractures of the scapular body

Positioning Lateral recum bency with affected limb uppermost. Assistant Optional.

Tray Extras Gelpi self-retaining retractors (2 pairs); appropriate size screw and plate set; drill and bits. Surgical Approach The scapular body is approached through a lateral incision over the scapular spine. Incising through the deep fascia over the spine permits caudal retraction of the spinous head of the deltoideus muscle and cranial retraction of the trapezius and omotransversarius muscles. The supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles are elevated from the body of the scapula and held in retraction using two pairs of Gelpi self-retaining retractors, one positioned proximally and the other distally (Figure 14.5).

Elevated and retracted infraspinatus




Incision over scapular spine

Exposed scapula



Elevated and retracted supraspin atus

Acromial and scapular heads of deltoideus



Figure 14.5: Surgical exposure of scapular body.

Reduction and Fixation Reduction of the fracture is achieved by a combination of linear traction on the limb and gentle leverage applied to the distal fragment. It is often helpful to over-reduce the fracture initially by bringing the medially displaced distal fragment into a position that is lateral to the proximal fragment .

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Fractures of the scapular body

In general, scapular body fra ctures that require open reduction are best repaired using plates and screws. III smaller patients (under 15 kg) the use of wire sutures, 18 to 22 gauge, has been described. The plate should be secured to the distal fragment first whilst the fracture is over-reduced. The fracture is then reduced and the screws are inserted in the proximal fra gment (Figure 14.6).

Figure 14.6: Steps ill plating a/transverse scapular body fractures.

Screws inserted into proximal fragment

Plate applied to lateralised distal




linear traction

The main consideration with regard to plate positioning is ens uring that there is sufficient bone mass to act as anchorage for the screws. Figure 14.7 shows the best position for plate placement. Plates may also be applied to the spine to stabilize scapular body fractures. The use of plastic (pol yvinylidine fluoride) plates has also been described, where their confomlability to the scapular surface was deemed an advantage (Caywood et ai. , 1977 ).

Figure 14.7: Transverse view a/scapllia to show plate alld screw positioning

The main role of the implant in scapular body fractures is, as in other fracture locations, to maintain anatomical alignment until the fracture has gained sufficient physiological stability. The scapula differs from other appendicular bones in that it is not subject to the loads that are applied to the more distal bones of the forelimb. Because of the scapula 's excellent blood suppl y, scapular fractures generally heal extremely well and more rapidly than fractures of the cortical bone of the lower limb. These two factors permit the use of plates that are mechanically weaker than those that would be applied in lower limb fractures. In general, 2.0 mm and 2.7 mm plates (S ynthes) are adequate for most scapular body fractures in most patients. WARNING

Care must be taken to avoid iatrogenic damage to structures medial to the scapula: brachial plexus, axillary artery and thorax. It is also important to be aware of the suprascapular nerve running under the acromial process (see Figure 14.8c), when positioning the plate on the distal fragment. Post-operative Care Depending on the stability achieved surgically, a Velpeau sling or scapular support bandage may be applied for 4-6 weeks. The patient should be restricted to short lead exercise during this period. Implant removal is usually only undertaken if there are problems associated with its continued presence, such as screw loosening or infection.

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The Scapula



Fractures of the scapular neck

Positioning Lateral recumbency with affected limb uppermost. Assistant Optional.

Tray Extras Gelpi self-retaining retractors (2 pairs); appropriate size screw and plate set; drill and bits; K-wire set (if pinning); chuck (if pirllling); pin/wire cutters. Surgical Approach A lateral incision is made conunencing at the midpoint ofthe scapular spine curving caudally over the proximal third of the humerus (Figure 14.8a). The deep fascia over the spine is incised and retracted cranially and caudally (Figure 14.8b). The acromion is osteotomized and retracted with the acromial head of the deltoideus muscle distally (Figure 14.8c). The osteotomy should leave sufficient bone attached to the deltoids to pennit later reattachment. The supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles are either retracted or they are freed from their humeral attachment in order to permit greater visualization of the fracture site. Exposure of the lateral and caudal aspects of the scapular neck is gained by tenotomy of the infraspinatus orteres minor muscle. Proximal retraction of the supraspinatus muscle requires osteotomy of the greater tubercle of the humerus. (a)

-.<~If-+--r- Trapezius m. ---,I/-'~f--+----i-

Figure 14.8: Surgical approach to scapular /leek and glenoid.

Omotransversarius rn.


Incision in fascia Supraspinatus m.

Acromial head of deltoideus

Suprascapular n.


Teres minor




Infraspinatus m. T--,~~;L,f.. Supraspinatus m.


Line of acromial

osteotomy Greater tubercle of humerus

Tenotomised infraspinatus

Incised fascia


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166 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management


Fractures of the scapular neck

Reduction anll Fixation Reduction of the fracture is achieved by a combination of linear traction on the limb and gentle leverage applied to the distal fragm ent. Plating is superior to cross-pinning in providing rigid fixation. In general, because of the small size of the distal fragment, a T-plate is required in order to fulfil the orthopaedic principle of a minimum of two screws in each fragment (Figure 14.9).


Figure 14.9: T-platejixatiol1 a/a simple (lloll -articular)!racTure of

The suprascapular nerve should be identified and avoided.

the scapular neck.

Closure The surgical site should be closed in layers. The greater tubercle, if osteotomized, should be reattached with pins and tension-band wire. The infraspinatus and teres minortenotomies are repaired with a Bunnell- Mayer or hori zontal mattress suture pattern of polydioxanone (PDS-Ethicon) or non-absorbable suture material. The acromial osteotomy is repaired using wire sutures or pins and a tension band (Figure 14.10).


Figure 14.10: Acromial process osteotomy repair: (a) wire suture; (b) pill alld tension-band wire.

Post-operative Care If cross-pinning alone has been used (see below), a scapular support bandage should be applied for 10- 14 days. Plating techniques may permit early weight bearing and passive movement physiotherapy.

Alternative Technique Cross-pinning alone, using K-wires or small Steinmann pins, may provide sufficient stability in simple nonarticular fractures (Figure 14.11). This technique is complicated because the scapula tapers proximally and care must be taken to avoid penetration of the medial cortex. Figure 14.11: Cross-pill fixation of simple

(/lon-articular) jraclllre of scapular neck.

PRACTICAL TIP Well positioned post-operative craniocaudal radiographs should be checked thoroughly for failure to engage the proximal fragment.

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The Scapula



Fractures involving the glenoid cavity

Positioning Lateral recumbency with affected limb uppermost. Assistant Helpful during fracture reduction but not essential.

Tray Extras Gelpi self-retaining retractors (2 pairs); appropriate size screw and plate set; drill and bits; K-wire set (if pinning); chuck (if pinning); pin/wire cutters.

Surgical Approach See Operating Technique 14.2. Reduction and Fixation In the case of articular fractures, it is important to achieve accurate reconstruction of the articular surface. This can be achieved using a lag screw, which is generally introduced caudocranially. This reduces the fracture to a simple scapular neck fracture and thus it can be dealt with by using either of the techniques described in Operative Technique 14.2). The accuracy of screw placement is simplified by pre-drilling the glide hole in the caudal fragment from the fracture surface (Figure 14.12).


Figure 14.12: Steps ill repairing a T-fra cture of scapular neck alld glenoid. (a) Glide hole driLLed ill caudalfragmelll. (b) Pointed reductionjorceps used to reduce fracture temporariLy whilst thread hole is drilled alld tapped ill cral1ialjragment. (c) T-plare and screw ill positioll.


Hole drilled and tapped in cranial fragment

Pointed reduction forceps (c)

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168 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management


Fractures involving the glenoid cavity

The following points should be considered when placing the interfragmentary screw: The glenoid cavity is concave; thus too distal a position may result in penetration of the articular surface. Placing the screw in a position that will interfere with plate screw positioning may compromise the application of a plate. The fracture is reduced and pointed reduction forceps are used to maintain reduction. It is wise at this point to inspect the articular surface for accuracy of reduction and make any adjustments in order to ensure preservation of the anatomy of the articular surface. Gentle countersinking of the pilot hole should be performed. An insert sleeve with inner diameter equal to the core diameter of the selected screw is inserted in the pre-drilled hole. The hole in the cranial fragm ent is then drilled. The joint surface should now be inspected again. Following tapping, the screw can be inserted and tightened, thus reducing the articular fracture. The articular surface should finally be checked for accuracy of reconstruction. If a T-plate is used to reduce the resultant transverse fracture, the horizontal bar should be positioned distal to the lag screw, such that the interfragmentary screw does not interfere with placement of the plate screws (Figure 14.12).

WARNING The suprascapular nerve should be identified and avoided.

Closure See Operating Technique 14.2. Post-operative Care See Operating Technique 14.2.

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Fractures of the supraglenoid tuberosity


Lateral recumbency with affected limb uppermost. Assistant


Tray Extras Gelpi self-retaining retractors (2 pairs); appropriate size screw set (iflag screw fixation) ; drill and bits; K-wire set (if pinning); chuck (if pinning); pin/wire cutters. Surgical Approach See Operating Technique 14.2. Surgical approach is made by refl ecting the brachiocephalicus muscle craniall y. It may be necessary to osteotomize the greater tuberosity of the humerus to fac ilitate adequate exposure (piermattei, 1993). Reliuctioll and Fixation Two small K-wires (generally 1- 1.5 mm diameter) are inserted in caudoproximal direction. A tension-band wire is anchored proximally (Figure 14.13a). Figure 14.13: (a) Pi" and tension-band wire repair of supraglenoid t/lberosityavulsion (b) Lag screw.

A single screw may be used in lag fashion, inserted in a caudoproximal direction. This procedure is facilitated by pre-drilling and tapping the screw hole in the scapular body, prior to reduction of the fracture. The glide hole is then drilled in the avulsed fragment, and the screw inserted (Figure 14.13b). Chronic injuries may not permit anatomical reduction arid fi xation using the above teclllliques. In such instances, or where the avulsed fragment is too small to accom modate implants, it may be secured to the craniomedial surface of the humerus. This can be accomplished using a screw and washer, or using a ligament staple.

Clos"re The surgical site should be closed in layers. The greater tubercle, if osteotomized, should be reattached with pins and ten sion-band wire. Post-operative Care Post-operati ve exercise should be restricted to short lead walks for four weeks.

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The Humerus Hamish R. Denny

INTRODUCTION With the exception of condylar fra ctures, the majority of humeral fractures result from road traffic accidents. In a recent survey, fractures of the humerus accounted for 10% of all appendicular fractures (Johnson et al., 1994). Most humeral fractures are treated by internal fi xation because it is difficult to satisfy the main criteria for using external support. Chest injuries, particularly pneumothorax, are common complications of humeral fractures. Other possibiliti es includ e intrapulmonary hae morrh age, diaphragmatic rupture, rib fractures and occasionally chylothora x. A careful clinical and radiological examination should be done to check for chest injuries. The patient's condition should be stabilized before embarking on fracture fixation.

the medial epicondyle is pierced by an epicondyloid fossa which contains the median nerve. The supratrochlear fossa is not completely penetrated in the cat.

PROXIMAL HUMERUS Approx imately 8% of humeral fractures involve the proximal third. These can be di vided into : Fractures involving the proximal growth plate Fractures of the humeral head Fractures of the proximal metaphyseal region.

Fractures involving the proximal growth plate Salter-Harris I and II (Figure 15.1)

WARNING Humeral fractures are frequently accompanied by chest injuries. Fractures of the humerus can be broadly classified into three groups (Braden, 1975): Fractures involving the proximal epiphysis and metaphysis Fractures of the diaphysis Distal humeral fractures (supracondylar, condylar and intercondylar fractvres). The approximate distribution of fractures between these three groups has been quoted as 8%, 40 % and S2 %, respecti vely (B raden, 1975).

U ncommon Usually severe caudo-medial overriding of the fragments occurs Open reduction is essential (Operati ve Technique IS . 1).

Salter-Harris III (Figure 15.2) Rare (Dejardin et al., 1995) May be fracture of the lesser tu bercle Greater tubercle tends to remain close to the glenoid but there is marked caudal displacement of the humeral head Articular fracture, therefore open reduction is essential to allow accurate anatomical reduction of the fragments (Operati ve Technique IS .2) .

Humeral fractures in the cat There are important anatomical differences between the humerus of the cat and dog. The humeral diaphysis in the cat is straighter and the medullary cavity has a more uniform diameter than that of the dog. Consequently, intramedullary fixation provides a satisfactory method of treatment for many feline diaphyseal fractures. Another important anatomical difference between the dog and cat is the position of the median nerve; in the dog the nerve ties just cranial to the medial epicondyle, while in the cat

Fractures of the humeral head This is a very rare injury: one reported case occurred in a 3-year-old Miniature Dachshund (Holt, 1990). The fracture was stabilized using two K-wires (Figure IS .3). An alternative would have "been the use of a K-wire in combination with a lag screw. For surgical approach see Operative Technique IS.2. Implants are inserted from the craniolateral aspect of the greater tuberosity and are directed caudally into the humeral head.

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Greater tubercle

Figure 15.1: (a) Salter-Harris Type I separatioll a/proximal humeraL epiphysis. (b) Radiograph o/Salter-Harris Type I separation of proximal humeral epip/tysis in a Golden Retriever.

Figure 15.2: (a) Salter-Harris Type IIl fracture of the proximal humeral epiphyses. (b) Safter-Harris Type III fra cture a/the proximal humeral epiphyses il1 a 9-momh-old

Fractures of the proximal metaphyseal region

tuberosity and dri ven well down into the distal shaft of the humerus. Post-operati vely, c heck diet and restrict exerc ise for 4 weeks. Remove pin once hea ling is complete (4-6 weeks) .

Uncommon Usually transverse and impacted Nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism in

Domestic Shorthaired cat.

pups or osteosarcoma formati on in adults are

predisposing factors. In puppies or kittens, because of the inherent stability of the fracture, cage rest may be sufficient to allow hea ling to occur. However, if there is di splacement then an intramedull ary pin is used for fixation. Positioning, instrumentation and surgical approach are as described in Operative Teclmique 15.1. After fracture reduction, a Steinmann pin is inserted through the skin and bone just lateral to the ridge of the greater

HUMERAL DIAPHYSIS In the dog the medullary cavity of the humerus is wide proximally and gradually decreases in size towa rds the supratrochlear foramen. Consequently, although fractures do OCCur in the proximal shaft, the majority involve the distal two-thirds and in particular the distal third. Fractures of the proximal and mid-shaft regions tend to be transverse while the more distal fractures follow the curvature of the musculospiral groove and are spiral or oblique. Many are also comminuted.


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Figure 15.3: (a) Fracture a/the humeraL head ill a 3-year-old Miniature Dachshund. (b) Post-operative radiograp h showing K-wire fixation. CfHmesy "I PE HQII.

Bone plating* (Operative Techniques 15.3 and 15.4)

Plate fi xation is the preferred method of treatment for most humeral diaph yseal fractures in dogs.

Intramedullary pinning (Operative Technique 15.5)

Tlu s method should be reserved for transverse or blunt oblique fractures in small dogs and cats but can also be used in longer oblique fractures in cats.

External fixa tion (Operative Technique 15.6)

The external fi xator can be used to stabilize most types of diaphyseal fracture of the humerus. However, it is used most often for comminuted fractures and open fractures.

Table 15. 1: Decisioll making ill the surgical mallagement oj humeral diaphyseal fra ctures. ,.. Ideally the plate sho/lld be placed 01/ the eralliaf surface oflhe bolle; this is tlte rellsioll sit/e. However the plll/e II/(IY also be placed ollihe lateml or Ihe medial side of the bolle. Care/III pre-operatiw! pia/millS is eSSential (tlld 'he prognosis /ol/oll'illg I,/(lte fl.Wlioll is generally gootl.

The radial nerve lies close to the fracture site (see Figure IS.16b) and radial paresis is a common complication. In the author's experience, tlus is invariably transient and resolves within 2-3 weeks of fracture repair. The nerve should be inspected during open reduction and carefully protected during the insertion of implants. The method of fixation will depend on age, size of alumal and nature of the fracture (Table 15.1).

Choice of aspect for plating This depends on: Location of the fracture

Position of lag screws in relation to a neutralization plate. Fractures in the mid-section of the humerus are generall y plated latera lly or craniall y. Lag screws are used for initial fixation of oblique or comminuted fractures and the position of these screws in re lation to the neutral izat.ion plate must be considered. This is illustrated I n case studies A and B be low . The medial approach is used in preference to the lateral for dealing with fractures of the distal third of the humera l shaft (case study C).

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174 Manua l of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management

Case Study A: (Fig 15.4) Labrador with comminuted mid-shaft humeral fracture

2.7mm cortex lag screw

Lateral view

Figure 15.4: (a) Pre-operative radiograph; (b) tracillg from pre-operative radiograph; (c) eralli%tero! approach - fragmelll reduced, Jag screwfixatioll (2.7 111m cortex screw); (d) cranial applicatioll ofplate (8-llOle 3.5 DCP); (e) post-operative radiograph.

Case Study B: (Fig 15.5) Newfoundland with comminuted fracture involving the distal third of the humeral shaft








Lag screws '!~


Lateral view (c)

Figure J 5.5: (a) Pre-operative radiograph; (b) tracillg/rom pre-operative radiograph; (c) crania/aleral approach - reconstruction of shaft usil1g two lag screws (3.5 cortex screws); (d) lateral alld caudal view a/humerus showing application ofa plate 10 the lateral side olthe humerus (broad 4.5 DCP) -screws 4 alld 5 cross a fracture lille alld are placed as lag screws; (e) post-operative lateral radiograph

Case Study C: (Fig 15.6) Chow with oblique fracture involving distal third of the humeral shaft

Medial view

6 hole 3.5 OCP

2.7mm cortex




Figure 15.6: (a) Pre-operative lateral radiograph; (b) traciflgfrom pre-operative lateral radiograph; (c) medial approachreconstruction of shaft using two lag screws (2. 7 screws); (d) lateral and caudal view of humerus sholVing application of a plate to the medial surface of the humerus (6-hole 3.5 DCP); (e) post-operative lateral radiograph.

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The Humerus

Figure 15.7: Supracondylar fractu re of the distal humerus.

DISTAL HUMERUS Supracondylar fractures Adult The fracture line passes through the supratrochlear foramen. Fractures are usually transverse or oblique. Supracondylar fractures (Figures 15.7 and 15.8) should be accurately reduced and rigidly stabilized because of their close proximity to the elbow (Operative Technique 15.7). An intramedullary pin used in conjunction with a K-wire to prevent rotation is the simplest method of fixation (Brinker, 1974). Alternati vely, in large dogs, a plate can be applied to the medial supracondylar ridge of the humerus (Braden, 1975). Skeletally immature animals Supracondylar fractures which involve the growth plate are generally Salter-Harris type II injuries (Figure 15.8). The medial cortex is usually fractured obliquely and this area can be readily stabilized with a K-wire or a lag screw placed transversely from medial to lateral, proximal to the growth plate. After this initial fixation, K-wires are driven up from the medial and the lateral condyle across the fracture site in a cruciate pattern (see Figure 15.23).

Figure 15.8: Six-momh-old German Shepherd Dog with a supracondylar fracture involving the growth plate (SalterHarris Type /I injury).

suIt from road traffic accidents. Lateral and medial condylar fra ctures affect predominantly immature dogs (peak age incidence, 4 months) whilst intercondy lar fractures are more even ly distributed between s kel e ta ll y mature and imm at ure dogs . Condylar fractures are articular fractures and as such require surgical treatment with acc urate anatomical reduction and stable internal fixation if normal joint functi on is to be restored. Spaniel breeds appear to be more prone to condylar fractures. Incomplete ossification of the humeral condyle predisposing to fracture has been demonstrated in co*cker Spaniels and Brittany Spaniels and it has been suggested in the co*cker Spaniel that incomplete ossi-


Lateral condyle

Medial condyle

Condylar fractures Condylar frac tures (Figure 15.9) (Denny, 1983) usually result from a violent upwa rd stress transmitted through the head of the radius to the humeral trochlea. Falls, jumping and sudden turns at exercise are the most common causes of fracture of the lateral or medial condyle. Intercondy lar fractures usually re-

'Y' Fracture

Direction of force

Figure 15.9: Condylar fractures of the humerus.

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'T' Fracture


176 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management operative care and prognosis are the same as for latera l condylar fractures.

Fractures of the medial epicondyle Fractures of the medial epicondyle are also occasionally encountered in immature dogs. They must be distinguished from developmental non-fusion of the medial epicondyle (Figure 15.lla). With fractu res, the onset of lameness is acute. In both developmental and traumatic lesions the epicondylar fragment tends to be distracted by the attached antebrachial fl exor muscles. If the bone fragment is large enough, it is lagged into place with a screw (Figure 15. llb). Smaller fragments causing persistent lameness are removed and the muscles reattached to the adjacent fasc ia.

Figure 15.10: Lateral condylar fracture ill a l-year-old Springer Spaniel.

fication of the humeral condyle may be a genetic disease with a recessive mode of inheritan ce (MarcellinLittle et al .• 1994). In the radiographic assessment of condylar fractures it is essential to take both lateral and craniocaudal views of the elbow. A lateral condylar fracture can be missed on the lateral view but should be obvious on the craniocaudal view (Figure 15.10). Lateral condylar fractures Lateral condylar fra ctures are stabili zed with a transcondylar lag screw and anti-rotational K-wire (Operative Technique 15.8). The K-wire is also used for initial fi xation. Lateral condylar fractures carry a good prognosis provided they are correctly reduced and stabili zed . Some 77% go on to regain full limb function and the average recovery time is 4 weeks (range 2-8 weeks). Failure to treat the fracture surgically res ults in medial luxation of the elbow because lateral support for the joint is lost. Malunion or non-ullion of the lateral condyle causes permanent joint deformity. The range of elbow movement remains limited and varying degrees of lameness persist. The prognosis is obviously better in immature dogs because of their ability to remodel the malunion. In these cases the functional end results can be surprisingly good, despite pennanent joint deformity. Closed reduction using a condyle clamp and a single transcondylar lag screw placed through a stab incision is possible if the animal is presented within a few ho urs of injury. However, in the majority of cases an open surgical reduction is carried out. Medial condylar fractures The same considerations discussed under lateral condylar fractures apply (Operative Teclmique 15.9). Post-

Figure 15.11: (a) Un-united medial epicondyle ill a i-yearold Golden Retriever. (b) Post-operative radiograph olea), sliowing lag screw fixation with a 4 1/111/ cancellous screw.


Type IV

Type II

Type I

Type III

Type V


Lateral Medial condyle condyle

Figure 15.12: Classification ojimercondylar humeral jracTUres, after Bardet et al. (1983).

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The Humerus


Intercondylar ('Y' or 'T') fractures


The humeral intercondylar fracture is re ferred to as a 'V' fracture if the supracondylar ridges are frac tured oblique ly, or as a ' T' fracture if the ridges are fra ctured transversely. Although intercondylar fra ctures are traditionally divided into th ese two broad groups, they can be furth er divided into five types (Bardet et aI., 1983) (Figure 15.12). Successful treatment of these fractures can be di fficllit and may present a real challenge, even to the 1110st ex peri enced orthopaedic surgeoll. Good exposure of the fracture is essential to ach ieve accurate anatomical reduction of the fragments. A caudal approach with osteotomy of the olecranon and dorsal reflection of the triceps muscle mass is used. Reconstruction and fixation of the condyles is achieved with a transcondylar lag screw in combination with a Kwire. The condyles are then attached to the shaft with a plate applied to the medial supracondylar ridge of the hllmerus (Operative Technique 15.10). Prognosis is favourable for return to reasonable fun ction in the majority of animals (64- 70 %) provided accurate anatomical reduction and good stability are achieved, thus allowing early pain-free elbow mobility (Denny, 1983; Anderson et al., 1990).

Anderson n , Cannichacl LS and Mi ller A ( 1990) Intercondylar humeral fracture in thc dog: a review of 20 CoISCS. Journal of Small Allimal Practice 31. 437-442. Bardct JF, Ha hn RE, Rudy RL et al. (1983) Fmclures of the humerus in dogs and cats. A retrospecti ve study of 130 cases. Veterillary Surgery 12(2),73-77. Braden TD ( 1975) Surgical correction of humeral fractures. In : Currelll Techlliques ill SII/all Animal Surgery, cd. MJ Bojrab, pp. ??? Lea & Febigcr, Philadel phia . Brinker WO ( 1974) Fractures of the humerus. In : Cal/ille Surgery, 211d edll , ed. J. Archibald, p. 1019. Ameri can Vet Publications Inc., Santa Barbara, Cal ifomia. Dcjardin LM, Bennett RL and Flo GL ( 1995) Sa ll er Harris Type III fra cture ofth e proximal humerus in 11 dog. Veterinary Co mparatille Orthopaedics and TraulI/CIlology, 8, 66-69. Oenny HR ( 1983) Condylar fracturcsoft he hUtllenlS in the dog: a review of 133 cases. Journal oJSmall Animal Proc/ice 24, 185- 197. Holt PE ( 1990). In : Canine Onhopaedics. 21/d edll . cd. WG Whittick, p. 363. Lea & Febiger, Phil adelphia/London. Johnson JA, Austin C and BreurGJ ( 1994) Incidence of canine appendicular musculoskeletal disorders in 16 veterinary teachi ng hospitals from 1980through 19&9. Ve/erillaryComf}arariveO"hopaedics and TraulI/alOlogy 7, 56-69. Marcellin-Little OJ, DeYoung OJ, Ferris KK and Berry CM (1994) Incom plete ossifica tion of the humeral condyle in spaniels. VeteriI/ary SlIrgery 23, 475 - 4&7. Mar1i JM and Miller A (1994) Delim itati on of safe corridors for the inser1ion of external fixator pins in the dog. 2: Forelim b.Joumal oj Small AI/imal Prac/ice 35, 7&-&5 . Piermattei DL and Greeley RG ( 1979) All Arias oj Surgical Approaches to the Bones oJthe Dog (l lId Cat, 211d edll. WB Saunders, Philadelphia.

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178 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management


Salter-Harris I and

n fractures of the proximal humerus

Positioning Lateral recumbency - restraining band placed under axilla and secured to tabletop to help with traction. Ass istant Ideally.

Tray Extras Appropriate size K-wires or intramedullary pins; chuck; drill; pin cutters; Gelpi and Hohmann retractors; pointed reduction forceps; Kern or Burns bone holding forceps. Appropriate screw set, drill bits etc. in dogs over 7 months of age if using lag screw tecllllique. Surgical Approach A longitudinal incision is made over the craniolateral aspect of the prox.imal humerus. The deep fasc ia is incised along the caudal border of the brachiocephalicus muscle; the muscle is reflected cranially to expose the fracture (Piermattei and Greeley, 1979). Additional exposure of the proximal shaft can be achieved by incision of the periosteum between the cranial border of the deltoideus muscle and the superficial pectoral muscle. Rel/uctiOIl and Fixatio1l The epiphysis is grasped with pointed AO reduction forceps and the proximal metaphysis with Kern bone holding foreceps. Reduction can be difficult but is achieved by a combination of steady direct traction using the Kern forceps wlli le a periostea l e levator is interposed between the fracnITe surfaces and used to lever the metaphysis forward until reduction is achieved (Figure 15.13). Stability is usually good andean be maintained in animals under 7 months of age by the insertion of two K-wires or a Steirunann pin (Figure 15.14a,b). The implants are introduced from the greater tubercle and dri ven down into the shaft of the humerus. A cancellous bone screw can be used for fixation in animals over 7 months of age (Figure 15.14 c). Pointed reduction ="""~""'~ forceps

Periosteal elevator


Figure 15.13: Reduction of Safter-Harris Type J/IIfracture.


Figure 15.14: Salter- Harris Type 1/11 fractures o/the proximal humerus: methods o/fixalion

Wound Closure Routine. Periosteum and deep fasc ia can be closed as one layer. Post-operative Care Bandage is optional; exercise is restricted for 4 to 6 weeks. In growing animals, implants should be removed once fracture union is complete (4 to 8 weeks), but in practice they are generally left in sitllunless loosening causes soft tissue problems.


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Salter-Harris ill fractures ofthe proximal humerus

Positiolling Lateral recumbency - restraining band placed under ax illa and secured to tabletop to help with traction. Assistant Yes.

Tray Extras Appropriate size K-wires or intramedullary pins; wire for tension band; chuck; drill; pliers/wire twisters; pin/ wire cutters; Gelpi and Hohmann retractors; pointed reduction forceps; Kern or Bums bone holding forceps; small hand-saw or bone cutters. Surgical Approach (See also Operative Technique 14.2.) Tenotomy of the tendon of insertion of the infraspinatus muscle is necessary to give good exposure of the shoulder and also to allow the humeral shaft to be pulled distally using Kern forceps (positioned as in Figure 15.13) during exposure of the fracture surfaces. The joint capsule or its remains are reflected to allow inspection of the articular surfaces. The fractured humeral head usually loses all soft tissue attachments and is found impacted in the soft tissues caudal to the shoulder. Reduction and Fixation Atthis stage the proximal humeral shaft is rotated out of the incision; the humeral head is picked up and placed in its correct position on the metaph ysis. It can then be held in place by one of two methods. In the first, Kwires are driven down from the articular surface through the head into the metaphysis; the wires are cut flush with the joint surface and then countersunk. Alternatively, two or three K-wires can be driven in normograde fashion from the cranial, craniolateral and craniomedial aspect of the metaphysis up into the humeral head (Figure 15.15a). To allow ma ximum purchase in the head, each K-wire is advanced until its point just penetrates the articular surface; the wire is then retracted until the tip lies just below the surface. The distal ends of the wires are cut close to the surface of the metaphysis. If there is fracture of the lesser tuberosity and the fragment is unstable, Kwire fixation can be carried out at this stage. The humeral head is placed back into the glenoid. The avulsed greater tuberosity of the humerus is grasped with pointed AO reduction forceps and reattached to the metaphysis with di verging two or three Kwires driven from the craniolateral surface of the tubercle into the caudal aspect of the metaphysis (Figure 15.15b).

Figure 15.15: Salter-Harris Type III fractures a/the proximal humerus: method offixatioll.

Wound Closure Reumants of joint capsule are sutured. The infraspinatus tenotomy is repaired with Bunnel or a ' locking loop' suture reinforced with two mattress sutures. The rest of the wound closure is described in Operative Teclmique 14.2. Post-operative Care Bandage is optional; exercise is restricted for 4 to 6 weeks. Ideally implants are removed once healing is complete, but in practice they are generally left in silll unless loosening causes soft tissue problems.

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180 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management


Bone plating: craniolateral approach to the humerus for cranial or lateral plate fixation

Positioning Lateral recumbency - restraining band placed under axilla and secured to tabletop to help with traction. Assistallt Essential. Tray Extras Appropriate plate and screw set, drill bits, etc. (3.5 DCP and screw set used most often in medium sized dogs; 2.7 DCP and screw set in small breeds; 4.5 DCP and screws in large or giant breeds; 2.7 screw set useful for lag screw fixation of small fragments in all sizes of dog). Drill; plate benders and/or bending press; pointed reduction forceps; self-locking bone holding forceps; Hohmann retractors and self-retaining retractors (West's or Gelpi). Surgical Approach A craniolateral skin incision is made from the greater tuberosity to the lateral condyle (Figure 15. 16a). The cephalic vein is identified and ligated; the brachiocephalicus a nd th e brachialis muscles are separated to expose the shaft of the humerus (Figure 15.16b). The radial nerve can be easily identified in the mid-shaft region by separating the brachialis muscle from the lateral head of the triceps muscle: once the nerve has been identified between these two muscles, follow it distally as it runs around the caudal border of the brachialis muscle to emerge on extensor its lateralcarpi aspectradialis at the level of the muscle. The brachial is muscle can be retracted caudally and used to protect the radial nerve (Figure 15.16c).




Lateral head of triceps m.

1J1......- -1-LL Brachiacephalicus m. Cephalicv.

t-'h f-1- Anconeus m.

Extensor carpi

~:;-;====~;~;ra;d;ia:li:s:m:.=~==~=~~~::::~~~:;;J (e)

WARNING The radial nerve should be identified and protected throughout the surgery.

Hohmann retractor


Wells forceps





Radial n.

Figure 15.16: Cralliolareral approach/or application of a plate to the cranial Qj.jJect of the humeral shaft.

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Bone plating: craniolateral approach to the humerus for cranial or lateral plate fixation

Additional exposure for lateral plating Exposure of the humeral shaft is as described above, but in addition the brachia lis muscle and the radial nerve are mobilized so that the plate can be slid beneath them on the lateral side ofthe humerus (Figure 15.17). The origin ofthe extensor carpi radialis muscle is freed from the lateral condyle to complete exposure of the distal humerus.

Spencer Wells


• •

Plate applied to lateral

aspect of humerus

WARNING Fracture reduction and insertion of implants, especially in comminuted fractures, is not easy and the inexperienced surgeon should consider referring such cases to a specialist for treatment.

Lag screw



• • • •


extensor carpi

radialis m.

Figure 15.17: Additiollal exposure for application of a plate to the lateral side of the humerus. WOUlld Closure Suture the brachiocephalicus to the brachialis muscle. The deep brachial fascia, subcutaneous tissue and skin are closed in layers.

Post-operative Care Strict exercise restriction for 6 to 8 weeks. Plates on the humerus are generally left ill situ. It is often difficult to identify the radial nerve in scar tissue resulting from the initial surgery and therefore plate removal carries a risk of iatrogenic damage to the radial nerve.


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182 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management


Bone plating: medial approach to the humerus for medial plate fixation

Positioning Lateral recumbency, with affected leg down. The upper forelimb is pulled well caudall y. Assistant Essential.

Tray Extras As for Operative Technique 15.3 . Surgical Approach The skin incision is made over the medial aspect of the humerus from mid-shaft to medial condyle (Figure 15.18). The median nerve and biceps muscle are retracted cranially, while the ulnar nerve and the medial head of the triceps muscle are retracted caudally to expose the humeral shaft. Branches of the brachial artery and vein accompany the nerves and all these vital structures should be protected. In the cat, it is important to note that the median nerve runs through the epicondyloid fossa of the humerus (Figure 15.19). Expos ure of the more proximal regions of the humerus is possible by mobilizing the vessels and subperiosteal elevation of the superficial pectoral and brac hiocephalicus muscles. Gelpi



head of triceps m.


m. Il,--rrr Median n. &a.

Ulnar n.

Epicondyloid fossa

Biceps brachii m.

Med ian


Pronator teres m.

Figure 15.18: Medial approach to the humerus/or applicatiolT of a plate.

Figure 15.19: Medial aspect offeline humerus showing the epicolldyioid Jossa.

Wound Closure The deep fascia, subcutaneous tissue and skin are closed in layers. Post-op erative Care Strict exercise restriction for 6 to 8 weeks. Plates on the humerus are generally left in situ.

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Intramedullary pinning: humerus

Pre-operative Planning Radiographs are taken of both the fractured and the normal humerus. The normal is used as a guide to select a pin of the correct diameter to fit the medullary cavity as tightly as possible. The author's preference is to transect the pin partially with a hacksaw (cut around the entire outer circumference) so that the pin can then be broken off flush with the surface of the greater tuberosity after insertion (see also Chapter 9). Positioning Lateral recumbency - restraining band placed under axilla and secured to tabletop to help with traction. Assistant Yes, but surgery can often be done single-handed in the cat.

Tray Extras Pointed reduction forceps; Kern or Bum's bone holding forceps; Gelpi and Hohmann retractors; appropriate intramedullary pins; chuck; pin cutters (or hacksaw); wire for cerclage; ± appropriate external fixator set if type I fi xator is to be used as adjunct. Surgical Approach A craniolateral approach is used as described in Operative Technique 15.3. Reduction and Fixation After exposing the fracture, apply self-locking bone holding forceps to the bone just proximal and distal to the fracture site (protect the radial nerve); the bone ends are toggled against each other until reduction is achieved. The method of introduction of the intramedullary pin is a matter of personal preference. Using a Jacobs chuck, the pin can be introduced from the proximal end of the humerus: the correct point of entry is just lateral to the ridge of the greater tuberosity. The pin is then directed to glide down the medial cortex of the humerus towards the fracture site. Reduction of the fracture is maintained by an assistant with the bone holding forceps. When the tip of the pin can be felt approaching the fracture, the bone fragments should be bowed slightly medially to help to direct the tip of the pin down into the medial condyle .


. ~:>- -.-,

Greater tuberosity

A )) J7

~ O!::':: O f-/7


Caudal view

Proximal or


external fixator


Supratrochlear foramen t~1 (a) \ ......

Two-pin unilateral uniplanar


mid shaft


\r r-




Caudal View

~ Distat { third

--1~ \k '

Greater rW~ tuberosity


Alternative position for distal pin


Figure 15.20: (a) Intram edullary pin positioning ill humeral shaft fractures. (b) Extemaljixator used to minimize

rotation/allowing intramedullary pinning.

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Lateral view


184 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management


Intramedullary pinning: humerus

The a lte rnative method of pin introduction is retrograde pinning. The pin is driven up the shaft from the fracture site, kee ping the shoulder flexed and the pin directed towards the lateral side of the greater tuberosity. Once the tip of the pin has emerged, it is grasped with th e Jacobs chuck and drawn up the shaft suffi cientl y to pennit reduction of the fracture . Reduction is maintained with the bone holding forceps wllile the pin is dri ven into the distal shaft. The position of the fracture influences the length of pin required. For fractures involving the proximal or mid-shaft region, the pin is dri ven down the shaft to a point just proximal to the supratroc hlea r forame n (Figure IS .20a). For fractures involving the distal third, a sma ller diameter pin is used. The pin should be directed towards the medial side of the shaft so the tip bypasses the supratrochlear foramen and is embedded in the medial condyle (Figure IS .20a). When the pin has been inserted to the correct de pth, it is broke n off flush with the bone. If it has not already been pre-cut, the pin is c ut with pin cutters (or a hacksaw) just proximal to the tuberosity. A two-pin ullilate raljuniplanar external fi xa tor (Fig ure lS .20b) can be used to supple ment the intramed ullary pin to mjnjmize rotation and the ris k of non-union. Alternatives to the extemal fixator for preventing rotational instability following intramedullary fixation include cerclage and hemi-cerclage wires or stack pinning. WOlllU[


As for Operative Teclmique IS.3. If exte rnal fixation pins have been placed, th ey are clamped to the ex ternal connecting bar and routine wound closure is undertaken.

Post-operative Care


Exercise restriction until fracture union is complete. The fixator is removed after about 3 weeks, before proble ms with soft tissues are encountered. The intramedullary pin can then be removed once fracture healing is comple te. Pre-cut pins in cats often remain in situ but in dogs the pins eventuall y have a tendency to nli grate dorsally because of the looser pin fit. If this happe ns, the pin is easi ly removed .

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External fixation: humerus

Pre-operative Considerations The humerus is surrounded by muscle and, with the exception of two small areas on the proximal and distal ends of the bone (Figure IS.21), there are no safe corridors for the introduction of the pins (Marti and Miller, 1994). Transfi xion of large muscle masses by pins results in pain and stiffness due to muscle fib ros is. In addition, pin tract infections are more likely to occur. These problems can be minimized by using a standard craniolateral approach to the fracture. Once the fracture is aligned the pins can be introduced either through the main incision or, preferably, th rough stab incisions close to the main incision. The pins are then directed between muscle bellies, avoiding

suitable for positioning of external fixator pins

the radial nerve, and are dri ven into the bone, penetratin g both corti ces.





frJ~ "'-:::/

Figure 15.21: Enemal fixaror: safe areas/or pin illfroc/uctioll. (After Marli and Miller, /994.)

Positiollillg Lateral recumbency - restraining band placed under axilla and secured to tabletop to help with traction. Tray Extras Appropriate external fi xator set; pin cutters; variable-speed drill ; chuck; pointed reduction forceps; bone holding forceps; drill bits and tissue guards if pre-dri ll ing pin holes. S urgical Approach A craniolateral approach is used as described in Operative Technique IS. 3. Reduction lind Fixation In comminuted fractures of the diaphysis, the intact shaft on either side of the comminuted area is grasped with self- lockin g bone holding fo rceps. Traction is exerted until satisfactory length and alignment of the bone are achieved. The fracture site is disturbed as little as possible, with the fragments being left ill situ (see Chapter 10). A unilateral external fixator is applied to the craniolateral surface of the bone generall y with three pins in the proximal fra gment and two in the distal fragment. The di stal pin is placed fi rst. If the distal segment is very short then the pin is placed in the transcondylar position; this pin can be safely introduced through a stab incision over the condyle (Figure IS .22a) . If the distal segment is long enough, the pin can be placed just prox imal to the supratrochlear foramen but this should be done as an open approach so as to identify the radial nerve (Figure IS .16b). The most proximal pin is placed just distal to the greater tu berosity (stab incision). Five clamps are placed on a connecting bar. The proximal and distal clamps are attached to the pins already in place (Figure IS .22b). Fracture alignment is re-checked and, once it is satisfactory, the clamps are tightened to maintain reduction. The three centre pins are then dri ven into the humerus, using the clamps as guides (Figure IS .22c) .

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External fixation: humerus

PRACTICAL TIP The three central pins are introduced through the main incision or stab incisions adjacent to it, allowing the pins to be safely guided between muscle bellies into the bone. Final adjustment of the clamps is made and the wound is closed. In potentially infected grade 2 or 3 open fractures, after thorough wound debridement and application of the fi xatorthe wound is only partially closed to allow drainage. 2

Placement of distal &

proximal pins


location for most distal pins

Placement of remaining pins

Attachment of connecting bar with clamps


1 (b)



Figure 15.22: Extemalfixator llsed;11 open Gild commillllfedJractures. WOUlld Closure As in Operati ve Technique 15.3.

Post-operative Care Exercise restriction while fixator is in place. Check the frame at weekly intervals to ensure that clamps and/ or pins ha ve not loosened and that pin tract infection has not occurred. A loose pin is accompanied by an increase in pin tract discharge and lameness. Replace or remove the pin if necessary. Radiography at 4 and 8 weeks. Remove fixator once healing is complete.


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Supracondylar fractures of the distal humerus

Positioning Dorsal recumbency, with the fractured leg pulled cranially.

Assistant Yes. Tray Extras Appropriate intramedullary pins; K-wires; wire for cerclage; pliers/wire twisters; pin/wire cutters; drill ; chuck; self-locking bone holding forceps; pointed reduction forceps. Sllrgical Approach A medial approach is used to expose the fra cture (Operati ve Technique 15.4). WARNING Protect the median a nd ulnar nerves. The skin incision should be made towards the caudal aspect of the elbow to allow skin to be reflected fro m both sides of the joint.

Redllctioll alld Fixatioll The humeral condyles are grasped with pointed reduction fo rceps; the distal humeral shaft is held with self-locking bone holding forceps; the bone fragments are tilted caudally, toggled against each other, and then pushed cranially until reduction is achieved. If there is a medial oblique supracondylar fragment, small pointed reduction forceps can be used to hold this fragment in reduction with the shaft (Figure 15.23).

Intramedu llary pin

Having checked that reduction is possible, the fracture site is hinged open to expose the medullary cavity of the medial supracondylar ridge. An intramedullary pin is retrogradely introduced into the cavity and directed laterally up the humeral shaft to emerge on the lateral side of the greater tuberosity. The Jacobs chuck is then attac hed to the proximal end of the pin, which is pulled up until just the tip is visible at the fracture surface. The fracture is reduced and then, with the elbow extended, the pin is driven down into the medial condyle. Finally a K-wire is driven up through the lateral condyle obliquely across the fracture and into the medial cortex of the humerus (Figure 15.23). This second point of fixation prevents rotation. Both pins are cut close to the bone after insertion. Skeletally immature animals In skeletally immature animals, the medial cortex is usually fractured obliquely and a lag screw or Kwire can be placed proximal to the growth plate. Crossed K -wires are then inserted to complete fixation (Figure 15.24).

Figure 15.23: Supracondylar fracrure a/the humerus: fixation using an intramedullary pin and K-lVire,

Figure 15.24: Post-operative radiograph of tile case shown in Figure 15.8: three K-wires have been used/or fixation.

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Supracondylar fractures of the distal humerus

Wound Closure The deep brachial fascia, subcutaneous tissue and skin are closed in layers. Post-operative Care Exercise restriction until fracture healing is complete and pins can be removed.

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Lateral condylar fractures

Positioning Latera l recumbency - restraining band placed under axilla and secured to tabletop to help with traction. Assistant Optional. Tray Extras Appropriate sized bone screw set, drill bits, etc.; K-wires; pin/wire cutters; drill ; Gelpi self-retaining retractor; pointed reduction forceps; Vulsell um forceps. Surgical Approach A skin incision is made directl y over the lateral condyle. The lateral head of the triceps muscle is exposed and the deep fascia along its cranial border is incised (Figure 15.25a). The muscle is retracted to expose the fractured condyle (Figure 15.25b).


head of Triceps m.

Extensor carpi Incision

into fascia

radialis m.

,\)(!.~\'P'---7""Anconeus II m.

Com mon digital


extensor m. Lateral digital extensor m.

Figure 15.25: Su rgical approach/or exposure in/oterol cOlldylar fractures.

WARNING The radial nerve emerges between the lateral head of the triceps and the brachialis muscle just proximal to the incision, but provided dissection is limited to the soft tissues over the lateral condyle and its supracondylar ridge there should be little risk of nerve damage during exposure. Using a periosteal elevator, any remaining muscle attac hments are cleared from the adjacent surfaces of the fractured supracondylar ridge. The condyle is then rotated laterall y to allow removal of haematoma and granulation tissue from the intercondylar fracture site. Reduction mul Fixation The simplest method of reducing the condyle is to exert pressure on the condyle with finger and thumb and then maintain reduction with pointed reduction forceps (Figure 15.26a). The lateral condyle does have a tendency to rotate caudally and application of Allis tissue forceps across the fractured supracondylar ridge helps to prevent this (Figure 15.26b). Alternati vely, a K-wire can be used (Figure 15.26c,d).

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Lateral condylar fractures

o Lateral view

Allis tissue forceps


Kirschner wire placed across supracondylar ~~=f'=t ridge



Figure 15.26: Methods ofmaintaining reduction oflateral condylar fractures during insertion ofthe transcondylar lag screw.

A transcondylar lag screw and anti-rotational K-wire are used for fixatio n. There are two methods of preparation of the dri ll hole for the transcondylar lag screw: outside-in, or inside-out. Outside-in method After reduction of the condyle, th e drill ho le for th e transcondylar lag sc rew is commenced from a point immediately below and just in front of the most prominent point on the lateral condyle and is directed at the corresponding spot on the medial condy le (Figure IS.27a). A cortica l screw is us uall y used; and with this type of screw, the hole in the late ral condyle must be overdrilled to the same diame ter as the screw to enSure that the lag effect is achieved as th e screw is tighte ned, giving compression of the fracture site (Figure IS .27b,c). In very yo un g puppies with soft bo ne, a partially threaded ca ncellous screw is used fo r fixation . With this type of screw, onl y a transcondylar pilot ho le is drilled. Provided all the threads of the screw grip in the medial condyle, th e lag effect will be achi eved (Figure IS .27d).

Position of Kirschner wire -----1f-:-El

Drill guide


Partially threaded cancellous


Position of drill hole


Lateral view







Z . (c)


Cranial view

Figure 15.27: Lag screw fixation of lateral cOlldylar fractures (see text for details).

Inside-out method This is the most accurate. After exposure of the fracture site, completely rotate the lateral condyle out of the incision on its collatera l ligament to allow ex posure of the fractured trochlea surface. The glide hole forthe screw can then be accurately drilled " inside-out' , starting in the centre of the fractured trochlea and drilling from this point to the lateral surface of the lateral condyle (Figure IS.28b). The appropriate sized drill sleeve is introduced into the glide hole from the lateral side and the condyle is rotated back into position. A K-wire can now be placed across the supracondylar fracture to maintain reduction and prevent rotation while the lag screw is inserted (Figure IS.28c). The glide hole has already been prepared in the lateral condyle and the drill sleeve is ill situ. Next, the smaller drill bit, which will be used to prepare the pilot hole, is passed through the sleeve and used to drill the pilot hole in the medi al condyle (Figure IS.28c). Length of screw is assessed with a depth gauge, a thread is cut in tile pilot hole with a tap (unless a self-tapping screw is used) and then the appropriate size screw is inserted. The K-wire in the supracondylar portion of tile fracture is c ut off flush with the bone. It is important to have this second point affIXation to prevent rotation of the condyle on the screw (Figure 15.28d).

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Lateral condylar fractures

Cranial view

Collateral ligaments


Fig 15.28: 'Inside-out' method a/preparing transcondylar screw hole. (a) Fractured condyle. (b) Condyle rotated out lateralLy 011 collateral ligament; glide hole drilled / rom medial to lateral. (e) Fracture is reduced Gild stabilized with a Kwire; drill sLeeve is inserted ill gLide hole to allow accurate placement of pilot hole through medial condyLe. (d) Postoperative radiograph a/fracture shown ill Figure IS./O:fixation with transcol1dylar fa*g screw (4.5 11111/ cortex screw) plus

K-wire across supracondylar fracture line 10 prevent rotation of the condyLe.

PRACTICAL TIP Provided the fracture of the supracondylar ridge is accurately reduced, it can be assumed that "eduction of the intercondylar fracture is also adequate. Wound Closure The deep fascia, subcutaneous tissue and skin are closed in layers. Post-operati ve Care A support bandage is applied for 5 days. Movement of the joint is important following repair of any articular fracture - to minimize stiffness and encourage nutrition and healing of articular cartilage. Gentle passive fl exion and extension of the joint and controlled exercise should be reconunended. Restrict exercise to 10minute wal ks on a leash only for 4 to 6 weeks. Implants are generally left ill situ.

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Medial condylar fractures

Positioning Lateral recumbency with affected leg down. The upper fo relimb is pulled well caudally.

Assistant Opti onal. Tray Extras As for Operative Technique 15.8. Surgical Approach As for Operati ve Technique 15.4. Reduction and Fixation The comments for lateral condylarfractures apply here also. However, the medial f ragment

is often large enough to accept two lag screws placed from medi al to late ral; one transcondylar and one proximal to th e supratrochl ear foramen (Figure 15.29a,b).

Figure 15. 29: (a) Pre-operative radiograph of 4-year-old German Pointer with media l cOlldyiar fracture. (b) Follow-up rad iograph taken 3 mOl11hs after tliefracture was sta hilized \Vith t\Vo lag screws (4.5 cortex screws).

Wound Closure The deep brachial fascia, subcutaneous tissue and skin are closed in layers. Post-operative Care As for Operati ve Technique 15.8.

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Intercondylar fractures

Positioning Dorsal recumbency with the affected leg pulled cranially. Assistant Essential.

Tray Extras Appropriate sized plate and screw set, drill bits, etc.; K-wires; tension-band wire; pin/wire cutters; pliers/wire twisters; drill; Gelpi and Hohmann retractors; self-locking bone holding forceps; pointed reduction fo rceps; Vulsellum forceps; hacksaw or gigli wire. Surgical Approach A skin incision is made over the caudolateral aspect of the elbow; the subcutaneous fat and fascia are incised and undennined to allow reflection of skin from both sides of the elbow. Fascia along the cranial border ofthe medial head of the triceps are incised and the ulnar nerve is identified and retracted from the olecranon (Figure 15.30a). The crarual margin of the lateral head of the triceps is also freed from its fascial attachments. The proximal shaft of the u~la is exposed by separating the flexor carpi ulnaris and extensor carpi ulnaris muscles.

Extensor carpi ulnaris m. Pre-placed


Flexi carpi ulnaris m.


Fascial inciSion to reveal ulna n.

Anconeus m.

Olecranon and Triceps ] m. reflected

Osteotomy of Olecranon

Figure J5.30: Transo{ecralloll approach/or reduction and fixatiol1 of imercol1dylar fractures .


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Intercondylar fractures

A hole is drilled tranversely through the ulna with a 2 mm drill just distal to the elbow; a length of orthopaedic wire (18 or 20 gauge) is passed through the hole, and fashioned into a loop. This wire will be used later as a tension band but at this stage it makes a usefu l handle for an assistant to exert traction on the ulna during exposure and reduction of the humeral condyles (Figure 15.30a). If a screw is to be used to repai r theolecranon osteotomy, the screw hole should be prepared and tapped prior to osteotomy. Transverse osteotomy of the olecranon is performed with a saw or gigli wire distal to the tendon of insertion of the triceps on the olecranon and proximal to the anconeal process. Protect the ulnar nerve during this procedure. The olecranon is reflected dorsally with the attached triceps muscle mass; remnants of the anconeus and joint capsule are refected from the caudal aspect of the e lbow to complete exposure of the condyles (Figure 15.30b). Rel/uctiOIl and Fixation The condyles are reduced, ensuring accurate reconstruction of the articular surface. The assistant exerts traction on the ulnar wire to steady the elbow. The medial condylar fragment is held wit h small bone holding forceps while the lateral condyle is aligned in its normal position with the medial condy le and held in reduction with pointed reduction forceps. The proximal ends of the condylar fragments are transfi xed with a K-wire (Figure 15.3 Ib). In fracture types I and II, a lag screw can be used instead, if the fragm ents are large enough. Once this area has been stabilized, the articular margins of the fracture can be checked again and final adj ustments in reduction made before inserting a transcondylar lag screw from lateral to medial (see lateral condylar fracture repair) (Figure 15.3 1c). Initial fixation of condyles with a Kirschner wire

Transcondylar lag screw

Condyles fixed to shaft with Kirschner wire or lag screw

Application of DCP plate

Lateral condyle

Fig ure 15.31: (a) -(e) Reductioll andfixatioll of a 'Y' jractu re using K-\Vire~.., transcondylar lag screw alld plate applied to medial supracol1dylar ridge of the humerus. (f) 771ree-montll follow-up cralliocaudal radiograph of a Sprillger Spaniel that fwd a 'Y'jracture. Fixation/wd been achieved usil1g a lrallscolldylar lag screw (4.5 cOr/ex screw), supracondylar lag screw (2. 7 c~r/ex) alld a plate (8-llOle 3.5 DC?) applied to medial supracol1dylar ridge.

The distal shaft of the humerus is grasped with self- locking bone holding forceps while the condyles are grasped with pointed reduction forceps. Reduction of the supracondylar portion of the fracture is then achieved by a combination of direct traction and toggling the fracture surfaces against each other. If possible, the condyles are temporarily attached to the shaft at this stage with a K-wire placed obliquely across the supracondylar fracture line (Figure 15.3 1d). A plate (3.5 or 2.7 DCP) is then applied to the caudal aspect of the medial supracondylar ridge. This is a flat surface and the plate should require little or no contouring (Figure 15.31e,f). If a K-w ire is not used: having ensured that it is possible to reduce the supracondylar fracture site, disengage the fragments and rotate the medial condyle latera ll y so that the medial supracondy lar ridge is easily visible. Attach the dista l end of the plate to the caudal aspect of the medial condylar ridge. It is usually possible to place three screws, especially if a 2.7 DCP is used for fixation , but take care that the most distal screws do not penetrate

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Intercondylar fractures

the articular surface. Having attached the plate, the free prox imal end of the plate can be used as a lever arm to complete reduction of the fracture site: hold the plate against the bone with self-locking bone holding forceps while the first two screws are inserted proximal to the fracture site. Once stability is achieved, the forceps can be removed and the rest of the screws placed. In large dogs a second, smaller plate can be applied to the lateral supracondylar ridge to improve stability (Figure 15 .32). In youn g puppies, pins or K-wires can be used to attach the condyles to the shaft, but plate fixation gives the best results.

Figure J5.32: Post-operative crolliocouJaf radiograph oj a 4-year-old German Shepherd Dog with a "T'jracfllre. The jracflIre has been stabilized with a IrclIlscolldylar lag screw (4.5 11/111 cortex screw) and two plates all the supracondylar ridges (6-/lOle 2.7 DCP medially, 4-//O/e 2.7 DCP /a{erally).

Wound Closllre The olecranon osteotomy is repaired with a lag screw (Figure 15.33) or two K-wires are used in combination with the pre-placed ulna wire which is used as a tension band. The lag screw is preferred as it causes less soft tissue interference and can usually be left in situ. The K-wires, by contrast, may loosen - causing local soft tissue problems - and will require remo val. The olecranon is reduced and the lag screw is inserted down the long axis of the olecranon, using the prepared drill hole. The screw is not full y tightened at this stage. The proximal end of the ulna wire loop is cut off; the two ends of the wire are crossed in a figure-of-eight and brought over the caudal edge of the olecranon. One end of the Fig ure 15.33: Lateral view of Figure J5.32 wire is passed through the insertion of the triceps, keeping close to showing a 4 1/1111 cancel/oils screw + the bone and taking care to ensure that the wire wi ll be anchored tellsiOIl -bolld wire Ilsed for repair of the under the screw head. The wire is then brought down to one side of olecranon osteotomy. the olecranon, where it is twisted tight with the other free end of wire to complete the proximal loop of the tension band. (Because the wire tension band is bridging such a short osteotomy, it is possible to get good tension by placing twists in one side only rather than placing twists on either side of the olecranon.) Afterthe tension band has been completed, the lag screw is tightened. The triceps fascia is repaired on both latera l and medial sides (avoid the ulnar nerve in sutures on the medial side). The rest of the wound closure is routine.

Post-operative Care A Robert Jones bandage is app lied for 5 days post-operati vely to provide support and to control post-operati ve swelling; otherwise management is as descri bed for lateral condylar fractures. Implants are generally left ill situ unless loosening causes soft tissue problems. The proximal ends of K-wires used. for repair of olecranon osteotomy are the most common problem but once these wires have been removed any associated lameness tends to resolve.

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Radius and Ulna Warrick 1. Bruce

INTRODUCTION Fractures of the radius and ulna constitute 8.5% to 17.3 % of all fractures seen in the dog and cat (SumnerSmith and Cawley, 1970; Phillips, 1979). They result from many types of trauma, including road traffic accidents, gunshot accidents, falls from heights, kicks, bites and crushing injuries. In some small breeds, they can be seen following minimal trauma. Pathological fractures secondary to neoplasia or metabolic bone disease may also occur.

Fractures of the radius and ulna are associated with a relatively high incidence of complications (Vaughan, 1964; DeAngelis et aI, 1973). These include delayed union, non-union, malunion, osteomyelitis, and angulardeformities due to growth plate damage. The radius and ulna account for around half of all cases of long bone fracture non-union recorded in the dog (Vaughan, 1964; Sumner-Smith and Cawley, 1970; Atilola and Sumner-Smith, 1984). Toy and miniature breeds have a disproportionately high incidence of delayed and non-unions (Sumner-Smith, 1974). Problems are also encountered in large and giant breeds of dog due to the large forces placed on fractures and fixation devices in the antebrachium. '

Lateral view

Figure 16.1: Simple/rae/ure through the semi-ilillar notch of

the ulnG.

PROXIMAL ULNA All fractures in this area require open reduction and internal fixation to counteract the powerful traction

of the triceps group of muscles. These forces are equalized by use of the tension -band principle (Chapter 9).

Simple fractures through the semi-lunar notch See Figure 16.1 and Operative Technique 16.1.

Avulsion fracture of the olecranon See Figure 16.2 and Operative Technique 16.1.

Comminuted fracture of the proximal ulna with fracture of the anconeal process See Figure 16.3 and Operative Technique 16.2.

Lateral view Figure 16.2: A vllisioll/racture of the olecranon.

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Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management the radial head occurs as a result of tearing of the annular ligaments and contracture of the biceps brachii and brachialis muscles. In some cases separation of the radius and ulnar diaphysis occurs secondary to rupture of the interosseous ligament.

In recent injuries, where the interosseus ligament

remains intact, a closed reduction and closed nonnograde insertion of a pin in the ulna may be attempted. However, this is frequently difficult to achieve and open reduction with internal fixation is required (see Operati ve Tecllnique 16.3).


Figure /6.3: Comminutedfractllre o/the proximal ullia.

Fractures of the ulna with concurrent dislocation of the radial head Fracture of the proximal third of the ulnaand anterior dislocation of the proximal epiphysis of the radius (Figure 16.4) was first described in humans by Monteggia (1814). A spectrum of injuries (Monteggia lesion) can result in dislocation of the elbow joint and fracture of the ulna and these ha ve been classified on the basis of direction of the dislocation and the angulation of the ulnar fracture (Bado, 1962; Schwarz and Schrader, 1984).

These fractures are uncommon as the wea ker lateral humeral condyle often fractures first, thus sparing the proximal radius. When they do occur, they are often articular and can be associated with fra ctures of the ulna and dislocation of the elbow joint.

Salter-Harris Type I fracture Fractures throug h thi s me taph yseal grow th plate (Figure 16.5) require open reduction if there is significant fracture displacement and reduction cannot be accomplished by closed means (Operative Technique 16.4).

Luxated radial head

Torn annular ligament

Figure 16.5: Salter- Ha rris Type J fraclure a/the proximal radius.

Articular fractures Interosseous ligament Lateral view

Figure 16.4: Type I Monteggiajracfure.

All fracture-dislocations of tilis nature are rare, but cranial dislocation of the radial head, with cranial angulation of the fractured ulna (type I Monteggia lesion) was found to be the most common in dogs and cats (Schwarz and Schrader, 1984). It has been proposed that this injury is caused by a direct blow to the olecranon when the antebrachium is extended and weightbearing (Wadsworth, 198 1). Displacement of

These generally require accurate anatomical reduction and fi xation with lag screws and K -wires, depending on the size of the fracture fragments (Operati ve Technique 16.4).

Comminuted fractures of the proximal radius Comminuted fractures in this area are difficult to manage and require a wide dissection (Bloomberg, 1983). Salvage procedures such as ostectomy of the radial head (prymak and Bennett, 1986) and elbow joint arthrodesis have been advocated for non-reconstructable fractures of the radial head (Bloomberg, 1983).

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Radius and Ulna The prognosis depends on the type of fracture and the accuracy of reconstruction. Metaphyseal growth plate fractures heal quickly and carry the best prognosis. However, premature closure of the growth plate and short radius syndrome is a potential complication. Elbow joint osteoarthritis is a common sequel to fractures of the proximal radius.

RADIAL AND ULNAR DIAPHYSES These fractures most commonly affect the middle and distal third and frequently involve both bones. Isolated fractures affec ting the shafts of either bone are less common (Philli ps, 1979; Ness and Armstrong, 1995). Table 16.1 suggests appropriate treatments.



Casts or splints

Treatments with casts or splints should be reserved for closed fractures involving only one bone, incomplete fractures, or minimally displaced transverse, spiral or oblique fractures that are relatively stable.

Bone plating Operati ve Technique 16.5

Plate fixation can be used for most radial diaphyseal fractures in dogs and cats. It is the preferred method of treatment fo r non-unions, delayed unions and distal fractures in miniature and toy breeds of dogs.

External fixation The external fi xator is appropriate for the repair of Operati ve nearly all diaphyseal Technique 16.6 fractures of the radius and ulna. It is particularl y suitable fo r the treatment of severely comminuted fractures and open fractures with soft tissue loss. Intramedullary pinning

This method of fi xation is not recommended for fractures of the radius.

Table 16,1: Decisiol1 makil1g ill the management o/radial alld uinar diaphyseal fra ctures.


E xtern a l support Many fractures of the radius and ulna of the dog and cat are amenable to treatment with casts or splints if adequate closed reduction can be attained and maintained. The surgeon should aim for at least 25 %end-toend fracture segment contact with no angulation (Lappin er al., 1982). In some cases a limited open approach may be required to align the fragments adequately. Best results are achieved in youn g (less than 1 year) medi um-sized dogs (Lappin er al., 1983) . WARNING Casts and splints should not be used as the sale means of support in giant breeds, nor should they be used for distal fractures of the radius a nd ulna in miniature and toy breeds of dogs. Care must be taken in small dogs and cats as fracture alignment is often difficult due to small bone diameter, poor soft tissue support, and tension in the carpal and di gital flexor muscles which tend to displace the frag ments. In addition there are technical difficulties in applying lightweight casts of suitable strength that do not slip distally in these animals (Chapter 7). Bone plating Bone plating is a popular method of fi xation for fractures of the radius and ulna. The natural flattening and cranial curvature of the radius make its dorsal (tension) surface ideal for plate application. Both compression and neutrali zation plates have been used with success (Lappin er aI. , 1983). In most dogs and cats only the radius is plated and fi xation of the ulna is unnecessary. Platin g both the radius and ulna is recommended in large and giant breeds of dog because of their large size and the extreme forces placed on the fixation devices (Lappin er al., 1983; Brinker er aI., 1990). External fixation The extern al fi xator can be applied following closed or limited open reduction. It may be used alone or as an adjunct to some form of internal fixation such as lag screws or cerclage wires. All configurations (unilateral, bilateral, biplanar) have been used successfull y in the antebrachium. The unilateral uniplanar design is the simplestto apply, has the lowest complication rate and is adequate fo r the majority of cases. Intramedulla ry pinning Intramedullary pinning of the radius is not recommended due to the high complication- rates associated with this technique (Lappin er aI., 1983). The radius is less amenable to pinning compared with the ulna and other long bones as it has a relatively straight oval-shaped medullary canal which is bounded by articular carti lage at both ends.

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200 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management

This means that both the elbow and the antebrachiocarpal joints are endangered when pinning and only small diameter pins may be used. An intramedullary pin poorly

resists rotational instability and axial compression and potentially damages the endosteal vessels to a bone with a tenuous distal blood supply. There are bettermetilOdsof radial fracture fi xation available.

Fractures of the distal third of the radius and ulnar diaphyses in miniature and toy breeds These fractu res are associated with a disproportionately high incidence of delayed and non-unions (SulllilerSmith, 1974). The main reason for this phenomenon is thought to be inadequate immobilization, but factors such as infection, delays in fracture stabilization and the tenuous blood supply to the bones may also be contributory (Sumner-Smith and Cawley, 1970; Hunt ef ai., 1980; Bartels, 1987; Eger, 1990). Rigid stabilization is mandatory and plating with mini plates or mini T-plates is recOlllinended (Figure 16.6). Bone plate removal is also recommended as a number of cases have been observed where the radius has refractured at the proximal end of tile plate several years later as a result of local loss of bone strength. It is the author's policy to remove these plates between 6 months and I year post-operatively. Earlier plate removal and cancellous bone grafting has been recommended (Lesser, 1986). The limb must be supported in a Robert Jones bandage for I to 2 weeks following plate removal and the dog 's activity restricted for 4 weeks.

bonded together on either side of the limb. Staged disassembly may be performed from 9 to 12 weeks post-operatively.

DISTAL RADIUS AND ULNA Fractures of the distal radius and u~la are common and frequently occur following fa lls from heights. Open fractures tend to occur in this area as there is little soft

tissue protection. Many fixation methods have been used to repairdistal antebrachial fractures, including extemal coaptation alone or in combination with lag screws, crossed K-wires or pins and cerclage wire (Gambardella and Griffiths, 1984), internal fixation with Rush pins, T-plates, hook plates (Bellah, 1987) and extemal fixation. The ultimate choice of fixation techrtique depends on the size of the bone, the nature of the fracture, the facilities available and the financial resources of the owner.

Salter-Harris Type I fractures Fractures of the distal radial and ulna metaphyseal

growth plates are common in the immature animal and can result in premature closure of these growth plates (Chapter II). Fracture through the distal radial growth plate is usually accompanied by fracture of the distal ulna or its growth plate (Figure 16.8). Early closed reduction should be attempted and stable fractures can

An effective and economica l alternative to bone plating is to use transfixation pins and acrylic cement (F igure 16.7) (Eger, 1990; Tomlinson and Constantinescu, 1991). To ensure accurate reduction, a limited open approach is recommended. K-wires are driven transversely through the radius above and below the fracture and the exposed ends of the wires are

Figure 16.8: Salter- Harris Type l/racture a/the distal radius lVith concurrellt fracture 0/ the distalllilla.

Figure 16.6: Distal amebrachialjractllre ill a 1.2kg Chihuahua repaired with a 5 hole 2 mm plate 011 the cranial radius.

Figure 16. 7: Distal antebrachial fracture in a 4.5kg Poodle repaired with a bilateral external jixator comprising /1l111l01lthreaded pillS alld methylmethacrylate connecting bars.

be managed with external coaptation for three weeks. Less stable or irreducible fractures require open reducti on and the fracture should be stabilized us ing cross or parallel pinning teclmiques (Operative Technique 16.7).

Styloid fractures Avulsion fractures of the radial or ulnar styloid processes give rise to instability of the antebraclliocarpal

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Radius and Ulna

Collateral ligaments '-----1/~..--,./

Figure 16.9: A vulsioll fracture ofradiaL styloid process with resu ltalll instability of the alllebrachiocarpal j oint.

joint as the collateral ligaments originate on the styloid processes (Figure 16.9). These fractures may occur in association with subluxation or luxation of this joint and should be accurately repaired by internal fixation (Operati ve Technique 16.8).

Articular fractures Articular fractures require perfect anatomical reduction to minimi ze secondary osteoarthritis. The articular surface is repaired with lag screws or K-wires, depending on the size of the fragment(s). In commi nuted fractures the distal fragm ents are then aligned and reattached to the radial metaphysis by means of a bone plate. Hook and T-plates are most useful in this location. A cranial approach is used as described in Operative Technique 16.7.

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING Atilola MAO and Sumner-Smith G ( 1984) Non-uni on fractures in dogs. JOllmal of Veterinary Orthopaedics 3, 2 1. Bado JL (1962) The Monteggia Lesion. CC Thomas, Springfield. Bartels KE (1987) Non-uni on . Veterinary Clinics of North America 17, 799. Bellah JR ( 1987) Use of a double hook plate for treatment of a distal radial fracture in a dog . Velerinary Surgery 16, 278.


Bloomberg MS (1983) Fractures of the radius and ulna. In: Currem Techniques ill SlIIall AI/ima! Surgery, 2nd edn, cd. MJ Boj rab. Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia. Brinker WO, Piermaltei DL and Fl o GL (1990) Fractures of the radius and ulna. In: Handbook oj Small Animal OrlllOpaedics alld Fra cture Trealmellf, 2nd edn . WB Saunders, Philadel phia. DeAngelis MP, Olds RB, Stoll SG et 01. (1973) Repair of fractures of the rad ius and ulna in small dogs. Journal oJthe American Animal Hospital Associatioll 19,436. Denny HR ( 1990) Pectoral limb fractures. In : Canine Orthopaedics, 2nd edn, ed. WG Whinick. Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia. Eger CE (1990) A techniquc for the management of radial and ulnar fractures in miniature dogs using transfixation pins. JOllrnal of Small Animal Practice 31, 377. Egger EL (1990) External skeletal fi xation. In: Cu rrellt Techlliques ill Smal/ Animal Surgery, 3rd edn, cd. MJ Bojrab, SJ Bri chard and JL Tomlinson Jr. Lea and Febiger, Philadclphi a. Gambardella PC and Griffiths RC (1984) A technique for repair of oblique fractures of the distal radius in dogs. Journal of the American Animal Hospital Associmioll 20, 429. HuntJM, Aitken ML, Denny HR andGibbsC( 1980) Thecom plications of diaphyseal fractures in dogs: a review of 100 cases. Journal oj Smal/ Allillla! PraClice 21 , 103. Lappin MR,Aron ON, Herron HL and Malnati G ( 1983) Fractures of the radius and ulna in the dog. Journal oj the Alllericall AI/imal Hospital Association 19, 643. Lesser AS (1986) Cancellous bone graft ing at plate relllovalto counteract stress protection. Journal oJtlle Alllericall Veterinary Medical Associatioll 189, 696. Marti JM and Miller A ( 1994) Delimitation of safe corridors fo r the insertion of external fixator pins in the dog. 2: Forelimb. Journal oj Small Anima! Practice 35, 78. Miller A (1994)Thecarpus. In: Manllal of Small Animal Arthrology,ed. JEF Hou lton and RW Coll inson, pp. 211-233. British Small Animal Veterinary Association, Cheltcnham, Gloucestershire. Monteggia GB (18 14) Illstituzioni Chirurgiche, 2nd cdn. G. Maspcr, Milan. Ness MG and An1lStrong NJ ( 1995) Isolated fracture of the radial diaphysis in dogs. Journal oj Sma/l Allimal Practice 36, 252 . Phillips IR (1979) A survey of bone fractu re in the dog and cat. JOl/mal oj Small AI/ima! Practice 20, 661 . Picnnattei, DL (1993) An Arias oJSlIrgical Approaches to the Balles and Joillls oJthe Dog and Cm, 3rd edn . WB Saunders, Philadelphia. Prymak C and Bennen D (1986) Excision arthroplasty of the humcroradial joint. JOllrnal oj Small Allima! Practice 27, 307. Schwarz PO and Schrader SC (1984) Ulnar fractu re and dislocation of the proximal radial epiphysis (Monteggia lesion) in the dog and cat: a review of28 cases. Journal oJthe Americall Veterinary Medical Associatioll 184, 190. Sumner-Smith G (1 974) A comparative in vestigation into the heali ng of fra ctures in miniature Poodles and mongrel dogs. Journal ofSmall Animal Practice 15, 323. Sumner-Smith G and Cawley AJ (1970) Non -union fractures in Ihedog. Journal oj Small Anima! Practice 11, 3 11. Tomlinson JL and Constantinescu GM (199 1) Acrylic external skeletal fi xation of fractures. Comilluillg Education Article No.6, 13,2, 235. Vaughan LC ( 1964) A cl inical study of nOll-union frac tures in the dog. Journal oJSmall Animal Practice 5, 173. Wadsworth P ( 1981 ) Bi omechanics of the luxation of joints. In: Pathophysiology in Small Animal Surgery, ed. MJ Bojrab. Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia .

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Fractures through the semi-lunar notch and avulsion fractures of the olecranon

Positioning Dorsal rec umbency with the affected limb extended craniall y (Figure 16.10). Assistant Ideall y.

Tray Extras K-wires; chuck; air or electric drill and bits; pin/w ire cutters; pliers; Kern bone holding forceps (or po inted reduction fo rceps); periosteal elevator; ± appropriate bo ne plating and screw set; ± ASIF 2.0 mm parallel drill guide. Surgical Approach Making a caudomedial incIs Ion over the olecranon has several advantages: it allows for identificati on of the ulnar nerve; the skin is thinner in this area and therefore heals with less scarrin g; and th e incision is hidden from view. The s kin is reflected laterall y and the underlying flexor carpi ulnaris, anconeus and ulnaris lateralis muscles are elevated from the ulna (Figure 16. 10).

Flexor carpi uJnaris m.

Ulnar n.

Superficial digital flexor m.

Fig ure 16. 10: Caudal exposure of the proximal tllna.

Reductioll lllld Fixatioll The proximal ulna is held with Kern bone holding forceps and the first pin is dri ven in a retrograde fashion from the fracture surface to emerge at the point of the elbow (Figure 16.11a). The pin is then backed out until its ti p is level with the fracture surface. With the patient's elbow held in extension, the fracture is accurately reduced and the pin is driven in a norrnograde direction to anchor in the cranial con ex of the ulna (Figure 16. 11b). A second, more caudal pin may be placed parallel to the fi rst using a parallel drill guide (Figure 16.1 Ic).





Figure 16.11: Repair proximal ulnar


jracflire usillg pillS alld

a tellsion balld wire (see teXT for details).

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Radi us and Dina




Fractures through the semi-lunar notch and avulsion fractures of the olecranon

PRACTICAL TIPS It is easiest to power-drive small diameter arthrodesis or K-wires using an air or electric drill.

Larger Steinmann pins may be placed by hand, using a Jacobs chuck. When placing larger diameter pins by hand it is often easier, and more precise, to pre-drill a pilot hole using a smaller diameter drill bit. A hole is then drilled transversely through the ulna 1 to 2 em distal to the fracture. A length of stainless steel wire is passed through the hole and its free ends are crossed. Similarly, a length of wire is passed around the caudal aspect of the olecranon cranial to the pins. The ends of the two wires are then twisted together alternately until the tension band is tight. WARNING The proximal loop of the tension-band wire must pass as close as possible to the bone to avoid pressure necrosis at the triceps tendon insertion. Finally, the pins are bent in a caudal direction close to the end of the olecranon and are cut, leaving a small hook. Each pin is twisted 180 0 cranially so that the bent end of the cranial pin lies over the tension-band wire (Figure 16. lld). The diameter of the pins is based on the size of the animal and the ability to place two pins parallel to each other in the ulna. In small dogs and cats, a single pin placed within the intramedullary canal and a wire tensionband is often sufficient. However, if this technique is used, the fracture should be oblique and interlocking to prevent rotational instability, and the pin should extend the length of the proximal third of the ulnar diaphysis. Stainless steel wire of 0.8 mm diameter is sufficient in cats and toy dogs; larger dogs require wire of 1- 1.2 mm diameter. WARNING Note the lateral curvature and narrow intramedullary canal of the proximal ulna. Care must be taken to avoid exit ing through the side of the ulna or entering the elbow joint when driving pins in this area. Care must be taken to identify and protect the branch of the ulnar nerve that courses near the medial humero-ulnar articulation.

Wound Closure Routine. Periosteum and deep fascia can be closed as one layer. Post-operative Care A light dressing is applied for a few days and passive elbow flexion/extension exercises should be encouraged post-operati vely. Exercise should be controlled for 4 to 6 weeks. On occasions the pins may loosen, or their protruding ends may cause soft tissue irritation; this would necessitate removal once fracture healing is complete. • Alternative Technique In medium-sized to large breeds of dogs, place the fragments under compression using a lagged cortical or cancellous screw in combination with a pin and tension-band wire (see Figure 15.33).

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Comminuted fractures of the proximal ulna and fractures of the anconeal process

Positioning Dorsal recumbancy with the affected limb extended craniall y. The contra lateral limb is pulled caudall y and secured. Assistant Idea ll y.

Tray Ext,.as Air or electric drill and bits; Kern bone holding forceps; pointed reduction forceps; periosteal elevator; West or Gelpi self retaining retractors; Hohmann retractor; semitubular plate or DCP (3.5 for large and mediumsized dogs, 2.7 for small breeds, 4.5 for giant breeds); appropriate bone plating and screw set; plate benders.

Approach A caudomedial approach to the ulna is made (see Operative Technique 16.1). The incision may need to be extended distall y to allow plate application to the ulnar diaphysis. Reduction mul Fixation The anconeal process should first be reduced and fixed to the olecranon in cases complicated by its fracture. A screw is placed in a lagged fashion, either from the caudal aspect ofthe olecranon into the anconeal process, or by countersinking an intra-articular screw cauda l to the articular surface of the anconeal process. Alternatively it may be excised if it cannot be lag screwed back (Denn y, 1990).

A DCP or semi tubular plate may be applied to the caudal aspect, or tension-band surface of the ulna. In this position, the plate acts as a tension band and resists the pull of the triceps muscle. In cases where acc urate anatomical reduction is impossible, the plate acts as a buttress preventing fracture collapse. Bone plates can be applied to the caudolateral surface in cases where the width of the ulna is too small to accollUnodate bone screws. A bone plate is then contoured and applied to the proximal fragment first. At least two bone screws should be placed in the proximal fragm ent (see Figure 16.14). Where there is a small proximal fragment, the plate is contoured around the point of the elbow. In giant breeds a hook plate may be useful. The fracture is reduced with the elbow joint extended and bone holding forceps are used to fi x the plate to the distal fragment prior to screw placement. Smaller fragments are held in position with lag screws or small K-wires.

Accurate anatomical reduction of any articular components is essential to minimize secondary osteoarthritis. WARNING Care must be taken to avoid placing screws through the articular surface of the semiluna,' notch.

WOllnd Clos",.e Routine. Periosteum and deep fascia can be closed as one layer. Post-operative Ca,.e A Robert Jones bandage is used for a few days to limit swelling. Early use ofthe elbow should be encouraged with passive range of motion exercises and controlled walking. If fixation is tenuous or bony defects remain at the fracture site then it is safest to maintain elbow motion without weight bearin g by using a carpal flex ion bandage.


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Radi liS and Ulna



Fractures of the ulna with concurrent dislocation of the radial head (Monteggia lesion)

Positioning The patient is positioned in dorsal recumbency with the affected limb extended cranially.

Assistant Ideally. Tray Extras Periosteal elevator, pointed reduction forceps, Gelpi self-retaining retractors, Hohmann retractors; chuck; K-wires, pliers, pin cutters, ± drill, ± appropriate plate and screw set, drill bits etc.

Surgical Approach A combination of a lateral approach to the elbow joint (see Operative Technique 16.4) and caudal approach to the ulna (see Operative Technique 16. I) is made to expose the fracture-dislocation. Reduction and Fixation The radial head is reduced by sliding it medially over the lateral humeral condyle with the elbow held in flexion. Reduction of the radial head is frequently complicated by the interposition of soft tissues, bone fragments, or an organized blood clot. Reduction is maintained using pointed reduction forceps (Figure 16.12). Where possible, the torn annular ligaments are sutured with polydiaxanone. In adult animals, the author prefers to fix the radial head securely to the ulna using a bone screw (medium to large size dogs) (see Figure 16.13a) or small pin (small dogs and cats) (see Figure 16.13b). An alternative means of fixation is to use a full or hemicerclage wire to maintain anatomical reduction of the radius. The ulna may be stabilized by a number of methods depending on the location and type of pin; more proximal fractures require pin and tension-band wire fixation (see Figure 16.13b). Comminuted fractures usually require bone plate fixation (see Figure 16.14).

Section A-A Radius


Reduction forceps

Figure 16.12: Managing Monteggia/ractures. Once reduced, the radial head call be temporarily held in position using pointed

reductioll forceps. The cross-section shows the position of a transfixing screw to maintain the reduction during healing.

WARNING Neurological injuries are commonly associated with this type of fracture in man and have been reported in dogs (Schwarz and Schrader, 1984). WARNING Transfixing the radial head to the ulna in an immature animal may interfere with the independent growth or the radius and ulna and result in elbow joint incongruity and angular limb deformities.

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206 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management


Fractures of the ulna with concurrent dislocation of the radial head (Monteggia lesion)

Figure 16.14: Repair of a Type I MOllleggia fracture ill a 35 kg DeerllOulld. The radius has been secured to the ui lla using transfixion screws (most

proximal). The commit/Illed ui llor shaft /racfIl r e has been

partially reconstru cted lVith lag screws and buttressed with a cauda/ateral plate.

16.13: (a) Repair of a Type I MOflfeggia fracture ill a 16 kg Border Collie llsing a trallsfixillg screw to maimain reduction of the radial head. The oblique fracture a/The ulllar diaphysis was repaired with a lag screw. (b) Repair of a Type I MOllfeggia!racture ill a cat. The radius lias been secured to the uilla llsing a K-wire alld fhe /l/Ilo r shaft has been repaired using all

i1l1ramedullary pill alld a tellsion band wire wirh two additional cerclage wires.

Wound closure Routine. Periosteum and deep fasia can be closed as one layer. Post-operative care The limb should be supported in a padded dressing or cast in slight fl exion for 2 to 3 weeks post-operati vely. Transfixing screws and pins should be removed 3 to 4 weeks post-operati vely. Prognosis Guarded due to the high incidence of post-operati ve complications, such as non-union of ulna, reluxation of radial head, traumatic periarticular ossification, osteoarthritis, reduced elbow joint range in motion, nerve damage, osteomyelitis, implant migration and synostosis (Schwarz and Schrader, 1984). The prognosis is better in cases where the interosseus attachments of the radius to the ulna are preserved.

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Radius and Ulna



Fractures ofthe proximal radius

Positioning Dorsal recumbency with the affected limb extended caudally. The contralateral limb is pulled caudally and secured (Figure 16.15).

Figure 16.15: Repair a/proximaL radial fractures: patient positioning.

Assistant Ideally. Tray Extras Periosteal elevator; pointed reduction forceps; Hohmallllll retractor; Gelpi self-retaining retractors; chuck; pin/wire cuners; pliers; wire benders; ± air or electric drill and bits; K -wires; ± appropriate bone plating and screw set.

Approach A lateral approach to the elbow joint is used to expose the radial head (Figure 16.16). The origin of the common digital extensor muscle may be incised and retracted and the supinator muscle may be elevated off the radius for bener exposure. For articular fractures, the origins of the three extensor muscles may be included in an osteotomy of the lateral humeral condyle (piermattei, 1993). Transection of the annular and collateral ligaments may also be necessary to gain adequate exposure.

Lateral humeral epicondyle Supinator m. Radial nerve

Radial head

Extensor carpi radialis --H'Hf-

Cormninuted fractures require a wide dissection and a bilateral approach to the elbow joint can be used. Gelpi retractors

Figure 16.16: Repair a/proximal radial fractures: lateral exposure a/the proximal radius.

Reduction and Fixation Fractures in this area are reduced with the elbow flexed. Metaphyseal growth plate fractures are stabili zed with a K-wire driven from the proximolateral surface of the radial head near the articular surface, across the fracture, to anchor in the medial cortex of the radius. A second K-wire inserted in a similar direction or from the medial side may further improve stability (Figure 16.17).

Figure 16.17: Repair o/a SaiterHarris Type I fracture a/the proximal radius Ilsing crossed K-wires.

'it""'o;I;L-Growth plate

1i'~±:"Kirschner wires

Cranial view

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208 Manual of Small Animal Fraenlfe Repair and Management


Fractures of the proximal radius

Si mple articular fractures are repaired with lag screws and K-wires. For more complex fractures, the articular surface is repaired first with lag screws and then aligned and reattached to the radi al metaphysis by means of a bone plate . Small non-reducible articular fragm ents, which would otherwise cause mechanical irritation to the joint, should be removed. WARNING The radial nerve lies deep to the supinator muscle and must be protected during surgery.

Wound Closure Routineseparate layer closure. Transected portions of the collateral liga ment are s utured with polydioxanone. Transected extensor muscles areslltured with a hori zontal mattress or cniciatesliture pattern . A n osteotom ized

lateral humeral epicondyle is reattached wit h a lag screw or pins and tension-band wire.

Post-operative Care Proximal radial growth plate fractures requiresupport in a Robert Jones bandage for I to 2 weeks and exercise is restricted for 3 t04 weeks. Hea ling is usuall y rapid and K-wiresare removed from 4 weeks post-operatively. Artic ular and more complicated fract ures may require support in a Robert Jones bandage or cast for 2 to 6 weeks depending on the rigidity of fixation and the speed of healing.

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Radi us and Ulna



Bone plating diaphyseal fractures of the radius

Positioning Dorsal recumbency with the limb pulled either caudally (see Figure 16.5) or cranially depending on the approach. The contralateral limb is pulled caudally and secured.

PRACTICAL TIPS Use a beanbag to support the patient rather than a high-sided plastic cradle as a beanbag is more compliant and tends to be less intrusive. Hanging the animal frolll the affected limb whilst preparing for surgery fatigues the muscles and aids ill fracture reduction. Assistant Ideall y.

Tray Extras Periosteal elevator; Hohmarmn retractor; Gelpi self-retaining retractors; pointed reduction forceps (or bone holding forceps of choice); bone cutters; plate benders; air or electric drill and bits; appropriate bone plating and screw set.

Approach The craniomedial approach is classically used to expose the diaphysis of the radius (Figure 16.18). For fractures of the proximal to middle radial diaphysis, a lateral approach between the extensor carpi radialis muscle and the common digital extensor muscle is preferred (Figure 16.19) (piermattei, 1993). The diaphysis of the ulna is exposed by a caudal approach. Pronator

teres m. Flexor carpi radialis m.

Extensor carpi

radialis m.


digital flexor m.

Shaft of radius ,,-;--



carpi radialis m.

Ill-- - r



extensor m.

.\.\---/-- - Lateral digital

extensor m. Abductor

policis longus m. Gelpi retractors

Figure 16.18: ,Craniomediai exposure a/the radial diaphysis. Fig ure 16.19: CranioiareraL exposu re of the radial diaphysis .


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Bone plating diaphyseal fractures of the radius

RetiuctiOIl allti Fixatioll Fracture reduction may be accomplished by bending the limb caudally at the fracture sitc, toggling the bone ends against each other and then straightening the limb. Where there is significant overriding of the fracture a Hohmannn retractor may be used to lever the distal fragment into alignment. Sometimes the radius cannot be reduced without first reducing the ulna. In these cases, it is useful to cut back the ulnar fragment.

PRACTICAL TIP Beware of soft tissue intel·position at the ulnar fracture site preventing accurate I·adial fracture alignment. When a plate is applied to the cranial surface of the radius (see Figure 16.20), it should first be prestressed to allow for the natural cranial curvature of the radius and to ensure compression at the transconex (see Chapter 9). It is best to apply the plate to the distal radial fragment first so that it may be used as a lever to aid in reduction. Once the fracture is reduced, bone holding forceps are used to fix the plate to the proximal fragm ent prior to screw placement. Oblique fractures are stabili zed with pointed reduction forceps, and where possible a lag screw, or alternati vely a K-wire, is placed across the fractnre. TIllS will prevent the fragments from slipping past each other during plate application.

Figure 16.20: (a) Obliquejracture o/the radial shaft with a commilillfed ulnar fracture. (b) Tltejraclured radills was repaired /Ising an illlerjragmelltary lag screlV and a craniaL nelltralizatioll plate. Open reduction 0/ tile radius had realigned the uillar diaphysis and the radial fixa tioll should provide sufficie nt support for IIncomplicated healing o/ the IIlna.

PRACTICAL TIP When using a craniomedial approach, the extensor muscles are forced laterally during plate application, which often results in varus angulation of the distal fragment. A cranial approach (see Figure 16.22) to the distal screw holes may help to avoid this. WARNING When drilling holes in the proximal radial diaphysis, care must be taken not to burst through the transcortex and strike the side of the ulna. This would inevitably result in a broken drill bit. Screws should not he allowed to penetrate both the radius and ulna. In the young animal this will interfere with the normal growth and may result in elbow incongruity and angular limb deformity. In older animals it may result in complications such as implant failure and synostosis.

Wound Closure Routine. Periosteum and deep fascia can be closed as one layer. Post-operative Care A Robert Jones bandage is applied for a few days to limit swelling. Exercise should be controlled for 4 to 6 weeks.

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Radius and Ulna



External fixation of radial diaphyseal fractures

Positioning Dorsal recumbency with the contralateral limb pulled caudally and secured. When working alone, or in cases where a closed or limited open approach is planned, it is easiest to suspend the patient from the affected limb throughout the operation.

Assistant Ideally.

Tray Extras Appropriateextemal fixator set; Ellis pins (2 mm for cats and small dogs, 3 mm for medium dogs, 4 mm for large and giant breeds); clamps; connecting bars; large pin cutters (or hack saw); spanners; air or electric drill and bits; chuck and key; drill guides; periosteal elevator; pointed reduction forceps; Gelpi self-retaining retractors. Approach A craniomedial approach to the fractured radius is used, if required. Reduction and Fixation The fracture is reduced using similar techniques to those described in Operative Technique 16.5.

External fixation is usually applied to the medial radius as the distal two-thirds of the medial aspect of the radius represent a safe corridor for pin insertion (Marti and Miller, 1994). However, the radius is flattened in the mediolateral plane, making pin insertion from this direction more difficult. Maximum bone purchase is achieved by directing pins in an oblique craniomedial to caudolateral plane.

(a) Figure 16.21: (a) Schematic view a/the radius to show placement of Q unilateral mediaL exrernaLjixator. A lag screw has also been placed across the oblique radialfracIIlre. This lVould be inserted/allowing/racture reduction via a limited

craniomedial approach. (b) Repair of a comminuted radills alld ulllar fracture in a 20 kg Border Collie. The radills was reduced via a limited craniomedial approach and interJragmentary lag screws inserted. The two major

fragments were then supported with a bilateralul1ipJal1ar jixator (modified type II, see Chapter 9).

Open pin placement is recommended for the medial aspect of the proximal radius as pin insertion in this area can be difficult and unsafe (Marti and Miller, 1994). The pins should be placed between the flexor muscle bellies and this is achieved by directing the pins slightly obliquely in a caudomedial to craniolateral plane.

A unilateral external fixator is applied to the medial aspect of the radius generally with three pins in the proximal fragment and three pins in the distal fragm ent (Figure 16.21a). If the proximal fragment will not accommodate three pins then the proximal part of the connecting bar may be bent caudally so that pins can be placed in the proximal ulna. Where there is a short distal fragment a biplanar frame may be constructed and distal pins may be driven between the extensor tendons in a cranial orientation. Bilateral uniplanar frames may also be used with this type of fracture. .' Unstable comminuted or open fractures often require bilateral (Figure 16.21b) or biplanar frames. Other designs, such as lateral frame orientation for proximal radial fractures and cranial orientation for small bones, ha ve also been advocated (Egger, 1990).

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212 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management


External fixation of radial diaphyseal fractures

Wound Closure Routine. Post-operative Care Non-adhesive, semi-occlusive dressings should be placed around the fixator pins. The area between the skin and connecting bar is padded out with cotton wool and a Robert Jones bandage is applied over the limb and fixator, including the foot. The bandage is left in position for2 to 3 days to contro l swelling. When the bandage is removed the clamps and pin ends should be protected with Vetrap. Controlled exercise is required while th e fixator is in place. Th e frame should be c hec ked wee kl y and the limb rad iograp he d at 6 weeks. The fixator may be removed or destaged at this time, depending on fracture healing (see Chapter 5).

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Radius and Ulna



Salter-Harris fractures of the distal metaphyseal growth plates

Positioning Dorsal recumbency with the affected limb free and the contralateral limb pulied ca udaliy and secured. Assistallt Not essential. Tray Extras Pin/wire cutters; chuck and key (or air/electric drili and bits); wire bender; Gelpi self-retaining retractors; K-wires. App/'oach A cranial approach to the distal radius is made (Figure 16.22). Common digital extensor m.

Abductor policis longu s m.

Extensor carpi rad iali s m.

Figure 16.22:

Crallial exposure of the distal radius.

R eduction and Fixation The antebrachium is grasped whilst the carpus is fl exed and is used as a handle. Traction is exerted and the fracture ends are toggled together and manipulated until alignment is achieved.

WARNING Care should be taken to minimize trauma to the growth plate during reduction.



Figure 16.23: Two configuratiolls/or K-\Vire repair ola Type J Salter- Harris/racture o/the distal radius: (a) crossed; (b) parallel.

The fracture is stabi lized with a smali K-wire driven from the medial styloid process, across the fracture, to anchor in the lateral cortex of the radial metaphysis. Often tlus is sufficient to provide fracture stability. However, when the ulna is involved, a second K-wire directed across the fractu re from the lateral styloid process may further improve stability (Figure 16.23a). An alternative method is to place the K-wires paraliel and perpendicular to the fracture surface (Figure 16.23b) .

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214 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management


Salter-Harris fractures of the distal metaphyseal growth plates

Wound Closure Routine. Post-operative Care The limb should be supported in a Robert Jones bandage for I to 2 weeks and exercise is restricted for 3 to 4 weeks. Healing is usually rapid and K-wires are removed from 4 weeks post-operatively.

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Radius and Ulna



Styloid fractures

Positiolling Dorsal recumbency with the affected limb free and the contralateral limb pulled caudally and secured. Assistant Not essential.

Tray Extras Pin/wire cutters; chuck and key (or air/electric drill and drill bits); wire bender; Gelpi self-retaining retractors; K-wires~

cerclage wire for tension band; ± plating equipment.

Approach A lateral or medial approach is made depending on the fracture site. Reduction and Fixation These fractures are usua lly reduced easil y by applying a varus or valgus ang ulation towards the



fracture site.

Pin and tension-band wire techniques are lI sed to stabi li ze these fractures. One or two K-wires are used, depending on the size of the avulsed fragment. The Kwires are hand- or power-driven across th e fracture

site into the far cortex . For ulnar avulsions a single Kwire is either inserted into the ulna or directed

obliquely into the distal rad ius (Figure 16.24). Forthe radi us, pins are dri ven obliquely to engage the lateral

cortex. The tension-band wire is placed around the pin end(s) and through a hole 1 or 2 cm proximal to the fract ure site. The wire is tightened and the pins are cut, bent over, and buried in the collateral ligament.

~ (rj \ ~ ~ ~





Figure 16.24: Two options/or pill positioning ill tlte repair o/ulnar styloid fractures: (a) imo the ullla; (b) obliquely illto the distal radius.

If the fragments are too small to permit pin insertion, the li gament may be reattached to the bone using a screw and spiked plastic washer. Alternatively, the small fragments are removed and the ligament is sutured to a screw and washer placed in the styloid process. The ligament repair is further buttressed with wire or nonabsorbable suture placed through bone tUlIDels or around screws and washers in the styloid processes and ulnar/radial carpal bones (Miller, 1994).

Woulld Closure Routine.

Post-operative Care The limb should be supported in a Robert Jones bandage for 1 to 2 weeks, or longer, depending on the strength of the repair. Exercise is restricted for 4 to 6 weeks. Pin and wire removal is indicated if they become loose or irritate the soft tissues once the fracture has healed.


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The Pelvis and Sacroiliac Joint Marvin L. Olmstead


INTRODUCTION About 25 % of all fractures in dogs and cats involve the pelvis (Brinker, 1975). The high prevalence of fractures involving thi s bone means veterinary surgeons must be ab le to select satisfactory treatment opti ons for many different types of fracture. The choices range from non-surgical patient management to the recon-

structi on of specific pelvic fractures. The treatment plan adopted will depend on: The convalescent care needed The comfort of the patient The severity of fragment displacement The location of the fracture The degree of pelvic canal compromise present. Pelvic fractures are most commonly associated with moto r vehicle trauma (Betts, 1993; Denn y, 1978). The forces creating a pelvic fracture can come from many different angles and ha ve va ri ed magnitudes; therefo re pelvic fractures can occur with many different configurat ions. It is almost impossible to have a single fracture in the pelvis because of its intercon nected, box-like configuration. An animal hit directly from behind may have shear fractures in both ilial wings or bilateral sacroiliac luxations, or a combinati on of an ilial fracture and a sacroiliac lu xa ti on. A fo rce from the s ide may drive the head of the fem ur into the acetabulum, creating fractures in the acetabulum, ilium and pelvic floor with medi al dis placement of the fra gments. Since the possible combinations of

fracture configurations are many it is critical to assess the pelvis fully , through physical and radiographic examination . However, total pati ent eva luation is

paramount . WARNING Almost half of all dogs with pelvic trauma caused by a motor vehicle will have thoracic injuries.

Dogs and cats with pelvic fractures generall y present with a history of an acute onset ofiameness, usually nonweight-bearing, in one or both hindlimbs (Betts, 1993; Brinker ef ai., 1990). In some animals the lameness is mild even though the fractures appear radiographically to be moderate or severe. Following a general physical examination to establish the patient's current health status, a complete orthopaedic examinati on should be performed. Careful digital rectal palpation of the pelvic canal is indicated when a pelvic fracture is suspected. This should be performed as an isolated examination and in conjunction with a passive range of moti on manipulations of the coxofemoral joint. The degree of canal narrowing and the location of fractures and bone frag ments should be carefull y assessed throughout the canal 's circumference.

External palpati on may also provide useful info rmation. Sacroiliac lu xat io ns and iliac fractures may be palpated as unstab le bone segments or may cause disruption of normal anato mica l re lations hips between the spine, pelvis and proximal femur. If an acetabular fracture is present, the relationship between the ischium and greater trochanter is often abnormal. The femoral head may have been driven into the acetabulum, displaci ng the trochanter medially, orif a concomitant ilial shaft fracture exists there may be cranial displacement of the trochanter. WARNING An acetabular fracture can be present without a pain response to manipulation of the hip joint. Definitivediagnosis is established through radiographs of the pelvis. The two standard rad iographic views of the pelvis for evaluating fractures are the ventrodorsal and lateral views. Sometimes, an oblique view of the hemi-pelvis is necessary for better definiti o n of fracture lines and fragment positio n. It may reveal fragment displacement not seen on standard views.

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Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management

MANAGEMENT Surgical or non-surgical?

The decision to treat these injuries non-surgically or surgically is based on: Factors relating to the fracture The effect that malpositioned fragments will ha ve on the patient The length and quality of the expected convalescent period The patient's comfort. Fractures that are relatively non-displaced, stable and not painful, and that do not affect a vital structure or body function , may be treated with cage rest and proper nursing care. Compared with the surgically treated patient, a non-surgically treated patient might have more exte nsive nursing care needs, require addi-

tional physical therapy and have a prolonged recovery period. The objectives of surgical treatment of pelvic fractures are:

To re-establish normal load transmission pathways between the limb and the spine To restore the pelvic canal To re-establish the acetabulum's articular surface To shorten the patient's convalescent time.

after 2 or 3 weeks of cage rest. If the ilial wing is markedly displaced the locomoti ve capability of the hindlimb and the load transmission between the pelvis and spine can be directly affected (Figure 17.1). The patient's convalescent period will be greatly reduced if an unstable or painful sacroi liac luxation/fracture is surgica lly stabilized. Either a lag screw or a trans-ilial pin can be used to stabilize a sacroiliac luxation (Operative Technique 17.1).

ILIAL SHAFT FRACTURES Ilial fractures are more frequently treated surgically than are sacroiliac luxation/fractures. The ilium is

often displaced mediall y, compromising the pelvic canal and endangering the sciatic nerve and other structures in the canal (Figure 17.2). The ilium is important in transmitting loads between the hindlimb and the spine during weight bearing. Repair of ilial fractures decreases pain and thus reduces convalescent

time (Operative Technique 17.2). Patients will recover locomotor function more quickly if fractures of the ilium or acetabulum are stabilized. Only in patients with minimal or non-displaced ilial or acetabular fractures and already walking should non-surgical treatment be considered.

SACROILIAC LUXATIONS Sacroiliac luxations are treated surgically if they are very unstable, markedly displaced or painful (Tarvin and Lenehan, 1990). A minimally displaced sacroiliac luxation will stabilize adequately with fibrous tissue

Figure 17.2: Ventro -dorsal pelvic radiograph showing bilateral ilialfractures in a dog. The pelvic canal and limb load trallsmissiollfrom the pelvis to the spine have both been compromised. The dog could IlOt bear weight on either limb. 111 the post-operative radiograph, the fractures have been reduced via lateral approaches and stabilized using bone plates. Although 011 this view the left-hand plate appears to be compromising the acetabulum, the lateral view showed th is was not the case.

Figure 17.1: A pre-operative ventrodorsal pelvic radiograph showing bilateral sacroiliac luxation and a right acetabular fractu re. There is marked displacement of the iliac wings. The dog was unable to bear weight 011 either limb. The postoperative radiograph shows reduction of the sacroiliac luxatiolls alld stabilization using lag screws and a trans-ilial pin. The acetabular fracture was stabilized with a dorsally positioned bone plate.

ACETABULUM The acetabulum contains one of the articular surfaces of the coxofemoral joint. The principles of joint fracture repair dictate that the joint surface must be anatomically reconstructed to minimize the risk of the joint developing osteoarthritis (Figure 17.1). The weight-bearing

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The Pelvis and Sacroi liac Joint

surface of the acetabulum (its cranial two-thirds) must be reconstructed if its integrity is to be maintained (Operati ve Technique 17.3). Repair of fractures in the caudal one-thi rd of the acetabulum is controversial. Although unrepaired fractures in this area will result in coxofemoral osteoarthritis (Boudrieau and Kleine, 1988), it has not been defini ti vely proved that repairing frac-


that generall y hold any bone fragments in re lati ve position. Fragments are seldom displaced in a ma nner that compromises vital structures. If there is marked ischia l fragment rotation or displacement due to muscle pull or wide separation of pubic fragments with an unstable pelvic floor, surgical stabilization with wire, pins and/or lag screws may be needed.

tures in this area will improve the patient 's recovery.

Osteoarthritis may be present but limb function may be unaffected. Due to their small size, fractures of the caudal one-third of the acetabulum can be difficult to stabilize adequately. Wi th a caudal fracture the sciatic nerve is at greater risk of injury during surgery than when the fracnlCe is located more cranially.


ACETABULAR FRACTURE When a fracture of both the ilium and the acetabulum are present, it is pre ferable to repair the ilial shaft first. Repair of the ilium is often done with a stronger fixation system than is used on the acetab ulum because usually more screws and a longer, stronger plate can be applied to the ilium. The reconstruction of the ilium does not have to be as anatomically exact as reconstruction of the acetabulum . When the acetabulum is repaired last, it will be fixed to a solidly stabilized ilial segment. Also, its fi xation will not be subjected to addi tion loads that would be generated during manipulation ofthe ilial fragments if the ilium were fixed last.

ISCHIUM AND PUBIS The pubis and ischi um do not directly transmit loads during weight bearing and are surrounded by muscles


REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING BcttsCW ( 1993) Pelvic fra ctures. in: TexlbookojSmall Animal Surgery. 211d cdll , ed. D Slatter, p. 1769. WB Saunders, Philadel phia. Boudricau RJ and Kleine U (1 988) Nonsurgically managed caudal acctabularfracturcs in dogs: 15 cases( J979- 1984). Joumal a/the American Veterinary Medical Associalioll 193,70 1. BrinkcrWO ( 1975) Fract urcsofth c pelvis. In: Ca nine Surge ry,2 I1dedll , cd. J Archibald, p. 987. American V eterinary Publications, Santa

Barhara . Brinker WO and Braden TO ( 1984) Pelvic fractu res. In: Mallllal of Internal Fixatioll ill 5111011 Allilllals, ed. WO Brinker, RB Hahn and WD Prieur, p. 152. Springer Verlag, Berlin. Bri nker WO, Piemlallei DL and Flo GL ( 1990) Fractures of the pelvis. In: Halldbook of Small Allimal Orthopedics alld Fracture Treatmel/t, 211d edll, p.76. WB Saunders, Philadelphia. Decamp CE and Braden TO ( 1985a) The anatomy of the canine sacrum for lag screw fi xation of the sacroi liac joint. VeterillarySurgery 14, 13 1. Decamp CE and Braden TO ( 1985b) Sacroiliac fracture-sepurations in the dog. A study of 92 cases. Veterinary Surgery 14, 127. Denny HR (1978) Pelvic fractures in the dog: a review of 123 cases. Jou rnal of Small Allimal Practice 19, 151 . Olmstead ML (1 990) Surgica l rcpairofacetabular fractu res. ln: C/l rrem Techlliques in Small Allimal Surgery, 3rd edll , ed. MJ Bojrab, p. 656. Lea and Fcbigcr, Philadelphia. Piennatlci DL (1993) The hind limb. In: All Atlas of Surgical Approaches of the BOlles of the Dog alld Cat, 3rd edn, p.264 . WB Saunders, Philadelphia. Slocum Band Hohn RB ( 1975) A surgical approach to the caudal aspect of the acetabulum and body of the ischium in the dog. Journal ofthe American Veteril1ary Medical AssociQ[ion65, 167. Tarvin GB and Lenehan TM (1990) Management of sacroiliac dislocalions and ilial fra ctures. In: Current Techniques ill Small Allilllal Surgery,3rd edll, ed. MJ Bojrab, p. 649. Lea and Febigcr, Philadelphia.

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220 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management


Sacroiliac luxations

Positioning On the sternum with hind limbs straddling sandbags or a positioning pad (Figure 17.3). Positioning the animal in this manner makes manipulation and visualization of the bone fragments easier in most cases. Figure 17.3: Patiellf positioning/or surgical repair a/sacroiliac luxation/fracture. The hindquarters Gre elevated by the pads. A dorsaL midline approach is used to expose the sacroiliac area.

Assistant Essential for maintaining exposure of the sacrum with a Hohmann retractor while the surgeon drills the thread hole for the lag screw (see below). The rest of the surgery can be done with either self-retaining retractors or assistant-held retractors. Tray Extras For lag-screw technique: appropriate screw set and necessary drill bits ± tap; drill; periosteal elevator; Hohmann retractor. For trans-ilial pin technique: appropriate size pin; chuck; large pin cutters. For both techniques: Kern bone-holding forceps; hand-held or self-retaining retractors (e.g. Gelpi). Surgical Approach A dorsal midline approach is used to expose sacroiliac luxation/fractures. The dorsal back muscles are reflected laterally off the spinous processes of L6, L7 and the sacrum. The lateral surface of the sacrum is exposed and the dorsal aspect of the displaced ilium is identified. Alternatively, the lateral sacrum can be approached via an incision over the iliac spine, with subsequent dissection down between the epaxial muscles and the medial aspect of the ilium (piermattei, 1993). The midline approach is the author's preference for both of the repair tecJmiques described below, but either approach is equally satisfactory. The midline approach facilitates trans-i1ial pinning. Reduction and Fixation

Lag screw The thread hole is drilled in the body of the sacrum before the i1ial segment is reduced. The lateral surface of the sacrum is exposed and the ilial wing is displaced ventrally by placing the tip of a Hohmann retractor under the ventral point of the sacrum. The thread hole in the sacrum should be placed in the centre of the exposed sacral surface, thus placing the screw in the ma ximum available bone. A slight ventral angulation of the thread hole's position ensures the screw 's position in bone and out of the neural canal (Figure 17.4) (DeCamp and Braden, 1985a,b).

Drill and drill guide

Hohmann retractor

Figure 17.4: POSitioning the screw hole duril1g repair of sacroiliac luxatiolls. Th e thread hole is started in the cenrre of the sacrum and angLed sLightly ventrally to miss the neural callal. The lateral surface of the sacrum is exposed by levering the ilium ventrally.

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The Pelvis and Sacroiliac l oint



Sacroiliac luxations

The caudal portion of the middle glutea l muscle is reflected off its origin along the caudal dorsa l ili ac spine and the lateral s urface of the ilium is exposed. The sacral articulation on the medi al iliac surface is identified visuall y and/or with palpation. A glide hole is drilled from lateral to medial, exiting the centre of the ilium's sacral arti culatio n. The ilium is reduced by grasping the cauda l dorsal iliac spine with a bone reducti on forceps with fixati on teeth, such as a Kern bone clamp, and manipulat ing the ilium into near anatomical position. A space is left between the ilium and the sacrum so placement of the screw in the thread hole can be visual ized. The appropriate sized screw is inserted through the glide hole. The screw is manipulated into position until its tip is in the thread hole. Tightening the screw will red uce the luxation (Figure 17.5) . If the sacrum is large enough, a second lag screw orsmall pin is inserted into the sacrum to prevent rotation of the fragments .


............ .,


\.. ~fttt11J:!tt;;;::_.-J"1 ...........

Figure J 7.5: Screw position/or fixQrion of sacroiliac luxarions. Drill a glide hole through tlte ilium. Digital palpation of the articular surface on the medial ilial wall guides the position oj the glide hole. Th e screw is pushed partially through the glide hole be/ore the luxation is reduced, so tllat its engagement with the thread hole in file sacrum can be visualized. Fully tightening the screw reduces the luxation.

WARNING Positioning the thread hole outside the sacrum 's centre Dlay place the screw in a thin part of the bone Ot· in the neural canal. T r ans-i1ial pin To reduce the ilium, pointed reduction forceps are positioned with one point in the caudal sacrum and one point in the lateral ilial surface and the clamp is ti ghtened. The fu lly tightened clamp will hold the ilium and sacrum in reduction willie the trans-ilial pin is applied. Because this reduction technique closes the space between the ilium and sacrum it call1ot be used with the lag screw technique described above. Once the lu xation/fracture is reduced, the trans-i lial pin can be inserted. The pin selected for fixation should be easil y bent and no larger than 3 mm in diameter. The selected pin is dri ven by hand lateral to medially through the ilium on the side of the injury. The pin should pass dorsal to the 7th lumbar vertebra at the level of the base of the dorsa l spinous process. It can pass either through the dorsal spinous process or just caudal to it. Once the pin is pastthedorsal spinous process, the hand chuck dri ving the pin is elevated, which lowers the pin's point. The pin is driven medial to lateral through the opposite ilium and the nUddle gluteal muscle until just enough of its point is exposed to be grasped. The pin should not penetrate the skin . The pin is bent dorsa ll y as it is advanced. When the pin is advanced far enough, it is bent 900 and is cut off, leaving a bend at the end. The pin is pulled back until the bend is buried in the gluteal muscle over the ilium opposite the injured side. The pin on the injured side is bent dorsally 900 and cut off. The pin now has hooks on both ends that prevent migration (Figure 17.6). If desired, a second trans-ilial pin can be inserted in the same maImer. Figure 17.6: Tralls-iliaL pill stabilization 0/ sacroiliac [uxations. Th e tralls- iliai pill passes through the wing ofeach iliulII and dorsal to the 7th lumbar vertebra. The ends o/the pill are hem TO prevellf migration.

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222 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management


Sacroiliac luxations

Post-operative Care The animal should be placed on limited activity for 4 to 8 weeks. No activity more strenuous than a walk is allowed during this period. Towel or sling support of the hindquarters is provided as necessary. Supply soft bedding to prevent pressure sores developing. Urine and faecal soiling of the patient are cleaned as required.

PRACTICAL TIP If the sacroiliac luxation/fractUl'e is accom panied by an ilial fracture on the opposite side, the ilial fracture should be stabilized first as this alone may result in reduction and adequate stability of the sacroiliac joint, because of the box configuration of tbe pelvis,

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The Pelvis and Sacroiliac Joint



lIial shaft fractures

Positioning Lateral recumbency . Assistant Helpful for maintaining ex posure and reduction of the ilium while the surgeon implants the bone plate. Tray Extras Appropriate bone plate and screw set including drill bits ± taps; drill; bone-holding forceps; self-retainingand hand-held retractors; periosteal elevator. Surgical Approach A lateral approach is used. The ventral margin of the middle and deep gluteal muscles is isolated and the muscles are elevated off the face of the ilium to the extent needed in the fracture repair (Figure 17.7).

Superficial gluteal m.

Cranial gluteal artery, vein and nerve

Figure 17.7: Exposure a/ the lateral surface a/the ilium .

Deep gluteal


~~i~~~~il-C~ Iliacus m.


Biceps femoris m.

Sartorius m.

Tensor fascia latae m.

Reduction WARNING I1ial fragment reduction ean be the most dimeult part of the surgery. Often the free segment of the pelvis is displaced cranially and/or mediall y. The fragment should be lateralized first and, if necessary, moved caudally. If the fracture segments are collapsed mediall y, either a Lahey retractor or a pair of Kern bone forceps is helpful in repositioning the fragments laterally. A Lahey retractor, blunt, strong, and bent 90° at its end, is passed along the medial wall ofthe free segment. The retractor's tip is maintained on the bone's surface as it is passed along the medial wall to avoid compromising the sciatic nerve. Pulling laterally with the retractor's handle moves the fracture segments laterally (Figure 17.8) .

Sciatic nerve

Figure 17.8: Reduction of ilial shaft fractu res. Medialiy displaced pelvic fracture fragments can be moved laterally by placing the blunt blade oj a Lahey refractor along thefragment's medial walL alld pulling laterally.

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Lahey retractor


224 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management


I1ial shaft fractures

If the fragment is large enough, Kern bone-holding forceps can be clamped along the ventral edge of the free ilial shaft, allowing the fragment to be manipulated (Figure 17.9) . If an ilial segment is cranially displaced then a self-centring reduction clamp can be placed with one holding surface of the clamp on the secure cranial frag ment and the other holding surface on the free caudal fragment. Closing this clamp will move the free fragment caudall y (Figure 17.10). Some reduction techniques discussed for reducing acetabular fractures are also helpful in reducing ilial shaft fractures when no acetabular fracture exists. I1ial shaft alignment can be slightl y off and still give a satisfactory final result. Reduction of the ilial fracture can almost always be maintained temporarily by positioning self-centring or Kern bone clamps dorsal to ventral across the fracture segments.

Figure 17.9: Reductiol1 ofilial shaft fractures. The Kem bone clamp '5 configuration provides tlVO points of fixation in the caudal free ilia/fragment. This allows the

fragment to be manipulated into proper alignment.

PRACTICAL TIP After the ilial fracture has been reduced, the most effective way of stabilizing the fracture is bone plating,

Figure 17.10: Reduction ofilial shaft/ractures. A self-

centring clamp call be llsed to reduce free ilial segmellfs. One blade a/the clamp is placed 011 the ilium '5 dorsal rim while the other blade is placed all the ventral rilll a/the freefragmem. Closing the clamp will brillg the/ree

segment to the fixed segmem. Reduction is maintained with the self-centring clamp while a bone plate is applied.

Fixation Several types of plates developed by the AO{ASIF group can be used, depending on the size of the animal and the degree of comminution of the fracture. For ilial fractures, mini-fragment T or L plates or standard Dynamic Compression Plates, which accept 3.5, 2.7 or 2.0 mm screws, are available. The size offragments will govern the size of implant used. For ilial shaft fractures the plates must be contoured to the concave shape of the lateral surface of the ilium. If possible at least three screws should be placed in each fracture segment. If the screws are placed in the caudal fragment first, the plate will aid in reduction of the fracture when the screws are tightened in the cranial segment (Figure 17.11) (Brinker and Braden, 1984). If the fra cture is reduced and minimal collapse is present, the screws nearest the fracture line are placed first, one each in the caudal and cranial fragments. The remaining screws are inserted alternately on either side of the fracture from nearest to furthest from the fracture line. Figure 17.11: Platefixatioll ojiiialfractures. Screws placed ill the bone plate in the order il/dicaled willlllove thejree caudal ilial segment laterally.

Post-operative Care As for Operating Teclmique 17.!. The activity levels of these patients must be strictly limited to reduce the chance that the fragments will change position during the convalescent period.

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Acetabular fractures

Positioning Lateral recumbency.

Assistant In most cases, an assistant is required to maintain exposure and reduction of the acetabular fracture while th e surgeon implants th e bone plate.

Tray Extras Appropriate bone plate and screw set, including drill bits ± taps; drill; bone-holding forceps; self- retaining and hand-held retractors; periosteal elevator.

Sllrgical Approaches Acetabular fractures are approached either by a trochanteric osteotomy or by a ca udal approach (S loc um and Hohn, 1975; Olmstead, 1990; Piermattei, 1993) . T he author o nl y uses the trochanteric osteoto my when wider ex posure o f the cranial pelvis is needed for fracture repair, as when the i1ial shaft and the acetabu lum are both fractured on the same s ide.

WARNING The sciatic nerve must be protected. Trochanteric osteotomy The superfi cial gluteal muscle is isolated, incised at its insertion and refl ected dorsally. The osteotomy of the greater trochanter is perfonned starting at the level o f the third trochanter and extending dorsally to the junction of the greater trochanter and the femora l neck. The middle and deep g luteal muscles, still attac hed to th e greater trochanter, are refl ected dorsally (Figure 17.12). T he caudal portion of the deep g luteal and the gemellus muscles are elevated with a periosteal elevator from their origin over the dorsal rim of the acetabulum, exposing the fracture site.

':~~~;:;;::~::::r gluteal superfiCial m.


~-f~__----1r-t- Deep

& middle gluteal m.

Osteotomy of greater

--'lM-'I~tt~-J-+- lIium

trochanter f+----/-,f-I+\-ff~~~~\1;:;;\\i_1-Sciatic nerve

Vastus Rectus femoris m.

lateralis m.

Biceps femoris m.


Figure 17.12: The trochallleric osteotomy exposes/raclllres 0/ the acetabulum. The sciatic lieI've should be isolated be/ore the osteotomy is performed. Following repair a/ the acetabulum, the trochanter is reattached with two pillS and a tension-band wire (Figure J i. J 7) .

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226 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management


Acetabular fractures

Caudal approach Superficial Usually, the caudal approach is prefergluteal m. able. It provides exposure ofthe acetabuInternal Deep obturator & lum eq ual to the trochanteric osteotomy, & middle gemelli m. does not require creation of a fracture site gluteal m. in the femur and is more quickl y closed. ~~\f-~-+-+" Fracture The caudal approach also starts with Tensor fascia tenotomy of the superficial gluteal musSciatic n. lalam. cle at its insertion point on the third trochanter. The muscle is tagged with suture and retracted dorsally. The internal obtuBiceps rator and gemelli muscles are incised at their insertion in the trochanteric fossa, ~f?::.....if-J_ femoris m. Vastus tagged, and retracted caudodorsally, prolateralis m. viding exposure of the caudal acetabulum and protection for the sciatic nerve. The caudal portion of the deep gluteal and gemellus muscles are elevated until the entire dorsal rim of the acetabulum is exposed. The caudal aspect of the ilium Figure 17.13: Caudal approach to rile can be exposed by inserting the tip of a acetabulum. The externaL rotators oj Hohmann retractor just cranial to the ven- the hip are incised at their trochanteric tral border of the ilium under the middle fossa insertion. These muscles are and the deep gluteal muscles. The retrac- retracted caudally to protect the sciatic tor displaces the middle and deep gluteal nerve. Extension and internal rotation a/the/emur enhances the exposure. A muscles distally. Maintaining the hip in Hohmann retractor placed under the an extended and internally rotated posi- middle alld deep gluteal muscles alld tion provides maximal exposure to the hooked 011 the ventraL edge of the iLium retracts these muscles ventrally. acetabular rim (Figure 17.13).


Reductioll Because the acetabulum is a joint surface, it must be completely reduced anatomically if a successful outcome is to be achieved. In addition to the techniques discussed below, some of the techniques used for reducing ilial fractures (Operative Technique 17.2) can also be used for reducing acetabular fractures. The caudal bone segment of an acetabular fracture is often displaced cranially. The fragment can be brought into a more caudal position by two different methods. These methods are also used to provide traction on an ilial fragment that is being difficult to move when the acetabulum is not fractured. In the first method, an intramedullary pin is driven with a pin chuck ventral to dorsal through the ischium just cranial to the ischial rim. During this procedure, the hip joint should be fl exed. The pin should penetrate the s kin on either side of the ischium. If a second pin chuck is attached to the portion of the pin exposed dorsally, the two pin chucks can be used as handles to pull the fracture segment caudally (Figure 17.14). Rotation of the segment can also be provided with this method, although s ince there is only a single point offixation in the fragment the amount of rotation achieved is limited.



Hip flexed

Figure 17.14: An intramedullary pin drivell through the ischium is used to apply caudal traction to a free pelvic segment. Flexing the hip while driving the pill moves the hamstring muscles out of the way.

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Acetabular fractures

The second method for providing caudal traction uses a large Kern bone-holding clamp. An incision wide enough to allow insertion of the end of the Kern bone-holding clamp is made parallel with the ischial rim. Because the fixation teeth of the Kern clamp prov ide four points of fixati on, this instrument can be used for both caudal retraction and Kern rotation of the segment (Figure 17.15). Large Kern Forceps clamps are used in most moderate and all large dogs because small Kern clamps do not have a long enough lever arm to manipulate the fracnlfe segment easily. Figure 17.15: A Kern bOlle-holding clamp is applied Acetabular fracture reduction is maintained with to [he ischium through all incision over the tuber pointed reduction bone forceps, or by manuall y holdischia allowing the free segmem to be rotaled and retracted caudally. ing the fragments in place until the permanent stabilization procedure is completed. Reduction of an acetabular surface can be checked by placing ventral traction on the greater trochanter. This will pull the femoral head out of the acetabulum enough for the articular rim of the acetabulum to be observed through an incision in the joint capsule or an existing tear.

Fixation Although non-plating surgical techniques have been described for repair of acetabular fractures, none ofthem has proved to be as effective as bone plates or has provided the clinical results that bone plates have. Two different sizes of C-shaped acetabular plates from the AO/ASIF group (S ynthes Ltd) are effecti ve in the treatment of simple acetabular fractures. Miniature fragment plates and standard Dynamic Compression Plates® (Synthes, Ltd) have been used to stabilize acetabular fractures. Some surgeons prefer to use the reconstruction plate for acetabular fractures because it can be bent in several different planes. PRACTICAL TIP The bone fragments will shift in position as the screws are tightened if the plate is not perfectly contoured to the dorsal surface of the acetabulum. The C-shaped acetabular plates are easy to contour to the acetabulum's dorsal bone surface because of their shape. Mini plates are easy to bend because they are thin. However, this makes them relatively wea k and limits the size of animal in which they can be used. The dorsal surface is used fo r plate placement because adequate bone is present there and this is the tension surface of the bone (Figure 17.16). In all acetabular fractures at least two screws should be located on either side of the fracture line, and they should be angled so that they do not penetrate the articular cartilage surface (Figure 17.16). It is sometimes helpful to bend the plate before surgery, using a model of an intact pelvis that is approximately the same size as the pelvis that needs repair. The pre-bent plate can be sterili zed and minor contouring adjustments made during surgery. TI,is tecllnique reduces surgical time.

Figure 17.16: BOlle plates are p laced over the dorsal rim, wh ich is the most accessible area oj the acetabulum, has the largest visible bone surface alld is the acetabulum's lension surface. The cl*t-away view shows the bone screw directed properly through the plate so thar the a rticular surface is nor violated.

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228 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management


Acetabular fractures

One of the most difficult fractures to stabilize is one that has a component of the medial wall of the acetabulum fractured out. If a large section of this wall is involved, the femoral head will displace medially into the pelvic canal. If the fracture segment containing the medial wall extends far enough cranially, lag screw and/or intramedullary pin fixation of the ilial segment should be done to stabilize the fragment. If the fragment cannot be stabilized, a slight over-bending of the plate closing the diameter of the articular surface makes it more difficult for the femoral head to displace medially. If the femoral head cannot be prevented from displacing medially, a salvage procedure, the excision arthroplasty, should be considered. Excision arthroplasty may also be performed for severe fractures where reconstruction is not possible. This procedure is done only as a last resort as it sacrifices joint function but is intended to save limb function. If an acetabular malunion from an untreated acetabular fracture has resulted in osteoarthritis in a dog over 14 kg, a total hip replacement may be considered.



Tension band wire



Figure 17.17: Fixation of a trochanteric osteotomy using two pins and a tension-band wire.

Closure If osteotomy was performed, the greater trochanter is reattached to the proximal femur with the tension-band technique (Figure 17.17). After caudal approach, the internal obturator and gemelli muscles are sutured to fascial tissue near their original insertion point. The remaining tissues are routinely closed. Post-operative Care As for Operative Technique 17.1.

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The Femur A. Colin Stead


may be a consequence. However, several reported seri es of fracture repairs in this area have indicated no cases of avascular necrosis (Daly, 1978; De Camp et aI., 1989; Jeffery. 1989) but thinning and remode lling of the femoral neck is common. The proximal femoral growth plate or physis closes between 6 and 12 months in the dog (Sumner-Smith, 1966) and between 7 and 10 months in the cat (S mith. 1969). Early closure of this growth plate may cause a varus deformity of the hip, while closure of the greater trochanteric growth plate may lead to a valgus deformity of the hip and s ubluxation. Daly (1978) reported cases of early closure with no apparent clinical problems.

Femoral fractures are common in small animal practice. mostly the result of road accident trauma and less commonly as pathological fractures in juveniles with nutritional osteodystrophies and mature animals with bone tumours.

PROXIMAL FEMUR An appreciation of the blood supply of the femoral head and neck is vital to treatment of fractures in this area (Figure 18. 1). Fractures within the joint capsule will disrupt the blood supply and avascular necrosis

Fractures ofthe femoral head and neck These fractures can be classified into five types (Figure 18.2): epiphyseal, physeal, subcapital, intertrochanteric and trochanteric. Epiphyseal The treatmentforthis is surgical (Vernon and Olmstead, 1983) and should be done promptly to minimize damage to the hip joint and the risk of avascular necrosis (Operative Technique 18.1). Physeal, suhcapital and intertrochanteric Prompt surgical treatment is necessary and various techniques have been used: Lag screws (2.0 mm) inserted retrograde from the articular surface (Kuzma et aI., 1989; Tillson et al.. 1994). In a small series reported by Miller and Anderson (1993) some dogs

Figure 18.1: Arterial blood supply to thejemoral head and neck of a dog. A, femoral artery: B, lateral circumflex femoral: C, mediaL circumflex/ellloral; D, caudal gluteaL.

Attachment of joint

Growth plate

capsule Cranial view

Cranial view

Attachment of joint

Attachment of joint


caps ule

Cranial view

Cranial view

Cranial view

Figure 18.2: Fractures ofthejemoral head and neck. From the Left, epiphyseal, physeal, subcapital, intertrochanteric and trochanteric.


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230 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management

Intramedullary pinning (Operative Technique 18.4) Bone plating (Operative Technique 18.5) External fixatio n (Operative Technique 18.6)

Simp le transverse or short oblique fractures in cats and small to med ium sized dogs Selected comminuted shaft fractures in cats

. Fractures of the femoral diaphys is from the subtrochanteric area distally .

which are either comminuted, long oblique, oblique spiral or segmental. Transverse or short oblique fractures in medium to larger dogs

As with the humerus, the femoral shaft is not idea lly suited for using 3n external fixator because of its muscle coverage. However, in situations where anatomical reconstruction is decided against and in open fractures, external fixation ma y be used as part of a minimall y in vasive strategy (see Chapter 10)

Table 18.1 ,' Decision making ill the surg ical management offemoral diaphyseal fra ctures.

remained lame and required an excision arthroplasty Three K-wires inserted from th e subtrochanteric area, described by Jeffery (1989) Lag screws with or without an anti-rotation K -wire from a similar approach (Nunamaker, 1973; Hulse et aI., 1974). Lambrechts et al. (1993) showed ex perimentally that the latter two techniques were th e strongest of th e subtrochanteri c tec hniques. In skeletally mature dogs, th e preferred technique is a subtrochanteric lag screw. In cats and skeleta ll y immature dogs, K-wires are used [Operative Technique 18.2].

Trochanteric Trochanteric fractures are uncommo n and they usually occur in association with separation of the proximal femoral epiph ysis or dislocation of the hip. The technique of choice is two K -wires and a wire tens ion-band (Operative Technique 18.3).

FEMORAL DIAPHYSIS Fractures of the femoral diaph ysis are common and normall y require interna l fi xatio n, th e exceptions being undis placed and impacted shaft fractures and pathologica l fractures associated wi th nutritional bone dystrophies in immature animals, which will heal with rest alo ne. The method of fixation depends on the age and s ize of the animal and th e nature of th e fracture (Table 18. 1).

DISTAL FEMUR Three fracture types occur in this area (Figure 18.3): Fractures involving the distal growth plate Fractures of the distal femoral metaphysis or epiphys is Intercondylar fractures.

Fractures involving the distal femoral growth plate These fractures are common; they are normall y SalterHarris type II in the dog and type I in the cat. Surgical treatment is necessary. Various treatments have been used, but the recommended technique employs either two Rush pins (Lawson, 1959) or crossed K-wires (Milton et at., 1980) (Operative Technique 18.7). Raiha et at. (1993) described the use of biodegradable pol ylactic acid rods used as cross pins, but the technique is not widely used at present. There is a chance that if the implants are removed within 4 weeks an open growth plate may continue to grow, especially if Rush pins are used (Stone et aI., (981). In some instances where early growth plate closure has occurred, compensatory length ening of other bones in the affected limb has been reported (Alcantara and Stead, 1975).

Comminuted diaphyseal fractures in cats In many instan ces, the use of buttress and neutralization plates is indicated; however, Denny (1993) advocates the use of an intramedullary pin plus cerclage wire to tie in the fragments for most comminuted fractures (see Figure 18. 12). An external fixator may also be used.

Salter Harris



Type I fracture



of distal femur


Figure 18.3: Fractures of the distalfemur.

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The Femur 231

Fractures of the distal femoral metaphysis in skeletally mature animals

A fracture of this type may also be treated with Rush pins or crossed K-wires, as above. An alternative is to use a lag screw into the medial condyle (Denny, 1993) (Operative Technique 18.7).

WARNING A lag screw should not be used in an immature animal.

Intercondylar fractures These are rare. Single or bicondylar fractures occur, and are articular fractures requiring anatomical reduction. If the fracture involves one condyle, or a part of one, fixation is by a single lag screw and anti-rotation K-wire (Carmichael et al., 1989) (Operative Technique 18.8). With bicondylar fractures, the articular fracture is fixed first using a lag screw and then the condyles are re-attached to the femur using two Rush pins or crossed K-wires (Operative Technique 18.7).

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING Alcantara Pand Stead AC (1975) Fractures of the distal femurin the dog and cat. Journal of SlIIal/ Animal Practice 16, 649- 659. Bassell FH , Wilson J, Allen 8 and Azuma H (\969) Nonna! vascular anatomy of the head of the femur in puppies with emphasis on the inferio r retinac ular vessels. JOllmal of Bone alld i oillf Surgery

5lA, 1139-1153. Cannichacl S, Wheeler SJ and Vaughan LC (1989) Single condylar fractures of the distal femu r in the dog. l oufllal of Small Animal Practice 30,500-504. Chaffee VW (1977) Multiple stacked intramedullary pin fixation of humeral and femoral fractures. lournal of the American Animal Hospital Association 13, 599-601. Dal y WR (1978) Femoral head and neck fractures in the dog and cat. A review of 115 cases. Veterinary Surgery 7, 29-38. De Camp CE, Probst CW and Thomas MW ( 1989) Inte rnal fixati on of femoral capital physeal injuries in dogs, 40 cases 1979-1987. lournal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 194,

1750-1754. Denny HR ( 1971) Simultaneous e piphysea l separation and fracture of the neck and great trochanter in the dog. Journal of Small Allimal Practice 12, 613-621. Denny HR ( 1993) Orthopaedic Surgery ill the Dog alld Cat, 3 rd edn.


Blackwell Scientific . Hulse DH, Wilson JW and Butler HC (1974) Use of the lag screw principle for stabilization of femoral neck and fe moral capital epiphyseal fractures. lournal of the American AI/imal Hospital Association 10, 29-36. Hulse DH, Abde lbaki YZ and Wilson, J (1981) Revascularisation of fe moral capital physeal fractures following surgical fixation.Journal of Veterinary Orthopaedics 2, 50-57. Jeffery ND (1989) Inte rnal fixation of femoral head and neck fractures in the cat . Journal of Small Animal Practice 30, 674-677. Kaderly RE, Anderson BG and Anderson WD (1983) Intracapsularand intraosseous vascular supply to the mature dog's coxofemo ral joint. Americall Journal of Veterillary Research 44, 1805 - 181 2. Kuzma A, Sumner-Smith G, Mille r C and McLaughlin R (1989) A technique for re pair of fe moral capital epiphyseal fra ctures in the dog. Journal of Small Animal Practice 30 444 -448. LambrechtsN E, Verstraete FJM , Sumne r-Smith G etal. (1993) Inte rnal fixation of femoral neck fractures in the dog - an in vitro st udy. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics alld Traumatology 6,

188- 193. Lawson DD ( 1959) The technique of Rush pinning in fracture repair. Modern Veterinary Practice 40, 32-36. Lee R (1976) Proximal femoral epiphyseal separation in the dog. Journal of Small Allimal Practice 11, 669-679. Marti JM and Miller A (1994) Delimitation of safe corridors for the insertion of external fixator pins in the dog. I: Hindlimb. J Ol/rnal ofSmal! Animal Practice 35, 16-23. Mille r A and Anderson TJ ( 1993) Complications of articular lag screw fixat ion offemoral capital epiphyseal separations. Journal ofSmall Animal Practice 34, 9- 12. Milton JL, Home RD and Goldstein GM (1980) Cross pinning. A simple technique for treatment of certain metaphyseal and physea l fractures of long bo nes. Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association 16, 891-906. Nunamaker DM (l973) Repair of femoral head and neck fractures by illterfragmenta ry compression. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 162,569. Olsson SE, Poulos PW Jr and Ljungre n G ( 1985) Coxa plana vara and femora l capital fractures in the dog. Journal of fhe Americall Animal Hospital Association 21 , 563-57 1. Pie rmallei DL ( 1993)AnAtlas ofSurgical Approaches tolhe BOlles and loints of the Dog and Cat, 3rd edn. WB Saunders, Philade lphia. Raiha IE, Axelson P, Skutnabb K et al. (1993) Fixation of cancellous bone and physeal fractures with biodegradable rods of self reinforced polylactic acid. J Ollrnal ofSmal! Animal Practice 34, 13 1- 138. Smith RN (1969) Fusion of ossification centres in the cat. JOllrnal of Small Allimal Practice 10, 523-530. Stone EA , Betts CW and Rowland GN ( 1981) Effect of Rush pins on the distal fe moral growth plate of young dogs. American lournal of Veterinary Research 42, 261 -265. Sumner-Smith G ( 1966) Observations on epiphyseal fu sion of the canine appendicularskeleton.JollrnalofSmallAnimal Practice 7, 303-3 11 . Tillson DM, McLaughlin RM and Roush JK (1994) Eva luation of e xperime ntal proximal femoral physea l fractures repaired with two cortical screws placed from the articular surface. Veterilla ry and Comparative Orthopaedics alld Traumatology 7, 140- 147. Vernon FF and Olmstead ML (1983) Femoral head fractures resulting ill epiphyseal fragm entation. Resultsofrepairin 5 dogs. Veterinary Su rgery 12, 123- 126.

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Epiphyseal fractures of the femoral head

Positioning Lateral recumbency with affected leg uppermost. Assistant Often desirable to ha ve two assistants - one to manipulate limb and one to retract. Tray Extras 1.5 or 2.0 mm bone screw set; drill bits; Langenbec k retractors; large and small Hohmann retractors; Gelpi self-retaining retractors; small pointed reduction forceps; chuck; K-wires; pin/wire cutters; hammer and flatended pin. Surgical Approach Either a craniolateral approach or a dorsal approach via a trochanteric osteotomy can be used. The craniolateral is regarded as the least traumatic and should be used for all fracture fix ations except where retrograde K-wires are used in the cat. However, Hulse el al. (1981) claimed that trochanteric osteotomy did not disrupt the blood supply to the femoral head and neck. Craniolateral Approach Centre the skin incision over the greater trochanter and continue one-third of the way down the femoral shaft (Figure 18.4). The fascia lata is incised along the cranial edgeofthe biceps femoris muscle. Incise the insertion of the fascia lata over the femur and proximally along its junction with the s uperficial gluteal muscle. Retract the fascia lata cranially and bluntly dissect along the cranial aspect of the femoral neck to clear the joint capsule. The joint capsule is incised longitudinally to minimjze vascular damage, continuing into part of the origin of the vastus muscle below the greater trochanter. Reflect part of the origin of the vastus distally to expose the third trochanter. Tenotomize the crania l one-third of the deep glutea l tendon and incise along the cranial third of the muscle to reflect it and improve the exposure of the femoral neck and head (piermattei, Lateral 1993). Outward rotation of the stifle williaterali ze circumflex femoral the intact portion of the femoral head or neck. vessels Preserve the teres ligament if possible. If it is Articularis essential to cut the Ligament, it may be done with coxae m. fine curved scissors or a Ilip disarticulator. PRACTICAL TIP Applying pointed reduction forceps to the g.'eater trochanter is helpful in manipulation,

Greater trochanter Vastus lateralis m.

Figure 18.4: Exposllre olrlie flip regiol1 via a cral1iolareral approach.

Trochanteric osteotomy approach (See Chapter 17.) After refl ecting the trochanter and the gluteal muscles dorsally, the remains of the deep gluteal muscle are cleared from the joint capsule. Incise the capsule longitudinally to ex pose the femoral neck and head.

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The Femur 233


Epiphyseal fractures of the femoral head

Reductioll alld Fixatioll An assistant should rotate the stifle and femoral shaft outwards to laterali ze the femoral head so that the damage can be inspected. One or two Hohmann retractors are placed under the femoral neck to hold it up (Figure 18.5a). If the fragment is large enough, fixation should be done using 1.5 or 2.0 mm lag screws inserted if possible from the dorsal femoral head/neck junction. The fragment needs to be manipulated into position with a small Hohmann and grasped with forceps (on the round ligament if it is attached to the fragment) and held in place with small reduction forceps (Figure IS.5b). It may be necessary to sever the teres ligament in some cases to achieve this. The gliding hole for the lag screw is drilled from lateral to medial, angled as necessary from the femoral head/neck junction. The thread hole is drilled using a centring insert sleeve through the gliding hole. The hole is tapped and a countersink is used so that the head of the screw will be placed below the cartilage surface. Careful drill and screw measurement is necessary to avoid penetration of the articular surface. An anti-rotation K-wire should be inserted, either parallel to the screw or at an angle, also with its head countersunk (Figure 18.5c). This can be done with a hammer and a pin with a flat end. If the fragment of bone is a narrow slice, it will be necessary to insert the lag screw retrograde from the medial surface, if possible via the fovea capitis, ensuring that its head is countersunk. Small fragments may need to be removed, but assess the impact of removal on hip joint func tion. If it will be severely compromised, salvage surgery may be indicated (excision arthroplasty or total hip replacement). WARNING It is most important to minimize joint capsule damage to preserve blood supply. It is also essential that the sciatic nerve is identified and protected from damage. Do not apply pressure to it with a retractor!

Middle gluteal

Deep glutemar.U




Insertion of vastus lateralis m. Vastus lateralis m. (retracted)

(a) Countersunk

Thread hole

glide hole

for lag screw

view (b) Lag screw

Kirschner wire


Cranial view

Figure 18.5: Exposureandfixatiollojaproximaljemoral epiphyseai fracture (capital/racture ill adults) .. (a) The femur is externally rotated alld Hohmanll retractors are used to elevate the distal segment to allow inspection of the fracture site. (b) Pointed reduction forceps are used to maintaill reductiol/. (c) Lag screw and K- wire!lXarion .

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234 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management


Epiphyseal fractures of the femoral head

Closure The joint caps ule should be repaired with interrupted sutures of absorbable material. The greater trochanter is re-attached using two K-wires and a wire tension-banel. The gluteal tendon is sutured with mattress sutures ofPOS and the vastus origin is similarly sutured to the deep gluteal. The superfi cial gluteal tendon is repaired with hori zontal mattress sutures ofPOS. The fascia lata is repaired with a continuous suture. The remai nder of the closure is routine. Post-operative Care Six weeks of house confinement and a phased return to acti vity.




0.;.; _

_ __

_ _ _ __

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The Femur 235


Physeal, subcapital and intertrochanteric fractures


Lateral recumbency with affected leg uppermost. Assistant Often desirable to have two assistants - one to manipulate limb and one to retract.

Tray Extras Appropriate bone screw set; drill bits ; Gelpi , Langenbeck and small Hohmann retractors; small pointed reduction forceps; chuck; K-w ires; pin/wire cutters.

Surgical Approach Craniolateral approach as described in Operati ve Technique 18. 1. Reduction and fixation Skeletally mature dogs Assess the state of the femoral head and neck. In more chronic cases, damage due to abnormal rubbin g of bone and cartilage may dictate an excision arthroplasty or hip replacement. Rotate the femoral neck out laterally and support it with Hohmann retractors (Figures 18.5 and 18.6). Drill the gliding hole for the lag screw retrograde from the neck to the subtrochanteric area (Figure Hohmann 18.6). (An alternative method is to drill the hole fro m lateral Drill bit retractor to medial, usi ng a C-shaped dri ll guide with the point of the guide centred on the lateralized femoral neck and the drill positioned over the third trochanter.) Reduce the fracture using small reduction forceps from fovea to greater trochanter after rotating the fragment into place with the aid of a small Hollmann retractor. A pair of small reduction forceps applied to the greater trochanter is also a useful aid in reduction as it allows easier mobilization of the bone. It isa lso possible to hold the fracture reduced by pressure against the acetabulum. Drill the thread hole for the lag screw using a Femur rotated to centring insert sleeve through the gliding hole (Chapter 9). lateralise femoral neck Before this hole is drilled, measure the depth of the fragment Figure 18.6: Retrograde drilling a/the glide hole from the X-ray, add this to the depth of the gliding hole and ill the Lag screw fixat ion 0/fe morall1eckfracltires. set an adjustable stop on the drill bit to the required length. A Hohmann retractor thin piece of plastic tube which can be slid into place on the drill bit will suffice. This avoids penetration of the articular cartilage. An alternative is to set the drill bit in the dri ll to the Kirschner wire measured total length of the gliding and thread holes. When measuring for screw size, do not add 2 nun to the screw length as is done with cortical bone. If a partially threaded cancellous bone screw is used, a gliding hole is unnecessary but careful measurement is needed to ensure that the screw threads are all within the fragment. Tap the hole. When the lag screw has been inserted, an anti-rotation K-wire of s imilar

length, or slightly less, is inserted parallel to the screw, using a chuck or power dri ver (Figure 18.7). Bend over the K-wire, with the chuck attached well away from tile bone, and cut it short so that the bend prevents medial migration of the wire. An alternative technique is the use of three K-wires (helow).

Figure 18. 7: Femoral lJeckfracture repaired with a lag screw alld a mi-rOTational K-wire. Pointed reductionforceps can be Ilsed to maintain redu ction oj ajemoral Ileck!racwre jollowing the drilling ojthe screw glide hoLe (see text jar detaiLs) .

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236 Manual of Small Anhnal Fracture Repair and Management


Physeal, su bcapital and intertrochanteric fractures

Cats and skeletally immature dogs Two or three K-wires are used. The pins are placed retrograde from the fracture surface. Following reduction of the fracture, they are inserted the measured distance into the epiphysis before being cut (Figure IS.S). It is also possible to insert the K-wires normograde after reducing the fracture but this involves more guesswork in optimally positioning the pins.

Figure 18.8: Femorai neckj'racture repaired with three K-wires.

Allemative Technique Use a trochanteric osteotomy approach. After reducing the fracture, hold it reduced by pressure aga inst the acetabulum. Then insert two orthree K-wires from the margins of the epiphysis into the femora l neck in a cruciate pattern and punch them below the articular surface using a hammer and small flatended pin (Figure IS.9).

Figure 18.9: Repairo/aproximal/e moralphysealfracture in a dog using collntersunk K-wires insertedfrom the articular margin (a trochanteric osteotomy was repaired with a Jag screw). This is an alternative technique for the repair 0/ physea/ and neek/ractures (see text/or details).

Closure See Operati ve Technique IS. 1. Post-operative Care See Operative Technique IS. 1.

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The Femur 237


Fracture of the greater trochanter ,

Positioning Lateral recumbency with affected leg uppermost. Assistant Optional.

Tray Extras Gelpi self-retaining retractors; chuck; K-wires; pin/w ire cutters; wire for tension-band; drill and bit; pointed reduction forceps; pliers/wire twisters. Surgical Approach Incision is made over the greater trochanter directly on to the fracture. RelilictiOIl and Fixation The fracture is reduced by grasping the trochanter with small reduction forceps and pulling it, complete with its gluteal muscle insertions, back into position. Two K-wires are then inserted diagonally from lateral to medial through the trochanter and across the proximal femur, angled about 50 0 distall y (see Figure 17.1 7). The tension-band wire should not be applied in a skeletall y immature animal as it wi ll close the growth plate.

Alternative tech1lique It is also possible to use a lag screw for this fixation in mature animals. The screw is inserted at an angle of 50 0 towards the medial cortex (Figure 18.9).

Post-operative Care See Operati ve Teclmique 18.1.

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Intramedullary pinning

Pre-operative Planning The pin length is measured from the dista l end of the medull ary canal to the top of the greater trochanter. In a fat animal, an extra allowance for the depth of soft tissues above the trochanter has to be made. Pin size may also be assessed us ing a radiograph of the contralateral femur. The author prefers to pre-cut the pin to length and round off one end to make that end as atraum atic as possible; this end will be exposed to soft tissues and is less li kely to cause irritation. The pin should be slightl y narrower than the narrowest part of the medullary canal. Positioning Lateral recum bency with affected leg uppermost. Assistant Optional.

Tray Extras Chuck; bone holding forceps; appropriate s ize intramedulla ry pin; wire for cerclage; pliers/wire twisters; pin/ wire cutters; large pin cutters; drill and bits; Gelpi self-retaining retractors; +/- appropriate external fixator kit if type I fixator to be used as adjunct.

Surgical Approach Make a s kin incision over the cranial border of th e bone from th e subtroc hanteric area to the femoral condyles. Retract the skin and make a small incis ion in the fascia lata in the same line w here it is thi ckest, to find the muscle divis ion between the biceps femoris caudally and the vastus latera lis cranially. The incision should lead into the gap between the two muscles. If th e gap is not found , the incis ion is usually too ca udal. Once found, extend the fascial incision with scissors and retract the biceps ca udally to expose the shaft of the bone (Figure 18.10). The vastus has loose attachments to th e femoral shaft which must be cut to allow its cranial retraction. The adductor muscle has firm attachments to the caudal border of the bone which include part of the femoral blood suppl y: these attachments sho uld be disturbed as little as poss ible. This exposure allows access from the subtrochanteri c area to the condyles. Should access to th e greater troch anter be necessary, the insertion of the s uperfi cial gluteal muscle may need to be tenotomized and the origin of the vastus muscle on the third trochanter has to be incised and reflected subperiosteall y and distall y to ex pose the trochanter.

Biceps femoris

m. Vastus lateralis

Adductor magn us

m.1"lr--cfIL---L Tensor fasciae lata m.


~~~~l-1-tr-rT Tearing ~ of muscle

Femoral shah

Gelpi retractors

Figure 18.10: Lateral exposure of a femoral diaphyseaL fracture.

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The Femur 239


Intl'amedullary pinning

Reduction alld Fixation Examine the fracture ends to ensure that there are no fi ss ure lines running longitudinall y. If there are. it is essential to place cerclage wires around them before proceeding further to avoid the ris k of spl itting the bone durin g fracture reduction. PRACTICAL TIP It is easier to insert the pin retrograde from the fracture site up the proximal segment.

WARNING This must be done with the hip in extension to avoid damage· to the sciatic nerve.

PRACTICAL TIP When using the larger pins, it is easier to drill a pilot hole with a narrower and sharper pin first. The pin is dri lled up the medullary canal until the point is fe lt to penetrate the trochanteri c fossa, withdrawn and reversed to pass the blunt end up until il tents up the skin over the trochanteric fossa . Make a small incis ion over the head of the pin and re·attach the chuck to it. Withdraw the pin proximall y to leave I cm protruding from the prox imal fragment at the fracture site. Angle the fragments laterally (bone holding fo rceps may be required on the distal fragment) and hook the distal fragment on to the point of the pin (Figure l S. lla). Flatten down the fracture and dri ve the pin down the requisite distance (Figure I S. llb). When the chuck is removed, the pin should be at or just above the level of the trochanter and lying under the skin without tenting it up.

Jacobs chuck & pin

Pin nearly impacts

medullary ]

PRACTICAL TIP Alignment of the edge of the adductor muscle on the caudal border ofthe femoral shaft is a useful check for correct alignment.

PRACTICAL TIP If the canal is too wide for the largest pin (curTently 6.25 mm), use two or three smaller pins to 'stack' the canal (C hapter 9). However, a better alternative is plate and screws (Operative Technique 18.5).

Fiss ure line

canal at narrowest point

Figure 18.11: (aJ Reducingfracluredfemur usillg illltameduflary pill. Note cerc:lage wire pre-placed around afissllre line. (b) Fractured/emur reduced lVilll illt,:ameduJlary p ill.

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Intramedullary pinning

P,-eventing rotational insta bility in tra nsverse a nd s hort oblique fr actu res If there is rotati onal instability, a two- pin extern al fi xa tor should be applied with the prox ima l pin in the subtroc hanteri c area and the distal in the lateral condyle, joined by a single connectin g bar (Chapter 9) (Figure 18.12). An alternati ve in short oblique fractures is to use hem i-cerclage wire which has been pre-placed by drill ing a hole through both corti ces of one fragment and then tightened around the other after pin placement.

Figure 18.12: COllllllilllltedfracruredfemur ill a cat repaired with WI illtramedullary pill, three cerclage wires alld all antirotatioll, tlVO pill external fixator

Clos"re The wo und is closed by a contin uous suture of absorbable suture in the fasc ia lata; thereafter closure is ro utine. If a wider approach has been made proximally, the ori gin of the vastus is sutured to the gluteal tendon inserti ons on the greatertrochanter and the superfi cial gluteal is re-attached to its tendon with mattress sutures of PD S or VicryL Post-operative Care Dogs: lead exercise only for 6 weeks. Phased return to acti vity_ Cats (a nd sma ll dogs): room confinement; cage confinement in some cases.

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The Femur 241


Bone plating

Pre-operative Planning Plates may be positioned from the distal femoral condyles to the top of the greater trochanter. Plates are appli ed to the lateral surface of the femur, which is the tension side. As a plate is positioned more proximally and distally, it has to be contoured more to allow for the bone curvature. Positioning Lateral recumbency with affected leg uppermost.

Assistant Useful. Essential for some fractures (see below). Tray Extras Appropriate size bone screw set; drill and bits; Gelpi self-retaining retractors; +J- orthopaedic wire; +Jdistract or; bone holding forceps; small pointed reduction forceps; Hohmann retractors; curette for bone graft. Sltl'gicai Approach As for Operative Technique 18.4. Redltction and Fixation Oblique and spiral fractures are difficult to reduce. Assistants are essential to aid in traction on the limb and the use of several pairs of bone holding forceps is usually necessary to apply the traction and rotation manoeuvres needed to reduce the fractures. Use a distractor. Avoid glove puncture on sharp spikes of bone. Where comminution involves the subtrochanteric area, it will be necessary to contour the plate to the top of the greater trochanter with probably two short screws angled distaUy through the plate and into the trochanter. (The useof a dynamic compression plate is recommended as its oval holes allow easier positioning of oblique screws.) In addition, a longer screw passulg through the plate and along the femoral neck from the third trochanter area is needed (Figure 18.13). Where an intertrochanteric fracture is also present, the screw along the femoral neck has to be a lag screw. This can be supplemented by an anti-rotation K-wire, which is inserted first to hold the fracture after its reduction and before the lag screw is inserted. It is also possible to use hook plates in this situation, but this requires some special instruments and they are not widely used in small animals.

Figure 18.13: Subtrochanteric comminuted fracture of jemur repaired using fa*g screws alld llellTralizafioll plate.

Closltl'e As for Operative Teclutique 18.4. Post-operative Care As for Operative Technique 18.4 .

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External fixation

Positioning Lateral recumbency with affected leg uppermost. Assistant Optional.

Tray Extras Appropriate size external fixator set; bone holding forceps; Gelpi self-retaining retractor; chuck/drill ; large pin cutters. Surgical Approach When a fixator is used as the sole means of fracture stabilization (Figure 18.14), the pins can be inserted through stab incisions following closed reduction of the fracture. Alternatively a limited lateral approach is used (Operative Technique 18.4). Refer to the concept of a minimally invasive strategy for fracture repair discussed in Chapter 10.

Figure /8.14: Severely cOlI/mintlfed femoral diaphyseal fracture in a cat. The fracture was stabilized /Ising a lIlIilateral Illliplallar external skeletal jixClror alld healed uneventfully.

Post-operative Care See Chapter 9.

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The Femur 243


Fractures involving the distal femoral growth plate

p,.e-operative Pla1lliing Rush pins may be purchased ready made, but most are too thick. It is easy to make you r own from K-wires with the help of a vice and a triangular file (Figure 18.15). For cats, 1.0- 1.5 mm diameter pins are used; and for dogs, 1.5- 2.0 mm. The length, measured from a pre-operative radiograph, is a distance that will extend from the base of the condyle to approximately one-third to one-half the length of the diaphysis. Cut to make hook




Kirschner wi re bent over


Hook end




~ Sredgerunner tip created with file


Figure 18.15: Bend the K-wire iI/to a loop at its measured length alld clamp the loop ill a vice so that rlie pill can be cut through the loop with the file 10 creale a short hook which is rounded off 0" the opposite side oj the pin to the hook, create rhe sledge rulliler lip in a gradual tapering slope. If is ul/necessary to have a poim. Round off fh e edges with fhe file.


Lateral recumbency with affected leg uppermost.

Assistant Optional. Tray Extras Langenbeck or Gelpi retractors; small Hohmann retractor; small pointed reduction forceps; implants; Rush pins/K-wires; chuck; pliers; pin/wire cutters.


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244 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management


Fractures involving the distal femoral growth plate

Surgical Approach Make a lateral parapate llar incision from the tibial tuberosity to a point 3-4 cm proximal to the patella. Continue the incision through the subcutaneous fascia and then through the dense fascia lata, ensuring that the incision is lateral to both the patella ligament and patella. Make a small stab incision in the joint capsule lateral to the patella ligament, insert the blade of a straight pair of scissors and cut proximally, parallel with the patella, to incise intermuscularly between the biceps femoris caudally and the vastus lateralis cranially. Continue proximally until the patella can be displaced medially (with the joint extended) and the joint can be ex plored (Figure 18.16).


Quadriceps femoris m.

Line of joint


Patellar ligament

Biceps femoris m.

Femoral condyle


Tendon of long digital

Fascia lata

extensor m.

Incision in lateral retinacular fascia

Infrapate llar fat pad retracted

Figu re 18.16: Exposure of (l distal/emaral/racture.

Reductioll alld Fixatioll After clearin g out any blood clot from the stifle and from the fracture surfaces, the fractuo'e is reduced with the stifle in fl exion. A pair of small reduction forceps app lied transversely across the condyle may help to manipulate it. It is sometimes necessary to use a small Hohmann retractor as a lever between the condyle and the metaphysis to ease reduction. This has to be done carefully as the bone in immature animals is soft and easily damaged. Once the fracture has been reduced for the first time, it wi ll reduce more easily thereafter. WARNING Reduction should be either anatomical or stepped with the condyles slightly crania l to t he metaphysis, but not underreduced. At this stage, the fracture may be held in reduction by inserting a K-wire obliquely from the lateral condyle into the prox imal fragment. Alternatively, small reduction forceps are placed between the intercondylar fossa of the distal fragment and a sma ll hole drilled on the cranial aspect of the distal diaphysis (Figure 18. (7).

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The Femur 245


Fractures involving the distal femoral growth plate

(a) Drill hole to allow gripping

(b) Cranial view

Insertion points for Rush pins

Figure J8. J 7: (a) Position of reductiolljorceps to hold distal epiphyseal separation oj/emllr reduced with il1sertion poill1sjor Rush pills or K-lVires. (b) Redllced epiphyseal separGlioll ill a cat sholVing position of Rush pins before {hey are pushed home.

Using a K-wire, drill a hole from the distal aspect of the lateral condyle just be low the origin of the long digital extensor tendon obliquely to the mid point of the distal fragment and continue through the metaphysis into the medullary canal (Figure 18. 17). Insert the first Rush pin half-way, using a pair of pliers. The Rush pin may need to be curved so that when it enters the medullary canal, it will strike the medial wall of the canal and bounce off, continuing up the canal. Check by palpation that the pin has not penetrated the medial cortex. Repeat the process on the medial condyle to insert the medial Rush pin. Remove the temporary K-wire (if used) and push both Rush pins full y home so that the bends of the distal hooks are just protruding from the bone of the condyles (Figures 18. 18 and 18.19). Reduce the patella and check that joint movement is free before closure. Rush pins curved to preve nt penetration of medullary canal

Figure 18./8: Epiphyseal separmiolljixed with two Rush pillS. Their hooks are above Gild clear of tlie bearing Sll rjace o/the condyles.

Figure 18. 19: Type J Salter- Harris distaL epiphyseal separation ill a cat. Preoperative a lld two post-operative radiographs showingjixarioll with two Rush pillS.

If using crossed K-wires or arthrodesis wires for fixation, the procedure is similar, but following reduction and temporary fi xation, a suitable diameter K-wire is driven obliquely from the lateral condyle to pass through the metaphysis and just penetrate the medial wall of the distal diaphysis. The distal end of the K - wire is bent over and cut short to leave a short hook. A similar wire is inserted from the medial condyle (Figure 18.20) .

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Fractures involving the distal femoral growth plate

Crossed Kirschner wires with ends bent over

Figure 18.20: Distal epiphyseal separatioll oJJemur fixed with two crossed K-wires. Their distal ellds are bellt over alld pushed flat agail1st the bOl1e.

An altemative technique for managing corresponding fractures in skeletally mature animals is to use a lag screw (Figure 18.2 1).

Lag screw

Screw tip should not penetrate cortex


Cranial view

Figure 18.21: Fractured distalJemoral epiphysis in mature dog. Fixation by oblique lag screw (jracfllre healed).

Closure The joint capsule and fa scia lata are closed with interrupted cruciate sutures of Vicryl or PDS and the superficial layers of fascia and the subcutaneous layers with continuous absorbable suture. Post-operative Care Consider removal of the Rush pins/wires at 3 weeks if a radiograph shows the growth plate to be open, but restrict activity for a further 3 weeks.

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The Femur 247


Articular fractures of the distal femur (condylar fractures)

Positioning Dorsa l recumbency with leg extended caudall y. Assistant Can be useful during fracture reduction .

Tray Extras Langenbeck or Gelpi retractors; small Hollmann retractor; pointed reduction forceps; K-wires/Rush pins; chuck; pliers; pin/wire cutters; appropriate size bone screw set; drill and bits. Su rgical Approach See Operative Technique \ 8.7. Increased ex posure may be gained by osteotomy of the tibial tuberosity and proximal reflection of the quadriceps muscle mass (Piermattei, \993). R eduction Gnd Fixation

Cranial view

Single condylar fractures Reduce the condyles one to another and clamp them with small reduction forceps. Dri ll a gliding hole in the smaller fragment, then drill the thread hole in the larger, using an insert drill sleeve. Measure and tap the hole and insert a lag screw so that the tip of the screw is not protruding from the bone surface (Figure \8 .22). Alternatively, an " inside-out' method may be used, as wi th the humerus (Chapter \5).

Figure 18.22: Reduction a/a single condylar fracture ojthe distalfemur held with reduction forceps alldfixed with a transcondylar lag screw.

Bicondylar fractures Reduce and fix the condyles as described above. The condyles are then reattached to the proximal fragment using Rush pins or crossed K-wires, as described in Operative Technique \ 8.7 (Figure \ 8.23) .

Figure 18.23: Commil1uted inrercondylar fracTUre of distaL femur fixed wilh two lag screws and tlVO crossed K-wires. A tibial tuberosity osteotomy llsed ill the surgica l approach lias been fIXed with a K-lVire alld wire tension band.

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Articular fractures of the distal femur (condylar fractures)

Closure The joint capsule and fascia lata are closed with interrupted cruciate sutures ofYicry l or PDS. The rest ofl he closure is routine.

Post-op erative Care Restricted acti vity for 6 to 8 weeks.

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CHAPTER NINETEEN - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tibia and Fibula Steven 1. Butterworth

Fractures of the tibia and fibula are commonl y seen in small animal practice. In one study, they represented 14.8 % of 284 canine fractures and 5.4% of 298 feline fractures (Phillips, 1979). Such injuries are usually a result of road traffic accidents but other causes include dog fights and trapping a foot whilst moving at speed.

FRACTURES OF THE PROXIMAL TIBIA AND FIBULA In the vast majority of cases these involve physes of skeletally immature patients (Chapter II).

Avulsion of the tibial tu bercle This injury is almost exclusively seen in animals less than about 10 months of age and the Greyhound is over-represented (Figure 19. 1a,b). The tibial tubercle

forms as a separate centre of ossification and serves as the point of insertion for the straight patellar ligament. Avulsion of the tubercle renders the dog unable to fix the stifle during weightbearing. Swelling will be present on the cranial aspect of the joint, the tubercle may be palpated proximal to its normal position and the patella will be positioned proximally in the trochlear groove. Radiography provides a definitive diagnosis. If radiography shows only a partial avulsion (Figure 19.1c), then the patient may be treated conservati vely. Casting or splinting is unlikely to be effective and management should comprise strict cage rest and monitoring in case the avulsion should become complete. Alternatively, surgery may be considered. In all cases where complete avulsion has occurred, open reduction and internal fixation using the tensionband principle are required to re-establish the integrity ofthe quadriceps complex (Operative Technique 19.1).

Separation of the proximal tibial physis This is an uncommon injury seen only in immature patients (Figure 19.2). It is associated with caudal rotation of the tibial plateau and craniomedial displacement of the proximal tibial metaphysis. Such rotational deformity is severely disabling since the stifle cannot be full y extended. Marked lameness will be seen, associated with pain and swelling about the stifle. Figure 19.2: Medio/ateral radiograph of the stifle of a 6-lI/ol1tl1old Shetland Sheepdog showing a Salter- Harris type 2fractlire of the proximal tibial physis with caudal rotation of the epiphysis.

Figure 19.1: Avulsion a/the tibial tubercle. (a) Mediofateral radiographs a/the normal stifle of a 6-month-old Greyhound. (b) Contralateral joint a/the same animal showing complete avulsion a/the tubercle. (c) Partial avulsion a/the right tibialillbercle ill a 4-momll-old Tibetan Terrier. Left included/or comparison.

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250 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management If there is only minimal displacement then th e patient may be treated conservatively. Casting or splinting may be beneficial but management should also include strict cage rest. In all cases where caudal displacement of the plateau has occurred, early open reduction and internal fixation are required to re-establish joint congrui ty. The plateau may be sec ured in place using crossed K-wires or a single intramed ullary pin in larger patients (Operative Technique 19.2).lfthe tubercl e remains attached to the plateau, this may be used to seat the implants so that they remain away from the articul ar margins. Tec hniqu e

Fracture of the proximal fibula These fractures occur rarely in isolation. If they do result from a lateral blow then there may be pain or swelling on th e lateral aspect of th e stifle and pain on joint manipulation. The majority of these rare events are not associated with separation of the fibular head from the tibia and can be treated conservatively. If there is lateral instability of the stifle due to weakening of the insertion of the lateral collateral ligament, the fibular head could be re-attached to the tibia using either a lagged bone screw or a pin and tension-band wire.

Indicat ions

Con lraindications

Bone P lat ing (Operat ive Technique 19.3)

As compression platcs in medium to large breed, skelela\ly mature dogs with transverse or short oblique frac tures where axial compression can be achieved As neutralization plates in mcdium to large breed dogs with oblique or reconstmctable, comminuted fractures where interfragmcntary compression cnn be crcated using lagged bone screws As bunress plates in any size of patient with a nonreconst mctable, eOlluninuted fra clUre Proximal or distal fractures where specially designed plates (e.g. T-plmes) nlay help to overcome problems of limited bone stock.

When an altemative method of fixation would provide adequate slabilit y whilst causing lcss iatrogenic soft tissue damage ,lnd a reduction in the cost of mnnagement, or would avoid leaving implants ill sill/.

Intramedulla ry pinning (Operati ve Technique 19.4)

Transverse fracture (axially stable) and interdi gitation of the two fra gments creates rotational stability Skeletally immature, so that early callus fomiation will create rotationll l stnbility to counteract the instability resulting from resorption of the fracture ends Where augmcntation with cerclage wires or lin ESF mlly counteract rotational instability.

When the tibial confonnation is such that placement of a straight 1M pin would not rcgain a sembl<mce of non11al anatomy, e.g. in sollleof thechondrodystrophoid breeds, where this might cause delayed healing and/orc1inica lly significant ma lunion When the fract ure is open When the age lllld/or size of the patient, toget her with the configuration of the fracture, makes it likely that auxi lIary fixat ion may fnil or need repeated ndj ustlllcnts before healing is adequatc and use of a bone plate lmd screws might be considered more appropriate in reducing postoperati ve management and compli cations.

Externa l ske letal fix at ion (Operative Technique 19.5)

Minimally displaced or stabl e fractures, particularly in skeletally immature patients, when an extemal cast might be insufficient or diffi cult to maintain To protect implants used to create compression at the fracture su rfaces, e.g. cerclage wires or lagged bone screws, especially in chondrodystrophoid breeds where the medullary cunlll is not straight, making the use of an IM pin inH ppropriate, and the contour of the bone's surface would ma kc contouring of a plate diff1cult. Ancillary stability for the primary method of fi xation (e.g. 1M pin) Open fractures Severely comminuted, non-reconstructable fnlc tures*. An ESF can be used as part of a minimll lly invasive strategy (sec Chapter 10) Ve ry proximal oc di stal , com minu ted , non reconstruetable diaphyseal fractures where the option of bridging theadjacentjoinl with the fram ecun be utilized when there is insufli cient bone stock adjacent tothejoint to allow adequate stabi lization to be achieved using other methods.

Interlock in g na ils

Not in widespread veterinary use An alternative to ESF or pl ating for buttressing conllninuted mid-d iaphyseal fra ctures (see Chapter 9)

External coaptation

Fracture lincs are hairline or minimally di splaced Skeletally immature animal Inherent fracture stability

When frn cture is simple but rotationally unstable, comminuted or open When patient is middle aged or old.

Tab le 19.1: Decision making ill fh e management of diaphyseal fractures of the tibia alld fibula . • In nan -u consrTf/ctablt-. comminur..d or opt'njrocrures lire oiremllli'l!s of applying all eXlemal skeleraljUalOr ar a bont! plare exiSI tmd Ille cllQice belween Iht!se opTio"s may com/! do"." la surgeon·s pr~ferenct!. n,e 1IIl111or ".ould I..nd 10 famllr Iht! liSt afhQlle plales. ".illl minimalfragmelllrlr}' illlcrferenCl' in IIII' st,-erel)' C(mimillillcd fracllrrt!s and eXlernal skelemlfixolrJTS in cases ...illl opl'n/raClt/rts.

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Tibia and Fibula

FRACTURES OF THE TIBIAL AND FIBULAR DIAPHYSES These injuries usually occur in combination and it is the tibial fracture that is the more important. The fibula bears little weight and shaft fractures of this bone alone may be treated conservativel y. In cases where both are fractured. reduction and stabilization of the tibia will amply realign and protect the fibula during fracture healing. Where the fibula remains intact in the face of a tibial fracture, the support offered by the intact bone will greatly support the tibial repair. The sparsity of soft tissue cover in the mid and distal diaphysis results in an increase in the likelihood of such fractures being open and may also lead to a reduced rate of fracture healing. However, surgical exposure of fractures is relatively straightforward. Owing to the nanlfal twist in the tibia, fractures tend to spiral along the shaft and hairline fissures that extend beyond the radiographically visible fracture lines are not uncommon. The anatomy of the crus makes it feasible to employ a number of methods to stabilize tibial shaft fractures, namely casts, intramedullary pins, external skeletal fixators and bone plates and screws (Table 19.1).


Figure 19.3: Dorsoplantar radiograph sllOwing a displaced SalterHarris type 1 fracture a/tlie distal tibial physis olldfibula in a 5-mollth-ofd Dobermol1ll


main clinical finding relates to tarsocrural instability due to loss of collateral support (Figure 19.4a). Radiography may show gross displacement (Figure 19.4b,c) but, in some cases, stressed views may be necessary to demonstrate the instability. In younger patients, the periosteum may not be disrupted with minimal displacement of the fragments. Such cases can be managed satisfactorily by application of a cast for 4 to 6 weeks. Cases with gross

In skeletally inunature patients the 'weak points' in this region are the distal physes whereas in the older patient it is more likely that trauma will result in avulsion of the medial and/or lateral malleolus, which are the points of origin for the tarsocrural collateral ligaments. The importance of these fractures revolves around their influence on tarsocrural joint alignment and stability.

Distal physeal separation The injury is seen in skeletally immature patients (Figure 19.3) and most often results from a medially directed blow to the lateral aspect of the distal crus which causes medial displacement of the distal tibial metaphysis and valgus deformity ofthe pes. Abrasions may be present or the distal tibial metaphysis might have actually broken through the skin. If closed reduction is possible, and the fracture then feels relatively stable, external coaptation may be employed with casting of the limb as far proximal as the stifle. If reduction cannot be achieved or the site is considered unstable then open reduction and internal fixation is mandatory (Operative Technique 19.6).


I "2~::::=", Lateral collateral ligaments


Medial collateral ligaments

Fractures of the lateral or medial malleolus Such injuries are usually seen in skeletally mature patients and result from road traffic accidents where shearing injuries may be caused by the distal limb being trapped under the wheel of a braking car. Apart from swelling and possible displacement of the pes, the

Figure 19.4: Malleolar fractures. (0) Fracture a/the medial malleolus resulting in loss of coiiateralligament support. (b) Medio/ateral and (c) dorsopiantar radiographs showing caudal luxation of lhe larsocrural joint associated with fracture of the lateral malleolus in a dog.

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inadvisable in the early stages. Management may take the form of a transarticular external skeletal fixator (possibly incorporating a 'Rudy boot' for fixation distally) to support the joint whilst soft tissue healing takes place (Figure 19.5b). Although a second procedure to create a collateral prosthesis once the wound has granulated may be planned, it is often found that satisfactory joint stability is present by the time the ESF is removed, especially if the injury involved the -lateral collateral support.

Figure 19.5:

(a) Dorsoplantar

radiog raph of a hock showing complete loss of the lateral malleolus, as a result of a shearillg injury, ill a 4-year-old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. (b) Managemellt of the injury by application of a Rudy boot jixa/or (see Chapter 9) to tile medial aspect of the distal limb. Th is collfe rs stability a ll the ) oi1l1 and a llows good access to rite wound whilSTsoft risslle healing takes place.


displacement can also be treated in this way if closed reduction can be achieved. Lateral malleolar fractures respond betterto such management than medial malleolar fractures. Most cases with displaced malleolar fractures require open reduction and fixation with either a pin and tension-band wire or a lagged bone screw (Operati ve Technique 19.7). In patients with shearing injuries (Figure 19.5a) the resulting loss of tissue may preclude anatomical reconstruction and the degree of contamination may make the use of a collateral prosthesis

Aron ON, Johnson AL and Palmer RH (1 995) Bio logic strategies and a ba lanced concept for repair of highly comminuted long bone fractures. Compelldium a/Colllilllling Educarion/or lite Praclising Veterinariall 17, 35. Brinker we, Piennmtci DL lmd Flo GL (1990) Fractures of the tibia and fibula. In: Handbook o/Small Allimal Orrhopaedics aud Fractllre Trealmelll , 2nd edll . WB Saunders Company, Philadelphia. Butterwonh SJ (1 993) Use of external fixa tors for fnlcture treamcnt in small animals. III Practice 15, 183. Camlichacl S ( 199 1) The exlcmal s kelctal fixalor in small animal orthopaedics. Journal of Small Animal Practice 32, 486. Emon-Wells RD, Matis U, Robins GM and Whil1 ick WG ( 1990) The pelvis and the pclvic li mb. In: Cal/il/e Onhopaedics, 2nd cdn. Lea & Febiger, Philadelphi a. Egger EL and Whitt ick WG ( 1990) Principles of fracture management. In: Calline OnIJopaedics, 2nd cdn. Lea & Febi ger, Philadclphia . Leighton RL (1994) Hindlim b. In: Smal/ Animal Orthopaedics. Wolfe, London. Lipowitz AJ, Caywood DO, Newton CD and Finch ME ( 1993) Tibia. In: Small AI/imal Onhopaedics Illustrated - Surgical Approaches al/d Procedures. Mosby, St Louis. Mani 1M and Miller A ( 1994) Delimitation of safe corridors for the insenion of extemal fi xmor pins in thc dog I: Hindlimb. Journal of Smal/ Allimal Practice 35, 16. Muir P, Parker RB, Golds mid SE and Johnson KA (1993) Interloc king intramcdullary nai l stabilisation of a diaphyseal tibial fracturc. Journal o/Smal/ Animat Practice 34, 26. Phill ips lR ( 1979) A s urvey of bone fractures in the dog and cat. Journal o/Small Allimal Practice 20, 66 1- 674 . Piennal1ei DL (1993)AII Altaso/Surgical Approaches 10 the BOl/esal/d Joillfs of rhe Dog alld Car, 3rd cdn . WB Saundcrs Company, Philadelphia. Raiha JE, Axelson P, Skutnabb K, Rokkanen P and Tonnala P (1 993) Fixation of cancellous bone and physeal fractures with biodegradable rods of self- reinforccd poly lactic acid. Joumat 0/ Small Allimal Practice 34, 13 1. Raiha JE, Axclson P, Rokkancn P and Tonnala P (1993). Intramedullary nailing of diaphyscal fra ctures with sclf-reinforced polylactidc implants. J ournal o/Small Allimal Practice 34, 337. Richardson EF and Thachcr CW ( 1993) Tibial fra ctures in cats. CompendiulII OfCOllfillllillg &Iucarion/or the Practising VelCrinariall 15,383.

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Tibia and Fibula



Avulsion of the tibial tubercle

Positioning Dorsal recumbency with the affected limb extended caudally. Assistant Optional.

Tray Extras Pointed reduction forceps; Hohmann retractor; Gelpi self-retaining retractor; chuck; pliers/wire twisters; K-wires; wire for tension-band; pin/wire cutters. Surgical Approach A craniolateral incision extending framjust below the level of the patella to about two-thirds ofthe way down the tibial crest. Soft tissue dissection allows identification of the tibial tubercle. Removal of organizing haematoma will expose the fracture surfaces. If a tension-band wire is to be applied, then reflection of the cranial tibialis muscle fram the lateral aspect of the tibia is required to expose the site for drilling of the transverse tibial tunnel. Reduction and Fixation Reduction of the fracture is most easily achieved with the stifle extended; however maintaining reduction whilst implants are placed can be difficult since the fragment is often too small to be held with forceps. The traction created by the quadriceps muscle can be counteracted by the application of pointed forceps to the patella, or Allis tissue forceps to the patellar ligament, and using these to draw the fragment distally (Figure J9.6a,b) .


Figure 19.6: SurgicalmQnagement of all avulsed tibial tuberosity. (a) Avulsed tibial tuberosity. (b) ALLis tissuejorceps encircling the stra ight pateiiar ligament are used to apply traction to the avulsed fragment alld reduce the/racture; one or two K-wires are thell driven across the/racture site to maintain reduction. (c) Afigllre-of-eiglll tellsiOIl-balld wire is added to coumeraef the pull ofrhe quadriceps muscle group. (d) Post-operative radiograph showing a repaired tibial tuberosity avulsion in a 7-month-ofd Border Terrier. Th eJracture was stabilized using a single K-wire alld figure-oj-eight tensioll-band wire.

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Avulsion of the tibial tubercle

The recommended method of intern al fixation in volves the placement of two K-w ires through the tubercle and into the proximal tibia, to prevent rotation, with a figure-of-eight tension-band wire (Figure 19.6c). In some patients, owing to their size, it is difficult to pass two pins through the tubercle. A single pin will suffice in such circ*mstances (Figure 19.6d). Pins s hould be bent over to prevent migration. In patients approaching s keletal maturity, by the time the fra cture has healed (i.e. 8 to 10 months of age), the implants may be left in place; but in much younger patients implants should be removed after about 5 weeks to try to prevent early closure of the physis and subsequent drifting of the tubercle distall y relative to the tibial s haft. Alternatively, in these young patients, absorbable implants may be used (e.g. biodegradable pins and/or figure-of-eight PDS sutures in place of the tension-band wire). Premature closure of the phys is may res ult from the injury itself and deform ity may be seen whatever treatment method is chosen, even if a tension band is avoided or removed early (Figure 19.7).

Figure 19.7: DistaL migration of the tibial tuberosity due to premature g rowth plate closure followillg repair of a tibial tuberosity avulsion. The imp/a IllS were removed after 4 weeks .

PRACTICAL TIP In cases where only a small part of the tubel'e1e has become avulsed, reattachment of the patellar ligament to the tibia is best achieved by placement of tendon sutures through the ligament and through transverse bone tunnels in the tibial tuberosity/crest. Closure Should include reattaclunent of the fascia of the crania l tibialis muscle to the cranial aspect of the tibia. Post-operative Care The joint may be supported in a padded dressing for 5 to 10 days and the patient should be rested until fracture healing has taken place, usually by 4 to 6 weeks. Implant removal may have to be considered, as discussed above. Alternative Technique Some surgeons prefer to secure the tubercle in position with a lagged bone screw, with or without an antirotational K-wire and/or tension-band wire. Since such a technique will create static compression of the phys is it can only be recommended in patients already approaching skeletal maturity.

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Tibia and Fibula



Separation of the proximal tibial physis

Positiollillg Dorsal recumbency with the affected limb extended caudally. Assistant Optional.

Tray Extras Pointed reduction forceps; Hohmann retractor; Gelpi self-retaining retractor; chuck; pliers; K-wires; wire; pin/wire cutters. Surgical Approach A craniomedial incision extending from just below the level of the patella to about two-thirds of the way down

the tibial crest. Soft tissue dissection should allow identification of the tibial plateau and removal of any organizing haematoma wi ll ex pose the fracture surfaces. Ifa tension-band wire is to be applied then reflection of the cranial tibialis muscle from the lateral aspect of the tibia is required to expose the site for drilling of the transverse tibial tunnel. Reduction and Fixation Reduction of the fracture is most easily achieved with the stifle extended. In most cases, reduction can be achieved by holding the stifle in extension and placing a smal l Hohmann retractor into . the fracture space from the craniomedial aspect and gently levering the plateau forwards (Figure 19.8).

Hohmann retractor

Figure 19.8: The use of a Hohmanl1

retractor tofacilitate

reduction oj a proximal tibial physeal jracillre. Medial view

WARNING The tibial plateau may split if too much leverage is applied.

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256 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management


Separation of the proximal tibial physis

Digital pressure is usually the most practicable way of holding the plateau in reduction whilst the implants are placed. Fixation may be achieved by placement of crossed K-wires (Figure 19.9a,b). If at all possible, the pins should be bent over to avoid implant migration. Placement of implants and tension-band wires in the region of the tibial tubercle is discussed in Operative Technique 19.1.

Figure 19.9: (0) Mediolateral and (b) cral/focGudal post-operative radiographs of a proximal tibial physealfracture in a 6-momh-old West Highland White Terrier. The/racture was stabilized with crossed K-lVires and afigure-of-eighllVire, (c) Fracture of the proximal tibial physis ill a 5-1I/011111-0Id West Highland White Terrier stabilized with a single K-wire ondfigure-of-eighr tensioll-band wire.

Closure Should include reattachment of the fascia of the cranial tibialis muscle to the cranial aspect of the tibia. Post-operative Care The joint may be supported in a padded dressing for 5 to 10 days and the patient should be rested until fracture healing has taken place, usually by 4 to 6 weeks. Implant removal may have to be considered as discussed above. The implants sit close to the articular margins and may interfere with nannal joint function, making it necessary for them to be removed.

Alternative Techniques In most cases the tibial tubercle remains attached to the plateau and, following open reduction, stability may be achieved by placement of a figure-of-eight wire anchored under the insertion of the patellar ligament and through a transverse tunnel in the tibial crest and/or placement of a K-wire through the tubercle and into the tibia (Figure 19.9c). If the tubercle is used to create stability then the points discussed in Operative Tectmique 19.1 are applicable. An intramedullary pin can also be used for fixation (see Operative Technique 19.4).

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Tibia and Fibula



Tibia - medial bone plating

Positioning Lateral recumbency with the affected limb down, to allow access to the medial aspect. The contralateral limb is drawn out of the surgical field and a rope or bandage sling is secured to the table, passing medial to the affected limb proximally so that traction can be applied to the fracture site by drawing on the pes without this causing movement of the patient. Alternatively, the limb may be suspended from a ceiling hook which allows 360 0 access to the crus. Assistant Useful, especially if traction is required to help maintain fragm ent alignment and to reduce the time taken for plate app lication .

Tray Extras Pointed reduction forceps; other bone holding forceps of the surgeon's choice (e.g. Dingman or Lewin bone holding forceps); Hohmann retractor; self-retaining retractors (e.g. Gelpi or Weitlander); periosteal elevator; drill and bits; appropriate plate and screw set. Surgical Approach (Figure 19.10) A craniomedial skin incision is made along most (if not all) of the tibial length. If the incision is made too medially then the closure will lie directly over the plate and increase the likelihood of problems with wound healing. Dissection through the subcutaneous fascia will expose the tibial shaft easily, with the cranial tibial muscle forming the cranial margin and the long di gital flexor muscle the caudal margin. The only complicating structures are those of the cranial branch of the medial saphenous artery and vein which run alongside the saphenous nerve. All three structures cross the medial aspect of the tibia in a caudoproximal to craniodistal direction about half-way along the diaphysis. Although it is preferable to try to preserve these structures, they can be ligated and sectioned in order to reduce operating time, without causing serious complications.

Long digital flexor m. Cran ial tibial m.

Figure 19. 10: Medial exposure of .the ribial diaphysis.

Cranial branch of medial


a. and v. with saphenous n.

Gelpi retractors

Medial view

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258 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management


Tibia - medial bone plating

Recluctiol! and Fixatiol! (Figure 19.11) Common mistakes in plate application include: not exposing the tibia proximally enough where it is easy to believe the exposure must be close to the stifle when there is still one-third of the tibia furth er proximal (especiall y in obese patients); and not extending the plate distally enough for fear of compromising the tarsocrural joint. Proximal exposure is assisted by use of the groin sling described above and having an assistant to apply traction to the limb. If the bone stock is poor proximally then T - or L-plates may enable adeq uate screw 'grouping' and thus implant purchase, although these tend to be available in onl y limited lengths and are often inadeq uate in comminuted fractures. As long as the plate does not extend beyond the ori gin of the medial collateral ligament distally and the distal-most screw is angled slightly proximally, there is little chance of interfering with hock joint function.

Figure 19.11: (a) Pre-operative and (b) post-operative radiographs of a short, oblique tibiaL diaphyseal fracture ill a J-year-ofd Great Dane stabilized llsing a dynamic compression plate.

Closure Closure is achieved by apposition of the subcutaneous and/or subcuticular fascia and then the skin. Post-operative Care In most cases it is preferable to apply a Robert Jones bandage for 3 to 7 days. Exercise restriction should be implemented until radiographic healing of the fracture is apparent - usually 4 to 8 weeks, depending on the nature of the fracture and age of the patient. The need to remove implants is a controversial issue. Generally, the author prefers to leave the implants in situ unless they cause problems. The most common reasons for removing the plate are caused by lack of soft tissue cover in this region. The subcuticular implant may cause irritation, leading to lick granulomas (Figure 19. 12), or lameness due tocooling in low environmental temperatures, leading to differential shortening of the plate and bone causing stresses within the bone and hence pain (so-called cold or thennal lameness). If any such problems are noted then the implants are removed. Following removal of a plate a Robert Jones dressing should be applied for 7 to 10 days and the patient rested for about 6 weeks whilst bone remodelling accommodates any 'stress protection' afforded by the plate. Figure J9.12: Local irritafion over the tibial pfate leading to lick-granuloma/ormation. Imp/ant removal Gnd resection a/the affected tissue led to Gil Ill/eventful recovery.

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Tibia and Fibula



Tibia - intramedullary pinning

Positioning Dorsolateral recumbency with the affected limb down, to allow access to the medial aspect (Operating Technique 19.3). Access to the limb should be improved by supporting 'the limb on a sandbag so that it can be lifted, allowing manipulation of the stifle, for intramedullary pinning. Assistant Optional. Most useful during reconstruction of comminuted fractures. Tray Extras Pointed reduction forceps; other bone holding forceps of the surgeon 's choice (e.g. Dingman or Lewin bone holding forceps); Hohmann retractors; self-retaining retractors (e.g. Gelpi or Weitlander); periosteal elevator; appropriate intramedullary pins; large pin cutters; chuck; drill; orthopaedic wire for cerclage; pliers/wire twisters. External fixation equipment (see Operative Technique 19.5) if type I fi xator is used as auxilliary fixation (see Figure 19.15a).

Surgical Approach The fracture site is exposed using a limited craniomedial approach (Operative Technique 19.3). Reduction and Fixation In the case of reconstruct able, comminuted fractures the fragments are reduced and compressed into position using cerclage wires until a two-piece fracture is achieved. When applying these it must be ensured that the fibula is not included, since this will make it impossible to achieve adequate tension in the wire. The proximal part of the tibial diaphysis is wedge-shaped and to prevent slipping of the wire it may be necessary to create a notch in the surface of the bone or apply the wire in a hemicerclage fashion (Chapter 9). If the wire is tightened by twisting the two ends around one another then it is usually necessary to bend the ends over, as there is inadequate soft tissue cover to consider the option ofleaving them standing at right angles to the bone surface. It is inappropriate to place the pin first and then try to reconstruct the fragments, as some bone length will have been lost and accurate anatomical alignment will not be possible. The resulting fracture gaps will create extra strain on the wires leading to their loosening. PRACTICAL TIP Although, with care, retrograde pinuing is possible, it is generally considered that normograde pinning is most appr~priate for tibial fractures. The pin is introduced alongside the medial border of the straight patellar ligament through a key-hole incision with the stifle he ld fl exed. It enters the bone at the base of the tibial crest, cranial to the intermeniscalligament (Figure 19.13). Although a Jacobs chuck can be used, a slow-speed power drill affords better control of placement and is less likely to be associated with the pin slipping off the proximal tibia. To prevent the pin slipping off the tibial plateau during insertion, a pilot hole can be made with a smaller diameter pin (a drill bit can be used but this tends to wrap up the soft tissues, and the limited access prevents satisfactory use of tissue guards). Whenever possible the notch in a pre-cut pin is protected by being kept within the chuck in order to prevent premature breakage. The pin is driven into the distal metaphysis (Figure 19.13). As the pin approaches the distal metaphysis, it is perhaps better to abandon a power drill (if used) in favour of a Jacobs chuck. The chuck provides better control , making it less likely that the hock joint will be entered.

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Tibia - intramedullary pinning

Figure 19.13: (a) Cranial, (b) dorsal (Illd (c) lateral views a/the tibia to illustrate the allotomicaL landmarks for lIormograde

Figure 19.14: Postoperative radiograph showing repair of a transverse tibial fracture ill all adult Terrier llsing a single imramedllllary pin.

placement of a tibial illframedllllary pill.


Intramedullary pin

Cranial view

Insertion of patellar ligament

Lateral view

Closu,.e Closure is routine with the addition of a single suture in the skin at the site of pin placement. Post-operative Ca,.e A Ro bert Jones bandage may be app lied for 3 to 7 days if appropriate. Exercise is restricted until radiographic hea ling of the fracture is apparent (usually 4 to 8 weeks, depending on the nature of the fracture and age of the patient). Im plant remova l is a controversial issue. Generall y, when dealing with a skeletally immature patient it may be preferable to remove the pin in case it becomes tota lly encased within the growing bone, makin g removal very difficult if problems become apparent. In such cases the pin should be left long to fac ilitate removal. Otherwise the pin is left ill situ unless it causes problems by loosening or protruding too far into the stifle. There fore, in adu lt patients it may he better to pre-cut the pin so that it breaks close to the bone margin (Figure 19. 14). In most cases cerclage wires are left in place.

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Tibia - external fixation

Positioning Lateral recumbency with the affected limb down, to allow access to the medial aspect (Operative Technique 19.3) but with allowance to lift the leg off the table if full pins are being used. Alternatively, the limb may be suspended from a ceiling hook which allows 360 0 access to the crus. Assistallt Useful, especially if traction is required to help maintain fracture alignment and also to assist in the assembly of the connecting bar and clamps.

Tray Extras Appropria te external fixation set; va riable speed drill ; large pin cutters (hack saw as last resort); chuck; smaller diameter pins or drill bits and appropriate soft tissue guards if pre-drilling is performed. Surgical Approach Closed or limited open approach (Operating Technique 19.3) to fracture site. Reductioll and Fixation Once the fracture has been reduced - either closed using traction, or by a limited approach - the ESF may be applied. The medial aspect of the tibia is most commonly used for placement of fi xation pins. Two half-pins will create a unilateral, uniplanar (type I) fi xator that is adequate to control rotational forces around an intramedullary pin (Figure 19.15a), whereas fourtosix halfpins would be sufficient to stabilize relati vely simple fractures either alone or in combination with cerclage wires or lagged bone screws (Figure 19.15b). Full pins, used tocreatea bilateral, uniplanar (type II) frame, are generall y onl y required when there is axial instability due to comminution where fragm ents have not been or cannot be recollstructed. Bilateral, biplanar (type III) frames are rarely required. They are most often used in situations where much bone stock has been lost and the fracture is open, i.e. where healing is expected to be slow, and tllis situation is most commonly associated with gunshot injuries.





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I-r-lntram edUllary








Lag screws

--=: :::::::: --::::l ~

d~ V[

'" ~-~

Cranial view

Cranial view

2 pin unilateral, uniplanar type I external skeletal fixator

4 pin unilateral, uniplanar type I external skeletal fixater

Figure 19.15: (a) Two-pill ulliiaferaluIliplaliar (type /) ESF may be lIsed as all adjullct to intramedullary pinning ill order to COllllteract rotat;onal forces acting al transverse or shorr oblique fractllre tines. (b) Type I (/our-pill ullilateraill lliplal1ar) ESF may be llsed to stabilize simple fractures either afolle or in combinatioll with ill1el/ragmell1ary implants sllch as fa*gged bone screws or cerclage wires. All alternative jixator config uration 1V0uld be a modified type 1/ (u /lip/anar bilateral)frame (Chapter 9).

CloSllre Routine.

Post-operative Care It is usually necessary to appl y a padded dressing to the limb witllin the frame and including the foot for 7 to 10 days, otherwise swelling of the limb and foot is often seen,. Other care is routine. It is wise to restrict the patient's exercise until radiographic union is complete or until 3 to 4 weeks after frame remova l.

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Separation of the distal tibial physis

Positioning Lateral recumbency with the affected lim b down and the contralateral limb dra wn craniall y.

A ssistant Optional. Tray Extras Gelpi self-retaining retractor; Hohmalill retractor; small peri osteal elevator; self-retaining pointed reducti on fo rceps; K-wires or small intramedulla ry pins; chuck; pliers; pin/w ire cutters.

Surgical Approach A medial approach is made to the distal tibia (C hapter 20). Reduction and Fixation Reduction is achieved by toggling the fragments (Figure 19. 16a,b). This may be assisted by using a Hohman n retractor as a lever. Once reduced, the fracture will remain stable, provided the foot is not allowed to displace laterally. One or two K-wires or small Steinmann pins are then placed diagonally, at an angle of about 30 to 40° to the longinldinal axis, in nonnograde fashion through the medial malleolus and distal tibia (Figure 19.16c). After placement of each pin, movement of the tarsocrura l joint should be checked so that if an implant has compromised joint function it can be removed and relocated. The ends should then be bent over to prevent migration. Whether the pins are placed through the transcortex or whether the Rush pin principle is used is a matter of personal preference. Although theoretically the Rush pin principle is superior, in practical tenns crossed pins are easier to apply and produce satisfactory results. Increased stability is then achieved by suturing torn soft tissues and may be further increased by placement of a K -wire through a key-hole incision over the lateral malleolus. Kirsch ner Calcaneus Lateral

Lateral collateral ligaments

Medial collateral ligaments (a)

Cranial view


Cranial view


Cranial view

Figure 19.16: Reduction alld fixation of a distal tibial physeal separation. (a) Distal physeal sepa ration with lateral dispiacemelll o/the pes. The/racture often/eels 'locked' in this position. (b) Thefractll re is reduced by toggling the ends (Chapter 9). A Hohmanll retractor, placed in fheJracwre and used fa lever the physisdisraily, is sometimes necessary. (c) Once reduced, fixation is achieved by Ilormograde placement oj aile or two K·wires through the medial maileolus.

Closure Closure is by apposition of the subcutaneo us and/or subcuti cular fascia and then the s kin.

Post-operative Care See Operative Technique 19.5. Alternative Technique An intramedullary pin may be used but this ga ins very little purchase in the distal epiphysis and it restricts articular fun ct ion if it is passed across the tarsocrural jo int to improve security.

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Ti bia and Fibula



·Fractures of the medial and lateral malleoli

Positioning Lateral recumbency with the affected limb down and the contralateral limb dra wn craniall y, fo r ex posure of a medial malleolar fracture; and with the affec ted limb uppermost, supported on a bolster, for ex posure of a lateral malleolar fract ure. Assistant Optional.

Tray Extras Gelpi self-retaini ng retractor; Hohmann retractor; small periosteal elevator; self- retaining pointed reduction forceps; K-wires; wire for tension band; chuck; pliers/wire twisters; pin/wire cutters. Appropriate screw set, drill bits etc. if a lag screw technique is used. Su"gical App,.oach A medial or lateral approac h is made to t.he dista l tibia/fi bula (C hapter 20). Reduction and Fixation Reduction is achieved by traction on the frag ment and collatera l ligament. Holding the fragment in reduction can be difficult but pointed reduction forceps may assist in holding the fragment (Figure 19. 17a) or Allis tissue forceps may be used to grasp the ligament. One ortwo K -wires are then placed diagonall y, at an angle of about 30 to 40° to the longitudinal ax is, through the medial or lateral malleolus and distal tibia (Figure 19.17b,c). After placement of each pin, movement of the tarsocrural joint should be checked so that an implant can be removed and relocated if it has compromised joint function. The ends should then be bent over to prevent migration . The tension-band wire is then placed around the pin ends and through a tunnel drilled in the dista l ti bia. Increased stability may be ac hieved by suturing torn soft tissues. (a)


(e) Kirschner ====~~{!J~ wi res

TenSion band wire

Tension band wire

Pointed AO reduction forceps

Cranial view

Cranial view

Cranial view

Figure /9. J7: Reduction ondfixatioll oj malleolar fractures. (0) Reduced medial malleolar fracture; pointed reduction/oreeps call be llsed /0 mailltailllhe malleolar fragment ill POSilioll wlIilst a K-wire or pin is introduced. (b) A second K-wire or pill may then be placed and afigure-ofeight tension-band wire added. (c) Repaired lateral malLeolar jractllre. (d) Post-operative radiograph showing the lise ojtwo K-wires and a tensioll-band to repair a lateral malleolar jracture ill a dog.

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Fractures of the medial and lateral malleoli

CLosure Closure is achieved by apposition of the subcutaneous and/or subcuticular fascia and then the skin.

Post-operative Care Therepairmay need protection with a cast but ifadequatestability has been achieved then it should be possible to avo id casting and allow earl y return to controlled joint function. In general, the app lication of a Robert Jones bandage for 2 weeks, when the s kin sutures may also be removed, is sufficient as long as the patient 's exercise is restricted to cage/room rest and short lead walks for 6 weeks after surgery. Alternative Techniques A lagged bone screw may be used instead of the pin and tension-band wi re. Where the fragment is too small to accommodate implants it may be more appropriate to use a bone screw and spiked washer to reattach the avulsed collateral ligament.

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Carpus and Tarsus John E.F. Houlton

INTRODUCTION Fractures of the carpus and tars us often in volve articular s urfaces and Inay affect one or more bones or joints. They are frequently associated with ligamentar injuri es, especiall y in the athleti c dog, and a thorough physical examinati on, combined with good radiog raphic technique, is essential to identify the full extent of the damage. Localized soft tissue swell ing, point pain, reduced range of joint movement, instability and crepitus are the usual clinical findings in carpal and tarsal fractures. Multiple radi ographic views may be necessary, including oblique and stressed projections, and high detail film is recommended.

PRACTICAL TIP It is often useful to view film s with a bright light as well as on conventional light boxes. A magnifying glass can be helpful to identify small fragments and cortical fiss ures. A deta iled knowledge of the anatomy of the area in question is a prerequisite to making the correct diagnos is, and a bony specimen is often useful when interpreting unfamiliar radiographic projections. Surgical approaches to the carpus and tarsus are usually made directly over the area of interest and the structure is exposed by sharp dissection. Good haemostasis is essential and blood vessels should be cauterized or ligated. A relativel y bloodless surgical fi eld can generally be achieved with an Esmarch's bandage and tourniquet but there is always the ris k of post-operative haemorrhage un less haemostasis is adeq uate. Nevertheless, a Robert Jones bandage, which is changed 24 hours later, generally provides adeq uate pressure to control post-operative bleeding.

THE CARPUS T he carpus is a compound ginglymus (hinge) joint that permits flexion and extension and a small amount of lateral angu lation. It comprises the antebrachiocarpal, middle and carpometacarpal joints as well as the inter-

carpa l joints. The antebrachi ocarpal joint exists between the distal radius and ulna and the proximal row of carpal bones; the middle carpa l joint between the proxima l and dista l rows of carpal bOlles; and the carpometacarpal joint between the distal row of carpal bones and the heacls of the metacarpal bones. Tn the sagittal plane, the individual carpal bones are separated by the intercarpal joints. There are seven named carpal bones. The proximal row comprises the radial, ulnar and accessory carpal bones and the distal row the first, second, third and fo urth carpal bones. A small sesamoid bone in the tendon of insertion of the abductor pollicis longus muscle is situated medial to the distal aspect of the radial carpal bone. The carpus relies on a series ofligaments to maintain its stability. The most important of these are the coli ateralligaments and the ligaments on the pa~nar aspect of the joint. The radial collateral ligament arises from the styloid process of the distal radius and has two components: a straight and an oblique portion. The straight component inserts on the medial aspect of the radia l carpal bone and prevents lateral angulation (valgus) of the antebrachiocarpal joint when it is extended. The oblique component inserts on the palmaromedial aspect of the radial carpal bone and prevents valgus angulation of the antebrachiocarpal joint when it is flexed. The styloid process of the distal ulna is the ori gi n of the s hort ulnar collateral ligament. This inserts on the ulnar carpal bone and prevents medial ang ulation (varus) of the antebrachiocarpal joint. The palmar ligaments prevent hyperextension of the carpus. The palmar radiocarpal and uln ocarpal ligaments arise from the palmar border of the radial articular s urface and the ulnar styloid process respectively and insert o n the palmar aspect of the radial carpal bone. Both prevent hyperextension of the antebraclliocarpal joint. The palmar radiocarpal- metacarpal ligament and accessoro-metacarpal ligaments connect the radial and accessory carpal bones with metacarpal bones two anq three, and four and fi ve, respectively. They prevent hyperextension of the middIe carpal joint. The thick, palmar carpal fibrocarti lage pad which invests all the carpa l bones and the heads of metacarpals two, three, four and five prevents hyperextension of the carpometacarpal joint.

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Fractures of the distal radius and ulna These fractures are discussed in Chapter 16.

Fractures of the radial carpal bone Fractures of the radial carpal bone generally comprise chips or slabs off the dorsal articular surface. The fragments can be quite small and it may be necessary

to take multiple oblique radiographic views with the joint in both fl exion and extension in order to skyline them. They are generally seen in working dogs or as

injuries following a jump or fall. There is little tendency for these fractures to heal and th ey frequ e ntl y cause chroni c secondary osteoarthritis when treated conservatively. 10intthickening and a reduction in carpal fl exion develop over

two to three months. The initial lameness improves and may become clinically insignificant in a small sedentary animal, but active dogs generall y go lame again with the resumption of exercise. Dorsal slab 0" chip fractures (Figure 20.1) In acti ve dogs, chip fractures should be treated by excision of the fra gment. Non-displaced fragm ents in pet dogs may be treated by casting the joint for 4 - 6

weeks, but owners should be warned of the possible consequences . Iflarge enough, dorsa l slabs shou ld be re-attached usi ng a lag screw (Figure 20.1b). Exposure is achieved via a dorsa l approach to the carpus (Operative Technique 20.1). Medial chip fractures Medial fragments should be carefull y assessed as they may represent avulsions of the insertion of the radial collateral ligament. Small isolated fragments should be excised, and the remainder re-attached using a tension-band technique. A dorsal approach is employed (Operative Technique 20.1). Palmar fractures (Figure 20.2) These are avulsion fractures of the origi n of the palmar radiocarpal - metacarpal ligament. They should be re-attached with a small K-wireand tension-band wire via a palmaromedial approach (Operative Technique 20.2). Small fragments should be excised. Parasagittal fractures (Figure 20.3) Parasagittal fractures of the radiocarpal bone invariably start at the proximal articular surface and extend (b)


Figure 20.1: (a) DorsaL siab fraclllre oJlhe radial carpal bone. (b) Lag screw repair.

Figure 20.2: (a) A vlllsion!ra clIlre oJllle palmar radiocarpaimetacarpalligamenlorigin. (b) Pin and tension band repair.


Figure 20.3: (a) Parasagiltaljraclilre oflhe radiocarpal bone. (b) DorsaLviewofLag screw repair. (c) Medial view oflag screw repair.

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The Carpus and Tarsus distomedially toward the second carpal bone. They are genera lly complete but occasiona lly hairline fractures may not in volve the dista l articu lar surface.


weeks in a support bandage. Some degree of loss of carpal fl exion should be antic ipated. The wire and screws may be removed 6- 8 weeks following surgery to minimi ze jo int stiffn ess.

WARNING A sesamoid in the tendon of the abductor pollicis longus muscle is located medial to the radial carpal hon e and s hould not be misdiagnosed as a fractUl·e.

Fractures of the ulnar carpal bone These are rare, and should be managed using the same principles as for the radial carpal bone.

Fractures of the distal carpal bones Incomplete fractures are easy to miss and ma y present with s ubtl e soft tissue swelling, slight pain on carpal flexion and a mild reduction in range of joint movement. Complete fractures present with more obviolls swelling, pain o n carpal fl exion and possibly crepitus. Occasionall y, dogs may present with a chronic lameness, a thickened carp us and considerably reduced range of joint fl exion but no know n history o f trauma. Lag screw fi xati on of acute frac tures should be performed. The screw should be started extra-articularly from the palmaromedial aspect to avo id th e joint space between the radia l carpa l and ulnar carpal bones. A 2.0 or 2.7 mm screw is used in small dogs; in large dogs a 3.5 or 4.0 mm screw is used (Figure 20.3) .

These are general ly small dorsa l chips, al tho ugh rare ly a s lab fracture occurs. Small fragments should be excised in the athletic dog. In the pet dog, the j oint may be cast for 4 weeks, but if lameness persists the fragments should be removed. A dorsal surgical approach is employed (Opera tive Technique20.1), with dissection ofthesy novium from the surface of the affected bone.

PRACTICAL TIP It is often necessary to split the tendon of extensor carpi radialis if access to the third carpal bone is required.

Proximal metacarpal bone fractures PRACTICAL TIP

These are discussed in Chapter 16.

The glide hole s hould be started at the insel·tion of the oblique component of the radial collateral ligament to ensure it is started sufficiently pahuarly. There is no need to countersink the screw head. C hroni c fractures may heal if compressed w ith a lag screw but owners s ho uld be warned that the non-union may persist. A panca rpal arthrodesis can be performed as the defin iti ve treatment for these chroni c cases, or it may be performed iflagscrew fixation is unsuccessful. F racture-luxation of the radioca rpal bone Luxation of the radial carpal bone is uncommon (punzet, 1974; Miller et at., 1990). Rupture of the rad ial collateral and other do rsal and intercarpal ligaments al lows the radial ca rpal bone to rotate caudal to the radius. The palmar ligaments are unaffected and hyperextens ion is usually not present. In some instances, the luxation is accompan ied by a parasaginal fracture of the radial carpal bone. Trea tm ent involves open reduction of th e lu xation, repa ir of the fracture (see parasagittal fracture above) and repair of the ruptured radial collateral liga ment by either primary SUnlre or synthetic reconstru ction. T he repaired ligament can be protected using a figure-ofeight loop of 0.8 to 1.0 mm stainless steel wire anchored around screws and washers in the rad ial styloid process and radial ca rpal bone. A lternatively, nonabsorbable suture material can be threaded through bone tunnels in the radius and radial carpal bone. The joint is cast in 20° flexion for 6 weeks followed by 3

Accessory carpal bone fractures This injury is common ly seen in the racing Greyhound but it a lso occurs in similar dogs such as Whippets and Lurchers. In the racing dog, the fracture usua lly occurs in th e right carpus as a sprain- o r strain-avulsion injury caused by carpal hyperextens ion. Five types of accessory carpal bone fracture have been described (Johnson, 1987; 10lmson et aI., 1988) (Figure 20.4). Type I and IT frac tures are strain-avulsion fractures of the ligaments that connect the accessory


Lateral view

Figure 20.4: Classification ojaccessory carpal bOlle/ractures.

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268 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management carpal bone to the ulnar carpal bone and to the distal ulna and radius, respectively. Type III fractures are strain-

avulsion fractures of the origin of the accessofO-metacarpal ligaments, wllile type IV fractures represent sprain-avulsions o f the insertion of the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle. Type V fractures are comminuted. Types I and II are articular fractures. Thus, either can cause dismption of the accessoro-ulnar carpal joint and produce secondary osteoa rtlrritis. Types II and III are often accompanied by a type I fracture. The racing dog usually comes off the track lame,

but clinical signs may not be evident until the next day.

The principles of treatment are similar to any other open fracture (Houlton, 1996) (Chapter 10). All foreign material must be removed, th e wound debrided and lavaged, and th e joint stabili zed. An external s keletal fi xator is recommended as this facilitates o pen wound management while providing support bot h for the soft tissues and for th e joint. A technique of pin

insertion into a block of wood incorporated in a cast applied around th e metacarpus and dig its - the ' fi xator boot' - allows pins of reasonab le size to be used distally without the risk of fracturing the small metacarpal bones (Chapter 9).

These signs will depend upon th e type o f fracture and the length oftime between the injury and the examina-

tion. The intra-articular fractures are initially associ ated with a reduced range of carpal flex ion, pain on joint flex ion and mild j oint swelling. The ex tra-artinllar fractures are more likely to show greater swelling

and pain on joint extension. Joint swelling and lameness often resolve with rest and anti-inflammatory management, and affected dogs

may remain sound in light work. However, lameness recurs when they return to racing. The usual clinical

signs at this time are palmar swelling or thickening around th e base of the affected accessory carpal bone, pain on joint flexion and discomfort on direct palpation of the bone. Fracture types I to IV are best treated surgically, unless th e dog is to be retired from racing. Type I fractures should be repaired with a 2.0 mOl positional screw via a palmarolateral approach (Operative Technique 20.3). Excision of type I fragments is an altern a-

tive to screw fixation. A similar surgical approach is employed. Type II, III and IV fractures are generall y managed by excision of small fragments. Larger fragm ents should be repaired either with screws or with a tensionband. Type V fractures are best managed conservatively by casting the carpus in 20° of fl exion. Jollilson et at. (1989) reported a 45 % chance of recovery to winning form , wh ile Brinker el at. (1990) reported fewer th an 50% of dogs winning following excision of the fragments. The latter authors report approximately 90 % of dogs winning following sc rew fixation , but they do not state w hether th ese dogs returned to the same grade of race. All dogs tend to lose carpal fl exion following accessory carpal bone repair, and it is important to practise good case selection if the best outcome is required. Dogs that have minimal damage to the rest of the carpus tend to ha ve the most

favourabl e outcome.

Shearing injuries Shearing injuries of the carpus res ult in a variable loss of soft tiss ue and bo ne, usually on the medial aspect of the joint. The deg ree of injury ranges from minor s kin defects to loss of collatera l liga ments and part of th e stylo id process and carpal bones.

THE HOCK The hock is a compound joint compris ing seven ta rsa l bones, the distal tibia an d fibula, and the proximal metatarsals. The proximal row of tarsal bones comprises the calcaneus and talus. Distall y there are two bone layers medially: th e central tarsal bone and tarsal bones 1, 2 and 3. Laterall y, there is only one bone: the fourth tarsal bo ne (T4). The taloc rural joint is a trochlea r joint bet ween th e tibia and fibula and th e talus. The prox imal intertarsaljo int has two parts : th e talocalcaneocentral j o int mediall y, and th e ca lcaneoquartal j o int laterall y. The centrodista ljoint is pos itio ned between th e central tarsal bo ne and T 1- 3. The tarsometatarsa l joint lies between the numbered tarsa l bones and the metatarsal bones. The talocalcaneal joint comprises three pairs of articular facets. The integrity ofthe joint is maintained by two strong liga ments which cross th e ta rsa l sinus between the bones.

The plantar ligaments arise from the sustentaculum tali , the body, and the disto latera l aspect of th e calcaneus, and insert on th e distal ta rsa l bones and the metatarsal bones. They prevent hyperflexion of the joint during weight-bearing. The common calcaneal tend on inserts o n the tuber calcanei. The s uperficial di g ita l fl exo r tendon (SDFT) passes distally over this po int, protected by a sy novial bursa. The talocrural joint is supported medially and laterally by the collatera l ligaments, eac h ligament being functi onally composed of a long and short component. The long component of th e medial ligament orig inates on the base of th e medial malleolus of the tibia and inserts on the talus, the central and fi rsttarsa l bones and the first and second metatarsal bones. The tibiocentral part has its ori gin more craniodistal o n the malle Ius. It inserts on the talus and central and first tarsal bones. The origin of the short component arises deep to the tibiocentral ligament, while its insertion is on the medial trochlear ridge of th e talus. The long part of th e lateral Ligament rullS from the base of the lateral malleol us to the calcaneus, the fourth

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The Carpus and Tarsus

Lateral view

Lateral view

Figure 20.5: Type I Satrer-Harrisjraclllre a/the proximal calcaneal pllysis.

Figure 20.6: Mid-bodyfracture a/tile calcaneus.

tarsal bone and the fifth metatarsal bone. The short part of the ligament is composed ofthecalcaneofibular and talofibular ligaments. The long and short components of the collateral ligaments stabilize the talocrural joint in extension and flexion, respectively_

lateral sagittal slab fractures (see below). Those fractures not associated with central tarsal bone fracture are caused by excessi ve tension on the plantar aspect of the hock. Fracture of the plantar distal process or base of the calcaneus occurs, with subsequent subluxation of the proximal intertarsal joint.

Malleolar fractures of the distal tibia and fibula

Slab fractures Slab fractures of the dorsomedial and distolateral calcaneus are best repaired with lag screws (Figure 20.7). Conuninuted shaft fractures can generall y be repaired with a combination of lag screws +/- K-wires combined with a pin and tension-band technique, as described above. Lateral buttress plate fixation is an alternative'but is rarely required. A plantarolateral approach is used as described in Operative Technique 20.4.

These are discussed in Chapter 19.

Fractures of the calcaneus Fracture/separation of the proximal calcaneal physis (Figure 20.5) This is a type I Salter-Harris fracture whi ch occurs, uncommonly, as an avulsion injury in the skeletally immature dog. The fracture is repaired using K-wires and figure-of-eight tension-band wire (Operative Technique 20.4). Mid-body fractures (Figure 20.6) Fractures of the right calcaneus are common in the racing Greyhound. Tension in the gastrocnemius tendon causes considerable displacement of the fragm ents and loss of the extensor mechanism results in a plantigrade stance. Repair is by pin and tension band (Operative Technique 20.4). There are two biomechanical explanations for calcaneal fracture in the racing Greyhound. Most fractures are associated with a fracture of the central tarsal bone and subsequent distal migration ofthe talus. As a result, the calcaneus tilts dorsally and medially and is suddenly subjected to unexpected forces. In this situation, fractures tend to occur in the mid-body or are strain-avulsion fractures, such as dorsomedial or

Fractures of the base These avulsion fractures of the origin of the plantar ligament are accompanied by plantar instability, subluxation of the proximal intertarsal joint and a plantigrade stance. They are treated by arthrodesis of the proxinlal intertarsal joint. The prognosis is generally good for calcaneal fractures. However, racing dogs that ha ve undergone proximal intertarsal arthrodesis do not successfully return to the track.

Fractures ofthe talus Fractures of the talus are not common (Dee, 1988) and are generally classified as articular fractures of the body, or non-articular fractures of the head or neck. Articular fractures (Figure 20.8) Osteochondral fragments of the trochlear ridges may be associated with avulsion of the insertion of the short

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270 Manual of Sma ll Animal Fracture Repair and Management

collatera l ligaments. Small fragments should be removed via a talocrural arthrotomy. Larger fragments are managed by internal fixation (Operative Technique 20.5).

Plantar view

Plantar view

Non-articular fractures Fractures of the neck of the talus are more common in the cat and are usually accompanied by a luxation of the body and base of the bone(Figure20.9a). To reduce the bone, it is necessary to dorsiflex the proximal intertarsal joint and put the foot in a valgus position. The reduction is held in place with vulsellum forceps placed dorsally and plantarly. A positional screw is placed between the body of the talus and the calcaneus across the tarsal sinus (Figure 20.9b). The repair should be protected by a cast or splint for 4-6 weeks. Minimally displaced talar neck fractures may be managed by coaptation. The prognosis for talar intra-articular fractures is variable and is influenced by the degree of articular congruency. Non-articular fractures of the talus carry a good prognosis.

Central tarsal bone fractures Central tarsal bone fracture in the non-athletic dog is rare and generally involves avulsion fracture of the plantar process. Due to the small size of the fragment, the fracture should be managed by a mediolateral positional screw placed across the tarsal sinus into the fourth tarsal bone.

Figure 20.7: (a) Slab/racture a/the disrolateral calcaneus. (b) Fracture shown in (a) repaired with two lag screws. (c) and (d) Craniocaudal and iareral radiographs 0/ a combined central tarsal bone fracture and comminuted calcaneal shaft fracture in a racing Greyhound. (e) alld (f) Post-operative radiograph showing repair.

Figure 20.8: Fracture o/tlte lateral ridge o/the talus producing a large osteocholldral/ragment.

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The Carpus and Tarsus




The prognosis for return to racing is very good for types I and II, good for types III and IV, and very poor for type V fractures (Boudrieau et al., 1984b).

T2, T3 and T4 fractures

Fractures of the numbered tarsal bones are almost invariabl y associated with central tarsal bone fracture in the racing Greyhound. Compression fracture of T4 is most commonl y observed . Placement of the mediolateral screw during central tarsa l bone fi xation is frequentl y the only repair required. If additional support is required, a second mediolateral screw can be placed through T2 and T3 into T4 (Dee, 1988). Dorsal slab fractures of T3 can occur in isolation (Dee, 1988). Dorsoplantar lag screw fixation is the treatment of choice. The post-operative care is as for central tarsal bone fracture. Dorsal Dorsal view

Type I

Dorsal view

Figure 20.9: (a) Fracture a/the /leek ojrlle talus. (b) Repa ir using a medioLateral positional screw seated in rlie calcaneus.



Central tarsal bone fractures commonly occur in the racing Greyhound, generally in the right hock due to racing anti-clockwise. Point pain and crepitus are evident on palpation, with variable soft tissue swelling. The degree oflameness may be mild and dogs can


Type II

run on to fini sh races. With severe fracture, tarsal varus

and plantar convexity may be apparent. Central tarsal bone fractures have been classified by Boudrieau et al. (1984a) (Figure 20.10) as follows: Type I: dorsal slab with no displacement Type II: dorsal slab with displacement Type III: sagittal fra cture with displacement of the medial fragment Type IV: both dorsal and medial slab fractures, with displacement Type V: severe comminution and displacement. Central tarsal bone fractures in the Greyhound are frequently accompanied by other fractures - the two usual combinations being a compression fracture of T4, and a T4 fracture with avulsion of the lateral base of metatarsal V. Internal fixation of central tarsal bone fractures using interfragmentary screws is the treatment of choice for the dog that hopes to return to the track (Boudrieau etal., 1984b) (Operative Technique20.6). However, coaptation fixation of type I and II fractures offers a fair prognosis for dogs that are to be retired or used for breeding. Type V fractures are usuall y not candidates for reconstruction and should be managed conservativel y.

Type III


Type IV



Type V

Qja Figure 20.10: Schematic view oillle proximal articuLar surface a/the cellfrai tarsal bone to iifustrate the fracture types (see text jor details) .

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272 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management Reduction ofT2 and T3 fracture- luxation can be achieved by mediolateral transfixion screw .

Proximal metatarsal bone fractures

These are discussed in Chapter 21.

Shearing injury A shearing injury of the hock is a frequent complication of road traffic accidents. The injury occurs as the limb is abraded along the road surface, causing loss of skin, underlying soft tissue and bone. The subcutaneous prominences of the medial (most common ly) and lateral malleoli are vulnerable to such injury. Medial malleolar shear is the more severe injury due to the normal valgus configuration of the pes. Although there may be extensive soft tissue loss, severe hock instability and intra-articular contamination, the prognosis is generally good. The management of open fractures is discussed in Chapter 10. The extent of malleolar shear which precludes joint sa lvage has not been specifica lly documented; however, if the axial part of the talar troch lear ridge is involved, or joint stability cannot be achieved, talocrural or pantarsal arthrodesis should be considered from the outset.

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING Boudrieau RJ , Dee JFand Dee LG ( 1984a) Central tarsal bone fractures in the racing greyhound : a review of 114 cases. l Ullmal of rlie Americall Veterinary Medical Association 184, 1486. Boudrieau RJ, Dee JF and Dee LG (1984b) Treatment of central tarsal bone fractures in the racing greyhound. Journal of rhe American Veterinary Medical Associarion 184, 1492. Brinker WO, Piermattei DL and Flo GL (1990) Fractures of the carpus, metacarpus and phalanges. In : Handbook of Small Animal Orthopaedics alld FraclIfre Treatment . WB Saunders Co ., Philadelphia, 216. Dee JF (1988) In : Decision Making ill Small Animal Onhopaedic Surgery, ed. G Sumner-Smith. BC Decker Inc., Philadelphia . Houlton JEF (1996) The management of open fractures. Veterinary AlIllllal36, 173. Johnson KA ( 1987) Accessory carpal bone fract ures in the racing greyhound: classification and pathology . Veterinary Surgery 16(1), 60. Johnson KA, Pi ermaltei DL, Davis PE and Belle nge r CR (1988) Characteristics of the accessory carpal bone in 50 racing greyhounds. Veterillary Comparative Orthopaedics alld Trallmalology 1, 104. Johnson KA, Dcc I F and Pienllaltei DL (1989) Screw fixation of accessory carpal bone fractures in racing greyhounds: 12 cases ( 1981-6).JournaloJtheAmerican Vererillary Medical Association 194 ( II ) 16 18. Miller A, Cannichael S, Anderson TJ and Brown I (1990) Luxation of the radial carpal bone in four dogs. Journal of Small Animal Practice 31 , 148. Punzet G ( 1974) Luxation of the os carpi radial e in the dog pathogenesis, symptoms and treatment. Journal of Small Animal Pracrice 15 ( 12),751.

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The Carpus and Tarsus



Dorsal approach to the carpus

Positioning The dog may either be placed on its back with the affected limb drawn caudally to lie alongside its chest, or be placed in sternal recumbency with its limb drawn forwards. An extension arm added to the table is particularly useful if the latter approach is employed in large dogs.

Assistant Optional. Tray Extras Gelpi retractors; small Hohmann retractor. Surgical Approach The skin incision is made on the mid-dorsal surface of the joint, curving laterally at its distal end parallel with the cepha lic vein, allowing the latter to be retracted medially (Figure 20.11). The incision is continued between the tendons of the common digital extensor and the extensor carpi radialis and through the periosteum of the distal radius. TIlls is elevated on either side of the incision so that the tendons can be elevated without disturbing their sheaths. The tendons are retracted laterall y and medially, respecti vely, with Gelpi retractors. The joint capsule can be incised either parallel to the tendons or, if greater visualization is required, transversely. The synovium attached to the dorsal surface of the carpal bones must be incised around the bone in question in order to expose them.

PRACTICAL TIP Exposure is improved by flexing the carpus and readjusting the Gelpi retractors.

Abductor pollicis longu s m.

Tendon of common digital extensor m.

Extensor carpi radialis m. Accessory cephalic v.

Figure 20.11: Dorsal exposure of the carpus.


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Palmaromedial approach to the radial carpal bone

Positioning Dorsal recumbency with the affected limb drawn cranially so that the palmar surfaceofthe foot is uppermost. Assista1lt Useful.

Tray Extras Gelpi retractors; small Hohmann retractor. Rake-type retractors may be useful. Surgical Approach A skin incision is made equidistant between the radial styloid process and the carpal pad. The underlying cephalic vein is ligated and transected (Figure 20.12). The fl exor retinaculum is incised in a similar direction to expose the tendons of the fl exor carpi radialis and the digital flexor muscles. The antebrachiocarpal joint space is identified with a 21 g needle and the deep fascia and joint capsule are incised at this level. There is a daunting number of vessels and nerves, but most can be retracted if care is taken. The median artery and nerve, the ulnar nerve, and the deep palmar arch and palmar metacarpal arteries are the most important and must be preserved

WARNING This approach is not recommended for inexperienced surgeons.


Superficial dig ital flexor m.

Deep digital flexor m.

Median . --::::f=\:l~~~. a.andn _

Flexor retinaculum



Flexor carpi radialis m.


Caudal interosseo us

Palmar digital n. and palmar common digital 8 .

Figure 20.12: Palmaromedial exposure a/the radial carpal bone.

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Ulnar carpal bone


The Carpus and Tarsus



Screw fixation of type I and II accessory carpal bone fractures

Positiollillg Dorsal recumbency with the affected lim b pulled crania ll y so that the palmar aspect of the foot is uppermost. Assistant Useful.

Tray Extras Gelpi retractors; small Hohmann retractor; 1.5/2.0 mm screw sets; drill (ideally, mini air drill); small periosteal e levator; small pointed reduction fo rceps; Number 11 or 15 scalpel blade. Surgical Approach A pa lmarolateral approach is made. The skin incision is started at the caudomedial border of the distal ulna, taken around the accessory carpal bone, and ended distally over metacarpal V (Figure 20.13). The subcutaneous tissues are incised along the same line. The lateral flexor retinacul um is sharply incised with a sca lpel, anda paifofGelpi retractors is placed tOfetract the two accessoro-metacarpal ligaments mediall y. If further visualization of the distal border of the bone is required, sharp dissection of the ori gin of the abductor di giti quinti muscle is performed.

Tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris m.


Cut edge of lateral

metacarpal IV ligament

flexor retinaculum -l-- --rT Accessory metacarpal V ligament

Incised abductor digiti quinti m. Palmarolateral view

Figure 20.13:

Pall1laroiateral exposllre of tile accessory carpal bone.

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276 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management


Screw fixation of type I and II accessory carpal bone fractures

Reduction and Fixation The carpus should be extended and the slab pushed forwards with a small periosteal elevator so as to line up the palmar fracture line. Once reduced, the fragment should be clamped with a pair of small reduction forceps placed as close to the articular surface of the bone as possible. A 1.5 mm drill hole is started in the centre of the fragment. The hole should be drilled parallel to the metacarpal bones. The 2.0 mm screw is inserted and the screw tightened before removing the forceps. Overtightening of the screw will cause its head to shear, but the screw threads are likely to retain sufficient purchase in the bone fragment to maintain the reduction (Figure 20. 14). WARNING The screw should not be lagged, nor should its head be countersunk, to reduce the risk of splitting the thin slab of bone.


Lateral view

Lateral view

Figure 20.14: Screwfixarioll olea) type I and (b) type /I articular fractures a/the accessory carpaL hone.

Post-operative Care The carpus is cast in flexion for a total of 6-8 weeks. Each second or third week the cast should be replaced and the joint re-cast in a less flexed position. At the end of this period, the carpus will have a restricted range of movement which will improve with a gradual increase in exercise level.

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The Carpus and Tarsus



Pin and tension-band fixation of calcaneal fractures

Positioning Dorsal recumbency with the affected limb drawn forwards or lateral recumbency. Assistant Optional.

Tray Extras Gelpi retractors; K-wires; wire for tension-band; small chuck; pin/wire cutters; pliers/wire twisters; pointed reduction forceps; drill bits. Surgical Approach A plan taro lateral approach (Figure 20.15) is made to the calcaneus to avoid the point of the tuber calcis. The skin incision begins on the lateral aspect of the calcaneal/achilles tendon and curves distally. The deep fascia is incised lateral to and parallel with the superficial digital flexortendon. Medial retraction of the superficial digital flexor tendon from the gastrocnemius tendon completes the exposure. WARNING It is unwise to use an Esmarchs bandage and tourniquet when repalrmg calcaneal fractures, as the tourniquet will apply tension to the Achilles tendon and hinder fracture reduction.

Gastrocnemius tendon

Tendon of deep digital flexor m. Lateral extensor retinaculum Abductor quinti digiti m.

Figure 20.15: Piantarolateral exposure a/the calcaneus.

Reduction and Fixation PRACTICAL TIP Extension of the hock will assist fracture reduction. The transverse hole for the tension-band wire should be drilled first so that there is no danger of hitting the pins. Retraction ofthe superficial digital flexortendon medially with a small pointed Hohmann retractor will enable the end of the wire to be grasped when it is threaded through the bone tunnel. When managing physeal separation in puppies, the K-wires should be driven side by side as far laterally and medially as possible. The tension-band wire is then completed, making sure that it is adjacent to the bone and under the tendon of the superficial digital flexor. The ends of the K-wires must be bent over as close to the surface of the bone as possible, to minimize soft tissue irritation (Figure 20.16) .

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Pin and tension-band fixation of calcaneal fractures

In adults with mid-body fractures, countersunk pins can be used as these interfere less with superficial digital fl exor tendon function and create fewer soft tissue problems. A single pin is adequate and the tension-band is taken through two transverse tunnels: one proximal to and one distal to the fracture (Figure 20. 17). Pre-drilling theealcaneus with a slightl y smaller drill bit than the final pin is strongly advised as this is a very dense bone. PRACTICAL TIP Rather than creating the tension-band wire out of a single piece of wire, it is sometimes easier to use two shorter pieces, one passed through the distal bone tunnel, the other taken around the ends of the K-wires. The relevant ends can then be tightened.

Lateral view

Plantar view

Figure 20. J 6: Pill alld tension-balld repair of a SalterHarris type I fractu re of the proximal ealcalleal physis.

Lateral view

Plantar view

Figure 20.17: Pill Gild rellsion-band repair of a mid-body fracture of the calcaneus.

Post-operative Care The hock is supported in slight extension for 6-8 weeks using a light cast or a short lateral splint and padded bandage. Greyhounds with calcaneal fractures are often retired from racing. If an attempt is made to return them to racing, then implants should be removed.

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The Carpus and Tarsus



Internal fixation of articular fractures of the talus

Positioning Medial or lateral recumbency, depending on which region of the talar surface is being exposed. Assistant Useful. Tray Extras Gelpi retractors; small Hohmann retractor; osteotome and mallet; small chuck; K-wires; pointed reduction forceps. Possibly 1.5/2.0 mm screw set. Rake-type retractors may be useful. S"rgical Approach The exposure is as forthe relevant malleolus described in Chapter 19, with an additional incision into the joint capsule. Adequate exposure of larger fragments may not be possible without a majleolar osteotomy. To expose the medial condyle, the medial collateral ligament is isolated by incising either side of it and removi ng the malleolus with an osteotome (Figure 20.18). This is not an easy osteotomy since it should be deep enough to include most of the origin of the malleolus, but not so deep as to involve the weight -bearing articular surface. To expose the lateral condyle, the distal fibula is isolated by a transverse osteotomy (Figure 20.19a). Proximal extensor retinaculum Medial




I Tendons of tibialis caudalis & deep digital flexor m.

Collateral ligaments

Medial trochlear ridge of talus

-t+I"<--',-- Tendon of tibialis cranialis m.

II Figure 20.18: MediaL exposure of the talocrural joint via osteotomy of the medial malleoLus. (a) Exposure a/the medial aspect a/the tarsus. Medial (b) Retraction of caudal tendons prior to Trochlear osteotomy. (c) Positiol1 of osteotomy. ridge (d) Distal reflection o!medialmalleo!lls to expose the medial trochlear ridge.

Collateral ligament Medial malleolus

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Internal fixation of articular fractures of the talus

PRACTICAL TIP Drill the fixation screw/K-wire holes before performing the osteotomy.

Figure 20.19: (a) Repair of the articular fracture shown ill

Repair of




Kirschner wires

Figure 20.8 using cOlllltersunk K-wires. The JracfUre is

exposed via osteotomy a/the distaLjibliLa and lateral reflectioll a/fhe matieo/us. (b) Th efibufar osteotomy is repaired using two positional

Lateral view

screws illfo flie distal tibia.

Reduction alld Fixation Large fragments should be reduced and stabilized by K·wires or 1.5 or 2.0 mm screws countersunk into the articular surface (Figure 20.19). The use of biodegradable pins has also been suggested (Chapter 9). Some parasagittal intertrochlear fractures may be amenable to lag screw fixation through subarticular bone. Closure The medial malleolus is re-attached with a lag screw or pin and tension-band wiring (Chapter 19) . If a lateral approach has been used with fibular osteotomy, the distal fibula can be stabilized using two positional screws directed into the tibia (Figure 20.19). Post-operative Care The hock is supported in slight extension for approximately 6 weeks using a light cast. Following cast remova l, acti vity is restricted to lead-walking for a furth er 2-4 weeks, before gradually increasing the dog's exercise.

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The Carpus and Tarsus



Internal fixation of central tarsal bone fractures

Positioning Dorsal recumbency with the affected leg extended caudally.

PRACTICAL TIP When positioning the dog, it is helpful to extend the limb so that the hock and pes are parallel to the ground. This aids accurate drilling in a dorsoplantal' direction.

Assistant Helpful durin g exposure of fracture. Tray Extras Appropriate size bone screw set, drill bits, etc.; drill; Gelpi retractors; small Hohmalll retractor; Vulsellum forceps. Surgical Approach The surg ica l approach is dorsomedi al (Figure 20.20). A skin incision is made from the medial malleolus to metatarsalll between the saphenous and medial saphenous vein, lateral to the tendon of insertion of the cranial tibialis muscle. A small Hohmann retractor is used to retract the tendon medially and expose the dorsal surface of the central tarsal bone.



cranialis tendon

in central

tarsal bone

Hohmann retractor Third tarsal


Figure 20.20: Dorsomedial exposure a/the central tarsal bOlle. (a) Incision through skill alld slIbderll/alfascia. (b) Refracliol1 a/the tibialis cral1ialis tendoll exposes thefractllre.

Reduction alld Fixation Type I and II fractures are repaired using a dorsoplantar 2.7 mm lag screw (Figure 20.21) . The fracture is reduced by extending the hock and lining up the articular surfaces. The reduction is maintained with Vulsellum forceps. Care should be taken to start the drill bit in the centre ofthe bone - too proximally and it will enter the taloca lcaneocentraljoint. If the hock is parallel with the floor and the drill bit directed vertically, the screw will be in the COrrect dorsoplantar direction.

Fracture line

Figure 20.21,' Repair of a type VII central tarsal bone fracture llsing a dorsoplama r lag screw.

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Medial view



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Internal fixation of central tarsal bone fractures

Type IV fractures are repaired using a mediolateral 4.0 mm partially threaded cancellous bone screw to transfix the medial slab and a 2.7 mm lag screw through the dorsal slab. The use of a cancellous mediolateral screw helps to stabilize compression fractures in T4, and the non-threaded portion within the central tarsal bone allows easier placement of the dorsoplantar screw (Figure 20.22). Screw placement is critical if both screws are to avoid the talocalcaneocentral and centrodistal joint spaces. The mediolateral screw should be placed first, starting at the junction of tile middle and distal third ofthe slab. The dorsoplantar screw is started at the junction of the proximal and middle third of the bone. (a) Fracture line

Dorsal view

Figure 20.22: (a) Schematic to show screw position ill the repair of a type IV celllral tarsaL bone fracture. A mediolateral partially threaded cancellous screw is used to fix the medial slab. This allows more space for the insertioll of the dorsopLamar lag screw to fix the cranial slab as sho wn ill Figure 20.21. (b). (c) Pre-operative radiographs of a type IV celltral tarsal bOlle fracture ill a racillg Greyhound. (d) Post-operative radiographs showing lag screw repair.

Post-operative Care The hock is supported in slight extension for 6 weeks using a light cast. Following cast removal, activity is restricted to lead exercise for the next 6 weeks. Training may generally resume at 12 weeks.

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The Distal Limb Jonathan Dyce

This chapter reviews the management of fractures distal to the carpom etacarpal and tarsometatarsal joints. In order to avoid repetition, anatomical terms relating to the forelimb only will be used. The text is equally applicable to the corresponding bones of the hindlimb, unless stated. High performance dogs are particularly vulnerable to distal limb injury and consequently this chapter is weighted towards the Greyhound. Where there are differences in management between the pet and the athlete, these are stated in the text.

ANATOMICAL CONSIDERATIONS For detailed descriptions of regional anatomy in the dog and cat, refer to Evans (1993) and Hudson and Hamilton (1993). The four main metacarpal bones are arranged in a diverging dorsall y convex arcade. The base of a metacarpal bone is the proximal part, contributing to the carpometacarpal joint and providing insertion for carpal ligaments. The body has a greater dorsopalmar than mediolateral dimension, and extends distally to the neck (the site of the metacarpal growth plate). The head articulates distally with the first phalanx (PI) (Figure2 1.1) and the paired palmar proximal sesamoid bones, Wllich lie at either side of the sagittal condylar ridge. Sesamoids are numbered from medial to lateral, I to 8. The vestigial metacarpal I of the dew claw articulates with a single phalanx and unnumbered Figure 21.1: Lateral radiograph of an isolated cOl/ille left/ore digit III.

sesamoid. A variable vestige of the first metatarsal bone is present in the hindlimb. The anatomy of the proximal palmar sesamoid bones is of particular interest (Davis et al., 1969; Robins and Read, 1993). The bones lie wit hin the insertion of the interosseous muscles; they ha ve a

triangular cross-section and, with the int.ersesamoidean ligament, form a sulcus for the overl ying digital flexor tendons. The sesamoids (3-6) of the axial digits form symmetrical pairs and are consequently loaded evenly as tension develops in the flexor tendons (Figure 21.2a). Due to the conformation ofthe metacarpus, the sesamoids of the abaxial digits are loaded eccentricall y, with sesamoids 2 and 7 subjected to greater loading than sesamoids I and 8. In addition,sesamoids 2 and 7 are unus ual in presenting a flat palmar surface to the fl exor tendons (Figure 21.2b). Consequently,


Sesamoid 3 Sesamcid 5

Sesamoid 4 Metacarpal

Digital flexor



Metacarpal V

Metacarpal II


Sesamoid 8 Sesamoid?

Sesamoid 1 Sesamoid 2

Figure 21.2: (0) Cross-section o/the metacarpus at the leveL a/rhe axial sesamoid bOlles. (b) Cross-section a/the metacarpus at the level o[ the abaxial sesamoid bOlles.

(Redrawn/rom Davis et aI. , /969.)

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pathology is most commonl y seen in these bones. Small single dorsal sesamoid bones lie within the digital extensor tendons at the level of the carpometacarpal and proximal interpha langeal joint. These sesamoids are very rarely of clinica l importance (Brinker el al., 1990).

Figure 21.3: Chrollic metacarpal V oblique fracture ilZ an Old English Sheepdog (ul/stressed view).

GENERAL SURGICAL CONSIDERATIONS IN DISTAL LIMB SURGERY Routine orthopaedic s urgical asepsis is practised but the prox im ity of the nails and pads implies likely contamination of the surgica l site. Nails should be scrubbed and should be isolated from the surgical site if possible. The use of sterile plastic foot bags or adhesive dra pes should therefore be considered. The routine use of peri operative anti biosis is advised for surgery of the foot. Surgica l incisions overlie the region of interest. The bones of the foot are essentiall y subcuta neous and therefore easil y exposed. To conserve delicate di gital tendons and their accompanying vasculature, and thereby reduce the risk of adhesion formation, precise dissection is required. A bloodless surg ical fi eld can be created by exsanguination of the distal limb using an Esmarch bandage and subsequent application of a tourniquet. This is strongly recommended fo r procedures about the palmar foot, such as sesamoidectomy. If a toumiquet is used, a compression bandage should be applied on tourniquet remova l and changed 24 hours later to allow inspection of the soft tissues. Fracture repairs are generally coapted for4- 6 weeks. Adequate padding should be placed between the toes and all bandages should be monitored diligently. Readymade o r indi viduall y mo ulde d th e rm o pl as ti c metasplints are often more appropriate than full cy linder casts, which pennit weight bearing on the digital pads. No foot should be cast before significant soft tissue swelling has resolved.

WARNING Improperly applied and maintained coaptation is the most significant cause of patient morbidity following distal limb surgery. METACARPAL~ETATARSAL

FRACTURES Proximal avulsion Oblique fractures of the bases of metacarpals IT and V (Figure 21.3) are commonly associated with avulsion of the flexor carpi radialis and palmar radial carpal-metacarpal liga ment, or ulnaris lateralis and palmar accessory carpal- metacarpal ligament, respecti vely. Collateral stress will demonstrate any resultant carpal valgus or

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Figure 21.4: ACllle carpometacarpal hyperextension alld valgus disp/{Icemellt ill a cat with proximal metacarpal V fra clIlre/ luxatioll: (a) dorsopallllar view; (b) lateral view. (c) Partial carpal arthrodesis stabilized with K· wires inserted proximally through the dorsal cortex of lIIetacarpal ll alld III.


Fractures of the Distal Limb

varus displacement. Such fractures are unlikely to be the sale significant pathology and should alert the surgeon to the probability of carpal hyperextension injury. WARNING Metacarpal base fractures are likely to be associated with carpal hyperextension. The distractive forces may be neutrali zed by K-wire and figure-of-eight tension-band wire in cases of metacarpal II avulsion fractures, which tend to produce a smaller fragment than metacarpal V avu lsion fractures (Dee, 1988a). Lag screw fixation may be more s uitable for such metacarpal V fractures. Carpal stability should be checked post-operatively and significant concomitant injuries treated. If there is severe carpometacarpal disruption (Figure 21.4a,b), or in cases that have been managed inappropriately by coaptation, partial (Figure 21.4c) or pancarpal arthrodesis (Figure 21.5) is indicated. The lateral base of metatarsal V provides the insertion for fibulari s brevis, abductor digiti quinti and lateral collateral ligament. Avulsion fracture of the lateral base is seen exclusively in the racing Greyhoun d following fracture of the central tarsal bone. The resultant dorsomedial collapse of the tarsus generates increased tension in the soft tissues inserting on the lateral base. Lateral subluxation of a compressed fourt h tarsal bone further predisposes to lateral base fracture (Dee, 1993). This s mall fracture is managed conservatively and does not affect the prognosis for central tarsal fracture repair (Boudrieau

et aI., 1984) .


Stress fractures Metacarpal/metatarsal stress fractures are seen in the racing Greyhound in training, or early in the racing career, with a peak incidence at 16-22 months of age (Gannon, 1972; Bellenger et al., 1981). Dogs race anticlockwise and such injuries are seen much more commonly in the side ofthe foot nearerto the inner rail. There is no history of external trauma. Left metacarpal V fracture is significantly more common than right metacarpal II ffacture. There is a lower prevalence of metatarsal stress fractures, with right metatarsal III most frequently affected. The adaptation of bone to increasing repetitive defonnation, as occurs during training, is a normal phenomenon and is manifest radiographically by increasing cortical width. However, if bone is overloaded and reparative remodelling is inadequate, then stress fractures become likely. Combined bending and compressive forces produce a consistent fract ure configuration, wi th a transverse palmar cortical fracture overlain by a dorsal butterfly fragment (Figure 21.6), at the junction of the proximal third and distal two-thirds of the bone. The distal fragment may displace in a palmar direction. For displaced fractures, internal fixation is indicated (Operative Technique 21.1). The best management for non-displaced stress fractures is less well defined. Internal fixation, as described below, will yield excellent results. For reviews of non-surgical management of stress fractures, see Boemo (1989) or Blythe et al. (1994). If internal fixation is not performed, the foot should be coapted with a palmar splint for 4 weeks, to prevent fracture displacement. If radiographic reassessment then confirms ongoing fracture repair, a gradually increasing plane of exercise is recommended. Training may reFigure 21.6: Displaced metatarsal III stress fracture in a racing Greyhound.

Figure 21.5: Pancarpai arthrodesis stabilized with a 3.5 111m DCP, ill an Old English Sheepdog with chronic middle carpal hyperextension followil1g coaptation oj an oblique proximal metacarpal V fracture.

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286 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management cOllunence after 8- 12 weeks, but initial trials should avoid cornering. Cast management may be inappropriate as Ness (1993) describes a high incidence of metatarsal III non-union with such coaptation. If radiographic reassessment at 3-4 weeks shows no evidence of fracture healing in conservati vely managed cases, consider internal fi xa tion. WARNING Acute proximal metacarpal pain in the racing Greyhound may be associated with radiographically covert stress fracture. It should be recognized that many stress fractu res are initially undiagnosed and are onl y revealed retrospecti vely by radiographic disclosure of chronic cortical remodelling, medullary obliteration and periosteal reaction. Chronically remodelled but symptomatic stress fractures may benefit fro m fo rage or debridement of exuberant callus.

Other fractures If the metaca rpus is not completely disru pted, metacarpal fractures can be successfull y managed in a splinted bandage. Coaptation of total metaca rpal fracnlre is likely to result in a degree of malunion, with palmar bowing of the metacarpus, unless the splint is accurately contoured (Brinker el al., 1990). Internal fi xation should be considered fo r single metaca rpal fractures in the Greyhound as this normally offers an improved prognosis fo r return to racing (Operati ve Technique 21.1). In other dogs and cats, internal fi xa tion is generally reserved for cases with more than two metaca rpal fractures. If the longer axial metacarpal bones are stabilized, this generally permits the abaxial frac tures to be managed simply by coaptation. Transverse fractu res may be treated by intra medullary pin or plate fixation (Operative Technique 21.1 ). Repair with intramedullary pins is an example of adaptation osteosynthesis, with small pins used for ease of insertion and preservation of the medullary blood supply. Fractures of the neck, including physeal separation, are managed by K-wire insertion using a Rush-pin method, entering the abaxial cortex just proximal to the metacarpophalangeal joint (Dee, 1988a) . Lag screw fixation is most appropriate for long oblique fractures and intra-articular fractures of the metacarpal head. Intramedullary pin and cerclage wire fi xation is most suitable for the abaxial metacarpals, due to difficulties in passing proximal wires about metacarpals III and IV.

Shearing injury The general principles of open fracture management are described in Chapter 10. Following shearing injury, if two or more metacarpal bones remain, or can be reconstructed, restoration of foot function should be possible, given favo urable soft tissue conditions.

Figure 21. 7: (a) Severe lateral metatarsal shearing injury,

tarsometatarsal fracTUre/luxatioll, alld metatarsophalangeal luxation, ill a Collie. (b) Tarsometatarsal arthrodesis stabilized lIsing a medial 2. 7 mm DCP. Delayed/lilt thickness open mesh autogenous skill grafting was also performed. (e) F OOl posture 2 years post-operatively. Implants had beell removed previollsly.

Pancarpal or tarsometatarsal (Figure 21 .7) arthrodesis may be appropriate fo r cases with unstable proximal metapodal fracture, or carpometaca rpal/tarsometatarsal subluxation, respecti vely. In cases of severe shear· ing injury of the distal limb including metacarpal trauma, which are managed with external skeletal fi xation, consider extending a padded U·shaped ' walking bar' distall y from a bilateral frame. This allows metacarpal pin placement, and also protects the foot fro m disruptive weight bearing.

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Fractures of the Distal Limb


Transverse or polar avulsion fractures of the palmar proximal sesamoid bones are not uncommon in the racing Greyhound (Bateman, 1959; Davisetal., 1969). Metacarpophalangeal hyperextension is a more likely aetiology than direct trauma. Sesamoids 2 and 7 are most frequentl y affected (see above). Acute sesamoid fracture should be distinguished from bipartite/tripartite sesamoids and sesamoid disease, which also affect sesamoids 2 and 7 primarily but are likely to be incidental findings. In a survey of 100 racing Greyhounds, 27 % were found to have asymptomatic sesamoid pathology (Eaton-Wells, 1989). Similarly, a 44 %occurrence of incidental sesamoid disease has been documented in the Rottweiler (Vaughan and France, 1986). WARNING Radiography frequently discloses asymptomatic sesamoid pathology. Correlation with specific clinical signs of sesamoid pathology is essential for diagnosis of significance. Acute sesamoid fractures are characterized radiographically by sharp demarcation of the fracture plane, whereas chronica lly fractured or bipartite sesamoids have non-complementary apposed surfaces (Figure 21.8). Sesamoid disease encompasses a va ri ety of changes, from single small ectopic calcified bodies to grossly enlarged multipartite sesamoid bones. Clinical ly significant sesamoid fractures are associated with pain and possible crepitus on direct palpation and metacarpophalange al manipulation ; metacarpophalangeal effusion; and significant response to an excitatory flexion test, or local anaesthetic infiltration. The degree of lameness is variable. Sesamoidectomy is the treatment of choice for


clinically significant acutely fractured sesamoid bones and offers a good prognosis for return to racing (Blythe etal., 1994). Partial sesamoidectomy may beappropriate for small po lar avulsions; however, total sesamoidectomy is most frequently performed (Operative Technique 21.2).

PHALANGEAL FRACTURES Phalangeal fractures are commonly shaft fractures or collateral avulsions. Coaptation is the treatment of choice for most shaft fractures. Mini-plate fixation of unstable P I/P2 fractures or lag screw fixation of oblique fractures may be favoured in the racing Greyhound (Dee, 1988b) (Figure 2 1.9). Large proximal and distal interphalangeal collateral avulsions can be managed by lag screw fixation (Figure 21.10). If fixation of the avulsed fragment(s) is not practical, then fragment removal and prosthetic ligament repair are indicated (Eaton-Wells, 1994). Arthrotomy is mandatory in cases of interphalangeal luxation managed by open reduction, in order to remove any intra-articular osteochondral debris. Irreparable intra-articular phalangeal fractures are rarely candidates for interphalangeal arthrodesis, which would be stabilized with angled miniplate or pin and tension-band wire. Amputation offers a more reliable prognosis in cases of conuninuted intra-articular and compound phalangeal fractures. Avulsion of the SOFT from the proximal palmar surface of P2 will result in a 'dropped toe' . This is unlikely to have more than cosmetic significance. In the acute case, if the fragment is large enough, it is possible to reattach this using a wire mattress suture placed through two dorsopalmar transosseous tunnels (Dee, 1988b).

Figure 21.8: Bipartite sesamoid 2, tripartite sesamoid 7 ill a racing Greyhound. The significant pathology ill this case is proximal interphalangeal luxation ill digit V.

Figure 21. 9: (a) Oblique Pl fracture ill a racing Greyhound. (b) Fracturefixatiol1llsil1g a 1.5 mm lag screw.

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288 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management

moved during distal metaca rpal amputation. It is possible to conserve the digital pad usefull y with amputation up to the level of distal P l. In the Greyhound consideration should be given to the racing surface, with more abrasive surfaces perhaps indicating a relatively higher amputation for a given injury (Dee el aI., 1990). Dogs should be able to resume training 3-4 weeks after amputation.

REFERENCES Figure 21.10: (a) AVIl/siolljrac:tllre o/tlle insertion o/the medial proximal illlerplialangeal collareraf ligament, ill a racing Greyhound. (b) Repair /Ising a 1.5 mm fa*g screw.

Avul s io n of th e DDFT from th e palmar protruberence of P3 wi ll res ult in overextension ofP3 - a ' knocked up' toe. Again, is ra rely of clinical significance. Other fractures of P3 that are not simple fractures of the ungual process are most effectively managed by distal P2 amputation.

Amputation of the digit Amputation is a possible management for any injury of the digit but it is currently difficult to make objecti ve specific recommendations regarding the relative merits of amputation and reconstruction. The advantages of digital amputation are that it is a single definitive procedure with a lower complication rate and that there is more rapid recovery without the requirement fo r prolonged coaptation. The disadvantage is thatthere will be increased loading of the other digits of the same foot, which may predispose to new pathology or exacerbate previously subclinical pathology. Although the majority of di gita l amputations are performed in Greyhounds, the e ffect of the procedure on perfo rmance and longevity of racing career has yet to be quantified. Digital amputation is strongly recommended for: metacarpophalangeal luxation irreparable intra-articular fracture compound fracture or luxation. Amputation may also be used to revise fa iled primary repair. The surgical approach is via a dorsal or abaxial inverted Y-shaped incision. Amputation is performed for fractures ofP 1,2 and 3 by osteotomy at the level of distal metacarpus, distal P 1 and distal P2, respecti vely. Disarticulation is a less satisfactory procedure. The severed di gita l fl exor and extensor tendons may be sutured over the cut bone surface to cushion the stump. The palmar proximal sesamoid bones should be re-

Bateman JK (1959) Fractured scsamoids in the greyhound . Velerillary Record 7 1, 10 1. Bcl lcngcr CR, Johnson KA, Davis PE and Ilkiw J E ( 1981) Fixmion of metacarpal and metatarsal fractu res in greyhounds. Australiall Veterinary Journal 57, 205. Blythe LL, Gannon JR and Craig AM ( 1994) Breaking-in or schooling. In : Care of rile Racing Greyhound, cd. LL Blythe, JR Gannon and A M Craig . American Greyhound Counci l Inc. Boemo CM (1989) Metacarpal inju ry. In: Greyhound Medicine and Surgery. Proc . 122 Post Graduate Committee in Vete rinary Science, University of Sydney. Boudrieau RJ , Dee JF and Dee LG ( 1984) Treatment of central tarsal bone fractures in the racing greyhound. Journal of rile American Veterinary MediCllI Association 184, 1492. Bri nker WO, Piennattei DL and Flo G L (1990) Fractures of the carpus, metacarpus and phalanges. In: Handbook of Sma II AI/imol Orrl/Opaedics and Fracture Tremmem, eds WO Brinker, DL Piennattei and GL Flo . WB Sau nders, Philadelphia. Bruse S, Dee JF and Prie ur WD (\ 989) Intemal fixation with a veterinary euttable plate in small animals. Veterin(lry and Comparative Orthopaedics alld Traumatology 1,40. Davis PE, Bellenger CR and Tumer OM (1969) Fractures of the sesamoid bones in the greyhound. Australian Veterinary Joun/al

45. 15. Dec, JF ( 1988a) Metacarpa l (metatarsal) fracture. In: Decision Making ill Small Animal Orthopaedic Surgery, ed. G Sumner-Smith. BC Dec ker Inc., Phi ladelphia. Dec JF (l988b) Phalangeal fracture. In: Decision Making in Small Animal Orthopaedic Surgery, cd. G Sumner-Smith, BC Decker Inc., Philadelphia . Dee JF ( I 993) Fractures in racing greyhounds. In: Disease Mechanisms ill Small Anilllal Surgery, 2nd edn, ed. MJ Bojrab. Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia. Dec JF, Dee LG and Eaton-Wells RD (1990) Injuri es of high perfonnance dogs. In: Canille Orthopaedics, 2nd edn, cd . WG Whinick. Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia. Denny HR (\990) Pectoral li mb fractures. In: Canille Orthopaedics, 2nd edn. ed. WG Whittick. Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia. E"ton-Wells RD ( 1989) Prognosis for retum to racing following surgi cal repair of musculos keletal injury. In: Greyhound Medicine and Surgery. Proc. 122 Post Graduate Committee in Vete ri nary Science, University of Sydney. Eaton-Wells RD ( 1994) Thedigits.ln: Manual ofSlllall Animal Arthrology, ed. JEF Houlton. BSA VA, Cheltenh am. Evans HE (1993) In: Millers Anatomy of the Dog, 3rd cdn. WB Saunders. Philadelphia . Gannon JR (1972) Stress fractures in the greyhound.Allstraliall Veterinary JOllrnal 48, 244. Gcntry SJ, Tay lor RA and Dee JF (1993) The use of veterinary eultable plates: 2 I cases. Journal oftlie Americall Animal Hospital Association 29, 455 . Hudson LC and Hamilton WP (1993) Atlas of Feline Anatomy for Veterinarians. WB Saunders, Philadelphia. Ness MG (\993) Metatarsa l III fractures in the racing greyhound. Journal of Small Animal Practice 34, 85. Robins GM and Read RA ( 1993) Diseases of the sesamoid bones. In : Disease Mechallisms ill Small Animal Surgery, 2nd edn, ed. MJ Bojrab Le" & Fe bigcr, Philadelph ia. Vnuglmn LC and France C ( 1986) Abnonnalities of the volar and plantar sesamoid bones in Roltwcilers. Journal of5111all Animal Practice

27,55 1.

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Fractures of the Distal Limb



Fractures of the metacarpus

Positioning Dorsal recumbency with the affected limb extended caudally. Also see General Considerations section. Assistant Optional. Tray Extras Gelpi self-retaining retractor ± Ki lner hand-held retractor; small Hohmann retractor; small pointed reduction forceps; appropriate pins, chuck, pliers and pincutters if pinning; 1.5/2.0 mm plate and screw sets, drill bits, etc., if plating. Surgical Approach Where a single metacarpal bone is fractured in the Greyhound, a longitudinal incision directly over the fractured bone can be used. In cases of total metacarpal fracture, all affected bones may be exposed by a dorsal approach through an elongated X-shaped incision (DelllY, 1990) (Figure 21.11). Tendon of insertion of extensor carpi radialis m.

Figure 21.11 DorsaL approach fO the left metacarpus.

/';--I--::=" Common digital extensor tendons Metacarpal


l--"-'''''''JL.a!tt-+.:::::= Lateral digital

extensor tendons

Fixation For plating, a veterinary cuttable plate 1 mm thick (Synthes), which accommodates 1.5 and 2.0 mm screws, is the implant of choice (Bruse et at., 1989, Gentry et at., 1993). It is applied as a neutralization plate with lag screw transfixion of the dorsal butterfly fragment (Figure 21.12) .

Plates are applied to the medial surface of metacarpal II and the lateral surface of metacarpal V to reduce interference with the digital tendons. Conformation of the metacarpus dictates dorsal plate position on metacarpals III and IV.


Figure 21.12: Repair ofthefraClure shown ill Figure 21.6, llsil1g

a veteril1aty clillable plate and 2 1111/1 screws. The dorsaL butterfly fragment has been lagged through

the plate.

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290 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management


Fractures of the metacarpus

If intramedullary pinning is used, the pins are inserted orthograde. This is best accomplished via slots burred in the dorsal cortex of the dista l fragment, in order to avoid penetration of the metacarpophalangeal joint (Dee, 1988a) (Figure 21.1 3).

Figure 21.13: (a) Metararsalll- Vfracture ill a 4-momh-oJd Labrador Retriever. (b) Post-operative radiograph after repair using K-wires il1serted proximally Through the dorsal cortex a/metatarsal /II- V. (c) Fi ve lVeeks postoperatively: wires were removed at this stage. The splinting of the repaired metatarsal bOlles alld external coaptation allowed the metatarsal II p/iyseal fracture to be managed conservatively.

Closure The subcutaneous layers are closed with synthetic absorbable suture material used in a continuous or interrupted pattern. Skin closure is routine.

Post-operative Care Implants are not removed routinely. In the Greyhound, the prognosis for a return to racing is very good following plate fixation.

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Fractu res of the Distal Limb




Positioning Forelimb: dorsal recumbency with affected limb extended cranially. Hindlimb : sternal recumbency with the affected limb extended caudally. Also see General Considerations secdon. Assistant Useful for retraction.

Tray Extras Kilner hand-held retractors. Surgical Approach A palmar surgical approach is made over the affected sesamoid, avoiding the metaca rpal pad (Figure 2 1.14). The annularligament is transected, and the underlying digital flexor tendons are displaced to expose the palmar surface of the sesamoid. Using a No. ll blade against the bone, the fragments are dissected from the interosseous tendon proximally, and sesamoidean ligaments. The joint is lavaged, the fl exor tendons are replaced, and the annular ligament is reapposed.

Figure 21.14: Surgical approach to left fo re sesamoid 2.

Sesamoid 2

Intersesamoidean ligament

o incision site ~

o C:OOO Free border of transected annul ar ligament

Kilner retractor

Sesamoid 1

Superficial & deep digital flexor tendons Cruciate ligaments

Closure The subcutaneous layers are closed with synthetic absorbable suture material used in a continuous or interrupted pattern. Skin closure is routine. The nail should be cut short to decrease metacarpophalangeal loading during convalescence. Post-operative Care The foot is bandaged for 3 days and exercise restricted for 6 weeks.

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Patella and Fabellae Ralph H. Abercromby

INTRODUCTION Fractures of the patella or fabellae are infrequently encountered. Care should be taken not to misdiagnose the more common, and generally clinically insignificant, bi- or poly-pa nite sesamoids as fractures.

PATELLA The patella confers a mechanical advantage on the quadriceps muscle complex and is therefore a major component of the extensor apparatus of the stifle. The patella is an ossification or sesamoid bone in the tendon of insenion of the quadriceps muscle group. The quadriceps muscles converge distall y as the quadriceps tendon, fibres of which pass over the patella and merge with the patellar ligament. Fibrocani lages are present on either side of the patella. In humans, resection of pan or all of the patella results in quadriceps muscle atrophy and decreased strength of the extensor mechanism (Sutton el aI., 1976). Fracture incidence is low, at a reponed frequency of between 0.1 % and 0.26% of all bone fractures (Leonard, 1960; Harari el aI., 1990). Any breed or age and either sex may be affected. Fractures may occur as a consequence of intense forces generated on contraction of the quadriceps muscles - for example, when jumping or landing -

defined than the unaffected one due to swelling and bruising, though bilateral fractures are possible. Crepitus and pain may be evident on stifle manipulation, especially if pressure is applied to the patella. The patient may be unable, as opposed to unwilling, to bear weight on the affected limb if there is marked distraction of fragments and disruption of soft tissues. Severe disruption of the extensor apparatus is confirmed by an ability to flex the stifle with the hip concurrently extended. Clinical signs may be suggestive of patellar fracture but confirmation requires radiography.

Radiography Good quality caudocranial and flexed mediolateral radiographs are most useful. Fractures are usually displaced and obvious on such radiographs. Should uncenainty persist, additional projections including (a)




but most commonly occur due to direct trauma, such as

the patella being struck when the animal attempts to jump an obstacle.

Fracture classification Fractures of the patella can be classified as either displaced or undisplaced and as transverse, longitudinal, polar or comminuted (Figure 22 .1).

Clinical presentation Non-weight-bearing lameness will be noted in many animals. Others may be surprisingly sound, especially those with undisplaced longitudinal fractures. In those caused by direct trauma, a wound or haemorrhage may be evident and may extend into the joint (open intraanicular fracture). The affected patella will be less well

Figure 22.1: Fractures a/the patella: (a) transverse; (b) longitudinal; (c) polar; (d) comminuted.

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294 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management tangential/skyline, oblique, or fl exed and extended

views may be of some assistance.

PRACTICAL TIP Radiograph both limbs - the 'fracture' may be a bipartite sesamoid. The tangential or skyline radiographic projection permits a transverse view of the patella and can be useful for identifying undisplaced longitudinal fractures. The X-ray beam is centred between the femoral condyles and directed parallel with the trochlea and the long axis of the patella.

Surgical versus non-surgical management Treatment aims to preserve a functional extensor apparatus and to limit degenerative joint disease. Large

forces will act across any repair teclmique until bone union has occurred; and patellar fractures almost invariably affect the articular surface. Therefore, accurate reduction and stable fixation are usually required. External support alone is rarely indicated. Undisplaced fractures, except perhaps where the fracture is longitudinal, are rarely encountered because of the distracti ve effect of the quadriceps. Such fracnlfes may be managed conservatively by restricting physical activity and supporting the limb in moderate extension for 4 to 6 weeks. Regular radiographic monitoring is required to enSure that fragment displacement is not occurring. Rather than risk such deterioration and joint stiffness it is more usual to perform surgical repair.

Surgical management of patellar fractures Despite earlier reports to the contrary, Howard er ai. (1986) demonstrated that the canine patellar afferent blood supply enters at multiple sites on the medial, lateral, apical, basal and cranial surfaces and has extensive anastomoses within. Reduction and rigid fixation should result in successful bone union. The surgical options include: Internal fi xation Excision of small fragments Patellectomy - partial or total. Transverse fractures Transverse fractures (Figure are the most commonly encountered patellar fractures. Where only two fragments are present and each is of reasonable size, it is possible to perform open reduction and fixation. A pin and tension-band technique is recommended (Weber er ai., 1980) (Operative Technique 22. 1). Simple wiring techniques ha ve been shown to fail. Longitudinal fractures Longitudinal fractures ofthe patella (Figure 22.1 b) are uncommon and result from direct trauma. The patella is split from proximal to distal. Should patellartendon,

ligament and adjacent soft tissues be relatively undamaged the fracture will remain essentially undisplaced and lameness will be minimal. If soft tissue damage is extensive and displacement occurs, lameness may be

marked (Operative Technique 22.2). WARNING When fragment displacement occurs subsequent to a longitudinal fracture the situation may Clinically resemble patellar luxation. Identification of a large displaced fragment may result in diagnostic error and perhaps inappropriate treatment delay. Polar fractures Fractures of either patellar pole (proximal = base, distal = apex) (Figure 22. I c) are unlikely to be avu lsion fractures because they are relatively unattached to patellar ligament or tendon. Where size allows they may be fixed in position by K-wire, pin and tensionband or small orthopaedic screw. Their small size and limited contribution to femoropatellar articulation means they may be safely discarded or treated conservatively. A radiograpllic non-union of a polar fracture does not appear to cause lameness as long as the extensor apparatus is fun ctional. Comminuted fractures Repairtechniquesapplied to comminuted patellar fractures (Figure 22.1d) depend on degree of comminution and fragment size (Operative Technique 22.3) . Patellectomy Removal of the patella consistently alters biomechanics and has been demonstrated in clinical human and experimental animal cases (De Palma and Flynn, 1958) to result in degenerative stifle lesions and to increase the force required for knee extension. It is therefore preferable to preserve the patella wherever possible or, if not, to preserve a fragment large enough to contribute to the extensor mechanism (partial patellectomy). Carb (1975) reported a limited series including two canine patellar fractures successfully treated by partial patellectomy in which DID resulted in only one case and was considered clinically insignificant. He proposed partial patellectomy as a first choice treatment of transverse patellar fractures. In cases where fibrous non-union has occurred, such as following fracture of a patella weakened by disease or congenital malformation and not diagnosed or treated early, partial patellectomy has provided, for some, more satisfactory results than has late primary repair (White, 1977) . Arnbjerg and Bindseil (1994) reported good function without patellectomy in cats with non-union of either transverse or polar type fractures which had occurred despite or without reparative surgery. It would appear, especially in the cat, that if partial patellectomy is considered, surgery may be

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Patella and Fabellae

temporarily delayed in order to assess whether conservative management is likely to be successful (Operative Technique 22.4).

General post-operative care of patellar surgery cases Accurate reduction and internal fixation should allow early joint motion and weight bearing. Controlled early joint use will reduce development of DJD and fracture disease. A soft dressing will limit but not prevent stifle motion. Care should be taken as a Robert Jones dressing that slips may acolally increase the load on the repair, by restricting hock but not stifle motion. An unbandaged limb, on which the animal initially bears little weight because ofthe effects of injury or surgery, and an owner who understands the reasons and methods for restricted and controlled activity may be better. Exercise should be controlled for at least 4 to 6 weeks. Where stifle movement is to be severel y restricted, such as for a reconstructed comminuted patellar fracture or following patellectomy, a spica splint or Schroeder Thomas splint is to be recommended, perhaps to be replaced by a softer dressing after 2 weeks. Should stifle motion be restricted by desire or otherwise, it will be useful to instigate a degree of passive physiotherapy at an appropriate time. Lead walking when the limb has begun to bear weight is an effective form of active physiotherapy. Implant fai lure is likely to be the result of poor surgical choice but may also reflect the inability of the surgeon and owner to control activity adequately (the patient does not know any better). Implants used in successfu l fracture fixation rarely break but may require removal following bone union should their subcutaneous position cause discomfort or skin problems. This is especially so for tllin-skinned dogs such as Greyhound or Lurcher. Wire passed around the patella and tibial crest to neutrali ze quadriceps forces on the patella is likely to fracture and may require removal. A planned removal may be performed 4 to 6 weeks post surgery or if/when a problem occurs.

Prognosis For all but the worst comminuted fractures, the prognosis is good. Where the fracture is considered irreparable there is always the option of pate llectomy or arthrodesis for salvage, the latter being a last resort when other surgical options have been tried and failed.

FABELLAE AND POPLITEAL SESAMOIDS The fabe llae and popliteal sesamoid bones are situated within the tendonsof origin of the gastrocnemius


and popliteus muscles, respecti vely. As a consequence, fracture results in displacement of the distal fragment. Fracture is rare; it ma y be caused by direct traum a and is often mistaken for the more common and benign bi-/poly-pa rtite sesa moid condition. Lameness is expected and exquisite pain may be localized on deep palpation. Radi ography confirms the diagnosis. If untreated, non-union results and it mayor may not cause pain (McCumin, 1977). Internal reduction and fixation are not usually practical because of size. Where conservative management has fa i led orsurgery is considered applicable, the proxi mal fragment, and others if size dictate, is removed and a suture (monofilament steel or non-absorbable synthetic) passed around the distal fragment and/or through the tendon of origin and through a femora l bone tunnel or strong soft tissues adjacent to the tendon of origin. Early surgery is generally indicated to limit the distracti ve effect of muscle contraction.

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING Alvarenga J (1973) Patellar fracture in the dog. Modern Veterinary Practice 54, 43. Ambjcrg J and Bindseil E(1994) Patella frac ture in cats. Feline Practice 22, 31.

Amoczky SP and Tarvin OS (1980) Surgery of the stifle - the patella. Compendium on COllfi1!ll ing Ed/ICalion 2, 200. Betts CW and Walker M (1975) Lag screw fixation of a patellar fracture. Journal o/Small AI/imal Practice 16,2 1. Brinker WO, Piermanei, DL and Flo GL (cds) (1990) Handbook 0/ Small Animal Orthopaedics and Fracture Treatmellt. WB Saunders, Philadelphia. Brinker WO, Hahn RB and Prieur WD (eds) (1984) Fract ures of the patella. In : Manual of [lltemal Fixation ill Small Animals, 1st edn. p. 176., Springer-Verlag, Berlin . Brunnbcrg L, Durr E and Knospe C ( 199 1) Zu den Verletzungen der Palella und des Ligamentum Patellae bci Hund und Katze. I. Patellafraktur. Kleintierpmxis 36, 547. Carb A ( 1975) A partial patellectomy procedure for transverse patellar fractures in the dog and cat. Journal of lhe American Animal Hospital Association 11, 649. De AngeJis M (1981) Fractures of the appendi cular and heterotopic skeleton. In: Pathophysiology ill SlIIall Allimal Surgery, ed. MJ Bojrab, pp. 632, 787. Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia. DePalma AF and Flynn JJ (1958) Joint changes foll owing experimental partial and total patellectomy. Journal of BOlle and Joil!! Surgery 40A,395. Harari JS , Person M and Berardi C (1990) Fractures of the patella in dogs and cats. Compendill/n all Co minuing Educatioll. Small Animal Practice 12, 1557. Howard PE, Wilson JW, Robbins TA and Ribble GA (1986) Normal blCMXI supply of the canine patella. American Journal o/Veterinary Research 47, 401. Kaufer H and Arbor A (1971 ) Mechanical function of the patella. Journal 0/ BOlle alld Jo;1I1 Surgery 53A , 155 1. Leonard EP (ed.) ( 1960) Orthopaedic Surgery oflhe Dog alld Cal. WB Saunders Co., Phi ladelphia . McCumin DM (1977) Separation of Ihe canine fabe lla. Veterinary Medicine (Small Animal Cliniciall) 72, 1438. Sutton FS, Thompson CH, Lipke J and Kettelkamp DB (1976) The effect of patellectomy on knee funct ion. Journal of Balle alld Joim ~ Surgery 58A, 537 . Weber MJ, Janecki CD, McLeod P. ef ai. (1980) Efficacy of various forms of fixation of transverse fractures of the patella. Journal of Bone and Joim Surgery 62A, 2 15 . White RAS (1977) Bilateral patellar fracture in a dog. Journal ofSmall Animal Practice 18, 261.

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Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management


Patella: transverse fractures

Positioning Dorsal recumbency. Assistant Optional. Tray Extras K -wires; wire for tension~band ; chuck; pin/w ire cutters; pliers/wire twisters; pointed reduction forceps; widebore hypodermic needl e; ± 2.0 mm and 1.5 mm screw sets; drill and bits. Surgical Approach A cranial s kin incision is made over the patella. Intra-articular stmctures should be examined. In many instances of direct trauma there is cons iderabl e damage to peri patellar soft tissues. In some cases one may choose to perform intra-articular examinat ion through the lacerati on which can fu nction as a transverse artluotomy, ratherthan inflict further tissue trauma with a standard para patellar arthrotomy. B lood and debris are lavaged from the joint. Reliuctioll and Fixation The stifle is extended to ensure that frag ments can be accurately reduced. Reduction may be assisted with reduction forceps applied to each poleofthe patella. Alternatively, apply and ti ghten orthopaedic wire around either the circumference of the patella or immediately above the proximal fragment and thro ugh the tibia l crest.

PRACTICAL TIP Extend stifle during repair to assist fragment reduction. The K-wire may be inserted through the reduced fragments in a normograde manner from one pole to the other. Alternatively it ma y be inserted in retrograde fashion (Figure 22.2a) from the centre of one fracture surface to the pole of that fragment, the fragment accurately reduced and the K-wire advanced to exit near the opposite pole (Figure 22.2b).



PRACTICAL TIP P"e-drill the hole in the first fragment with a power drill as it can be difficult to control the direction of a K-wire with a hand chuck. Figure 22.2: Application of a pin and tension -band for transverse patellar fracture. (a) Relrograde placemenr of pill ill the proximal fragment. A pilot hole can be made first lVirh a suirable drill bit. (b) FraClllre held ill reduction uSing small pointed reduction forceps. The pin is advanced through lhe disraLfragll1ellf. (c) Wire passed through the patellar tendol1 and behind the K-wire at each pole via the IUlllel1 of a pre-placed hypodermic needLe. The needle can be hem ill10 a gelll/e curve 10 fac ilitate placement. (d) Tensioll-ho nd wire tightened alld soft tissues closed.

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Patella and Fabellae



Patella: transverse fractures

The use of two parallel wires may improve rotational stability and reduce the likelihood of brea kage of the tension-band wire but is usually neither necessary nor practical, except in large dogs. Articular surfaces should be observed if possible during reduction and fixation. Orthopaedic wire is placed around the K-wire to function as a tension-band (Figure 22.2c,d). It is imperati ve that the orthopaedic wire is applied correctl y and is of sufficient ga uge (0.5 mm orO.8 mm, cat and small dog; 1.0 mm, medium-sized dog; 1.25 mm, large dog).

PRACTICAL TIPS Orthopaedic monofilament wire is used, not suture material. Use a large hypoderm ic needle as a wire passer to allow correct positioning or the hor izontal a rms or the tension-band. The hori zontal arms of the wire should pass immediately caudal to the K-wire and the patellar attachments of the quadriceps tendon and ligament. The vertical arms must lie on the cranial surface of the patella. Wire placed on the cranial surface will prevent the fo rce of the quadriceps mechanism distracting the fracture (Figure 22.3) .

Forces acting on fractured patella

Tension band wire tightened during extension

when stifle IS flexed


/ extended stille


Stif leflexed~


Correct application of tension band

wire creates . compression on caudal edge when flexed

Figure 22.3: Importance ofcorrect positioning a/tension band wire ill repair a/transverse pareilar fractures. (a) Forces acring at the site a/patellar fracture during stifleflexion. (b) Tension-band wire tightened 011 cranial surjace a/the patella. The wire is tightened with stifle in extension, as in this position the polar distractive forces and caudaL bending force are relatively smail. (c) When the stifle is now flexed, a cral1ially placed wire opposes distractive and bending forces and converts them into compression at the fracture site. (d) If the wire is incorrectly placed, the caudal compressive force from (he femu r opens the fracture site cranially and (Ile pill is exposed to large bending forces, Leading to premature implantfaiiure.

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298 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management


Patella: transverse fractures

WARNING Incorrect placement of the wire will allow distraction of the cranial aspect of the fracture on weightbearing. The repair teclmique bears considerable load until bone union has occurred. To protect tllis to some degree and therefore lessen the risk of implant fai lure, or where there is concurrent damage to the patellar ligament, orthopaedic wire may be passed immediately proximal to the patella and through the tibial crest and tightened. This second wire funct ions as a prosthetic patellar ligament (Figure 22.4) and tra nsfers forces directly between the insertion of the patellar tendon on the patella and the insertion of the patellar ligament on the tibial crest, thereby bypassing the fracture site.





/' F\


1\ -

Figure 22.4: Wire placed around proximal pareJla alld through the libialruberosiry to protect the repair of a transverse patellar fracture.

/~CdfP u

........ . .....



~ ~

----- Tibial crest

Wound Closllre Routine. Periosteum and deep fascia can be closed as one layer. Post-operative Care See main text. A lternative Technique Successful treatment of transverse fractures by partial patellectomy is reported (Carb, 1975) but results are often poorer than successful reconstruction and fixation. Conservative management of transverse patellar

fractures has been reported to have fail ed in the dog (Alvarenga, 1973), but to have succeeded in the cat (Arnbjerg and Bindseil, 1994). WARNING Until a large series of canine patellar fractures lI'eated by conservative management is reported it is probably better to treat them surgically.

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Patella and Fabellae


Patella: longitudinal fractures

Positioning Dorsal recumbency. Assistant Optional.

Tray Extras As for Operative Technique 22.l. Surgical Approach As for Operati ve Technique 22. 1. Management The author prefers a pin and wire technique similar to that used in transverse patellar fractures except rotated 180°, i.e. pin and wire directed in a lateromedial di rection (Figure 22.5). An interfragmentary screw can be used (Betts and Walker, 1975) but fragment size often makes this more difficult than using pin and wire, and implant failure is more likely.























Fig ure 22.5: Methods a/repairing longitudinal patellar fractures : (a) pill and tensioll-band wire; (b) lag screw.

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Patella: comminuted fractures

Positioning Dorsal recumbency . Assistant Optional.

Tray Extras As for Operati ve Technique 22.1 Surgical Approach As for Operati ve Technique 22 .1 Managem ent Where practica l, the articular surface is reconstructed and stabilized with internal fi xation. This often involves a combination of techniques including pin and tension-band, transfixion pins, orthopaedic wire and lag or positional screws (Figure 22.6a,b). Small fragments that cannot be accurately and ri gidly reduced should be discarded (Figure 22 .6c).

PRACTICAL TIP If fragment size and type or surgical equipment and skills preclude fixation , consider patellectomy - either partial or total.


Figure 22.6: Possible treatll/ems of commil/wed patellar frac1llres. (a) Recollstruction - K-lVires and tellsion-balld. (b) Partial reconstruction - screw (or pill and tension band) alld smaller fragments discarded. (c) Partial patellectomy.


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Patella and Fabellae




Positioning Dorsal recumbency.

Assistant Optional. Can be useful for everting the patella as the fragments are excised. Tray Extras As for Operative Technique 22.1, plus hand-held or self-retaining retractors; periosteal elevator; rongeurs. Surgical Approach The patella is approached via a standard parapatellar arthrotomy and is everted. Technique Fragments to be discarded are carefully excised with a scalpel or removed with rongeurs, avoiding where possible additional damage to the soft tissues (Figure 22.7). The extensor apparatus is obviously weakened in this area and will probably lengthen or fail if not protected. The area of patellectomy is 'snugged up' with BUlmell type or mattress sutures (Figure 22.7b). Where the most proximal fragment is preserved the soft tissues can be protected with a temporary wire prosthetic ligament as described for Operative Technique 22.l. Further support may be provided by a strip of fascia lata which remains attached proximal to the previous position of the patella, is reflected distally and is sutured to the peri patellar soft tissues and tibial crest. Figure 22.7: PateiLectomy. (a) PateLLa everted andfragments removed Willi scalpel blade. (b) 'Snugged-up' patellar tendon following patellectomy.








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Complications of Fracture Management


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Fracture Disease John F. Ferguson

INTRODUCTION Fracture disease is the term used to desc ribe the complication where a limb remains with no function, or suboptimal function, after treatment of fractures. The phrase was used by Muller (1963) to describe the syndrome of muscle atrophy or cont racture, joint stiffness and osteoporosis resulting from prolonged immobi lization of a limb. Functional disability may persist long after the fracture has healed. Complications arising as a consequence of prolonged periods of limb immobilization stimulated the formation of the AOIASIF group. This group developed instruments and implants to facilitate accurate fracture reduction and stabilization, which ensures earl y limb use so that controlled ambulation can be encouraged in the earl y post-operati ve period, reduc-

development of joint sti ffness. Immobilization of the stifle joint fo rthree weeks with and without concurrent muscle trauma in growing dogs did not lead to a permanent reduction in range of joint motion (Shires et at., 1982) . However, immobilization of distal femoral fractures treated by external splintage resulted in a stiff stifle joint after a period of 3-7 weeks. The e lbow and stifle joints appear most susceptible to post-traumatic stiffness. The number of joints that a muscle group crosses affects its tendency to atrophy by virtue of the extent of immobili zation the muscle group experiences. With elbow inunobili zation, for

ing the chance of fracture disease occurring.

AETIOLOGY Immobilization of a limb can lead to many stmctural, biomechanica l, biochemical and metabolic changes in the affected tissues. It is well known that bone in an immobilized limb undergoes atrophy. The fact that other limb tissues - including muscles, ligaments, articular cartilage and synovium - atrophy as well has probably received less recognition. This is an important consideration as changes in articular cartilage and joint capsule may be irreversible and progressive (Akeson el aI., 1987). Fracture disease usually occurs in association with surgical treatments and immobili zation methods that do not provide optimal stability or that limit or prevent earl y acti ve movement and limb use (Figure 23 .1a,b). Non-union, de layed union, osteomyelitis and improper treatment of articular fractures all predispose to fracture disease (Figures 23.2a,b and 23.3). Fractures close to joints cause reduced range of joint movement due to the healing resp·o nse and the development of adhesions in periarticular connective tissues. Fibrous adhesions between joint capsule, muscle, tendon and bone limit the normal sliding between these structures. Effects of muscle trau ma seem to playa limited ro le in the


Figure 23.1 : (a) A 2-year-old Jack Russell terrier, 2 weeks after surgical treatll/elll of a closed comminll1ed diphyseal tibialjraclIlre. Note the loss of.soft tissue around the jracIllre site. Two cerclage wires are visible. (b) Medio/ateral and craniocaudal radiographs o/tfle tibia ojthe same dog. Gross ill.stability at the fracture site lias resulted/rom the inappropriate use ojimplallts. A Robert Jones dressing had been applied post-operatively to help to 'stabilize' the jracture.


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Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management

in joint range of motion may be evident. Manipulation of the joints may elicit pain. Ligamentous laxity after prolonged support is common, especially in immature animals. Joint hyperextension at the time of cast removal in young dogs results in abnormal joint posture (Figure 23.4a) . This usually resolves as muscle tone returns fo llowing limb use and exercise. Animals with fracture disease after intra- or peri-articular fractures may have a severe or non-weightbearing lameness,

marked muscle atrophy and decreased or loss of joint range of motion. Radiography may reveal osteoporosis (Figure 23.4b). Animals with severe quadriceps muscle contracture show characteristic signs and this

condition will be discussed later in the chapter. Figure 23.2: (a) Craniocaudal radiograph a/a Saluki-cross with a lateraL humeral condylar fracture 8 weeks postoperatively. A lion-union has resulted due to/ailure to reduce thefracrure alld gain rigid stability. (b) The same dog, showing signs 0/ 'fracture disease' 0/ the right forelimb. Note the presence of severe muscle atrophy.

Figure 23.3: Post-operative lateral radiograph of the right elbow ofa 5 year-oLd Springer Spaniel. One o/rhe K-wires used to re-attach the olecranon is placed intra-articuiarly. The dog did /lot use the limb ulltil the K-wire was removed 3 weeks post-operatively.

example, the effect on the triceps brachii muscle is greater than that on the elbow flexors because the triceps is closer to being a 'one joint' muscle than the elbow flexors (Anderson, 1991). Immobilization of the limbs of animals during their rapid growth phase may have especially dramatic consequences on the entire limb. Fracture disease in the young animal may result in disturbances in the growth of bones, joint subluxation, bone hypoplasia and limb shortening (Bardet and Hohn, 1984). The atrophy of muscles, ligaments, articular cartilage and synovium is not caused by decreased blood flow. Richards and Schemitsh (1989) showed that blood flow to the affected limb actually increases during fracture healing and limb immobilization.

CLINICAL SIGNS The clinical signs of fracture disease depend on the duration and severity of the condition. Immediately after cast removal, mild muscle atrophy and reduction

Figure 23.4: (a) A 12-week-old Labrador's hindlimb after being ill a cast/or 3 weeks to treat a tibial fracture. Note the severe hyperextension of the digits due to laxity of the associated soft tisslles. The signs resolved 4 weeks later. (b) Dorsopalmar radiograph of the /001 of the same dog, showing osteoporosis o/the bones in the distal limb.

PATHOPHYSIOLOGY The effects of experimental immobilization on limb tissue has been studied in various species, including

the dog and cat. Changes in bones, muscles, articular cartilage, synovium, ligaments and other peri-articular structures have been demonstrated.

Muscle atrophy Elimination of normal weightbearing forces and muscle activity leads to flaccidity and atrophy of skeletal muscles within 3-5 days of inunobilization. This decrease in muscle size results in decreased muscle

strength. Braund et ai. (1986) found muscles composed of type I fibres ('slow' fibres) atrophy to a greater extent than muscles composed of type II fibres (,fast' fibres). Half of the total muscle mass lost during long-term immobilization occurs in the first 9 days (Booth, 1987). Anti-gravity muscles atrophy to a greater extent than their antagonists. Disuse muscle atrophy is generally reversible: unlike disuse osteoporosis, it appears that atrophic muscle maintains its regenerative

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Fracture Disease

capacity even after long periods of immobilization. However, the recovery period varies between two and four times the duration of the immobilization.

Disuse osteoporosis Disuseosteoporosis is characterized by decreased bone mass resulting from muscular inacti vity and reduction in weight bearing. Osteoporosis after immobilization can be di vided into phases. Uhthoff and Ja worski (1978) examined limbs of Beagles that had been immobilized and found the bone mass responded in three stages : it declined rapidl y fo r the first 6 weeks but returned almost to control values during the following 8-12 weeks of immobilization; a second phase of slower but longer-lasting bone loss ended 24-32 weeks after immobilization; the third stage was characteri zed by maintenance ofthe bone mass by some 30- 50 % of original values. The distal limb bones lost more bone than the proximal limb bones. The initiating cause of disuse osteoporosis is not well understood. Lack of muscular acti vity, increased vascular supply to the affected limb and absence of weightbearing, wllich decreases the piezoelectric action of crystals on bone cells, are important factors in inducing bone atrophy. The production of new bone after immobilization occurs 10 times more slowly than bone removal. Also, there is evidence that osteoporosis in young dogs and in limbs immobilized longer than 12 weeks may not be totally reversible (Bardet, 1987).

Articular and periarticular changes Cartilage and menisci depend on synovial fluid for their nourishment and lubrication. Motion is important in producing circulation of synovial fluid and thus the flow of nutrients throughout the joint. Articular changes can occur within a few days of inunobilization and are more pronounced in joints that are not subject to intermittent load bearing (Jurvelin, 1986; Bardet, 1995). Substantial reduction in cartilage proteoglyca n synthesis and content with subsequent cartilage softening occurs. Intra-articular fibm-fatty connective tissue fo rms within a month of immobilization, and between 1 and 2 months adhesions can occur between this tissue and the underlying cartilage. With time, major cartilage alterations occur including fibrillati on, deep erosion and cleft fo rmation. Fibrous and sometimes cartilaginous or bony ankylosis between adjacent joint surfaces may take place. Biochemical and morphological changes are rarely irreversible before 4 weeks of immobilization, but after 7 weeks changes in articular cartilage may be permanent and even become progressive despite remobilization (Akeson et at., 1987). Mechanica l restriction in motion leads to peri-


w as less than w hen immobili zed in ex tens ion

(Ouzounian 1986). Thickening of the joint capsule occurs, due to fibrous hyperpl asia, and type B synoviocytes proliferate in the synovial lining. Stress deprivation weakens articular ligaments due to alterations in the glycosaminoglycan and collagen fibre relationship. Bone reabsorbtion in the cortex immediately beneath the ligament attachment site may lead to avulsion fractures (Noyes, 1977).

Growth disturbances Immobilization of limbs of growing animals may lead to severe growth disturbances in the entire limb. Immobilization of the stifle in dogs younger than 3 months of age can lead to hip subluxation, bone hypoplasia and increased femoral torsion. Hip subluxation is seen consistently after 8 weeks of cast application with the stifle fixed in an extended position (Bardet, 1987). Lac k of weightbearing leads to reduction in osteoblast acti vity and a resultant decreased physeal growth.

QUADRICEPS CONTRACTURE Quadriceps muscle contracture is a common complication of distal femoral fractures and is probably the commonest manifestation of fracture disease in the dog. Fractures treated by internal fixation, supplemented by extension splints, are more prone to developing this complication. The initiating factor appears to be fibrous adhesions tying down the vastus intermedius to the distal end ofthe femur with incorporation of the muscle into the organizing callus. This occurs most often and is likely to be most severe in young growing dogs.

Clinical signs There is rigid hyperextension of the affected limb with reduced flexion of both the hock and stifle joints. The quadriceps muscles are firm and atrophied (Figure 23. 5). Stifle hyperextension may be present to such a degree that it is bent backward, termed genu recurvatum

articular tissue contractures, the severity of which is

related to the duration of immobilization. The position in which the joint is immobili zed appears to be significant. When rabbit stifl es were immobilized in flexion, the incidence of osteoarthritis

Figure 23.5: A l-year-old Shetland Sheepdog showing signs of severe quadriceps muscle col1lraclllre. Hyperextension of both the stifle and hockjoillls is present. Supplied by M r C SI/!a(/.

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The prognosis for a fu ll return to limb function is extremely poor and is guarded even for a return to reasonable function. Residual lameness is to be expected. Stifle arthrodesis or limb amputation may be necessary if there are advanced changes in the stifle or ifsevere hip subluxatio n or limb shortening is present.


Figure 23.6: MediolateraL radiograph of the left stifle joint of the dog ill Figure 23.5. The joillt is hyperexfended alld the patella is proximal to file trochlear groove. Sjjpplied by AIr C Slefld.

(Figure 23.6) . The patella is pulled proximally in the trochlear groove and may be luxated medially. In young dogs, subluxatio n of the hip with reduced internal and ex ternal rotati on and a positive Ortolani sign may be present.

Treatment If the changes are mild then a co nservative approach may be the best opti on. In moderate or severe cases s urgery may be indicated. The aim of s urgi cal treatment is to restore a functional range of motion to the stifle j o int by freeing adhesions between muscle groups and th e femur, breaking down the periarticular adhesions, lengthening the quadriceps muscle groups and regaining an angulation of the stifle joint to allow weightbea rin g. If the limb is severe ly short or if hip sublu xation and severe disuse osteoporos is are present then surg ica l treatment is co ntraindicated. Many su rg ical techniques ha ve been described for the treatment of quadriceps contracture and include partial quadri ceps myotomy (Leighton, 1981), Zmyoplasty (Bloomberg, 1993), freeing of adhesions an d implantation of plastic sheetin g between th e quadriceps and distal femur (Wright, 198 1), s liding myoplasty and quadriceps insertion re location (Bloomberg, 1993). Excision of the vastus intermed ius appears to be the single procedure most likely to be successful - but o nly in the ea rl y stages of the condition, before development of irreversible joint changes. Bardet (1987) gives a full account of the operative technique. Regardless of the s urgery performed, it is important to'maintain the stifle in flexion with eith~r a figure-of-eight dressing or external pin splintage for 4-7 days. Passive flex ion and extension is perfonned when the supports are removed. The use of a dynamic apparatus for the prevention of recurrence of quadriceps contracture has been described (Wilkens et aI., 1993).

The basic guideline of providing stable fi xation when treating fractures to fac ilitate ea rly return to limb function is critical to a satisfactory outcome and avoidance of fracture disease. In some circ*mstances immobili zation ofthe limb in a cast is the treatment of cho ice, although the clinician sho uld remember that fracture disease is a potential complication with this method. The duration of immobili zation should be only as long as necessary to achieve bony union, and the limb should be placed in a flexed position to enable the anima l to wa lk on the immobilized leg. When internal fixat ion is used, devices that lead to rapid return of limb function should be chosen. For example, dogs with transverse mid-diaph ysea l fractures of the femur stabilized w ith bone plates benefi ted from full function of the limb in an average of 3.5 weeks, compared wi th 7.5 weeks in dogs treated with intramedullary pins and half Kirsc hner splints. When intramedullary pins were used alone the time taken for normal limb function to be restored was 9.2 weeks (Braden and Brinker, 1973). Any delay in return of limb function wi ll increase th e chance of fracture disease developin g. The app li cation of Schroeder-Thomas splints (Figure 23.7) has a hi gh incidence of develo ping serious complications, including non-unions, malunion and fracture disease. In th e author's opinion, there is no place for the use of these devices in modern small animal vete rinary practice.

Figure 23.7: Photograph of a 6-month-old German Shepherd Dog with a Shroeder- Thomas extension splint applied to the hindlimb for the treatmel11 0/ a distal femoralfraclllre.

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Fracture Disease


When periarticularcontractures occur, activeexercise and physical therapy may be beneficial. In a study by Olson (1987),12 dogs had their carpi immobilized in a cast for 6 weeks. In the ensuing 4 weeks, after cast removal, half the dogs received daily passive physiotherapy while the others did not. The dogs were allowed to ambulate freely in their cages during this period. Dogs that had received physiotherapy had a statistically greater range of carpal joint motion than dogs that had not received physiotherapy. However, the mean range of motion difference between the two groups was sma ll (an average of 2°) . These results would suggest that physiotherapy may onl y have a small effect on joint stiffness and little effect over and above the mobilizing effect of ambulation. Swimming provides an excellent form of active, weight-supported exercise in the early rehabilitation period (Figure 23.8) . Goniometry (Figure 23 .9) is important if objective assessments for response to treatment are to be made.

Figure 23.9: Use of a goniometer to measure the range of movement of the stifle joint after treatment of a supracondylar femoral fractu re.

Figure 23.8: Swimming ill a bath tub provides excellel1t weight-supported exercise and physiotherapy in the early post-operative period.

Manipulation of chronic stiff joints under anaesthesia can sometimes be used to restore normal motion by tearing adhesions and other soft tissues. Generally, however, this technique is discouraged by most physiotherapists and in fact forceful stretching techniques that cause tearing of tissues can promote further scar formation and increase joint stiffness (Herbert, 1993). Furthermore, manual stretching of adhesions is often contra-indicated because this technique usuall y exacerbates the severity of the mature contracture. A stretch reflex may be stimulated which is painful, causes further muscle contraction and has few long-term beneficial effects. An alternative, more useful technique when dealing with contractures is activation or strengthening of the weak opponent muscle. In veterinary medicine,

this can only realistically be achieved by active exercise - either weightbearing or swimming. Cooling by applying ice loca lly to decrease nerve conduction velocity and thus myotactic reflex activity may increase inhibition ofthe contracted muscle immediately before exercise periods. Passive lengthening using splints is used in humans to produce increasing but gentle prolonged stretch of contracted muscles and induces less reflex stimulation than periods of rapid muscle stretching. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) appear to ha ve little effect on posttraumatic joint stiffness but have been shown to reduce joint swelling after trauma (More et aI., 1989).The analgesic effect of NSAIDs has an important role in encouraging return to weightbearing and limb function in the early post-operative period. Experimentally, joints immobilized for 4 weeks and then treated with four weekly intra-articular hyaluronic acid injections showed reduced cartilage proteoglycan loss and reduced joint stiffness, and superficial cartilage damage was prevented (Keller et al., 1994). Dexamethasone (1 mg/kg) has been shown to decrease joint stiffness after trauma although no statistically significant effect on joint swelling was seen (Grauer et aI., 1989). The corticosteroid effect of reducing inflammatory mediators and decreasing

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310 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management

collagen production and cross-linking is li kely to be res pon s ible . The use of hya luronic acid and corticosteroids has not been full y evaluated in canine fracture disease and so is not currently advocated for lise in clinical practice

SUMMARY Fracture disease is most commonl y encountered with externa l coaptation ofa limb by using a cast. However, the changes occur to a lesser extent with other means of fixation. The clinician should adhere to the principles of fracture repair and make every attempt to avoid fracture disease, since no satisfactory treatment exists. Stable fixation of fra ctures that a llows the limb the most rapid return to functional weightbearing without immobili zation should be employed. If a cast is used, the limb should be fi xed in a walking position. Severe manifestations of fracture disease can be avoided with proper fracture management.

REFERENCES Akeson D, A mici D and Abel MF ( 1987) Effects of immobilization on joints. Clinical Orthopaedics alld Related Research 219, 28-37. Anderson OJ ( 199 1) Fracture di sease and rclatcd contracturcs. VeteriI/ary Clillics of North America 21 , 845 -858. Bardet JF ( 1987) Quadriceps contracturc and fracturc discase. VeterilIary Clinics of North America 17, 957-993. Bardet JF ( 1995) Fracture disease. In: Small Allimal Orthopaedics, ed . M Olmstead, pp. 3 19-329. Mosby-Year Book Inc., Missouri. Bardet JF and Hohn RB ( 1984) Sublu xat ion of the hip joint and bone hypoplasia associated with quadriceps contracture in young dogs. Journ al ofAmericall Veterinary Medical Associatioll20, 42 1- 428. Bloomberg M (1993) Muscles and tendons. In: Textbook of Small Anil/wt Slirgery 2nd edn, cd. S Slattcr, pp. 20 I0- 20 II . WB Saundcrs & Co. , Philadel phia. Booth FW ( 1987) Phys iolog ic and biochemica l effects of immobilization on musclc. Clinical OrlllOpaedics ([nd Rela/ed Research 219, 15-20. Braden TD and Brinkcr \VO (1973) Effcct of certain fi xat ion devices on

functional limb usagc in dogs. Journal oflhe American Velerillary Medical Association 162,642-646. Braund KJ, Shircs PK and Mikeal RL ( 1986) Type I fibre atrophy in the vast us latera lis in dogs with femoral fractures treatcd by hyperextcns ion. Velerillary Palhology 17, 166-177. Graue r JD, Kabo 1M , Dorey FJ and Meals RA ( 1989) The cffcc ts of dcxamethasonc on pcriarticular swclling and joint sti ffness fo llowing fracturc in a rabbit model. Clil1ical Orlhopaedics and Related Research 242, 277-284. Herbert R ( 1993) Prevcnting and trcati ng stiff joi lils. In: Key Issues ill MI/sclltoskeleral Physiotherapy, cd. J Crosbie and J MacConncl , pp. 114-141. BUl1crworth-Hci nmann , Oxford. Jurvelin J ( 1986) Softening of canine arti cular cartilage aftcr immobi lization of the knce joint. Clinical Orlhopaedics alld Related Research 207, 246-250. KellcrGW, Aron DA, Row land GN, Odcnd ' hal S and Brown J (1994) The effect of trans-stine extemal s keletal fixation and hya luronic acid the rapy on ll rticu lar cartilagc in the dog. Velerinary Surgery 23, 11 9- 128. Leighton RL ( 1981 ) Muscle contractu res in the limbs of dogs and cats. Velerillary Surgery 10, 132. More RC, Kody MH, Kabo JM, Dorey FJ and Mea ls RA ( 1989) The cffects of two non-steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs on li mb swell ing, joint stiffness, and bonc torsional strcngth followin g fracture in a rabbit model. Clinical Orthopaedics alld Rela/ed Research 247, 306-311. Muller ME (1963) Intcmal fixation for fres h fractu res and for nonunioll . Proceedillgs oflhe Royal Society of Medicine 56, 455 -460. Noyes FR (1977) Functi ona l propert ies of kncc ligamcnts and alte rations induced by immobilization. Clinical Orlhopaedics alld ReIa/ed Research 123, 210-42. O lson VL (1987) Eval uation of joint mobilization treatments. Physical Therapy 67, 351-356. Ouzounian TJ ( 1986) Thc effcct of pressllrisation on fractu rc swell ing and joint stiffness in the rabbit hind limb. Clinical Orthopaedics alld Related Research 210, 252-257. Richards RR and Schemits h EH ( 1989) The effect of na p coverage on bone and soft tissue on blood fl ow fo llowing devascu1arisalioll of a segment of tibia. An cxperi mcntal in vestigation in the clog. JOllfllal ofOrtlwpaedic Research 7,550- 558. Shires PK , Braund KG , Milton JL and Lui W (1982) Effect of localised trauma and tempora ry splinting on immature s keletal muscle and mobility oflhc fcmorotibial joi nt in the dog. American JOl/ fllal of Velerillary Research 3, 454-60. Uhthoff HK and Jaworski ZFG ( 1978) Bone loss in response to long term immobilization. Journal of BOlle and Joilll Surgery 608, 420429. Wil kens BE, McDonald DE and Hulse DA (1993) Uti lization of a dynamic stifle fl exion apparatus in preventing recurrence of quadri ceps contracture: a cl inical report. Veterillary Comparative OrIhopaedics and Traumatology 6, 2 19-223 . Wright RJ (1980) Corrccti on of quadriccps contracturcs. California Veterillariall l ,7- 10.

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CHAPTER TWENTY FOUR - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Implant Failure Malcolm G. Ness

Most fa ilures in orthopaedics can be placed at the feet of the surgeo n D. L Piermattei

If a bone is subjected to moderately increased stress be it from increased activity, patient weight gain, biomechanical alterations or other reasons - the bone will undergo reacti ve hyperplasia. This process is described by Wolff's Law. Following fracture surgery the metal implants used in fracture repa ir must bear all or part of the load usuall y carri ed by the bone. Without bone's capacity for reacti ve hyperplasia, overloaded metal implants may fatigue and fail. Is occasional implant failure an inevitab le complication of fracture surgery or can it be avoided? The purpose of this chapter is to look more closely at how and why im plants fa il in the hope that an increased understanding of the relevant bio logica l, biomechanical, mechan ica l and metall urgic phenomena can be usefully applied to the benefit of patients. Fracture repair by open reduction and internal fixation has been described as a race between bone healing and implant fa ilure. Whilst such biomechanical brinkmanship cannot be condoned two points are well made: metallic implants calIDot be expected to function indefinitely and biological facto rs such as patient age, disease status, surgical technique, etc. can greatly influence the fate of bone healing. This review of implant fai lure in small animal fracture surgery will be divided into three subsections:

I. The properties of 316L stainless steel - the material from which almost all veteri nary orthopaedic implants are made (Chapter 8). 2. Mechanics of material failure with reference to 3 16L stainless steel. 3. Modes of fa ilure of metallic orthopaedic implants ill vivo.

316L STAINLESS STEEL Almost all implants currently used in small animal fracture are manufactured from 3 16L stainless steel

(316L) . Although titanium alloy plates and screws are widely used in human orthopaedics, they perform onl y marginally better, yet are significantly more expens ive, than 3 16L stainless steel implants and so they have not found favo ur in veterinary orthopaedics. 3 16L is an alloy of iro n (55-60%), c11romium (17-20%), nickel (10-14 %), molybdenum (2-4%) and traces of other elements, notably carbon. Carbon content is kept below 0.03 % - the 'L' of3 16L stands for ' low carbon ' . This particular alloy has been developed from earlier materials - the addition of molybdenum and chromium to the recipe has enhanced the corros ion resistance of today's implants when compared with those in use in the 1920s. Despite these improvements, 3 16L, when perfectly clean, is remarkabl y reactive and therefore prone to corrosion. In practice this reactivity is beneficial , as it leads to the formation of a tightly bound oxide fi lm which covers the entire surface of the metal, and provides significant protection against furth er corros ion of the implant in vivo. However, corros ion res istance of3 16L stainless implants remains marginal and some corrosion is inevitable in most fractures where a plate and screws are used. T he amount of corrosion will not usually be enough in itself to be obviously significant, but may act in concert with stress concentration and metal fatigu e phenomena to cause ultimate fa ilure of implants. 316L is a relatively strong material, being able to withstand forces in the region of7 x 10' Newtons/m' in compression and the same under tension. This compares with cortical bone, Wllich can withstand forces of about 1.5 x 10' Newtons/m' in compression but rather less under tension - bone, unlike 316L, is anisotropic. A fuller description of the materi al properties of bone can be found in Chapter 3. Many of the mechanical principles governing the way in which bone fractures can equally be app lied to fracture of 3 16L, though obviously the forces requ ired and amounts of energy in volved are very much greater. T his inherent strength of 3 16L allows plates, pins, etc. to be made sufficiently small to allow implantation, whi le remaining strong enough to resist the biomechanical forces acting tllfough the implantbone composite during fracture healing.

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The mech anical properti es and corrosion resist-

ance of 316L can vary greatl y, depending on how an implant is made fro m the stock metal. For example, 316L implants made by casting rather than forging

have poor corrosion resistance and arc relati vely wea k,

being only marginallystrongerthan cortical bone. This observation need not trouble the surgeon, because almost all im plants used in veterinary fracture surgery are forged.

In conclusion, 316L can be forged and worked to form a variety of useful orthopaedic im plants. It is nontoxic, biochemica ll y inert, and strong enough and sti ff

which will be advanced, perhaps by only a fraction of a micron, each time the stress is re-a pplied. These experimentally applied cyclical stresses are not dissimilar to those applied to an orthopaedic implant duri ng normal weightbearing acti vity. The fatigue characteristics for a metal can be determined experimentally and desc ribed graphicall y (Figure 24.1). From this, weca n see that larger stresses will lead to earlier fati gue fa ilure and also that there is a level of stress below which fatigue failure will not occur - the fati gue limit. 500

enough to resist th e stresses normall y encountered in

small animal orthopaedics although, like many metals, it is prone to fatigue fa ilure and its corros ion resistance

is onl y just adequate.


.€. z 6



"C ~


IMPLANT MATERIAL FAILURE A detailed account of the mechanicsof 3 16L is beyond the scope of tilis chapter, but it is interesting to compare the acute material failure occasionall y seen in implants with the material fa ilure of cortical bone during fracture, a process that has been described in some detail in Chapter 3. Similarl y, the concepts of stress concentration and fatigue failure are important to the understanding of how and why an implant might fa il and will be discussed in some detail. Early ac ute material failure of a metal implant is analogous to the material failure seen in bone as it fractures and is ex tremely uncommon in sm all animal

orthopaedics. Such sudden and catastrophic failure of a metal implies the development and propagation of a crack in the material. When compared with fracturing


Fatigue Limit

15. E

« ~ ~





, • Number of cycles

Figure 24.1: Curve for stress versus /lumber of cycles, determined experimentally for 1045 carbon steel. The fatigue lilllit is a level of stress thaI wilL never cause material failure, IIO IIIOlIer how often the stress is applied The curve also sholVs that even quite modest increases in stress amplitude call greatly reduce the /lumber of cycies to failure: a 50% increase ill stress mighT reduce the life of tile material by a factor of 10 or //lore. Mu ch larger stresses - higher thall those recorded 011 this curve - will lead to permanent (plastic) deformation or even fracture of the material. (Redrawn/rom Radin el al. , 1992.)

bone, massive amounts of energy are required to propa-

gate a crack in metal as strong as 316L stainless steel; consequently this type offailure is rarely seen in small animal orthopaedics, where the necessary energy and force cannot be generated. Contrast this with the fail ures sometimes seen in equine long bone fracture

repair, when plates fracture as the patient attempts to rise following surgery. The considerable stresses generated in the plate by the uncoordinated efforts of the horse to stand are sufficient to initiate a crack in the implant, and the availability of large amounts of energy related to muscle strength and body mass a llows propagation of the crack and causes ac ute material fa ilure of the implant. In small animal orthopaedics, im plant fa ilure typically occurs some weeks after an apparentl y successful fracture repair. The concepts of metal fatigue and fatigue failure help to explain these cases. Stresses well below those needed to fracture an implant ha ve the potential to alter the implant material permanentl y. It has been shown experimentally that cyclical stresses applied to a metal, whilst not enough to fracture the material, will cause microscopic cracks

In practice, this ra ises the possibility of an im plant with infinite life ex pectancy, though in reality such an implant might be unacceptably large and un wieldy. Similarly, an implant subjected to sufficientl y large cyclical stresses will have a reduced life ex pectancy, and as the stress is increased the lifespan of the implant will be shortened. This infor mation can be used by the surgeon to select suitably strong implants which will not be prone to fatigue failure before bony union is acllieved. Equally the surgeon can consider restricting the patient's activity in an attempt to maximize implant longevity. In practice, the extentto which we can va ry implant size or levels of patient activity are limited and will have a relatively small effect on implant stress levels and implant longevity. Of more significance in this respect is the effect of stress concentrat ion, which has the potential to increase local stresses by several orders of magnitude, significantly reducing the time (number of cycles) to fa ilure. If a tensile force is applied to a metal bar, the stresses will be spread equally across the bar (Figure 24.2). If a hole or notch is cut into the bar, the same

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Implant Failure 313 stresses will be distributed less evenly and areas of stress concentration will arise (Figure 24.3). Areas


where stress concentration occurs are known as stress

ri sers.

The similarities between these hypothetical models and some of our implants are obvious and the

importance of this stress concentration effect shou ld not be underesti mated: sharp, deep defects in a metal bar can result in local stresses being increased 1000 times or more. Most plates and wires in sma ll animal orthopaedics are placed on the tension aspect of long bones and are therefore subjected mainly to tensile stresses. Simi larl y, repeated bending stresses, which are a frequent precursor to implant failure, can be considered as cyclical tensile stresses applied to the convex surface of the implant, wi th the largest tensile stresses being recorded at the abaxial surface of the impl ant. Applying this information to the example of a bone plate on the lateral (tension) surface of a dog's femuT, we can apprecia te that the tensile stresses on the outer aspect of the plate will be exaggerated and that the screw holes will further enhance the stress concentrati on. Consequently, some of the metal making up the plate will be subjected to stresses many times greater than could be expected if onl y the patient's weight and the cross-sectional area of the plate were taken into consideration. The concept of stress concentration is essential to the understanding of why implants of seemingly reasonable size can fail.

• • Figure 24.2: When a metal bar is placed under tensioll, rile stress (shown here by lines offorce) is spread evenly across the bar.

~ . ~ II

Having considered in some detail , but in isolation, the failure of a meta l subjected to simple mechani cal forces (material failure), we must now relate tltis to the clinica l situation (implant failure). Two major differences ex ist between the hypothetical models of material failure previously discussed and the failed implants encountered in small animal orthopaedic practice: All orthopaedic implants are fi xed to bone and so, from a mechanical viewpoint, they are part of a bone-metal composite and the size and distribution of stresses through the implant will be enormously influenced by its relationship to the bone. Orthopaedic implants are continually bathed in extracellular fluid which, being ionic and oxygen rich, is potentially corrosive. We can propose five distinct mechanisms that may cause, or at least contribute to, the failure of a metallic implant: Material fa ilure due to metallurgic imperfections or manufacturing fa ults Acute overload Electrochemical corrosion Oxidation-reduction corrosion ('crevice corrosion .) Fatigue failure . It is not unusual for several of these processes to be acti ng concurrentl y, and there exists potential for a destructi ve synergism that can easily be exacerbated by teelmical errors, such as inadequate fracture reduction, damage and marking of implants, poor tissue handling causing delayed union, etc.

Failure due to metallurgic imperfections or manufacturing faults 3 16L is a relati vely simple material to manufact ure. The meta l is extensively worked, forged and polished before being delivered as a fini shed implant and so the potential for an implant made from imperfect material getting as fa r as the surgeon is small. Impl ant fai lure due to metallurgic imperfection is corresponding ly rare.

Acute overload of implant Figure 24.3: Wilh the bar under tension, the number of Jines offorce at allY cross-section must remain constant. Cutting a hole or lIotch info the bar will lead 10 cOllcelllra tiol1s 0/ stress around the hole or at the extremity o/the lIotCIi. The similarities between these hypothetical models and our bone plates and screws are obvious.

Acute material failure of an implant (as distinct from fatigue fa ilure) is not common in small animal orthopaedics. Such fracture implies the development and then (importantly) the rapid propagation of a crack in the implant material, a process that requires larger amounts of energy than are generally available in small animal fractures.

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One example of ac ute implant failure whi ch may be encountered is that of a screw head shearing o ff as th e screw is overtightened. A screw is a simple machine that converts a small torque into a much larger axial fo rce. During inserti on, the screw head becomes restrained aga inst cortex or bone plate. Further torque merely increases tens ile fo rce in th e shaft of th e screw. Applying knowledge of stress concentration phenomena we can predi ct a stress riser where th e thread cuts into th e screw shaft prox imall y, so that overti ghtening ca uses the sc rew head to snap off. Whilst tllis is certainl y an example of acute materi al fa ilure, the event is perhaps best viewed as techni cal error - it was not that the screw was too wea k but that the surgeon was too strong.

elemental iron into solution under conditions o f low oxygen tension and is mani fest as corrosion of the metallic implant. In practice, this type of corrosion occ urs quite frequently - usuall y between screw heads and plates or between a plate and corti cal bone; hence the descripti on 'crevice corrosion' . A lthough unlikely to res ult in extens ive damage to im plants, the importance of crevice corrosion is its action in potentiating other forms of implant degeneration. For example, crevice corrosion breaches the protecti ve oxide film present on all 3 16L implants, exposing them to furth er corrosive attac k. Additionally, the pits on the implant surface caused by crevice corrosion will act as stress risers, acceleratin g fati gue failure.

E lectrochemical corrosion T he principle of the electrica l storage battery is familiar to anyone who has studied elementary science. The key chemical reaction is that of a more active metal displacing a less acti ve metal fro m solution. For exampie, if we have two implants made o f di fferent alloys bathed in a solutio n (extracellular fluid) th en we can ex pect the more reacti ve metals to displace the less reactive fro m solutio n. The net result of this chemistry is loss of substance, and therefore strength, fro m th e implant - i.e. corrosion. The orthopaedi c surgeon must be awa re that implants of d iffe rin g composition should never be mi xed. Because almost all s mall animal orthopaedi c implants are made fro m 3 16L, electroc hemical co rrosion is an uncommon occurrence in our pati ents. However, inadvertent use of titanium plates with 3 16L screws or the use of no n-standard drill bits which may snap and be left ill situ are scenari os that may lead to electrochenlical corrosion. Corrosion products ca use pain, inflammati on and bone necrosis and in pract ice th e surgeon will recogni ze these caSeS primaril y as painful de layed unions, befo re s igni ficant im plant erosion or failure occurs.

Fatigue failure This is by far the most important mode of implant failure encountered in small animal orthopaedics. Typically, th e patient w ill have shown an earl y return to fun cti on and will have seemed to be we ll until th e implant 'suddenl y' breaks some weeks after surgery. Fatigue fa ilure occurs after an implant has been exposed to repeated cyclical stresses whi ch, though not large enough to ca use acute material fa ilure, will cause a small , permanent alterati on to the stru cture of th e metal. T he size of this microscopic defect will be proporti onal to the applied load and s imilarly the time to fa ilure of the implant will be in versely proportio nal to the applied load.

O xidation-reduction corros ion ( ' c.·e v ice corros ion ' ) The above description of electrochemical corrosion explained how metals of diffe ring reacti vity placed in solution g ive rise to an electri c current at th e expense o f loss of the more reacti ve metal in solution. Similarl y, identica l metals in environm ents with differin g oxidati on- reducti on (redox) potentials will display different levels of reacti vi ty and consequently ca n become in volved in electrochemical reacti ons comparable with those descri bed above. The key chemical reacti on is: 2Fe + 2H,0 + 0,



The reaction is dri ven by the lligher oxidat ion potential on the left s ide of the equation. T he net result is loss of

PRACTICAL TIP Except in cases where an unusually small implant has been used in error, most instances of fatigue failure of implants encountered in small animal practice result from stress concentration effects (often with other mechanical phenomena) acting in an unstable or poorly reduced fracture. Recommendations to use complex rath er than unil atera l sing le bar external fi xa to r frames in inherently unstab le fractures, or to use larger implants when appl ying a plate as a buttress, represent a recognition that in so me circ*mstances there is an increased risk of implant fatigue failure. Intuiti vely, we know that a plate over a poorly reduced fracture w ill be exposed to greater stresses th an a plate over an anatomicall y reconstructed bone, but th e full consequence in terms of the amount of increased stress may not be immediate ly obvious. Area moment o f inertia (AMI), discussed in Chapter 3 in relation to the biomechanics of fracture repair, is an expression of a structure 's ability to resist bending. AMI depends not only on the mass of material but also, and importantly in this contex t, on th e d istance o f mass fro m the neutral ax is of the structu re. The neutral ax is is that part of a structure under bend ing (or eccentric ax ial loading) which is

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Implant Failure 315 ex posed to neither tensile nor compressive force, and the imponance of estimating the neutral axis (and AMI) of a proposed bone-implant composite during fracture repair has been described in Chapter 3. Figure 24.4a shows an anatomically reduced fracture fixed with a plate applied to the lateral (tension) aspect of the femur. The neutral axis is displaced laterally but remains wi thin the bone. In Figure 24.4b the neutral axis lies within the plate itself; consequently, the AMI in this example is low, not only because the bone does not contribute, but also because the mass of the plate is close to the neutral axis. PRACTICAL TIP In essence, the presence of a mechanically competent cortex opposite a bone plate not only shares the load but also greatly enhances the mechanical environment by moving the neutral axis away from the plate. The low resistance to bending (low AMI) characterized in Figure 24.4b, which accelerates fatigue failure, will at the same time permit movement at the fracture. This may delay fracture healing, and therefore funher increase the risk of implant failure. The possibility of implant failure in this situation is recogni zed by most orthopaedic surgeo ns, who will avoid leaving fracture gaps or an open opposite conex. When unavoidable, the use of cancellous bone autografts will encourage prompt new bone fonnation, thus restoring mechani-

cal competence to the opposite conex and easing the stress acting through the implant. The broken plate shown in Figure 24.5 is a good example of fatigue fa ilure resulting from stress concentration in an implant caused by the lack of a mechanical ly competent opposite cortex . It is tempting to think that the plate was just too small. While a larger implant might have delayed failure, it probably would not have prevented it as the plate (no matter how large) remains mechanically ex posed. Had the cranial conex been reconstructed, the AMI would have been increased and the stress levels in the plate consequentl y decreased. An altemati ve solution would ha ve been the app lication ofa second plate. This would have been beneficial because of load sharing and, more importantl y, because of the effect of increasing the AMI of the repair. Tn conclusion, it is clear that most implant failures can be avoided and that implant fa ilure must not be considered an inevitable complication of fracture surgery. An awa reness of material failure, stress concentration, fatigue failure, etc. will help the aspiring fracture surgeon to avoid the technical errors that cu lminate in implant failure.




Figure 24.4: (a) Anatomically reduced midjemoral/ractllre fixed wi!/] a plate and screws. Th e dashed line represents rile estimated location 0/ the neutral axis. Because there is a mass 0/ material located some distance from tile lIeutral axis (plate laterally alld cortex mediaLLy) this bone and plate composite wiJJ have a high area o/movement a/inertia (high resistance to bending ) alld so will be inherel11ly stable. (b) A s imilar / racwre, but without benefit 0/ a mechanically competent medial/emoral cortex. Here, tile neutral axis must lie within the plate ilseij and so tile AMI;s very /IIucltlower. Weighrbearillg ill this limb will cause repeated bending stresses concentrated in the small part a/the plate overlying the fractu re - a recipe for fatigue failure.

Fig",.e 24.5: Lateral radiograph taken 4 weeks after open redllction and jixCl!iol1 of (/ comminuted intercondylar fra clllre of (he dista l humerus ill a 25 kg dog. Early progress had been ex ceJlellf alld the patient was only slightly lallle ulltii the plate snapped the day before this radiograph was taken. Note the large cranial cortical f ragmellf which was 110 r reduced and fixed ill the original repair.

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING Nordin M and Frankel VH ( 1989) Basic Biomechanics oflhe MusculoSkeletal System , 2nd cdn. Lea and Febi gcr, Philadelphia. Pe rrcns SM and Rahn BA ( 1978) Biomechanics of fra cture healing, Orthopaedic Su rvey 2(2) 108- 143. Rad jn EL, Rose RM , Blaha JD and Litsky AS ( 1992) Practical Biomechanic!.jor the Orthopedic Surgeon , 2nd edn. Churchill Livingstone, New York. Sumner-Smith G (ed.) (1982) BOlle ill Clillical Orrhopedics. WB Saunders, Philadelphia.

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Osteomyelitis Angus A. Anderson

INTRODUCTION Osteomyelitis is defined as inflammation of the bone cortex and marrow. Osteitis, myelitis and periostitis refer to inflammation in volving the bone cortex, marrowand periosteum, respecti vely. Although most commonly caused by bacteria, other infectious agents (fungi , viruses) may calise the disease, and corrosion of metallic implants may also initiate inflammatory responses in bone.

Osteomyelitis is often classified as being haematogenous or post-traumatic in origin. Post-traumatic osteomyelitis develops fo llowing the direct inoculation of bacteria into a fracture site either althe time the fracture occurs, or after contaminati on of th e fracture

site during internal fi xation, or by extension of infection fro m adjacent soft tissues (e.g. following bite wounds). Haematogenous osteomyelitis results from blood-borne bacteria locali zing to bones, butthesource of these bacteria is frequently unknown . Although there is no very satisfactory definition that distinguishes acute fro m chronic forms of the disease, chronic osteomyelitis is usuall y characterized by the presence of avascular co rtical bone and requires surgica l inter-

vention for the disease to resolve. Some bacteria (e.g. Mycobacteria spp.) and some fungi give rise to a disease that is chronic in nature.

PATHOGENESIS Normal bone is relatively resistant to infection and studies of animal models of osteomyelitis have shown that chronic disease can only be generated if a number of factors are present. These include: An inoculum of suffi cient numbers of pathogenic bacteria Avasc ular cortical bone Favourable environment fo r bacterial coloni zation and multiplication (metallic im plants, haematomata, necrotic soft tissue).

Chronic osteomyelitis is unli kely to develop if these three factors are not present (Braden et ai. , 1987).

Unfo rtunately, the commonest reason fo r the development of osteomyelitis in small ani mals is the open reduction of fractures. During surgery, bacteria from the animal 's skin, the atmosphere or the surgeon frequently contaminate the exposed tissues and may coloni ze the surface of metallic implants (Smith et al. , 1989). Some bacteria possess mechanisms that ensure their persistence at fracture sites. These include the prod uct ion of sli me that consists of extracellular polysaccharides, ions and nutrients (Gristina et ai., 1985), phenotypic transformation to more virulent strains, and adherence to components of extracellular matrix (e.g. fi bronectin, laminin) via specific receptors (Vercelotti etal. , 1985). Bacteri al slime combines with host-deri ved substances to fo rm biofilm, which surrounds bac terial colonies and protects them fro m host defences (phagocytosis, anti bodies and complement) and the actions of some antibiotics (Figure 25.1). Despite the high incidence of contamination during surgery, osteomyelitis only develops in a small proportion of cases (Smith et ai., 1989) . Fac tors that increase the likelihood of the development of infection include excessive trauma to soft tissues, periosteal stripping resulting in devascularization of cortical bone, fracture instability, and the presence of individual host factors that may alter local defences (e.g. malignancy, diabetes mellitus). If infection becomes established, inflammatory exudate may be fo rced along the Haversian and Volkmmm 's canals of the cortex, under the periosteum (particularl y in young animals where the periosteum is more loosely attached to underlying cortical bone) and into the medullary canal (Figure 25.1 ). Fragments of cortical bone that have lost their blood suppl y (sequestra) may become surrounded by exudate and act as persistent foc i of infection . The periosteum and endosteum of cortical bone adjacent to a sequestrum may attempt to wall off this infected material by depositing new bone (involucrum) around it. Fracture instability is an. important mechanism potentiating infection. Lysis of cortical bone adjacent to implants, as a result of the infection, may lead to implant loosening and increased interfragmentary moveme nt. Th is effect may be compounded by excessive movement at the fracture site caused by

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Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management inadequate fracture fixation, or technical errors in

Contaminated site following surgery

- f - Skin

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Blood cells of haematoma


Plate with screw

7/ 7/



Cortical bone showing haversian canals


Host inflammatory response Skin swelling

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An tibody Complement

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ti ve organism(s).

History Because the majorit y of cases of osteomyelitis develop as a result of open reducti on of fracnlres, there is

usuall y a history of fracture repair. Where osteomyelitis develops as a result of extension of infection from an adjacent site, the commonest sources of infecti on


include bite wounds, teeth, nailbeds and the middle ear (Caywood er ai., 1978; Muir and Johnson, 1992). In

Inflam matory exudate enters haversian canals


Biofilm formation and bone death


~.(? @O~ t3 J: <(? @ C0",'!)' @ '\?O \\

Drainage of exudate occurs through sinus tract Macrophage

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A diagnosis of osteomyeli tis is suggested from the history, clinical signs and radiographic findings. Confirmation requires bacteriological culture of the causa-

Inflammatory exudate




haematogenous osteomyelitis, clinical evidence of a


implant app licati on. The resulting triad of infecti on, cortical bone resorption and fracture instability usuall y leads to delayed fra cture hea ling or non-uni on (Johnson, 1994).




f- Bacterial biofilm

protects against host defences and antibiotics

of the infection remains unknown.

Clinical and laboratory findings Clinical signs depend on the stage of the disease process and the bone(s) affected. During the acute stage of the disease the affected animal may show: Pain on palpation of the bo ne and as~<)ciated soft tissues Swollen, inflamed soft tissues (Figure 25.2) Pyrexia, anorexia, lethargy

(Discharge from sinus tracts) . Figure 25.2: Acllfe osteomyelitis following applicatioll o[ a modified type /I external skeletal {ixato r to sfClbilize all osteotolllY o/tlIe distal radius and ulna. The lilllb is s\\lollel1, alld purulent material is discharging through the skin illcision 0 11 the lateral aspect of the limb.

Occlusion of



septic focus elsewhere in the body may be present (e.g. prostate, uterus, lungs), although frequently the source



haversian canals results in localised bone death


Bone lysis and plate loosening

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Figure 25.1: Pathogenesis of osteolllyelitis.

Bone lysis around screws and under plate results in loosening of implant

Haematological examination may revea l a neu-

trophilia with a left shift. Differentiating acute osteomyelitis from deep wound infecti on may be very difficult because radiographic changes in bone will not appear immediately fo llowing infection. Needle

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Osteomyelitis 319

aspiration from around the fracture site may reveal large numbers of neutropnils with bacteria suggestive of infection involving the bone. During the more chronic stages of the disease process, systemic signs are usually absent and the main clinical findings are:

Figure 25.4: Cralliocaudal radiograph of a tibia showing chronic osteomyelitis/allolVing application of a bone p/afe. There is lysis of bone under the plate and aroulld the screws, fracture lion-union, an irregular periosteal reaction and soft tissue swelling.

Lameness Discharging sinus tracts Pain on palpation of the bone Disuse muscle atrophy Instability at the fracture s ite Intermittent soft tissue swelling. Haematological examination is usually normal.

Radiography and other imaging modalities The radiographic appearance of osteomyelitis is variable and depends on the stage of the disease process (see Chapter 5). During the acute stages, the only visible changes may be soft tissue swelling. More rarely, gas shadows may be present if the causative organism is a gas-producer (e.g. some ClostridiulIl spp.) (Figure 25.3). It may take up to 2 weeks for radiographic changes to appear in the bone. As the disease becomes more chronic the following features may be evident (Figures 25.4, 25.5 and 25.6):

Figure 25.5: Mediolateral radiograph o/a/emur showing chron ic osteomyelitis following fracture fixation with an intramedullary pill. There is extensive periosteal new bone 011 the proximal /ragmellt,jracture nOll -union alld large periosteal spurs on the distaL/ragment (arrow).

Bone lysis (usually focal or adjacent to metallic implants) Periosteal new bone (smooth or irregular) Sclerosis Cortical thilming Involucrum (identified as an area of sclerotic bone surrounding a sequestrum) Delayed fra cture healing or nonunion Sequestrum (identified as a radiodense fragment of cortical bone surrounded by a zone of radiolucency).

Figure 25.6: Mediolateral radiograph 0/ a humerus showing chronic osteomyelitis. Although the/racture has healed, a large sequestrum is presel1l (arroltl) surrounded by an involucrum.

Figure 25.3: Mediolaterai radiograph of a femur showing gas ill the soft tissues (shown by arrows) overlying a fracture stabilized with a bone plate. Gas producliol1 was due to in/eetion with Clostridium novyi. Courtesy ofAC Stead.

Sequestra are sometimes difficult to visualize and repeated radiographic exalPjnation may be necessary for their identification, togeiher with oblique projections in addition to the standard views in two planes. They may vary in size from very small fragments to large segments of the diaphyseal cortex. Sequestra adjacent to external fixator pin tracts have been

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referred to as ring sequestra (Kantrowitz el ai. , 1988) because of their characteristic rad iographic appearance. T hey may be caused by excessive thermal necrosis at the time ofpin insertion, movement of the pin and localized infection (Figure 25.7). Figure 25.7: Media/a/era! radiograph of a distal hilldlimb showillg (/ trails-a rticular external skeietaljixator Ilsed fo r immobilization a/all Illlstable fibiotarsaljoill1. A sequestrum is visible surrollnding the 1I10S1

proximal pill. COIffIl'S), of B Kirby.

ably in advance of rad iographic changes. Although the sensitivity of 99mTc-MDP bone scanning is high (90%), its s pecific ity is re lat ively low (60-70 %). This specificity can be increased by using Gallium 67 or white blood cells labelled in vilro with Indium II oxide. In humans, computed tomograp hy and magnetic resonance imaging ha ve been found to be of value in the dia gnosis of osteomyelitis and in the detecti on and locali zation of sequestra (Aliabadi and Ni kpoor, 1994).

Bacteriology Bacteria l infections of bone may be mono- or polymicrobial. The majority of infections are reported to be monomicrobial (Caywood el ai., 1978; Hi rsh and Smith, 1978) and the most commonly isolated organisms are shown in Table 25. 1. The commonest organism to be isolated is Staphylococcus intermedius, the majority of which are B-Iactamase producers. Polymicrobial infections may involve Gram-negat ive and Gram-positive organisms, aerobes and anaerobes.

Injecti on of water-soluble contrast media up discharging s inus tracts (sinography) may help to confirm the locati on of foreign bodies (e.g. surgical swabs) if these are the cause of the disease (Ca ywood, 1983), or to delineate sequestra. Where osteomyelitis has developed as a result of infection spreading from adjacent tissues, the initial radiological manifestation is usuall y a peri osteal reaction (Figure 25 .8). It must be emphasized that the radiographic features of osteomyelitis are not peculiar to th is disease, and have to be diffe rentiated fro m norm al bone healing and disease processes such as neoplasia, vascular infarction and trauma. Figure 25.8: Mediolareral radiograph of (/ tibia showing chronic

osteomyelitis foLLowing extensive soft tissue traullIa to

the limb.

Arrows show all irregular periosteal response.



Staphylococcus spp. Streptococcus spp. Escherischia coli Pseudomonas aeruginosa Proteus spp. Klebsiella spp. Pasteurella spp. Nocardia spp.

Bacleroides spp. Fusobaclerium spp. Actinomyces spp. Closlridium spp. PeptoslreplOcoccUS spp.

Table 25.1: Bacteria isolatedfrom dogs w;th osteomyelitis (from Hirsh alld Smith, 1978; Stead, 1984; Muir alld Johnsoll, 1992).

Tissue samples for culture should idea lly be obtained fro m the affected bone, adj acent soft tissues or implants that are removed durin g debridement. In situations where debridement is not perform ed, a sample of bone may be obtained by a closed needl e biopsy

technjque using a Jamshidi or similar bone marrow biopsy needle. However, studies in humans have shown that th is is a less reliable method of obtaining the causative organism(s) than culture of tissues removed at open debridement (perry et al., 1991). Similarly,

Bone scintigraphy using teclmetium 99m-methylene diphosphonate (99mTc-MDP) may fac ilitate the early di agnosis of osteomyelitis (Aliabadi and Nikpoor, 1994) and reveal foci of active inflammation in chron ic disease (Lamb, 1987) . Use of this teclmique may reveal areas of increased acti vity in affected bones within three days of infection (Lamb, 1987), consider-

swabs taken from discharging sinuses may not isolate the causati veorganism(s), particularl y wherean infection is polymicrobial or where anaerobes are present (perry et ai. , 1991). Gram sta ining of s mears made from swabs taken from the bone o r discharg ing s inuses may give some indication of the causative bacteria, prior to obtaining the results of cul ture. Anaerobic bacteria may be present in osteomyelitic bone alone or in combination with aerobic bacteria (Muir and Johnson, 1992). T he presence of anaerobes may be suggested by the presence of fight wounds, malodorous discharge, gas shadows on the

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Osteomyelitis 321 radiographs (indicating the presence of gas-forming organisms such as Clostridium spp.) and the failure to isolate bacteria by aerobic culture when they have been identified on Gram-stained smears. Tissue samples for anaerobic culture should be exposed to an anaerobic environment promptly because failure to do so will reduce the rate at Wllich these organisms are isolated. Advice on the appropriate media should be sought from the laboratory where the sample is to be sent.

Histopathology Histopathological examination of affected bone is rarely necessary to obtain a diagnosis of osteomyelitis following trauma. Where there is no history of trauma it is sometimes performed to help to differentiate infection from other disease processes such as neoplasia and metaphyseal osteopathy. The morphological identification of bacteria or neutrophils with engulfed bacteria is considered diagnostic (Braden et al., 1989). Fungal hyphae may be identified if these agents are the cause of the disease.

lems may sometimes be encountered locating sequestra at the time of surgery. This may be fac ilitated by instilling 2% meth ylene blue up sinus tracts where these are present, 24 hou rs prior to surgery. Methylene blue should not be used intravenously because of the risk of inducing acu te renal failure (Osuna etal., 1990). Avascular tissue will not clear the dye within this period and hence will appear blue, allowing differentiation of viable from non-viable bone. Sequestra are usually ' free-floating' and can be identified in situ by their characteristic appearance (initially ivory-like, later becoming discoloured and pitted) (Figure 25 .9). Where a sequestrum is surrounded by an involucrum, some ofthis new bone may require removal (using rongeurs or a mechanical burr) to enable the sequestrum to be removed (Figure 25.10). This may significantly weaken the bone, predisposing it to fracture (Figure 25.11). Although it has been recommended that ring sequestra are surgically removed (Kantrowitz et al., 1988), other authors have stated that they will resolve spontaneously following external fixator pin remova l.

TREATMENT OF POST-TRAUMATIC OSTEOMYELITIS Successful management of post-traumatic osteomyelitis usually requires a combination of surgery and a prolonged course of antibiotics. There are several basic principles that apply to the treatment of the disease:

Where new bone deposition has obliterated the medullary canal, channels should be made through this bone with a reaming device or a large drill bit (Figure 25.12). This will facilitate the ingrowth of new blood vessels and hasten resolution of infection and fracture

Surgical debridement to remove all dead and necrotic soft tissue and bone

Allow drainage and obliterate dead space Stabilize the fracture site if necessary Prolonged course of antibiotics based on the results of culture and sensitivity. These basic guidelines should be tailored to each individual case. Essentially, the same principles are applied to the management of acute and cltronic osteomyelitis. However, cltronic osteomyelitis is usuall y characteri zed by the presence of avascular cortical bone that requires removal for resolution of the infection and is usuall y associated with delayed fracture healing or non-union.

Surgical debridement and drainage In acute infections, early aggressive treatment is essential to limit the spread of infection within the bone, prevent widespread cortical necrosis and prevent the disease from becoming cltronic. The fracture site should be exposed via the same surgical approach that was used to repair the fracture initially. All necrotic soft tissues from around the fracture site should be debrided and the fracture site assessed for stability. Although usually identifiable on radiographs, prob-

Figure 25.9 Intra-operative apjJearallce afchronic osteomyelitis of ajemllT following application afa bone plate for fracture stabilization. (0) Sequestered cortical bone is visible bel1eath the bOl1e plate (black arrow): viable cortical bone is showl1 by the white arrow. (b) Tlte sequestrum is more clearly visibfeJollowil1g removal o/the bone plate.

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Medullary canal filled in with new bone

Removal of part of involucrum to allow access to sequestrum

Hohmann retractor

Cross section Drill hole will facilitate vascular ingrowth --t-+t


Cortex Medulla

Figure 25.10: Excision a/part a/an involucrulIl to allow removal 0/ a sequestrum. Th e bone may require subsequent support with a fixat ion device if sequestrum removal has sigllificallfly weakelled the bone (see Figures 25.11 and 25.16). Figure 25.11: MediolareraL radiograph of a '1lIlIlerusfoilowing all attempt to remove a sequestrulll. The sequestrulII was not fou nd (shollln by arrow) and the weakening of the bone resulted ill ifS fracture.

- --++--

Figure 25.12: Reaming a/the medullary callaL (obliterated by new bOlleformation/ollowing infection) to facilitate vascular ingrowth alldfracture healing.

by secondary intention. Packing the wound with swabs facilitates the removal of exudate and obliterates dead space. Ifthere is little evidence of discharge the wound can be closed primarily, usually fo llowing the insertion of a drain which is removed after 24 to 48 hours. Closed suction or suction-irrigation drainage systems

have been used although they probably confer little advantage over healing by secondary intention. Antibiotic therapy should be initiated immediately following the collection of samples for culture and modified according to the results . Occasionally, in severe cases of osteomyelitis where there are serious joint or soft tissue complications,

amputation may be the treatment of choice. Chronic infections of the metacarpal/metatarsal bones and digits where there is extensive invol vement of adjacent

healing. Although some authors recommend debridement of sinus tracts, provided all the avasc ular, in -

fected cortical bone is removed, discharge from these sinuses should quickly disappear. The resulting wound can be managed in several ways, depending on the degree of discharge and the location of the affected bone. Where there is significant discharge the open wo und can be packed with saline or povidone-iodine-soaked swabs and covered with a sterile dressing. The swabs and dressing should be changed dail y (with the animal heavily sedated) until there is little ev idence of suppuration, at which

point the wound can be closed primarily or left to heal

soft tissues are best managed by amputation of the affected digit(s). Similarly, chronic infection of the sternebrae and mandible can be managed by ell bloc resection of affected tissues (Fossum et aI., 1989) (Figure 25.13).

Fracture management With infections where the fracture has not healed, the existing implants should not be remo ved if they are providing adequate stability. It is important to remember that fractures will heal in the presence of infection provided they are stable. If the fract ure site is unstable the existing implants should be either supplemented or removed and replaced. External skeletal fixators are particularly useful in this respect because the pins can often be placed some distance

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Osteomyelitis 323

from the fracture site, limiting the amount of foreign material in the infected area, and their remova l is quick and easy (Figure 25.14). Alternati vely, bone plating provides excellent stability but requires more extensive surgery for their removal (Figure 25.15). Bone plates should be removed following fracture union, otherwise infection is like ly to persist and clinical signs will reCur. Intramedullary pins are best avoided because of the risk of disseminating infection throughout the medullary canal. Figllre 25.14 Cralliocalldal radiograph of a tibia following application of a type I external skeletal fixalor to stabilize all injected fracture. COIlf/tIY OfJ Fa8usorl.

Figure 25.15: (a) Mediolateral radiograph ofaJemur showing an inJeered liOlI-Unioll. (b) Th e/racture healed following stabilization with a bolle plate.

Figure 25.13: (a) Chronic osteomyelitis with sequestration of a large segmem of lhe mandible following the insertion of all illlram edullary pill to stabilize a/racture. (b) Lateral radiograph of the mandible from the same dog showing Gil irregular periosteal response of the mandible adjacem to the distaL end of the pill (ShOIllI1 by arrows). (c, d) Trealmellf for the dog iI/valved rostraJ hemimandibuLectomy to remove a"dead, infected corlical bone.

If the fracture has hea led but followin g sequestrectomy and debridement the strength of the bone appears to be compromised, cancellous bone grafting and a period of supplementa l support with an external skeletal fixator is advisable (Figure 25.16). In cllronic lowgrade infections where the fracture has hea led, implant removal and a prolonged course of antibiotics may be all that is necessary for the infection to resolve (Figure 25.17). Techniques employed in humans, including microvasc ular muscle and bone transplantation (Gordon and Chiu, 1988), have not been reported in the veterinary literature.

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Cancellous bone graft

External fixator

Hence the procedure is sometimes delayed foll owing initial surgical debridement. Where large cortical defects ex ist and large quantities of bone graft are needed to fill these areas, cancellous bone graft may need to be harvested from more than o ne donor site. Great care must be taken to ensure that infection is not transferred from the infected bone to the bone graft dono r site. Following cancellous bone grafting it is best to close the soft tissues primarily over the grafted site rather than to allow healing by secondary intention. Where large segmental cortical defects exist fol lowing debridement, an alternative to cancellous bone grafting is to employ the technique of distraction osteogenesis using either a modified type II or lIizarov external fixator (Lesser, 1994). The use of cortical bone grafts in the presence of infection is contraindicated.

Antibiotic therapy in osteomyelitis

Figure 25. J6 Application 0/ all external skeletal jixator to all infected bOl1e to provide additionaL support /olLowing removaL of a sequestrum. The defect has beell packed with a cancellous bone graft.

Figure 25.17 (a) Cralliocaudal radiograph a/rile alltebrachiulIl 2 years after the application 0/ a bone plate to stabilize a fractured radius. The fracture has healed but rhere is evidence of low·grade osteomyelitis. All irregular periosteal response is presellf on the distal radius (shown witll arrows). (b) Following removal of the plate and a prolonged course 0/ (flltibiolics, the in/ectioll resolved.

Bone grafting The value of cancellous bone grafting in the management of delayed and non-union fractures is well established. Cancello us bone grafting can be performed either immediatel y following debridement or as a delayed procedure up to 2 weeks later (Bardet et al., 1983). These grafts will survive in the presence of infection, though their value is likely to be compromised in the presence of inflammatory ex udate or where the local blood supply has been compromised.

At one time it was thought that bone possessed certain unique properties that prevented the penetration of some antibiotics, the so-ca lled blood- bone barrier. Research has shown that most antibiotics can cross the capillary membranes of normal and infected bone but the effecti veness of these drugs depends upon the organisms(s) responsible for the infection and the surgical removal of dead, infected bone. Table 25.2 s hows some of the antibiotics used more commonly in the treatment of osteomyelitis. The appropriate choice is based on the results of culture and sensitivity. In acute osteomyelitis, samples for bacteriol ogy should be obtained and treatment started immediately. Knowledge of the organisms most likely to be present dictates the initial choice of antibiotic. Because Blactamase-producing Staphylococcus spp. are the commonest cause of osteomyelitis, suitable firs t choices include cephalexin, c lavulanate-pote ntiat e d amoxycillin or c1indamycin. If the former two are used, the addition of metronidazole wi ll broaden the spectrum to include the majority of anaerobes, including Bacteroides spp. This choice of antibiotic can be modified when the res ults of culture and sensitivity have been obtained. In chronic osteomyelitis, antibiotic therapy should be started after samples ha ve been obtained for culture during debridement. Initiating therapy intra-operatively will limit the effects of any 'bacteriological shower' during surgery and wi ll ensure high levels of antibiotics in any haematomata that form. Where antibiotics have been administered prior to surgery, they should be stopped 2-3 days beforehand to increase the likelihood of isolating the causative organism(s). Therapy should continue for a minimum of4-6 weeks. Osteomyelitis caused by resistant organisms s uch as Pseudomonas spp. and some Bacteroides spp. poses certain problems. Although some drugs used in humans, such as carbenici llin , ticarc illin and second and third generation cephalosporins (e.g. ceftazidime), are

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Osteomyelitis 325


Amoxyci ll in-clavulanate Cephalexin Cephazolin' Chloramphenicol Clindamycin Enrofloxacin Gentamicill h Metron ida zole

Dose (mgjkg)

Ro ute

F r eq uency

12-25 10-20 20-25 25-50 5- 11 2.5 2 10- 15

oral sc, im, oral iv SC, oral oral oral iv, im, sc oral

bid bid tid bid/tid bid bid tid bid

Table 25.2: Aflfibiorics comll/only used in the treatment of osteomyelitis. Ccpllnzolin is 1101 Ikenscd ror usc in small animals. However, because;1 Can he gi\"~n inlr~\'CllO\lsly il is tXlnlnHMdy USI.--d prophylaC1icnlly during onhopaedic surgery. GCllwmicin is IICphr010~ic ;ll1d shou ld not hc used for nmrc limn one week. Rena l fUlltt;on ~ho'l id be moni!O~d whi lst it i~ being

frequently effecti ve aga inst these orga nis ms, these are not currently licensed for use in s ma ll animals. Gentamicin and enrofloxacin are frequently effecti ve aga inst these organis ms in vitro, but gentamicin is nephrotoxic and shou ld not be used systemicall y for more than one week because of the ris k of inducing acute renal failure . This serious side-effect can be overcome by local implantation of gentamicin-impregnated beads (Figure 25.18). Although fluoroquinolones s uch as ciprofloxacin have been used effecti vely in the treatment of osteomyelitis in man and ex perimental models of osteomyeli tis, the efficacy of emofloxacin in the treatment of osteomyelitis in dogs is not known. However, its low toxicity and oral dosing provide significant advantages over gentamicin and it Figure 25.18: Cralliocaudal radiograph of all iliJected tibial fracture stabilized \\Iilli ( 111 external skeletal jixator. Gelltamicill impregllated beads have beell implallted at the fracture site. Cm"'I'.~)'

viS LllIrgl..y-lIobbs.

is probably the agent of choice - assuming the causati ve organism is susceptible.

HAEMATOGENOUS OSTEOMYELITIS Osteomyeli tis that arises other than fo llowing extens ion of infection from adjacent tissues, trauma or the migration of foreign bodi es is pres umed to be haem atogenous in origin although the primary focus of infection is often not apparent. This is a rare condition in small animals and while it has been identified in adu lt dogs over 1 year of age (Caywood et aI. , 1978), it is probably commoner in s ke letall y immature dogs (Nunamaker, 1985; Dunn et al., 1992). It has also been reported in the cat (Dunn et al., 1983). Affected animals are usua ll y presented with a histo ry of lethargy, anorexia and lameness or stiffness. Pyrexia and pain loca lized to the affected areas of bo ne (us ually the metaphyses of multi ple long bones in skeleta lly immature dogs) are usually present and infection may spread into adjacent soft tissues or joints, resulti ng in a septic arthri tis. Radiographic findings includediffuse areas of bone lysis and periosteal reactions (Figure25.19). Bacteriologica l culture of blood and as pirates from bone may fail to identify the causative organisms but they sho uld be attempted. Treatment consists of broad spectrum antibiotics (Table 25.2) and exercise restriction for 6 weeks. If the infec ti on extends into adjacent soft tiss ues the area should be drained and fl us hed. The prognosis is reported to be good. Discospondylitis is an infection of the intervertebral disc s pace that extends into the adjacent vertebral bodi es, although some dogs may show evidence of infection of the vertebral endplates in the apparent absence of infection in the intervertebral disc (Jimenez and O'Ca liaghan, 1995) (Figure 25.20). This disease is more common than the forms of haematogenous osteomyelitis described above. Treatment with a pro-

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326 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management Figure 25. 19: Medio/atera/ radiograph of the distal radills al/d ull/a frolll a dog with Iwell/atogel/olls osreolllyelilis. Focal areas 0/ lysis are present ill the metaphyses of both bOlles. CQurt!!lf), ofJ

/10,, /1011

longed course of anti biotics (6-8 weeks) is usuall y successful but some animals may requi re curettage of the affected disc space or vertebral stabilization (Gage, 1975; Kornegay and Barber, 1980).

Figure 25.20 Lateral radiograph of the lumbosacral spine of a 5-lI/onrh-old dog with diseaspolldylitis at the L7/S/ intervertebral disc space. There is widening o/the qffeered disc space with lysis oJthe adjacent vertebral elld-plmes.

logical appearance of affected bone and isolation of the organism. Treatment with ketaconazole (10 mg/kg per da y fo r 2 months, reducing to 5 mg/ kg per day for a furth er 2 months) has been reported to be effective (B rearley and Jeffrey, 1992). Osteomyelitis caused by Aspergillus spp. has also been reported from the USA and the UK (Butterworth et al. , 1995; Hotston Moore and Hanna, 1995). Although usually confined tothe nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses,Aspergilius spp. can disseminate to other body systems, including the skeletal system. Female purebred German Shepherd Dogs are predisposed to this disease, with infection usuall ycausingdiscospondy litis at multiple sites. The organism may be cultured from affected intervertebral discs and from urine sediment. Frequently, affected animals will not have serum antibodies to the organism (Watt e1 at., 1995). Treatment with ketoconazole (10- 15 mg/kg bid) or itraconazole (17 mg/kg sid) may control the infection in some dogs, but affected animals will need to be kept on medication permanently (Watt etal., 1995). The prognosis is poor.

Figure 25.21: (0) Mediolmeraland (b) dorsop/alllar radiographs o/the lIletatarsusjrolll a dog with osteomyelitis caused by Cryptococc us neoformans. Th ere is (111 irregular periosteal response alld areas of lysis 0/ the third metatarsaL bone. Coom.>.,y (If M Brearl,,),.

FUNGAL OSTEOMYELITIS REFERENCES Although not uncommon in some southern and western areas of the USA (Nunamaker, 1985), fungal osteomyelitis is very rare in the UK. In the USA the most common ly isolated causative agents are Coccidioides immitis, Blastomyces derlllaatidis, Histoplasma capsalalum and Cryptococcus ne% rmans (N unamaker, 1985). The main portal of entry is the respiratory tract, and in add ition to respiratory signs affected animals may develop neural, ocular and s keletal lesions. Osteomyelitis caused by C. neo!orll1ans has been reported in the UK (Brearley and Jeffrey, 1992). Radiographic lesions resemble those previously described for chronic bacterial osteomyelitis (Figure 25.21). Diagnosis is based on the characteristic histo-

Al iabad i P and Nikpoor N (1994) Imaging osteomyelitis. Arthritis alld Rheumatism 37, 617. Bardet JF, Holm RB and Basinger R ( 1983) O pcn drainage and dclayed autogenous bonc grafti ng fo r treat ment of chron ic ostcomyeli tis in dogs and cats. JOIII'I/al a/the Americal/ Veterinary Medical AssociO/ion 183, 312. Brndcn TO , Johnson CA , Gabel CL et al. (1987) Posologi c cvu luati on of clindamycin, usi ng ,I cani ne model of posttraumatic osteomycli ti s. American Jourl/al 0/ Velerillary Research 48, 110 1. Br.ldcn TO, TvedtclI HW, Mostosky UV et al. ( 1989) Thc scnsiti vity and s pecificit y ofrndiology and histopathology in the diagnosis of posnraumatic osteomyelitis. Veterinary Comparative Orthopaedics (/I/d TraumaTOlogy 3, 98. Brearley MJ and Jeffrey N ( 1992) Cryptococca l osteomyelitis in a dog. JOIIl'l1al o/Smoll AI/ill/al Practice 33,60 1. Butterworth SJ, Barr FJ, Pearson GR and Day MD (1995) Mult iplc discospondylitis associated with Aspergillus s pecies infection in a dog. Veterinary Record 136, 38.

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Osteomyelitis 327 Caywood DD, Wallace U and Braden T D (1978) Osteomyelitis in the dog. Journal oflhe Americall Veterinary Medical Associmion l72 , 943. Caywood DD (1983) Osteomyelit is. Veterinary Clillics of North America: Small Animal Practice 13,43. Dunn JK, FlIrrow CS lind Doige CE (1983) Dissemin ated osteomyelitis caused by Clostridrium 1I0vyi in a cat. Calladiall Veterinary JourlIaI24,3 12. Dunn JK, Dcnnis R and Houlton JEF (1992) Successful treatment of metaphyseal osteomyeli tis in the dog. Journal of Small Allimal Practice 33, 85. Fossum TW, Hodges CC. Miller MW and Dupre GP (1989) Partial stcmectomy fo r sternal osteomyeliti s in the dog. JOIIl'l1al of 'he American Animal Hospiwl Associmioll 25, 435. Gage ED ( 1975) Treatment of discospondylit is in the dog. Journal ofthe Americall Veterilla ry Medical Associatioll 166, 11 64. Gordon L lmel Chui EJ ( 1988) Treatment of infected non-unions and segment al defects of the tibia with staged microvascu lar muscl e trans p!;mtat ion and bone grafting. JOIIl'llal of BOlle and Joillt Surgery 70-A, 377. Gristina AG, Oga M, Webb LX and Hobgood CD ( 1985) Adherent bacterial colonisation in the pathogenesis of osteomyelitis. Science 228, 990-993. Hi rsh DC and Smith TM (1978) Osteomyeli tis inthe dog: microorganisms and susceptibility to antimicrobial agents. J oul'llal of SlIIa/l AI/illlal Pmclice 19, 679. HOls ton Moore A and Hanna FY ( 1995) Mycotic osteomyelitis in a dog foll owing nasal aspergillosis. Veterinary Record 137, 349. Jimenez MM and O'Ca liaghan MW (1995) Vertebral ph ysiti s; a radiographic diagnosis to be separated from discospondylitis. Velerinary Radiology and Ultrasoul/d 36, 188. Johnson KA ( 1994) Ostcomyelitis ill dogs and cats. Joul'llal of the Americall Velerinary Medical Association 205, 1882.

Kant row itz B, Srneak D and Vannini R ( 1988) Radiogmphic appearlInee of ring Se(l liestnun with pin tract osteomyelitis in the dog. Journal of Ihe Americall Animal Hospital Associalion 24, 461. Komegay I N and BlITbcr DL (1980) Discospondylitis in dogs. J Ollrnal oflhe Americall Veterinary Medical AssociatiOIl 177.337 . Lamb CR ( 1987) Bone scintigraphy in smallllnimais. JOIIl'l1 al of rite American Velerinary Medical Association 191 , 1616. Lesser AS ( 1994) Segmental bone tmnspon for the treatment of bone deficits. J Ollrnal of the American Allimal Hospillli Associatioll 30, 322. Muir P and Johnson KA (1992) Anaerobi c bacteria isolated from osteomyelitis in clogs and cats. Veterinary Surgery 21 , 463. Nunamaker DM ( 1985) Ostcomyelitis. In: Textbook of Smal/ AI/imal Orthopaedics, cd. CD Newton, DM Nunamaker. JB Lippincott Co., Philadelphia. Osunll DJ, Armst rong PJ , Duncan DE and Breitschwerdt EB (1990) Acute renal fllilure lifter methylene blue infusion in a dog. J Ollrnal of lite Americall Allimal Hospital Association 26, 410. Perry CR, Pearson RL and Mi ller GA (1991) Accuracy of cultu res of mmerial fro m swabbing of the superficial aspect of the wound lind need le biopsy in the preoperative assessment of osteomyel itis. Journal of BOlle alld Joim Surgery 73-A, 745. Smith MM, Vasseur PB and Sa unders HM ( 1989) Bacteri al growt h associated wi th mewl lic implants in dogs. Journal oflhe Alllericall Anilllal Hospital Association 195,765. Stead AC ( 1984) Osteomyelitis in the dog and cat. Journal of SlIIa/l Allilllal Practice. 25. I. Vercelolli GM, McCarthy JB, Lindholm P er al. ( 1985) Extracellular matrix proteins bind and aggregate bacteria . American JOIII'I/(I/ of Pmlwlogy 120, 13. Walt PR, Robi ns GM, Galloway AM and O'Boyle DA ( 1995) Disseminated opportunis ti c fu ngal disease in dogs: 10 cases (1982-1990). JOIIl'llal of the Alllericall Velerinary Medi cal Associatioll207 , 67.

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CHAPTER TWENTY SIX - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Complications of Fracture Healing David Bennett

INTRODUCTION The objectives of the orthopaedic surgeon in fracture repair are to achieve a healed bone and normal limb function. However, complications will occasionall y prevent these objecti ves from being achieved. Because of the many variables in each fracture case, very few are managed ' perfectly' from start to fini sh (Olmstead, 1991) and although fractures will heal in less than perfect conditions, we shall encounter problems if we ask too much of nature. In fracture repair there are many causes of complications and one of the most important is the violation of orthopaedic or surgical principles. If we always obey the basic principles, complications will be minimal, but this is often a difficult goal to achieve. Sometimes it is a lack of owner compliance with the surgeon's instructions for convalescent care, or even a failure of communication between surgeon and owner. Occasionally the animal's personality and activity contribute to the complications. The patient's health status and general metabolism are sometimes factors . Very occasionally the implant is defective and produces complications. Most complications, as stated, are due to fa iling to observe basic orthopaedic principles (Chapter 9), though it may be difficult for the surgeon to ad mit to this. Some principles are commonly ignored. A good orthopaedic surgeon realizes that all fractures can be adequately stabilized by several different methods; the surgeon must choose the fracture technique that has the greatest potential for success with the least risk to the patient. If a fracnlre is not stable at the end of the surgical procedure, the potential for complications is high (Sumner-Smith, 1991). When complications do occur it is important that the surgeon attempts to find the cause since this will aid in establishing a treatment plan and also help to avoid recreating the problem in the future.

radiologist and histologist, it is clinical union that is most re levant to the patient. Clinical union means that sufficient union has occurred to permit the patient to load the bone and amb ulate without complications occurring. There is no movement or pain at the fracture

site although the fracture line may still be evident on the radiographs. Malunion The fracture has healed but with pooralignment which, if severe enough, is not compatible with the normal function of that particular part of the skeleton. Delayed union This somewhat vague term is applied to a fracture that seems to be taking an excessive amount ofti me to heal - much longer than might be ex pected for that particular fracture (Figure 26.1) . Certainly fracture healing time varies greatly and is influenced by the bone that has fractured, the site and type of fracture, the age of the patient, the method of fixation, general health of the patient and many other factors.

Non-union This indicates that the fracnlre has not healed and is not likely to do so unless circ*mstances are altered by surgical or other intervention.

DEFINITIONS Union This term means that the fractured bone has healed. Although the exact definition varies between clinician,

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Figure 26.1: La/eraf

radiograph a/lhe radius and ulna oj a 9-lIIonth-old Collie, 4 weeks after an external suppon has been applied. The fracture is still unstable alld radiographic ullion is lIot present.


is evidence 0/ callus. This is all example of a delayed

fmion; the cause was the use of all inappropriate external support. Clinical union would have beel! expected ill a dog of this age by 4 weeks; thefracrure will heal with/urther external support for (f longer lime.


330 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management Pseudarthrosis This term indicates a non-union where there is considerable movement at the fracture site, such that a false joint has formed with a synovial cavity. The bone ends of most non-unions are joined by fibrous orcartilaginolls tissue.


Classification Classification of non-unions is based on the fracture site (diaphyseal, metaphyseal or epiphysea l), displacement of fragments (displaced or in alignment), presence or absence of infection and the biological activity based on viability and osteogenic potential (which relates directly to the vascularity) . Non-ullion classification based on biological activity includes the viable and non-viable types. They are further classified as to the appearance of the fracture site (the Weber-Cech classification: WeberandCech, 1976) (Figure 26.2) and the cellular response (Frost, 1989).

Three types are recognized: Hypertrophic non-union Celephant's foot callus ') is characteri zed by abundant callus (Figures 26.3 and 26.4) Slightl y hypertrophic non-ullion Chorse's hoof callus') is characteri zed by moderate callus production (Figures 26.S and 26.6) Oligotrophic non-union is characteri zed by minimal callus production; the bone ends are joined by fibrous tissue (Figure 26.7 and 26.8). Non-viable The blood supply to the fracture site has been interrupted to such an extent that healing is greatly impaired. There is the presence of necrotic fragments or actual bOlle loss, which is not the case with viable nonunions. They are divided into four types: Figure 26.3: Lateral radiograph showillg a 11011ullioll/racture o/thefemur. This is an example of a hypertrophic viable nonullion. The intramedullary pin has loosened; there is a radiolucent 'halo' aroulld the distaL end of the pill. It is likely that the pill did not have sufficient purchase in the distal jraglllellf and rotatioll was presellt at the fracture s ite.

Viable Viable non-ullion is usually the result of instability at the fracture site or a failure to reduce the fracture.

Hypertrophic non-union "e lephant's foot callus"

Slightly hypertrophic non-union "horse's hoof callus"

Oligotrophic non-union






Atrophic non-union

Figure 26.2: The Weber-Cecil classification of nOIl-unioll fractures based 011 the radiographic appearance.

Figure 26.4: (a) Lateral radiograph o/the/emur showing a hypertrophic viable 1101I-Ul1ion. The fracture had beell treated with all intramedullary pill 0/ lOa narrow a diameter and a single cerclage wire. The pill loosened alld migrated proximally and was removed. Single cerclage wires have 110 place in the treatmelll offracTUres. (b) This case was treated by removal a/the cerclage wire, then osteotomy a/the fracture ellds to allow accurate reduction, alld the application of a compression plate. Shortening of the /emllr resuLted but fracture healing occllrred.

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Complications of Fracture Healing


Figure 26.5: Lmeral radiograph of a 1I01l-ullion fracture of the radius and ull/a ill a 7-year-oJd Rough Collie. This is all example of a slightly hypertrophic viable /101I-Ullioll. Th e fracture had been treated with all extemal fixator of insufficient rigidity.

Figure 26.6: Lateral radiograph of the radills and ulna of a 6-year-old Border CoJJic. The implam has failed, resulting ill movemellt of the fracture site. Radiolucem 'halos' are presem aroulld each of the screws. This is all example of a slightly hypertrophic viable 1101/ ullioll. A lOlli-grade staphylococcal il/fec/ioll was also present, as suspected/rom the extensive periosteal reactiol/.

Figure 26.7: Lateral radiograph of a nOIl-unioll fracfIlre of the radius and ulna ill a 4-year-old Spaniel cross. There is millimal callus alld the fracture is very ullstable. This is all example of an oligotrophic viable /lon-ulliol/. There is obvious disuse atrophy of rhe distal radills and ulna and of the ca rpal bOlles.

Figure 26.8: Lateral radiograph oitlle tibia of a 3-year-old Crossbred. A COllll1l illllledjraclllre of the (ibia has beell recollstructed with lag screws and cerclage wire, supplemented ollly witll an external support. The implallts have failed alld allgulation has occurred at the jractu re. All oligotrophic lion-union has resulted. Reconstrucrion of COllllllilllltedjraclIlres w;lh lag screws/cerclage wires /1/llst be accompanied by a plate alld screws or by an eXlernalfixalOr to neutralize the forces at thejracture site. This nOIl-ullion was treated by removal aftlie implants alld stabilization of thefraclllre with a bilateral Ilniplanar external jixaror.

Dystrophic non-unioll. These are characterized by an intermediate fra gment that has united with one main fragment but not the other. Vascularization of the intermediate fragment, which may be partially necrotic, takes place only from one side. Hypertrophic cal lus may be present on the vital side of the fragment but necrosis persists on the opposite side (Figure 26.9). Necrotic non-lIllion. In these cases there is a major interruption to the blood suppl y of the fragm ents. There are two or more necrotic fragm ents and there is lack of callus and death of neighbouring bone. As a result, implants may loosen and fai l (Figures 26. JO and 26.11). Defect non-union. In these cases there is a significant loss of bone at the fracture site. This may occur at the time of injury or may be an

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Figure 26.9: Cral1iocalldai radiograph 0/ (lie jemur of a 9-year-old Crossbred. A separated celllral cylil/der of bone was left unsecured between the (WO lI1ail1 fragll1ellfs, wllich were fixed with a plate alld screws. Fixation is poor. The cylinder 0/ bOlle has healed fO the disraifragmem bllt /lot the proximal. This is {/II example of a dYSlropliic lIoll-viable lIoll-unioll. The proximal end of the cylinder of bone was Ilecrotic. Revision surgery involved removal of fhe implants, debridemclIf oflhe bOlle ellds, a cancellolls bOlle graft and stabilization with a 7-llOie 3.5 111111 dynamic compression plate.


332 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management

Figure 26.12: Craniocaudal radiograph of the radius and ulila of a 4-year-old crossbred dog showing a non-viable defect 1I01l-Ullioll of the radius. Th ere is all oligotrophic llOlI-Ullioli oj the distaluilla. This 1I0nunion was of severalmolllhs duration. Attempts at a repair using callceJiolls bone graft and plate. .' and screws 011 both the radills and the ulna were ul/successfu/.

Figure 26.10: Lateral alld crcmiocaudai views of the showing a necrotic nOIl-uniol/. This was a commilluted fraclilre where reconstruction was attempted Ilsing lag screws. There has beel! obvious bone loss at the fractu re site. There are radiolucent areas around the plate and some of the screws, indicating looselling o/the implal11s. The plate has bem at the fractu re site. This case was treated by removal o/the plate and screws, debridemellf at the fracture site, a cancellous bone graft and the appLication of a 3.5 IIlIll dynamic compression pLate. Itulllertl!;~

Figure 26.11: Lateral radiograph of the hock jOint of a Coliie sho lVing afibular tarsaL bOllefracture caused by gUllshot. Th efracture was repaired with two bOlle screws. The 10llger screw was oj stainless steel and the shorter one of viraliiulI1. Lead shot was also present. Severe bone loss has occllrred alld a lIecrotic 1I011-1II1ion has resulted - the presence of dissimilar metals in close proximity has resulted ill Local bOlle necrosis.

extension of the necrotic state, with subsequent separation and bone loss, or it may be iatrogenic as may occur with resection of a bony neoplasm (Figure 26. 12). Atrophic non-union. These usuall y occur as a sequel to one of the three other types of non- viable non-unions. They are rare but are regularly seen in non-union fractures of the distal radius and ulna of the toy breeds (Figure 26.13).

Causes The causes of non-unions are described in Table 26. l.

Figure 26.13: CralliocaudaL radiograph of the radills and ulna of a 3-year-old Toy Poodle. Th e origillalmidshaft fracture oftlIe radius and ulna had been treated witli an external fixalOr. All iatrogenic jraclllre of fhe proximaL third of tile radius thell occurred through a fixat ioll pin hole. Tile original externalfixator was removed and a secolld externaLflXator was applied. Three weeks later all obviolls non-viable atrophic lIon-ullion of both radius and ulila is prese11l. Limb Gmpllfatioll was necessary ill this case.

Diagnosis The diagnosis of non-union is based on clinical and radiographic evaluation and generally there will be several assessments over a period of weeks before a final diagnosis is made. Movement of the fracture site is a cardinal feature of non-union. This movement is often painful, certainly in the early stages; but pain is generally not a feature if a pseudarthrosis develops. Loss of function is present which, for the limb bones, shows as an obvious lameness. Depending on the type of non-union present, there may be obvious callus to palpate, or very little. Deformity of the fracture site is often a feature (e.g. shortening, angulation, rotation) and disuse atrophy of the musculature is prominent. Radiography helps in confirming the diagnosis and deciding on treatment. The radiographic features vary accordin g to the type of non-u Ilion present. A gap is

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Complications of Fracture Healing


Inadequate immobilization of fracture This is the commonest cause of non-union. When there is excessive movement at the frachlre site neither the periosteal, intercortical nor endosteal callus is able to bridge the site effecti vely. The constant movement destroys the juvenile blood vessels that attempt to bridge the gap. The use of intramedullary pins of too small a diameter is one of the commonest mistakes leading to non-union. Excessive gap at the fracture site This may be caused by several different fa ctors. The bone ends may be distracted by lack of immobilization or by the fixation technique used. There may be interposition of soft tissue which impedes callus fonnation, although callus can fonn and the soft tissue be organi zed into the ca llus. Loss of bone from the fracture site at the time of the trauma or removal of bone by the surgeon also creates gaps. Bone loss may also occur due to ischaemia and infection. Loss of blood supply Ischaemia of bone may result from the initial trauma to bone and soft tissue. In addition, loss of blood supply can be created by the surgeon due to excessive periosteal stripping, damage to the nutrient vessels and comminution or crushing of bone and soft tissue. Avascular necrosis is an extreme form of ischaemia in which an element of local bone or soft tissue becomes devoid of its blood supply and necroses, leaving a defi cit. Infection Infection of bone involving the fracture ends or the neighbouring soft tissues delays healing. Infection lowers the normal pH, and this tends to put calcium into solution . In addition, infection interferes with the blood suppl y, occludes the Haversian systems, causes bone death and bone sclerosis, and interferes with nutrition ofthe callus. Implants loosen more readily in infected bone. Fractures can heal in the presence of infection but onl y if the fracture is rigid. Hypera emia Hyperaemia is a normal feature of healing bone but it can become excessive (e.g. when infection is present) and prevent the laying down of collagen.

Compression Although compression of the bone ends is often desirable in fracture repair, excessive compression can cause microfractures and necrosis of adjacent arteries. Excessive quantities of implants The presence of large amounts of metal work relative to the bone can seri ously impede the blood suppl y to the area. Excessively large intramedullary pins may seriously damage the medullary blood flo w. Plates and screws of an inappropriately large size can also create problems. Screws can obstruct the medullary blood suppl y and there may be insufficient blood reaching the cortex from the periosteum, especially if the latter has been damaged in the original accident or by the surgeon. The presence of a plate on the cortical surface may impede the centrifugal flo w of blood from the medulla to the periosteal surface, causing the blood to divert laterally around the plate, and the flow to the cortex is accordingly diminished.

Severe comminution Severely comminuted fractures are more likely to be associated with diminis hed blood supply between fragments, ischaemia, sequestration and instability. Use of improper meta ls The use of improper metals or combination of dissimilar meta ls produces an electrolytic reaction and consequent lysis of the local bone cells. Inappropriate post-operative management Modern techniques aim for earl y weightbearing and ambulation but this can sometimes be excessive. If too great a load is placed on the stabili zing device it may fail before the fracture has healed. Early weight-bearing is certainly desirable and will encourage fracture healing but this must be controlled in a sensible fashion. General fa ctors Most of these do not themselves cause non-union but may predispose to it. Sufficient amounts of dietary calcium and phosphorus are important for correct mineralization of the callus. Metabolic dis orders (e.g. li ver fai lure, diabetes, hyperadrenocorticalism) may delay healing. Dogs receiving high doses of corticosteroids or cytotoxic drugs for other problems may be at ris k of a non-union. Hyperparathyroidism (nutritional or renal) may also interfere with fracture healing. Geriatric patients are also at a greater ris k of non-union. Table 26.1: Causes oil/oil-union.

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334 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management evident at the fracture s ite. There are generally well defined fracture ends without an apparent healing

acti vity, or at least no increased activity over a reasonable period of time. The bone ends may become sclerotic and the marrow cavity sealed off with endosteal callus at the fracture site. Callus, if present, does not bridge the fracture site. Deformity at the fracture s ite may be seen and osteopenia of the limb bones due to disuse atrophy may be apparent. The typical appearance of a pseudarthros is may also be appreciated (Figure 26.3). Increased density of soft tissue s urro unding the fracture site is often seen, and muscle atrophy ma y be evident.

Treatment The creation of max imum stability and the encourage-

ment of osteogenesis are of paramount importance in treating non-unions. TillS generally means compressing the fracture and using bone grafts. Treatment is influenced by the site of non-union, the presence or absence of infection, presence or absence of callus, the type of fracture, the experience of the surgeon and the availability of equipment. Non-displaced non-union (non-infected) Compression of the fracture together with a cancello us bone graft is often all that is required. Compression may be created with the dynamic compression plate, or the use of a compression device on the plate or by means of an external fixator. If non-uni on is the result of interference with blood supply then further damage to the blood s uppl y should be avoided. The use of limited contact plates may help here or, even better, the use of an external fi xator. A dynamic external fixator

which generates specific amounts of micromovement at the fracture s ite has been used in successfull y treating non-union fractures of the tibia (Kenwri ght and Goodship, 1989 ; Kenwright et a/., 1991).

Micromovement in assisting fracture healing is, however, in dispute (Aro and Chao, 1993; Kershaw et aI., 1993; Noordeen etal., 1995). Any callus that is present should be left intact. Healing can be assisted and accelerated by the use of a cancellous bone graft. Displaced non-union (non-infected) T he fracture must be opened and red uced in these cases. Sufficient callus must be excised to permit reduction. This can be difficult if there is severe over-

riding and sometimes the use of a mechanical distractor can help. Sometimes shortening of the bone is necessary in order to achieve reduction. The medullary cavity sho uld be opened to permit the growth of medullary blood vessels and allow the endosteum to contribute to healing. If the bone ends are ro unded off at the fracture s ite, they must be resected to create transverse surfaces for apposition. Any bony callus removed during debridement can be grafted to the fracture site to help to stimulate osteogenesis. This

may be supplemented with autogenous cancellous bone taken from one or more donor sites. In cases where there are massive defects, the gap can be bridged with a corti cocancellous graft s uch as a split rib, although large quantities of cancellous graft can be used. The application of microsurgical techniques now means that vasculari zed autogenous bone grafts (e.g. distal ulnar diaphys is) can be considered in treating non-union fractures. Such grafts bring about healing much more quickly than avascular cortical grafts (Szentilmey et ai. , 1995). An alternative approach to filling very large deficits is to use a 'bone transport' technique which utili zes the phenomenon of distraction osteogenesis (Reuter and Brutscher, 1988; Ilizarov, 1989). A corticotomy (or osteotomy) proximal to the non-union is carried out and generally a ring external fi xator (llizarov fixator) is employed to move the di aphyseal segment distally (I mm/day) to close the fracture gap. As the segment is moved, new bone is generated at the transection site. Once the non-union ga p has been closed by the transplanted segment, the bone is left in the external fixator without further displacement until healing has occurred at the transection and non-union sites. One reason for using cancellous bone grafts is because they contain bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), which are osteogenic growth factors; they induce transformation of undifferentiated mesench ymal cells into chondroblasts and osteoblasts in a dosedependent manner (Kirker-Head, 1995). Recombinant DNA technology allows the production of these BMPs in large and highl y purified quantities and their potential in stimulating bone healing is immense. They can be used to coat implants, or can be incorporated within bone matri x constituents, such as collagen, o r into polymers, which can be used to fill very large bone defects. Implantation of s keleta l stem cells with BMPs is also being assessed as a means of stimulating bone production. Other cytokines, s uch as transforming growth factor-B and basic fibroblast growth factor, also stimulate bone growth and are being assessed for a possible clinical rol e (Iwasaki el al., 1995; Sumner el al., 1995). It is likely that recombinant BMPs will be available for clinical use within the next five yea rs and will revolutionize the treatment of fractures. In addition, a gene therapy approach has already been studied in experimentral animals (Fa ng el aI., 1996) The application of an electrical current to a nonunion fracture has been used to stimulate repair in humans (Bassett etal., 1982; Sharrard etal., 1982) and in experimental animals but has not been establis hed in clinical s mall animal o rthopaedi c surgery (Nunamaker et aI., 1985). Metaphyseal and epiphyseal non-union Treatment of these poses particular problems because of the effects on joint function. An arthrotomy must be performed and the joint th oroughly assessed. Any


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Complications of Fracture Healing

thickened synovium must be resected and any fragments of soft tissue and bone and hypertrophic callus removed. The fracture surfaces must be meticulously aligned and any defects may need reconstructing with cancellous bone or methy ~n ethacry l ate bone cement. The fracture must be adequately immobilized using lag screws and T-plates or possibly an external fi xator. Early ambulation is essential iffracture disease is to be avoided. Appropriate physiotherapy should be given to prevent ' tie down' of the local retinaculum and musculature and in the early stages this wi ll involve


definition , the fracture will eventuall y heal , though it is often difficult for clinicians to decide whether they are dealing with delayed union or non-union. In any event, if the delayed union is going to take some considerable time to heal, it is often better to revise the treatment and create a more stable fi xation and speed up the repair. This wi ll improve the an imal's quality of life by reducing the prolonged convalescence.


manipulati on under general anaesthesia.

Malunion includes: Infected non-unions The treatment of osteomyelitis is descri bed in Chapter 25 . The non-union should be rigorously explored surgically and debrided. Any sinus tract should be explored and excised as well as all necrotic material, chronic fibrous tissue and granulation tissue. Theexploration of sinus tracts can be facilitated by the installation of 1% methylene blue solution (approximately 5-10 nul. Any dead bone is removed. Implants can be left illsitll if they are supporting the fracture and are not loosening. However, the implants must be removed if they are not supporting the fracture. The use of the pulsating water jet has been advocated (Sumner-Smith, 1990). Water pressure between 50 and 70 psi iseffecti vein removing necrotic tissue and debriding the wound without affecting the healthy tissue. Antibiotics can be added to the irrigation solution. Aerobic and anaerobic bacteriology cultures are taken from the fracture site and used to select the anti microbial agent. If the original implant is left in situ a cancellous bone graft can be packed at the fracnlfesite, even though its survival is seriously reduced by infection. If the original implant is removed, the fracture can initially be left unsupported or preferabl y an extern al fixator applied with transfi xing pins inserted into the bone stock away from the infected fracture site. The wound can be left open to drain or, alternatively, closed and drainage tubes can be inserted and left in place for 5- 7 days. Systemic antibiotics must be used for 6- 8 weeks. The use of local gentamicin can be achieved by the insertion of gentamicin-impregnated methylmethacrylate beads at the fracture site (Brown and Bennett, 1989) for 3-4 weeks. Further stabili zation of the fracture with plates and screws, for example, if indicated, should be delayed for at least 2 weeks. Alternatively, stabilization with an external fixator is acceptable; in this instance, a very rigid frame should be used which can be staged down throughout the healing process. Plates and screws should also be removed if the fracture has healed.

DELA YED UNION The causes of delayed union are basically the same as those of non-union, but acting to a lesser degree. By

Deviations in the limb ax is (angular deformities) Rotational limb deformiti es (healing of the distal fragment in a position of internal or extern al

rotation with respect to the proximal fragment) Shortening of the limb (due to overriding fragments, severe angulation, comminution, bone

loss, compression of the fracture). Premature slowing or closure of the physis as a complication of fractures can produce limb deformity and shortening but this is not classified as a malunion because it is a result of arrested or asynchronous growth of the physis and not an abnom13lity of fracture healing. Malunions may be considered as being either functional or non-functi onal (Nunamaker et aI. , 1985). With a functiona l malunion, the animal has good clinical (limb) function; the deformity is often slight and onl y of cosmetic concern. Generally these cases can be left untreated, except in special circ*mstances (e.g. a show dog). A non-functional malunion implies an alteration of clinical (limb) functio n orthe potential for such - for example, altered stresses on a joint may not produce clinical problems until several months later. Angular deformities place abnormal stresses on adjacent joints by changing the axial alignment of a bone. This can cause poor limb function , or lead to secondary osteoarthritis due to abnormal joint loading. The direction of angulation affects joint function and adaptation; for example, lateral or medial angulation of the femur has a far more serious effect on the stifle than cranial or caudal angulation. Rotational deformity is not uncommon with femoral malunions; compensation may occur with a slight rotational deformity but extreme rotational deformity results in an awkward gait and seconda ry hip sublu xation or patellar sublu xation/ luxation. Ma lunion may also result in limb shortening and if this is not too severe the animal can compensate by holding the joint of the affected limb at a greater angle of extension, or the joint of the contralateral limb in a greater angle of fl exion, or a combination of both. In a young animal accelerated growth of other long bones in the limb can compensate for a s hortened bone in the same limb.

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Malunion can affect range of joint motion or alter the functional angle of the joint. The abnormal stresses placed on ligaments and joint capsule can sometimes result in peri articular fibrosis. A malunion of an art icu-

stability and function. Varus or valgus deformities close to joints will place stresses on the joint capsule and ligaments. On the convex side of the joint there is

lar fracture is a common cause of osteoarthritis later in li fe. Malunion ca n also result in secondary soft ti ssue probl ems such as interference w ith muscl e and tendon

the supporting tissues. The converse is true on the concave side of the joint, where contractions and atrophy are observed (Hierhol zer and Hax, 1985) . Muscle mass and strength shou ld be noted and the


increased tension, resulting in stretching and la xi ty of

owner questioned on th e animal 's exerci se tol erance.

Causes Fractures that are untreated because of neglect or fa ilure of diagnosis are obvious ca uses of malunion

(Anson, 199 1). In such situations muscle pull on the bone fragments will cause rotation. Similarly, conserva ti ve treatment such as might be indicated for

Limb length should be compared with the unaffected leg. Greater ex pectations and demands are placed on the working or hunting dog. The cosmetic appearance may be very important for the show dog. Damage to tendons/muscles or altered function of these structures should also be assessed.

pathological fractures associated with nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism can result in malunion, although this might be preferable to the complications that could occur with attempts at internal fi xation. Closed reduction and the use of casts or splints may be associated with a degree of malunion. Accurate closed reduction can be difficult either because of a very mobile fracture or because of muscl e contraction.

Post-manipulation radiographs are essential in checking on the adequacy of reduction. During internal fi xation of a fracture the surgeon, especially if inex peri enced, ca n sometimes create a potential malunion by

inadequate or increased reduction of the fracture. Rotation and angulation of the distal fragment are the most common mistakes. It is important to have ad-

equate aseptic access to the limb to check on the position of landmarks, joints, etc. A limb hidden by drapes can lead to this kind of complication. Often when surgically repairing displaced nonunions, it can be difficult to identify the original cortices of the bone because of the extensive callus and remodelling that has occurred and in these cases a degree of malunion may occur after repair. An inability

Figure 26.14: Lateral alld cralliocaudal radiographs ojthe tibia showing a malunion mid-shaft fracture. There is slight caudal and lateraL displacement ofrhe distal fragment. Limb use was good and treatment was not necessary. This is classified as a fUllctiollalmalullioll.

to maintain fracture reduction due to inadequate fixa-

tion and/or comminution may resu lt in some degree of deformity of the bone post-operatively but with eventual healing. Bending or loosening of implants during the initial post-operative period can ha ve a similar sequel. Premature removal of fixation before the fracture is healed, followed by weightbearin g by the patient, can lead to deformity at the fracture site with eventual healing.

Diagnosis This is often a simple task. The gross appearance of the limb, supported by radiographic examination, generally shows the problem (Figures 26. 14, 26.15 and 26. 16). However, proper attention should be paid to the animal's functional abilities. Any disturbance of gait should be noted. Consideration must be given to any potential problems in the future. This should include osteoarthritis due to abnormal stresses placed upon a joint, as a result of the deformity , and the effect on joint

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Figure 26. J5: Latera! radiograph of the radius and ullla showing a 10 Iller third lIIa!lllliolljracture. Although a ilia/union, extensive remodelling of the radills alld ulna is occurring to lIelp to sTraig/llenthe limb. Til e potemial for remodel/illg is jar greater ill the youllg animal; the dog was 8 mOllths 0/ age when he first stlstained tile jraclllre. This is a functionaL ma/Illlioll which required I/O {reatmellt.


Complications of Fracture Healing

Fig ure 26.16: Craniocaudal radiograph of the elbow joint, showing all old malulliolljracture of the lateraL condyle which has recellfly refractured. The malul1iol1/racture had probably predisposed this animal to the second fractu re. Osteoarthritis !lOd also developed, associated with the original malunion. Th e re-jracture of the lateral condyle was fixed using a lag screw bllt no attempt was made to correct fhe pre-existing ma lunion. The original lIIalunion has to be classified as 110n-jul1ctiollal.


Treatment Functional mal unions generally do not require correction. Non-functional malunions generally require an osteotomy/ostectomy to correct angular and rotational deformities and to lengthen the bone (Table 26.2). In some cases compensatory surgery can be undertaken to correct complications associated with the malunion rather than correct the malunion itself - fo r example, correction of patellar luxation associated with a rotational malunion of the femur using a tibial tuberosity relocation. Another example would be correcting coxofemoral instability by triple pelvic osteotomy or intertrochanteric osteotomy. Salvage procedures can be used in some instances at a later time when complications become apparent fo r example, arthrodesis as a treatment of osteoarthritis

Transverse This is used primarily for rotational deformities. Compression plating of the flat osteotomy surfaces provides the best stability. K-wires can be temporarily placed in the bone prior to making the osteotomy and used as markers to gauge the amount of de-rotation. Cuneiform - closed wedge This type of osteotomy is mainly used for axial deformiti es. A wedge of bone is removed from the point of maximal deformity. Compression of the osteotomy should result in a rapid healing. Tllis teclmique is simple and gi ves good stability. Its main disadvantage is in causing bone shortening. Cuneiform - open wedge A transverse osteotomy is carried out and the bone straightened by creating an open wedge on the concave surface of the bone. The bony defect is filled with an autogenous cancellous bone graft and buttress (plate) fixation is applied. The primary advantage is the gain in limb length in addition to the correction of axial deformity. The disadvantages include the requirement for a bone graft, longer healing time due to the defect and potential problems with fi xation stability. Cuneiform - reversed wedge This is used to correct angular deformiti es. The size of the wedge is calculated as for the closed wedge technique but is then halved. The wedge is removed with its base on the convex surface of the bone and is then reversed and inserted on the concave side of the bone. Although it is not difficult to plan this teclmique, it can be difficult to execute surgically. The wedge may not fit easily on the concave surface and can easily displace. The wedge has no blood supply and is incorporated more slowly into the healing osteotomy site. Oblique This simple technique allows correction of deformiti es in any of three planes (medial/lateral, cranial/caudal and rotational). The osteotomy is best supported by an external fixator. The most proximal and distal fi xation pins can be inserted parallel to the respective joint surface and thereby act as markers for correction ofthe deformities. Bone contact may not be good at the osteotomy site, resulting in de layed healing, and thus a cancellous bone graft should be considered. The technique allows correction of all components of a defornlity and some increase in bone length also, if necessary. The main disadvantage is an inherently less stable fixation because of less cortical bone contact. Exact pre-operative planning is difficult and most of the correction is done by direct ' eyeballing ' by the surgeon. Dome or crescentic Theoretically this is a useful technique since the crescentic osteotomy acts as a ball and socket, and three-plane corrections of a deformity can be made (Sikes et aI. , 1986; Stevens, 1988). The osteotomy line has to be accurately planned and is initially made with a series of drill holes; the osteotomy is then completed with a high speed air drill and fin e burr or a small oscillating bone saw. Bone plates provide the most secure fi xation. Unfortunately it is technically very difficult to achieve this osteotomy and it must be done carefull y. Step A step osteotomy allows distraction and lengthening of a bone. An autogeneous cancellous bone graft is recommended. Lag screws can be used to secure the arms of the step but additional support in the form of a plate or external fixator is mandatory. The amount of bone length that can be created is limited and fi ssure fractures of the step are not uncommon. Corticotomy/osteotomy a nd distraction osteogenesis This concept has already been mentioned. Gradual distraction at the site of transection using a ring external fixator can result in significant lengthening of the bone and soft tissues. This treatment is the technique of choice for the correction of shortened bones but can also correct rotational and angular deformities.


Table 26.2: Osteotomies used in the treatmelll o/maluniolls.

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338 Ma nual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management

Aetiology There are several hypotheses but no firm conclusions on the cause of these tumours. Proposed aetiological factors include : Metal implants (Bennett et aI., 1979; Gillespie et al. , 1988) • Corrosion (Furst and Haro, 1969; Sinibaldi et 01. , 1976; Black, 1981) • Excessive tissue damage • Altered cellular acti vity. Frachlre-associated sarcomas may result from a two-stage carcinogenic event. The first stage may be mutagenesis ofthecell by binding of metal to DNA, and the actual carcinogenic event may occur during multiple mitoses resulting from excess callus formation, excess bone formation and the response to infections or instability ofthe implant. There are certainl y other examples of sarcoma formation occurring in bone which has pre-existing disease causing altered ce llular activity, e.g. Paget's disease in humans (McKenna et al., 1966), nutritional hyperparathyroidism in cats (Riser etal., 1968) and infarcts of bone in humans and dogs (Riser et al., 1972; Mirra et aI., 1974 ). Diagnosis The history ofa previous fracture and its treatment is very important. Typically these tumours are associated with lameness or a graduall y increasing mass which is noted by the owner. The lameness may be of acute or gradual onset. Pain is an obvious feature on palpation of the bone. Occasionally there is involvement ofthe musculature leading to impaired muscle function and fl exion with contracture. The latter may result in reduced joint motion. Loss of bodily condition may also be present. The radiographic appearance may be mistaken for chronic infection and, as already mentioned, infection may be present as a complicating factor although there are rarely clinical signs of chronic infection such as sinus tracts. The radiographic features include extensive new bone formation, smooth borders, soft tissue mineralization, areas of bone resorption (cortical loss) and occasionally pathological fracture lines. Loosening of implants, if present, may be seen. The histological examination of a biopsy specimen can be unrewarding because of the absence of classic anaplastic cells. Thus, the most helpful parameters are the combination of history, clinical examination and radiographic appearance. Repeat radiographs atan interval of2 to 3 weeks can help to consolidate the diagnosis. Treatment The treatment of these fracture-associated tumours in the dog has all the same problems as that for the spontaneous osteosarcoma. The fracture-associated tumours have the same tendency to metastasize as the spontaneous ones and with a similar time scale. Amputation can be considered and chemotherapy with cisplatin (alone, or in combination with doxorubicin) can improve survi val after amputation. Because of their diaphyseal nature, limb-sparing procedures are theoretically possible but most of these tumours are large when diagnosed, with a significant soft tissue involvement, which makes limited salvage procedures technically very difficult. Prevention The overall incidence of fracture-associated sarcoma is very low and does not justify the routine removal of implants after fracture repair. However, in cases of complicated fracture repair, such as non-union (and even delayed union) and certainly with osteomyelitis, removal of the implant is justified and reconunended. Tab le 26.3: Fracture-assocwted sarcoma. Figure 26.17: Lateral radiograph showing a malllllion/ractllre of the femu r. ALthough complete radiograph ic union had 110t occurred, clinical union was present alld the/racture was stable. Lameness was evidellt bur limb use was surprisingly good. Craniocaudai angulation of the femur is less of a probLem thall medial! lateral angularion. Limb shortening has occurred in this case because of the overriding at the fracture site. Although this is a nOI/functionaL malunion, surgical correction was not attempted.

secondary to a non-corrected malunion. Malunited articular fractures, if causing minimal clinical problems, are sometimes better managed by arthrodesis at a later time if and when the clinical problem becomes unacceptable.

FRACTURE-ASSOCIATED SARCOMAS Frachlre-associated sarcomas occur at or close to an old healed fracture site. The fracture usually occurred fi ve or more years previously (Stevenson, 1991). Several examples have been reported in the literature (Sinibaldi et al., 1976; Madewell et 01. , 1977; Bennett et al., 1979; Van Bree et al., 1980; Stevenson et 01. , 1982; Stevenson, 1991) but the incidence of these tumours is very rare (Table 26. 3).

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Complications of Fracture Healing


Most of these sarcomas occur in the diaphysis of long bones, particularly the femur. Over 85 % of fracture-associated sarcomas occur in the diaphysis of long bones (Figure 26.18a) and not the metaphysis, as wi th spontaneously occurring osteosarcomas. The bone most frequently involved is the femur (49%), followed by the humerus (24%), tibia (22 %) and the radius (5%) (Stevenson, 1991). Occasionally sarcomas develop within 6 to 9 months of internal fixation of a metaphyseal fract ure: these are probably manifestations of a pre-existing spontaneous osteosarcoma; and in some cases the original fracture may have been a pathological fracture since the tumour, even though not apparent radiographically, may ha ve weakened the bone. Metal implants, if present, are usually loose and bacterial contamination of the tumour is often a feature. All subtypes of osteosarcoma ha ve been noted and metastases to lungs (Figure 26.18b), visceral organs and other bones have been reported. The original fracture usually occurs between the ages of 1 and 3 years and the lag period until tumour diagnosis averages approximately 6 years. They are most often encountered in larger breeds of dog and are also seen in the cat. Fracture-associated sarcomas are most likely to be seen where fracture complications have occurred, especiall y infection and non-union.


Figure 26.18: (a) Lateral radiograph of the femur sholVillg extensive mineralized densities lVithin the soft tissues and considerable periosteal reaction along the diaphysis. Th ere is also loss 0/ bone cortex and there are areas of radiolucency within the fell/oral shaft. This dog originally had a fraefll re of the femur; the fracture lVas plated, osteomyelitis occurred alld a 1I01l-Ullioll resulted. Th e osteomyelitis lVas treated alld thefraeture )\las re-plated. Healing occurred and limb lise lVas good, but lameness refllmed 5 years later, IVhen the fracture-associated sarcoma lVas diagnosed. (b) The laterall/wracic radiograph of this case sholVS secondary tUlIJour deposits ill the lungs. Elllhal1asia of this patient lVas recommended.

Anson LW (1991) Malunions. Veterinary Clinics of Norlll America. Small Animal PraClice 21 , 76 1-780 Aro HT and Chao EYS (1993) Bone heal ing pattems affected by loading, fracture fragment stabi lity, fracture type and fractu rc site com pression. Clillical Orlhopaedics 293, 8-17 Bassett CAL, Mitchell SN and Gaston SR (1982) Pulsing electromagnetic field treatment in un united fractures and failed arthrodeses. Journal of the Americall Medical Association 247, 623-628 Bennett D, Cam pbell JR and Brown P (1979) Osteosarcoma associated wi th healed fract ures. Journal of Small Animal Praclice 20, 13-18 Black J (198 1) Chemical and foreig n-body carcinogenesis. Biochemical Performance of Materials 1, 128-147 Brown A and Bennett D (1989) The use of gentamicin-impregnated methly-methacrylate beads for the treatment of bacterial infective arthritis. Velerillary Record 123, 625-626 Fang J, Zhu Y-Ym, Simley E et al. (1996) Stimulat ion of new bone fo nnation by direcl lransferofosteogen ic plasmid genes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 93,5753-5758 Frost HM ( 1989) The biology of fracture heal ing. An overview for cl inicians. Part II. Clillical Orthopaedics 248, 294 -309 Furst A and Haro RT (1969) A survey of meta l carcinogenesis. Progress ill Experimental Tllmor Research 12, 102-133 Gillespie WI , Frampton CMA, Henderson RI el al. (J 988) The incidence of cancer followi ng total hip replacement. 101ll'llal of BOlle alld Joinl Surgery 70,539- 542 Hi erholzer G and Hax PM (1985) Indications for correcti ve surgery after malunited fractu res. In: Corrective Osteotomies o/the LOlVer EXlremityAjter Trauma,ed. G. Hi erholzerand H. Muller, pp. 9-28 . Spri nger-Verlag, Berlin Ili zarov GA ( 1989) The tension -stress etfect on the genesis and growth of ti ssues. Clillical Onhopaedics 238, 249 Iwasaki M, Haruhiko N, Nakata K et al. (1995) Chondrogenic differentiation of periostcum-deri ved cells by transforming growth factor~ and basic fibroblast growth f'

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340 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repa ir and Management treatment. Journal oj BOlle Joim Surgery 73-B, 654-659 Kershaw eJ, Cunningham JL and Kcnwrighl J (1993) Tibial external fixat ion, weight bearing and frac ture movement. Clinical Orthopaedics 293 , 28-36 Kirker-Head C (1995) Recombinant bone morphogenetic proteins: novel substances for enhancing bone healing. Veterinary Surgery

24,408 -419 McKenna RJ, Schwinn CP and Soong KY (J 966) Sarcomata of the osteogenic series (osteosarcoma, fibrosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, parosteal osteogenic sarcoma and sarcomata arising ill abnormal bone) . Journal of BOlle alld Joint Surgery. 48A, 1-26 Madewell SR, Pool RR and Leighton RL (1977) Osteogenic sarcoma at the site of a ch ronic nonunion fracture and interna l fixation device in a dog. Jot/rl/al of the American Veterinary Medical Association 171, 187-189 Mirra JM, Bullough PO and Marcove RE (1974) Malignant fibrous histiocytoma and osteosarcoma in association with bone infarcts. Journal of BOlle alld Joint Surgery. 56A, 932-940 Noordeen MHH, Lavy CBD, Shergill NS el af. (1995) Cyclical micromovement and fracture healing. JOt/rl/al of Balle alld Joint Surgery 77-8, 645-648 Nunamaker OM, Rhi nelander FW and Heppenstall RB (1985) Delayed union, nonunion and malunion. In: Textbook of Small AI/illla! Orthopaedics, cd. CD Newton and OM Nunamaker, Lippincott, Philadelphia Olmstead ML (1991) Complications, an overview. Velerinary Clinics of North America. Small Allima! Practice 21, 641-646 Reuter A and Bmtscher R (1988) Di e Behandlung ausgedehnter Knochendefekte am unterschenkel durch die Verschiebeostomie nach Ii izarov . Chirurg. 59, 357 Riser WH, Brodey RS and Biel)' ON (1972). Bone infarctions associated with malignant bone tumors in dogs. Journal ofthe American Veterillary Medical Association. 16,411-421 Riser WH, Brodey RS and Sherer JF (1968) Osteodystrophy in mature

cats, a nutritional disease. JO/lrnal of the American Velerinary Radiological SocielY. 9, 37-45 Sharrard WJW, Sutcl iffeML, Robson MJ and MacEachern AG (1982) The treatment of fibrous non-union of fractures by pulsing electromagnetic stimu lation . Jourl/al of BOlle alld Joint Surgery 64-8,

189- 193 Sikes RI, Olds RB, Renegan Wet al. ( 1986). Dome osteotomy for the correcti on of lone bone mal unions: case repons and discussion of surgica l technique. Journal of the American Allimal Hospital Associa/ioll. 22,221 - 226 Sinibaldi K, Rosen H and Liu SK (1976) Tumors associated with metallic implants in ani ma ls. Clillical Orthopaedics 118, 257-266 Stevens PM (1988) Principles of osteotomy. In: Operative Orlhopaedics, ed . MW Chapman, pp. 515-527, Lippincott, Philadelphia Stevenson S (1991) Fracture-associated sarcomas. Veterinary Clinics of North America. Small Animal Practice 21 , 859-872 Stevenson S, Hohn RE, Pohler OEM el al. ( 1982) Fracture associated sarcoma in the dog. Jot/rl/al ofrhe American VeTerinary Medicine Associa/ioIl180,1189-1196 Slunner DR, TumerTM, PurchioAF eta!. (1995) Enhancement of bone ingrowth by transfonning growth fac tor-beta. Journal of Balle and Joilll Surgery 77-A, 11 35-1147 Sumner-Smith G ( 1990) Osteomyelitis. In: Canille OrThopaedics, 2nd edn, ed. WG Whittick, pp. 571-581. Lea and Febiger, Philadelph ia Sumner-Smith G (199 1) Delayed unions and non-unions. Veterinary Clinics of NorTh America. Small Animal Praclice 21, 745-760 Szentimrey D, Fowler D, Johnston 0 and Wilkinson A ( 1995) Transplantation ofth ecanine di stal ulnaasa free vascularised bone graft. Veterinary Surgery 24, 215-225 Van Bree H, Verschooten F and Hoorens J (1980) Intemal fixati on of a fractured humems in a dog and late osteosarcoma development. Veterinary Record 107,501-502 Weber BG and Cech 0 (1976) Pseudoarthrosis. Hans Huber, Berni Stuttgart/Vienna

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For rapid location of specifi c s urgica l procedures, see operative techniques abdominal exami nati on 47

acetabular fractu res 2 18- 19, 225-8 arterial supply 229

acromial process repair 166 acrylic pin external fixa lor (APEF) 76-9 configurations 76, 77 fram e 23-4 acule phase response (APR) 29 air driven systems burrs and drill s 60, 61 algorithms fracture surgery pl anning 68 - 9 management of fractu res 48

orthopaedic examination 48 spinal injury 138 thoracic trauma 46 wound management 99

alignment , closed/minimal exposure 96 alimentary hyperparathyroidism 101 AMI see area moment of inertia amoxyci llin , clav ulanate-potentiated 67, 98, 324-5 amputation, indi cati ons 100-1

anaesthesia and ana lgesia 66, 309 analgesia, spinal injury 138 anconeal process, complex fractures 204 anisotropy, defined 17,27 antebrachium fra ctures. minima lly invasive strategy 95 - 6 ant ibi ot ics osteomyelitis 324-5 prophylacti c 67, 98 AO/ASIF Group, principles and instrumentation 3, 8 1, 305 area moment of inertia (AMD 18,20,28,3 14-15 arthrodesis wires (hard wires) 58 articular changes, immobilization 307 articular fractures 5, 201, 23 1-2 fi xation opti ons 7 1 aseptic techni que 67 Aspergillus, fungal osteomyelitis 326 autocJaving and sterili zation 60, 6 1 avulsion fractures common sites 109,20 1 tension-band technique 7 1, 75 axillary artery 164 bacteriology, infections in osteomyelitis 320- J bandaging Esmarch bandage 265 , 277 Robert Jones type 200, 208 - 15 contraindi cati ons 305 temporary support 66 battery drills, rechargeable 60 beanbags 209


bio mechanics J7 - 28 comminuted fractures 20, 40- 1, 69- 70 confi guration 19 cortical/cancell ous bone 18- 19 forces acting on bone2 1, 23, 117 fra ct ure healing 19- 20 immobilization see fi xati on loads and forces 19-20 mandibular fractures 117 spinal injury 136 spinal fi xation 140-1 stiffness, defined 17.27 blood volume expansion 45 bone anisotropy 17 immature 103-6 inert 38 mechanics see bio mechanics medullary canal, reaming procedure 322 tens ile strength 17 bone graft banked bone, corti ca l a llIograft 97 cancel lous/cort ica l 41 ,97 contraindi cations 72, 100 fo llowing osteomyelitis 323, 324- 5 open (compound) fractures 100 sites 72 types, indications and appl icatio ns 72 bone instruments curetles 63 cutters 62 frag ment forceps 6 1 holding forceps 62 rongeurs 63 bone loss/resorption assessment 36-7 callus remodelling 3 1- 2 disuse osteoporosis 307 imaging 37-8 stress deprivation 307 bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) 32, 334 bone plates see plates and plating bone scintigraphy 320 bone screws see screws

boot 78 Rudy boot fixator 252 brachia l plexus 164 bupreno rphine. dosage 138 burrs, dedicated air systems 61 cage confinement 139 callus amounts 330 bridging 38, 39 'elephant's foot' 330

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342 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management endosteal 38

growth and remode lli ng 30-2 in volucrum 38 maturation, biomechan.i cs 19-20

minima1 39 periosti tis 37 s pontaneolls repair 41 young/old anima ls 38 ca lvarium fra clUres 127-8

cancellous bone frac tures 18- 19 grafts 41 , 97 carcinogenesis, sarcomas 338 carpal fibrocartilage pad 265 carpometacarpa l/tarsometatarsal joints 283-7 phalangeal fractures 287-8 ses..'l moid bones 283-4, 287, 291 shearing injuri es 286 stress frac tures 285-6 carprofen. indicatio ns/contraindicatio ns in spinal injury 138 carpus 265-8 accessory carpal bone fractu res 5, 267-8, 275-6 classi ficati o n 267-8 distal carpal bone fractures 267,273 operative techniques 273-6 rad ial carpal bone fractures 266-7, 274 shearing injuries 268

surgica l considerat ions 284 casting biomechanics 5 1 cast construction 52-4 cast maintenance and removal 54 complications 54-5 and fracture disease 305- 10 indicationS/contraindicalions 51-2, 199 principles 21 cat comminuted and other complex fractu res 230, 242 distribution of mandibu lar fractures 122 growth plate, time to radiographic closure 104 hi gh-rise syndrome 126 humeral fractu res 171 cepha lex in 324-5 cephazolin 325 cerclage wire 58 hemi-ccrclage 25 knots 25 mandibular fractures 11 9 operative technique 88 principl es of use 24-5, 75, 88 Charnl ey classification of fra ctures 5 chisels and gouges 63 chloramphenicol 325 chondrocytes, callus fonnalion 31 chrome cobalt titani um alloy 58 clamps, locking 62, 227 classifica ti on of fractures articular 5 carpa l andta~ 1 5,267 - 8

Charnley 5 closed (simple) 4-5 complex 4, 95-7 see also comminuted and other com plex fractures computer ana lysis 6-7 growth plate (epiphysea l) fractures 5 human AO/ASIF 6-7 metacarpa l/metatarsal types I- Ill S nature of origin 5 open (compound) 5-6, 97-100 origin 5

pathological fra ctures 4, 101 -2 Prieur and Unger systems 7-8 Salter- Harris system 5, 106-7,172,175, 178, 198,200,207, 230 c1indamycin 324-5 Clostridium /lovy; infection 319, 320 coaption advantages/disadvamages 2 1, 250 see also casting; splints collagen, types I and II 31 collatera l ligaments 265 comminuted and other compl ex fractures cats 230, 242 fix ation femur 242 fra gment managemem 72 humerus 186 ideal/compromise options 70- 1 simplification with neutrali u ltion plme 69 type 2 external 40- 1 humerus 174 immature animals 110 Kirschner-Ehmer splint, mandibu lar fractures 120-1 mandibular fractures 126-7 mechanism of fracture 18-20 minimall y invasive strategy 95-6 number and type of fragments 4 Prieur classification 7 proximal ulna and anconeal process 204 tibia/fibula 20, 40-1 , 69-70 complications see frac ture management com plications cortica l bone frac tures 18- 19 grafts 41 , 97 contraindications 72, 100 corticosteroids, contraindications 310 spinal trauma 142 crus, minimally invasive strategy 95-6 curettes, bone 63 cutting instruments 62-3 cytokines, bone growth and remodelling 29, 30, 334

dental acryl ic, fix ation 124 dental air drills 61 dental extraction, contraind ications 116 dental occlusion intraoral techniques 118 ma lalignment liS, 127 normal 116, 117 diaphyseal fractures in immatures 109-11 comminuted 110 implant types 110-11 simple 110 digital amputation, indications/contraindications 288 discospondyli lis 325 dista l limb see carpometacarpal/tarsometatarsa l joints disuse osteoporosis 307 dog distribution of mandibular fractures 122 growth plate, time to radiographic closure 104 drains 72 drapes 67 drills

ai r 60, 61 battery 60 hand 60 nonstandard bits, corrosion 314 power autoclaving and steril isat ion 60

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Index 343

hobby type 61 threading and clearance sizes fo r screws 58-9

cndochondreal ossification and appositional growth 3 1 enrofloxacin 325 epiphyses, traction, common sites of avu lsion fractu res 109 Esmarch bandage 265, 277 eXcilalOry amino acids 33 exercise, postoperative management 83, 309 ex ternal fixator, see fixation, extenm l skeleta l fabe llae 295 femoral head blood slIppl y 229 epiphyseal 229, 232-4 physeal, subcapital and intertrochanteric fractures 229. 235-6 trochanteric osteotomy 232 femur 229-48 condylar fractures 231-2 diaphyseal fra cture decision making 230 intramedullary pinn ing 86-7,238-40 distal femur 230- 1 dista l growth plat e frac tures 243-6 external fixati o n comminuted fracture 242 sequestrum removal and grafling 324 greater trochanter fracture 230, 237 intercondylar fractures 231 minimally invasive stralcgy 95-.6 plating 241,315 vs pins and splints 308 prox imal femur, blood supply 229 fibreglass, cast construction 52 first aid care, open (compound) fractures 98 fixa tio n, see also implan ts; pins; plates; rods; screws fixation, external skeletal (ESF) acrylic pin extemal fixato r (APEF) 76-9 advaOlageS/disadvalllages 21, 75 open fractures 100 a ltering rigidity 78-9 application, operative technique 90- 1 boot 78 comminuted fraclUres 40-1, 70-1 configurati ons, types I-III 76-7, 261 contraindicatio ns to co mbining systems 83 dynamic devices 79 hi story 10-12 Jlizarov ring 77 immatures, removal III importance of fra cture stabilization 72, 98-9 indicationS/contra indi cations 76, 83, 250 mandibular fractures 120-1 options, ideal/compromise 71 pin-ESF and pin-plate systems 83 principles of use 75-9 ring fixators 78 shearing injuries 100 staging down 78-9 fi xat ion, intemal AO/AS IF principl es 81 history 12-1 3 interfragmentary compression 81-2 open fra ctures 99- 100 spine techniques 140-2 stress riser effect 101 -2 see also plates fix ation pins see pins, fixation fi xator frame acrylic/epoxy 23 - 4

confi guration 23-4 mandibu lar 124 nexible drive for power dri lls 6 1 fold ing fracture lOS , 110 forceps bone holding 62 fragment 61-2 fra cture bio mechani cs see biomechanics fracture d isease 305-10 aetiology 305-6 clinica l signs 306 patho physio logy 306 fracture eva luation algorithm fo r management 48 imaging 49 indications for casti ng 51-2 planning 49 treatmeOl of shoc k 45 fracture healing 29-34 assessment 84 bone growth and remodelling 30-2 complications 33 1- 40 delayed union fractures 42, 55, 33 1, 335 disturbances of unio n 4 1-2 enhancement 32-3 growth factors 32-3, 334 fra cture gap 20 imaging 35-42 indirect/direct 29-30, 38 infections 41-2, 55 malunion 335-8 causes 336 defined 331 diagnosis and treatment 336- 9 osteotomi es 337 and mechanica l loading 32-3 non-union fractures 42, 55, 330-5 causes 333 diagnosis 332 - 4 treatment 334-5 viable/nonviable 330-2 Weber-Cech classification 330 normal, under stable conditions 38-9 in osteomyelitis 322 partial reductio n 39-40 spontaneous repair 41 union defined 33 1 see also frac ture management compli cations fracture management 65-94 algorithm 48 compression, neutrali zatio n or buttressing 70 decision-making 68-70 fragment management 72 instrument sets 67-8 non-surgical 51-6 preoperative management 65-6 perioperali ve management 67-83 postoperative management 72, 83-4 trea tment planning algorithm 68 - 9 see also operat ive techniques; alld specific sites fracture management complicati ons 305 - 40 cast complication 54-5 complications of healing 33 1-40 fracture disease 305-10 implant failure 3 11 -15 osteomyel itis 3 17- 27 see also fractu re healing fracture stabilization see fixation fracture-associated sarcoma 338-9 fragme nt fo rceps 6 1-2

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344 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management

free radicals, and spinal ischaemia 135 fungal osteomyelitis 326

supracondylar fractures 175-6, 187-8 hyperparathyroidism, alimentary 101, 105, ItO

61Ga bone scintigraphy 320 gentamicin 325 beads 335 genu recurvatum, stitle hyperextension 307 Gigli saws 63 glucocorticoids, and NSAIDs, contraindications 66 goniomelry 309 granuloma, lick-caused 258 Greyhound, distal limb 283-301 growth factors, enhancement of fracture healing 32-3, 334 growth plate (physis) 103-4 fractures 106-9 Salter-Harris system 5, 106-7 time to radiographic closure, dog/cat 104 growth and remodelling 30-2 cytokines 30 disturbances in fracture disease 307 endochondreal ossification and appositional growth 31

ilial shaft fractures 218, 219, 223-4 Ilizarov ring 77, 78 imaging see radiography immature animals 103-11 immobilization articular changes 307 disuse osteoporosis 307 flexion/extension 307 implants 57-64 bone-implant junction, sclerotic line 37 failure 311-15 acute overload 313-14 corrosion 314 fatigue failure 314-15 material imperfection 313 forces acting on 20- 1 history of treatment 15 polythene (UHMWP) 58 removal 84 stainless steels 57,58, 311-13 titanium and al loys 21, 58 titanium contraindications 314 see also fixation; plates; screws infections acute, imaging 41 bacteriology 320-1 chronic, imaging 41 non-union fractures 335 in osteomyeli ti s 319-20 pressure sores 55 inflammation acute phase response (APR) 29 see also osteomyelitis instrument sets 67-8 instruments 57-64 bone manipulation 6 1-4 corrosion protection 57 manufacture 57 martensitic stainless alloys 57, 58 interdental wiring and splints, mandibular fractures 120 interfragmentary cerclage wiring, mandibular fractures 119 interlocking nails 24, 73, 74 intramedullary pins see pins, fixation intraoral splints, mandibular fractures 120 involucrum defined 3 19, 321 excision 322 irrigation 68, 99 irritation callus, periostitis 37 ischium 219 isotropic materials 27 itraconazole, fungal osteomyeliti s 326

haematogenous osteomyelitis 325-6 imcmostasis, and irrigation 68 hanging limb preparation, advantages 96, 209 hard palate, fractures 126 hardware, autoclaving and sterilisation 60, 61 Haversian systems, remodelling 31-3 head fractures external coaptation, tape muzzle 118 intraoral techniques 118-19 long term mouth closure 117-19 management 117-22 history of fracture treatment 3, 9-16 external fixation 10-12 internal fixation 12-15 plating 14-15 hock 268-72 calcaneal fractures 269- 70 pin and tension-band fixation 277-8 central tarsal bone fractures 270-1 internal fixation articular fractures of talus 279-80 central tarsal bone fractures 281-2 operative techniques 277-82 shearing injuries 272 T2, T3 and T4 271-2 Hohmann retractors 64 humerus 171-95 cat 171 diaphyseal fractures 172-4 intramedullary pinning 183-4 distal humerus 175-7 external fixation 185-6 greater tubercle osteotomy 165 separation 172 humeral head 171-2 immatures 175, 176 incomplete ossification of condyle 175 intercondylar fractures 193-5 classification 176 Y and T fractures 177 lateral condylar fractures 176, 189-91 medial condylar fractures 176, 192 minimally invasive strategy 95-6 plating 172-4, 180-2, 194 craniolateral 180-1 medial 182 proximal humerus 178-9

Jacobs pin and drill ch uck 59 jaw closure intraoral techniques 118 muzzle coaptation 118 jet, pulsating water 335 K (Kirschner) wire 73 driver 60 hard wires 58, 119 ketoconazole, fungal osteomyelitis 326 Kirschner-Ehmer splint, mandibular fractures 120-1 lavage gun 99 lick granulomas 258

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Index 345 limb reflex, pain perception 134 limb swelling, cast complication 55 lipid peroxidation, inhibition by lirilazad mesylale 138 locking clam ps 61 long term mouth closure, mandibular fractures 11 7- 19

malunion of bone see fracture healing mandibular fractures 115-27 anaesthesia 116- 17 biomechani cs, fracture line forces 117 bone plating 12 1- 2 comminution/bone loss 126-7 condy lectomy/meniscectomy 125 dental extraction, contraindications 116 distribution, dog and cat 122 external skeletal fi xation 120-6 interfragmentary and cercl age wiring 119 intramedul lary pinning 121 intraoral techniques 118- 19 Kirschner-Ehmer splint 120- 1 long term mouth closure 117- 19 mal alignment 115 mandibulectomy/maxill ectomy 122 muzzle coaptation 118 operative exposure body 130 ramus 131 temperomandibular joint 132 periodontal disease 126-7 plates, contraindications 125 post-operative management 126-7 principles of repair 115-16 management decision-maki ng 123 specific body 123 ~ 5, 130 condylOid process 125 ramus 125, 131 symphysis 122-3, 124 wiring and splints interdenta l, intraoral 120 summary 120 mandibulectomy/maxil lectomy 122 maxillofacial fractures 125-6 McIndoe cutters 62 metacarpal/metatarsal fractures 284-6 non-union, longstanding 37 stress fractures 285-6 types I- III 5 methocarbamol, spinal injury 138 methylprednisolone sodium succi nate, dose and use 137 metronidazole 324-5 Michele's trephine 63 minimal exposure ali gnment 96 minimally invasive strategy (MIS) 70, 96-7 immature dog 105 modulus, defined 17, 27 moments of inertia (AMI, PM!) 18,21,28,314-15 Monteggia frac ture type-l 198,206 morphine, dosage 138 mouth closure, long tenn, mandibular fractures 117-19 muscle atrophy 306-7 muzzle coaptation 118 advantages/disadvantages 118 myelography 135 nails, interlocking 24, 73, 74 adva ntages/disadvantages 73 indications/contraindicat ions 74 nails, Kuntscher 73-4 neurological examinat ion 47


non-unio n fractures see fracture healing

NSAIDs 54 analgesia post-operati ve 309 contraindications 137-8 . . . 66 and g!ucocorticoids. contramdlcatlons spinal injury 138 nursing care 142-3

olecranon, avulsion fracture 197,201-3 open (compound) fractures 5-6, 97-100 amputation, indications 100-1 antibiosis 98 bone grafting 100 external fixation 100 firs t aid care 98 internal fixation 99- 100 shearing injuries 100 wound management 98-9 o perative techniques atlantoaxial subluxation 145-7 basic techniques cerclage wire 88 external fixati on 90-1 insertion of intramed ull ary pins 86-7 lag screws 92 plate and screws 93-4 carpometacarpa l/tarsometatarsal joints 289-90 carpus 273-6 accessory carpal bone fractures 275-6 distal carpal bone fract ures 273 radial carpal bone fractures 266-7, 274 caudal thoracic fractures and luxations 155-7 caudal vertebral fractures and luxat ions 160-1 cervical fractures and luxations 148-50 femoral head, epiphyseal fractures 232-4 femur cats and immature dogs 236 condylar fractures 23 1-2 diaphysea l fracture intramedullary pinning 230, 238-40 plating 315 distal growth plate fract ures 243-6 greater trochanter fractu re 237 physeal, subcapital and intertrochanteric fractures 235-6 hock 277~82 articular fractures of talus 279 - 80 calcanea l fractures, pin and tension-band fixation 277-8 central tarsal bone fract ures 270-1, 281-2 humerus diaphyseal fractures, intramedullary pilUling 183-4 intercondylar fractures 193-5 lateral condylar fractures 176, 189-9 1 medial condylar frac tures 176, 192 proximal fra ctures 178-9 supracondylar fractures 175-6, 187-8 lumbar fract ures and luxations 155-9 mandibu lar body and ramus 130- 1 metacarpal/metatarsa l fractures 289-90 patellar fractures 296- 30 1 pelvis acetabular frac tures 225-8 ilial shaft fractures 223-4 sacroili ac luxations 220-2 radius/ulna comminuted fractures 204 diaphyses 210-12 distal growth plates 213-15 Monteggia fracture type- I 205 - 6 plates 209- 10 proximal fractures 202-8


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346 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management semilunar notch and olecranon fracture 197,202-3 styloid fracture 215 sacral fractures and luxations 160- 1 scapular fractures

body and neck of scapula 161 - 6

involving glenoid cavity 162, 167-8 involving superglenoid tuberosity 162, 169 sem ilunar notch fracture 197, 202-3 sesamoid bones 291 temperomandibular joint 132 tension-band wire 89 thoracic vertebral frac tures and luxations 151-2 thoracolumbar fractures and \uxalions 153-4 tibia/fibula avulsion of tibial tubercle 253-4 malleolar fractures 251-2, 263-_4 plating 257-8 separation of physis 249, 255-6, 262 opioids, spinal injury 138 orthopaedic examination 47-8 algorithm 48 orthopaedic wire see cerclage; tension band wire Ortolani sign 308 osci llating saws 61 osteoclasIs bone resorption, callus remodelling 31~2 cellular functions 31 ~2 osteomyelitis 317-27 diagnosis 318-21 differentiation from deep infection 318~19 fungal 326 hacmatogenous 325~6 pathogenesis 317~ 18, 324-5 treatment 321~5 antibiotics 324~5 osteons primary 32 secondary (Haversian systems) 31-3 osteoporosis, disuse 307 osteosarcomas, fracture-associated 338~9 osteotomes 63 osteotomies bone resorption 37 used in malunion 337 pain percept ion, limb reflex 134 palmar ligaments 265 pate lla 293 - 301 operative techniques 296-301 patellectomy 294, 30 1 post-operative care 295 radiography 293-4 surgical vs non-surgical management 294 pathological fractures 4, 101 -2 disease processes leading to 101 immatures 110 patient evaluation 66, 45-9, 133-4 abdominal examination 47 imaging 49 neurological examination 47 te lephone advice 47 thoracic examination 46- 7 patient preparation 65 - 6 pe lvic canal evaluation 217 pelvis and sacroiliac joint 217-28 acetabular fractures 218-19, 225-8 ilial shaft fractures 218, 219, 223-4 imaging 218 management 56, 218 sacroiliac luxations 218, 220 ~ 2

subluxation following immobilization 307 periodontal disease 126-7 periosteal elevators 63 periosteum and subchondral areas, bone growth 104-5 periostitis, irritation callus 37 phalangeal fractures 287-8 physiotherapy 83, 309 pins, fixation advantages/disadvantages 73 design and insertion 78 Ellis pins 22, 78 indications/contraindications 75 instrument sets 67-8 intramedullary pins 24, 39-40, 58, 73-4, 121 advantages/disadvantages 73 diaphyseal fracture of femur 238-9 indications/contraindications 74, 199, 250, 323 Jacobs chuck 59 operative technique 78, 86-7 removal 111,260 mechanical factors 22-3 negative/positive profile 22 post-operative management 78 principles of use 73-4 Rush pins 58, 73-5, 262 Steinman pins 73 trochar 58 plaster of Paris 52 plates 26-7, 79-83 advantages/disadvantages 82 application decision making 250 operative technique 93 - 4 history of fracture trealment 14- 15 indications/contraindications 82, 250 irritation, lick granulomas 258 jaw fractures, contraindications 121 Ki rschner-Ehmer splint 121 mandibular fractures 121-2 radius/ulna fractures 199 removal 258 stress concentration 313 types contraindicated makes 79-80 limited contact plate (LCP) 26-7, 80 low contact dynamic compression (LCDC) 39, 80 neutralization and buttressing 69, 82 Venables 80 types of compression 81-2 polar moment of inertia (PMI) 18, 21 , 28 polythene for implants (UHMW P) 58 popliteal muscle, sesamoid bones 295 postoperative management 72, 83-4 client education 83 power drilling battery dri lls 60 recommended methods 60 power saws 61 Prieur system 7 pseudarthrosis 330 pubis 2 19 pulsating water jet 335 quadriceps contracture, treatment and prognosis 307-8 radial nerve care 180,208 radiography assessment of healing 38-42 bone loss/production 36-7 examination of film 36 ~ 8

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Index 347 myelography 135 osteomyelitis 319-20 patient evaluation 49 spinal injury 134-5 stress 135 timing of radiographs 35-6 radius/ulna 197-215 articular fractures 201 contra indications to pinning 87 diaphyseal fractures 199 -200, 210- 12 distal fractures 200-1,2 13-15 contraindications for casting 52 miniature and toy breeds 200 Monteggia fracture type- 1 198, 206 plales 199, 209- \0 proximal fractures 197-9,20-4,207 - 10 ulna and anconeal process 204 Salter-Harris system growth plate fracture 213 - 14 type-1 fracture 198,200 semilunar notch fracture 197,202- 5 styloid fracture 200-1, 2 15 styloid process 265 transfixati on, contraindications in immatures 205, 210 reciprocating saws 61 retractors 64 rods, biodegradeable 74 rongeurs, bone 63 rotational instability, minimization 73 - 4 Rudy boot fixator 252 Rush pins 58 advantages/disadvantages 73 forming and cutting 243 indications/contraindications 74 sacral fractures and luxati ons 160-1 sacroiliac luxations 218, 220- 2 saline, lavage gun 99 Salter- Harris system growth plate (epiphyseal) fract ures 5, 106- 7 type- l fracture 172, 178, 198,200,207,230 type-2 fracture 175, 178, 230 type-3 fracture 172, 179 sarcomas, fracture-associa ted 338-9 saws Gigli 63 oscillati ng 61 power 61 sagitta161 scapular fractures 161-9 Schroeder-Thomas splint, contraindications to use 308 sciatic nerve 233 sclerotic line, bone/implant junction 37 screwdrivers 59 screws 25-6 advantages/disadvantages 82 dri ll sizes, pilot (threading) and clearance 58 - 9 dri ll and tap sizes 79 indications/contraindications 82 instrument sets 68 lag screws 26, 81 contra indications 231 operative technique 92 measurements and head types 58 - 9 mechanics 25-6 pre-tapped (AO type) 59 Sherman self tapping 58-9 stress concentration 313 types 79 sequestra 321

defined 38 sesamoid bones fractures 283-4, 287 operat ive techniques 291 poplitea l 295 shearing injuries 100 defined l7,27 shock 45 sinus tracts 318, 319, 322 skull trauma 127-8 soft tissue injuries human AO/AS IF system 6-7 integument closed/open (le/IO) 6 muscle/tendon (MT I -5) 6 neurovascular (NY 1-5) 6 Spica splint 56 spinal cord injury 135-6 acute, management 137-8 decompressive surgey 141 secondary, vascular mechani sms 135-6 spinal fixation techniques 140-2 spinal infecti on, discospondylitis 325 spinal injury 133-60 biomechanics ligaments and compartments 136 spinal fixation 140- 1 differential diagnosis 134 instability, clinical features 137 management 135-43 acute spinal cord injury 137-8 algorithm 138 decompressive surgey 141 external splinting 139 neurological factors 139 plating 15 1-4, 156 post-operative 141-3 surgical vs non-surgical management 138-41 patient evaluation 133-4 prognosis 143 radiography 134-5 spinal fixation techniques 140- 1 advantages/disadvantages 142 types and surgery 136- 7 at lantoaxial subluxation 145-7 caudal thoracic fractures and luxations 155-7 caudal vertebral fractures and luxations 160-1 cervica l fractures and luxations 148-50 lumbar fractures and luxations 155-9 sacral fra ctures and luxations 160- 1 thoracic vertebral fractures and luxations 151-2 thoracolumbar fractures and luxations 153- 4 spinal ischaemia, and free radicals 135 splinted bandages 55-6 splints back splints 139-40 advantages/disadvantages 139 mandibular fractures 120 Shroeder-Thomas, contraindications 56, 308 temporary, advantages 47, 98 see also casting stainless steels 316L311- 12 austenitic 57 implants 57, 58, 3 11 - 13 martensitic 57, 58 materials see stainless steels and titanium use, contraindications 314 UK and international specifications 58 Steirunan pins 73 contra indications 99

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348 Manual of Small Animal Fracture Repair and Management

stifle hyperextens io n, genu recurvatuill 307 stress conce ntration 3 13 stress deprivation, bone loss 307 stress protection 38, 42, 84 stress riser effect 101-2 stress/strain, defin ed 17, 27 styloid fracture 200- 1, 2 15 support bandages 56 surgeon preparatio n 66 surgery see fra cture surgery; operati ve techniques; specifi c sites swimming 309 taps, thread cutting for screws 59 tars us see hock

99mTc_MDP, bone sc intigraphy 320 temperomandibular jo int , operati ve exposure 132 temporary support 66 tension-band technique 25, 75 avulsion fra ctures 71 , 75 fi gure of eight 253, 256 mandible 124 operati ve technique 89 teres ligament 232 tho racic examination 46-7 tho racic trauma, a lgorithm 46 thoracolumbar junction, biomechani cs 140 tibia/fibu la 249-64 avulsion of tibial tubercle 249, 25 3-4 comminuted fra ctures 20, 40- 1, 69- 70 diaphyseal fractures, methods compared 250-1 distal fractures 25 1- 2

e xtema l fi xation 26 1 intramedullary pinn ing 86- 7, 259-60 malleo lar fractures 251-2, 263-4 pinning 87 plating 257-8 proximal fra ctures 249- 50 separation of physis 249, 255 - 6, 262 tirilazad mesy late, inhibi tion of lipid peroxidation 138 tissue protectors 64 titanium and a lloys 58 use in implants, contraindications 3 14 trephines 63 trochar pins 58 ulna see radiuS/ulna Unger system 8 union of bone see fracture healing vertebral column see spinal injury water j et 335 Weber-Cecil classifi cati on, non-unio n fractures 330 wound management algorithm 99 open (compound) fractures 98 -9 osteomyelitis treatment 322 young see immature zygomatic arch fracture 125-6

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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Views: 6270

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Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.